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We utilized 234Th, a naturally occurring radionuclide, to quantify the particulate organic carbon (POC) export rates in the northern South China Sea (SCS) based on data collected in July 2000 (summer), May 2001 (spring) and November 2002 (autumn). Th-234 deficit was enhanced with depth in the euphotic zone, reaching a subsurface maximum at the Chl-a maximum in most cases, as commonly observed in many oceanic regimes. Th-234 was in general in equilibrium with 238U at a depth of ∼100 m, the bottom of the euphotic zone. In this study the 234Th deficit appeared to be less significant in November than in July and May. A surface excess of 234Th relative to 238U was found in the summer over the shelf of the northern SCS, most likely due to the accumulation of suspended particles entrapped by a salinity front. Comparison of the 234Th fluxes from the upper 10 m water column between 2-D and traditional 1-D models revealed agreement within the errors of estimation, suggesting the applicability of the 1-D model to this particular shelf region. 1-D model-based 234Th fluxes were converted to POC export rates using the ratios of bottle POC to 234Th. The values ranged from 5.3 to 26.6 mmol C m−2d−1 and were slightly higher than those in the southern SCS and other oligotrophic areas. POC export overall showed larger values in spring and summer than in autumn, the seasonality of which was, however, not significant. The highest POC export rate (26.6 mmol C m−2d−1) appeared at the shelf break in spring (May), when Chl-a increased and the community structure changed from pico-phytoplankton (<2 μm) dominated to nano-phytoplankton (2–20 μm) and micro-phytoplankton (20–200 μm) dominated.  相似文献   

An analysis of the 234Th method for determining the export flux of particulate organic carbon (PPOC) from the upper ocean using in situ pumps or water bottles shows that the accuracy of the method (the ratio of the experimental value of PPOC divided by the true POC flux, FPOC), defined as the p-ratio, is equal to the mean settling velocity of particulate 234Th divided by that of POC. Therefore, PPOC is equivalent to the true POC flux (FPOC) and the p-ratio is equal to unity if, and only if, POC and particulate 234Th have the same mean sinking velocities. A simple particle settling model is discussed that invokes Stokes’ Law settling velocities, volume:surface area (V:SA) fractionation of C:234Th and two assemblages of particles having different sizes and densities. The model is used to illustrate the ranges of parameter values that conform to values of the p-ratio sufficiently close to unity that the experimentally determined POC flux can be considered to be an accurate representation of the true POC flux.Despite the over-simplification of real systems implicit in the model, the results suggest that p-ratios<1, equivalent to an under-estimate of the POC flux, are representative of single particle settling regimes in which the larger particles dominate the vertical flux. This follows from the assumption that the ratio of C/234Th on particles is governed by the volume to surface area (V:SA) ratio of the particles. This results in a greater proportion of 234Th compared to C being associated with the smaller, more slowly settling particles and, as a result, normalization of the POC flux to the 234Th flux provides an under-estimate of the former quantity. However, when the smaller particle assemblage dominates the vertical flux, as could occur in open ocean regimes having high aeolian inputs of dense, rapidly settling, inorganic particles, then the p-ratio could exceed unity (p-ratio >1) resulting in an over-estimate of the POC flux using the 234Th method. High levels of flocculation associated with phytoplankton blooms in productive regions of the ocean are likely to produce p-ratios approaching unity, because flocs would tend to preserve the V:SA partitioning of the original particle size distribution and thereby minimize differences in the mean settling speeds of POC and particulate 234Th (Waite, A.W., Hill, P.S., 2006. Flocculation, phytoplankton and the accuracy of 234Th-based estimates of the vertical flux of particulate organic carbon in the sea. Marine Chemistry in press). Selective sampling of the large particle fraction using, for example, 53-μm screens can produce a more accurate estimate of the true POC flux, but may not entirely shift the p-ratio to a value of unity.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2007,103(1-2):185-196
Large-volume sampling of 234Th and drifting sediment trap deployments were conducted as part of the 2004 Western Arctic Shelf–Basin Interactions (SBI) spring (May 15–June 23) and summer (July 17–August 26) process cruises in the Chukchi Sea. Measurements of 234Th and particulate organic carbon (POC) export fluxes were obtained at five stations during the spring cruise and four stations during the summer cruise along Barrow Canyon (BC) and along a parallel shelf-to-basin transect from East Hanna Shoal (EHS) to the Canada Basin. 234Th and POC fluxes obtained with in situ pumps and drifting sediment traps agreed to within a factor of 2 for 70% of the measurements. POC export fluxes measured with in situ pumps at 50 m along BC were similar in spring and summer (average = 14.0 ± 8.0 mmol C m 2 day 1 and 16.5 ± 6.5 mmol C m 2 day 1, respectively), but increased from spring to summer at the EHS transect (average = 1.9 ± 1.1 mmol C m 2 day 1 and 19.5 ± 3.3 mmol C m 2 day 1, respectively). POC fluxes measured with sediment traps at 50 m along BC were also similar in both seasons (31.3 ± 9.3 mmol C m 2 day 1 and 29.1 ± 14.2 mmol C m 2 day 1, respectively), but were approximately twice as high as POC fluxes measured with in situ pumps. Sediment trap POC fluxes measured along the EHS transect also increased from spring to summer (3.0 ± 1.9 mmol C m 2 day 1 and 13.0 ± 6.4 mmol C m 2 day 1, respectively), and these fluxes were similar to the POC fluxes obtained with in situ pumps. Discrepancies in POC export fluxes measured using in situ pumps and sediment traps may be reasonably explained by differences in the estimated POC/234Th ratios that arise from differences between the techniques, such as time-scale of measurement and size and composition of the collected particles. Despite this variability, in situ pump and sediment trap-derived POC fluxes were only significantly different at a highly productive station in BC during the spring.  相似文献   

