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根据岩石地层学、地貌学、孢粉学特征,将河南平顶山地区的第四系划分为4个岩石地层单位,由老到新分别为鲁山组、下汤组、社旗组和马塘组.鲁山组分布于前隆起岗地,为冲洪积成因,形成于225×104 a B.P..下汤组具二元结构,组成河流Ⅳ级阶地,属河流冲积成因,形成于64×104a B.P..社旗组具二元结构特征,组成河流Ⅲ级阶地,属河流冲积成因,形成年代大于5.42×104a B.P..马塘组也具二元结构特征,组成河流Ⅱ级阶地,属河流冲积成因,形成于2×104 a B.P..岩石地层单位的划分为探讨黄河-淮河冲积平原及南阳盆地的形成与演化提供了基础性资料. 相似文献
中国第四纪地层 总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32
本文综述了中国第四纪沉积类型及第四系的划分,并与国际第四系划分进行了对比。指出中国第四纪沉积物分布广泛,种类繁多,以陆相沉积为主。按其成因主要有风成黄土堆积、河一湖相沉积、冲一洪积堆积、冰川沉积、洞穴堆积、风化壳残积(红土)、火山堆积和海相沉积等。各种沉积物都有很好的剖面,尤其是黄土和河一湖相沉积更为连续完整。按中国第四纪地层发育的实际情况,第四系的底界应置于松山一高斯极性转换界线(M/G,2.6MaB,P,);第四系内部划分为更新统(Qp)和14新统(Qh),界线在11000aB,P,.更新统进一步划分为下、中和上3个阶(Qp1, Qp2, Qp3), Qp2/Qp1的界线为布容一松山极性转换界线(B/M; 0.78MaB,P,);Qp3/Qp2的界线为本次间冰期的起始时间(0.128MaB,P,). 相似文献
渭南地区黄土台塬地层划分上以往采用的统一划分不能反映客观情况,第四纪下限长期争论不休。本文拟通过对渭南地区岩石地层、年代地层、生物地层、磁性地层、气候地层特征的深入系统研究,对该区地层进行以岩石地层单位为主的多重地层划分,并认为M/G界限为第四纪下限,距今为2.48MaB·P。 相似文献
靖远地区上系发育良好,分带性明显,成因类型较为复杂,根据野外地质调查资料,在全面分析,整理该区第四纪地层资料的基础上,以新构运动为背景,结合岩相、岩性和地层之间接触关系及地貌特征,初步归纳建立了靖远地区第四纪地层层序。 相似文献
湖南岩石地层划分对比及废弃的地层单位 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
湖南岩石地层划分对比及废弃的地层单位①HunanRockstratigraphicDivisionandCorrelationandRejectedStratigraphicUnit唐晓珊TangXiaoshan黄建中HuangJianzhong地... 相似文献
冲绳海槽西部陆坡第四纪沉积地层划分 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
冲绳海槽西部陆坡是认识深海斜坡沉积的重要区域。通过对高分辨率地震资料的精细解释,结合已有的研究成果,在冲绳海槽西部陆坡海底以下识别出4个主要的地震层序界面,相应地划分出四个主要地震层序,各层序分别对应全新世沉积层(Q4)、晚更新世沉积层(Q3)、中更新世沉积层(Q2)和早更新世沉积层(Q1)。从陆坡上部往下由斜交前积反射结构过渡到杂乱的反射结构,在地震剖面上可识别出杂乱的丘形反射单元,是滑塌体和重力流沉积的典型地震反射特征,反映出一种高能的、极不稳定的沉积环境。海槽轴部以平行-亚平行的地震反射特征为主,显示了稳定的深海-半深海的沉积环境。地震反射结构的多样性反映了冲绳海槽西部陆坡沉积环境的复杂性和沉机作用类型的多样性,沉积地层结构是多种因素共同作用的结果。东海陆架和冲绳海槽发育相同的第四纪地层垂向序列,同时冲绳海槽西部陆坡与东海陆架第四纪沉积层在层序界面、沉积层厚度、变形程度和产状等方面存在着差异,单靠地震资料来进行两个地区的地层对比存在着不确定性。 相似文献
根据岩石地层学与地貌地层学特征,将江西修水地区的第四系划分为5个岩石地层单位。由老到新为:①赣县组为一套暗红色强风化砾石层,组成修水河第五级阶地,形成时代大于10MaBP;②进贤组分上、下两段。下段为棕红色强网纹化红土和砂砾层,组成第四级河流阶地;上段为一套褐红色网纹化亚粘土与砂、砂砾石组合,组成第三级阶地。进贤组形成的年龄大致为09~01MaBP;③莲塘组岩性以厚层的褐黄色砂砾石层与薄层亚砂土为主,组成第二级阶地,中上部OSL年龄为650×103aBP;④联圩组为褐灰、黄灰色砂砾、砂及亚砂土,组成第一级阶地,中部的C14年龄为80×103aBP;⑤赣江组为灰白色粗砂砾石层,顶部发育薄层灰色亚砂土。 相似文献
The Quaternary fills of the buried valleys of southern Alberta and Saskatchewan have provided a wealth of information for the reconstruction of the glacial-interglacial record of the western plains of Canada, and this paper reports on the previously unstudied stratigraphy of the buried Calgary Valley and its former tributaries in the lower Red Deer River area. We attempt to differentiate Empress Group sediments, which potentially relate to pre-glacial, interglacial/ interstadial and post-glacial lake and river deposition, using sedimentology, stratigraphy and palaeoecology. Twenty-nine stratigraphical logs indicate that Empress Group sediments have infilled a considerably large area of badlands and tributary coulees that once drained into the Calgary