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Lavas from Medicine Lake volcano, Northern California have been examined for evidence of magma mixing. Mixing of magmas has produced basaltic andesite, andesite, dacite and rhyolite lavas at the volcano. We are able to identify the compositional characteristics of the components that were mixed and to estimate the time lag between the mixing event and eruption of the mixed magma. Compositional data from pairs of phenocrysts identify a high alumina basalt (HAB) and a silicic rhyolite as endmembers of mixing. Mg-rich olivine or augite and Ca-rich plagioclase are associated with the HAB component, and Fe-rich orthopyroxene and Na-rich plagioclase are associated with the rhyolitic component. Some lavas contain multiple phenocryst assemblages suggesting the incorporation of several magmas intermediate between the HAB and silicic components. Glass inclusions trapped in Mg-rich olivine and Na-rich plagioclase are similar in composition to the proposed HAB and rhyolite end members and provide supportive evidence for mixing. Textural criteria are also consistent with magma mixing. Thermal curvature of the liquidus surfaces in the basalt-andesite-rhyolite system allows magmas produced by mixing to be either supercooled or superheated. Intergranular textures of basaltic andesites and andesites result from cooling initiated below the liquidus. The trachytic textures of silicic andesites form from cooling initiated above the liquidus. Reversed compositional zoning profiles in olivine crystals were produced by the mixing event, and the homogenization of the compositional zoning has been used to estimate the time interval between magma mixing and eruption. Time estimates are on the order of 80 to 90 h, suggesting that the mixing event triggered eruption.  相似文献   

Basaltic andesites are the dominant Tongan magma type, and are characterized by phenocrysts of augite, orthopyroxene (or rarely pigeonite), and calcic plagioclase (modally most abundant phase, and interpreted as the liquidus phase). The plagioclase phenocrysts exhibit slight oscillatory reverse zoning except for abrupt and thin more sodic rims, which are interpreted to develop during eruptive quenching. These rim compositions overlap those of the groundmass plagioclase. The pyroxene phenocrysts also exhibit only slight compositional zoning except for the outermost rim zones; the compositions of these rims, together with the groundmass pyroxenes, vary throughout the compositional range of subcalcic augite to ferroaugite through pigeonite to ferropigeonite, and are interpreted in terms of quench-controlled crystallization. This is supported, for example, by the random distribution of Al solid solution in the groundmass pyroxenes, compared to the more regular behaviour of Al in the phenocryst pyroxenes. The analysed Niua Fo'ou olivine tholeiites are aphyric; groundmass phases are plagioclase (An17–88), olivine (Fa18–63), titanomagnetite (usp. 59–73), and augite-ferroaugite which does not extend to subcalcic compositions; this is interpreted to be due to higher quenching temperatures and lower viscosities of these tholeiites compared to the basaltic andesites.Application of various geothermometers to the basaltic andesites suggest initial eruptive quenching temperatures of 1,008–1,124 ° C, plagioclase liquidus temperatures (1 bar) of 1,210–1,277 ° C, and orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene equilibration of 990–1,150 ° C. These calculated temperatures, together with supporting evidence (e.g. absence of olivine and amphibole, liquidus plagioclase, and plagioclase zoning patterns) are interpreted in terms of phenocryst crystallization from magmas that were either strongly water undersaturated, nearly anhydrous, or at best, water saturated at very low pressures (< 0.5 kb). This interpretation implies that these Tongan basaltic andesites did not originate by any of the currently proposed mechanisms involving hydrous melting within or above the Benioff zone.  相似文献   

Quaternary basalts, andesites and dacites from the Abu monogenetic volcano group, SW Japan, (composed of more than 40 monogenetic volcanoes) show two distinct chemical trends especially on the FeO*/MgO vs SiO2 diagram. One trend is characterized by FeO*/MgO-enrichment with a slight increase in SiO2 content (Fe-type trend), whereas the other shows a marked SiO2-enrichment with relatively constant FeO*/MgO ratios (Si-type trend). The Fe-type trend is explained by fractional crystallization with subtraction of olivine and augite from a primitive alkali basalt magma. Rocks of the Si-type trend are characterized by partially melted or resorbed quartz and sodic plagioclase phenocrysts and/or fine-grained basaltic inclusions. They are most likely products of mixing of a primitive alkali basalt magma containing olivine phenocrysts with a dacite magma containing quartz, sodic plagioclase and hornblende phenocrysts. Petrographic variation as well as chemical variation from basalt to dacite of the Si-type trend is accounted for by various mixing ratios of basalt and dacite magmas. Pargasitic hornblende and clinopyroxene phenocrysts in andesite and dacite may have crystallized from basaltic magma during magma mixing. Olivine and spinel, and quartz, sodic plagioclase and common hornblende had crystallized in basaltic and dacitic magmas, respectively, before the mixing. Within a lava flow, the abundance of basaltic inclusions decreases from the area near the eruptive vent towards the perimeter of the flow, and the number of resorbed phenocrysts varies inversely, suggesting zonation in the magma chamber.The mode of mixing changes depending on the mixing ratio. In the mafic mixture, basalt and dacite magmas can mix in the liquid state (liquid-liquid mixing). In the silicic mixture, on the other hand, the basalt magma was quenched and formed inclusions (liquid-solid mixing). During mixing, the disaggregated basalt magma and the host dacite magma soon reached thermal equilibrium. Compositional homogenization of the mixed magma can occur only when the equilibrium temperature is sufficiently above the solidus of the basalt magma. The Si-type trend is chemically and petrographically similar to the calc-alkalic trend. Therefore, a calc-alkalic trend which is distinguished from a fractional crystallization trend (e.g. Fe-type trend) may be a product of magma mixing.  相似文献   

