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笔者在西藏南部札达盆地新生代沉积地层中获得了丰富的介形类化石,根据介形类动物群在地层剖面上的分布规律,建立了两个介形类组合带:(1)Ilyocypris bradyi-Cyclocypris orum-Leucocythere dorsotuberosa组合带;(2)Leucocytherella-Candoniella zadaensis-Leucocythere mirabilis组合带。通过对研究区介形类组合带与国内外其他地区相同层位的介形类组合对比研究,将札达盆地托林组的时代厘定为中新世晚期—上新世最晚期。根据介形类动物群在剖面上的分布规律,自下而上建立了7个介形类群落:Candona-Candoniella群落;Ilyocypris-Cyclocypris群落;Leucocythere-Candona群落;Ilyocypris-Leucocythere群落;Leucocythere-Leucocytherella-Candona群落;Leucocythere mirabilis-Candona群落和Ilyocypris-Leucocytherella群落。通过对介形类群落详细...  相似文献   

曹冲  赵元艺  常玉虎  卢伟  李运  曾辉 《地质通报》2015,34(6):1227-1238
艾斯康迪达矿床是位于智利北部安第斯铜矿带的世界第三大斑岩型铜矿床,铜储量3156.7×104t,其形成主要与始新世晚期—渐新世的石英二长岩-花岗闪长斑岩岩株有关,构造上受多梅科断层系统的控制。该矿床拥有典型斑岩型铜钼矿床的热液蚀变类型,包括钾长石化、黑云母化、石英-绿泥石-绢云母化、泥化与青磐岩化。与成矿有关的侵入岩年龄在38Ma左右,辉钼矿Re-Os年龄为36.1~33.7Ma。流体包裹体特征表明,该区域矿床成矿热液分为早期高温的岩浆热液和晚期岩浆热液与地下水混合的低温低盐度热液2期。高场强元素的负异常、稀土元素La/Yb值特征与Sr-Nd同位素比值特征表明,成矿斑岩是混入少量壳源物质的幔源岩浆演化来的。形成于南北向多梅科断层与北西向线性构造交会位置的转换拉伸环境,对艾斯康迪达矿床成矿斑岩的侵位具有关键性作用。  相似文献   

曹冲  赵元艺  常玉虎  卢伟  李运  曾辉 《地质通报》2015,34(06):1227-1238
艾斯康迪达矿床是位于智利北部安第斯铜矿带的世界第三大斑岩型铜矿床,铜储量3156.7×104t,其形成主要与始新世晚期—渐新世的石英二长岩-花岗闪长斑岩岩株有关,构造上受多梅科断层系统的控制。该矿床拥有典型斑岩型铜钼矿床的热液蚀变类型,包括钾长石化、黑云母化、石英-绿泥石-绢云母化、泥化与青磐岩化。与成矿有关的侵入岩年龄在38Ma左右,辉钼矿Re-Os年龄为36.1~33.7Ma。流体包裹体特征表明,该区域矿床成矿热液分为早期高温的岩浆热液和晚期岩浆热液与地下水混合的低温低盐度热液2期。高场强元素的负异常、稀土元素La/Yb值特征与Sr-Nd同位素比值特征表明,成矿斑岩是混入少量壳源物质的幔源岩浆演化来的。形成于南北向多梅科断层与北西向线性构造交会位置的转换拉伸环境,对艾斯康迪达矿床成矿斑岩的侵位具有关键性作用。  相似文献   

智利中部埃尔特尼恩特矿床是世界级超大型铜钼矿床之一,其铜矿石(含铜0.62%)储量达12.4×10~8t,钼矿石(含钼0.018%)储量达7.8×10~8t。矿床位于智利中部安第斯山脉晚中新世—早上新世铜-钼成矿省。该成矿省赋存于晚中新世火山活动带。埃尔特尼恩斑岩型铜-钼矿床赋存于中—晚中新世代伐尔隆斯建造,后者伏于科亚-玛查理建造之下,两者之间呈构造不整合或局部不整合接触关系。矿床产于伐尔隆斯的组成部分晚中新世火山深成杂岩中,该杂岩由厚层的玄武质至流纹质喷出岩及侵入岩组成。矿床围岩为安山岩、长英质-中性侵入岩和布莱登岩筒角砾岩。该矿床流体包裹体组合特征表明,岩浆热液演化及成矿作用经历了4个阶段。流体包裹体成分研究表明,该矿床的形成是富含Cu和可能还富含S的深源流体向不断脱挥发分的巨型次火山岩浆房发生贯入作用的结果。  相似文献   