利用234Th-238U不平衡方法研究南沙群岛海域春季真光层颗粒动力学性质,测定了4个站位水柱中颗粒态有机碳(POC)、溶解态及颗粒态234Th和238U的含量,讨论了各站位水柱中234Th/238U)A.R.的垂直分布.运用稳态箱式模型计算各站位不同水层中溶解态234Th相对于清除至颗粒物的平均停留时间和颗粒态234Th相对于迁出作用的平均停留时间.结合POC/234ThP比值,用两种方法估算出各站位的颗粒态有机碳输出通量分别为8.51-34.94和13.28-50.06mmol·(m2·d)-1.两种方法结果一致,说明234Th是表征POC循环的良好示踪剂.  相似文献   

234 Th was utilized as a tracer of particulate organic carbon (POC) export in the northwestern South China Sea (SCS) on the basis of the data collected at four stations during a spring cruise.Depth profiles of dissolved and particulate 234 Th activities were measured in the upper 60 m,showing a significant deficit relative to 238 U over the investigated stations.A stratified structure of 234 Th-238 U disequilibrium was in general observed in the upper 60 m water column,indicating that the euphotic zone of t...  相似文献   

A total of 21 surface water samples were collected on the east side of the East China Sea (ECS) (3 sites) and at the Tsushima Strait (1 site), and 226Ra and 228Ra activities were measured using low-background γ-spectrometry. The 228Ra/226Ra ratios among the samples exhibited notable seasonal variation (228Ra/226Ra = 0.2–2.6) accompanying changes of salinity (31.7–34.7). Seasonal water circulation within the ECS is hypothesized to cause the change by altering the mixing ratio of 228Ra-rich continental shelf water and 228Ra-poor Kuroshio water.  相似文献   

Dissolved and particulate 234Th activities in surface seawater were determined at 27 stations along the coastline of western Taiwan during 19–23 November 2004. Contrasting scavenging settings were observed between the northern and southern regimes of the nearshore water off western Taiwan, separated by the Cho-Shui River. The northern regime is characterized by a large quantity of suspended load contributed by northward transport of a suspension plume from the Cho-Shui River, while the southern regime, low in suspended load and high in chlorophyll concentration, is a system controlled by biological activity. A scavenging model that takes account of the physical transport was used to estimate the 234Th budget in order to estimate the scavenging and removal rates from the nearshore water. The scavenging and removal rates ranged from 21 to 127 dpm m−3d−1 and from 36 to 525 dpm m−3d−1, for dissolved and particulate 234Th, respectively. The removal fluxes of particulate organic carbon (POC) and particulate organic nitrogen (PON) were estimated by multiplying the particulate 234Th removal flux to the organic carbon/234Th and nitrogen/234Th ratios in suspended particles, which ranged from 4.5 to 275.2 mmol-C m−2d−1 and from 1.3 to 50.1 mmol-N m−2d−1, respectively. These fluxes resulted in residence times of 1∼20 days for the POC in the surface water of nearshore water off western Taiwan.  相似文献   