The textures and kinetics of reaction between plagioclase and melts have been investigated experimentally, and origin of dusty plagioclase in andesites has been discussed. In the experiments plagioclase of different compositions (An96, An61, An54, An23, and An22) surrounded by glasses of six different compositions in the system diopside-albite-anorthite was heated at temperatures ranging from 1,200 to 1,410° C for 30 min to 88 h. Textures were closely related to temperature and chemical compositions. A crystal became smaller and rounded above the plagioclase liquidus temperature of the starting melt (glass) and remained its original euhedral shape below the liquidus. Whatever the temperature, the crystal-melt interface became rough and often more complicated (sieve-like texture composed of plagioclase-melt mixture in the scale of a few m was developed from the surface of the crystal inward; formation of mantled plagioclase) if the crystal is less calcic than the plagioclase in equilibrium with the surrounding melt, and the interface remained smooth if the crystal is more calcic than the equilibrium plagioclase. From these results the following two types of dissolution have been recognized; (1) a crystal simply dissolves in the melt which is undersaturated with respect to the phase (simple dissolution), and a crystal is partially dissolved to form mantled plagioclase by reaction between sodic plagioclase and calcic melt (partial dissolution). The amount of a crystal dissolved and reacted increased proportional to the square root of time. This suggests that these processes are controlled by diffusion, probably in the crystal.Mantled plagioclase produced in the experiments were very similar both texturally and chemically to some of the so-called resorbed plagioclase in igneous rocks. Chemical compositions and textures of plagioclase phenocrysts in island-arc andesites of magma mixing origin have been examined. Cores of clear and dusty plagioclase were clacic (about An90) and sodic (about An50), respectively. This result indicates that dusty plagioclases were formed by the partial melting due to reaction between sodic plagioclase already precipitated in a dacitic magma and a melt of intermediate composition in a mixed magma during the magma mixing.  相似文献   

