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Differential temperature changes with altitude can shed light on the relative importance of natural versus anthropogenic climatic change. There has been heightened interest in this subject recently due to the finding that high-elevation tropical glaciers have been retreating and that significant melting from even the highest alpine regions has occurred in some areas during the past 20 years or so, as recorded in ice core records, which do not reveal any similar period during previous centuries to millennia. In this paper we find evidence for appreciable differences in mean temperature changes with elevation during the last several decades of instrumental records. The signal appears to be more closely related to increases in daily minimum temperature than changes in the daily maximum. The changes in surface temperature vary spatially, with Europe (particularly western Europe), and parts of Asia displaying the strongest high altitude warming during the period of record. High-elevation climate records of long standing taken at a number of mountain tops throughout the world, but primarily in Europe, are available from a number of countries. In some cases, meteorological observations at these unique mountain sites have been discontinued for a variety of reasons, usually budgetary. It is hoped that the papers published in this special issue of Climatic Change can contribute to a reassessment of the value of continuing climate measurements at these mountain observatories by the appropriate entities, so that we may continue to have access to climate information from the tops of the world.  相似文献   

Since 1990 the project Climate Change in the Arid Andes has been focusing on past climate and environmental conditions in the high mountain range of the north Chilean Andes (18° S–28° S). The extreme aridity of this region is shown by the absence of glaciers, even at the highest altitudes above 6700 m a.s.l. More knowledge of the present climatic situation is needed to interpret the proxy data of different paleoarchives in this transition belt between tropical and extratropical circulation. Precipitation events in this arid region are mainly registered during southern hemisphere summer, when the ITCZ reaches its southernmost position. Winter precipitation (snowfall) has so far not been considered an important factor in the hydrologic system of the area, because snow is seldom accurately registered by climatic stations. To fill this gap in our information, winter snowfall activity was analysed for a period of 6 years using digital NOAA/AVHRR satellite data. The results show that snowfall during winter (May–September) is a quite regular phenomenon, mainly linked to northward displacements or cut-offs of cold air-masses from the Pacific. The areal distribution of snowfall is determined by the synoptic situation that produces precipitation. During cold frontal events, snowfall is most frequent in the southernmost part of the research area and on the western Chilean side of the Andes. Cold air that has been cut off from the westerlies often interacts with warmer and more humid air over the continent and therefore gives rise to a different snowfall distribution, with the greatest snowfall frequency between 23° S–25° S, decreasing polewards as well as towards the equator. These two winter snowfall patterns show that reconstruction of paleoclimate has to take into account the different mechanisms that may cause precipitation in the research area. Intensification of winter precipitation (e.g., the west wind zone) can induce largely different precipitation patterns, depending on which mechanisms (cut-offs, cold-fronts or both) within the west wind zone are strengthened.  相似文献   

低频位势波与夏季北太平洋副高活动   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
分析研究表明,夏季西太平洋副高的季节内活动受东太平洋副高变化的影响和制约,这种作用过程与太平洋副热带地区的低频位势中心的西传关系密切,东、西太平洋副高间的遥相关可能通过低频位势波的传播加以联系和实现。  相似文献   

The time series of annual frequency of the circulation patterns W,C,E in the Northern Hemisphere and annual mean temperature of Beijing (TB),Shanghai (TS) and the whole country (TC) in the period 1891-1990 are expanded as a long-term tendency,a periodic function and a random function.The coherence between circulation and temperature is calculated and analyzed.The abrupt change of circulation and temperature in the last 100 years is revealed with the methods of the accumulated anomalous curves,the signal/noise ratio as well as the Mann-Kendall test.The correlations between anomalous circulation and climate are discussed with some explanations.  相似文献   

In this paper, the analysis of net volume of the Kuroshio in PN section of the East China Sea, the calculations of volume transports of the North Equatorial Current (NEC) and North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC) and the upper layer heat content (0~150 m) in 137°E section during 1967-1992,and the sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) in the northern Pacific are illustrated. Meanwhile,the long term variation of subtropical high in northern hemisphere and in the western Pacific, and atmosphere oscillation are also analyzed. By using Mann-Kendall method, the verification shows that the ocean condition and atmospheric circulation system mentioned above all presented "climate transition"during the mid-and late-Stage of 1970's, that is, the volume transports of the Kuroshio, the NEC and the NECC varied from weak to strong; the SSTA changed from the type of La Nina to that of E1 Nino,which were coincident with atmospheric circulation system, i. e. the subtropical high in northern hemisphere and in the western Pacific, and atmospheric oscillation all had the feature of changing from weak to strong, which indicated the response of atmospheric "climate transition" to oceanic "climate transition ".  相似文献   