对厦门湾塔角附近海域某站位叶绿素 a、POC、初级生产力、234Th/238U不平衡进行的周日变化研究表明,POC含量介于14.4~34.6 mmol/m3之间,其中碎屑有机碳与活体有机碳所占份额分别为74%~92%和8%~26%.POC垂直分布呈现由表及底降低的趋势,且白昼期间POC含量高于晚间,说明研究海域POC含量与生物过程具有密切联系.初级生产力水平在1d之中变化达5倍,垂直分布亦随深度增加而降低,与叶绿素a的变化相对应.短时间(2h)培养获得的初级生产力水平明显高于长时间培养(24 h)的结果,证实部分新固定的碳被优先呼吸排出.结合234Th/238U不平衡法获得的颗粒态234Th输出通量及输出界面颗粒物中的POC/PTh比值,可计算出真光层 POC的垂向输出通量为16.0mmol/(m2·d),其中碎屑有机碳与活体有机碳贡献的数量分别为13.3和2.7mmol/(m2·d).POC输出通量与初级生产力的比值(ThE比值)平均为0.31,真光层POC停留时间平均为11d.上述结果与Aksnes和Wassmann[1]的模型计算结果相吻合,但与其他大多数模型的结果仍存在一定的差异.  相似文献   

Duanqiao hydrothermal field is located between the Indomed and Gallieni fracture zones at the central volcano, at 50°28′E in the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR). Twenty-eight subsamples from a relict chimney and massive sulfides were dated using the 230Th/238U method. Four main episodes of hydrothermal activity were determined according to the restricted results: 68.9–84.3, 43.9–48.4, 25.3–34.8, and 0.7–17.3 kyrs. Hydrothermal activity of Duanqiao probably started about 84.3 (±0.5) kyrs ago and ceased about 0.737 (±0.023) kyrs ago. The periodic character of hydrothermal activity may be related to the heat source provided by the interaction of local magmatism and tectonism. The estimated mean growth rate of the sulfide chimney is <0.02 mm/yr. This study is the first to estimate the growth rate of chimneys in the SWIR. The maximum age of the relict chimney in Duanqiao hydrothermal filed is close to that of the chimneys from Mt. Jourdanne (70 kyrs). The hydrothermal activity in Dragon Flag field is much more recent than that of Duanqiao or Mt. Jourdanne fields. The massive sulfides are younger than the sulfides from other hydrothermal fields such as Rainbow, Sonne and Ashadze-2. The preliminarily estimated reserves of sulfide ores of Duanqiao are approximately 0.5–2.9 million tons.  相似文献   

234Th is widely used to quantify the magnitude of upper ocean particulate organic carbon(POC)export in oceans.In the present work,the rates of particulate organic carbon export were measured based on the distribution patterns of234Th/238U disequilibrium in the water column within the continental slope of the East China Sea(ECS)during May 2011.The profiles of particulate and dissolved234Th activities at all three stations showed a relative deficit with respect to238U in the upper 100 m of the water column.The dissolved234Th scavenging rates and the particulate234Th removal rates and their residence times were calculated by a one-dimensional steady state model.The results showed that the dissolved234Th scavenging rates and the particulate234Th removal rates ranged from 12.4–61.4 dpm/(m3·d)andfrom3.8–21.8 dpm/(m3·d),respectively.The residence times of dissolved and particulate234Th were in the range of 3.4–158 d and 63.7–96.5 d,respectively.Combined with the measurement of POC/234Th ratios of suspended particles,POC export flux(calculated by carbon)from the euphotic zone was estimated in the study region,which ranged from 4.14–14.7 mmol/(m2·d),withanaverageof8.21mmol/(m2·d),occupying35%oftheprimeproductivity in the study area.The results of this study can provide new information for better understanding the carbon biogeochemical cycle within the continental slope of the ECS.  相似文献   

