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Using the Luminous Red Galaxy (LRG) sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 (SDSS DR7), we investigate the environmental dependence of stellar mass, star formation rate (SFR) and specific star formation rate (SSFR) of LRGs. It is found that stellar mass of LRGs nearly is independent of local environments, and that the environmental dependence of SFR and SSFR in the LRG sample is much weaker than the one in the Main galaxy sample. One possible explanation is that galaxy color and morphology are a pair of galaxy properties most predictive of local environments, while LRGs are a group of galaxies that are likely to be luminous, red and of early types (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We use the data for the \(\text{H}\beta\) emission-line, far-ultraviolet (FUV) and mid-infrared 22 μm continuum luminosities to estimate star formation rates \(\langle \mbox{SFR} \rangle \) averaged over the galaxy lifetime for a sample of about 14000 bursting compact star-forming galaxies (CSFGs) selected from the Data Release 12 (DR12) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The average coefficient linking \(\langle \mbox{SFR} \rangle \) and the star formation rate \(\mbox{SFR}_{0}\) derived from the \(\text{H}\beta\) luminosity at zero starburst age is found to be 0.04. We compare \(\langle \mbox{SFR} \rangle \mbox{s}\) with some commonly used SFRs which are derived adopting a continuous star formation during a period of \({\sim}\,100~\mbox{Myr}\), and find that the latter ones are 2–3 times higher. It is shown that the relations between SFRs derived using a geometric mean of two star-formation indicators in the UV and IR ranges and reduced to zero starburst age have considerably lower dispersion compared to those with single star-formation indicators. We suggest that our relations for \(\langle \mbox{SFR} \rangle \) determination are more appropriate for CSFGs because they take into account a proper temporal evolution of their luminosities. On the other hand, we show that commonly used SFR relations can be applied for approximate estimation within a factor of \({\sim}\,2\) of the \(\langle \mbox{SFR} \rangle \) averaged over the lifetime of the bursting compact galaxy.  相似文献   

Using two volume-limited Main galaxy samples of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 10 (SDSS DR10), we investigate the dependence of the clustering properties of galaxies on stellar velocity dispersion by cluster analysis. It is found that in the luminous volume-limited Main galaxy sample, except at r=1.2, richer and larger systems can be more easily formed in the large stellar velocity dispersion subsample, while in the faint volume-limited Main galaxy sample, at r≥0.9, an opposite trend is observed. According to statistical analyses of the multiplicity functions, we conclude in two volume-limited Main galaxy samples: small stellar velocity dispersion galaxies preferentially form isolated galaxies, close pairs and small group, while large stellar velocity dispersion galaxies preferentially inhabit the dense groups and clusters. However, we note the difference between two volume-limited Main galaxy samples: in the faint volume-limited Main galaxy sample, at r≥0.9, the small stellar velocity dispersion subsample has a higher proportion of galaxies in superclusters (n≥200) than the large stellar velocity dispersion subsample.  相似文献   

We present a detailed spatial analysis of stellar populations based on long-slit optical spectra in a sample of eight luminous early-type galaxies selected from nearby sparse groups and pairs, three of them may have interaction with another galaxy of similar mass. We have spatially measured luminosity-weighted averages of age, [M/H], [Fe/H], and [\(\alpha /\mbox{Fe}\)] in the sample galaxies to add empirical data relative to the influence of galaxy mass, environment, interaction, and AGN feedback in their formation and evolution. The stellar population of the individual galaxies were determined through the well-established stellar population synthesis code starlight using semi-empirical simple stellar population models. Radial variations of luminosity- weighted means of age, [M/H], [Fe/H], and [\(\alpha /\mbox{Fe}\)] were quantified up to half of the effective radius of each galaxy. We found trends between representative values of age, [M/H], [\(\alpha /\mbox{Fe}\)], and the nuclear stellar velocity dispersion. There are also relations between the metallicity/age gradients and the velocity dispersion. Contributions of 1–4 Gyr old stellar populations were quantified in IC?5328 and NGC?6758 as well as 4–8 Gyr old ones in NGC?5812. Extended gas is present in IC?5328, NGC?1052, NGC?1209, and NGC?6758, and the presence of a LINER is identified in all these galaxies. The regions up to one effective radius of all galaxies are basically dominated by \(\alpha \)-enhanced metal-rich old stellar populations likely due to rapid star formation episodes that induced efficient chemical enrichment. On average, the age and [\(\alpha /\mbox{Fe}\)] gradients are null and the [M/H] gradients are negative, although discordant cases were found. We found no correlation between the stellar population properties and the LINER presence as well as between the stellar properties and environment or gravitational interaction, suggesting that the influence of progenitor mass cannot be discarded in the formation and evolution of early-type galaxies.  相似文献   

