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Combining Argo observations with satellite remote sensing data during the period of 2002–2014, the mean three-dimensional structures of mesoscale eddies on both sides of the Luzon Strait (LS) were obtained via a composite method and analyzed to statistically examine the influences of background marine environment and the Kuroshio current on the eddy structures. The significant signals of temperature and salinity anomalies within the composite eddies extend much deeper in the region east of the LS (zone E) than those in the region west of the strait (zone W) because of stronger eddy intensity and larger vertical gradients of background temperature and salinity in the deep layer in zone E. In the vertical structure of temperature anomaly within the eddies, two cores occur at around 200 and 400 dbar depths, respectively, in zone E and only one core is centered at about 100 dbar in zone W. There is a clear three-core sandwich pattern in the vertical structure of salinity anomaly within the eddies in zone E. The Kuroshio water trapped in the eddy is responsible for abnormally positive salinity anomaly in the surface layer of the anticyclonic eddy center in zone W. On both sides of the LS, an asymmetric dipole structure in the surface layer gradually turns into a monopole one at depths, which resulted from the competition between horizontal advection effect and eddy pumping effect. The Kuroshio current influences the distribution patterns of isotherms and isohalines and enhances background temperature and salinity horizontal gradients on both sides of the LS, determining the orientations of dipole temperature and salinity structures within eddies.  相似文献   

This study used a 1.5-layer reduced-gravity numerical model to investigate the nonlinear dynamics of Kuroshio intrusion into the Luzon Strait. The model results suggested that both basin-scale wind curl and lateral friction are the primary factors that control the transformation of the flow, although inertia also plays an important role. Using an idealized model, both the mechanism via which the flow pattern changes depending on the two primary factors and the occurrence of hysteresis were investigated. It was established that the transformation of the Kuroshio flow field between the four previously reported flow patterns (i.e., leaping across, current looping, eddy shedding, and branch intruding) can be explained under a unified theoretical framework. A diagram is proposed to explain how the flow field transforms between the four patterns from a certain prior state when varying the values of the controlling factors.  相似文献   

An advanced artificial neural network classification algorithm is applied to 18?years of gridded mean geostrophic velocity multi-satellite data to study the Kuroshio intrusion into the South China Sea through the Luzon Strait. The results suggest that the Kuroshio intrusion may occur year round. However, intrusion is not the major characteristic of the region. The intrusion mode occurs only 25.8?% of the time. Winter intrusion events are more frequent than summer events. Both stronger intrusion (which is related to wind speed) and weaker intrusion (which may be related to the upstream Kuroshio transport) may occur during winter, but stronger intrusion is dominant. In summer, the Kuroshio intrusion is almost the weaker type. The Kuroshio intrusion through the Luzon Strait usually occurs when the Pacific decadal oscillation index is positive (72.1?% of the time). This study shows that growing hierarchical self-organizing map is a useful tool for analyzing Kuroshio intrusion through the Luzon Strait.  相似文献   

