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由波长7.7cm、10。6cm和21。1cm三台有秒级和毫秒级双通道接收机的射电望远镜为前端,一台八位微型计算机(YEE8100)及其接口、辅助功能电路等为后端,构成一个多通道快速数据采集系统,进行实时同步观测。  相似文献   

为了研究太阳射电活动的精细结构,对原来的射电辐射计进行了改装和扩充,并且增设了微型计算机及其接口电路,组成了快速数据采集系统。经过初步调试,投入试观测,由取得的资料说明,目前的软件和硬件功能基本上适用于高速记录系统,可以将这个项目的研究工作推向一个新的水平。  相似文献   

针对现有的GPS数据采集设备在数据共享、硬件兼容性和便携性方面存在不足的问题,提出一种新的GPS数据采集设备的设计方案。该设计在硬件上采用ARM微控器和SD卡储存器,软件上结合UC/OS-II嵌入式实时操作系统和FAT32文件系统。对样机的测试表明,满足设计要求,具有数据可共享,低功耗,兼容多种GPS-OEM板,便于携带的特点。  相似文献   

馈源是天文观测的核心设备,馈源的可靠更换和精确到位对接收微弱的射电信号有着至关重要的意义.以25 m大型射电望远镜为背景,设计了一套基于模糊PID控制的激光定位自动更换馈源控制系统,实现了对高频仓馈源的远程控制、快速精确定位和实时数据采集以及现场监控功能.论文在说明整个系统硬件架构的基础上,详细介绍了采用的模糊PID控制算法以及激光定位技术,仿真结果表明模糊PID算法的控制性能明显优于常规PID控制器,响应快、超调小、鲁棒性强,可提高馈源定位的精度和稳定性.  相似文献   

1m太阳望远镜的方位驱动控制系统采用液压轴承,液压系统正常工作时望远镜才能实现平稳旋转。可通过油压、油温监测液压系统的工作状态。针对原有液压系统不能提供其工作状态实时监测和自动化程度较低的缺陷,设计了液压监控系统并将其集成到望远镜控制系统中,可实现油压油温数据采集、油压异常报警、油泵自动启停等功能,保证液压轴承的安全运转。介绍了该监控系统的结构和工作原理,阐述了油压、油温数据采集系统的软硬件实现并给出了相应的实验数据和运行结果。理论分析和实验结果表明系统工作正常,数据采集速度快、分辨率高,精度可满足要求,能长期稳定运行。  相似文献   

本文介绍了SBG人造卫星照相机新计时系统中应用微型计算机进行数据采集和实时处理的原理和方法。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍基于科学CCD的低纬子午环数据采集系统的硬件构成及软件设计。为了能绝对而又精确地确定天体的位置 ,低纬子午环需要配备多种精密的测量装置 ,如 :GPS与时钟、 9路Reticon线阵、视频CCD、科学CCD、圆感应同步器、光栅线性位移传感器等。为了能有序地控制并采集这些装置的数据 ,我们设计了一个包含 3个PC机的数据采集与控制系统。文中将描述测量装置的功能 ,然后介绍数据采集方法及软件设计  相似文献   

本文主要介绍基于科学CCD的低纬子午环数据采集系统的硬件构成及软件设计。为了能绝对而又精确地确定天体的位置,低纬子午环需要配备多种精密的测量装置,如:GPS与时钟、9路Reticon线阵、视频CCD、科学CCD、圆感应同步器、光栅线性位移传感器等。为了能有序地控制并采集这些装置的数据,我们设计了一个包含3个PC机的数据采集与控制系统。文中将描述测量装置的功能,然后介绍数据采集方法及软件设计。  相似文献   

在VLBI(VeryLongBaselineInterferometry)数据采集终端中,用数字滤波代替模拟滤波有其显著的优势。本文首先介绍了国外在VLBI数据采集终端中采用数字滤波的进展情况,然后阐述了数字滤波在系统中的实现方案。实现数字滤波的关键是信号处理的速度,降低运算量是实现快速处理的关键,本文给出了实现FIR数字滤波器的3种结构,并在运算量方面进行了分析和比较。在这基础上,还对数字滤波的2种系统实现方案进行了具体分析。高性能的FPGA(FieldProgrammablegateArray)芯片是实现数字滤波器的较好选择,文章最后给出了基于FPGA芯片、用查表(LUT:LookUpTable)的方式实现的数字滤波系统框图。  相似文献   

本文介绍了上海天文台25米射电望远镜数据采集系统。包括采集系统组成部分、所用软件语言系统、数据采集程序及数据处理方法。 本系统曾成功地观测到1985—1986年哈雷彗星回归时的2.8厘米射电连续谱,证明该系统能将极其微弱的信号从强大的背景噪声中提取出来。  相似文献   