From the volume-limited Main galaxy sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 6 (SDSS DR6), we construct three samples with g–r color bins , labeled S1–S3, to investigate how other properties of galaxies depend on environment at fixed color. For each sample, we measure the local three-dimensional galaxy density in a comoving sphere with radius equal to the distance to the 5th nearest galaxy for each galaxy, select about 5% galaxies and construct the two subsamples at both extremes of density. Our study suggests that the environmental dependence of luminosity is mainly due to the environmental dependence of galaxy color and the correlation between color and luminosity. In addition, we preferentially conclude that concentration index and morphologies are not strongly correlated with local density at fixed color, and that galaxy color is a galaxy property very predictive of the local environment. Because SDSS spectroscopy is incomplete for bright galaxies at very low redshifts, we also use a volume-limited Main galaxy sample with a lower redshift limit z = 0.05, which contains 94,954 galaxies at 0.05 < z < 0.089 with −22.40 < Mr < −20.16, and reach the same conclusions.Due to the bimodality of the u–r color distribution, we classify galaxies as ‘red’ and ‘blue’, respectively, and further subdivide the samples into star-forming galaxies and passive ones using Hα equivalent width, W0(Hα). Results show that color and star formation activity of galaxies are galaxy properties very predictive of the local environment.  相似文献   

We use long-slit spectra taken with the William Herschel Telescope on La Palma and high-resolution Hubble Space Telescope imaging to study the gas kinematic in the halo of the ultraluminous infrared/radio galaxy PKS1345+12 (z=0.122). Our long-slit spectra show line splitting at the locations of massive star clusters ( $10^{6}<M_{\mathrm{SSC}}^{\mathrm{YSP}}<10^{7}$ M), indicating that they are moving at up to 450 km?s?1 with respect to the local ambient gas. Given their kinematics, it is plausible that these super star clusters have been formed either in fast-moving gas streams or tidal tails that are falling back into the nuclear regions as part of the merger process, or as a consequence of jet-induced star formation linked to the extended, diffuse radio emission detected in the halo of the galaxy.  相似文献   

We present the Hα flux measurements for 44 nearby dwarf galaxies, derived from the observations at the 6-m BTA telescope. Hα fluxes were used to determine the rate of integral star formation of galaxies, SFR. For the observed galaxies the value of log SFR lies in the range from 0 to ?8 [M /yr]. The specific star formation rate for all the sample galaxies does not exceed the limit of log SSFR = ?9.2 [yr?1]. A burst of star formation was detected in the center of a nearby dwarf galaxy UGC2172.  相似文献   

Associated with one of the most important forms of active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback, and showing a strong preference for giant elliptical host galaxies, radio AGN (\(L_{1.4\,\mathrm{GHz}} > 10^{24}\) W \(\hbox {Hz}^{-1}\)) are a key sub-class of the overall AGN population. Recently their study has benefitted dramatically from the availability of high-quality data covering the X-ray to far-IR wavelength range obtained with the current generation of ground- and space-based telescope facilities. Reflecting this progress, here I review our current state of understanding of the population of radio AGN at low and intermediate redshifts (\(z < 0.7\)), concentrating on their nuclear AGN and host galaxy properties, and covering three interlocking themes: the classification of radio AGN and its interpretation; the triggering and fuelling of the jet and AGN activity; and the evolution of the host galaxies. I show that much of the observed diversity in the AGN properties of radio AGN can be explained in terms of a combination of orientation/anisotropy, mass accretion rate, and variability effects. The detailed morphologies of the host galaxies are consistent with the triggering of strong-line radio galaxies (SLRG) in galaxy mergers. However, the star formation properties and cool ISM contents suggest that the triggering mergers are relatively minor in terms of their gas masses in most cases, and would not lead to major growth of the supermassive black holes and stellar bulges; therefore, apart from a minority (<20 %) that show evidence for higher star formation rates and more massive cool ISM reservoirs, the SLRG represent late-time re-triggering of activity in mature giant elliptical galaxies. In contrast, the host and environmental properties of weak-line radio galaxies (WLRG) with Fanaroff–Riley class I radio morphologies are consistent with more gradual fuelling of the activity via gas accretion at low rates onto the supermassive black holes.  相似文献   