Summary Quaternary calc-alkaline andesites erupted form three neighboring volcanoes along the Guatemalan volcanic front have mineralogic compositions and textures which show varying degrees of disequilibrium. Basaltic andesites and andesites (SiO2 % = 50–59), erupted from Atitlán volcano located nearer to the trench, have the lowest degree of disequilibrium. These lavas contain an anhydrous phenocryst assemblage of mildly bimodal plagioclase, olivine, augite opx, and magnetite. Orthopyroxene occurs at the expense of olivine with increasing whole rock SiO2. Most pyroxene phenocrysts show a trend of Fe enrichment.Andesites from Tolimán (SiO2% = 53–62) and San Pedro (Si02% = 54–67) volcanoes, located further away from the trench, show comparatively high and moderate degrees of disequilibrium, respectively. Tolimán andesites have bimodal plagioclase compositions and textures. Olivine persists with increasing whole rock Si02 and lacks clear modal relations with coexisting orthopyroxene and hornblende phenocrysts. When compared to Atitlán andesites, Toliman olivines are more forsteritic and pyroxenes contain higher proportions of Mg-rich rims, though normal zoned phenocrysts occur within the same rock. Tolimán andesite also have lower proportions of phenocrysts to microphenocrysts, more calcic plagioclase groundmass compositions, and higher modal phenocrystic magnetite. San Pedro andesites have disequilibrium assemblages similar to Tolimán andesites but are not as striking.Magma mixing is proposed as the dominant cause for observed disequilibrium. Disequilibrium features are preserved best in Tolimán and San Pedro andesites because inferred durations between mixing and eruption are shortest, and consequently, these mixed andesites more clearly record mafic and silicic endmember compositions. The mafic component is a relatively high temperature, high-Al basalt containing phenocrysts of Mg-rich olivine (Fo = 78–80), calcic plagioclase (An 70–80), augite and titanomagnetite. The silicic component contains quartz, sodic plagioclase (An 40–50), Fe-rich orthopyroxene and titanomagnetite. Short durations between mixing and eruption produce petrographic features which, in part, mimic the effects of increasing PH20 in a fractionating magma. Inferred mixing durations for Atitlánn andesites are longer and involve a less-silicic composition. The intervolcano disequilibrium relations suggest that as Si02 in a silicic endmember increases, the duration and efficiency of mixing decreases.
Mineral-Reaktionen und Magma-Mixing in Kalk-Alkali-Andesiten vom Atitlan See, Guatemala
Zusammenfassung Quartäre Kalk-Alkali-Andesite von drei benachbarten Vulkanen aus dem Guatemala Vulkan-Gürtel zeigen anhand ihrer mineralogischen Zusammensetzung und ihrer Textur variierende Bedingungen des Ungleichgewichts. Basalt-Andesite und Andesite (SiO2% = 50–59), die aus dem dem Trench am nächsten gelegenen Vulkan Atitlan eruptierten, lassen den niedrigsten Grad an Ungleichgewicht erkennen. Diese Laven führen eine Phenokristall-Assoziation bestehend aus leicht bimodalem Plagioklas, Olivin, Augit, Orthopyroxen und Magnetit. In Gesteinen mit steigendem GesamtgesteinsSiO2, tritt Orthopyroxen auf Kosten des Olivins auf. Die meisten Pyroxene zeigen einen Trend zur Fe-Anreicherung. Andesite vom Toliman (Si02% = 53–62) und vom Vulkan San Pedro (Si02% = 54-67), die beide weiter vom Trench entfernt liegen, zeigen hohen bzw. mittleren Grad an Ungleichgewicht. Die Toliman Andesite sind durch bimodale Zusammensetzung der Plagioklase und Textur gekennzeichnet. Olivin bleibt auch bei steigendem SiO2-Gehalt bestehen, und zeigt hinsichlich seiner Zusammensetzung keine Verbindung mit koexistierenden Phenokristallen von Orthopyroxen und Hornblende. Im Vergleich zu den Atitlan Andesiten, weisen Toliman Olivine höheren Forsteritgehalt auf, die Pyroxene zeigen häufiger Mg-reiche Ränder, obwohl normal zonierte Phenokristalle auch im selben Gestein auftreten. Die Toliman Andesite sind durch ein kleineres Verhältnis von Phenokristalle/Mikrophenokristalle, höheren Ca-Gehalt der Matrix-Plagioklase und höheren Gehalt an Magnetit-Phenokristallen gekennzeichnet. Die San Pedro Andesite zeigen Ungleichgewichts-Paragenesen vergleichbar mit denen der Toliman Andesite, jedoch nicht so auffallend. Es ist zu vermuten, da\ Magma-Mixing vorwiegend für die UngleichgewichtsParagenesen verantwortlich ist. Die Toliman- und San Pedro Andesite zeigen die best erhaltenen Anzeichen für Ungleichgewicht, da vermutlich der Zeitraum zwischen Magma-Mixing und Eruption am kürzesten gewesen ist, weshalb diese Andesite die gemischten mafischen bzw. salischen Endglieder am besten widerspiegeln. Das mafische Endglied ist ein Al-reicher Hoch-Temperatur-Basalt, der sich aus Phenokristallen von Mg-reichem Olivin (Fo = 78–80), Ca-reichem Plagioklas (An 70–80), Fe-reichem Orthopyroxen und Titanomagnetit zusammensetzt. Das salische Endglied besteht aus Quarz, Na-reichem Plagioklas (An 40–50), Fe-reichem Orthopyroxen und Titanomagnetit. Aufgrund des kurzen Zeitabstandes zwischen Magma-Mixing und Eruption entstehen petrographische Strukturen, die den Effekt von steigendem PH20 in einem fraktionierenden Magma widerspiegeln. Es wird vermutet, da\ bei den Atitlan-Andesiten mehr Zeit zwischen Mixing und Eruption vergangen ist; dies manifestiert sich in einem geringeren Anteil der salischen Komponente. Die Zusammenhänge der Ungleichgewichts-Bedingungen innerhalb eines Vulkans lassen vermuten, daß die Dauer und Intensität des Mixing mit zunehmender salischer Komponente abnimmt.