Observations of primary productivity, 234Th, and particulate organic carbon (POC) were made from west to east across the northern North Pacific Ocean (from station K2 to Ocean Station Papa) during September–October 2005. Primary productivities in this region varied longitudinally from approximately 236 to 444 mgC m−2d−1 and clearly indicate the West High East Low (WHEL) trend. We estimated east-west variations in the POC flux from the surface layer (0–100 m) by using 234Th as a tracer. POC fluxes in the western region (44–53 mgC m−2d−1) were higher than those in the eastern region (21–34 mgC m−2d−1). However, the export ratios (e-ratios) ranged from approximately 8% to 16% and did not show the WHEL trend. Contrary to our expectation, no relation between POC flux (or e-ratio) and diatom biomass (or dominance) was apparent in autumn in the northern North Pacific.  相似文献   

Depth profiles of total 234Th (dissolved+particulate) were collected at Station ALOHA (22°45N, 158°00W) in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre during 9 cruises from April 1999 to March 2000. Samples were collected and processed by a new 2 L technique that enables more detailed depth resolution then previous 234Th studies. Significant zones of particle export (234Th deficiency) and particle remineralization (234Th excess) were measured both temporally and with depth. 234Th derived particulate carbon (PC) and nitrogen (PN) fluxes were determined with steady-state and non-steady-state models and PC/234Th and PN/234Th ratios measured with both in situ pumps and free-drifting particle interceptor traps deployed at 150 m. 234Th based export estimates of 4.0±2.3 mmol C m−2 d−1 and 0.53±0.19 mmol N m−2 d−1, were approximately 60% higher than those measured in PIT style sediment traps from the same time period, 2.4±0.2 mmol C m−2 d−1 and 0.32±0.08 mmol N m−2 d−1. Most of this difference is attributable to two large export events that occurred during October and December 1999, when traps undercollected for 234Th by a factor of 2 to 4. 234Th export (ThE) ratios based on 234Th derived PC flux/14C based primary production ranged from 4% to 22% (average=8.8%). Our results confirm the recent estimates of C export by Emerson et al. (Nature 389 (1997) 951) and Sonnerup et al. (Deep-Sea Research I 46 (1999) 777) and indicate that C export from the oligotrophic ocean must be considered when discussing C sequestration in global climate change.  相似文献   

A record of radionuclide fluxes at a deep marginal sea of the Northwest Pacific Ocean (39°40′N 132°24′ E, Japan Basin, East Sea/Sea of Japan) was obtained from analysis of a 1-year continuous collection of sediment-trap samples. The trap was placed at a depth of 2800 m, 500 m above the sea floor, and the samples were recovered at the end of one year. Concentrations of 238U, 234U, 232Th, 230Th and 228Th were measured in the trapped material. All of the radionuclide fluxes showed seasonal variations that were in phase with the variations in total particle flux, which were shown in earlier work to be closely tied to the primary production in the surface water. The formation of authigenic 238U appears to be less than in other open ocean regimes. The residence time of particulate thorium isotopes were of the order of a year, resulting in an average settling rate of a meter per day. Comparison of the measured 230Thex flux with that of the theoretical production in the overlying water column yielded about 40% surplus of 230Th, indicating that lateral advection contributes 230Th to this sampling site.  相似文献   