近57年江苏省雷暴变化趋势特征分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用江苏省1951—2007年雷暴资料,采用气候倾向率、小波分析和保证率等气候诊断方法,探讨江苏省近57年雷暴的气候变化趋势、周期性特征、时空分布规律和不同保证率下初终期分布。结果表明:江苏省雷暴日数年际变化整体呈减少趋势,主要表现在夏季和秋季雷暴日数的减少。而春季的多年变化不明显。江苏省每10年雷暴日数减少约2天。在年代际变化中,年雷暴日数明显的正距平期主要分布在1960年代初、1960年代末—1970年代初中期,1980年代后期、1990年代后期。负距平期主要出现于1970年代后期—1980年代中期、1990年代中后期和1990年代后期—本世纪初期。不同保证率下雷暴初日、终日存在明显地区差异,50%保证率下雷暴初日(终日)在3月中旬—4月上旬(9月上旬—下旬),80%保证率下雷暴初日(终日)在3月下旬—5月上旬(10月上旬—下旬)。在周期分布上,江苏8~10 a以上的周期都相对比较稳定且具有全域性,而相对较短的周期一般都不具有全域性,从长周期分析江苏地区近几年年雷暴日数各地均处于偏多的周期内。  相似文献   

青藏高原及其邻近地区近30年气候变暖与海拔高度的关系   总被引:41,自引:10,他引:41  
刘晓东  侯萍 《高原气象》1998,17(3):245-249
利用青藏高原及其邻近地区165个站1961~1990年月平均地面气温资料,分析了气候变暖与海拔高度的关系。结果表明:近30年青藏高原及其相邻地区的地面气候变暖与海拔高度有关,变暖的幅度一般随海拔高度升高而增大,海拔高度在500m以下,500~1500,1500~2500,2500~3500及3500m以上等不同高度范围内台站下平均的平均温度的增温率分别为0.0,0.11,0.12,0.19和0.2  相似文献   

研究着眼于上百年尺度西太副高及台风活动变化特征,通过统计分析的方法对百年来台风活动特性及其与西太副高的相关性进行分析。结果表明:(1) 近160 a副热带高压的范围增大、强度增强,在1980年前后,副高平均北界明显北抬,西脊点明显西伸,这种变化与经向环流(Hadley环流)和纬向环流(Walker环流)的变化相关,Hadley环流下沉支(wh)对西太副高关键区的副高强度(h)存在正影响,Walker环流上升支(ww)则存在负影响;(2) 各区域1930年后台风影响时长和年频数均增加。而1975—2020年时段西北太平洋台风年平均影响时长与1930—1975年时段相比有所下降,但发生年频率无明显变化;华南地区的年影响时长与年频数没有明显变化,但我国华东沿海地区台风的年影响平均时长与年频数均显著增加。Hadley环流下沉支、Walker环流上升支、副高强度与西北太平洋台风活动范围向西向北伸展及各区域发生频率显著相关,具有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   

近35年江苏沿海气温变化对北半球增暖的响应   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
采用主分量分析与回归估计相结合的方法,研究近35年来江苏沿海气温变化对半球增暖的响应状况。根据北半球平均增暖的条件,推求未来气候情景下该区各地增暖的可能幅度及其可靠性。结果表明(1)北半球增暖背景下,本区夏季气温变化趋势和年际振动的响应,具有很大的不确定性;  相似文献   

赵鸣 《气象科学》2003,23(2):144-152
近年来华北干旱化表现为降水减小和温度增加,本文用一维能量平衡模式在不计平流的条件下研究年温度增加和降水减少间的关系,所得结果大致符合我国北方的实际资料。还研究了在二氧化碳倍增情况下一维能量平衡模式得出的华北温度增加大小,其值在1℃左右,大致符合数值模式得出的结论,表明该模式在研究华北干旱化时有一定的用处。  相似文献   

论近年来云雾滴谱形成理论的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
顾震潮 《气象学报》1962,32(4):267-284
本文对近年来国内外云滴谱的理论研究作了评价,分析了当前的研究情况,指出了已有的成就和存在的问题,并且着重指出今后应该注意起伏对云滴形成过程的作用,和包括宏观条件与微观结构相连系的综合研究。  相似文献   

华南区域GRAPES模式动力框架的更新使得高分辨地形数据能够进入模式。引入SRTM数据实现静态数据更新,结合模式内置数据,进行了批量模拟试验;通过站点检验方式,对批量试验结果进行对比,得出以下结论:对比业务使用的Topo10 m地形、Topo30 s地形、SRTM地形和基于SRTM多种插值方案得到的地形,海拔偏差的空间分布和分位数统计都有明显的改善,复杂地形区域的改善效果更显著。通过地面要素平均绝对误差(MAE)箱须图统计和模式西部站点绝对误差(AE)时间序列图对比分析,发现高分辨地形试验的2 m气温和10 m风速MAE和AE有大幅度的改善。高分辨地形对模式静态数据的改善是2 m气温和10 m风速MAE下降的主要原因,地形复杂区域对MAE改善的贡献高于模式其他区域。高分辨地形进入模式后会引起动力过程计算的虚假扰动,适当的滤波平滑能够抑制扰动,从而进一步提高预报精度。   相似文献   

