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This paper presents an analysis of the geography of the booming 'Islamic financial services' (IFS) sector, which provides a host of financial services based on Islamic religious grounds. The relevance of such an analysis is discussed against the conceptual backdrop of the world city network literature. It is argued that a focus on the globalisation of the IFS sector may provide an alternative to hegemonic geographical imaginations of world city-formation through its focus on other forms of globalising economic processes and regions that do not commonly feature in this literature. Based on information on the location strategies of 28 leading IFS firms in 64 cities across the world, we analyse different features of this decentred global urban geography. Manama is hereby identified as the Mecca of the IFS sector, while other major Gulf cities such as Dubai and Abu Dhabi are also primary nodes in this urban network. Other major Middle East North Africa (MENA) cities such as Tehran follow suit, but also more traditional financial centres such as London are well connected.  相似文献   

The article analyses ‘local content’ in the strategies of multinational corporations (MNCs). Local content is explored as a link between MNCs and growth poles emerging through contract systems that encourage regional firms to connect with global networks entering a region. With a theoretical starting point in literature on local content and growth pole development, the analysis contributes to developing theories of growth poles by adding novel elements such as MNCs’ procurement strategies and their influence on growth poles through local content in contracts. Three aspects of MNCs’ contracts able to secure local content and thus increase contributions from extraction projects to regional development processes are analysed: (1) whether and how MNC projects are divided into subcontract modules, (2) the position and use of framework contracts, and (3) how transportation costs to sites are included in the biddings. It is concluded that further research on MNCs and local content would need to be aware of the following: factors that facilitate or maintain discrimination between bidders included and not included in global networks; reasons why advantages of geographical proximity are underexposed; and how public authorities (states) establish rules that give equality to local enterprises in their competition with firms entering from outside.  相似文献   


The selling of naming rights to corporate sponsors has led urban policymakers to increasingly view the identities of public places as rent-generating assets to fund urban infrastructure. Yet few scholars have critically analyzed this emerging global trend of toponymic commodification and the seeking of “naming rent.” Through a combination of archival research, on-site field observations, and semi-structured interviews, this study examines how the practice of toponymic commodification is transforming the cultural landscapes of contemporary cities by considering two naming rights programs: Dubai’s Metro Naming Rights Initiative and the Sponsor Winnipeg Program. In each case, we explore the implications of commodifying public place names as well as the conflicting perceptions of such sponsorship programs. In doing so, the present study illustrates how the selling of naming rights is reshaping the built environment into a space of symbolic/economic capital transformations as brands become destinations and public places are reconceived as marketing opportunities.  相似文献   

The article departs from empirical studies of two competitive firms in an organisationally thin region in Norway. The main question in the article is how these firms have achieved global competitiveness. The article focuses its inquiry on how the firms organise their innovation activity, giving special attention to the firms' organisational learning and absorptive capacity. It is found that find that workplace learning enables the firms to utilise knowledge in uncommon ways. The learning rests on specific organisational traits in the firms, such as broad participation, long-term on-the-job training, the use of practice-based knowledge in innovation projects, and links to national and global knowledge sources. The characteristics of thin regions indicate that these traits make up a generally applicable strategy in such regions.  相似文献   

全球生产网络中企业去地方化的形式与机理研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
经济活动的去地方化既是生产活动的空间转移过程,也是企业供应链在不同空间尺度的分离与再组合的功能整合过程,并且对地方产业的前后向联系、社会资本和就业等方面产生影响。在文献综述的基础上,提出在全球生产网络中企业去地方化的动力主要是网络权力的拉力和社会资本的粘性。在两种力的相互作用过程中,产生了不同的网络权力的依赖关系,形成了不同类型的企业去地方化形式。企业去地方化可能会导致地方生产网络断裂,并且由于去地方化形式的不同,对企业经济绩效和地方集聚经济产生的影响也不同。最后,对中国沿海外贸加工业的去地方化情况和发展前景进行了初步思考。  相似文献   

