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Investigations of biomass, production, and anthropogenic impact require knowledge of the spatial distribution of the species concerned. Studies of the spatial distribution of soft-sediment infauna are inherently difficult, because the organisms are generally not readily visible, necessitating painstaking excavation. Although the large-scale (tens of km) distribution patterns of infaunal bivalves have been studied previously, the fine-scale (1 to tens of meters) has received much less attention. We investigated the fine-scale spatial distribution of the edible cockle Cerastoderma edule at a fishing-impacted site and a non-impacted site on an intertidal mudflat in Bourgneuf Bay, France, in 2009–2010. A preliminary study using a 1 m spatial lag was performed to determine the optimum lags for a nested sampling design. Cohorts were identified using Bhattacharya-resolved size-frequency distributions and verification of isotropy, and the spatial characteristics of each cohort were determined using Moran's I auto-correlation coefficient. The non-impacted site presented one strongly-aggregated main cohort, C3, (Moran's I = 0.67 to − 0.34, spatial range 16 to 20 m, inter-patch distance 41 to 51 m). The impacted site presented two main cohorts, C2 (1.31 cm mean shell length, SL) and C3 (2.11 cm SL) both of which also showed a patchy spatial distribution (C2: Moran's I = 0.7 to − 0.72, spatial range 22 to 35 m; inter-patch distance 63 to 90 m; C3: Moran's I = 0.41 to − 0.63, spatial range 36 to 58 m, inter-patch distance not defined). The C3 cohort was less aggregated than the C2; possibly due to the homogenizing effect of fishing, which typically proceeds via a Lévy walk foraging model.Our results show that the spatial distributions of C. edule retained a strongly aggregated character over the 8 months of the study, suggesting that these characteristics are powerfully maintained by recruitment/post-recruitment processes, despite intense fishing pressure throughout the sampling period, and indeed for decades, prior to this study. These data also show that we cannot assume a random or a regular spatial distribution for this species in studies of biomass, production, trophic relations, or anthropogenic impact; rather, close attention must be paid to the spatial characteristics of studied populations in order to reduce the confounding effects of auto-correlation.  相似文献   

The internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) region of 29 individuals of Cerastoderma glaucum (from the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic and the North Sea) and 18 individuals of Cerastoderma edule (from the Atlantic and the North Sea) and the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) region of 43 individuals of C. glaucum (from the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic and the North Sea) and 9 individuals of C. edule (from the Atlantic and the North Sea) were PCR amplified and sequenced. The ITS1 sequences led us to describe 27 genetic haplotypes, while 21 genetic haplotypes were determined via the COI sequences. The ITS1 and the COI sequences revealed an important genetic variability within the Mediterranean population of C. glaucum, which contained two different phenotypes: orange foot and yellow foot. A genetic differentiation between the two phenotypes was revealed by the nucleotide diversity index (π) and is strengthened by the AMOVA analysis. This result leads us to suspect the presence of two different groups in the same population of C. glaucum. Nevertheless to be confirmed this hypothesis requires further studies using more locations and a larger number of sample sizes.  相似文献   

The population parameters of blood cockles, Tegillarca granosa in the intertidal zone of Marudu Bay, Sabah,Malaysia were investigated based on monthly length-weight frequency data(July 2017 to June 2018). A total of 279 cockle individuals with shell length and weight ranging from 27.7 mm to 82.2 mm and 13.11 g to 192.7 g were subjected to analysis. T. granosa in Marudu Bay showed a consistent moderately high condition index 4.98±0.86 throughout the year. The exponent b of the length-weight relationship was 2.6 demonstrating negative allometric growth. The estimated asymptotic length(L_∞), growth coefficient(K) and growth performance(?) of the T.granosa population in Marudu Bay were estimated at 86.68 mm, 0.98 a~(-1) and 3.87, respectively. The observed maximum shell length was 82.55 mm and the predicted maximum shell length was 84.44 mm with estimated maximum life span(t_(max)) of 3.06 years. The estimated mean lengths at the end of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 months of age were 21.31 mm, 31.16 mm, 39.53 mm, 46.63 mm, 52.67 mm and 57.79 mm. Total, natural, and fishing mortalities were estimated at 2.39 a~(-1), 1.32 a~(-1) and 1.07 a~(-1). The exploitation level(E) was 0.45. Results of the current study also demonstrated that T. granosa in the Marudu Bay has two major recruitment peaks; one in March and another in October. The exploitation level revealed that natural stock of T. granosa in the Marudu Bay was approaching the maximum exploitation level. If such trend continues or demand for T. granosa is increasing,coupled with no effective fisheries management in place, possibility of the T. granosa population in the Marudu Bay to collapse is likely to elevate.  相似文献   

