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Geotechnical reconnaissance of a recurrent liquefaction site at a Quaternary alluvial deposit in southern Taiwan was conducted to establish a comprehensive case history for liquefaction on silty fine sand with high fines content. The liquefaction occurred at a silty fine sand layer with D50 = 0.09 mm and fines content greater than 35% and was triggered by a Mw = 6.4 earthquake on March 4, 2010, which induced maximum horizontal acceleration up to 0.189 g at the site. In situ subsurface characterizations, including standard penetration test, cone penetration test, and shear wave velocity measurement, were performed as well as cyclic simple shear tests on undisturbed specimens retrieved by a modified hydraulic piston sampler. Comparisons of cyclic resistance ratios (CRRs) indicate that CPT sounding with standard penetration rate could overestimate the resistance ratio and drainage conditions during penetration should be considered for high fines content soil in the liquefaction analysis. Additionally, variations of CRRs from different in situ tests indicate that correlations among in situ tests and CRR could be soil specific and precautions should be taken when using these curves on silty fine sands.  相似文献   

A dynamic effective stress analysis with the finite element method has long been recommended to predict the liquefaction phenomena of sandy soil by authors and Zienkiewicz et al. as well as the similar approaches by the others. Our approach of the analysis is summarized in the first.

Until recently, however, these approaches has not commonly been used as the means of design, although its capability of prediction is appreciated by geotechnicians. This method has been neglected because of the lack of verification studies of soil models of sand and mathematical formulation for boundary problems of liquefaction phenomena. Therefore the verification of the numerical method to evaluate liquefaction potential are urgent requirement of the recent engineering practice. To respond this requirement, extensive numerical studies on the liquefation simulations are performed by DIANA program for shaking table tests which have been conducted by the authors. The test models are soil-structure type models with combination of homogenous ground and partially improved ground by compaction.

The good performance of our approach is proved by the results of numerical simulation showing good agreement with experimental data in terms of response acceleration, excess pore pressure, and deformation profile. It is also demonstrated that the numerical results can provide substantial information to understand the mechanisms of soil ground behavior which is not easily obtained by experiments.

The procedure to identify soil constants for the reflecting surface model is also reported in details.  相似文献   

为研究液化场地中群桩在强震作用下的动力响应特征及桩侧土抗力-桩土相对位移(p-y)曲线规律,依托海文大桥实体工程,基于振动台模型试验,开展了0.15g~0.35g地震动作用饱和粉细砂土层不同埋置深度下的砂土孔压比、桩身弯矩及p-y曲线动力响应研究。结果表明:地震动强度达到0.25g时,不同埋置深度下的饱和粉细砂土层孔压比均大于0.8,产生液化现象,且随埋置深度增加,孔压比增长时刻明显滞后;不同埋置深度下,桩身弯矩最大值均位于液化土层和非液化土层分界面处;同一埋置深度时,随地震动强度的增大,p-y曲线所包围的面积逐渐增大,其整体斜率逐渐变小,说明桩-土相互作用动力耗能逐渐增大,桩周土体刚度逐渐减小;随埋置深度增加,p-y曲线所包围的面积逐渐减小,其整体斜率逐渐增大,说明桩-土相互作用动力耗能逐渐减小,桩周土体刚度逐渐增大。因此,液化场地桥梁群桩抗震设计时,应综合考虑液化土层与桩基础的相互位置关系,确保桩基础在液化土层与非液化土层分界处的抗弯承载能力。  相似文献   

砂土地震液化势的二级模糊综合评判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于砂土地震液化的工程实例,采用模糊综合评判的二级评判方法对砂土的液化势进行了评价,并同其它评判方法进行了对比分析,表明该方法取得了较好的结果.  相似文献   