中国企业赴新加坡上市格局的演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业海外上市的地点选择是金融地理学关注的重要问题。中国有大量的企业在海外上市,其中新加坡是最重要的海外上市地点之一,但是近几年其吸引力有所下降。本文首先分析中国企业在新加坡上市的时间、空间以及行业结构变化历程,在此基础上探讨新加坡成为我国企业海外上市重要目的地以及近期地位下降的原因。凭借与中国在地理、文化和语言等方面的邻近性及产业上的相似性、较为宽松的上市条件、证券交易所积极的市场营销、来自新加坡的风险投资机构的推动以及地方企业集群的模仿领袖效应,新加坡在很长一段时间都是我国企业海外上市的重要目的地之一。2007年以后,新加坡证券交易所对中国企业的吸引力明显下降,主要是由全球金融危机造成资本市场低迷、全球各大交易所间竞争加剧和中国概念股在新加坡金融市场融资不畅等原因造成。结论部分指出,新加坡原有的吸引中国企业前去上市的优势已逐步丧失,企业应理性对待上市。此外,海外上市对全球金融地理格局有深远影响,值得更多国内地理学者进行研究。  相似文献   

A new mapping of the world for the new millennium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new mapping of the world derived from connections between cities is presented as a complement to the traditional world map of countries. Under conditions of contemporary globalization world cities have emerged as global service centres. These have been created by the location strategies of leading corporate service firms (e.g. in accountancy) in setting up their global office networks. Data on the offices of 46 global service firms in 55 world cities are used to define service connections between cities. Connections are converted into measures of network proximity and a multidimensional scaling is applied to these 'distances' to create a 'global service space' of cities. This new mapping of the world shows a distinctive centric structure with the major world cities (e.g. London) at the core. Investigation of this general structure reveals more subtle patterns of interacting regional and hierarchical tendencies.  相似文献   

In view of a globalizing marketplace and the continual need for market intelligence, firms seek venues in which to access cost effective, functional information. Significant sources of such knowledge, especially in tacit form, can be found within temporary clusters: international trade fairs. This article explores how firms in the solar photovoltaic (PV) industry use educational programs held during a trade fair as a means of information acquisition and exchange, providing a new angle to research on the economic geographies of these events, especially in terms of learning processes. Specifically, it analyzes how firms use educational programs to access remote knowledge (i.e., tacit information unavailable in a local context) in these temporary, spatially confined environments. Analyses of firm-level survey data gathered at a recent solar industry trade fair revealed that there is a significant effect of educational program participation on accessing remote knowledge. The results provide evidence that firms participate in trade fair educational programs to access remote knowledge that is critical to international success. Key Words: educational programs, knowledge exchange, remote knowledge, trade fairs.  相似文献   

Elora Raymond 《Urban geography》2017,38(9):1374-1392
The housing crisis left some metropolitan areas littered with partially constructed subdivisions and developments. Most of these failed developments were built by small construction firms reliant on small banks for finance. Failed construction projects became bank-owned real estate (REO), prolonging the crisis and contributing to an uneven recovery. But there is little research on the spatial distribution or financial processes driving construction REO. I use a finance-as-spatial fix theorization to describe increasing interrelation between construction lending and global capital markets through wholesale funding, and the subsequent buildup of construction REO. Wholesale funding allows small banks to access money markets. Controlling for economic growth, the home price bubble, and financial institutions, I use a national panel regression to identify key factors associated with high levels of construction REO in urban areas. Consistent with a finance-as-spatial-fix analysis, the strongest determinant of construction REO was the type of capital flows into small banks.  相似文献   

Relational Cities: Doha,Panama City,and Dubai as 21st Century EntrepÔts   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In a dynamic global economy, emergent configurations of capitalist production produce novel spatial assemblages and correspondingly unique geometries of power. The “global cities” literature frames these transformative processes in terms of hierarchical world urban systems, providing a clear theoretical path to understanding the local implications of global spatial restructuring. This article develops the concept of the “relational city” as a transnational urbanist approach to understanding a particular subset of cities that are emblematic of the spatial transformations manifest through advanced capitalism. Relational cities are those constituted through globally critical flows of capital, goods, and ideas, and whose economies are dedicated to intermediary services such as offshore banking, container- and bulk-shipping, and regional re-exportation. Similar to gateway cities and entrepôts, relational cities are found eccentrically at one end of a fan-shaped network, connecting the global economy with a regional economic matrix. Drawing upon Doha, Dubai, and Panama City as illustrative case studies, this article suggests a new way of understanding urban change in a global context while simultaneously moving beyond the recurrent focus on the top-tier financial world cities of the Global North.  相似文献   