Seasonal and spatial variations of phytoplankton primary production were studied using a high frequency sampling strategy in the external (ENW) and internal (INW) part of Arcachon Bay, during 2002 and 2003. In order to better assess the availability of nutrients and their relationship with phytoplankton primary production, nutrient variability was studied in relation to environmental conditions and phytoplankton production. During winter, when primary production rates were the lowest, nutrient concentrations were maximal but did not show excessive levels compared to highly urbanised areas. Seasonal and spatial variations of nutrient concentrations (especially DIN-nitrate + nitrite + ammonium- and Si) were largely influenced by Leyre River loads coupled with high tidal exchange with the Atlantic Ocean creating a nutrient gradient between the INW and ENW. By February, diatom growth leads to an early severe nutrient depletion in the entire bay. Examination of nutrient ratios showed that the potential limiting nutrient during spring was P in 2003, and Si in 2002. During summer 2003, N and Si concentrations reached their lowest values, and nutrient ratios revealed a N-deficient environment, more pronounced in the INW. The high Si:N ratios during this period might be explained by (1) important N-uptake by all autotroph communities and (2) benthic-pelagic coupling with high Si regeneration. This study shows that nutrient levels in Arcachon Bay seem to play an important role in the control of phytoplankton primary production rates during the productive period and explain their spatial, seasonal and inter-annual variability. Our estimates of annual integrated phytoplankton primary production (103 g C m−2 y−1) place this bay within the low to moderate phytoplankton primary production systems.  相似文献   

Pyruvate kinase (PK) activity measurements are used to assess the role of carbohydrates in global feeding of mesozooplankton communities inhabiting an estuary plume. As a consequence of a remarkably low freshwater discharge rate, the sea surface layers of the area under estuarine influence showed a very moderate salinity fall and a nearly total depletion in nitrates, whereas higher levels of these nutrients were found in deeper, more saline, layers. Small-scale PK activity variations in mesozooplankton appear to be closely correlated to nitrate integration values within the water column. The results were analysed in comparison with literature reports. The study produced a coherent overall interpretation, which strongly supports the reliability of this new biochemical tool in detecting assimilation of trace carbohydrates in the diet of mesozooplankton.  相似文献   

The biology, population dynamics, and production of Talorchestia brito were studied at two sandy beaches located on the Atlantic (Portugal) and on the Mediterranean (Tunisia) coasts, respectively. The seasonal variation in abundance and the overall densities were similar in both populations. Reproduction occurred from February to September in the Atlantic, and from March to early November in the Mediterranean. The sex ratio was male biased in the Atlantic, and female biased in the Mediterranean. Based on data from the Atlantic population, both abundance and the proportion of reproductive females were positively correlated with temperature, while the proportion of juveniles in the population was positively correlated with temperature and sediment moisture. On average, individuals from the Atlantic were larger than the ones from the Mediterranean. Life span was estimated at six to nine months in the Atlantic, and five to eight months in the Mediterranean. Talorchestia brito was shown to be a semiannual species, with iteroparous females producing two broods per year, and exhibited a bivoltine life cycle. The minimum age required for males' and females' sexual differentiation and for female sexual maturation was shorter in the Mediterranean. Growth production (P) was estimated at 0.19 g m−2 y−1 ash free dry weight (AFDW; 4.3 kJ m−2 y−1) in the Atlantic population, and 0.217 g m−2 y−1 AFDW (4.9 kJ m−2 y−1) in the Mediterranean one. Elimination production (E) was estimated at 0.35 g m−2 y−1 AFDW (7.9 kJ m−2 y−1) in the Atlantic, and 0.28 g m−2 y−1 AFDW (6.3 kJ m−2 y−1) in the Mediterranean. The average annual biomass ( ) (standing stock) was estimated at 0.032 g m−2 in the Atlantic beach, and 0.029 g m−2 in the Mediterranean one, resulting, respectively, in ratios of 5.9 and 7.5 and ratios of 10.8 and 9.6. Like other talitrids, T. brito exhibited geographic variation in morphometrical characteristics, sex ratio, growth rates, life span, and reproduction period, with the Atlantic population presenting a slower life history.  相似文献   

