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Emerging commonalities between philosophical pragmatism and contemporary political thought suggest that those who find resonance in recent political theory will find in Deweyan pragmatism a fruitful source of insight and inspiration. Pragmatism’s commitments share deep affinities with parallel impulses in feminist and post-positivist thought animating engaged, activist scholarship inside and outside of geography. An ethic of radical equality applies equally, for Dewey, as a theory of democratic practice and a mode of being in the world.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):254-260

The rise of service-learning in higher education has been critiqued as little more than community service that encourages students to “do good,” but fails to generate original scholarship or social change. In this article, we argue that service-learning gives geographers the opportunity to challenge these critiques, by demonstrating the practical and political implications of collaborative research methodologies, while conveying powerful conceptual understandings of inequality. We begin by interrogating the philosophical overlap between experiential and service-based learning in the educational philosophy of John Dewey. Using this foundational approach, several theoretical and methodological debates in geography are examined, celebrating and drawing lessons from classic and current service-learning programs. We conclude with a discussion and reflection on experiences with implementing similar pedagogical projects.  相似文献   

Traditionally, academic evaluation of the world urban system has been based on economic approaches and focused on primary cities. However, the recent convergence between economic and cultural spheres, known in specialist literature as the ‘new economy’ or ‘cognitive–cultural capitalism’, requires the inclusion of secondary cities and cultural parameters, such as creative and cultural services, to obtain knowledge of the world urban system with greater accuracy. Accordingly, the authors have developed the Synthetic Index of Cultural Components (objective 1). Subsequent statistical treatment through a principal component analysis and a cluster analysis not only shows a representation of the multifunctional character of the world urban system (objective 2) but also identifies the cultural specializations that urban planners use to position cities worldwide (objective 3). The results demonstrate that the reputation of a city derives not only from its productive economic character but also from other cultural creative services that give meaning to its multidimensional perspective. The authors conclude that these services are empirically valid when the cultural dimension is measured, as they are illustrative of the cultural mechanisms that help cities to supply symbolic, experiential, and cultural capital, all of which are vital in the competitive context of globalization.  相似文献   

The article shows that although a large literature has been produced on the concept of urban governance, its meaning remains ambiguous. The aim of the article is not to ‘prove’ that there is confusion in the concept or to rectify that confusion, but rather to consolidate, categorise, and synthesise the many meanings of urban governance. The article argues that when the concept of ‘urban governance’ is regarded as a cluster of meanings, particularly as decentralisation, entrepreneurialism, and democratisation (DED) and repositioned in a broad political-economic and socio-cultural framework, its full tenor can be grasped for future research.  相似文献   

汪明峰  周媛 《地理研究》2022,41(2):373-289
近年来,旧城更新形成的文化创意产业园向旅游目的地转型已成为普遍趋势。既有研究对文创园区和旅游地形成的空间生产机制有所挖掘,但对文创产业园旅游转向的内生性动力的认识有待深入。本文结合列斐伏尔的三元空间理论和福柯的权力空间思想,采用实地调研、深度访谈与半沉浸式观察相结合的综合方法,从宏观-微观互动的角度对田子坊文创旅游空间的生产和演化机制进行研究。结果表明:① 各行动主体基于社会关系和空间主权形成权力-空间关系;② 为实现增长的集体目标,城市政府引导了具有生产性逻辑的空间制度设计,并与微观行动者进行权力的分配与互动,形成空间规训和生产机制;③ 在表征的空间中,商户的日常生活实践通过多样化的服从与抵抗的能动性策略,形成差异化的微观空间生产,推动文创旅游的空间实践与演化。研究还针对文创园区旅游化进程中存在的问题提供了治理启示。  相似文献   

John Dewey envisioned creative democracy as a process of agonistic engagement, and Bob Lake shares Dewey’s optimism for the possibilities of creative democracy. In this response, I suggest that scholars should look beyond the obvious moments of democratic political engagement, whether activism in the public square or in the occupied park, to pay attention to the quiet politics of the everyday, where everyday decisionmaking by individuals and communities can gradually, episodically, change dominant hegemonic norms and understandings, proviing new understandings for social change. I highlight several examples, including the Settlement house movement from the late 19th century and intentional neighboring from the twenty-first century, that illustrate the kind of daily work that brings together different social classes and ethnicities in a situation of sharing and working toward conditions of equality and new ways of living in the world.  相似文献   

On integrated urban and rural development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Cities and the countryside have long been an inseparable organic whole. China’s new model of high-quality urbanization requires integrated urban and rural...  相似文献   

<正> 城市道路是城市建设的重要组成部分,是体现城市面貌景观最直接的一面。城市道路的绿化,反映了一个城市的园林绿化水平,体现了城市的文化内涵。因此,道路绿化在城市大环境绿化中起到画龙点睛的作用,道路绿化的主体是植物,合理选择植物,科学和艺术地配置是实现道路绿化、美化功能的关键措施。  相似文献   