Satellite altimetry products are increasingly used in many hydraulic applications, and recent studies demonstrate their suitability for the calibration of hydraulic models. The study investigates the effect of satellite‐data uncertainty on the calibration of a quasi‐two‐dimensional (quasi‐2D) model of the middle‐lower portion of the Po river (~140 km). We refer to extended (~16 years of observations) ERS and ENVISAT altimetry products (i.e. River and Lake Hydrology data, RLH) to investigate the effect of (i) record length (i.e. number of satellite measurements at a given satellite track) and (ii) data uncertainty (i.e. altimetry measurements errors) on the calibration of the quasi‐2D model. We first present an assessment of ERS and ENVISAT altimetry errors and then perform the investigations in a Monte Carlo framework by generating datasets of synthetic altimetry products. The results of our analysis further emphasize the suitability of satellite data for the calibration of hydraulic models, providing also a quantitative assessment of the effect of the uncertainty of altimetry products. The analysis highlights the higher accuracy of ENVISAT data, which ensures a stable calibration with ~1.5 years of data (Mean Absolute Error, MAE, lower than 0.4 m, ~0.2 m of which results directly from the uncertainty of ENVISAT data). ERS‐based calibrations become stable with longer series (~3.5–5 years of data), and the negative effect of uncertainty in ERS data is higher (i.e. MAE of 0.6–0.9 m, of which 0.4–0.6 m results from the uncertainty of ERS measurements). Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A complex and highly dynamical ocean region, the Agulhas Current System plays an important role in the transfer of energy, nutrients and organic material from the Indian to the Atlantic Ocean. Its dynamics are not only important locally, but affect the global ocean-atmosphere system. In working towards improved ocean reanalysis and forecasting capabilities, it is important that numerical models simulate mesoscale variability accurately—especially given the scarcity of coherent observational platforms in the region. Data assimilation makes use of scarce observations, a dynamical model and their respective error statistics to estimate a new, improved model state that minimises the distance to the observations whilst preserving dynamical consistency. Qualitatively, it is unclear whether this minimisation directly translates to an improved representation of mesoscale dynamics. In this study, the impact of assimilating along-track sea-level anomaly (SLA) data into a regional Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) is investigated with regard to the simulation of mesoscale eddy characteristics. We use an eddy-tracking algorithm and compare the derived eddy characteristics of an assimilated (ASSIM) and an unassimilated (FREE) simulation experiment in HYCOM with gridded satellite altimetry-derived SLA data. Using an eddy tracking algorithm, we are able to quantitatively evaluate whether assimilation updates the model state estimate such that simulated mesoscale eddy characteristics are improved. Additionally, the analysis revealed limitations in the dynamical model and the data assimilation scheme, as well as artefacts introduced from the eddy tracking scheme. With some exceptions, ASSIM yields improvements over FREE in eddy density distribution and dynamics. Notably, it was found that FREE significantly underestimates the number of eddies south of Madagascar compared to gridded altimetry, with only slight improvements introduced through assimilation, highlighting the models’ limitation in sustaining mesoscale activity in this region. Interestingly, it was found that the threshold for the maximum eddy propagation velocity in the eddy detection scheme is often exceeded when data assimilation relocates an eddy, causing the algorithm to interpret the discontinuity as eddy genesis, which directly influences the eddy count, lifetime and propagation velocity, and indirectly influences other metrics such as non-linearity. Finally, the analysis allowed us to separate eddy kinetic energy into contributions from detected mesoscale eddies and meandering currents, revealing that the assimilation of SLA has a greater impact on mesoscale eddies than on meandering currents.  相似文献   

Previous investigations have suggested that wind stress curl, the balance of influx- and outflux-induced upwelling, as well as a positive vorticity source fed from the left flank of the Kuroshio are all possible mechanisms that contribute to a persistent cyclonic gyre in the South China Sea (SCS). Studies have also suggested that the loop current that forms from the Kuroshio intrusion in the Luzon Strait, similar to the Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), has rarely been observed in the northern SCS. In this research, an idealized numerical model driven by annual mean wind stress was adopted to investigate the relative importance of dynamic processes that control the mean flow pattern of Kuroshio in the Luzon Strait and regulate circulation in the SCS. An analysis of results drawn from numerical experiments suggests that the three mechanisms are of approximately equal importance in the formation of the persistent cyclonic gyre in the northern SCS. Unlike the Gulf Stream which enters the Gulf of Mexico through the Yucatan Channel, the two topographic ridges that align nearly meridionally in the Luzon Strait keep the Kuroshio flowing roughly northward without distinct intrusion into the SCS. Unsurprisingly, an anticyclonic loop current similar to the Gulf Stream pathway in the GOM was barely observed in the northern SCS.  相似文献   

Assuming eddy kinetic energy is equally partitioned between the barotropic mode and the first baroclinic mode and using the weekly TOPEX/ERS merged data for the period of 1993~2007, the mean eddy kinetic energy and eddy available gravitational potential energy in the world oceans are estimated at 0.157 and 0.224 EJ; the annual mean generation/dissipation rate of eddy kinetic energy and available gravitational potential energy in the world oceans is estimated at 0.203 TW. Scaling and data analysis indicate that eddy available gravitational potential energy and its generation/dissipation rate are larger than those of eddy kinetic energy.  相似文献   

利用地震海洋学方法估算南海中尺度涡的地转流速   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
中尺度涡是重要的海洋学现象,它在很大程度上影响着海洋内部的能量传递过程.由于传统海洋学观测手段的固有局限性,一直以来对中尺度涡观测和研究的程度都比较低.地震海洋学的诞生和发展为海洋学观测提供了一个全新的手段.对南海的历史地震数据重新处理后,我们首次在本研究海域的地震剖面上看到了透镜状结构.它位于南海西南次海盆(~113.6°E,11.4°N),中心深度约为450 m,中心厚度约为300 m,半径约为55~65 km,具有典型的中尺度涡特征,综合解释为反气旋.我们利用地震海洋学方法估算了地转剪切,结合来自于卫星高度数据的海表面地转流速度进一步得到了绝对流速的垂向剖面.结果显示,流速的最大值约为0.7 m/s,出现在400~450 m处,对应于涡旋的中心深度;西北部分为正,东南部分为负,整体呈现出顺时针的转动方向,说明了它是一个反气旋结构.  相似文献   

