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Neutral gas composition and ionospheric measurements taken by the Dynamic Explorer 2 satellite at F2-region heights during two geomagnetic storms are used to analyze the role of some possible physical mechanisms responsible for the changes of electron density at equatorial and low geomagnetic latitudes. The storms considered occurred on October 2, 1981 (storm 1) and July 13, 1982 (storm 2). During storm 1 (weak), vertical plasma drifts and equatorward storm-time winds operated increasing of the electron density at the trough of equatorial anomaly and the decreases at the crest region. During storm 2 (intense) changes of composition (increase of molecular nitrogen and atomic oxygen) played a fundamental role for the changes of electron density observed at low latitudes in summer hemisphere. It is concluded that different physical processes seem to have varying degrees of importance depending on the intensity of the storm.  相似文献   

Measurements from ground-based receiver chains of the global positioning system (GPS) and magnetometers of the Circum-pan Pacific Magnetometer Network (CPMN) in the west Pacific region during 1999–2003 are examined. The ionospheric total electron content (TEC) derived from the GPS receivers is used to observe the strength, location, and occurrence time of the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) crests, which resulted from the equatorial plasma E×B drift fountain. The magnetic field strength of CPMN is employed to monitor the equatorial electrojet (EEJ), and to further estimate the effectiveness of the E×B drift to the EIA crests. Results show that the strength and location of the EIA crests are proportional to the EEJ strength.  相似文献   

Ionospheric effects of a large number (51) of severe geomagnetic storms are studied using total electron content (TEC) and VHF/UHF scintillation data from Calcutta, situated near the northern crest of equatorial ionization anomaly and equatorial spread-F (ESF) data from Kodaikanal. The susceptibility of the equatorial ionosphere to develop storm time plasma density irregularities responsible for ESF and scintillation is found to be largely modulated by the local times of occurrences of main and recovery phases as seen in the Dst index. While inhibition of premidnight scintillation for lower TEC values compared to the quiet day averages is omnipresent, occurrence of scintillation for enhancements of TEC is largely dependent on initiation time and amplitude of the said deviations. An overall reduction in threshold values of h′F for observing storm induced ESF and scintillation compared to reported quiet time values is noted. The results are discussed in terms of storm time variabilities in electric fields, neutral wind system and composition changes.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the TEC data during 1998–2007, observed by the AREQ (16.5°S, 71.5°W) GPS station to investigate the equatorial ionospheric variations under geomagnetic quiet-conditions. The diurnal TEC values generally have a maximum value between 1330 and 1500 LT and a minimum around 0500 LT. For the seasonal variation, the semi-annual variation apparently exists in the daytime TEC with two peaks in equinoctial months. In contrast, this semi-annual variation is not found in the nighttime. Furthermore, the results of the annual variation show that the correlation between the daytime TEC value and the solar activity factor is highly positive.  相似文献   

The paper presents a study of solar and magnetic activity effects on VHF ionospheric scintillations recorded during three and half years at Bhopal, a station near the northern crest of the equatorial anomaly in India. During E- (equinox) and D- (winter) months, scintillations occur mainly in the pre-midnight period whereas during J- (summer) months their occurrence is larger in the post-midnight period. Very intense scintillations (>20 dB) mainly occur in the pre-midnight period, and in the post-midnight period, the scintillations are generally moderate (5–10 dB) or weak (<5 dB). The nocturnal scintillation occurrence decreases with the decrease in solar activity from 1989 to 1992. Monthly mean scintillation occurrence changes according to solar activity during E- and D-months but not so during J-months. The effects of magnetic activity on scintillations vary with season and, in general, inhibit the scintillation occurrence in the pre-midnight period and enhance it a little in the post-midnight period, especially after 0300 hours IST (Indian Standard Time). For most of the severe magnetic storms in which Dst goes below −125 nT and the recovery phase starts in the post-midnight to dawn local time sector, strong post-midnight scintillations, which sometimes extend for several hours beyond the local sunrise, are observed.  相似文献   

