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Various deep-water deposits developed in the Yinggehai Basin and Qiongdongnan Basin(Ying-Qiong Basin)in the northern South China Sea,making the two basins significantly hydrocarbon-producing areas and ideal for studying the genetic mechanism and sedimentary characteristics of deep-water clastic rocks.Using cores,image well logging,heavy mineral assemblages,and seismic data,we thoroughly studied the geometry,tectonic background,driving mechanism and source-to-sink process of deep-water deposits in the study area.The results showed that:(1)there were five genetic mechanisms of deep-water clastic rock,i.e.,slides,slumps,debris flows,turbidity currents,and bottom currents.(2)The sliding deposits were distributed from the delta front to the continental slope toe.The slumping deposits were mainly distributed at the continental slope toe or the basin’s central area,far from the delta front The turbidity deposits were widely developed in the deep-water area,but with huge differences in thickness.The bottom currents mainly reworked previous deposits far from the slope.(3)Slip and extension along the preexisting fault zone were the main structural factors that drive the axial channel formation at the slope foot.(4)The sand-rich gravity sediment flows in the Ying-Qiong basin were primarily caused by the direct supply of terrigenous debris into the marine environment over the slope break. 相似文献
钻井资料显示莺歌海盆地现今存在超压,纵向上由浅至深可划分为常压带、过渡带和超压带。利用测井声波时差和地震速度资料,按等效深度法计算了莺歌海盆地大量排气期(1.9 Ma)和现今超压值,并恢复了单井超压的演化。结果表明,地层超压平面上是以乐东区为中心向北向东递减的,临高隆起带和莺东斜坡带大部分为常压,单井上超压演化是逐渐增大的。这一结果与不同地区地质历史上沉降中心和沉积环境密切相关。莺歌海盆地超压的存在使天然气在剩余压力的作用下垂向运移。天然气藏均分布在乐东和东方地区黄流组顶底压差大、莺歌海组盖层超压封闭能力强的地区。靠近底辟区、且同时满足上述2个条件的储层更有利于天然气成藏。 相似文献
莺歌海—琼东南盆地超压层系油气聚散机理浅析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文中讨论了超压层系天然气成藏的特殊性、超压圈闭油气聚散机理和油气成藏的超压强度上限。根据压力、应力状态和含油气性,将超压圈闭划分为充满型、部分充注型、未聚集型或油气散失型。通过钻孔证实,莺歌海、琼东南盆地的天然气聚散过程和含气性均与超压密切相关,其中DF13-1气田为充满型超压气藏,而YA21-1构造的储层水相压力已达到盖层破裂压力,盖层发生了周期性破裂并引起了明显的地球化学异常,属于未聚集或天然气散失型。超压圈闭天然气的聚散受最小水平应力、水相超压强度和盖层岩石力学性质等因素的控制。由于封闭性断层的开启压力低于地层的破裂压力,断层和底辟控制的砂体中天然气更易于散失。砂岩上倾尖灭点(岩性圈闭的顶点)的埋深对储层的压力状态和含气性具有重要控制作用。有效的压力、应力预测和盖层岩石力学性质研究是降低深层超压层系天然气勘探风险的重要途径之一。 相似文献
本文通过南海北部主要盆地钻井测试资料,结合砂岩和泥岩样品的高温水热增压模拟实验分析,综合探讨了南海北部高温环境条件下地层温度和地层压力在纵向上的分布特征.认为南海北部琼东南盆地、珠江口盆地深层高温环境存在“高压型地温—地压系统”,地温与地压表现为指数曲线关系.区别于传统意义上的“折线模式”,高温断陷地温—地压系统在纵向上表现出一种“非折线模式”,具体表现在中浅层为静水型地温—地压系统,地温与地压呈直线关系;中深层为高压型地温—地压系统,地温与地压呈指数曲线关系.在该模式中,深层超压流体具有更强的垂向和侧向充注动力,油气可以沿着断层、裂隙和砂体等输导层垂向或侧向运移到相对更浅、更远的圈闭中聚集成藏.该模式的提出,补充完善了地温—地压系统概念,尤其针对高温断陷盆地的油气勘探研究,能够大幅提高油气资源勘探潜力. 相似文献
琼东南盆地半地堑特征及其动力学探讨 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
利用琼东南盆地的反射地震剖面等资料,对其中具有代表性的崖北、北礁凹陷等半地堑的几何学、运动学特征进行分析,划分出旋转半地堑、滚动半地堑和多米诺式半地堑系3种类型,认为半地堑经历了中始新世-早渐新世、晚渐新世-早中新世两个演化阶段,并且在时间上有东早西晚,空间上有"东西分块、南北分带"的特征。在盆地半地堑组合特征及区域构造分析的基础上,指出盆地的发育与演化主要受古太平洋板块俯冲带后撤、红河断裂的左行走滑和南海海盆扩张的联合作用影响,表现为裂陷前期(Tg-T7)主要受古太平洋板块俯冲后撤及红河断裂的左行走滑联合作用,后期(T-T)主要受南海海盆海底扩张作用影响;而盆地张裂是通过纯剪切作用完成的。 相似文献
YinXiulan LiSitian MaYinsheng YangJihai 《中国地质大学学报(英文版)》2004,15(2):238-244