The Luzon Strait (LS) is a wide channel between Taiwan and the Luzon islands. Eastward of the LS, the Kuroshio Current (KC) flows northward along the eastern coasts of Luzon and Taiwan. A typhoon is a strong and localized low-pressure weather system that occurs frequently in the vicinity of the Taiwan area. One typical typhoon track, passing through the seas surrounding Taiwan, is a zonal path across the LS. The satellite measured SST, corresponding to typhoons Pabuk (5 Aug. 2007–12 Aug. 2007) and Dujuan (29 Aug. 2003–5 Sep. 2003), which both moved along this path, demonstrated that a classic right bias cooling occurs to the north of the storm track, during the typhoon forced period. However, some cold anomaly water also present toward left (south) of the storm track east of the LS in the relaxation period. This paper adopted a three-dimensional hydrostatic primitive equation model to study the possible causes of this southward transport of cold waters. Both model results and the observed SST anomaly revealed that the strength of the upper ocean cooling depends on whether a resonant regime between the typhoon winds and the near-inertial currents can be excited. To the east of the LS, the convergence between the warm Kuroshio water and the cold wakes in the poststorm period will enhance the southward spreading of cold anomaly water. The enhanced vertical mixing, induced by the southward propagation of nearly inertial waves associated with the cold wakes, can also produce some cold anomaly to the south of a storm track in the poststorm period. Both mechanisms can contribute to the occurrence of some cold anomaly water to the south of the storm track east of the KC. To the west of the LS, the convergence between the warm Kuroshio water and the cold upwelling water from the northern South China Sea can further strengthen the Kuroshio front in the LS.  相似文献   

Magnetovariational measurements have been made at 10 sites on the northern side of the Cook Strait, New Zealand. Single-station transfer functions have been calculated for the sites and indicate that the effect of induction in the shallow water of the Cook Strait is most important at around 1000 s period. At longer periods the effect of induced currents in the Pacific Ocean predominates.A two-dimensional electrical conductivity model including local conductivity structure has been shown to satisfy the measured responses at sites about 60–80 km distance from the strait. Closer to the strait the inductive process is strongly three-dimensional. A simple d.c. line current model of current flow has been shown to reproduce some of the features of the observed responses.Induction arrows indicate the existence of conductivity anomalies associated with a known lateral seismic boundary and with one of the two principal faults in the region.  相似文献   

The local wind bora is a well-known phenomenon on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea, where steep mountains, the Dinaric Alps, closely follow the coast. In a relatively undisturbed atmosphere the coastal thermal effect and the dynamic effect of orography give rise to a cool downslope land breeze, theborino, which develops at night-time, and particularly in the winter season, when the land-sea temperature contrast is large. The causes ofcold bora, with strong and gusty winds, are then attributed to the synoptic scale effects upon the local flow intensification and inland cold air supply. Since the interaction processes on various scale motions are involved in a sequence of bora spells, it is shown how the large scale anomalies may subsequently change the mesoscale characteristics of the bora environment and eventually make the bora appear as a relatively warm wind.  相似文献   

A new circulation model of the western North Pacific Ocean based on the parallelized version of the Princeton Ocean Model and incorporating the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF) data assimilation scheme has been developed. The new model assimilates satellite data and is tested for the period January 1 to April 3, 2012 initialized from a 24-year simulation to estimate the ocean state focusing in the South China Sea (SCS). Model results are compared against estimates based on the optimum interpolation (OI) assimilation scheme and are validated against independent Argo float and transport data to assess model skills. LETKF provides improved estimates of the western North Pacific Ocean state including transports through various straits in the SCS. In the Luzon Strait, the model confirms, for the first time, the three-layer transport structure previously deduced in the literature from sparse observations: westward in the upper and lower layers and eastward in the middle layer. This structure is shown to be robust, and the related dynamics are analyzed using the results of a long-term (18 years) unassimilated North Pacific Ocean model. Potential vorticity and mass conservations suggest a basin-wide cyclonic circulation in the upper layer of the SCS (z?>??570 m), an anticyclonic circulation in the middle layer (?570 m?≥?z?>??2,000 m), and, in the abyssal basin (<?2,000 m), the circulation is cyclonic in the north and anticyclonic in the south. The cyclone–anticyclone abyssal circulation is confirmed and explained using a deep-layer reduced-gravity model as being caused by overflow over the deep sill of the Luzon Strait, coupled with intense, localized upwelling west of the strait.  相似文献   