Using continental-margin volcanic belts of East Asia as an example, the petrography and geochemistry of acid volcanic and subvolcanic rocks are considered. Cotectoid and eutectoid types are distinguished among them. The eutectoid type is characterized by a disequilibrium mineralogical composition, which includes phenocrysts of early “gabbro” paragenesis (pyroxenes, calcic plagioclase, occasional olivine and amphibole) and “granite” paragenesis (K-Na feldspar, quartz, biotite) and groundmass corresponding to dry quartz-feldspathic eutectics. A linear correlation is noted between the amount of phenocrysts of gabbro paragenesis and SiO2 content. The entire petrochemical diversity of the eutectoid-type rocks is determined by the quantitative proportions between the gabbro paragenesis and bulk composition. The cotectoid rocks are dominated by sparsely-phyric and aphyric rocks lacking melanocratic inclusions and xenogenic minerals. In the cotectoid-type rocks, the compositions of the phenocrysts and groundmass are complementary with the bulk rocks composition, indicating their equilibrium cotectic crystallization.  相似文献   

The basaltic Martian meteorite Yamato 980459 consists of large olivine phenocrysts and often prismatic pyroxenes set into a fine-grained groundmass of smaller more Fe-rich olivine, chromite, and an interstitial residual material displaying quenching textures of dendritic olivine, chain-like augite and sulfide droplets in a glassy matrix. Yamato 980459 is, thus, the only Martian meteorite without plagioclase/maskelynite. Olivine is compositionally zoned from a Mg-rich core to a Fe-rich rim with the outer few micrometers being especially rich in iron. With Fo84 the cores are the most magnesian olivines found in Martian meteorites so far. Pyroxenes are also mostly composite crystals of large orthopyroxene cores and thin Ca-rich overgrowths. Separate pigeonite and augites are rare. On basis of the mineral compositions, the cooling rates determined from crystal morphologies, and crystal grain size distributions it is deduced that the parent magma of Yamato 980459 initially cooled under near equilibrium conditions e.g., in a magma chamber allowing chromite and the Mg-rich silicates to form as cumulus phases. Fractional crystallization at higher cooling rates and a low degree of undercooling let to the formation of the Ca-, Al-, and Fe-rich overgrowths on olivine and orthopyroxene while the magma was ascending towards the Martian surface. Finally and before plagioclase and also phosphates could precipitate, the magma was very quickly erupted quenching the remaining melt to glass, dendritic silicates and sulfide droplets. The shape preferred orientation of olivine and pyroxene suggests a quick, thin outflow of lava. According to the shock effects found in the minerals of Yamato 980459, the meteorite experienced an equilibration shock pressure of about 20-25 GPa. Its near surface position allowed the ejection from the planet’s surface already by a single impact event and at relatively low shock pressures.  相似文献   

Dikii Greben' Volcano is the largest modern volcano with silicic rocks in the Kurile-Kamchatka island arc. It consists of many domes and lava flows of rhyodacite, dacite and andesite which were erupted in a reverse differentiation sequence. Non-equilibrium phenocryst assemblages (quartz + Mg-rich olivine, An-rich + An-poor plagioclase etc.), abundance of chilled mafic pillows in the dacites and andesites, and linear variations of rock compositions in binary plots are considered as mineralogical, textural and geochemical evidence for mixing. Mafic pillows in volcanics have a lower density (because of high porosity) and contain the same non-equilibrium phenocryst assemblages as the host rocks. Their groundmass contains skeletal microlites of plagioclase and amphibole proving that the groundmass as well as the pillows themselves formed from a water-rich basaltic magma at depth. They are considered as supercooled, vesiculated floating drops of a hot hybrid layer in the magma chamber which formed after refilling. The lower density of the inclusions allows them to float in the host magma and to concentrate at the top of the chamber prior to eruption. Magma mingling was effected by mechanical disintegration of the inclusions in the host magma during eruption. The rhyodacitic and basic end-members of the mixing series cannot be linked by low-P fractionation though high-P, amphibole-rich fractionation is not excluded.  相似文献   