To facilitate geological analyses of the Ulleung Basin in the East Sea (Japan Sea) between Korea and Japan, shipborne and satellite altimetry-derived gravity data are combined to derive a regionally coherent anomaly field. The 2-min gridded satellite altimetry-based gravity predicted by Sandwell and Smith [Sandwell DT, Smith WHF (1997) J Geophys Res 102(B5):10,039–10,054] are used for making cross-over adjustments that reduce the errors between track segments and at the cross-over points of shipborne gravity profiles. Relative to the regionally more homogeneous satellite gravity anomalies, the longer wavelength components of the shipborne anomalies are significantly improved with minimal distortion of their shorter wavelength components. The resulting free-air gravity anomaly map yields a more coherent integration of short and long wavelength anomalies compared to that obtained from either the shipborne or satellite data sets separately. The derived free-air anomalies range over about 140 mGals or more in amplitude and regionally correspond with bathymetric undulations in the Ulleung Basin. The gravity lows and highs along the basin’s margin indicate the transition from continental to oceanic crust. However, in the northeastern and central Ulleung Basin, the negative regional correlation between the central gravity high and bathymetric low suggests the presence of shallow denser mantle beneath thinned oceanic crust. A series of gravity highs mark seamounts or volcanic terranes from the Korean Plateau to Oki Island. Gravity modeling suggests underplating by mafic igneous rocks of the northwestern margin of the Ulleung Basin and the transition between continental and oceanic crust. The crust of the central Ulleung Basin is about a 14–15 km thick with a 4–5 km thick sediment cover. It may also include a relatively weakly developed buried fossil spreading ridge with approximately 2 km of relief.  相似文献   

中国第22次南极科学考察(2005年11月至2006年3月)期间,测定了南极普里兹湾海域5个站位的从表层至150 m水深的不同层位水样中溶解态和颗粒态234Th,238U的放射性比活度以及颗粒有机碳.利用234Th/238U在上层水体中的不平衡,计算了南极普里兹湾上层水体中234Th的平均停留时间和输出通量.结果显示,随着纬度的增加,上层水体中颗粒态和溶解态234Th的平均停留时间总体趋向减小,并在中纬度站位出现了最低值,分别为1~8和29~48 d,而颗粒态和溶解态234Th的输出通量则在中纬度站位出现了最大值,分别为21~38和26~39 dpm/(m3·d).运用箱型清除模式,利用两种不同的方法估算了各水柱中从真光层底部输出的POC通量,平均值分别达到104.7 mmol/(m2·d)(E法)和120.6 mmol/(m2·d)(B法),表明南极普里兹湾夏季存在很高的新生产力,它将会对该海域碳的生物泵过程产生重要作用.  相似文献   

Metal-enriched minerals have been widely observed near hydrothermal vent fields.However,the dynamics of particulate metals influenced by hydrothermal activities is poorly constrained.Here,radioactive ~(234)Th in both dissolved and particulate phases were used to examine the kinetics of particle-reactive metal adsorption,removal,and residence in a newly found hydrothermal plume over the Southwest Indian Ridge.The results showed a relatively low value on ~(234)Th/~(238)U ratios(i.e.,0.73-0.88) compared to the deep oceans,indicating an enhanced adsorption of particle-reactive metals onto particulate matter in the plume.Based on the ~(234)Th-~(238)U disequilibria,the adsorption and sinking rate constants of ~(234)Th averaged(0.009±0.001) d~(-1) and(0.113±0.024) d~(-1) in the hydrothermal plume,corresponding to the residence times of(115±19) d and(16±5) d for dissolved and particulate ~(234)Th,respectively.This timescale allows vent-discharged particle-reactive metals to disperse hundreds to thousands of miles away.Thus,hydrothermal activities might influence the metal distribution in deep ocean over a very large scope.Also,a high sinking flux of(36.2±5.4) B q/(m~2·d) for ~(234)Th was observed for the plume,suggesting an enrichment of metal in particles deposited close to the vent.The enhancement of particle sinking could also benefit the transport of organic carbon and nitrogen and fuel the benthic ecosystems under the plume regimes.Thus,hydrothermal plumes may have an impact on both the elemental geochemistry and/or ecosystem to the deep oceans interior than previous expectation.  相似文献   