A progress report is given of investigations related to observations of stellar spectra obtained with the ultraviolet stellar spectrophotometer S59 aboard the ESRO TD-1A satellite. We describe first the processing of the observations: intensity and wavelength calibration, identification of lines, classification of spectra. Thereafter some important groups of lines are dealt with: non-LTE computation of the Mgii lines are presented: apart from the peculiar emission line and shell stars they compare well with the observations; intensity ratios, of Feii and Feiii lines are an important temperature classification criterion. Interstellar UV lines indicate large deficiencies of some metals, as compared to solar values. A new ultraviolet continuous extinction curve is determined. We discuss the strong outstreaming motions observed in α Cygni, and the consequent mass loss of this star (< 3 × 10?10 \(\mathfrak{M}_ \odot \) yr?1and finally we describe the composite spectrum of the (WC8+09I) bnary γ2 Velorum; the ultraviolet continuous spectrum of the WC star is about one magnitude brighter than any theory predicts.  相似文献   

We analyzed the luminosity-temperature-mass of gas (L X ?T?M g ) relations for a sample of 21 Chandra galaxy clusters. We used the standard approach (β?model) to evaluate these relations for our sample that differs from other catalogues since it considers galaxy clusters at higher redshifts (0.4<z<1.4). We assumed power-law relations in the form $L_{X} \sim(1 +z)^{A_{L_{X}T}} T^{\beta_{L_{X}T}}$ , $M_{g} \sim(1 + z)^{A_{M_{g}T}} T^{\beta_{M_{g}T}}$ , and $M_{g} \sim(1 + z)^{A_{M_{g}L_{X}}} L^{\beta_{M_{g}L_{X}}}$ . We obtained the following fitting parameters with 68 % confidence level: $A_{L_{X}T} = 1.50 \pm0.23$ , $\beta_{L_{X}T} = 2.55 \pm0.07$ ; $A_{M_{g}T} = -0.58 \pm0.13$ and $\beta_{M_{g}T} = 1.77 \pm0.16$ ; $A_{M_{g}L_{X}} \approx-1.86 \pm0.34$ and $\beta_{M_{g}L_{X}} = 0.73 \pm0.15$ , respectively. We found that the evolution of the M g ?T relation is small, while the M g ?L X relation is strong for the cosmological parameters Ω m =0.27 and Ω Λ =0.73. In overall, the clusters at high-z have stronger dependencies between L X ?T?M g correlations, than those for clusters at low-z. For most of galaxy clusters (first of all, from MACS and RCS surveys) these results are obtained for the first time.  相似文献   

In this work, I examine the environmental dependence of galaxy age, stellar velocity dispersion and stellar mass in the LOWZ sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 10 (SDSS DR10). I measure the projected local density Σ5, divide the LOWZ sample into subsamples with a redshift binning size of Δz = 0.02 and analyze the environmental dependence of galaxy age, stellar velocity dispersion and stellar mass in each redshift bin. It is found that galaxy age, stellar velocity dispersion and stellar mass in the LOWZ galaxy sample are very weakly correlatedwith the local environment, like the one in theCMASS galaxy sample does.  相似文献   

We analyzed the X-ray data obtained by the Chandra telescope for the galaxy cluster CL0024+17 (z = 0.39). The mean temperature of the cluster is estimated (kT = 4.35 ?0.44 +0.51 keV) and the surface brightness profile is derived. We generated the mass and density profiles for dark matter and gas using numerical simulations and the Navarro-Frenk-White dark matter density profile (Navarro et al., 1995) for a spherically symmetric cluster in which gas is in hydrostatic equilibrium with the cluster field. The total mass of the cluster is estimated to be M 200 = 3.51 ?0.47 +0.38 × 10 Sun 14 within a radius of R 200 = 1.24 ?0.17 +0.12 Mpc of the cluster center. The contribution of dark matter to the total mass of the cluster is estimated as ${{M_{200_{DM} } } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{M_{200_{DM} } } {M_{tot} }}} \right. \kern-0em} {M_{tot} }} = 0.89$ .  相似文献   

