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The aim of the present paper will be to establish the explicit form of the equations which govern the internal structure of stars rotating with constant angular velocity formulated in terms of Clairaut coordinates (cf. Kopal, 1980) in which the radial coordinate is replaced by the total potential, which for equilibrium configurations remains constant over distorted level surfaces. The introductory Section 1 contains an account of previous work on rotating stars, commencing with Milne (1923), von Zeipel (1924) and Chandrasekhar (1933), who all employed orthogonal coordinates for their analysis. In Section 2 we shall apply to this end the curvilinear Clairaut coordinates introduced already in our previous work (cf. Kopal, 1980, 1981); and although these are not orthogonal, this disadvantage is more than offset by the fact that, in their terms, the fundamental equation of our problem will assume the form of ordinary differential equations, subject to very simple boundary conditions. The explicit form of these equations — exact to terms of fourth order in surficial distortion caused by centrifugal force—will be obtained in Section 3; while in the concluding Section 4 these will be particularized (for the sake of comparison with work of previous investigators) to stars of initially polytropic structure. These will prove to be much simpler in Clairaut coordinates than they were in any previously used frame of reference. Lastly, in Appendix A we shall present the explicit forms, in Clairaut coordinates, of the differential operators which were needed to establish the results given in Sections 3–4; while Appendix B will summarize other auxiliary algebraic relations of which use was made to formulate our fourth-order theory developed in Section 3.  相似文献   

The aim of the first part of this investigation will be to establish the explicit form of the linearized systems of differential equations governing arbitrary oscillations (of amplitudes small enough for their squares and higher powers to be negligible) of the rotating Roche model in Clairaut's coordinates (in which their radial component is identified with the total potential). By solving these equations in a closed form we shall prove that this model is incapable of performing such oscillations (for any type of symmetry) about equipotential surfaces representing the figures of equilibrium, as soon as the centrifugal force will cause their equilibrium form to depart from a sphere.In the second part of this paper we shall set up the closed forms of the Laplace equation in Clairaut (non-orthogonal) as well as Roche (orthogonal) coordinates associated with the rotating Roche model; and by a construction of their solution establish successively the explicit forms of the respective harmonic functions associated with such figures (as a generalization of Legendre functions which are similarly associated with a sphere.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper will be to generalize the concept of the Roche coordinates, introduced previously by the author (see Kopal, 1969, 1970, 1971) for a treatment of dynamical phenomena in close binary systems, to Clairaut's coordinates in which the Roche potential of a rotating dipole is replaced by the actual potential of configurations of finite density concentration and arbitrary structure.By virtue of an identification of the potential with the radial coordinate of our three-dimensional system, the Roche and Clairaut coordinates are both bound to be curvilinear if the star in question departs from spherical form. However, unlike Roche coordinates, the Clairaut coordinates introduced in this paper will not be required to constitute an orthogonal system; and, as a result of the freedom so preserved, their angular variables will be identified with the angles and of spherical polars.Such an adoption entails advantages and disadvantages. In the orthodox Roche system, the radial coordinate (i.e., the potential ) is given to us in a closed form; but their angular variables and must, in general, be obtained by an integration of partial differential equations constituting the orthogonality conditions. On the other hand for the Clairaut (non-orthogonal) system of coordinates no such integration is necessary — and, in fact, the angular variables can be adopted at will. However, their radial coordinate (i.e., the potential of a star of arbitrary structure and distortion) is no longer available in a closed form and must be constructed by a sequence of successive approximations — a process initiated in the 18th century by Clairaut (1743), which can be developed to any desired accuracy.As is well known, investigations of the stability of self-gravitating configurations of arbitrary internal structure must be conducted on the basis of fundamental equations of stellar hydrodynamics, which for small oscillations can be reduced to linear forms. In Section 2 the explicit form of these fundamental equations will be set up in Clairaut's coordinates and linearized in Section 3 to the case of small oscillations, while in Section 4 a critical comparison of the Clairaut and Roche coordinates will be made. However their application to rotating stars will be the subject of subsequent papers.  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation has been to establish the minimum distance (commonly referred to as the ‘Roche limit’), to which a small satellite can approach its central star without the loss of its stability. In order to do so, we shall depart from hydrodynamical equations governing small oscillations of stellar structures, and set out to establish the limit at which their distorted form of equilibrium can no longer vibrate periodically in response to arbitrary perturbations. To this end, such equations will be rewritten in terms of curvilinear Clairaut coordinates (Kopal, 1980) in which the gravitational potential defining equilibrium surfaces plays the role of the radial coordinate; and their solution constructed for the classical Roche problem in which the oscillating satellite of infinitesimal mass consists of material which is homogeneous and incompressible, while its primary component acts gravitationally as a mass-point. The outcome of such a solution agrees satisfactorily with that previously established by Chandrasekhar (1963) on the basis of the virial theorem; but the method employed by us lends itself more readily to a generalization of the Roche limit to systems of finite mass ratios and consisting of the components of finite size.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper will be to introduce a new system of curvilinear coordinateshereafter referred to as Roche coordinates-in which spheres of constant radius are replaced by equipotential surfaces of a rotating gravitational dipole (which consists of two discrete points of finite mass, revolving around their common center of gravity); while the remaining coordinates are orthogonal to the equipotentials. It will be shown that the use of such coordinates offers a new method of approach to the solution of certain problems of particle dynamics (such as, for instance, the construction of certain types of trajectories in the restricted problem of three bodies); as well as of the hydrodynamics of gas streams in close binary systems, in which the equipotential surfaces of their components distorted by axial rotation and mutual tidal interaction constitute essential boundary conditions.Following a general outline of the problem in Section 1, the Roche coordinates associated with the equipotentials of a rotating gravitational dipole will be constructed in the plane case (Section 2), and their geometrical properties discussed. In Section 3, we shall transform the fundamental equations of hydrodynamics to their forms appropriate in the curvilinear Roche coordinates. The metric coefficients of this transformation will be formulated in a closed form in Section 4 in terms of the respective partial derivatives of the potential; while in Section 5 analytic expressions for the Roche coordinates will be given in the orbital plane of the dipole, which are exact as far as the distortion of the equipotential curves from circular form can be described by the second, third and, fourth harmonics.The concluding Section 6 will be devoted to a formulation of the equations of a mass-point in the restricted problem of three bodies in the Roche coordinates. Three special cases will be considered: (a) motion in the neighborhood of the equipotential curves; (b) motion in the direction normal to such curves; and (c) motion in the neighbourhood of the Lagrangian points. It will be shown that motion in one coordinate is possible only in limiting cases which will be enumerated; but twodimensional motions in which one velocity component is very much smaller than the other invite further study.A generalization of the plane Roche coordinates to three dimensions, with application to additional classes of problems, is being postponed for a subsequent paper.  相似文献   