The Ulleung Basin (Tsushima Basin) in the southwestern East Sea (Japan Sea) is floored by a crust whose affinity is not known whether oceanic or thinned continental. This ambiguity resulted in unconstrained mechanisms of basin evolution. The present work attempts to define the nature of the crust of the Ulleung Basin and its tectonic evolution using seismic wide-angle reflection and refraction data recorded on ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs). Although the thickness of (10 km) of the crust is greater than typical oceanic crust, tau-p analysis of OBS data and forward modeling by 2-D ray tracing suggest that it is oceanic in character: (1) the crust consists of laterally consistent upper and lower layers that are typical of oceanic layers 2 and 3 in seismic velocity and gradient distribution and (2) layer 2C, the transition between layer 2 and layer 3 in oceanic crust, is manifested by a continuous velocity increase from 5.7 to 6.3 km/s over the thickness interval of about 1 km between the upper and lower layers. Therefore it is not likely that the Ulleung Basin was formed by the crustal extension of the southwestern Japan Arc where crustal structure is typically continental. Instead, the thickness of the crust and its velocity structure suggest that the Ulleung Basin was formed by seafloor spreading in a region of hotter than normal mantle surrounding a distant mantle plume, not directly above the core of the plume. It seems that the mantle plume was located in northeast China. This suggestion is consistent with geochemical data that indicate the influence of a mantle plume on the production of volcanic rocks in and around the Ulleung Basin. Thus we propose that the opening models of the southwestern East Sea should incorporate seafloor spreading and the influence of a mantle plume rather than the extension of the crust of the Japan Arc.  相似文献   

A synthesis of high-resolution (Chirp, 2–7 kHz) subbottom profiles in the Ulleung Basin reveals patchy distribution of shallow (<90 m subbottom depth) gassy sediments in the eastern basin plain below 1,800-m water depth. The shallow gases in the sediments are associated with acoustic turbidities, columnar acoustic blankings, enhanced reflectors, dome structures, and pockmarks. Analyses of gas samples collected from a piston core in an earlier study suggest that the shallow gases are thermogenic in origin. Also, published data showing high amounts of organic matter in thick sections of marine shale (middle Miocene to lower Pliocene sequence) and high heat flow in the basin plain sediments are consistent with the formation of deep, thermogenic gas. In multi-channel deep seismic profiles, numerous acoustic chimneys and faults reflect that the deep, thermogenic gas would have migrated upwards from the deeper subsurface to the near-seafloor. The upward-migrating gases may have accumulated in porous debrites and turbidites (upper Pliocene sequence) overlain by impermeable hemipelagites (Quaternary sequence), resulting in the patchy distribution of shallow gases on the eastern basin plain.  相似文献   

Surface concentrations and vertical fluxes of particulate organic carbon (POC) were assessed in the Amundsen Gulf (southeastern Beaufort Sea, Arctic Ocean) over the years 2004 to 2006 by using ocean color remote-sensing imagery and sequential sediment traps moored over the ca. 400 m isobath. Environmental conditions (sea ice, wind) and oceanographic variables (temperature, salinity, fluorescence and currents) were investigated to explain the variability of POC data. Annual downward POC fluxes in 2004, 2005 and 2006 cumulated, respectively, to 3.3, 4.2 and 6.0 g C m?2 yr?1 at ~100 m depth, and to 1.3, 2.2 and 3.3 g C m?2 yr?1 at ~210 m depth. The fraction of settling POC attributable to autochthonous processes occurring at or next to ice break-up was estimated to be 75–84% of the 100 m annual fluxes and to be 61–75% of the 210 m fluxes. Over the three ice-reduced seasons, distinct scenarios between ice conditions, surface POC pools and vertical POC export at 100 m were identified: (1) in 2004, despite a normal ice break-up, a weak primary production was measured and low vertical fluxes were collected as old ice moved across the region; (2) in 2005, a lengthened ice-free period allowed an extended season of surface POC production near-shore, while an intermediate increase of vertical fluxes was recorded offshore; and (3) in 2006, a late ice melt gave rise to a pulsed ice edge bloom and to large vertical fluxes also associated with extra ice-flushed material. Linear regressions of vertical POC fluxes against satellite-derived surface POC concentrations suggested that the pelagic POC retention in the upper 100 m of the Amundsen Gulf ranged from ca. 70% to 90% depending on the timing of ice cover melt. Regardless of the inter-annual variability, the estimated fraction of the surface POC reservoir reaching the 210 m water depth was reduced to ~5%. Therefore, as the Arctic Ocean warms up, our results support the expectation that the increasing extent of the seasonal ice zone will promote the POC pathways that benefit pelagic webs rather than benthic communities.  相似文献   

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