Valley, located 15 km to the north of Dinosaur Provincial Park. Radiocarbon dates of 52.4 ka, 27.4 ka and > 42.4 ka and glacially modified quartz grains suggest that at least some of the valley fills date to interglacial or interstadial periods and may be mid-Wisconsinan in age. However, outcrops of an older till overlying other valley fills suggest that the buried valleys were only partially excavated during interglacials/interstadials and that older (even pre-glacial) sediments could have survived. Subglacial channels, recognisable on air photographs, largely coincide with buried valley positions due to the preferential excavation of the Quaternary sediment by meltwater and are filled with post-glacial lake sediment from which a radiocarbon date of 16 ka BP was obtained. Pre-glacial and glacial/post-glacial Empress Group sediments are lithologically indistinct but cover a large time span in southern Alberta. 相似文献
Rachna Raj 《Journal of Earth System Science》2008,117(1):41-48
This communication reports the occurrence of an ash layer intercalated within the late Quaternary alluvial succession of the
Madhumati River, a tributary of the lower Narmada River. Petrographic, morphological and chemical details of glass shards
and pumice fragments have formed the basis of this study. The ash has been correlated with the Youngest Toba Tuff. The finding
of ash layer interbedded in Quaternary alluvial sequences of western Indian continental margin is significant, as ash being
datable material, a near precise time-controlled stratigraphy can be interpreted for the Quaternary sediments of western India.
The distant volcanic source of this ash requires a fresh re-assessment of ash volume and palaeoclimatic interpretations. 相似文献
当前我国第四纪地层研究中存在的不规范和地层混乱现象,主要表现是:长期忽视第四纪岩石地层单位的建立和研究,将岩石地层单位与年代地层单位混用,过分强调多重地层单位界线的一致性等等。当前的第四纪(系)划分方案存在不妥之处,建议:1)将第四纪(系)四分; 2)尽快制定《中国第四系地层规范》,以适应即将开始的新一轮国土资源大调查的需要。 相似文献
通过十多年来反复观测到的洞庭湖周边近岸岗地的巨砾和网纹红土中孤立镶嵌的包括巨砾级的砾石,以及浏阳市大围山花岗岩岩面上无以数计的臼状圆穴,用排他法进行研究;结合前人对洞庭湖区第四纪的气候信息研究。认为湖南有第四纪山岳冰川活动,支持中国东部中低山区有第四纪冰川活动的认识。 相似文献
Joseph Bonaparte Gulf is a large embayment on the northwestern continental margin of Australia. It is approximately 300 km east‐west and 120 km north‐south with a broad continental shelf to seaward. Maximum width from the southernmost shore of Joseph Bonaparte Gulf to the edge of the continental shelf is 560 km. Several large rivers enter the gulf along its shores. The climate is monsoonal, sub‐humid, and cyclone‐prone during the December‐March wet season. A bedrock high (Sahul Rise) rims the shelf margin. The sediments within the gulf are carbonates to seaward, grading into clastics inshore. A seaward‐thinning wedge of highstand muds dominates the sediments of the inner shelf of Joseph Bonaparte Gulf. Mud banks up to 15m thick have developed inshore. Coarse‐grained