Although primarily concentrated in countries with Muslim majorities, Islamic finance has become a global industry representing both a decentering of the global financial architecture and the emergence of an urban network that resides beyond the confines of traditional world city literature. While geographers have identified the “Mecca’s” of the Islamic finance industry – one of which is Bahrain – there remains a need to identify the factors necessary to create and sustain centers of Islamic finance. This paper examines these factors through a firm-level survey of foreign and local Islamic financial institutions in Bahrain, in conjunction with key informant interviews with representatives of these firms. We find that while Bahrain’s entrenched institutional advantages have preserved its role as a center in the Islamic financial landscape, ongoing political instability and the increasing attractiveness of new and emerging centers are threatening this role. As the country navigates the current social and political unrest, questions are raised as to what it takes to be an Islamic financial center.  相似文献   

This study examines the spatiality of interlocking directorates of Canadian companies, with particular emphasis given to international interlocks. From a geographical standpoint, do these connections to foreign firms reinforce the importance of Canada’s top corporate cities as ‘gateways’ to international business? Is there a geography associated with the interlocking to these gateway cities? Findings build on James O. Wheeler’s body of research focused on corporate headquarters. This study is placed within the context of the current economic geography dialogue. Particular focus is placed on Saxenian’s theory of brain circulation, wherein she argues that individuals with international experience serve as brokers linking domestic businesses with those in distant regions. A further purpose of this study then is to examine Saxenian’s argument in the context of Canadian corporations. First, is there a geographical association between directors’ foreign educations and where Canadian firms are interlocked to internationally? Second, the corporate performance of Canadian firms interlocked internationally will be measured against those firms that are not. It seems logical to assume that increased connections would yield more diverse and rich knowledge, which could lead to better decisions, and thus corporate performance, in today’s global world. But does it? This study finds that being linked to an international company through a common director did translate into more profitability for Canadian firms. Findings also revealed a geographical link between international interlocks and a director’s foreign education. However, when Canadian firms were interlocked with an international company with a director who had international education, greater profits did not necessarily result.  相似文献   

经济地理学中的“本地蜂鸣-全球管道”模型解释了本地企业如何通过长期互动学习,逐步形成有利于企业全球化的重要知识俘获渠道。中小企业因自身能力和国际化经验的缺乏,往往会规避时间成本和风险,另辟蹊径地实施国际化战略。本文以浙江省和德国石荷州国际友好关系为例,通过田野调查和对利益相关人的深度访谈,对该关系框架下浙江中小企业“走出去”过程中的知识俘获机制进行分析。结果显示:①国际区域友好相关机构扮演着“知识守门员”角色,为双边中小型企业的全球化提供准确的、高效的和定制化的信息。②国际区域友好关系推动基于政府担保的、多方参与的“全球蜂鸣”空间形成,使得企业以较低成本获得社会、认知和组织临近,以此俘获“走出去”的关键知识;③国际区域友好关系为两地搭建一种新型的“全球管道”,有利于形成面向“精准全球化”的动态蜂鸣社群。本研究强调:地方政府主导的国际区域友好关系是中小企业“全球管道”构建的重要制度平台,这种“全球蜂鸣-全球管道”知识动态模式是对传统“本地蜂鸣-全球管道”概念的重要补充。  相似文献   

Karlsen, A. & Nordhus, M. 2011. Between close and distanced links: Firm internationalization in a subsea cluster in Western Norway. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift–Norwegian Journal of Geography Vol. 65, 202–211. ISSN 0029-1951.

