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Geostrophic balance over the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal regions has been studied using the wind data obtained from the AVRO (HS-748) aircraft during the FGGE-MONEX-79.In the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal regions, the observed wind south of 20°N was found to be sub-geostrophic. In the Arabian Sea region the departure at 1500 m was 75–95% and at 3050 m it was 60–65%. In the Bay of Bengal region the departure was 85–95%. In a few cases north of 20°N the observed winds at 3050 m were found to be super-geostrophic in the regions of enhanced monsoon activity, cyclonic circulation reaching up to 6000 m and in the region of monsoon trough.  相似文献   

The distribution of nutrient elements and dissolved oxygen in the deep Indian Ocean suggests that the Bay of Bengal Fan sediment serves as a major nutrient element source and oxygen sink. The distribution of nutrient element excesses and oxygen deficiences away from the fan is consistent with diffusion along isopycnal surfaces with circumpolar deep water acting as a sink for nutrient elements and source for dissolved oxygen. In the course of the entire GEOSECS program only at the Bengal Fan station were nutrient element excesses and oxygen deficiencies (relative to the overlying water column) observed in the benthic mixed layer. The unique aspect of this station is likely the result of very high rates of respiration and particle dissolution coupled with a high stability of the water column overlying the benthic mixed layer.The chemical data show that for each mole of organic carbon oxidized 1.5 moles of CaCO3 must dissolve and that for each mole of CaCO3 dissolved about one mole of silica go into solution. The NO3 and PO4 excesses are about two thirds those predicted from the Redfield ratios (i.e., O2 : NO3 : PO4 = 135 : 15 : 1).  相似文献   

High resolution time series data of hydrogen (δD) and oxygen (δ18O) isotope values of precipitation have been generated for the first time at Kolkata, eastern India where the summer monsoon clouds from Bay of Bengal (BOB) commence their journey over India. Use of a Rayleigh cum two component mixing model and comparison of Kolkata data with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)–Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP) data base of New Delhi suggest that the precipitation at New Delhi cannot be explained by simple continental effect of a BOB vapour source alone, traveling and raining successively along Kolkata–New Delhi route. It is necessary to invoke an admixture of  20% vapour originating from the Arabian sea with the vapour coming from BOB and finally causing summer monsoon rains at New Delhi. The findings have major implications to the regional water vapour budget over India.  相似文献   

Summary A model for calculating the wind, turbulent exchange coefficients and a modification of the initial temperature over a hilly terrain is described. The paper mainly deals with a numerical realization of the model equations. Some features of the splitting method are discussed in detail. A special version of the splitting method suitable for solving the atmospheric boundary layer is described.
Резюме Оnuсывaеmся мо?rt;ель ?rt;ля рaсчеma скоросmu веmрa, козффцuенma mурбуленmно?rt;о обменa u uзмененuŭ нaчaльнoŭ mемnерamуры воз?rt;ухa нa?rt; холмuсmым рельефом. Основное внuмaнuе у?rt;еляеmся меmо?rt;aм чuсленно?rt;о рещенuя. Деmaльно рaссмamрывaюmся некоmорые злеменmы меmо?rt;a рaсщеnленuя. Прuво?rt;umся сnецеnленuя. Прuво?rt;umся сnецuaльнaя версuя меmо?rt;a рaсщеnленuя, у?rt;обнaя ?rt;ля uзученuя amмосферно?rt;о nо?rt;рaнuчно?rt;о слоя.

The distribution of electric charge on the marine aerosol was determined near the sea surface of the Indian Ocean and the North Atlantic during the final stage of the Snellius II-expedition. Mean values for small ion concentrationsn +=455 cm–3 andn =340 cm–3 were found over the Atlantic, whilen +=310 andn =250 cm–3 were the mean values over the Indian Ocean. The ration +/n increased from 1.2 to 2.0 with decreasing wind velocity. At wind velocities below 5 m/s 75% of the net space charge near the ocean surface was found to be carried by small ions.  相似文献   

This study is based on the geological and geophysical data obtained in the Bay of Bengal and adjacent part of the Mid-Indian Ocean Basin by different Russian scientific and industrial institutions in the 1980s and 1990s. The results of the more recent foreign investigations are also involved. The analysis of the collected data provided a new insight into the geological structure and evolution of the region indicating that a large dry-land area—the Bengal elevation—existed in the Cretaceous at the location of the present-day Bay of Bengal. During the Cretaceous, the geological evolution of this area was controlled by epicontinental sedimentation and active volcanism. In the Late Cretaceous, progressive submersion with the inception of the Central Basin took place in the region. The subsidence of the basement was accompanied by active differentiated tectonic movements in the southern part of the Bay of Bengal. As a result, the basement experienced fragmentation into blocks with the formation of horst and graben structures. The horst relics eventually submerged to the current depths in the Late Miocene–Pliocene. The maximal amplitude of basement submersion within the bay is more than 11 km.  相似文献   

The thermodynamical structure of the atmospheric boundary layer over the Deccan plateau region has been studied with aerological data for 1980 and 1981.The temperatures in the sub-cloud layer were lower on active monsoon days than dose on weak monsoon days. An opposite trend was noticed in the layer above the 900 mbar level. The moisture content on active monsoon days was higher than that on weak monsoon days. The profile of relative humidity above the 850 mbar level showed large deviations between the active and weak monsoon conditions. On active monsoon days the values of dry static stability were higher than those on weak monsoon days. An opposite trend was noticed in the case of moist static stability. On active monsoon days the magnitudes of thev components of wind were small compared with those of theu components, and the latter showed a gradual decrease with height.  相似文献   