The rhyolite of Little Glass Mountain (73–74% SiO2) is a single eruptive unit that contains inclusions of quenched andesite liquid (54–61% SiO2) and partially crystalline cumulate hornblende gabbro (53–55% SiO2). Based on previous studies, the quenched andesite inclusions and host rhyolite lava are related to one another through fractional crystallization and represent an example of a fractionation-generated composition gap. The hornblende gabbros represent the cumulate residue associated with the rhyolite-producing and composition gap-forming fractionation event. This study combines textural (Nomarski Differential Interference Contrast, NDIC, imaging), major element (An content) and trace element (Mg, Fe, Sr, K, Ti, Ba) data on the style of zonation of plagioclase crystals from representative andesite and gabbro inclusions, to assess the physical environment in which the fractionation event and composition gap formation took place. The andesite inclusions (54–61% SiO2) are sparsely phyric with phenocrysts of plagioclase, augite and Fe-oxide±olivine, +/–orthopyroxene, +/–hornblende set within a glassy to crystalline matrix. The gabbro cumulates (53–55% SiO2) consist of an interconnected framework of plagioclase, augite, olivine, orthopyroxene, hornblende and Fe-oxide along with highly vesicular interstitial glass (70–74% SiO2). The gabbros record a two-stage crystallization history of plagioclase+olivine+augite (Stage I) followed by plagioclase+orthopyroxene+ hornblende+Fe-oxide (Stage II). Texturally, the plagioclase crystals in the andesite inclusions are characterized by complex, fine-scale oscillatory zonation and abundant dissolution surfaces. Compositionally (An content) the crystals are essentially unzoned from core-to-rim. These features indicate growth within a dynamic (convecting?), reservoir of andesite magma. In contrast, the plagioclase crystals in the gabbros are texturally smooth and featureless with strong normal zonation from An74 at the core to around An30. K, and Ba abundances increase and Mg abundances decrease steadily towards the rim. Ti, Fe, and Sr abundances increase and then decrease towards the rim. The trace element variations are fully consistent with the two-stage crystallization sequence inferred from the gabbro mineralogy. These results indicate progressive closed-system in situ crystallization in a quiescent magmatic boundary layer environment located along the margins of the andesite magma body. The fractional crystallization that generated the host rhyolite lava is one of inward solidification of a crystallizing boundary layer followed by melt extraction and accumulation of highly evolved interstitial liquid. This mechanism explains the formation of the composition gap between parental andesite and rhyolite magma compositions.  相似文献   

Approximately 150 km west of Mexico City in the central part of the Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB) near Zitácuaro, Mexico, young volcanism has produced shield volcanoes, large volume silicic deposits, and fault-related basalt and andesite lava flows and cinder cones. This paper concerns a small cluster of Pleistocene andesite cones and flows which can be separated into two distinct groups: high-magnesium andesites (>6% MgO, 57–59% SiO2), conveniently called basaltic andesites, with phenocrysts of orthopyroxene and augite, or augite and olivine; and andesites (60–62% SiO2, <4.6% MgO), which have phenocrysts of orthopyroxene and augite, and ghosts of relict hornblende. Remarkably, plagioclase phenocrysts are absent, and evenly distributed but sparse (0.5–3.5%) quartz xenocrysts are present in all the lavas. In order to establish the conditions under which early crystallizing plagioclase is suppressed in these lavas, water saturated experiments up to 3 kbars were performed on one of the basaltic andesites. The conditions required to reproduce the phenocryst assemblages (either olivine + augite or opx + augite) are temperatures in excess of 1000 °C, with water saturated liquids (>3 wt%) at pressures of about 1 kbar. Compared to basaltic andesites of western Mexico, the Zitácuaro basaltic andesites have ∼2 wt% lower Al2O3 concentrations, which causes plagioclase to precipitate at significantly lower temperatures, and it therefore follows the crystallization sequence: olivine, augite, and orthopyroxene. Based on ubiquitous quartz xenocrysts, with glassy rhyolitic inclusions, a reasonable conclusion is that substantial mixing of a quartz-bearing rhyolitic magma with a parental basaltic andesite has occurred at low pressure (shallow depth), and this would account for the low Al2O3 concentrations in the Zitácuaro basaltic andesites. Whatever the mechanism of incorporation, the quartz xenocrysts are evidence of contamination of basaltic magma with more siliceous material, thus making it difficult to use these magmas as indicators of mantle melting processes. Received: 29 July 1997 / Accepted: 29 January 1998  相似文献   

Fresh basalts from the Oceanographer Fracture Zone are petrographically and chemically similar to typical abyssal tholeiites, but are somewhat enriched in large ion lithophile elements, with consistent differences among separate dredge hauls. Olivine compositions are in equilibrium with host basalt for reasonable K D values, but some plagioclases are anomalously calcic (e.g., a rock highly differentiated in Mg/Mg+Fe bears some plagioclase of An86). Ti/Al in clinopyroxene is approximately constant at 1/6, but Ti+Al abundance decreases in the sequence basalt groundmass cpx, basalt phenocryst+microphenocryst cpx, gabbro cpx (samples from adjacent dredges), an effect that may be related to decrease in cooling rate. Least-squares calculations indicate that 45% of magma with the composition of the more primitive sample must be removed as plagioclase, clinopyroxene and olivine (in the ratio 4.42.71, respectively) to obtain the composition of the more differentiated sample. Both samples have excess plagioclase on the liquidus, however, which should not be the case for the differentiated composition if it is produced by fractionation of all three phases. The excess of plagioclase and the anomalous plagioclase compositions indicate that the samples cannot be related solely by fractional crystallization. Additional processes such as magma mixing or plagioclase accumulation (or both) must have effected these differences.  相似文献   