The cluster concept has attracted attention from scholars and become increasingly popular in regional politics, as exemplified by The Norwegian Centres of Expertise programme. External linkages of cluster firms have become a concern inspired by the notions ‘local buzz’ and ‘global pipelines’. Viable clusters are dependent on the quality of both internal industrial environment and external linkages. The article focuses on internationalization of SMEs from a cluster perspective and discusses how cluster firms take advantage of different dimensions of proximity in their internationalization endeavours. By applying the industrial network approach, firms’ strategies and positions at different stages of internationalization are integrated in the analysis. The cases are four SMEs located in a ‘subsea cluster’ close to Bergen, Norway. Data were collected through interviews with top managers and observations during cluster-related meetings. The cases differ with regard to size and international experiences. Firms that are highly internationalized rely on cognitive or organizational proximity when they internationalize further. Such firms provide opportunities for other cluster firms. In contrast, less internationalized firms rely on social and institutional types of proximity. As they collaborate with larger and more experienced cluster firms they can skip some of the resource-demanding steps in the internationalizing process.  相似文献   

San Francisco is now widely considered to be the most important city in the world for the location of new technology start-up firms, especially high valuation “unicorns,” and is increasingly seen as both a locational and metaphorical extension of Silicon Valley. In this paper, I trace some of the political strategies and tensions that have accompanied the city’s prominence in this area, and in particular the distinctive role of technology and venture capital in the political economy of urban development. The paper has four empirical sections. It describes (1) the political machinations surrounding the 2011 and 2015 municipal elections, which saw the election of Ed Lee as Mayor with significant support from individual technology investors such as Ron Conway and Marc Benioff, and accompanied by various “tech-friendly” policy shifts; (2) the foundation of the “tech chamber of commerce” sf.citi as a means of enhancing the policy influence of the tech industry in San Francisco; (3) the introduction of a low taxation regime in the city’s Central Market area that has attracted technology companies such as Twitter as tenants; and (4) the urban policy tensions associated with the evolution of new “sharing economy” firms such as Uber and Airbnb, which have aggressively challenged municipal regulations in the taxi and property rental fields. Throughout these machinations, we can see a reshaping of capital fractions, with venture and angel capital increasingly involved in reengineering the labor, housing, and public transport markets of the city in order to circumvent the accumulation problems that tech investors had suffered in the earlier dot.com failures.  相似文献   

As a product, wine is closely associated with place. The industry has devised various strategies in order to delimit space and create places that are marketable as brands. Although demarcated by supposedly ‘natural’ features, these spaces are socially constructed in order to maximise accumulation. This article reports on the use of place-making strategies in the case of the New Zealand wine sector and the role of capital and agency in their production. Two case studies—Martinborough and Gimblett Gravels—are offered where contrasting geographical strategies have been employed. The work concludes that the employment of flexible delimitation is a strategy that allows contestation in creatively destructive ways. Such an approach allows for specialised identity construction within the framework of semi-porous boundaries. This calls for local economic policy that sits between the two extremes of open-ended neoliberal capital accumulation and arbitrary regional planning.  相似文献   

陈品宇  李鲁奇 《热带地理》2019,39(5):625-634
区域的社会建构议题较少得到国内学者的关注。既有关于粤港澳大湾区的研究,也鲜有涉及具体城市政府的行动和策略。为此,文章采取政策话语分析方法探索佛山融入粤港澳大湾区建设的政策和策略响应,作为弥补上述问题的文献空白。研究发现,佛山把区域身份建构为粤港澳大湾区西部核心城市,从战略统一上确定了佛山融入粤港澳大湾区的策略和行动方向。佛山与不同城市和区域之间建立关系网络,形成不同尺度作用下的区域合作地域载体。表现为3个方面:1)在城市尺度上,佛山与广州、深圳、香港和澳门等城市建立合作联系,建设三龙湾高端创新集聚区为地域载体,将松散的资源重新盘整,进一步提高统筹地区发展和聚集资源要素的能力,培育新的地方增长极以保持竞争优势。2)在区域尺度上,佛山与广西和贵州建立合作联系,建设佛山西站枢纽新城为地域载体,连接西南地区,把粤桂黔高铁经济合作带作为其经济腹地。3)在全球尺度上,佛山与德国建立合作联系,建设中德工业服务区为地域载体,创造地方-全球尺度的连接渠道,嵌入全球的市场经济。佛山案例展示了区域作为不同尺度上多个行动者的节点汇合,如何把区域资产与国家和跨国经济联系起来,从而生产与再生产新国家空间。文章回应了新区域地理学从社会建构主义视角审视区域发展问题,也回应了中国城市网络研究的最新呼吁。在实践中为其他城市如何融入粤港澳大湾区建设乃至区域发展问题提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