In a preceding paper (Kopal, 1969; in what follows referred to as Paper I) we introduced a new system of curvilinear coordinates-hereafter referred to as Roche Coordinates — in which spheres of constant radius in spherical polars have been replaced by surfaces of constant potential of a rotating gravitational dipole; while the angular coordinates are orthogonal to the equipotentials. In Paper I we established an explicit form of such a transformation, and related the Roche coordinates with polar coordinates (with which they coalesce in the immediate neighbourhood of each one of the two finite mass-points) in the plane case. The aim of the present investigation will be to generalize the definition of the Roche coordinates to three dimensions.The opening Section 1 of this paper will contain a general outline of the proposed three-dimensional transformation; and in Section 2 details of this transformation will be explicitly worked out correctly to quantities of first order in superficial distortion — an approximation which should prove adequate in regions surrounding the two finite masses; while in Section 3 we shall evaluate (to this degree of accuracy) the metric coefficients of the respective transformation, and its direction cosines, in both polar and curvilinear coordinates. Section 4 will then contain a formulation of the fundamental equations of hydrodynamics in terms of the three-dimensional Roche coordinates; and their advantages for a treatment of certain classes of dynamical problems encountered in doublestar astronomy will be illustrated in the concluding Section 5 by an investigation of the vibrational stability of the Roche model. We shall show that this model is capable of performing free radial oscillations which remain barotropic only if its equilibrium form is spherical (i.e., in the absence of any external mass in the neighbourhood); but not if it is distorted to any extent by rotation or tides.  相似文献   

Anonlinear analytical theory of secular perturbations in the problem of the motion of a systemof small bodies around a major attractive center has been developed. Themutual perturbations of the satellites and the influence of the oblateness of the central body are taken into account in the model. In contrast to the classical Laplace-Lagrange theory based on linear equations for Lagrange elements, the third-degree terms in orbital eccentricities and inclinations are taken into account in the equations. The corresponding improvement of the solution turns out to be essential in studying the evolution of orbits over long time intervals. A program inC has been written to calculate the corrections to the fundamental frequencies of the solution and the third-degree secular perturbations in orbital eccentricities and inclinations. The proposed method has been applied to investigate the motion of the major Uranian satellites. Over time intervals longer than 100 years, allowance for the nonlinear terms in the equations is shown to give corrections to the coordinates of Miranda on the order of the orbital eccentricity, which is several thousand kilometers in linear measure. For other satellites, the effect of allowance for the nonlinear terms turns out to be smaller. Obviously, when a general analytical theory of motion for the major Uranian satellites is constructed, the nonlinear terms in the equations for the secular perturbations should be taken into account.  相似文献   

