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Migration is primarily motivated by economic reasons, but people also move for a variety of other purposes, including a desire for political and economic freedom. Although freedoms are often thought of as dominant reasons for international migration in political states with federal systems of governments, migration across internal political borders also takes place to take advantage of local differences in political and economic regulations, taxes, and public goods. Using the combined Internal Revenue Service/Census Bureau state-to-state migration data for 1995 to 2010, we examine the relationship between economic freedom and migration and its impact on state-level income change. We find that economic freedom is positively associated with income change due to net migration but not associated with gains or losses from income differences between in- and outmigrants. In general, states with higher or lower levels of economic freedom gained or lost income due to migration.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between political uprising and megaproject-based global city reform in Paris and London. On the one hand, it considers the banlieue uprisings in Paris in November 2005 as an impetus for the Grand Paris renewal initiative launched in April 2007. This is compared with the large-scale reformations of space across London in advance of the 2012 Olympics as a contributing factor in the riots of August 2011. In both of these cases there is an integral though indirect link between urban planning and resistance. Engaging with Marxist political theory and critical urban geography, I argue that uprisings and global city developments relate in a mutually constitutive fashion. I also locate the suburbs, broadly defined, as an important site of contemporary political antagonism. I use the concept of “political topology” to suggest that global city pursuits present a new mode of uneven development that has not yet been adequately met in thought or practice. The two cases are thus used to open up to a more general analysis of twenty-first-century urban politics.  相似文献   

在科技革命重塑世界政经版图、区域集团化推动全球治理调整、大国博弈带来国际体系变革的背景下,梳理地缘经济研究脉络对于提升地缘经济理论品质具有重大意义。本文在厘清地缘经济思潮发展的基础上,借助Web of Science和CNKI数据库,运用知识可视化工具探究中西方地缘经济知识图谱的演进过程,研究结果如下:①在学术思潮发展层面,中西方地缘经济思潮经历了“萌芽期—发展期—回溯期”,萌芽期存在现实政治逻辑,发展期转向自由主义思潮,回溯期再度涌现国家政治内涵。②在时空演进层面,近年来西方地缘经济研究强度远高于国内,西方作者主要分布在美国、俄罗斯、英国和意大利,国内学者主要集中在中国科学院、云南师范大学、复旦大学等高校和科研机构。③在知识网络层面,地缘经济存在较强的学科交叉属性,拥有明确的知识基础,高被引文献源于政治学或地理学,形成以权力为逻辑基础、空间为逻辑起点、经济为逻辑主轴的知识架构,热点议题演进与学术思潮发展高度耦合,科技竞争将成为当前乃至未来很长一段时间的研究重点。最后,本文认为国内地缘经济研究应突破西方的理论桎梏,构建以合作共赢、开放发展为核心的理论体系,在方法论上应强化定量分析和实证研究。  相似文献   

Using a mixed set of ethnographic methods including interviews and a structured survey, we evaluate local perceptions about the sustainability of salmon fisheries among fishers of the Cook Inlet region of Alaska. A majority of residents report participating in these fisheries, but we find significant disagreement about their sustainability. Household income and the types of fishing practiced both influence people's responses, and many implicated specific user groups for overharvesting and/or for receiving unfair catch allocations. Drawing on the theoretical areas of information theory and political ecology, we argue that these findings reveal a complex interplay among the practical, social, and political aspects of how local resource users, or “local experts,” develop and communicate their assessments of ecological conditions in a context of conflict. We conclude with notes on future research as it relates to the successful design of local-management and co-management solutions, especially in settings where resources are contested by stakeholders.  相似文献   

Feminist geography and political geography still represent two solitudes within the discipline. While increased traffic between these different parts of the discipline points to a degree of intellectual engagement, there remains a paucity of feminist thought in political geography. This article examines recent scholarship on feminist political geography, with a view to applying its insights to the struggles to protest and end political violence. The concept of feminist geopolitics is employed and recast, both as a bridging concept between feminist and political geography and as an analytical approach that has political valence in the context of the war in Iraq. Feminist geopolitics is revisited in this article, but remains a critical analytic in relation to body counts and other casualties in war zones.  相似文献   


Feminist geography and political geography still represent two solitudes within the discipline. While increased traffic between these different parts of the discipline points to a degree of intellectual engagement, there remains a paucity of feminist thought in political geography. This article examines recent scholarship on feminist political geography, with a view to applying its insights to the struggles to protest and end political violence. The concept of feminist geopolitics is employed and recast, both as a bridging concept between feminist and political geography and as an analytical approach that has political valence in the context of the war in Iraq. Feminist geopolitics is revisited in this article, but remains a critical analytic in relation to body counts and other casualties in war zones.  相似文献   

