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从GPS/MET计划开始,基于GNSS的无线电掩星技术已成为一种强大的近地空间环境探测手段.截至到目前,已经有20多颗发射的低轨道卫星带GPS掩星接收机,其中COSMIC是首个专门用于掩星探测的卫星星座.这些掩星数据被广泛应用于气象预报、气候与全球变化研究、及空间天气监测和电离层研究.由于COSMIC的成功,相关合作单位目前正积极推动COSMIC-2计划,该计划将总共有12颗卫星,于2016年与2019 年各发射6颗.COSMIC-2将携带一个高级的GNSS掩星接收机,它将接受GPS与GLONASS信号,并具备接受其他可获得信号源的能力(如中国北斗定位信号),其每日观测的掩星数量将是COSMIC的4~6倍.同时COSMIC-2还将携带两个空间天气载荷,加强空间天气的监测能力.本文以COSMIC与COSMIC-2计划为主线,对掩星的发展历史、技术要点进行了简单介绍,并简要综述了COSMIC取得的部分科学成果,同时对未来包括技术发展和众多的掩星观测进行了展望.  相似文献   

Since 1998, the gradient of the near-Earth atmospheric electric field potential (|Ez|) has been continuously registered at Vostok Antarctic station within the scope of the joint Russian-Australian project. The data of the continuous 10-day period of fine weather in April 1998 have been selected for the following analysis. The field |Ez| behavior at Vostok station was compared with a number of lightning strokes obtained from data of the ground-based network of electromagnetic measurements. It has been found out that the average hourly values of |Ez| evidently negatively correlate with the number of intense lightning strokes. The causes of these relations are discussed. The obtained results are interpreted based on a theory of global electric circuit.  相似文献   

The VLF-wave frequency modulation efficiency as a function of magnetosphere plasma parameters under the weak pitch-angle diffusion regime is studied. The study is based on the VLF growth-rate modulation both in the magnetosphere equatorial plane and after integrating along the magnetic field line. It is shown that for the typical quiet magnetosphere plasma parameters the relative shift of the maximum intensity frequency m/m is approximately equal to relative disturbance of the magnetic field in the magnetosphere equatorial plane, but may exceed it when both electron temperature anisotropy and the parameter are small; here is the total-to-warm electron content ratio and is the electron parallel beta. It is also shown that relative shift of the maximum intensity frequency m/m after integrating along the field line is not less than 50% from its value at the equatorial plane, which allows the use of the equatorial-plasma-parameter data to estimate the VLF frequency modulation on the ground. The upper cut-off frequency modulation is considered as well. The calculated theoretical sonagrams show that this frequency modulation may be related to the non-dispersive and to the inverted-V structures of QP hiss.  相似文献   




张学民 《地震学报》2021,43(5):656-673
甚低频/低频人工源电波作为一种主动源发射的通讯导航信号,因其长距离波导传播的特性在地-电离层观测及应用中表现出极大的优势.本文总结了二十世纪末以来基于甚低频/低频(VLF/LF)电波观测技术及其数据分析方法、典型震例及统计研究成果、圈层耦合机理等方面的研究进展,并通过探讨其应用成果的快速积累及前兆扰动起源等研究难点,展...  相似文献   

In the paper, the mathematical tools, used for the modelling of the electromagnetic field of the harmonic plane wave in the two-dimensional inhomogeneous medium (the case ofE-polarization), are presented. Further, the resolving power of some parameters, that are measured in the VLF and VLF-R methods, is compared in the case of two vertical conductive dykes. To this aim, all the usual parameters of the VLF method and the most important parameter of the VLF-R method () have been chosen. Two groups of models that differ in resistivities have been considered. In each of the groups the distance of the dykes is variable. The parameters |H y|, which has shown most promising in this respect, is examined also from the point of view of the sensibility to geological noise. The results of the modelling are illustrated by two examples of the results of field measurements.  相似文献   

We investigate the radiation from an artificial density duct excited by an annular electric current in the VLF frequency range. It is assumed that the duct possesses the form of a quasi-cylindrical density enhancement which smoothly reduces with distance from the source. We have found that the field in the duct is represented with a good accuracy in terms of eigenmodes whose propagation is supported in density enhancements. The radiation field in the background medium arises due to reemission of these eigenmodes from the duct. We calculate the excitation coefficients of eigenmodes and study the characteristics of a radiation field. We show that the presence of a duct with enhanced density can cause a considerable increase in the power radiated from the source. In particular, we study the distribution of radiated power over the spatial spectrum of waves excited in a surrounding magnetoplasma. It is concluded that under certain conditions an appreciable increase in the power radiated into the long wavelength part of the spatial spectrum can be achieved. We give concrete estimations for the conditions appropriate to the Earth's ionosphere.  相似文献   