磁暴期间几种主要磁扰成分的演化特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用中国地磁子午链台站的资料,对1997~1999年期间发生的25次磁暴,用自然正交分量法(NOC)、相关分析和傅里叶分析三种方法,分3个步骤依次分离出依赖于世界时(UT)的暴时变化(Dst)、依赖于地方时(LT)的太阳静日变化(Sq)和太阳扰日变化(SD).对各种变化时空特征的分析表明:①Dst变化清楚地反映出赤道对称环电流磁扰的空间分布和时间演化特征;②满洲里、北京十三陵和琼中台Sq幅度在多数磁暴主相期间出现极大和极小值,反映了Sq焦点在纬度方向上的移动所产生的地磁效应;③SD变化在主相期间最强,在恢复相期间逐渐减弱;④相关分析和傅里叶分析提供了一种能有效提取Sq和SD变化的方法.  相似文献   

The variability of Total Electron Content (TEC) at Trivandrum, located within equatorial anomaly region at the dip equator, with respect to a reference level derived from the TEC measurements at Shimla, located outside the region has been studied during low solar activity period. Chapman function is assumed to hold good for regions outside the anomaly extent. It shows that the difference of total measured TEC at the equator from the derived reference is highly correlated with equatorial electrojet. The observations conform to the previous investigations and are interpreted in light of established relations. A stochastic relationship with electrojet is derived and validated.  相似文献   

Using the empirical magnetic field model dependent on the Dst index and solar wind dynamic pressure, we calculated the behaviour of the contour B = Bs in the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere where Bs is the magnetic field in the subsolar point at the magnetopause. The inner domain of the magnetosphere outlined by this contour contains the bulk of geomag-netically trapped particles. During quiet time the boundary of the inner magnetosphere passes at the distance ∼10RE at noon and at ∼7RE at midnight. During very intense storms this distance can be reduced to 4–5 RE for all MLT. The calculation results agree well with the satellite measurements of the magneto-pause location during storms. The ionospheric projection of the B = Bs contour calculated with the Euler potential technique is close to the equatorward edge of the auroral oval.  相似文献   

The characteristics of ionospheric scintillations at Rajkot in the equatorial anomaly crest region in India are described for the years 1987–1991 by monitoring the 244-MHz transmission from the satellite FLEETSAT. This period covers the ascending phase of solar cycle 22. Scintillations occur predominantly in the pre-midnight period during equinoxes and winter seasons and in the post-midnight period during summer season. During equinoxes and winter, scintillation occurrence increases with solar activity, whilst in summer it is found to decrease with solar activity. Statistically, scintillation occurrence is suppressed by magnetic activity. The characteristics observed during winter and equinoxes are similar to those seen at the equatorial station, Trivandrum. This, coupled with the nature of the post-sunset equatorial F-region drift and hF variations, supports the view that at the anomaly crest station, scintillations are of equatorial origin during equinox and winter, whilst in summer they may be of mid-latitude type. The variations in scintillation intensity (in dB) with season and solar activity are also reported.  相似文献   

The deviations in the hourly values of the F-region critical frequency from the monthly median for the ionospheric Huancayo station located near the magnetic equator during periods of quiet geomagnetic conditions are analyzed for 1957–1987. Ionospheric data for five days prior, one day after, and directly for the days of 33 strong (with a magnitude M ≥ 5.5) earthquakes with epicenters in the American longitudinal sector were used. It is revealed that, in 24 cases 1–5 days prior to the considered earthquakes, a decrease in the critical frequencies by more than 20% with a duration from one to six hours was observed mainly in the nighttime. One can assume that these effects (at least, part of them) are related to the processes of earthquake preparation. Disturbances were mainly detected in cases when the radius of the earthquake preparation zone exceeded the distance between the epicenter and the observation station. The need for a further study of the characteristics of different kinds of coupling “from below” on electrodynamical processes in the low-latitude ionosphere for successful recognition of disturbances of the seismogenic nature is noted.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to report some periodicities observed in the ionospheric parameter foF2 measured at Tucuman (26.9°S; 65.4°W), station placed near the southern crest of the equatorial anomaly. For that, monthly medians of foF2 at several hours of LT for the period 1958–1987 are used. The data are run with Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Data gaps (4–5 months) are filled by means of linear interpolation. Several periodicities are present. Besides the solar cycle dominant dependence (11 years), semi-annual, annual, five years and quasi-biennial periodicities are also observed. A marked quasi-biennial periodicity is observed at daytime and nighttime hours being their greater amplitude at local noon and midnight. Different mechanisms or combined effects possibly cause them. It is suggested that the solar activity by means of extreme ultraviolet radiation (EUV), which present a quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) and it is responsible for the ionization, could be the dominant mechanism for the diurnal quasi-biennial periodicity of foF2. At night, since the photoionization by extreme ultraviolet radiation is not significant and the F2 layer is lower than during daytime (100 km) other mechanism may be operative for the quasi-biennial periodicity observed. Possibly the stratospheric QBO contributes to the modulation of the observed behaviour in foF2 at night. This result is preliminary because it needs to be extended to other stations so as to extract definite conclusions. Moreover, we cannot dismiss the possibility of a combined effect of both these mechanisms mainly at daytime and/or QBO influence of geomagnetic parameters.  相似文献   