天山山区近40a年降水变化特征与南、北疆的比较   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
袁玉江  何清  喻树龙 《气象科学》2004,24(2):220-226
本文分析了天山山区近40 a来年降水变化的基本特征,并与南疆、北疆进行了比较,所得的主要结果如下:(1)天山山区在年降水量干湿变化阶段上与北疆的相似性强于南疆。(2)年降水量的空间分布的同步变化性以北疆为最好,南疆最差,天山山区居中,而年降水量的空间分布的反向变化性,以天山山区为最大,北疆最小,南疆居中。(3)天山山区与南疆从60年代到90年代,年降水均表现出了持续的增加的趋势,北疆年降水从60年代到90年代,除70年代外,不断增多。  相似文献   

Analysis of the Trends of Thunderstorms in 1951–2007 in Jiangsu Province   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Based on the 1951–2007 thunderstorms in Jiangsu, a study is conducted for their climate trends, periodicity, spatiotemporal patterns, and the distributions of the first and last days of the thunderstorms at different guarantee rates (GRs) using climate tendency rate, wavelet analysis, and GR for diagnosis. Results suggest that the inter-annual number of thunderstorm days (TSDs) exhibits a decreasing trend in this province. The trend is displayed mainly in the decreasing TSD number in summer and autumn except in spring, when the variation is not significant in the study period. In this province, the TSD number declines by ~2 days per 10 years. On an inter-annual basis, the pronounced positive departures of the number take place chiefly in the early 1960s, the late 1960s to the early-mid-1970s, the late 1980s, and the late 1990s compared with the negative anomalies dominant in the late 1970s to the mid-1980s, the mid-to-late-1990s, and the late 1990s to 2007. There are vast differences in the initial and ending days at diverse GRs in different areas of the province. At 50% GR, the earliest (last) days occur from mid-March to early April (early to late September) while at 80% GR, the initial (last) days are from late March to early May (early to late October). For the distribution of periods, the periods >8–10 years are relatively stable for the entire province. Based on 1951–2007 period analysis, the region north (south) of the Huaihe River experiences TSDs less (more) than normal days in recent years.  相似文献   

In an attempt to clearly separate the volcanic signal,we use a mixture of principal componentanalysis(PCA)and superposed epoch analysis to identify volcanic signal in the global surface tem-perature field.In this way,the spatial and temporal pattern of volcanic signals is identified in theglobal surface temperature records.Our results show that the strongest ENSO and volcanic signalsare related with the first and the third principal components respectively.Both ENSO and volcanicsignals have responses in the second principal component.  相似文献   

研究了近110a北半球冬季6个主要大气活动中心的长期变化,检测其突变年份,划分了各自的阶段性。同时分析了大气活动中心与中国气候的关系,发现西伯利亚高压强度与中国冬季气温存在明显的负相关,北太平洋高压强度与中国冬季降水有较好的正相关。  相似文献   

广州地区低能见度事件变化特征分析   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
使用2004—2007年广州地区番禺、东山和南沙站3套能见度仪和3套自动气象站的逐时能见度、相对湿度等气象要素资料,通过对比研究,分析了3地低能见度事件的年、季和日变化等变化规律。研究表明,近年来广州地区轻雾(雾)出现频率总体较低且日数偏少,霾天气高发期在10月—次年4月、7月极少出现,年变化特征明显。番禺低能见度事件以5~8 km的情况居多,东山和南沙则以8~10 km的轻度视程障碍为主;但同期番禺≥10 km的日数百分比增长最显著,意味着当地能见度有明显好转。低能见度事件多见于70%≤RH90%的中高相对湿度范围,RH30%的低相对湿度情况下未曾出现视程障碍现象;番禺和东山的低能见度事件有随RH减少而增多的趋势,南沙则大致相反。对比分析有代表性的旱、雨季发现,(极端)低能见度事件多在早晚发生,日间能见度低值区则一般出现在正午前后,日变化特征明显,且旱季更显著,同时以番禺最具代表性。总体上广州地区的低能见度事件呈逐年减少的趋势。  相似文献   

北半球平流层下部气温的准两年周期振荡   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
由分析1966—1985年北半球30hPa 月平均气温资料得出,中纬地区气温准两年周期振荡比低纬地区更清楚,平均周期26.3月,振幅约2.8℃,振荡的峰和谷值都出现在冬季.中纬气温和赤道上空纬向风的准两年振荡之间位相配合密切,中纬气温准两年振荡的峰与赤道上空10hPa 为东风,70hPa 为西风的位相一致,谷则有相反的位相.它们的这种准两年周期振荡是通过平均经圈环流相联系的.强烈的火山喷发能影响气温的准两年周期振荡.  相似文献   

The relationship between the quasi-stationary planetary waves forced by topography and heat sourceduring the Northern Hemisphere winter is investigated by means of a quasi-geostrophic,34-level,sphericalcoordinate model with the Rayleigh friction,the Newtonian cooling and the horizontal eddy thermal diffu-sion.The calculated results show that when the basic flow is the westerly in the tropical stratosphere,theamplitude of quasi-stationary planetary wave for zonal wavenumber 2 at middle and high latitudes is largerduring the Northern Hemispheric winter;while when the basic flow is the easterly,it is smaller.This is inagreement with the observed results.The calculated results also show that influence of the basic flow in the tropical troposphere on the quasi-stationary planetary waves is larger than that of the basic flow in the tropical stratosphere on the quasi-stationary planetary waves.  相似文献   

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