The characteristics and distribution of faults in Yinggehai basin discussed in this paper reveal the structural effects of the overpressure fluid expulsion. The rapid subsidence and mud-rich intervals of the marine rocks dominate the formation of the overpressure systems and the enormous volumes of the overpressure fluids in the basin. Triggered by some faults, the overpressure fluids were expulsed rapidly from the overpressure compartments to form a series of diapirs in the basin, resulting in the dense fractures or faults and folds in the limbs of diapirs. These fractures and faults provided the migration pathway for the vertical flow of hydrocarbons, so that the gas fields arising from this process might migrate upwards to the sandstone reservoir. Therefore, the hydrocarbon accumulations are usually located in the upper parts of diapiric structures. 相似文献
Hao Fang 《中国地质大学学报(英文版)》1998,9(1):3
INTRODUCTIONTheYinggehaiandQiongdongnanbasinsaretwoofthefourmajorTertiarybasinsdevelopedinthenortherncontinen-talshelfoftheSo... 相似文献
泄压带是超压系统内部流体向外运移的通道和有利的油气聚集场所, 对水溶相天然气析离成藏更有着重要意义.本文综合应用速度谱、测井、钻井和地层测试等资料预测了琼东南盆地超压系统的分布, 将其划分为3种结构类型; 结合粘土分析等资料识别出了4种类型的泄压带, 并讨论了泄压带的分布与可能的天然气聚集区带.琼东南盆地中央坳陷带整体发育一个超压系统, 其分布格局主要受陆坡带的形成和莺歌海盆地超压传递的影响, 陆坡区的超压明显强于非陆坡区, 西部的超压整体强于东部并在浅部呈现自西向东传递的趋势.泄压带内的天然气成藏主要取决于压力、温度和溶解气量, 需满足溶解气量足够多和溶解度变化量足够大, 相对而言, Ⅱ型泄压带成藏条件最优, 既有断裂沟通深部水溶气和浅部储层, 又有温压条件的显著变化, 因而流体运移最活跃.Ⅲ型泄压带次之, 但分布最广, 该类型最有利部位分布在陵水低凸起和宝岛凹陷北坡. 相似文献
INTRODUCTIoNTheprocessesandratesoffluidflowsinsedimentarybasinsareakeyforunderstandingdiagenesis,thermalconvec-tionandpetroleumaccumu1ationanddistribution.Therearemorethan18ooverpressuredbasinsintheworld(Hunt,l996,l99o).Episodicexpulsionisbelievedbymanyinvesti-gatorstobethemainprocessesforprimaryhydrocarbonmi-grationinoverpressuredsourcerocks.However,littlehasbeenknownaboutthenatureoffluidinjectionandpetroleumaccumulationinoverpressuredbasins.TheYinggehaibasinisoneofthefourmajorTertiaryb… 相似文献
Gravity Flow on Slope and Abyssal Systems in the Qiongdongnan Basin, Northern South China Sea 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
SU Ming XIE Xinong LI Junliang JIANG Tao ZHANG Cheng HE Yunlong TIAN Shanshan ZHANG Cuimei 《《地质学报》英文版》2011,85(1):243-253
The study of new seismic data permits the identification of sediment gravity flows in terms of internal architecture and the distribution on shelf and abyssal setting in the Qiongdongnan Basin (QDNB). Six gravity flow types are recognized: (1) turbidite channels with a truncational basal and concordant overburden relationship along the shelf edge and slope, comprising laterally-shifting and vertically-aggrading channel complexes; (2) slides with a spoon-shaped morphology slip steps on the shelf-break and generated from the deformation of poorly-consolidated and high water content sediments; (3) slumps are limited on the shelf slope, triggered either by an anomalous slope gradient or by fault activity; (4) turbidite sheet complexes (TSC) were ascribed to the basin-floor fan and slope fan origin, occasionally feeding the deep marine deposits by turbidity currents; (5) sediment waves occurring in the lower slope-basin