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The standardized precipitation index (SPI) and standardized streamflow index (SSI) were used to analyse dry/wet conditions in the Logone catchment over a 50-year period (1951–2000). The SPI analysis at different time scales showed several meteorological drought events ranging from moderate to extreme; and SSI analysis showed that wetter conditions prevailed in the catchment from 1950 to 1970 interspersed with a few hydrological drought events. Overall, the results indicate that both the Sudano and Sahelian zones are equally prone to droughts and floods. However, the Sudano zone is more sensitive to drier conditions, while the Sahelian zone is sensitive to wetter conditions. Correlation analysis between SPI and SSI at multiple time scales revealed that the catchment has a low response to rainfall at short time scales, though this progressively changed as the time scale increased, with strong correlations (≥0.70) observed after 12 months. Analysis using individual monthly series showed that the response time reduced to 3 months in October.  相似文献   

The present study is to explore the feasibility of GRACE-based estimation of a groundwater storage change in a data-poor region using a case study of the Ngadda catchment in the Lake Chad Basin. Although the Ngadda catchment has only one set of in situ time series data of groundwater from 2006 to 2009 and a limited number of groundwater measurements in 2005 and 2009, GRACE-based groundwater storage change can be evaluated against the in situ groundwater measurements combined with specific yield data. The cross-correlation analysis in the Ngadda catchment shows that maximum rainfall reached in July and August, whereas both the maximum total water storage anomaly and the maximum groundwater storage anomaly occurred 2months later. Whereas the mean annual amplitude of total water storage anomaly is about 17cm from both the average total water storage anomaly from three mascon products and the one from three spherical harmonic products, the mean annual amplitude of soil moisture storage anomaly is substantially varied from 5.58cm for CLM to about 14cm for NOAH and Mosaic. The goodness-of-fit tests show that CLM soil moisture produces the closest estimation of groundwater storage anomaly to the in situ groundwater measurements. The present study shows that GRACE-based estimation for groundwater storage anomaly can be a cost-effective and alternative tool to observe how groundwater changes in a basin scale under the limitation of modelling and in situ data availability.  相似文献   

The paper presents the development of a lumped conceptual rainfall‐runoff model [Transformation of rainfall to runoff, Variability across timescales and Model parsimonization (TVM)] and a series of tests on various levels of model structure at different time resolutions. It is applied to the Bradford catchment in the United Kingdom. The TVM model is developed with a flexible structure through various relationships in each module that can be modified depending on the study catchments. Adopting the downward approach, parsimonious models are developed to examine at what level of complexity the model is able to capture runoff variability. The approach aims to compromise between parsimonious and complex alternatives in model development. This study shows that model structure requires data at different aggregation levels of timescales depending on its complexity. It reveals that the absence of the infiltration excess strongly affected all models. The analysis shows that the time resolution of hourly downwards must be used for the study catchment. The investigation of model complexity indicates that the combination of the most complicated model structure and timescale of quarter‐hourly is adequate to capture the catchment runoff characteristics. The downward approach in the TVM model helps to gain a deeper understanding of water balance and runoff process in the study catchment. The approach could be applicable to other catchments to obtain parsimonious models. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The level of model complexity that can be effectively supported by available information has long been a subject of many studies in hydrologic modelling. In particular, distributed parameter models tend to be regarded as overparameterized because of numerous parameters used to describe spatially heterogeneous hydrologic processes. However, it is not clear how parameters and observations influence the degree of overparameterization, equifinality of parameter values, and uncertainty. This study investigated the impact of the numbers of observations and parameters on calibration quality including equifinality among calibrated parameter values, model performance, and output/parameter uncertainty using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model. In the experiments, the number of observations was increased by expanding the calibration period or by including measurements made at inner points of a watershed. Similarly, additional calibration parameters were included in the order of their sensitivity. Then, unique sets of parameters were calibrated with the same objective function, optimization algorithm, and stopping criteria but different numbers of observations. The calibration quality was quantified with statistics calculated based on the ‘behavioural’ parameter sets, identified using 1% and 5% cut‐off thresholds in a generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation framework. The study demonstrated that equifinality, model performance, and output/parameter uncertainty were responsive to the numbers of observations and calibration parameters; however, the relationship between the numbers, equifinality, and uncertainty was not always conclusive. Model performance improved with increased numbers of calibration parameters and observations, and substantial equifinality did neither necessarily mean bad model performance nor large uncertainty in the model outputs and parameters. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Parameter uncertainty involved in hydrological and sediment modeling often refers to the parameter dispersion and the sensitivity of the parameter. However, a limitation of the previous studies lies in that the assignment of range and specification of probability distribution for each parameter is usually difficult and subjective. Therefore, there is great uncertainty in the process of parameter calibration and model prediction. In this study, the impact of probability parameter distribution on hydrological and sediment modeling was evaluated using a semi-distributed model—the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and Monte Carlo method (MC)—in the Daning River watershed of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region (TGRA), China. The classic types of parameter distribution such as uniform, normal and logarithmic normal distribution were involved in this study. Based on results, parameter probability distribution showed a diverse degree of influence on the hydrological and sediment prediction, such as the sampling size, the width of 95% confidence interval (CI), the ranking of the parameter related to uncertainty, as well as the sensitivity of the parameter on model output. It can be further inferred that model parameters presented greater uncertainty in certain regions of the primitive parameter range and parameter samples densely obtained from these regions would lead to a wider 95 CI, resulting in a more doubtful prediction. This study suggested the value of the optimized value obtained by the parameter calibration process could may also be of vital importance in selecting the probability distribution function (PDF). Such cases, where parameter value corresponds to the watershed characteristic, can be used to provide a more credible distribution for both hydrological and sediment modeling.  相似文献   