Kemp  & Zárate 《Sedimentology》2000,47(1):3-14
Well‐developed Bt horizons of five palaeosols (P1–P5) have been recorded previously within a 20‐m‐thick succession of Pliocene siltstones and clayey siltstones in the southern part of the Buenos Aires Province of Argentina. This paper reports a detailed field and micromorphological (thin section) investigation of a 6‐m portion of the sequence encompassing P2 and P3. Large‐scale faunal burrow infillings occur throughout: other bioturbation features in the form of channel and spongy microstructures are mainly confined to the siltstones. The intervening clayey siltstones (Bt horizons) have been affected more by shrink–swell disruption, as evidenced by slickensides and a range of striated b‐fabrics in thin sections. Clay coatings, indicative of illuvial accumulation of clay translocated in suspension from overlying A or E horizons, occur in both the siltstones and clayey siltstones. The types, microstratigraphic associations and depth functions of features are interpreted in terms of changing interactions, balances and dominances between sedimentary, pedogenic and erosional processes over time, thus providing the basis for the pedosedimentary reconstruction of landscape evolution in the region during part of the Pliocene represented by the whole P1–P5 sequence (4–5 Ma BP). It is envisaged that this period was dominated by aeolian deposition, although fluvial and mass movement processes probably led to reworking and redistribution of some of the materials. Overall rates of subaerial deposition, however, were not substantial: pedogenic processes were active throughout, the balance between sedimentation and pedogenesis varying over time in a cyclical fashion. Phases of reduced deposition and establishment of relatively stable land surfaces were marked by the development of argillic soil profiles with clearly defined eluvial and illuvial horizons. Intervening periods of more rapid accumulation of coarser material were characterized by accretionary soil development and welding of new pedological features on existing soils as the surface accreted, first transforming existing eluvial horizons into BCt/AE horizons (siltstones) and then encouraging the syndepositional upward extension of these complex horizons. The primary basis of the alternating units of siltstones (BCt/AE horizons) and clayey siltstones (Bt horizons) lies in the cyclical change in size of particles deposited, although pedogenic translocation processes enhanced these textural differences. The underlying driving mechanism behind the pedosedimentary cycle can only be speculated upon, although it is tempting to relate the sedimentation pattern to climatic fluctuations linked to glacial advances and retreats in the Patagonian Andes during the Pliocene.  相似文献   

The Meseta Chile Chico (MCC, 46.4°S) is the westernmost exposure of Eocene (lower basaltic sequence, LBS; 55–40 Ma, K–Ar ages) and Mio–Pliocene (upper basaltic sequence, UBS; 16–4 Ma, K–Ar ages) flood basalt volcanism in Patagonia. The MCC is located south of the Lago General Carrera-Buenos Aires (LGCBA), southeast from the present day Chile Triple Junction (CTJ), east of the actual volcanic gap between Southern South Volcanic Zone and Austral Volcanic Zone (SSVZ and AVZ, respectively) and just above the inferred location of the South Chile Ridge segment subducted at 6 Ma (SCR-1). Erupted products consist of mainly ne-normative olivine basalt with minor hy-normative tholeiites basalt, trachybasalt and basanite. MCC lavas are alkaline (42.7–53.1 wt.% SiO2, 3–8 wt.% Na2O+K2O) and relatively primitive (Ni: 133–360 ppm, Cr: 161–193 ppm, Co: 35–72 ppm, 4–16.5 MgO wt.%). They have a marked OIB-like signature, as shown by their isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sro=0.70311–0.70414 and εNd=+4.7–+5.1) and their incompatible trace elements ratios (Ba/La=10–20, La/Nb=0.46–1.09, Ce/Pb=15.52–27.5, Sr/La<25), reflecting deep mantle origin. UBS-primitive lavas have characteristics similar to those of the Eocene LBS basalts, while UBS-intermediate lavas show geochemical imprints (La/Nb>1, Sr/La>25, low Ce/Pb, Nb/U) compatible with contamination by arc/slab-derived and/or crustal components. We propose that the genesis and extrusion of magmas is related to the opening of two slab windows due to the subduction of two active ridge segments beneath Patagonia during Eocene and Mio–Pliocene.  相似文献   