In this response to Ananya Roy’s plenary talk at the Association of American Geographers annual meeting in 2015, “What’s urban about critical urban theory,” I engage the work of Nancy Fraser and feminist epistemologists to argue for the necessity of a robust critical politics of recognition in knowledge projects with emancipatory aims. I question the political utility and empirical accuracy of the increasingly popular assertion that there is no analytical outside to the category “urban,” and argue, like many feminist, post-colonial, and anti-racist scholars before me, that attempts to construct a totalizing political subject have the effect of reproducing cultural misrecognition and are thus incompatible with emancipatory politics.  相似文献   

One significant effect of urbanization is the modification of natural surfaces, local environment, and thermal comfort. Farmland and agricultural land in Klang Valley conurbation, Malaysia have been replaced with engineered surfaces and infrastructures to accommodate the rapid population growth witnessed in the past decades. To understand the current environmental conditions of the conurbation, numerical Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model coupled to the Urban Canopy Model (UCM) was used. A model evaluation conducted against a network of observations showed an overall good performance of the model in predicting near-surface meteorological parameters. Also, an examination of spatiotemporal variability of urban parameters revealed a diurnal dependence of human physiological thermal conditions on urbanization level. A maximum urban heat island intensity (UHII) of ∼2.64 °C was observed. In an effort to investigate the effect of urbanization level on the extremities of urban climatic conditions, two different experiments with varying urban/vegetation fractions were further simulated. The latter results indicate that urbanization level has a significant effect on the extremities of urban climatological parameters and spatial extent of the induced impacts. Furthermore, the effect of urbanization level on the mean urban outdoor thermal discomfort (UOTD) level was significant (with an increase of 0.7 °C, 0.64 °C and 0.04 observed) for temperature humidity index (THI), effective temperature index (ETI) and relative strain index (RSI), respectively. However, a non-significant (at 95% level) effect of urbanization level on the extremities of UOTD indices was observed.  相似文献   

The media play a vital role in translating new events and experiences into the textual forms that are communicated to the public. As a result, media narratives have become sites of contestation with opposing groups attempting to frame them in a way that suits their political purposes. When a gold mining proposal to be based at Lake Cowal was rejected by the NSW government for ‘environmental reasons’, the reaction of newspapers circulated in townships near the proposed mine site was analysed for the month following the announcement. A pro‐mining regional hegemony dominated the newspaper texts and drew on three powerful myths prevalent in Australian rural society: ‘the rural identity’, ‘the glory of development’, and ‘the duties of democracy’. The pro‐mining groups use these myths to make their interests appear the same as community interests in an effort to silence opposing views and obtain total community support. The manner in which powerful members of the pro‐mining group were permitted to use the newspapers for their own ends brings forth questions of power and objectivity in the media of contemporary society.  相似文献   

苗长虹  王海江 《地理研究》2006,25(2):222-232
本文借助区域间相互作用的引力模型,对河南省省辖市之间以及它们与全国各省会城市之间的经济联系强度进行了计算,并利用河南省公路、铁路和航空客运方面的具体统计资料进行实证研究,验证了城市之间的经济联系强度与公路、铁路客运之间确实有着极强的线性相关性,由此建立了通过城市经济联系强度所占比例的大小来确定城市经济联系方向的研究方法。在此基础上,提出由经济联系强度占区域全部经济联系强度的比例来量化表征经济地理位置的思想,通过河南省区内和区际城市经济联系主要方向和强度的具体计算,表明中原城市群的形成及其与外部城市群的对接有其客观的人流联系基础。  相似文献   

We examine how normative constructions of ‘the creative city’ have entered into Australian planning discourses. Although welcoming a place-based approach, critical consideration is given to how the misappropriation of ‘place making’ in creative city revitalisation plans may enhance rather than address processes of social marginalisation. A Foucauldian framework is employed, exploring the notion of the social production of power through discourse. We draw on a case study of Wentworth Street, a key urban space in Port Kembla, the industrialised district of Wollongong, New South Wales. The study focuses on various ideas of a common place-making theme of the ‘urban village’ evoked by planners, the media and a targeted local resident group (here elderly Macedonians) for a street positioned in ‘crisis’ because of declining infrastructure, services and its association with crime, drugs and prostitution. The case study demonstrates that marginalisation and exclusions are products of creative city strategies and wider, more oppressive urban discourses. But we also demonstrate that despite becoming normative in the texts of planning policies, discourses of place and identity always remain multiple, negotiated, and contradictory.  相似文献   