Curvilinear coordinates in three dimensions associated with the Roche model distorted by centrifugal force alone constitute a Lamé family, of which one (-) coordinate can be defined by equipotential surfaces which are known in closed algebraic form; the other () becomes identical with the meridional planes of the rotationally distorted Roche model; while the third () then follows from the requirements of orthogonality to the others. The explicit form of such coordinates in terms of the polar or cartesian systems has already been established by the author (Kopal, 1970) correctly to quantities of the first order in superficial distortion of the respective Roche model. In the present paper this latter restriction on accuracy will be removed, and expressions constructed for the -coordinate in the form of infinite series which are exact and converge rapidly for any distortion below that which entails equatorial break-up.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper will be to detail the explicit form of the equations which govern first-order oscillations of fast-rotating globes of self-gravitating fluids; with due account taken of the effects arising from the centrifugal as well as Coriolis force. As such configurations oscillate in general about distorted figures of equilibrium, the equations governing them can be conveniently expressed in terms of the Clairaut coordinates, associated with distorted spheroidal figures, and introduced in our previous paper (Kopal, 1980) for this purpose.In Section 2 which follows a brief outline of our problem, the equilibrium properties of fast-rotating configurations or arbitrary structure will be formulated. In Section 3 we shall carry out a separation of the variables in the equations of motion, and reduce the partial differential equations of the problem to an equivalent system of ordinary differential equations, by an expansion of expressions for the velocity componentsU, V, W in terms of tesseral harmonicsY n m (, ). The explicit form of such a system, including the effects of all tesseral harmonics of orders up tom=n=4, will be specified in Section 3 for configurations whose equilibrium form is a sphere; while in Section 4 this latter condition will be relaxed to allow for the equilibrium configuration to become a rotational spheroid.In the concluding Section 5 we shall convert the complex form of our equations of motion into real terms, amenable to a solution-analytical or numerical-in terms of real variables; and shall establish the boundary conditions necessary for a specification of the characteristic frequencies of oscillation.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper will be to set up, and solve, the equations governing transfer of radiation in semi-transparent envelopes of the stars; and, in order to do so, to employ a system of curvilinear (non-orthogonal) three-dimensional coordinates in which the radial coordinate has been identified with equipotential surfaces. Such coordinates are particularly suitable to a treatment of the problems arising in close binary systems, which render the outcome more than any other amenable to observable tests, but which has so far received but very scant attention.The introductory section of this paper will contain a statement of the problem; and its mathematical formulation in terms of Clairaut coordinates (cf. Kopal, 1980, 1989, Chapter V) will be outlined in Section 2; their methods in Section 3. Section 4 will then contain an application to the problem of distribution of surface brightness (limb-darkening) over the apparent discs of distorted components of close binary systems; while in Section 5 we shall do the same for radiative flux of distorted stars as a function of the phase (gravity darkening).The concluding Section 6 will then contain an outline of additional problems arising in this connection, to which we shall turn in successive parts of this series.  相似文献   

The Cayley-Darboux problem for the Roche model of binaries is reinvestigated. Generalised Roche coordinates are then defined and calculated in the form of power series of potential for the general case of non-synchronous binaries with eccentric orbits.  相似文献   

Kopal's method of Roche coordinates used by us in an earlier paper (Mohan and Singh, 1978) to study the problems of small oscillations of tidally-distorted stars has been extended further to take into account the effect of second-order terms in tidal distortion. Our results show that the effect of including terms of second order of smallness in tidal distortion in the metric coefficients of the Roche coordinates of tidally distorted stars is quite significant, especially in case of stars with extended envelopes and (or) larger values of the mass ratio of the companion star producing tidal distortion. Some of the models which were earlier found stable against small perturbations now become dynamically unstable with the inclusion of the terms of second order of smallness in tidal effects.At present on leave of absence with the department of Mathematics, College of Science, Baghdad, Iraq.  相似文献   