The article reviews past accomplishments and recent advances in conceptual understanding, numerical simulation, and physical interpretation of the wind shear phenomena in the atmospheric convective boundary layer.  相似文献   

George  Jesbin  Kumar  V. Sanil 《Ocean Dynamics》2021,71(8):871-892
Ocean Dynamics - The predominance of swells or wind-seas at a location can be inferred from the spectral peak wave period (Tp). The present study examines the climatology of Tp and its variability...  相似文献   

The results of a high-resolution mineral magnetic study combined with major element geochemistry analysis, oxygen isotopes and 14C AMS stratigraphy are reported for deep-sea gravity cores MD77-169 and MD77-180 located in the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal, respectively. Core MD77-169 covers the last 280 kyr and core MD77-180 covers the last 160 kyr. In both cores, rock magnetic parameters indicate that the magnetic assemblage is dominated by pseudo-single domain titanomagnetite grains, with grain-size variations following a strong 23 kyr periodicity. Smaller magnetic grain sizes are observed during periods characterized by a strong summer monsoon. In addition, in core MD77-180, we observe a correlation between magnetic grain size and a chemical index of alteration. This suggests that these magnetic grain-size changes are related to chemical weathering driven by summer monsoon rainfall. A comparison of the GISP2 ice core isotopic record and the magnetic grain-size record of the Bay of Bengal shows that rapid temperature variations documented in the ice core (Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles and Heinrich events), during the last glacial period are also present in the magnetic grain-size record. Heinrich events and cold stadial events are characterized by relatively large magnetic grain sizes. Furthermore, Heinrich events are characterized by lower values of the chemical index of alteration implying a lower degree of chemical weathering related to significantly drier conditions on the continent. We suggest that rapid cold events of the North Atlantic (Heinrich events) during the last glacial stages are characterized by a weaker summer monsoon rainfall over the Himalaya via an atmospheric teleconnection.  相似文献   

We present 9 bottom222Rn profiles measured from the western and southern Indian Ocean during the 1977–1978 GEOSECS expedition. These profiles can be grouped into three cypes: one-layer, two-layer, and irregular types. The one-layer profiles with quasi-exponential distributions allow one to estimate the apparent vertical eddy diffusivity,Kv, with a simple model. The two-layer profiles show that there is a benthic boundary layer of the order of 50–100 m in which the excess222Rn distribution shows a vertical gradient much smaller than that of the layer immediately above. Within the boundary layer, the STD potential temperature (θ) and density(σ4) profiles are practically constant, and theKv values are of the order of 1000 cm2/s. The STD profiles for the water column above the boundary layer show gradients of increasing stability, and theKv values are of the order of 100 cm2/s. Modeling of the Rn data in the water column above the boundary layer indicates that there is a transition layer which effectively reduces the penetration of excess Rn from the benthic boundary layer into the upper layer.Sarmiento et al. [10] have shown that the buoyancy gradient or stability is inversely correlated with the apparent vertical eddy diffusivity, and the resulting buoyancy flux is fairly uniform, ranging from 1 to 14 × 10?6 cm2/s3 in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. However, Sarmiento et al. [11] show that a much higher buoyancy flux is associated with an intensified flow of the bottom water through a passage. In the Indian Ocean basins, we have found that the buoyancy flux has a comparable range (3–14 × 10?6 cm2/s3), except for a couple of stations where both stability and apparent vertical diffusivity are higher, resulting in a much higher buoyancy flux, probably indicative of rapid bottom water flow.  相似文献   

The SOFIA (Surface of the Ocean: Flux and Interaction with the Atmosphere) experiment, included in the ASTEX (Atlantic Stratocumulus Transition EXperiment) field program, was conducted in June 1992 in the Azores region in order to investigate air-sea exchanges, as well as the structure of the atmospheric boundary layer and its capping low-level cloud cover. We present an analysis of the vertical structure of the marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL), and especially of its turbulence characteristics, deduced from the aircraft missions performed during SOFIA. The meteorological situations were characteristic of a temperate latitude under anticyclonic conditions, i.e., with weak to moderate winds, weak surface sensible heat flux, and broken capping low-altitude cloud cover topped by a strong trade inversion. We show that the mixed layer, driven by the surface fluxes, is decoupled from the above cloud layer. Although weak, the surface buoyancy flux, and the convective velocity scale deduced from it, are relevant for scaling the turbulence moments. The mixed layer then follows the behavior of a continental convective boundary layer, with the exception of the entrainment process, which is weak in the SOFIA data. These results are confirmed by conditional sampling analysis, which shows that the major turbulence source lies in the buoyant moist updrafts at the surface.  相似文献   

—Based on the NCMRWF analysis over the Arabian Sea, a complete energy cycle of the severe cyclonic storm that formed in the beginning of June 1994 in the east central Arabian Sea is carried out, using the in-house developed energy package. Both barotropic and baroclinic energy conversions are responsible for the maintenance of the system, however dominance of one over the other is noticed at different stages of the system at different heights. Dynamical characteristics of synoptic scale monsoon flow surrounding the cyclonic storm are also investigated. By examining the generation and dissipation terms, it is observed that both zonal and eddy components of the synoptic scale flow act as source of energy for the cyclonic storm, both in the predeveloped and developed stages.  相似文献   

The North China Plain(NCP)is troubled by severe haze pollution and the evolution of haze pollution is closely related to the atmospheric boundary layer(ABL).However,experimental and theoretical studies on the physical-chemical processes of the ABL in the NCP are lacking,with many scientific problems to be addressed.To solve these problems,the Comprehensive Observation on the Atmospheric boundary layer Three-dimensional Structure(COATS)during haze pollution was carried out in the NCP from 2016 to...  相似文献   

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