Median hourly, electron content-latitude profiles obtained in South East Asia under solar minimum and maximum conditions have been used to establish seasonal and solar differences in the diurnal variations of the ionospheric equatorial anomaly (EIA). The seasonal changes have been mainly accounted for from a consideration of the daytime meridional wind, affecting the EIA diffusion of ionization from the magnetic equator down the magnetic field lines towards the crests. Depending upon the seasonal location of the subsolar point in relation to the magnetic equator diffusion rates were increased or decreased. This led to crest asymmetries at the solstices with (1) the winter crest enhanced in the morning (increased diffusion rate) and (2) the same crest decaying most rapidly in the late afternoon (faster recombination rate at lower ionospheric levels). Such asymmetries were also observed, to a lesser extent, at the equinoxes since the magnetic equator (located at about 9○N lat) does not coincide with the geographic equator. Another factor affecting the magnitude of a particular electron content crest was the proximity of the subsolar point, since this increased the local ionization production rate. Enhancements of the EIA took place around sunset, mainly during the equinoxes and more frequently at solar maximum, and also there was evidence of apparent EIA crest resurgences around 0300 LST for all seasons at solar maximum. The latter are thought to be associated with the commonly observed, post-midnight, ionization enhancements at midlatitudes, ionization being transported to low latitudes by an equatorward wind. The ratio increases in crest peak electron contents from solar minimum to maximum of 2.7 at the equinoxes, 2.0 at the northern summer solstice and 1.7 at northern winter solstice can be explained, only partly, by increases in the magnitude of the eastward electric field E overhead the magnetic equator affecting the [E×B] vertical drifts. The most important factor is the corresponding increase in ionization production rate due to the increase in solar radiation flux. The EIA crest asymmetries observed at solar maximum were less significant, and this is probably due to the corresponding increase in ionization densities leading to an increase of the retarding effect of ion-drag on the daytime meridional winds.  相似文献   

磁暴期间热层大气密度变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于CHAMP卫星资料,分析了2002—2008年267个磁暴期间400 km高度大气密度变化对季节、地方时与区域的依赖以及时延的统计学特征,得到暴时大气密度变化的一些新特点,主要结论如下: 1)两半球大气密度绝对变化(δρa)结果在不同强度磁暴、不同地方时不同.受较强的焦耳加热和背景中性风共同作用,在北半球夏季,中等磁暴过程中夜侧和大磁暴中,夏半球的δρa强于冬半球;由于夏季半球盛行风环流造成的扰动传播速度快,北半球夏季日侧30°附近大气,北(夏)半球到达峰值的时间早于南(冬)半球.而可能受半球不对称背景磁场强度所导致的热层能量输送率影响,北半球夏季强磁暴和中磁暴个例的日侧,南半球δρa强于北半球;春秋季个例中日侧30°附近大气,北半球先于南半球1~2 h达到峰值. 2)受叠加在背景环流上的暴时经向环流影响,春秋季暴时赤道大气密度达到峰值的时间最短,日/夜侧大气分别在Dstmin后1 h和2 h达到峰值.至点附近夜侧赤道大气达到峰值时间一致,为Dstmin后3 h;不同季节日侧结果不同,在北半球冬季时赤道地区经过更长的时间达到峰值. 3)日侧赤道峰值时间距离高纬度峰值时间不受季节影响,为3 h左右.在春秋季和北半球冬季夜侧,赤道大气密度先于高纬度达到峰值,且不同纬度大气密度的峰值几乎无差别,表明此时低纬度存在其他加热源起着重要作用.  相似文献   