The conditions under which a head-on collision between a disk galaxy and a spherical galaxy can lead to ring formation are investigated, using the impulsive approximation. The spherical galaxy is modeled as a polytrope of indexn=4 and radiusR S and the disk galaxy as an exponential disk whose surface density is given by \(\sigma (r) = \sigma _c e^{ - 4r/R_D } \) , where σ c is the central density andR D is the radius of the disk. The formation and properties of the rings are closely related to the fractional change in binding energy of the disk galaxy, given by ΔU/?U?=γ D β D , where (GM S 2 R D )/(V 2 M D R S 2 ),M S andM D being the masses of the spherical and disk galaxies, respectively, and β D ≡β D (n, σ, ?,i) is a function of the models of the two galaxies, the ratio of the radii of the two galaxies ?=R S /R D , and the angle of inclinationi, of the disk to the direction of relative motion of the two galaxies. Calculations are made for the caseR S =R D . Since practically the entire mass of the spherical galaxy, for the chosen model, lies within 1/3 of its radius, the radius of the spherical galaxy is effectively \(\tfrac{1}{3}\) that of the disk galaxy. It is found that as a result of the collision, the innermost and the outer parts of the disk galaxy are not much affected, but the intermediate region expands and gets evacuated, leading to the crowding of stars in a preferential region forming a ring structure. The rings are best formed for a normal, on-axis collision. For this case, rings form when ΔU/|U| lies between \(\tfrac{1}{2}\) and 2, while they are very sharp and bright when ΔU/|U| lies between \(\tfrac{1}{2}\) and 1. Within this range, as ΔU/|U| increases, the rings become sharper and their positions shift outwards with respect to the centre of the disk galaxy. The relationship $$\gamma _D = 0.0016 + 0.045s_{{\text{max}}}^2 ,$$ wheres max is the radial distance of the density maximum of the ring from the centre of the disk galaxy (measured in terms of the radius of the disk galaxy as unit) enables us to finds max from γ D and vice versa, and interpret some prominent ring galaxies. The effect of introducing a bulge to the disk is to distribute the tidal disruptive effects more evenly and, hence, reduce the sharpness of the ring.  相似文献   

It is shown that the fractional increase in binding energy of a galaxy in a fast collision with another galaxy of the same size can be well represented by the formula $$\xi _2 = 3({G \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {G {M_2 \bar R}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {M_2 \bar R}}) ({{M_1 } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{M_1 } {V_p }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {V_p }})^2 e^{ - p/\bar R} = \xi _1 ({{M_1 } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{M_1 } {M_2 }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {M_2 }})^3 ,$$ whereM 1,M 2 are the masses of the perturber and the perturbed galaxy, respectively,V p is the relative velocity of the perturber at minimum separationp, and \(\bar R\) is the dynamical radius of either galaxy.  相似文献   

A version of the virial theorem is derived in a brane-world scenario in the framework of a warped DGP model where the action on the brane is an arbitrary function of the Ricci scalar, $\mathcal{L}(R)$ . The extra terms in the modified Einstein equations generate an equivalent mass term (geometrical mass), which give an effective contribution to the gravitational energy and offer viable explanation to account for the virial mass discrepancy in clusters of galaxies. We also obtain the radial velocity dispersion of galaxy clusters and show that it is compatible with the radial velocity dispersion profile of such clusters. Finally, we compare the result of the model with $\mathcal{L}(R)$ gravity theories.  相似文献   

The star formation histories of galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present the results of a moped analysis of  ∼3 × 105  galaxy spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 3 (SDSS DR3), with a number of improvements in data, modelling and analysis compared with our previous analysis of DR1. The improvements include: modelling the galaxies with theoretical models at a higher spectral resolution of 3 Å, better calibrated data, an extended list of excluded emission lines and a wider range of dust models. We present new estimates of the cosmic star formation rate (SFR), the evolution of stellar mass density and the stellar mass function from the fossil record. In contrast to our earlier work the results show no conclusive peak in the SFR out to a redshift around 2 but continue to show conclusive evidence for 'downsizing' in the SDSS fossil record. The star formation history is now in good agreement with more traditional instantaneous measures. The galaxy stellar mass function is determined over five decades of mass, and an updated estimate of the current stellar mass density is presented. We also investigate the systematic effects of changes in the stellar population modelling, the spectral resolution, dust modelling, sky lines, spectral resolution and the change of data set. We find that the main changes in the results are due to the improvements in the calibration of the SDSS data, changes in the initial mass function and the theoretical models used.  相似文献   