The Miocene Karamağara volcanics (KMV) crop out in the Saraykent region (Yozgat) of Central Anatolia. The KMV include four principal magmatic components based on their petrography and compositional features: basaltic andesites (KMB); enclaves (KME); andesites (KMA); and dacites (KMD). Rounded and ellipsoidal enclaves occur in the andesites, ranging in diameter from a few millimetres to ten centimetres. A non‐cognate origin for the enclaves is suggested due to their mineralogical dissimilarity to the enclosing andesites. The enclaves range in composition from basaltic andesite to andesite. Major and trace element data and primitive mantle‐normalized rare‐earth element (REE) patterns of the KMV exhibit the effects of fractional crystallization on the evolution of the KME which are the product of mantle‐derived magma. The KMA contain a wide variety of phenocrysts, including plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, hornblende and opaque minerals. Comparison of textures indicates that many of the hornblende phenocrysts within the KMA were derived from basaltic andesites (KMB) and are not primary crystallization products of the KMA. Evidence of disequilibrium in the hybrid andesite includes the presence of reacted hornblendes, clinopyroxene mantled by orthopyroxene and vice versa, and sieve‐texture and inclusion zones within plagioclase. The KMV exhibit a complex history, including fractional crystallization, magma mixing and mingling processes between mantle and crust‐derived melts. Textural and geochemical characteristics of the enclaves and their hosts require that mantle‐derived basic magma intruded the deep continental crust followed by fractional crystallization and generation of silicic melts from the continental material. Hybridization between basic and silicic melts subsequently occurred in a shallow magma chamber. Modelling of major element geochemistry suggests that the hybrid andesite represents a 62:38 mix of dacite and basaltic andesite. The implication of this process is that calc‐alkaline intermediate volcanic rocks in the Saraykent region represent hybrids resulting from mixing between basic magma derived from the mantle and silicic magma derived from the continental crust. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

On eruption, the tholeiitic basalt lava of the prehistoric Makaopuhi lake contained nearly seven percent euhedral olivine phenocrysts of approximately Fa14 composition. In the center of the 225 foot vertical section of the lake, the lava became more than 90 percent solid at 1000° C after about 30 years. At the surface the lava was quenched to air temperature, whereas, at the bottom, quenching to 800° C was followed by a 40 year period before the temperature reached 700° C. The olivine phenocrysts settled at an average rate of about 4 × 10–6 cm Sec–1 to form a zone that contains 21 percent olivine 75 feet above the base. Sinking of olivines continued until some time after the beginning of the crystallization of augite and plagioclase. Thin rims of iron-rich olivine (up to Fa55) surrounding the phenocrysts, and a second generation of fine-grained olivines (Fa20 Fa48) restricted to the uppermost 20 feet indicate local extensions of the period of crystallization of olivine. During crystallization of the groundmass and later subsolidus cooling in the range 1000° C to at least as low as 800° C, the olivine phenocrysts were converted to Fa30–40 by interdiffusion of Fe, Mg, Ni, and Mn. Homogenization of Mg-rich cores and Fe-rich margins and equilibration of olivine composition with the groundmass phases was progressively less well achieved toward the top of the lake. Reaction rims around the olivines are composed primarily of Ca-rich pyroxene. Pigeonite crystallized alongside augite except in the uppermost 5 feet where there is abundant ground mass olivine. Poikilitic hypersthene grew at the expense of pre-existing ferromagnesian minerals in the cumulate zone.Publication authorized by the Director, U.S. Geological Survey.  相似文献   