俄乌冲突被广泛认为是冷战后欧洲最严重的地缘政治危机之一,不仅造成两国大量人员伤亡,也牵动了整个世界,引起中国、美国、欧盟和俄罗斯之间的复杂博弈,推动世界政治经济分裂和去全球化加速,因而可能成为冷战后全球势力格局演变的一道分水岭。本文运用经典地缘政治理论——麦金德的“心脏地带”理论来分析这场冲突的地理动力机制及时空规律,以助于认清复杂变局中中国面临的地缘安全风险和挑战。文章在回顾“心脏地带”理论核心要义的基础上,分别考察了该理论对俄罗斯和美国地缘政治思想和地缘战略实践的影响,最后分析了乌克兰在“心脏地带”中地理位置的特殊性及其在东西方力量博弈中的遭遇和处境。文章指出,从表面看,俄乌冲突发生于因历史问题分歧严重的两个东斯拉夫国家之间,但它的实质却是俄罗斯与北约长期对峙形成的结构性矛盾的总爆发,是“心脏地带”陆权力量与“边缘地带”海权力量两大板块相互挤压和对撞的结果,位于“心脏地带”与“边缘地带”结合部的乌克兰因此沦为大国地缘争斗的牺牲品。  相似文献   

Development and Governmentality   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
The subjectivity of individuals, the so‐called speakers and hearers of political discourse, who actually, or even ideally, populate a state, needs to be understood in terms of enunciative modalities ‐ the statuses, sites, and positions ‐ of their existence as political subjects. Enunciative modalities refer to the ways a discursive practice is attached to bodies in space (Clifford, 2001:56).Governmental thought territorializes itself in different ways… We can analyze the ways in which the idea of a territorially bounded, politically governed nation state under sovereign authority took shape… One can trace anomalous governmental histories of smaller‐scale territories… and one can also think of these [as] spaces of enclosure that governmental thought has imagined and penetrated… how [does it] happen that social thought territorializes itself on the problem of [for example] the slum in the nineteenth century (Rose, 1999:34–36)?  相似文献   

Human geography today exhibits unprecedented vitality and diversity. This survey first charts some major lines of research in the field in light of the ascendancy of critical theory, political economy, and poststructuralist thought, including feminism, the cultural turn, consumption, urban geography, and globalization. Next, it focuses on several “cutting‐edge” issues, such as race, postcolonialism, the social construction of nature, representations of space, and cyberspace. Finally, the article turns an eye toward the future, offering comments on the discipline's likely trajectories with regard to the blurring of traditional dualisms, methodological integration, and the lacunae of public policy and geographic education.  相似文献   

基于组织与机制的“地王”现象政治经济解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴启焰  曾文 《地理研究》2011,30(10):1847-1860
"地王"现象作为一种城市政治经济现象,是中国城市社会经济发展的必然结果。本文首先对国内外城市政治经济理论进行了回顾,然后运用其中的城市政体论与增长机器论对"地王"现象的上层建筑进行了解构,通过分析该现象背后各利益集团之间相互作用的机制,认为"地王"这一土地投机泡沫现象,是城市尺度内土地开发领域的各方政治经济群体博弈的城...  相似文献   

本文立足于政冶地理学的基本理论,从冷战后国际政治基本态势的分析入手,系统阐述了当前世界政治地理研究的基本任务,并在此基础上提出了当前及今后一段时期世界政治地理研究应以世界政治地理格局的演变、国家形成与消亡的地理政治背景、国际领土及边界争端和各国行政区划的基本原则为重点。  相似文献   

跨省区域治理:中国跨省都市圈经济整合的新思路   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
陶希东 《地理科学》2005,25(5):529-536
跨省都市圈日益成为中国区域经济发展的战略单元,如何处理行政区划与区域经济一体化之间的内在关系,实现空间经济整合是当前中国政界和学术界关注的焦点。通过辨析城市群、大都市区、大都市圈、大都市带等基本概念的基础上,界定了跨省都市圈的概念,并提出了成熟型跨省都市圈必须具备的6个基本条件。借助"行政区经济"理论,分析了当今限制中国跨省都市圈空间整合的瓶颈,认为各自为政的行政区划及其管理体制,极大地制约着跨都市圈经济的区域融合与一体化进程,在中国现有的政治管理体制下,单纯依靠传统的行政区划管理或政府管理,难以从根本上解决跨省都市圈内部存在的行政分割问题。根据西方较为流行的"治理"理论,提出了"跨省区域治理"的空间整合新思路,并按照市场经济的内在要求和规律,构建了"跨省区域治理"的基本框架体系,主要包括: ①跨省都市圈成员省市政府的现代区域治理理念体系;②跨省都市圈现代区域政治体系;③跨省都市圈现代区域市场经济体系;④跨省都市圈现代区域社会体系;⑤跨省都市圈现代城际合作体系。  相似文献   