赵留园  单治钢  汪明元 《岩土力学》2022,(1):169-180+194
江苏近海属南黄海海域,是我国海上风电场最集中的地区,目前约占全国总装机容量的70%~75%,该区覆盖层厚度大,桩长深度范围(一般40~60m)多为粉砂、粉土、粉质黏土地层,尤其是泥面以下20m深度为易液化粉砂-粉土地层。而南黄海地区亦是我国的地震多发区,因此,研究了该区海上风电场水平场地的地震液化特性。首先基于南黄海某海上风电场50个机位的钻探资料统计特征建立了地层概化模型;随后通过动三轴试验和共振柱试验标定了土体动力分析参数;然后反演了3条地震波(EL-Centro波、Northridge波、Kobe波),将地表附近地震动峰值加速度PGA分别调整为0.05g、0.10g、0.20g、0.40g并进行场地液化分析,重点分析了地震作用下地层的超孔压比、总沉降、分层沉降等特性。研究发现,该区地层为可液化地层。当PGA=0.05g时,各层监测点的超孔压比均小于1.0,地层总沉降为1 cm左右;当PGA为0.10g和0.20g时,仅表层(12 m内)地层完全液化,地层总沉降分别为10 cm和17 cm;PGA=0.40g输入时,泥面下20 m地层均完全液化,地层总沉降为30 cm左右。不同地震...  相似文献   

On 25 December 1884, an earthquake of epicentral intensityI 0 = IX in the MSK scale caused great damage in a large area in the provinces of Granada and Málaga, in the south of Spain. The reports of the Spanish, Italian and French Commissions that studied the earthquake described ground phenomena in seven different sites which can be identified as soil liquefaction.By means of dynamic penetration tests carried out in the above sites, the corresponding soil profiles (based on SPT data and water table depth) were established, and the occurrence of liquefaction was proved in five out of seven of these sites. Also, the intensities at such locations and the magnitude of the earthquake were estimated.From the geotechnical data and the cyclic stress ratio induced by the earthquake, liquefaction conditions were confirmed in all the five sites which presumably liquefied. Then, possible values of the minimum ground surface accelerations necessary for the onset of liquefaction at each location were calculated. The results obtained were completed with data reported in six liquefaction case studies from Japan and the United States, from which design charts relating soil acceleration with normalized SPT values for different intensity levels were drawn.Finally, by using standard attenuation curves, the above data were translated into epicentral distances, and good agreement with the known epicentral area was found. As a result, a consistent approach for liquefaction hazard and source location problems has been developed. The proposed method combines in its formulation historical evidence and earthquake engineering techniques.  相似文献   

A magnitude 7 earthquake occurred in southwest Mozambique in February 2006, triggering extensive liquefaction around the fault rupture. Samples were recovered from the liquefied soils for laboratory testing to calibrate a numerical model for the assessment of liquefaction susceptibility. Laboratory tests and simulations confirm that the alluvial sands from the area affected by the earthquake have a very high susceptibility to liquefaction, although this depends strongly on the in situ density, which is likely to be low since the soils are deposited in a major flood plain. Since many areas of Mozambique, including parts of the major coastal cities, are on similarly loose and saturated deposits, there could be a significant liquefaction hazard in future earthquakes.  相似文献   

汤皓  陈国兴  李方明 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):1007-1012
采用组件式GIS (COMGIS)技术开发了结合BP神经网络分析模型的场地地震液化势评价系统,调用水平成层土地震反应分析程序SHAKE91实现设定地震下地震动影响场的模拟。在VB下调用Matlab神经网络工具箱来完成场地地震液化势评价模型在COMGIS系统中的模块化;利用GIS技术对评价结果,即液化势等级进行空间复合,给出场地潜在的地层液化势空间分布图。研究表明,SHAKE91应用程序在系统菜单下可直接调用,实现地震动影响场计算的模块化;BP神经网络技术应用于场地地震液化势评价中能达到较为理想的效果;系统的GIS空间分析功能可使评价结果与场地信息进行空间匹配,实现目标场地潜在地震液化势的快速评估。  相似文献   

We describe the results of the geologic analysis of high-resolution (0.5 m/px) LROC NAC images of the landing site of the Luna 24 spacecraft, which landed in the southeastern part of Mare Crisium, drilled a borehole to the depth of ~2 m and recovered a core, which was then delivered to the Earth. LROC NAC images show that the spacecraft landed on the rim of the 65-m crater Lev. Image analysis was aided by calculations of the expected thickness of ejecta from crater Lev found to be 0.5–1 m. Using these calculations and the results of photogeologic analysis, we reconsidered the characteristics of the Luna 24 core material. This led to an understanding of the geologic position of different parts of the Luna 24 core and allowed us to distinguish in the core the intervals dominated by: 1—effects of arrival of ejecta from the 6.5-km crater Fahrenheit (Zone IV), 2—gradual reworking of the local regolith by small impacts (Zones II and III), and 3—emplacement of ejecta of Lev crater, which is a secondary of the distant 22-km crater Giordano Bruno (Zone I). This understanding allowed us to propose that some additional new analyses of the Luna 24 material be undertaken, with emphasis on the study of Zone IV and Zone I. Additional analysis of zone IV could search for and identify material of ejecta from the crater Fahrenheit and their comparisons with local materials, while new analysis of Zone I could study the material derived from the deepest parts of the local regolith and search for material of the impactor (ejecta from the very young Giordano Bruno crater on the lunar farside) that formed Lev crater.  相似文献   