Rabaul caldera is a large volcanic depression at the north-east tip of New Britain, Papua New Guinea. The lavas range in composition from basalt to rhyolite and have a calc-alkalic affinity but also display features typical of tholeiites, including moderate absolute iron enrichment in flows cropping out around the caldera. The basalts contain phenocrysts of plagioclase and clinopyroxene with less abundant olivine and titanomagnetite. In the basaltic andesites olivine is rare, while orthopyroxene and titanomagnetite are common along with plagioclase and clinopyroxene. Orthopyroxene is also found mantling olivine in some of the basalts while in both rock types pigeonitic augite is a fairly common constituent of the groundmass. Plagioclase in both basalt and basaltic andesite often exhibits sieve texture and analysis of the glass blebs show them to be of similar composition to the bulk rock. Phenocrystic clinopyroxene is a diopsidic augite in both basalt and basaltic andesite. Al2O3 content of the clinopyroxene is moderately high (4%) and often shows considerable variation in any one grain. Calculations show that the microphenocrysts probably crystallised near the surface, while phenocrysts crystallised at around 7 kb (21 km). Neither the basalts nor the basaltic andesites would have been in equilibrium at any geologically reasonable P and T with quartz eclogite. Equilibration between mantle peridotite and a. typical Rabaul basaltic liquid could have occurred around 35 kb and 1270 °C. A basaltic andesite liquid yields a temperature of 1263 °C and a pressure of 28 kb for equilibration with mantle peridotite.Partial melting of sufficient volumes of mantle peridotite at these P's and T's requires about 15% H2O, but there is no evidence that these magmas ever contained large amounts of water. It is proposed that the Rabaul magmas were initially generated by partial melting of subducted lithosphere and subsequently modified by minor partial melting as they passed through the overlying mantle peridotite.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the mineralogy and geochemistry of basanites and melt inclusions in minerals from the Tergesh pipe, northern Minusinsk Depression. The rocks are composed of olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts and a groundmass of olivine, clinopyroxene, titanomagnetite, plagioclase, apatite, ilmenite, and glass. Melt inclusions were found only in the olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts. Primary melt inclusions in olivine contain glass, rh?nite, clinopyroxene, a sulfide globule, and low-density fluid. The phase composition of melt inclusions in clinopyroxene is glass + low-density fluid ± xenogenous magnetite. According to thermometric investigations, the olivine phenocrysts began crystallizing at T = 1280–1320°C and P > 3.5 kbar, whereas groundmass minerals were formed under near-surface conditions at T ≤ 1200°C. The oxygen fugacity gradually changed during basanite crystallization from oxidizing (NNO) to more reducing conditions (QFM). The investigation of glass compositions (heated and unheated inclusions in phenocrysts and groundmass) showed that the evolution of a basanite melt during its crystallization included mainly an increase in SiO2, Al2O3, and alkalis, while a decrease in femic components, and the melt composition moved gradually toward tephriphonolite and trachyandesite. Geochemical evidence suggests that the primary basanite melt was derived from a mantle source affected by differentiation. Original Russian Text ? T.Yu. Timina, V.V. Sharygin, A.V. Golovin, 2006, published in Geokhimiya, 2006, No. 8, pp. 814–833.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous andesitic and dacitic lavas on Cordn El Guadalbear on the general problem of how magmas of differing compositionsand physical properties interact in shallow reservoirs beneathcontinental arc volcanoes. Some of the lavas contain an exceptionallylarge proportion (<40%) of undercooled basaltic andesiticmagma in various states of disaggregation. Under-cooled maficmagma occurs in the silicic lavas as large (<40 cm) basalticandesitic magmatic inclusions, as millimeter-sized crystal-clotsof Mg-rich olivine phenocrysts plus adhering Carich plagioclasemicrophenocrysts (An50–70), and as uniformly distributed,isolated phenocrysts and microphenocrysts. Compositions andtextures of plagioclase phenocrysts indicate that inclusion-formingmagmas are hybrids formed by mixing basaltic and dacitic melts,whereas textural features and compositions of groundmass phasesindicate that the andesitic and dacitic lavas are largely mechanicalmixtures of dacitic magma and crystallized basaltic andesiticmagma. This latter observation is significant because it indicatesthat mechanical blending of undercooled mafic magma and partiallycrystallized silicic magma is a possible mechanism for producingthe common porphyritic texture of many calc-alkaline volcanicrocks. The style of mafic-silicic magma interaction at CordonEl Guadal was strongly dependent upon the relative proportionsof the endmembers. Equally important in the Guadal system, however,was the manner in which the contrasting magmas were juxtaposed.Textural evidence preserved in the plagioclase phenocrysts indicatesthat the transition from liquid-liquid to solid-liquid mixingwas not continuous, but was partitioned into periods of magmachamber recharge and eruption, respectively. Evidently, duringperiods of recharge, basaltic magmas rapidly entrained smallamounts of dacitic magma along the margins of a turbulent injectionfountain. Conversely, during periods of eruption, dacitic magmagradually incorporated small parcels of basaltic andesitic magma.Thus, the coupled physical-chemical transition from mixed inclusionsto commingled lavas is presumably not coincidental. More likely,it probably provides a partial record of the dynamic processesoccurring in shallow magma chambers beneath continental arevolcanoes. KEY WORDS: Chile; commingling; magma mixing; magmatic inclusions *Present address: Department of Earth Sciences, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717, USA  相似文献   

