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Using the quantum statistical method, we calculate quantum statistical entropy between the black hole horizon and the cosmological horizon in Schwarzchild spacetime and derive the expression of quantum statistical entropy in de Sitter spacetime. Under the Unruh-Verlinde temperature of Schwarzchild-de Sitter spacetime in the entropic force views, we obtain the expression of quantum statistical entropy in de Sitter spacetime. It is shown that in de Sitter spacetime quantum statistical entropy is the sum of thermodynamic entropy corresponding black hole horizon and the one corresponding cosmological horizon. And the correction term of de Sitter spacetime entropy is obtained. Therefore, it is confirmed that the black hole entropy is the entropy of quantum field outside the black hole horizon. The entropy of de Sitter spacetime is the entropy of quantum field between the black hole horizon and the cosmological horizon.  相似文献   

Using Unruh-Verlinde temperature obtained by entropic force, we directly calculate partition functions of quantum field in Schwarzschild spacetime via quantum statistical method and derive the expression of the black hole statistical entropy. In our calculation the lower limit of integral is the location of isolated horizon introduced in loop quantum gravity and the upper limit of integral is infinity. So the obtained entropy is the statistical entropy from isolated horizon to the infinite. In our calculation there are not the cutoff and approximation. The results showed that, as long as proper Immirzi parameters are selected, the entropy obtained by loop quantum gravity is consistent with the quantum statistical entropy outside the black hole horizon. Therefore the black hole entropy is a quantum entanglement entropy outside the isolated horizon.  相似文献   

There has been a renewed interest in the recent years in the possibility of deviations from the predictions of Newton’s “inverse-square law” of universal gravitation. One of the reasons for renewing this interest lies in various theoretical attempts to construct a unified elementary particle theory, in which there is a natural prediction of new forces over macroscopic distances. Therefore the existence of such a force would only coexist with gravity, and in principle could only be detected as a deviation from the inverse square law, or in the “universality of free fall” experiments. New experimental techniques such that of Sagnac interferometry can help explore the range of the Yukawa correction λ≥1014 m where such forces might be present. It may be, that future space missions might be operating in this range which has been unexplored for very long time. In this paper we derive the basic thermodynamic parameters of such a Yukawa stationary spherically symmetric black hole. First, the expression for the event horizon of such a black hole is derived, with the help of which the temperature, entropy and heat capacity of this particular black hole are obtained. We have also obtained analytical expressions for the change of mass of such black hole, and also its corresponding evaporation time.  相似文献   

Using the analytic extension method, we study Hawking radiation of an (n+4)-dimensional Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole. Under the condition that the total energy is conserved, taking the reaction of the radiation of particles to the spacetime into consideration and considering the relation between the black hole event horizon and cosmological horizon, we obtain the radiation spectrum of de Sitter spacetime. This radiation spectrum is no longer a strictly pure thermal spectrum. It is related to the change of the Bekenstein-Hawking (B-H) entropy corresponding the black hole event horizon and cosmological horizon. The result satisfies the unitary principle. At the same time, we also testify that the entropy of de Sitter spacetime is the sum of the entropy of black hole event horizon and the one of cosmological horizon.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore a particular type Hawking radiation which ends with zero temperature and entropy. The appropriate black holes for this purpose are the linear dilaton black holes. In addition to the black hole choice, a recent formalism in which the Parikh-Wilczek’s tunneling formalism amalgamated with quantum corrections to all orders in ? is considered. The adjustment of the coefficients of the quantum corrections plays a crucial role on this particular Hawking radiation. The obtained tunneling rate indicates that the radiation is not pure thermal anymore, and hence correlations of outgoing quanta are capable of carrying away information encoded within them. Finally, we show in detail that when the linear dilaton black hole completely evaporates through such a particular radiation, entropy of the radiation becomes identical with the entropy of the black hole, which corresponds to “no information loss”.  相似文献   