The life-histories and the secondary production of four dominant peracarid crustaceans (the mysids Boreomysis arctica and Parapseudomma calloplura, the amphipod Rhachotropis caeca, and the isopod Ilyarachna longicornis) in bathyal depths of the Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic; between 383 and 420 m) and the Catalan Sea (Northwestern Mediterranean; between 389 and 1355 m) were established. Both the Atlantic and the Mediterranean populations of the major part of the target-species had two generations/year with mean cohort-production intervals (CPI) ranging from 5.5 mo for Ilyarachna longicornis to 6.3 mo for Parapseudomma calloplura. The Hynes method showed secondary production to vary in the Bay of Biscay between 0.113 mg DW m−2 yr−1 for I. longirostris and 3.069 mg DW m−2 yr−1 for P. calloplura, with P/B ratios between 4.57 (I. longirostris) and 7.93 (Boreomysis arctica). In the Catalan Sea, production varied between 0.286 mg DW m−2 yr−1 for I. longirostris and 1.096 mg DW m−2 yr−1 for P. calloplura, with P/B between 5.72 (I. longirostris) and 6.66 (P. calloplura). Application of two different empiric models to the whole peracarid assemblage gave similar levels of secondary production in both study areas (between 29.26 and 32.14 mgDWm−2 yr−1 in the Bay of Biscay; between 26.23 and 26.54 mg DW m−2 yr−1 in the Catalan Sea). From the analysis of gut contents of 22 species the dominant species in each study area were assigned to two basic trophic levels, detritus feeders and predators. Also, cumulative curves of dominance showed high diversity (low dominance) for peracarid assemblages distributed at mid-bathyal depths (524–693 m) both in the Bay of Biscay off Arcachon and in the Catalan Sea off Barcelona. We also discuss and compare, both within and between areas, how environmental features may explain the observed diversity patterns, the trophic structure, and the production results obtained for the suprabenthos assemblages.  相似文献   

Land—ocean transfer of sediment and organic matter along the Moroccan Atlantic margin (NW Africa) seems to have been very effective during the last 130 ka. In a marine core from this region, we found total organic carbon (TOC) values ranging from 0.3 to 1.7 dry wt% of bulk sediments. These relatively high values are fairly unusual, as the core was recovered from an open-ocean environment that is currently oligotrophic. In order to explain this trend, more typical of an upwelling eutrophic setting, three processes were evaluated: (1) in situ primary production associated with the extension of the Cape Ghir upwelling filament, (2) bottom water conditions that may favour organic carbon preservation and (3) lateral organic carbon advection. The site occasionally experienced more eutrophic conditions, especially during termination I; here, we recorded a relative high abundance of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerina bulloides, suggesting high primary production. However, given the absence of correlation between TOC and G. bulloides records, high TOC storage cannot be attributed exclusively to primary production. Preservation factors such as bottom water ventilation are also ruled out. Lateral TOC advection seems to be the most plausible process. Today, lateral advection and offshore transport of nutrients and organic matter characterize the study region. However, the triggering mechanisms deserve further investigation. Different controlling factors influencing the mobilization and advection of organic carbon from coastal upwelling sites to the deep basin are discussed. The correlation found between down-core TOC and sea-level changes suggests sea-level fluctuations as the most effective mechanism driving nepheloid layer detachment and seaward material transport.  相似文献   

The population structure, growth and production of the trigonal clam Tivela mactroides were investigated by monthly sampling between January 2003 and October 2004 in two areas (southern and northern) of the intertidal and subtidal zones of Caraguatatuba Bay, Southeastern Brazil. Intertidal sampling was carried out in each area along eight transects perpendicular to the shoreline. In the subtidal zone of both areas, one 50‐m dredging was performed along five sampling stations arranged on three transects perpendicular to the coast. The intertidal abundance of T. mactroides was higher in the southern (more dissipative conditions) than in the northern area. High abundances occurred in February–March 2004 in the south and in September 2004 in the north. The size structure showed that younger individuals dominated in the sublittoral, indicating that recruitment occurs in this zone, followed by the migration of these individuals to the intertidal, where they complete their life cycle. Tivela mactroides showed continuous reproduction, with 26 cohorts detected in the study period. The lower estimates for the growth index (?′ = 3.22), mortality rate (Z = 2.10 year?1) and turnover rate (P/B = 1.21 year?1), and conversely the longer life span (2.5 years) of T. mactroides in Caraguatatuba Bay (24°S) compared with Venezuelan populations (10°N) suggests a latitudinal pattern of these life‐history traits. The high production of T. mactroides in Caraguatatuba Bay was due to continuous recruitment and rapid and continuous growth, and demonstrates the importance of T. mactroides as a biological resource for many marine species and for the local residents.  相似文献   