Watershed simulation models are used extensively to investigate hydrologic processes, landuse and climate change impacts, pollutant load assessments and best management practices (BMPs). Developing, calibrating and validating these models require a number of critical decisions that will influence the ability of the model to represent real world conditions. Understanding how these decisions influence model performance is crucial, especially when making science‐based policy decisions. This study used the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model in West Lake Erie Basin (WLEB) to examine the influence of several of these decisions on hydrological processes and streamflow simulations. Specifically, this study addressed the following objectives (1) demonstrate the importance of considering intra‐watershed processes during model development, (2) compare and evaluated spatial calibration versus calibration at outlet and (3) evaluate parameter transfers across temporal and spatial scales. A coarser resolution (HUC‐12) model and a finer resolution model (NHDPlus model) were used to support the objectives. Results showed that knowledge of watershed characteristics and intra‐watershed processes are critical to produced accurate and realistic hydrologic simulations. The spatial calibration strategy produced better results compared to outlet calibration strategy and provided more confidence. Transferring parameter values across spatial scales (i.e. from coarser resolution model to finer resolution model) needs additional fine tuning to produce realistic results. Transferring parameters across temporal scales (i.e. from monthly to yearly and daily time‐steps) performed well with a similar spatial resolution model. Furthermore, this study shows that relying solely on quantitative statistics without considering additional information can produce good but unrealistic simulations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Model diagnostic analyses help to improve the understanding of hydrological processes and their representation in hydrological models. A detailed temporal analysis detects periods of poor model performance and model components with potential for model improvements, which cannot be found by analysing the whole discharge time series. In this study, we aim to improve the understanding of hydrological processes by investigating the temporal dynamics of parameter sensitivity and of model performance for the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model applied to the Treene lowland catchment in Northern Germany. The temporal analysis shows that the parameter sensitivity varies temporally with high sensitivity for three groundwater parameters (groundwater time delay, baseflow recession constant and aquifer fraction coefficient) and one evaporation parameter (soil evaporation compensation factor). Whereas the soil evaporation compensation factor dominates in baseflow and resaturation periods, groundwater time delay, baseflow recession constant and aquifer fraction coefficient are dominant in the peak and recession phases. The temporal analysis of model performance identifies three clusters with different model performances, which can be related to different phases of the hydrograph. The lowest performance, when comparing six performance measures, is detected for the baseflow cluster. A spatially distributed analysis for six hydrological stations within the Treene catchment shows similar results for all stations. The linkage of periods with poor model performance to the dominant model components in these phases and with the related hydrological processes shows that the groundwater module has the highest potential for improvement. This temporal diagnostic analysis enhances the understanding of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model and of the dominant hydrological processes in the lowland catchment. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This study evaluated the hydrological significance of mountain regions, comparing them with the lowlands of the Ebro River basin (northeast Iberian Peninsula). It was based on records obtained from measuring stations. An altitude of 1000 m above mean sea level was adopted as the criterion for distinguishing between lowland and mountain areas. We analysed 12 sub-basins whose rivers flow directly into the River Ebro, and which covered 66% of the total surface area, 91% of the mountain area and accounted for 77% of total annual runoff. For the River Ebro basin, we found that the mean precipitation depth, the runoff volume per unit of surface area, and the runoff coefficient were all greater in the mountains than in the adjacent lowlands, with respective differences of 70%, 180% and 60%. These results and the particular fragility of the Mediterranean mountain ecosystems confirm the mountain regions of the Ebro basin as strategic zones for hydrological and territorial planning.