Space and ground-based experiments have shown evidence of natural short-period VLF emissions in which separate spectral elements are repeated with a periodicity of 2–7 s. Their basic morphological properties are found on the basis of original experimental data. In our opinion, excitation of such emissions is the result of quasi-linear relaxation effects that compensate for natural spectral dispersion. The quasi-linear relaxation of the energetic electron distribution function incrementally changes wave cyclotron instability and hence the VLF emission spectral forms. Some properties of the quasi-linear interaction of whistler waves with magnetospheric radiation belt electrons are studied. It is shown that quasi-linear relaxation can increase the cyclotron instability at the leading edge of an electromagnetic pulse. This effective saturation of absorption facilitates the division of VLF hiss-like emission into separate electromagnetic pulses without spectral modification from one pulse to the next. Some features and manifestations of this effective saturation of absorption are discussed. The results are important for a better understanding of temporal and spatial structures of VLF whistler-mode emissions and energetic electron fluxes.  相似文献   

电离层人工调制可以激发甚低频(VLF)波,其中向上传播进入磁层的VLF波,不但能够用来研究磁层中的各种物理现象,且具有人工沉降高能粒子,消除辐射带等实际用途.本文使用射线追踪方法,模拟电离层调制激发的VLF波在磁层的传播路径,分析激发纬度和调制频率对传播路径和传播特性的影响;并基于低频波的色散方程和波粒共振条件,分析VLF波传播路径上与磁层高能粒子的最低共振能及其分布.研究表明,VLF波通过在磁层来回反射向更高的L-shell传播,最终稳定在某一L-shell附近.以较低的调制频率或者从较高的纬度激发的VLF波能够传播到更高的L-shell,但是,当激发纬度过高时,低频波也可能不发生磁层反射而直接进入电离层和大气层.低频波在磁层的传播过程中,在较高的纬度或者较低的L-shell能够与较高能量的电子发生共振相互作用,在较高的L-shell并且低纬地区,能够与较低能量的电子发生共振相互作用.共振谐数越高,能发生波粒共振的电子能量越高.  相似文献   

利用2005年1月至2010年11月DEMETER卫星记录的NWC发射站的VLF电场功率谱数据,采用指数拟合的方法,分析了VLF电磁波在卫星高度激发的电场空间分布和衰减特征.研究结果表明: (1) VLF电场在发射站上空及其磁共轭区有着很强的对应关系,存在南、北2个强电场中心涡; (2) 相对于发射站的位置,VLF电场中心点具有经度和纬度偏移,日侧地磁经度偏移均值大于夜侧,而地磁纬度偏移均值则小于夜侧; (3) 日侧VLF电场强度呈现出周期性的年变化; (4) 在VLF电场中心10°范围内,电场强度随距离快速衰减,衰减常数b在长达6年的时间内保持稳定.在以上研究结果基础上初步构建的卫星高度人工源电磁波空间分布特征,将为研究地表-电离层电磁波传播机理提供基础技术支撑.  相似文献   

Interactions between very/extremely low frequency (VLF/ELF) waves and energetic electrons play a fundamental role in dynamics occurring in the inner magnetosphere. Here, we briefly discuss global properties of VLF/ELF waves, along with the variability of the electron radiation belts associated with wave-particle interactions and radial diffusion. We provide cases of electron loss and acceleration as a result of wave-particle interactions primarily due to such waves, and particularly some preliminary results...  相似文献   

Several studies on the scaling properties of the near-Earth magnetosphere and auroral phenomena are reviewed. These studies employ modern analysis techniques that include fractal, multifractal, wavelet, wavelet bicoherence, and sign-singularity analyses as well as cellular automaton simulations of sandpile and avalanches. The results provide strong evidence for the multiscale, cross-scale coupling, and reorganization nature of auroral and magnetospheric phenomena, suggesting the possibility that the magnetosphere is in a forced and/or self organized critical state. Signatures of inverse cascade are found in magnetic fluctuations in current disruption events, which may indicate large-scale substorm features such as substorm current wedge and plasmoid may be evolved from small-scale plasma turbulence structures. Insights gained from these studies help to discriminate the existing competing substorm models. The multiscale properties of magnetospheric substorms are consistent with substorm models with intrinsic multiscale processes and not with substorm models with only a macroscopic process.  相似文献   