We eliminate the 1:2 critical terms — after a previous elimination of the short period terms — in the Hamiltonian of a first order U-N theory. We take into account terms of degree 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 in the eccentricity-inclination. We apply for this elimination the Hori-Lie technique through the Poincaré canonical variables and the Jacobi coordinates. The purely principal first order secular U-N Hamiltonian admits a complete solution. We obtained the U-N equations of motion generated by the principal first order long period U-N Hamiltonian which will be solved later. This part III is closely related to the two previous papers (Kamel, 1982, 1983).  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper will be to establish the explicit form of the equations of radiative transfer, in plane-parallel atmospheres surrounding the stars which are distorted by axial rotation or tides, in curvilinear coordinates which parallel the distorted surface; with particular attention to the circumstances under which the effects arising from limb- and gravity-darkening are multiplicative and admit of algebraic separation. In Section 2 (which follows a general outline of our problem) the fundamental equations of the radiativetransfer problem will be formulated for the ‘grey’ case; and rewritten in Section 3 in terms of non-orthogonal coordinates in which the potential over a level surface in hydrostatic equilibrium replaces the radial coordinate of spherical polars. In Section 4 we shall proceed to construct an explicit solution of the corresponding transfer problem in a plane-parallel approximation; and to prove that the effects of limb- and gravity-darkening remain factorizable only to terms which are linear in the cosines μ of the angle of foreshortening. Lastly, in Section 5 we shall list additional problems, arising in this connection, which still await appropriate treatment.  相似文献   

We consider secular perturbations of nearly Keplerian two-body motion under a perturbing potential that can be approximated to sufficient accuracy by expanding it to second order in the coordinates. After averaging over time to obtain the secular Hamiltonian, we use angular momentum and eccentricity vectors as elements. The method of variation of constants then leads to a set of equations of motion that are simple and regular, thus allowing efficient numerical integration. Some possible applications are briefly described.  相似文献   

Having formulated the Clairaut second-order differential equations up to the fourth order in superficial distortion due to Hensen's coefficients in the previous article (El-Sharawyet al., 1989 III, hereafter denotes by SM3), we are now in a position to solve them. In this paper we shall discuss the methods of solving the Clairaut theory, to give an explicit form about the distortion of the surfaces of Jupiter and Saturn, numerically up to the fourth-order.  相似文献   

We derive the exact equations of motion for the circular restricted three-body problem in cylindrical curvilinear coordinates together with a number of useful analytical relations linking curvilinear coordinates and classical orbital elements. The equations of motion can be seen as a generalization of Hill’s problem after including all neglected nonlinear terms. As an application of the method, we obtain a new expression for the averaged third-body disturbing function including eccentricity and inclination terms. We employ the latter to study the dynamics of the guiding center for the problem of circular coorbital motion providing an extension of some results in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper derives the contributionF 2 * by the great inequality to the secular disturbing function of the principal planets. Andoyer's expansion of the planetary disturbing function and von Zeipel's method of eliminating the periodic terms is employed; thereby, the corrected secular disturbing function for the planetary system is derived. An earlier solution suggested by Hill is based on Leverrier's equations for the variation of elements of Jupiter and Saturn and on the semi-empirical adjustment of the coefficients in the secular disturbing function. Nowadays there are several modern methods of eliminating periodic terms from the Hamiltonian and deriving a purely secular disturbing function. Von Zeipel's method is especially suitable. The conclusion is drawn that the canonicity of the equations for the secular variation of the heliocentric elements can be preserved if there be retained, in the secular disturbing function, terms only of the second and fourth order relative to the eccentricity and inclinations.The Krylov-Bogolubov method is suggested for eliminating periodic terms, if it is desired to include the secular perturbations of the fifth and higher order in the heliocentric elements. The additional part of the secular disturbing functionF 2 * derived in this paper can be included in existing theories of the secular effects of principal planets. A better approach would be to preserve the homogeneity of the theory and rederive all the secular perturbations of principal planets using Andoyer's symbolism, including the part produced by the great inequality.  相似文献   

We present a three-dimensional technique for the solution of the magnetohydrostatic equations when we are modeling structures bounded by a current sheet that is free to move to satisfy pressure balance. The magnetic field is expressed in terms of Euler potentials and the equations are transformed to flux coordinates, greatly simplifying the problem of locating the free boundary. Multi-grid techniques are used to rapidly solve the resulting nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations. The method is tested against Low's (1982) exact solution of a bipolar plasma loop. It is shown that fast, accurate solutions can be found.  相似文献   

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