Citation López, R. & Justribó, C. (2010) The hydrological significance of mountains: a regional case study, the Ebro River basin, northeast Iberian Peninsula. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(2), 223–233.  相似文献   

Uncertainty analysis in hydrological modeling would help to better implement decision-making related to water resources management, which relies heavily on hydrologic simulations. However, an important concern will be raised over the uncertainty associated with watershed subdivision broadly applied in distributed/semi-distributed hydrological models since scale issues would significantly affect model performance, and thus, lead to dramatic variations in simulations. To fully understand the uncertainty associated with watershed subdivision level, however, is still a tough work confronting researchers because of complex modeling processes and high computation requirements. In this study, we analyzed this uncertainty within a formal Bayesian framework using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method based on Metropolis–Hastings algorithm. In a case study using the semi-distributed land use-based runoff processes hydrologic model in the Xiangxi River watershed, results showed that the variation in the simulated discharges due to parameter uncertainty was much smaller than that due to parameter and model uncertainty under different watershed subdivision levels defined using aggregated simulation areas (ASAs). However, the posterior probability distribution of model parameters varied in response to subdivision levels, and four parameters (i.e. maximum infiltration rate, retention constant for slow store, maximum capacity for slow store, and retention constant for fast store) were identified with smaller uncertainty. Although the uncertainty in the simulated discharge due to parameter and model uncertainty varied little across subdivisions, the simulation uncertainty only due to parameter uncertainty was found to be reduced through increasing the subdivisions. In addition, the coarsest subdivision level (7 ASAs) was not sufficient for obtaining satisfying simulations in the Xiangxi River watershed, but inappreciable improvement was achieved through increasing the level among finer subdivisions. Moreover, it was demonstrated that increasing subdivision level would have no advantage of improving the reliability of hydrological simulations beyond the threshold (45 ASAs). The findings of this research may shed light on the design of operational hydrological forecasting in the Three Gorges Reservoir region with profound socio-economic implications.  相似文献   


An integrated model, combining a surface energy balance system, an LAI-based interception model and a distributed monthly water balance model, was developed to predict hydrological impacts of land-use/land-cover change (LUCC) in the East River basin, China, with the aid of GIS/RS. The integrated model is a distributed model that not only accounts for spatial variations in basin terrain, rainfall and soil moisture, but also considers spatial and temporal variation of vegetation cover and evapotranspiration (ET), in particular, thus providing a powerful tool for investigating the hydrological impact of LUCC. The model was constructed using spatial data on topography, soil types and vegetation characteristics together with time series of precipitation from 170 stations in the basin. The model was calibrated and validated based on river discharge data from three stations in the basin for 21 years. The calibration and validation results suggested that the model is suitable for application in the basin. The results show that ET has a positive relationship with LAI (leaf area index), while runoff has a negative relationship with LAI in the same climatic zone that can be described by the surface energy balance and water balance equation. It was found that deforestation would cause an increase in annual runoff and a decrease in annual ET in southern China. Monthly runoff for different land-cover types was found to be inversely related to ET. Also, for most of the scenarios, and particularly for grassland and cropland, the most significant changes occurred in the rainy season, indicating that deforestation would cause a significant increase in monthly runoff in that season in the East River basin. These results are important for water resources management and environmental change monitoring.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   