Spectral analysis of the diurnal variations in the quasi-static electric field in the near-Earth atmosphere and VLF atmospheric radio noise at a frequency of 5.3 kHz, simultaneously observed in September–October 1999 at Paratunka observatory of the Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radiowave Propagation, has been performed. The variations in the intensities of the spectral power density and the period durations of the variations in the T ~ 8–24 h band and higher as functions of geomagnetic and seismic activities have been studied.  相似文献   


基于频域有限元方法仿真了精细地-电离层波导结构甚低频(VLF, Very Low Frequency)电磁波幅度和相位传播特性.首先给出了如何确定VLF波发射点和接收点传播路径所在大圆的方法, 接着分析了获取波导结构中不同阶波导模式传播系数的耦合模理论, 数值讨论了不同阶波导模式的衰减率和相对相速度随模式数和工作频率的变化关系, 给出了波导不同结构参数对一阶模衰减率和相对相速度的影响.与文献结果对比验证了本文有限元方法模拟VLF波传播的正确性和高效性.最后利用实验和数值仿真结果, 通过对电子密度国际电离层参考模型进行修正, 讨论了澳大利亚—青岛台VLF波幅度和相位日变化的规律.本文工作为研究地-电离层波导结构VLF波电磁特性以及提高陆基超远程甚低频导航系统的精度, 提供了新的思路和方法.


This paper provides a brief review of the role that chorus waves play in controlling the dynamics of the Earth's outer radiation belt. Three major topics are discussed: (i) the morphology, characteristics, and properties of chorus waves themselves, with special emphasis on more recent results, (ii) the role that chorus waves play in the loss of radiation belt particles, showing initial results from modeling of relativistic electron microbursts, and estimated lifetimes based on microburst occurrence rates during the main phase of storms, and (iii) the role that chorus waves play in the acceleration of electrons to relativistic energies in the recovery phase of storms, based on a new quasilinear diffusion based calculation.  相似文献   

Summary The elements of the VLF chorus, observed simultaneously at a ground station and satellite in polar orbit, can be used to determine the differences in the arrival times of waves and their dependence on latitude. Mostly does not change practically over a wide range of latitudes, however, in some cases it may increase appreciably at low value of L. Model computations of the propagation time, based on the assumption that the source of the chorus is located close to the equatorial plane, have indicated the possibility of explaining the increase in at low latitudes by the presence of a step in the electron density profile close to this plane.
a¶rt;u m a u a um nmu nun um nm n¶rt;um amu u nu¶rt;a ma a u u um auum (L). um a a m ¶rt;uana um, m a a¶rt;am aum uu a a L-a. am anmau n¶rt;nuu amua umua naam m um uu a uu uma auu mnu an¶rt;uu m mauu amua nmu.

VLF ground data from Porojarvi in N. Finland has been presented. Spectrograms reveal frequent occurrence of power line harmonic radiation (PLHR), originating from the Finnish power system and from heavy industrial plant. The radiation is seen to penetrate the magnetosphere since numerous occurrences of PLHR triggered emissions are seen. Risers predominate but fallers and hooks are also observed. A well-established 1D Vlasov simulation code has been used to simulate these emissions, using plausible magnetospheric data for a range of L values from L = 4 to L = 5.5. The code is able to reproduce risers fallers and hooks in close agreement with observations. The results shed considerable insight into the generation structure of both risers and fallers.  相似文献   

A theoretical model, within the scope of which the process of surfatron particle acceleration (surfing) at the shock front was studied, is proposed to describe the near-Earth shock wave structure. The most complex shock front geometry, when it is assumed that the magnetic field vectors and the velocity of the plasma flow incident on the front are oriented arbitrarily with respect to the front plane, has been considered in detail. The theoretical ultimate energies of protons, accelerated due to surfing at the shock front, agree with the observational data.  相似文献   

A boundary element method using finite strip discretization is proposed to investigate the three-dimensional scattering behaviour of waves in a half space. The scatterers examined are an irregular surface and a cavity in a half space. The numerical examples demonstrate the remarkably good accuracy of the results and validate the application of the present method to solve three-dimensional scattering problems.  相似文献   

It has been indicated that the electric field that exists above the Earth’s surface contains information about the structure of underground inhomogeneities. Equations have been obtained and are used to illustrate the numerical calculations of the electric field strength along the Earth’s surface and some types of underground objects.  相似文献   

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