In this study, the Navidad current, which flows along the northern coast of Spain in winter, is observed and characterized using coastal altimetry data over the period 1992–2002. This coastal current, marked by a strong interannual variability, is associated with eastward transport of warm waters along the shelf slope. Specific data editing and processing strategies have been applied to the along-track altimeter data, which allows us to retrieve altimetric sea level anomalies closer to the coast, with a better spatial coverage and improved quality when compared with standard altimetric products. The current variability observed upstream by in situ time series after November 1996 is well reproduced by the satellite across-track surface geostrophic current anomalies up until September 1999; this agreement degrades later in time. The combined use of satellite-derived current anomalies and sea-surface temperature anomalies allows us to develop indices of Navidad occurrences, in the first long-term, systematic survey of that current based on a multi-sensor approach. The satellite analyses confirm the previously identified Navidad occurrences in winter of 1995–1996, 1997–1998, and 2000–2001. Furthermore, a weak Navidad event was identified in winter 1996–1997. These four winters are associated with a negative North Atlantic Oscillation index in the previous fall, but the intensity of the Navidad is not correlated to the amplitude of that index.  相似文献   

Effects of mesoscale eddies on the marine ecosystem in the Kuroshio Extension (KE) region are investigated using an eddy-resolving coupled physical-biological model. The model captures the seasonal and intra-seasonal variability of chlorophyll distribution associated with the mesoscale eddies, front variability, Kuroshio meanders, and upwelling. The model also reproduces the observed interannual variability of sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) in the KE region along a zonal band of 32–34°N from 2002 to 2006. The distribution of high surface chlorophyll corresponds to low SSHA. Cyclonic eddies are found to detach from the KE jet near 150°E and 158°E and propagate westward. The westward propagating cyclonic eddies lift the nutrient-rich thermocline into the euphotic zone and maintain high levels of chlorophyll in summer. In the subsurface layer, the pattern in chlorophyll is influenced by both lateral and vertical advection. In winter, convection inside the eddy entrains high levels of nutrients into the mixed layer, increasing production, and resulting in high chlorophyll concentration throughout the surface mixed layer. There is significant interannual variability in both the cyclonic eddy activity and the surface phytoplankton bloom south of the KE jet, although whether or not there is a causal link is unclear.  相似文献   

The structure and variability of the currents in the Luzon Strait during spring of 2002 are studied, based on the current measurements at the average position of the mooring station (20°49′57"N, 120°48′12"E) from March 17 to April 15, 2002, satellite geostrophic currents in the Luzon Strait, and the spectral analyses, using the maximum entropy method. The subtidal currents at the mooring station show de-creased amplitudes downward with an anti-cyclonic rotation, suggesting that the currents enter and exit t...  相似文献   

本文分析长时间强度维持"菲特"台风不同发展阶段的位涡分布特征发现:台风内核区中尺度高值PV带及其变化与台风强度变化具有伴随关系,即高值PV区与内核区强对流不仅具有对应关系;而且其生命史与台风强盛维持期一致;此外在眼墙区附近位涡梯度最大.分析还指出:垂直剖面上的高值PV呈现由单极位涡态(台风发展加强期)向中空位涡态(台风强盛维持期)的转变,到台风快速衰减期,又形成PV量值较小的单极位涡态.位涡收支方程诊断表明:内核区域水平平流、垂直输送和凝结加热的初始增强和大值收支带不仅对台风内中尺度高值位涡分布及长时间强度维持具有重要影响,而且具有伴随关系.此外,位涡收支各项对位涡态的转变起着不同的作用,其中凝结加热在台风强盛期中空位涡塔的建立中作用明显,水平平流项则在眼墙区的位涡塔中上层有着正贡献,垂直输送在高值PV分布的再分配中起中介作用.  相似文献   

Yang  Chen  Yang  Haiyuan  Chen  Zhaohui  Gan  Bolan  Liu  Yongzheng  Wu  Lixin 《Ocean Dynamics》2023,73(8):531-544
Ocean Dynamics - Based on the eddy-resolving Four-dimensional variational Ocean Re-Analysis for the Western North Pacific over 30&nbsp;years (FORA-WNP30) product, this study investigates the...  相似文献   

《Journal of Atmospheric and Solar》2002,64(12-14):1525-1529
Almost no new theoretical work has been conducted in the area of mid-latitude F-region plasma instabilities since Perkin's (J. Geophys. Res. 78 (1973) 218) linear theory. New experimental data now suggest that the nonlinear development of mid-latitude F-region structures includes large polarization electric fields which dominate the final state. Airglow and radar data show that ΣP is greatly depleted in some regions, which is in agreement with a polarization hypothesis. We hope these new results will inspire new simulations with some anticipation of solving this perplexing but fascinating problem.  相似文献   

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