中国城市文化创意产业现状、布局及发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张蔷 《地理科学进展》2013,32(8):1227-1236
城市文化创意产业正日益成为中国国民经济的重要组成部分和第三产业的支柱,中国共产党第十八次代表大会报告提出了大力发展文化创意产业、建设文化强国的战略决策,研究城市文化创意产业对促进城市产业升级转型、推进城市实现可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。本文在对城市文化创意产业基本内涵进行梳理的基础上,总结了中国城市文化创意产业发展的现状与存在的问题,并从国家宏观层面及城市层面揭示了文化创意产业的布局特点和模式。结果表明,中国城市文化创意产业呈持续快速发展态势,已成为大城市经济的支柱产业和转型发展的新动力,初步形成了六大文化创意产业集群,以及中心城区、中心城区外围、邻近高科技园和远郊县(区)四大空间布局模式。未来城市文化创意产业的发展需要进一步加大力度,着力将其培育成为城市经济的支柱;将创意人才培养作为发展城市文化创意产业的首要智力支撑;继续加强城市文化创意产业集聚区建设,形成集群化的空间发展格局;制定优惠政策,设立发展基金,为城市文化创意产业的发展提供资金保障;推动建立国际文化创意城市联盟,加速城市文化创意产业发展的国际化步伐。  相似文献   

<正> 资料的管理与服务两者是分不开的,资料的管理最终是为了服务。优质的服务工作是对管理工作的检验。 资料管理的创新主要在于拓宽收集的广度和加强收集的深度。在目前的条件下,重点采取新的收集手段和方法。首先调查有哪些学术数据库收录了专业的期刊文献资料,明  相似文献   

李也  龚咏喜  张兆东  冯长春 《地理学报》2018,73(11):2236-2249
城市土地利用的空间分布特征一直是城市地理和城市规划领域关注的重点问题,对城市土地利用空间模式的研究有助于理解城市系统的运行状态。在分析现有城市空间结构和城市土地利用模式的基础上,从两个方面对现有基于富集因子的分析方法提出改进,一是采用矢量网格以减少分析的误差,二是采用斜网格和曼哈顿距离来对空间临近关系进行界定。采用这一方法对深圳市2015年6类城市土地利用数据进行分析,得到邻里尺度上各类用地之间富集度随距离变化的3种模式。模式I中,同类用地间的富集度在短距离内较大,且其值随着距离的增加而减小并趋于0,表明同类用地间在较短距离内相互吸引,而吸引力随着距离增加而减弱。在不同类型用地间的模式II和模式III中,富集度在较短距离内为负值,但是在模式II中,富集度随着距离的增加而逐渐增加并趋于0,表明不同用地间短距离内相互排斥,且排斥作用随着距离增加而减弱;而在模式III中,富集度则随着距离增加而快速上升到正值,然后逐渐下降并趋于0,表明不同类型用地在较短距离内相互排斥,但随着距离增加很快变为相互吸引,最后吸引力随着距离增加慢慢减弱。结果表明,相对于基于栅格网的分析方法,基于矢量斜网格的分析方法能够显著降低分析误差。  相似文献   

This paper explores the ad hoc networks that form to move policies to new sites by examining the process through which the city of Bandung, Indonesia adopted a creative city policy. As revealed through the Bandung case, attention to the formation of these networks highlights the way that power operates within them, privileging certain ideas and structuring the ways in which information flows through their channels. This insight suggests that the concept of policy mobilities would be enriched by a closer attention to the way power is used to construct networks that promote specific policies and places as sites of ‘best practice’. Furthermore, this paper extends the concept of policy mobilities to a city ‘off the map’. In contrast to most existing policy mobilities research that tends to focus on the stable, large‐scale networks through which policies travel and on the high‐profile cities constructed as policy models, the case of Bandung provides a study of how policy mobilities may occur differently outside of its well‐established locations.  相似文献   

基于2000、2015年中国东中部地区261个地级市统计与土地利用数据,运用空间自相关模型,变异系数和三元协调度模型分析其城市人口、GDP和城市建设用地的空间集聚态势和非均衡变化过程,揭示人口城市化与土地城市化的协调程度。结果显示:(1)城市人口、GDP和建设用地的Moran’s I指数均为正值且2015年的值大于2000年的值,显示出明显的空间集聚特征,且在2000—2015年集聚特征不断加强;(2)城市人口密度和人均GDP的变异系数分别从2000年的1.38和0.91下降到2015年的0.96和0.70,地均GDP从1.32上升到1.77,表明城市人口密度和地均GDP的差异在逐步减小,但地均GDP的不均衡性却在增大;(3)2015年,共有171个地级市城市用地规模增长弹性系数小于1.12且人均城市用地小于115m2,但有104个地级市地均GDP在1000元/m2以下,表明虽然绝大部分地级市城市化规模和速率都在可控范围之内,城市用地经济产出仍然相对较低;(4)90%以上地级市的城市人口、GDP和城市建设用地三者在两个研究时间段内处于协调发展状态。  相似文献   

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