floor, and covering an area of approximately 400?km2, were generated beneath currents flowing across the sea bed; and (6) the central canyon in the deep water area represents an exceptive type of gravity flow composed of an association of debris flow, turbidite channels, and TSC. It presents planar multisegment and vertical multiphase characteristics. Turbidite associated with good petrophysical property in the canyon could be treated as a potential exploration target in the QDNB. 相似文献
莺歌海盆地高温超压环境下储层物性影响因素 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
莺歌海盆地由于独特的沉积地层和温压场特征, 使得盆地内的储层成岩演化也具有了与众不同的过程和特点.通过对莺歌海盆地内有钻井证实的两种超压体系类型(自源型和传导型) 的对比研究, 阐明了其成因差别及其石油地质意义, 并详细论述了高温超压环境下储层物性的影响因素: (1) 储层物性主要受沉积环境和成岩作用控制; (2) 高地温梯度使砂岩的孔隙度衰减较快; (3) 超压保存了一部分原生孔隙, 这是深部储层还具有高孔隙度的最主要原因; (4) 超压通过溶解等成岩作用产生了一些次生孔隙; (5) 流体压裂突破过程中产生了大量的裂缝, 有效地提高了储层渗透性. 相似文献
琼东南盆地崖城地区流体包裹体特征和油气充注期次分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
储层流体包裹体研究是油气充注期次分析的重要手段。对琼东南盆地崖城地区下第三系崖城组和陵水组砂岩储层5口钻井岩芯样品进行包裹体镜下显微观察、荧光分析和伴生盐水包裹体均一温度测量,表明该区下第三系主要发生过两期油气充注:第一期充注油气主要发淡黄色荧光,以液态烃包裹体和气液两相烃包裹体为主,伴生盐水包裹体的均一温度主要分布在130~160℃,根据区域埋藏热演化史推断油气充注时间为晚中新世—早上新世。第二期充注油气主要发淡蓝色荧光,以气态烃包裹体、气液两相烃包裹体和气液固三相烃包裹体为主,伴生盐水溶液包裹体的均一温度范围为160~190℃,充注时间应为第四纪。 相似文献
琼东南盆地中央峡谷天然气成藏特征及其主控因素 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于地震、测井、岩芯、岩屑和天然气样品分析化验等资料,研究了中央峡谷天然气成藏特征,探讨了成藏主控因素与成藏模式。研究结果表明,晚中新世—早上新世沿琼东南盆地中央坳陷发育一条大型海底峡谷,称之为中央峡谷,峡谷内充填了多期相互叠置的浊积砂岩,平均孔隙度为15%~33%,渗透率为11×10-3~971.3×10-3μm2,为较好的储层;发育了岩性和构造-岩性复合两大类圈闭。峡谷的气源来自于崖城组的煤系地层,属于煤型气。烃源岩的有机质类型为Ⅱ2和Ⅲ型,以Ⅲ型为主;热演化程度处于成熟—高成熟阶段,晚中新世—上新世达到生烃高峰。琼东南盆地中央坳陷是一个高温高压的坳陷,实测地温梯度平均值高达4.2~4.6℃/100m,实测压力系数为1.20~2.15。在高温高压的环境下,盆地内孕育众多的底辟构造,而峡谷下伏的底辟构造与谷内相互叠置的复合砂体在空间上有效的配置构成了天然气垂向与侧向运移的输导体系,成为峡谷天然气成藏的关键因素。 相似文献
莺歌海盆地位于南海西北部 ,属 NW走向红河断裂带向南海海域的延伸。本文通过对盆地结构、沉降特征和构造 -沉积迁移过程的研究 ,提出莺歌海盆地在始新世—早渐新世期间属左旋扭张性断陷盆地 ,晚渐新世—早中新世的盆地演化阶段受到红河断裂带的左行剪切运动影响。莺歌海盆地的形成和演化历史反映了印藏板块碰撞过程对南海形成演化的影响历史 相似文献
Zhongxian Zhao Zhen Sun Haibo Huang Longtao Sun 《International Geology Review》2020,62(7-8):1019-1035
ABSTRACT The rapid uplift of the Tibetan plateau, the intense movement of the Ailao Shan-Red River Shear Zone (ARSZ), and the related climate change during the Cenozoic Indo-Asian collision have been widely studied; however, their timings varied considerably due to different data and methods used. As these events have been documented in the Red River sediment that came from the eastern Tibetan plateau and the Red River region and eventually deposited in the offshore Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan basins, here these events can be explored by calculating and analysing the Red River sediment budget, especially in the Qiongdongnan basin based on dense seismic profiles and wells. Results show that the Red River sediment mainly accumulated in the Yinggehai basin and the west part of the Qiongdongnan basin, and there are three sedimentary accumulation peaks in the Red River sediment budget during ~29.5–21, ~15.5–10.5, and ~5.5–0 Ma. By further comparing with previous studies on the timings of these events, it is inferred that the first sedimentary peak, prior to the