Literature on environment-related outcomes highlights the role of political and religious factors—in particular, political orientation, party affiliation and biblical beliefs. Less is known about how these factors independently and interactively shape attitudes towards policy and environmental behaviors including how political factors may be moderated by religious beliefs. Using structural equation modeling and data from the 2010 GSS, we find that in the United States political orientation and party affiliation independently affect willingness to pay for the environment and to engage in pro-environmental behaviors. Biblical beliefs have no effect on behaviors, but strongly influence willingness to pay. Moreover, biblical beliefs moderate the effects of political orientation: the more politically conservative biblical literalist are the more willing they are willing to pay for the environment. We conclude with a discussion of these surprising results by calling for more intersectional approaches to environment-related behaviors and attitudes.  相似文献   


This intervention probes the hidden, political dimensions of planetary urbanization. Drawing on political theory, it approaches its analysis through the analytic of ‘the political,’ the dimension in which antagonism performs a constitutive function in the social order. In doing so the intervention throws into relief the ways in which group-based differentiation, conflict, and exclusion establish the conditions of possibility for ongoing transformations of urban agglomeration. It then develops a case for further exploring intersections of the political and capitalist agglomeration to generate new knowledge about current mutations in urban economies of space.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(2):113-114

A new political geography has emerged that stresses the political conflict behind the production of space. This orientation in the subdiscipline constitutes a turn away from traditional political geography, where the emphasis had previously been on the spatial distribution of political phenomena. The “new” political geographic theory has been applied to the study of environmental issues, turning the attention of scholars to the political struggle behind the construction of nature as well as space. This article reviews how the new political geography of the environment (NPGE) perspective has impacted the study of such environmental phenomena as hazards, siting issues, human-land relationships, resources, development, and international environmental governance. It concludes by suggesting how the NPGE perspective can inform pedagogy in environmental education.  相似文献   

我国近代(1840—1949年)人文地理学的发展概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
熊宁 《地理研究》1984,3(2):1-13
本文简述了中国近代经济地理、社会地理、政治地理和军事地理、历史地理的发展概况;並初步分析了当时中国社会的政治、经济情况,及其对中国人地思想发展的影响。  相似文献   

Zombies are in many ways the quintessential metaphor for contemporary security threats: They come seemingly out of nowhere, and assault and disperse without respect for national borders. This article details an undergraduate college course in geopolitics that combines a focus on popular geopolitics and international studies with zombies using Max Brooks’s bestselling horror novel World War Z. The global political order is becoming increasingly complex and rapid shifts in policy challenge students’ ability to connect theory with world events. Popular culture tropes, like zombies, can help explain theory and convoluted political relations in a way that students can understand and apply.  相似文献   

领土/领域是政治地理学的核心概念,领土陷阱是政治地理学的经典理论之一。论文系统整理了关于领土陷阱的成果文献,在此基础上梳理了领土陷阱理论的源起、发展及其研究议题进展,并对其借鉴意义进行了评述。John Agnew提出的领土陷阱理论基于3个地理假设:领土—国家—主权的“三位一体”、国内—国外的“二分法”、国家是社会的容器。领土陷阱驳斥了既有的国家中心主义领土观,强调重视领土主权之外的多种实效主权形式,如域外治权、分级主权、社会主权等。领土陷阱如今被广泛应用于全球治理、非传统安全、跨境移民、跨境资源保护、跨境水政治等多方面的议题,并随着时代发展展示出其强大的解释力。论文认为,领土陷阱相关研究的主张,如领土是主权的工具、要从领土主权和实效主权的复杂互动中理解领土问题、从中心和边缘的双向视角理解领土问题、从理性和历史情感中审视领土问题等,对于中国当下有效解决领土问题、推动“一带一路”倡议、践行“人类命运共同体”等具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

The paper examines the geographical work of Peter Kropotkin and Halford Mackinder, making clear the political choices behind their very different geographical imaginations. Both writers responded directly to Keltie's report on geographical education and the paper uses these manifestoes as the starting point for an analysis of their relations to geographical thought and geographical institutions.  相似文献   

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