The level of wave geomagnetic activity in the morning, afternoon, and nighttime sectors during strong magnetic storms with Dst varying from ?100 to ?150 nT has been statistically studied based on a new ULF wave index. It has been found out that the intensity of geomagnetic pulsations at frequencies of 2–7 mHz during the magnetic storm initial phase is maximal in the morning and nighttime sectors at polar and auroral latitudes, respectively. During the magnetic storm main phase, wave activity is maximal in the morning sector of the auroral zone, and the pulsation intensity in the nighttime sector is twice as low as in the morning sector. It has been indicated that geomagnetic pulsations excited after substorms mainly contribute to a morning wave disturbance during the magnetic storm main phase. During the storm recovery phase, wave activity develops in the morning and nighttime sectors of the auroral zone; in this case nighttime activity is also observed in the subauroral zone.  相似文献   

The effects of space weather on the magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere system have been broadly studied within the program CAWSES (Climate and Weather of the Sun-Earth System) and project COST724. Here we show that strong geomagnetic storms do not affect total ozone at higher middle latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere contrary to the Northern Hemisphere, where an effect is observed under specific conditions.  相似文献   

It has been indicated how a complex ionogram of topside sounding near the outer slope of the winter southern crest of the equatorial anomaly, where a large NmF2, gradient and a deep hmF2, minimum are observed, is formed. The model latitudinal cross-sectio n of the ionosphere, used to perform trajectory calculations, has been constructed based on the corrected Intercosmos-19 data. The ray trajectories have been modeled using the method of characteristics. It has been indicated that a complex Intercosmos-19 ionogram is formed by an oblique reflection from the equatorial anomaly crest slope (the main trace) and by a strongly oblique reflection from the crest bottom as a result of the wave capture by a large-scale inhomogeneity (the additional trace).  相似文献   

The dynamics of the Pc5 and Pi1 pulsation characteristics and relativistic electron fluxes at geostationary orbit were comparatively analyzed for three nine-day intervals, including quiet periods and periods of geomagnetic storms. It was shown that relativistic electron fluxes increase considerably when the power of global Pc5 pulsations and the index of midlatitude irregular Pi1 pulsations increase simultaneously. The correlation between the characteristics of Pi1 and Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations and the level of the relativistic electron flux at geostationary orbit during the magnetic storm recovery phase were studied. It was shown that the correlation coefficient of the relativistic electron maximal fluxes during the magnetic storm recovery phase with the parameter of midlatitude Pi1 pulsations is slightly higher than such a correlation coefficient with the solar wind velocity.  相似文献   

A new index of wave activity (ULF index) is applied to analyze daytime magnetic pulsations in the Pc5 range (f = 2–7 mHz) during ten successive recurrent magnetic storms (CIR (corotating interaction region) storms) of 2006. The most intense daytime geomagnetic Pc5 pulsations on the Earth’s surface in all phases of CIR storms are predominantly observed in the pre-noon sector at latitudes higher than 70°, while those in CME storms (storms initiated by coronal mass ejection (CME)) are observed at latitudes lower than 70°. A comparison of wave activity during CIR and CME storms has shown that the amplitude of Pc5 pulsations in CIR storms is much smaller than that in CME storms and the spectrum maximum is observed at lower frequencies and higher latitudes. At the same time, the mechanism of ULF wave generation during both types of magnetic storms seems to be similar, namely, resonance of magnetic field lines due to the development of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability caused by an approach of a high-velocity solar wind stream to the Earth’s magnetosphere. Since resonance oscillations are excited only in the closed magnetosphere, the higher-latitude position of the Pc5 pulsation intensity maximum in CIR storms points to larger dimensions of the daytime magnetosphere during CIR storms as compared to CME storms.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the onset of magnetic storms are investigated. For the purposes of this study storms have been defined as events in which Dst falls below -50 nT for at least four consecutive hours. The storms have been classified as either storm sudden commencements (SSCs; storms initiated by a sudden commencement) or as storm gradual commencements (SGCs; all other storms). It is found that the semi-annual variation of magnetic activity is reflected in the occurrence statistics of SGC events only, indicative that the solar wind origin is different for SSCs and SGCs. It is suggested that the heliospheric latitude model of seasonal magnetic activity is relatively ineffective in modulating the previously observed seasonal variations in the occurrence of magnetic storms.  相似文献   

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