The entropy correction of Kerr-Newman black hole is investigated using the Hamilton-Jacobi method beyond semiclassical approximation. To get entropy correction, the inverse of the sum of square of event horizon (r +) and the square of rotational parameter a of the black hole is taken as the proportionality parameter for quantum corrections of the action I i to the semiclassical action I 0. It has been shown that as quantum effects are taken into account the corrections to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the stationary black hole include a logarithmic term and an inverse area term beyond the semiclassical approximation.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a class of non-stationary solutions of Einstein’s field equations describing embedded Vaidya-de Sitter black holes with a cosmological variable function Λ(u). The Vaidya-de Sitter black hole is interpreted as the radiating Vaidya black hole is embedded into the non-stationary de Sitter space with variable Λ(u). The energy-momentum tensor of the Vaidya-de Sitter black hole is expressed as the sum of the energy-momentum tensors of the Vaidya null fluid and that of the non-stationary de Sitter field, and satisfies the energy conservation law. We study the energy conditions (like weak, strong and dominant conditions) for the energy-momentum tensor. We find the violation of the strong energy condition due to the negative pressure and leading to a repulsive gravitational force of the matter field associated with Λ(u) in the space-time. We also find that the time-like vector field for an observer in the Vaidya-de Sitter space is expanding, accelerating, shearing and non-rotating. It is also found that the space-time geometry of non-stationary Vaidya-de Sitter solution with variable Λ(u) is Petrov type D in the classification of space-times. We also find the Vaidya-de Sitter black hole radiating with a thermal temperature proportional to the surface gravity and entropy also proportional to the area of the cosmological black hole horizon.  相似文献   

The present research paper discusses the derivation for the change in entropy of Non- spinning black holes with respect to the change in the radius of event horizon applying the first law of black hole mechanics ( $\delta M = \frac{\kappa}{8\pi} \delta A + \varOmega\delta J - \upsilon\delta Q$ ) with the relation for the change in entropy δS=8πMδM. When the work is further extended with proper operation, the entropy of black hole is obtained almost the same as the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of black hole. This is the entirely new method to obtain the change in entropy of Non-spinning black holes w.r.t. the radius of event horizon and Hawking entropy of black hole. We have also calculated their values for different types of test non-spinning black holes having masses 5–20M found in X-ray binaries (Narayan, gr-qc/0506078v1, 2005).  相似文献   

本文利用李立新和刘辽导出的黑洞视界附近的辐射态方程,计算了约束在一个球形盒子中的目引力辐射体系的墙(不含中心黑洞和含有中心黑洞两种情况).与Sorkin等人的计算比较,本文的结果不会出现发散困难,而且体系的总摘(包括中心黑洞的墙)的上阳正好等于坍缩后形成的同质量的黑洞嫡.作者认为,自引力辐射体系坍绩的合理模式是先形成中心黑洞,然后中心黑洞逐渐长大直至整个体系全部坍缩为黑洞.在坍缩过程中,任一中间态的媳总是比末态的黑洞墙小,到坍缩过程结束总熵才等于对应的黑洞摘.这一结果为黑洞滴的起源提供了一个合理的解释.  相似文献   

By using the null tetrad and the ’t Hooft brick-wall model, the quantum entropies of a Reissner-Nordström black hole due to the Weyl neutrino, electromagnetic, massless Rarita-Schwinger and gravitational fields for the source-free case are investigated from a generalized uncertainty principle. The divergence structure for the entropy is demonstrated. In addition to the usual linearly and logarithmically divergent terms, additional quadratic, cubic, biquadratic and other higher order divergences exist near the event horizon in the entropy, which not only depend on the black hole characteristics but also on the spin fields and the gravitational interactions. The terms describe the contribution of the quantum fields to the entropy and the effects of the generalized uncertainty principle on it. If the smallest length scale is taken into account, the contribution of the gravitational interactions to the entropy is found to be a part of the dominant term and very important, and therefore it can not be neglected.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the strong gravitational lensing in a charged squashed Kaluza-Klein black hole. We suppose that the supermassive black hole in the galaxy center can be considered by a charged squashed Kaluza-Klein black hole and then we study the strong gravitational lensing theory and estimate the numerical values for parameters and observables of it. We explore the effects of the scale of extra dimension ρ 0 and the charge of black hole ρ q on these parameters and observables.  相似文献   

本文利用共动度规讨论了非理想流体开放体系在自引力作用下的坍缩过程之熵变,结果表明,形成视界之前,体系的总熵不增,这说明黑洞的高熵产生于突变之中。  相似文献   

The thermal character of inner horizon in a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole is studied via Hamilton-Jacobi method. There is “Hawking absorption” as a quantum effect near the inner horizon, and a negative temperature of the inner horizon was attained by choosing an observer outside the black hole. Using a redefined entropy of the black hole, we give a new expression of Bekenstein-Smarr formula. The redefined entropy satisfies Nernst Theorem, so it can be regarded as Planck absolute entropy of the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole.  相似文献   