Since supernova remnants (SNRs) are believed to be the primary sources of Galactic cosmic rays (CRs), their distribution in galaxies is an important basis for modelling and understanding the distribution of the CRs and their γ-ray spectrum. We analysed the radial surface density of X-ray and radio selected SNRs in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and M 33. Both in X-rays and in radio, the surface densities of the SNRs are in excellent agreement in both galaxies, showing an exponential decay in radius. The results were compared to the SNR distribution in the spiral galaxies M 31 and NGC 6946 as well. The radial scale length of the distribution is $\frac{1} {4} $ ? $\frac{1} {3} $ of the radius of the galaxies, fully consistent with values derived for the Milky Way, the LMC, and M 33. Therefore, not only the radio SNRs, but also the X-ray detected SNR sample can be interpreted to be representative for the CR sources within a galaxy.  相似文献   

AA Dor is one of only seven known eclipsing binaries consisting of a hot subdwarf star and a low-mass companion. Although AA Dor has been studied in many investigations, a controversy about the nature of its companion persists. Is it a brown dwarf or a low-mass main sequence star? We reanalyse high resolution spectra using metal enhanced LTE model atmospheres. The optical spectra are polluted by reflected light from the companion. Using spectra taken during secondary eclipse, we derive atmospheric parameters consistent with results from the light curve. For the first time we achieve a self-consistent solution that matches all available observations, i.e. the light and radial velocity curves, as well as the atmospheric parameters. The resulting masses $M_{1}=0.510^{+0.125}_{-0.108}\ \mathrm{M}_{\odot}$ and $M_{2}=0.085^{+0.031}_{-0.023}\ \mathrm{M}_{\odot}$ are consistent with the canonical mass of an sdB star and a low-mass main sequence star. However, a brown dwarf companion cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

We analyzed 186 binary pulsars (BPSRs) in the magnetic field versus spin period (B-P) diagram, where their relations to the millisecond pulsars (MSPs) can be clearly shown. Generally, both BPSRs and MSPs are believed to be recycled and spun-up in binary accreting phases, and evolved below the spin-up line setting by the Eddington accretion rate ( $\dot{M}{\simeq}10^{18}~\mbox{g/s}$ ). It is noticed that most BPSRs are distributed around the spin-up line with mass accretion rate $\dot{M}=10^{16}~\mbox{g/s}$ and almost all MSP samples lie above the spin-up line with $\dot{M}\sim10^{15}~\mbox{g/s}$ . Thus, we calculate that a minimum accretion rate ( $\dot{M}\sim10^{15}~\mbox{g/s}$ ) is required for the MSP formation, and physical reasons for this are proposed. In the B-P diagram, the positions of BPSRs and their relations to the binary parameters, such as the companion mass, orbital period and eccentricity, are illustrated and discussed. In addition, for the seven BPSRs located above the limit spin-up line, possible causes are suggested.  相似文献   

We have used a large sample of low-inclination spiral galaxies with radially resolved optical and near-infrared photometry to investigate trends in star formation history with radius as a function of galaxy structural parameters. A maximum-likelihood method was used to match all the available photometry of our sample to the colours predicted by stellar population synthesis models. The use of simplistic star formation histories, uncertainties in the stellar population models and considering the importance of dust all compromise the absolute ages and metallicities derived in this work; however, our conclusions are robust in a relative sense. We find that most spiral galaxies have stellar population gradients, in the sense that their inner regions are older and more metal rich than their outer regions. Our main conclusion is that the surface density of a galaxy drives its star formation history, perhaps through a local density dependence in the star formation law. The mass of a galaxy is a less important parameter; the age of a galaxy is relatively unaffected by its mass; however, the metallicity of galaxies depends on both surface density and mass. This suggests that galaxy‐mass-dependent feedback is an important process in the chemical evolution of galaxies. In addition, there is significant cosmic scatter suggesting that mass and density may not be the only parameters affecting the star formation history of a galaxy.  相似文献   

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