The role of lithology in influencing basin form and function is explored empirically by investigating correlations between a range of catchment variables, where the spatial unit of analysis is not surface catchments but lithologically coherent groundwater units. Using the Thames basin, UK, as a case study, nine groundwater units have been identified. Values for 11 hydrological and geomorphological variables, including rainfall, drainage density, Baseflow Index, aquifer porosity, storage coefficient and log‐hydraulic conductivity, aquifer and drainage elevation, river incision, and hypsometric integral have been estimated for each of the groundwater units in the basin, and Pearson correlation coefficients calculated for all pairs of variables. Seven of the correlation coefficients are found to be significant at a confidence level of > 99%. Negative correlations between drainage density and log aquifer hydraulic conductivity, and between drainage density and river incision, and positive correlations between log‐hydraulic conductivity and river incision, log‐hydraulic conductivity and Baseflow Index, and between Baseflow Index and river incision are inferred to have consistent causal explanations. For example, incision of rivers into aquifers leads to relative increases in hydraulic gradients in the vicinity of rivers which, in turn, promotes the development of secondary porosity increasing both aquifer hydraulic conductivity and, hence, Baseflow Index. The implication of this interpretation is that the geomorphological evolution of basins is intimately linked to the evolution of hydraulic conductivity of the underlying aquifers. This is consistent with, and supports the notion of a coupled complexly evolving surface water‐groundwater system. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effect of forests on annual water yield is an unresolved central issue in forest hydrology despite years of study. There has been a particular shortage of research in the mountains of arid inland river basins. In the present study, we examined the effects of forests on hydrology using data on precipitation, evaporation, canopy interception, transpiration, and runoff from 1994 to 2008 for the Pailugou catchment of northwestern China's Qilian Mountains. We modelled the water balance to assess the contribution of different vegetation types to annual water yield. In our study area, Picea crassifolia forest covered 38·5% of the catchment area, but contributed little to annual water yield. For an annual average precipitation of 407·1 mm (from 2003 to 2008) at an elevation of 2700 m, the runoff depth from the forest was 11·6 mm, accounting for only 3·5% of total annual water yield of the catchment. For an annual average precipitation of 374·1 mm (from 1994 to 2002), the runoff depth from the forest was ? 14·3 mm (i.e. 5·9% of total annual water yield of the catchment was consumed to sustain tree growth). This has significant implications, because forests are increasingly being planted in the Qilian Mountains, and this may decrease the downstream water supply. Thus, the relationship between the forest and water yield must be better understood to permit the establishment of an appropriate regional level of forest cover. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Images from satellite platforms are a valid aid in order to obtain distributed information about hydrological surface states and parameters needed in calibration and validation of the water balance and flood forecasting. Remotely sensed data are easily available on large areas and with a frequency compatible with land cover changes. In this paper, remotely sensed images from different types of sensor have been utilized as a support to the calibration of the distributed hydrological model MOBIDIC, currently used in the experimental system of flood forecasting of the Arno River Basin Authority. Six radar images from ERS‐2 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors (three for summer 2002 and three for spring–summer 2003) have been utilized and a relationship between soil saturation indexes and backscatter coefficient from SAR images has been investigated. Analysis has been performed only on pixels with meagre or no vegetation cover, in order to legitimize the assumption that water content of the soil is the main variable that influences the backscatter coefficient. Such pixels have been obtained by considering vegetation indexes (NDVI) and land cover maps produced by optical sensors (Landsat‐ETM). In order to calibrate the soil moisture model based on information provided by SAR images, an optimization algorithm has been utilized to minimize the regression error between saturation indexes from model and SAR data and error between measured and modelled discharge flows. Utilizing this procedure, model parameters that rule soil moisture fluxes have been calibrated, obtaining not only a good match with remotely sensed data, but also an enhancement of model performance in flow prediction with respect to a previous calibration with river discharge data only. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Methods for estimating the magnitude of extreme floods are reviewed. A method which combines a probabilistic storm transposition technique with a physically-based distributed rainfallrunoff model is described. Synthetic storms with detailed spatial and temporal distributions are generated and applied to the calibrated model of the Brue river basin, U.K. (area 135 km2). The variability of catchment response due to storm characteristics (storm area, storm duration, storm movement, storm shape and within storm variation) and initial catchment wetness conditions is investigated. A probabilistic approach to estimating the return periods of extreme catchment responses is suggested.  相似文献   