Salinity is an important parameter influencing the water quality of estuaries, and can constitute a serious problem to society due to the need for freshwater for industry and agriculture. Therefore, the determination of salt intrusion length in estuaries is a challenge for managers as well as scientists in this field. The managers tend to use simple and reliable tools for salinity variation. Although 2-D and 3-D numerical models are common tools for the prediction of salinity intrusion now, analytical models of salinity variation are much more efficient, and also require minimal sets of river data. In this paper, two analytical solutions, Brockway and Savenije used worldwide to assess longitudinal salinity variation in alluvial estuaries, are applied to the Moroccan Atlantic semi-closed estuaries, i.e., Sebou and Loukkos. The solutions are derived from salt convection-dispersion equations, with different assumptions for the dispersion coefficient. The estuaries' bathymetry is described by an exponential function. The performance of these two solutions was evaluated by comparing their results with field-measured salinity data. The Brockway model's salinity predictions performs well to observations especially in downstream reaches of the two estuaries (Sebou: R2 = 0.95, root mean square error [RMSE] = 1.50‰, normalized root mean square error [NRMSE] = 3.45‰; Loukkos: R2 = 0.95, RMSE = 1.13‰, NRMSE = 3.01‰), while the Savenije model outperformed the Brockway's model and is better to predict salt intrusion length and salinity variation along the two estuaries (Sebou: R2 = 0.97, RMSE = 1.15‰, NRMSE = 2.85‰; Loukkos: R2 = 0.98, RMSE = 0.95‰, NRMSE = 1.94‰). This revealed that both analytical solutions apply well to the estimation of salinity variation and the prediction of salt intrusion in these two estuaries.  相似文献   

The sterol composition of a cockle population from an unpolluted environment in South Wales was monitored by monthly sampling over a 12-month period. In spite of the likely variation in dietary sterols during this period, the component sterols of the cockles showed no significant seasonal variation, indicating that the cockle was able to exhibit a high degree of control over the composition of its functional sterols.Dramatic differences were observed in the sterol compositions of a nearby cockle population from a highly polluted environment, near a sewage outfall; only three out of the ten sterols present were common to the unpolluted cockles. Forty-five per cent of the sterols from the ‘polluted’ samples contained fully reduced systems and included three new alkylated C-29, C-30 and C-31 stanols. It is considered possible that these structural changes may affect the stereochemistry of the functional sterols and hence alter the permeability of the animal's membranes. This may reflect a biochemical response to the polluted environment.  相似文献   

胶州湾大型底栖动物的丰度、生物量和生产量研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了研究胶州湾大型底栖动物的丰度、生物量和生产量,于2002年3月、6月、8月和12月,在胶州湾北部软底区、大沽河口、黄岛养殖区及养殖区邻域选取4个站位进行采样,对大型底栖动物进行了定量研究。共采到大型底栖动物138种,总平均丰度、平均生物量(湿质量)和年生产量(有机碳)分别为1 719个/m2,27 g/m2,2.2 g/(m2.a),初步估算,胶州湾大型底栖动物的总次级生产量为2.8万t/a。与渤海和南黄海大型底栖动物的丰度和生物量比较,丰度和生物量均低于这两个海域,但是胶州湾大型底栖动物的总次级生产量高于渤海。本研究对于了解胶州湾大型底栖动物现状及湾内养殖对大型底栖动物的影响具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Magnetic fabric (anisotropy) measurements have been made on samples of Quaternary sediments from DSDP Hole 380A (Black Sea) and Tertiary and Cretaceous nannofossil oozes, marls and volcanoclastic sandstones from the Southeast flank of the Walvis Ridge at Hole 524, recovered during Legs 42B and 73 of the International Program of Ocean Drilling (IPOD). The fabric was determined by means of both a low field and a high field torque magnetometer.The overall results from the low field measurements are similar to those from the high field measurements. The results from both sets of measurements indicate the existence of a NE-SW lineation at Hole 380A and a NW-SE lineation at Hole 524. For Hole 380A some of the individual parameters show slight differences in values for the low field and high field torque measurements while for Hole 524 these individual parameters compare favourably and indicate an approximately one-to-one correspondence. In general the fabric is better defined at Hole 524 than at Hole 380A. Anisotropy measurements sometimes were found to be greatly affected by the shape of the sample. This apparent shape-effect appears to be more prevalent in the high field than in the low field measurements. In addition, for Holes 380A and 524 some samples show deformational-style fabric characteristics on one instrument and depositional-style characteristics on the other. The reasons for these differences and how the effects on the anisotropy data can be removed or minimised are described in this paper.  相似文献   