We considered three modes of black hole formation: (I) a black hole kernel first forms at the centre of a collapsing star and as the outer matter falls, the kernel grows until the whole star becomes a black hole; (II) all the layers of a collapsing simultaneously satisfy the Schwarzschild condition; (III) the outermost layer first satisfies the Schwarzschild condition. For each mode, we calculated the entropy carried by the collapsing matter, Sm, and the entropy of the black hole so formed, SBH. We found SBH to be 1019 times Sm and the lower limit of the mass capable of becoming a black hole to be the Planck mass, Mp = 10?5g. A discussion on the nature of SBH led us to think that SBH possibly contains things other than the ordinary thermodynamical entropy.  相似文献   

Massive charged and uncharged particles tunneling from commutative Reissner-Nordström black hole horizon has been studied with details in literature. Here, by adopting the coherent state picture of spacetime noncommutativity, we study tunneling of massive and charged particles from a noncommutative inspired Reissner-Nordström black hole horizon. We show that Hawking radiation in this case is not purely thermal and there are correlations between emitted modes. These correlations may provide a solution to the information loss problem. We also study thermodynamics of noncommutative horizon in this setup.  相似文献   

In a recent paper it was suggested that inclusion of mutual gravitational interactions can give a possible scenario for reversing gravitation collapse and averting a singular phase. We extend this idea to the still unsolved problem of matter collapsing beyond black hole event horizons. For a comoving observer there is no change in entropy as he goes through the horizon. Matter collapses to a minimum radius, and then can re-expand with the same entropy. It is shown that phase space inside a collapsing black hole is also invariant.  相似文献   

By assumption of a low-energy string theory in addition to the necessity of the semi-classic expansion on action, we study Hawking temperature and entropy of Kerr-Sen black hole. These subjects, recently have introduced in the literature and consist of the new terms of temperature and entropy as the expansion form with powers of ?. Comparing the results with the high energy black hole demonstrates how the semi-classic approximation affects the thermodynamics of the Kerr-Sen black hole, corrected terms classical action and the entropy.  相似文献   

There has been a renewed interest in the recent years in the possibility of deviations from the predictions of Newton’s “inverse-square law” of universal gravitation. One of the reasons for renewing this interest lies in various theoretical attempts to construct a unified elementary particle theory, in which there is a natural prediction of new forces over macroscopic distances. Therefore the existence of such a force would only coexist with gravity, and in principle could only be detected as a deviation from the inverse square law, or in the “universality of free fall” experiments. New experimental techniques such that of Sagnac interferometry can help explore the range of the Yukawa correction λ≥1014 m where such forces might be present. It may be, that future space missions might be operating in this range which has been unexplored for very long time. To study the effect of the Yukawa correction to the gravitational potential and its corresponding signal delay in the vicinity of the Sun, we use a spherically symmetric modified space time metric where the Yukawa correction its added to the gravitational potential. Next, the Yukawa correction contribution to the signal delay is evaluated. In the case where the distance of closest approach is much less than the range λ, it results to a signal time delay that satisfies the relation t(b<λ)≅37.7t(b=λ).  相似文献   

In recent years, the thermodynamic properties of black holes are topics of interests. We investigate the thermodynamic properties like surface gravity and Hawking temperature on event horizon of regular black holes viz. Hayward Class and asymptotically AdS (Anti-de Sitter) black holes. We also analyze the thermodynamic volume and naive geometric volume of asymptotically AdS black holes and show that the entropy of these black holes is simply the ratio of the naive geometric volume to thermodynamic volume. We plot the different graphs and interpret them physically. We derive the ‘cosmic-Censorship-Inequality’ for both type of black holes. Moreover, we calculate the thermal heat capacity of aforesaid black holes and study their stabilities in different regimes. Finally, we compute the logarithmic correction to the entropy for both the black holes considering the quantum fluctuations around the thermal equilibrium and study the corresponding thermodynamics.  相似文献   

We study some features of entropic force approach in the presence of a noncommutative Schwarzschild-deSitter black hole. In this setup, there exists a similarity between the small and large scales. There are two finite cut-off in very short and long distances wherein the force and energy graph stop abruptly at those scales. We find that the existence of a deSitter core around the origin, induced by noncommutativity, in addition to a standard deSitter background at large scale may lead to a violation of the equivalence principle. Finally in order to directly observe the finite cut-off at short-scale gravity, caused by noncommutativity quantum fluctuations, we derive an effective gravitational constant.  相似文献   

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