sand ridges up to 15 m high are found off the mouth of the Ord River. These overlie an Upper Pleistocene transgressive lag of mixed carbonate and gravelly siliciclastic sand. Four drowned strandlines are present on the inner shelf at depths of 20, 25, 28 and 30 m below datum. These are interpreted as having formed during stillstands in the Late Pleistocene transgression. Older strandlines at great depths are inferred as having formed during the fall in sea‐level following the last highstand. For the most part the Upper Pleistocene‐Holocene marine sediments overlie an erosion surface cut into older Pleistocene sediments. Incised valleys cut into this erosion surface are up to 5 km wide and have a relief of at least 20 m. The largest valley is that cut by the Ord River. Upper Pleistocene sediments deposited in the incised valleys include interpreted lowstand fluvial gravels, early transgressive channel sands and floodplain silts, and late transgressive estuarine sands and gravels. Older Pleistocene sediments are inferred to have been deposited before and during the 120 ka highstand (isotope stage 5). They consist of sandy calcarenites deposited in high‐energy tide‐dominated shelf environments. Still older shelf and valley‐fill sediments underlie these. The contrast between the Holocene muddy clastic sediments and the sandy carbonates deposited by the 120 ka highstand suggests that either the climate was more arid in the past, with less fluvial transport, or that mud was more effectively trapped in estuaries, allowing development of carbonate depositional environments inshore. 相似文献
根据对长江三角洲地区两个以细颗粒沉积为主的晚第四纪钻孔进行OSL测年、U系测年、孢粉分析和微体古生物分析,试图建立高分辨率气候地层,从而建立本区晚第四纪的年代地层框架,并探讨本区晚第四纪的标志层和期间发生的两次海侵及其机制。研究结果显示,两孔记录的古气候波动可与深海氧同位素曲线进行对比:对应于深海氧同位素曲线第6阶段(MIS 6),堆积厚层的河道相粗颗粒沉积及第3硬土层,反映当时气候寒冷;第5阶段(MIS 5),为滨海湖沼沉积,沉积物的颗粒显著变细;第4阶段(MIS 4),本区形成第2硬土层;第3阶段(MIS 3)的早期,本区也发育滨海湖沼沉积,中晚期则形成潟湖—砂坝体系,在滨海平原区普遍发育粉、细砂层;第2阶段(MIS 2),地层由下粗上细的沉积序列构成,下部为黄灰、棕黄色粉砂,上部则为棕黄色或暗绿色硬粘土。其中MIS 6、MIS 4和MIS 2期间发育的3层硬土层可作为本区晚第四纪沉积的标志层。在MIS 5和MIS 3期间,本区均发生海侵,MIS 5时期由于古地势较高、淡水径流和陆源物质输入丰富,因此海水影响微弱;MIS 3时期的中晚期为缺乏淡水输入的潟湖—砂坝环境,从而形成广泛的海侵层。 相似文献
潮流界变动段的边滩与浅滩演变关联性强,同时受径潮流水动力、供沙来源及人类活动等多重影响,是航道治理与疏浚维护的重点河段。通过对三益桥河段1976—2017年期间河床冲淤、汊道分流比、三益桥边滩及浅滩演变过程的分析,明确三益桥边滩及浅滩演变的驱动机制。2012年以来三益桥边滩12.5 m水深以浅滩体体积为增大态势,大水年份边滩以淤积为主,设计航槽及深槽以冲刷为主,中水年份边滩淤积厚度小于深槽。上游五峰山弯道河势稳定,具有阻隔上游和畅洲河段河势、汊道分流比调整等传递作用,三益桥边滩淤涨(长)与上游和畅洲河段河势及汊道分流比调整的关系不显著,主要与流域来流流量大小及过程、上游河道冲刷供沙等相关。洪季三益桥上浅区碍航程度大于枯季,汛前中水流量(大通水文站流量介于26 000~34 000 m3/s之间)持续天数长的年份碍航程度大于大洪水年份同时期;因此,流量过程决定边滩与浅滩的冲淤分布,中水流量持续时间长短及供沙量大小决定三益桥边滩淤积量及浅滩碍航淤积量。 相似文献
电子自旋共振(ESR)测年法是近40年来逐步发展起来的第四纪年代学方法。由于它的测年范围宽、测年物质种类多等优点,特别是对于老于20万年的早中更新世没有火山灰等定年物质的样品,有着特殊的优势,引起了第四纪研究者的关注。近年来,随着对ESR法基本原理认识的深入和实验技术的提高,在测年信号心的热稳定性、晒退回零特性、辐射剂量-信号增长特性、测年可靠性等方面的研究均取得了较大进展。本文结合国内外在ESR法基础原理、测年应用等成果,简要回顾了ESR法的历史发展,以及不同信号心在第四纪地质研究中的成功应用。 相似文献