onset of the monsoon intensification (~22 Ma), was probably driven by an intense left-lateral movement of the ARSZ in ~29.5–21 Ma. The second peak (~15.5–10.5 Ma), however, reflects a rapid uplift of the Tibetan plateau after the cessation of the left-lateral strike slip of the ARSZ. The third peak (~5.5–0 Ma) is most likely linked with a right-lateral movement of the ARSZ and the related climate change. Overall, the Red River sediment budget from the offshore Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan basins provides an important constraint on the timings of these tectonic events as well as the related climate change during the Cenozoic Indo-Asian collision. 相似文献
Features of Late Cenozoic Deepwater Sedimentation in Southern Qiongdongnan Basin,Northwestern South China Sea 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Lü Fuliang 《中国地质大学学报(英文版)》2009,20(1)
Based on high resolution 2D and 3D seismic data acquired in recent years,using sequence stratigraphy analysis and geophysical methods,we discuss the features of Late Cenozoic deepwater sedimentation in the southern Qiongdongnan (琼东南) basin.The study area entered a bathyal slope environment in the Miocene.The channel developed in the Sanya (三亚) Formation was controlled by a fault break,and its shingled seismic characteristics represent multiple erosion and fill,which may indicate that turbidite current developed in the slope environment.The polygon faults found in mudstone of the Meishan (梅山) Formation represent the deepwater hungry sedimentary environment.The large-scale channels developed on the top of HuangUu (黄流) Formation could be the result of a big sea level drop and an increase of sediment supply.The fantastic turbidite channel developed in Late Quaternary in the slope environment has "fan-like" body and long frontal tiny avuision channel The analysis of these features suggests that the sediment supply of the study area in the post-rifting period was dominant from the Vietnam uplift in the southwest.These deepwater sedimentary features could be potential reservoirs or migration pathways for deepwater petroleum systems. 相似文献
It is a very difficult problem to directly determine fluid pressure during hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in sedimentary basins. pVt modeling of coupling hydrocarbon fluid inclusion of its coeval aqueous fluid inclusion provides a powerful tool for establishing the relationship of formation pressure evolution with time. Homogenization temperature of fluid inclusion can routinely be measured under microthermometric microscopy. Crushing technique has been employed to obtain the composition of fluid inclusions, and the commercial software VTFLINC easily and rapidly completes the construction of p-t phase diagram. The minimum trapping pressure of hydrocarbon fluid inclusion would be then determined in the p-t space. In this paper, three samples of YC21-1-1 and YC21-1-4 wells at YC21-1 structural closure, Qiongdongnan basin, South China Sea, were selected for the pVt modeling practice, and the formation pressure coefficient (equals to fluid pressure/hydrostatic pressure) changing trend with time has primarily been established. The modeling results also indicate that the reservoirs of Lingshui and Yacheng formations in YC21-1 structure are within a very high potential system and would have undergone a discharging of thermal fluids through top seal rupture, which depicts that there is a very high risk for natural gas exploration in this area. 相似文献