Selection of a flood frequency distribution and associated parameter estimation procedure is an important step in flood frequency analysis. This is however a difficult task due to problems in selecting the best fit distribution from a large number of candidate distributions and parameter estimation procedures available in the literature. This paper presents a case study with flood data from Tasmania in Australia, which examines four model selection criteria: Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Akaike Information Criterion—second order variant (AICc), Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) and a modified Anderson–Darling Criterion (ADC). It has been found from the Monte Carlo simulation that ADC is more successful in recognizing the parent distribution correctly than the AIC and BIC when the parent is a three-parameter distribution. On the other hand, AIC and BIC are better in recognizing the parent distribution correctly when the parent is a two-parameter distribution. From the seven different probability distributions examined for Tasmania, it has been found that two-parameter distributions are preferable to three-parameter ones for Tasmania, with Log Normal appears to be the best selection. The paper also evaluates three most widely used parameter estimation procedures for the Log Normal distribution: method of moments (MOM), method of maximum likelihood (MLE) and Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo method (BAY). It has been found that the BAY procedure provides better parameter estimates for the Log Normal distribution, which results in flood quantile estimates with smaller bias and standard error as compared to the MOM and MLE. The findings from this study would be useful in flood frequency analyses in other Australian states and other countries in particular, when selecting an appropriate probability distribution from a number of alternatives.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to understand the causal factors controlling the relationship between flood peaks and volumes in a regional context. A case study is performed based on 330 catchments in Austria ranging from 6 to 500 km2 in size. Maximum annual flood discharges are compared with the associated flood volumes, and the consistency of the peak–volume relationship is quantified by the Spearman rank correlation coefficient. The results indicate that climate-related factors are more important than catchment-related factors in controlling the consistency. Spearman rank correlation coefficients typically range from about 0.2 in the high alpine catchments to about 0.8 in the lowlands. The weak dependence in the high alpine catchments is due to the mix of flood types, including long-duration snowmelt, synoptic floods and flash floods. In the lowlands, the flood durations vary less in a given catchment which is related to the filtering of the distribution of all storms by the catchment response time to produce the distribution of flood producing storms.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   


The Kamp River is a particularly interesting case study for testing flood frequency estimation methods, since it experienced a major flood in August 2002. Here, the Kamp catchment is studied in order to quantify the influence of such a remarkable flood event on the calibration of a rainfall–runoff model, in particular when it is used in a stochastic simulation method for flood estimation, by performing numerous rainfall–runoff model calibrations (based on split-sample and bootstrap tests). The results confirmed the usefulness of the multi-period and bootstrap testing schemes for identifying the dependence of model performance and flood estimates on the information contained in the calibration period. The August 2002 event appears to play a dominating role for the Kamp River, since the presence or absence of the event within the calibration sub-periods strongly influences the rainfall–runoff model calibration and the extreme flood estimations that are based on the calibrated model.  相似文献   

The projected impacts of climate change and variability on floods in the southern Africa has not been well studied despite the threat they pose to human life and property. In this study, the potential impacts of climate change on floods in the upper Kafue River basin, a major tributary of the Zambezi River in southern Africa, were investigated. Catchment hydrography was delineated using the Hydro1k at a spatial resolution of 1 km. The daily global hydrological model WASMOD-D model was calibrated and validated during 1971–1986 and 1987–2001 with the simple-split sample test and during 1971–1980 and 1981–1990 with the differential split sample test, against observed discharge at Machiya gauging station. Predicted discharge for 2021–2050 and 2071–2100 were obtained by forcing the calibrated WASMOD-D with outputs from three GCMs (ECHAM, CMCC3 and IPSL) under the IPCC’s SRES A2 and B1 scenarios. The three GCMs derived daily discharges were combined by assigning a weight to each of them according to their skills to reproduce the daily discharge. The two calibration and validation tests suggested that model performance based on evaluation criteria including the Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient, Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r), Percent Bias and R 2 was satisfactory. Flood frequency analysis for the reference period (1960–1990) and two future time slices and climate change scenarios was performed using the peak over threshold analysis. The magnitude of flood peaks was shown to follow generalised Pareto distribution. The simulated floods in the scenario periods showed considerable departures from the reference period. In general, flood events increased during both scenario periods with 2021–2050 showing larger change. The approach in our study has a strong potential for similar assessments in other data scarce regions.  相似文献   

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