We report an analysis of the electromagnetic situation at RATAN-600 radio telescope over the 30-year period of operation of the complex of continuum radiometers. We analyze practical methods for mitigating radio interference ranging from the use of anti-interference adapters to incorporating fast digital signal processors into the standard data acquisition system.  相似文献   

硅微条探测器具有位置分辨高、响应快、低噪声、低功耗等优点,广泛应用在各大加速器试验中,测量粒子径迹.新世纪以来,逐渐应用于空间探测领域.计划中的"悟空"2号暗物质粒子探测卫星的硅微条探测器将至数十万计,将产生海量的原始数据.如何实现探测器快速实时的数据压缩,是其需要解决的一大难题.立足于面向空间应用的硅微条探测器在轨实时压缩算法,算法采用FPGA (Field-programmable Gate Array)搭建流水线结构的方式实现,在提高系统集成度、节省逻辑资源的同时,批量数据处理时最高可将数据压缩率提升至38.4 M通道/s.算法结构具有通用性,设计思想和方案将为"悟空"2号的径迹探测器的研制提供参考.  相似文献   

为了开展雷达天文科学研究, 将射电望远镜接收的雷达回波信号进行采集和记录, 研究基于SNAP (Smart Network ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) Processor)硬件实验板和快速存储服务器设计并开发了雷达天文基带数据采集与记录系统. 该系统采用CASPER (Collaboration for Astronomy Signal Processing and Electronics Research)提供的图形化FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)开发工具流, 设计了双通道、256MHz带宽信号采集和VDIF (VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) Data Interchange Format)基带数据输出固件程序; 基于HASHPIPE (High Availability SHared PIPeline Engine)多线程管理引擎开发了双万兆以太网口实时基带数据存储程序, 存储带宽达到1GB/s; 最后编写了VDIF格式到雷达天文格式的转换程序. 经过脉冲星信号观测实验检测, 该系统准确、可靠.  相似文献   

We have developed observational and data processingtechniques for detecting millisecond pulsars. Themethod of data processing consists in correlating timeseries of data by folding them in two steps accordingto a trial period. While very time consuming,especially for very short periods, this methods allowsus in principle to detect very fast and dispersedmillisecond pulsars. The experimental set-up has beenintegrated into a data acquisition system developed atCentre national d'études spatiales (CNES).Observations of known millisecond pulsars atNançay radio observatory are used to validate thesystem and assess the sensitivity of the survey, whichis 3.5 mJy for 240 sec of integration. Futureimprovements in the radio-telescope and the systemshould bring it down to below 1 mJy. The applicationof the method to a millisecond pulsar survey is underway at Nançay radio observatory in collaborationbetween the Bureau international des poids et mesure(BIPM), Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées (OMP), and CNES.  相似文献   

There is a widespread interest to digitize the precious information contained in the astronomical plate archives, both for the preservation of their content and for its fast distribution to all interested researchers in order to achieve their better scientific exploitation. This paper presents the first results of our large-scale project to digitize the archive of plates of the Italian Astronomical Observatories and of the Specola Vaticana. Similar systems, composed by commercial flat-bed retro-illuminated scanners plus dedicated personal computers and acquisition and analysis software, have been installed in all participating Institutes. Ad-hoc codes have been developed to acquire the data, to test the suitability of the machines to our scientific needs, and to reduce the digital data in order to extract the astrometric, photometric and spectroscopic content. Two more elements complete the overall project: the provision of high quality BVRI CCD sequences in selected fields with the Campo Imperatore telescopes, and the distribution of the digitized information to all interested researchers via the Web. The methods we have derived in the course of this project have been already applied successfully to plates taken by other Observatories, for instance at Byurakan and at Hamburg.  相似文献   

Apart from externally generated Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), the occurrence of self-interference is a major concern at any modern radio telescope site. Antenna servo motor controllers, data acquisition processors, and fast computing capabilities operate very close to extremely sensitive and wideband radio astronomical receivers. In this paper, we present a set of measurements of the RFI level generated by a cluster of computers that will be installed at the site of the Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT). The measured levels are compared to Recommendation ITU-R RA.769-2, which gives the threshold levels for interference detrimental to radio astronomy observations. Our analysis shows that, with proper shielding of the noisiest devices, it will be possible to preserve the present excellent RFI conditions of the SRT site.  相似文献   

Astrophysical studies require accurate, sensitive and fast detectors to detect faint sources with high variability. Recently an array of Single Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPAD), SPADA, has been developed. This array is suitable for competitive adaptive optics operations and fast transient image acquisition at a fraction of the current cost of imaging arrays. The fabricated solid-state photon counters are rugged, easily integrated with the optics, free from readout noise, and have very fast frame rates (> 10 kHz, for visible corrections) with nanosecond electronic gating. In this paper, the following are described: the development of silicon monolithic arrays of 60 photon-counters, the detection electronics (based on integrated active quenching circuits for each pixel of the array), the real-time data-processing board implemented into FPGA and some aspects of the mechanical housing.  相似文献   

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