沉积盆地超压普遍发育,形成机制多样,其演化过程对油气运聚成藏具有重要的影响作用。综合试油、测井资料并结合有效应力特征,分析了黄河口凹陷超压的成因机制,表明东营组超压形成受欠压实和生烃作用的共同影响,沙河街组超压成因以生烃作用为主。压力史演化数值模拟证实,构造活动控制的断层开启和砂岩夹层共同作用造成的超压释放是部分区域实测地层压力接近于常压的原因。超压发育与演化特征控制了黄河口凹陷现今不同类型油藏的垂向分布:在现今超压比较发育、未受断裂活动影响且压力释放作用不明显的区域,以寻找古近系原生油气藏为主;而在断裂沟通古近系与新近系的区域则有利于新近系次生油气藏的形成与勘探。 相似文献
Lijie Wang Jitian Zhu Haiteng Zhuo Zhipeng Sun Aixue Song 《International Geology Review》2020,62(7-8):1108-1130
ABSTRACT Understanding fluid flow structures in a rifted basin may enhance our knowledge of their origination and evolution. Through geochemical analysis and seismic interpretation, different fluid flow features are identified in the central depression of Qiongdongnan basin, northern South China Sea. These structures include mud diapir, gas chimney, hydrothermal pipes, faults, blowout pipes, and associated extrusions. Mud diapirs are primarily located on the slope belts, whereas gas chimneys are on the basement highs in the southwest of the study area. Their distribution appears closely controlled by tectonic stress field and overpressure, the later is caused by hydrocarbon generation and compaction disequilibrium. High sediment overloading, weak post-rift tectonic activity, and high average geothermal gradient may contribute to the compaction disequilibrium. The occurrence of gas chimneys on the basement high suggests that lateral transportation and relief of overpressure is a significant factor. Distribution of broad hydrothermal pipes is related with the thinning continental crust and pre-existing boundary faults in the central depression. They are probably attributed to intruded sills dissolution and were caused by hydrothermal fluids vertically. Geochemical data from gas reservoirs analysis indicates that mud diapirs and gas chimneys are critical pathways for thermogenic gases, whereas hydrothermal pipes and part of the faults may act as pathways of both thermogenic and inorganic gases. The blowout pipes mainly occur in the northwestern central depression near the continental slope, where fluid flows ascend gradually from a series of Pliocene-current prograding wedge-formed units with a hydraulic fracture in shallow. Hundreds of seafloor pockmarks and mounds associated with blowout pipes located above the NE-SW elongated Pliocene-Quaternary slope-break belts. These extrusive structures indicate that fluids ascend through blowout pipes and were expelled at the present seabed. Our results indicate that fluid flow structures are probably responsible for fluid activities and must be taken into account when assessing the hydrocarbon potential, geologic hazard, and benthic ecosystem. 相似文献