利用集集地震静力触探试验(CPT)数据,对基于CPT测试的Robertson液化判别方法和Olsen方法进行了检验,两个方法对液化点判别成功率分别为82.61%和80.43%,对非液化点判别成功率分别为31.82%和44.32%。CPT液化判别方法对液化点判别基本可靠,但对非液化点判别准确性较差。对集集地震标准贯入试验(SPT)数据,美国地震工程研究中心(NCEER)推荐的SPT液化判别方法对液化点和非液化点判别成功率分别达到92.41%和94.35%。SPT方法判别成功率非常高,整体准确性远高于CPT方法。另一方面,CPT的土分类图可以同时反映土的种类与强度,甚至可以对集集地震液化土与非液化土进行区分。对于细粒土的液化初判,CPT土分类图也优于SPT方法中的黏粒含量指标。因此,土分类图是CPT的优势所在。  相似文献   


Soil liquefaction on 28 September 2018 in Palu, Indonesia, included one of the largest soil movements ever, where objects on the ground surface moved hundreds of meters away and settlements sank into the mud. Some preliminary studies show that in addition to a strong earthquake, there are strong indications that a confined aquifer in the Palu valley worsened the liquefaction. The role of the confined aquifer can be recognized early on from one of various signs, namely the presence of massive surface inundations suspected due to groundwater expulsion which is thought to originate mostly from the confined aquifer. This paper describes the mechanism of the soil liquefaction in Palu from the perspective of earthquake hydrogeology, focusing on the groundwater expelled from an unconfined aquifer and especially from the underlying confined aquifer through hydraulic inter-connection between the two, which is possible due to simultaneous interaction of excess pore pressure dissipation and enhanced permeability driven by an earthquake in the near field. If this hypothesis proves to be strong, there are implications for engineering practices because the evaluation of potential soil liquefaction carried out currently in the geotechnical engineering field generally only involves the role of shallow groundwater and/or the unconfined aquifer and the role of soil layers not deeper than 30 m from the ground surface. It may be necessary to complement current evaluation practice with an evaluation of the deep groundwater response to earthquakes, especially if the deep groundwater is artesian and productive, with a relatively thin confining layer.


This paper presents the computational procedures and solution strategy employed in ParCYCLIC, a parallel non‐linear finite element program developed based on an existing serial code CYCLIC for the analysis of cyclic seismically‐induced liquefaction problems. In ParCYCLIC, finite elements are employed within an incremental plasticity, coupled solid–fluid formulation. A constitutive model developed for simulating liquefaction‐induced deformations is a main component of this analysis framework. The elements of the computational strategy, designed for distributed‐memory message‐passing parallel computer systems, include: (a) an automatic domain decomposer to partition the finite element mesh; (b) nodal ordering strategies to minimize storage space for the matrix coefficients; (c) an efficient scheme for the allocation of sparse matrix coefficients among the processors; and (d) a parallel sparse direct solver. Application of ParCYCLIC to simulate 3‐D geotechnical experimental models is demonstrated. The computational results show excellent parallel performance and scalability of ParCYCLIC on parallel computers with a large number of processors. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

夏志凡  叶冠林  王建华  叶斌  张锋 《岩土力学》2010,31(8):2682-2688
通过基于有效应力的完全耦合动力分析方法,研究了混凝土面板坝在地震作用下的动力响应,详细地讨论了堤坝迎水面斜坡上铺设的防水毯对堤坝地震液化的影响。计算中土体采用Cyclic mobility本构模型,该模型通过在修正剑桥模型上增加应力诱导各向异性、超固结和结构性的概念及其相关发展准则,可以很好地描述可液化土体的动力特性。计算结果表明防水毯的存在可以有效降低坝体的地下水位浸润线,增加坝基的初始有效应力,从而降低坝基地震液化发生的可能性,同时坝体的变形明显减小。  相似文献   