Large nematodes form an important component of deep‐sea macrofaunal assemblages, but are often considered to be part of the meiobenthos and are rarely studied. We analysed the standing stocks, diversity, and functional group and genus‐level composition of macrofaunal nematodes at lower bathyal depths (3,500 m water depth) in the Whittard Canyon system (NE Atlantic) and on the adjacent continental slope. Five replicate sample sets were obtained using a Megacorer, at four locations (three canyon branches, one slope). Sediment samples were processed on a 500‐μm mesh to provide both nematode and polychaete data from the same samples. The dominant nematode genera included Paramesacanthion, Metacylicolaimus, Cylicolaimus and Phanodermopsis. Nematode standing stocks (density and biomass) increased significantly from slope to canyon locations. Similarly, nematode dominance increased substantially (and diversity decreased) from slope to canyon locations. Nematode feeding groups and tail shape groups also appeared to exhibit common trends across study locations. Nematode genus‐level faunal composition varied significantly between slope and canyon locations. We describe and discuss the broadly similar trends detected in the matching polychaete data, noting some differences in the polychaete density and diversity responses. We suggest that the similar trends in macrofaunal nematode and polychaete ecology across our four study locations reflect responses to both changing sedimentology and food availability.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are increasingly threatened worldwide by a variety of biological and physical factors, including disease, bleaching and ocean acidification. Understanding levels of connectivity among widespread populations can assist in conservation efforts and the design of marine protected areas, as larval dispersal scales affect population demography. This study examined genetic connectivity and morphological variation of the broadcast spawning coral Montastraea cavernosa (L., 1767) among five locations in the Caribbean and Western Atlantic. Analysis of mtDNA and nuclear rRNA internal transcribed spacers, at both the local and regional scale, revealed that the majority of variation existed within locations rather than among them. Likewise, the majority of pairwise comparisons were non‐significant between sites and locations. These results suggest that moderate to high gene flow occurs within and among populations of M. cavernosa in the Western Atlantic. The phylogeographic signature and significant pairwise comparisons among several locations, however, indicate that populations are also partially maintained through self‐seeding and that gene flow may be restricted over large geographic distances. Additionally, while some anatomical variation is likely attributable to phenotypic plasticity, variations in skeletal morphology between Jamaica and other locations correspond with significant pairwise genetic distances and the presence of private sequence types (limited to a single location), suggesting selection to local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Biology and population dynamics of the suspension-feeding wedge clam Donax trunculus (Linnaeus, 1758) were studied for 13 months (November 1994–April 1996) along the Italian Southern Adriatic coast near the Lagoon of Lesina. Specimens were found at depths between 0 and 2 m, mainly in fine grain bottoms. The spatial coastal distribution showed an intraspecific segregation between young and adult wedge clams. A unimodal recruitment (length >4 mm) occurred in winter (December–February). Length frequency distributions were used to determine age and growth rate. Three year classes were regularly observed and their growth pattern defined. The population showed a maximum length of 37 mm and a longevity of 4 years. Analysis of seasonal variations in the reproductive cycle showed that gametogenesis occurred in spring in females. After the spawning season (March–July) females of D. trunculus remained in a resting stage from August to January.  相似文献   

1Introduction Benthic -pelagic coupling refers to the two -way exchange or flux of matter between benthic andpelagic environments in aquatic systems. Most stud-ies have focused on the deposition of non-living or-ganic matter to the seabed, resuspension an…  相似文献   

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