符文颖  吴艳芳 《地理学报》2017,72(8):1361-1372
外资知识密集型制造业进入中国市场,对中国制造业升级转型起着一定的作用。本文围绕区域制度环境和区域吸收能力,探讨影响知识密集型企业进入方式的区域环境,旨在揭示知识密集型产业的外商进入方式的地理驱动机制,有利于加深理解在经济发展方式转型的时代背景下,区域与城市获得外生技术发展动力的机制。采用从1982-2014年德国在华投资企业数据库,结果发现,德国知识密集型制造企业在中国的投资呈现由沿海地区向内陆地区扩张、沿海中心城市向周边城市扩散的时空趋势,并且在1995年后,其进入方式从合资为主向独资为主转变。逻辑计量模型显示,德国知识密集型制造企业的进入方式受到多项区位因子的影响,其中地方人力资源水平和产业专业化水平是知识密集型制造企业选择以合资方式的进入中国市场的重要区位因素,表明区域知识吸收能力是形成全球—地方战略协同的关键变量;另一方面,实际使用外资存量和地方专利授权量这两个区位影响因素则会显著促成知识密集型制造企业采用独资的进入决策,反映了区域制度环境对吸引以知识产权保护为战略核心的知识密集型制造业的作用。  相似文献   

Carlsson, E. & Dale, B. 2011. Internationalization of knowledge-intensive SMEs: The case of petroleum-related suppliers. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift–Norwegian Journal of Geography Vol. 65, 191–201. ISSN 0029-1951.

The internationalization of the knowledge-intensive industries, which predominantly consist of SMEs, has received increased attention recently. However, the existing body of theories of internationalization is not adequate for our understanding of multifaceted knowledge-intensive industries. The authors aim to shed light on knowledge-intensive SMEs’ internationalization and thereafter to illuminate recent theories with a relational perspective on firms and discuss their fruitfulness regarding the internationalization of SMEs of this type. Empirical data are drawn from a case study of 10 Norwegian firms, located in Trondheim, that are connected to the petroleum industry through subcontracting technology and services. The study indicates that the firms based their internationalization processes on a complex mix of modes or strategies, none of which were mutually exclusive. Planned strategies as well as coincidental processes and events seem to have influenced the internationalization decisions. It is argued that in order to understand the contingencies that may affect the process of internationalization, the concept of ‘preactivity’ may be a useful addition to the more well-known concepts of ‘reactive’ and ‘proactive’ strategies. Moreover, it is demonstrated that a relational approach is fruitful in order to understand internationalization processes among knowledge-intensive SMEs.  相似文献   

From Shanghai's Pudong to Dubai's Marina, waterfront developments are increasingly popular urban forms worldwide. Drawing on the literature on urban assemblages, I explore how urban waterfronts are produced out of the transnational assembling of models, knowledge and expertise. My case study here is Marina Bay, Singapore, a landscape that like much of the rest of Singapore is a product of talent and ideas from elsewhere. In this paper, two strategies employed by Singapore's urban authorities to court global expertise for Marina Bay's development are examined – their formation of an international panel of experts in the fields of urban planning, policy and design, and their launching of international competitions to attract top design firms. Like transfer agents that enable policies to travel, I argue that these individuals and firms are situated within wider knowledge circuits that straddle the globe, and are thus well placed to filter and channel ideas from elsewhere to Singapore. Drawing on selected developments within Marina Bay, I trace the routes taken by these ideas, the changes they underwent as they travelled, as well as their relationships with the actors that facilitated their journeys. In doing so, I hope to demonstrate the usefulness of understanding the urban as more‐than‐territorial in both theory and practice.  相似文献   

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