Boninite series volcanic rocks have been recovered from three dredge hauls on the inner slope of the Mariana Trench. These hauls included olivine boninites, boninites, boninitic andesites and boninitic dacites, as well as island arc tholeiitic basalts and andesites. The boninite series volcanics range from 52 to 68% SiO2, and are characterized by very low abundances of high-field-strength cations and heavy-rare-earth elements. Boninites and olivine boninites have phenocrysts of olivine and orthopyroxene, the andesites phenocrysts of orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene, and the dacites orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase. Most of the major and trace element variation in the series from boninite to boninitic dacite can be modelled by fractionation of olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase in the proportions 2.5412, leaving 47% residual liquid. The fractionation must be in part open-system: reverse zoned phenocrysts, resorbed olivine and plagioclase xenocrysts, and bulk rock compositions which cannot be fit by simple closed system crystallization indicate some magma mixing and phenocryst accumulation. Two boninitic magma stems can be identified, with similar high-field-strength element abundances, but different amounts of Ca, Na, Al and light-rare-earth elements. There is also evidence for a magma stem transitional in chemistry from the boninites to arc tholeiites. The compositions of these boninites are consistent with hypotheses for boninite formation by partial melting of a depleted mantle mixed with an incompatible element enriched fluid. The Mariana forearc boninite series lacks a strong iron enrichment, but produces andesites with lower Ti, Al and Y/Zr, and higher Mg, Ni and Cr than typical calcalkaline arc andesites and dacites. Boninites in the Mariana system were erupted only in the earliest phases of subduction zone activity.  相似文献   

The extrusive rocks of Hekla are predominantly flows of basaltic andesite and andesite (icelandite) but each eruptive cycle is initiated by production of tephra of andesitic, dacitic, and even rhyolitic composition. The evolution of basaltic andesites to dacites and rhyolites can be explained by crystallization and (presumably gravitative) separation of olivine, titaniferous magnetite, plagioclase, and probably augite. No contamination by sialic crustal material is required.Although basalts are never erupted from Hekla the origin of the basaltic andesites is probably best explained by separation of magnesian olivine, augite, and calcic plagioclase from an olivine tholeiite parent, producing an initial differentiation trend toward a high Fe/Mg ratio. The increase in Fe/Mg ratio is limited by the appearance of magnetite as a liquidus phase.From the Fe/Mg ratios of the lavas and from compositions of the plagioclase phenocrysts the water pressure of the basaltic andesites is estimated to have been between 0.6 and 2.4 kb. Total pressure may have been significantly higher. A best estimate for the water content is approximately 2 1/2 to 6 weight percent. This high water content accounts for the explosive initiation of each eruptive cycle and is consistent with fractional crystallization in a shallow magma chamber.Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Contribution No. 2355.  相似文献   

Andesite and dacite from Barren and Narcondam volcanic islands of Andaman subduction zone are composed of plagioclase, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, olivine, titanomagnetite, magnesio-hornblende and rare quartz grains. In this study, we use the results of mineral chemical analyses of the calc-alkaline rock suite of rocks as proxies for magma mixing and mingling processes. Plagioclase, the most dominant mineral, shows zoning which includes oscillatory, patchy, multiple and repetitive zonation and ‘fritted’ or ‘sieve’ textures. Zoning patterns in plagioclase phenocrysts and abrupt fluctuations in An content record different melt conditions in a dynamic magma chamber. ‘Fritted’ zones (An55) are frequently overgrown by thin calcic (An72) plagioclase rims over well-developed dissolution surfaces. These features have probably resulted from mixing of a more silicic magma with the host andesite. Olivine and orthopyroxene with reaction and overgrowth rims (corona) suggest magma mixing processes. We conclude that hybrid magma formed from the mixing of mafic and felsic magma by two-stage processes – initial intrusion of hotter mafic melt (andesitic) followed by cooler acidic melt at later stage.  相似文献   

A series of basaltic and andesitic lavas from three centers in the Cascades (Lassen, Medicine Lake, Mt. Shasta) have been investigated. The lavas are weakly porphyritic, containing phenocrysts of plagioclase, augite, and olivine or orthopyroxene; these phases are also found in the groundmass. Titanomagnetite is a groundmass phase in most lavas but it appears to be absent in some. A sub-calcic augite is found in the groundmass in some of the basic lavas. Orthopyroxenes are present only in the salic lavas and show an increase in calcium with increasing iron. The range in composition shown by both phenocryst and groundmass plagioclase is very similar except that the phenocrysts extend to slightly more calcic compositions. The residual glasses in many of the lavas have a rhyolitic composition. However, only those from the Shasta andesites have normative salic constituents that plot near the ternary minimum in the Ab-Or-Qtz system at 500 bars. Both chemical and mineralogical data allow the lavas of the different centers to be distinguished from one another. The most likely origin for the orogenic lavas of the Cascades is by partial melting of the upper mantle.  相似文献   

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