李兆焱  孙锐  曹振中  石江华  董林  袁晓铭 《岩土力学》2010,31(12):3907-3912
2003年2月24日新疆巴楚-伽师地区发生的6.8级地震中出现了自1996年唐山大地震以来我国大陆境内最为严重的砂土液化现象。以此地震液化调查为基础,检验包括我国规范液化判别方法、Robertson方法和Olsen方法的国内外现有静力触探试验为指标的液化判别方法的适用性。结果表明,我国规范、Robertson方法、Olsen方法在对巴楚地震液化场地判别中,总体上非液化场地判别成功率高于液化场地判别成功率,非液化场地的判别成功率分别为88%、71%和88%,但对液化场地判别成功率分别为55%、73%和45%,明显偏于危险,原因需要进一步查明,建立适合局部地区的液化判别方法应是未来必须进行的工作。  相似文献   

采用不排水有效应力法,利用Geo-slope软件,对金堆城栗西沟尾矿坝进行了地震响应的综合分析与液化计算。结果显示: a .栗西沟尾矿坝在静态条件下是稳定的; b .在7度地震条件下,尾矿坝的加速度反应较小,其放大倍数为2.204; c .栗西沟尾矿坝内动剪应力和动孔压绝大部分是随着地震历时的增加而逐渐增大; d .坝内孔压比都较小,抗液化安全系数较大,但局部液化区的存在,仍可能影响到整个坝体的安全性,应在液化区采取加固措施。  相似文献   

砂土地震液化的神经网络预测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在简要分析BP算法的基础上,应用BP网络的理论与方法,选取砂土的平均粒径(d50/mm)、相对密度(Dr/%)、标准贯入击数(N63.5/击)、上覆有效应力(σv/kPa)、地震烈度(I0)作为指标,预测砂土在地震作用下液化的可能性,取得了较好的预测效果。  相似文献   

基于判别分析法的地震砂土液化预测研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
颜可珍  刘能源  夏唐代 《岩土力学》2009,30(7):2049-2052
将距离判别分析方法应用于砂土液化的预测问题中,建立了砂土液化预测的距离判别模型。选用震级、研究深度、震中距、标贯击数、地下水位及地震持续时间等6项指标作为判别因子,以大量的工程实例数据作为学习样本进行训练,建立了线性判别函数对待评样本进行了评价。研究结果表明,距离判别分析模型判别砂土液化效果良好,预测准确度高,回判估计误判率低,可望成为砂土液化预测的有效手段。  相似文献   

本文以对营前特大桥桥位区的砂土液化的综合评判为例子,提出砂土液化必须运用定值准则的概念与方法并结合各种宏观液化势判定手段进行综合评判,文中还针对水下孔的水位取值进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A strong earthquake (Mw = 6.2) occurred offshore the island of Lefkada (or Lefkas) on August 14, 2003. The maximum intensity has been evaluated Io = VIII (EMS) at Lefkada municipality, while VI to VII+ intensities were evaluated at many other villages of the island. The offshore NNE-SSW oriented strike-slip right-lateral fault was activated by the main shock. This fault is the northern termination of the Cephalonia transform fault. The most characteristic macroseismic effects were extensive typical ground failures like rock falls, soil liquefactions, subsidence, densification, ground cracks and landslides. These macroseismic effects are remarkably similar to those reported from some historical Lefkada shocks, e.g. 1704, 1914 (Ms = 6.3) and 1948 (Ms = 6.5). Sand boils and ground fissures with ejection of mud were observed at the seaside of the town of Lefkada, and in the villages of Nydri and Vassiliki.In situ soil profiles are obtained based mainly on borings after the earthquake. Boreholes records with SPT values (standard penetration test) are obtained and the “simplified procedure” originally developed by Seed and Idriss was employed to evaluate the liquefaction resistance of soils. The results indicated that the silty sandy layer, which lies beneath the artificial fill in the coastal zone in Lefkada town, had liquefied during the 14 August Earthquake. An attempt was also made to establish a preliminary microzonation map for Lefkada town using the data from Liquefaction Potential Index analyses. Our map was validated by the occurrence of liquefaction phenomena inside the town.  相似文献   

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