钟启龙 《国外铀金地质》2011,(3):147-150,162
归纳总结赣南地区不同类型铀成矿特征,认为赣南铀成矿具有多期、多阶段的特点,提出区域铀成矿控制因素主要为富铀变质岩基底、富铀岩浆岩和断裂构造。  相似文献   

The depositional facies and environments were unraveling by studying 21 subsurface sections from ten oilfields in the central and southern Iraq and a large number of thin sections of the Nahr Umr (siliciclastic deposit) Formation (Albian). This formation is mainly composed of sandstone interlaminated with minor siltstone and shale, with occurrence of thin limestone beds. Nahr Umr Formation is subdivided into three lithostratigraphic units of variable thicknesses on the basis of lithological variations and log characters. Mineralogically and texturally, mature quartz arenite and sandstones are the common type of the Nahr Umr Formation. The sandstones are cemented by silica and calcite material and have had a complex digenetic history. Compaction, dissolution, and replacements are the main diagenetic processes. Prodelta, distal bar, distributary mouth bar, distributary channel, over bank, and tidal channel are the main depositional environments recognized for the Nahr Umr Formation, within the studied wells. This formation was deposited in shallow marine and fluvial–deltaic environments and exhibit progradational succession of facies. Eight sedimentary facies that have been identified in the Nahr Umr Formation include claystone lithofacies, claystone siltstone lithofacies, lenticular-bedded sandstone–mudstone lithofacies, wavy-bedded sandstone–mudstone lithofacies, flaser-bedded sandstone–mudstone lithofacies, parallel and cross lamination sandstone lithofacies, trough cross-bedded sandstone lithofacies, and planar cross-bedded sandstone lithofacies. The depositional model of the Nahr Umr Formation environment was built based on the lithofacies association concepts.  相似文献   

尉犁县阿勒吞塔格南小型铜铁矿床位于塔里木盆地东北缘.通过大比例尺填图、钻探、槽探等工作对阿勒吞塔格南铜铁矿进行了综合评价,认为矿体呈似层状赋存于辉石岩与钾长花岗岩岩体接触带内,受断裂构造控制明显;根据矿床矿化富集特征,划分出岩浆期、热液期和表生期三个成矿期,初步认为该矿床为岩浆热液型矿床.  相似文献   

A Middle Tertiary volcanic belt in the High Andes of north-central Chile hosts numerous precious- and base-metal epithermal deposits over its 150 km north-south trend. The El Indio district, believed to be associated with a hydrothermal system in the late stages of development of a volcanic caldera, consists of a series of separate vein systems located in an area of 30 km2 which has undergone intense argillic-sericitic-solfataric alteration. The majority of the known gold-copper-silver mineralization occurs within a structural block only 150 by 500 m in surface area, with a recognized vertical extent exceeding 300 m. This block is bounded by two high-angle northeast-trending faults oriented subparallel to the mineralized veins.Hypogene mineralization at El Indio is grouped into two main ore-forming stages: Copper and Gold. The Copper stage is composed chiefly of enargite and pyrite forming massive veins up to 20 m wide, and is accompanied by alteration of the wall rocks to alunite, kaolinite, sericite, pyrite and quartz. The Gold stage consists of vein-filling quartz, pyrite, native gold, tennantite and subordinate amounts of a wide variety of telluride minerals. Associated with this stage is pervasive alteration of the wall rocks to sericite, kaolinite, quartz and minor pyrophyllite. The transition from copper to gold mineralization is marked by the alteration of enargite to tennantite and by minor deposition of sphalerite, galena, huebnerite, chalcopyrite and gold. Mineral stability relations indicate that there was a general decrease in the activity of S2 accompanied by variations in the activity of Te2 during the Gold stage.Fluid-inclusion data show homogenization temperatures ranging from about 220 to 280°C, with salinities on the order of 3–4 eq. wt. % NaCl for the Copper stage. The Gold-stage inclusions indicate a similar range in homogenization temperatures, but significantly lower salinities (0.1–1.4 eq. wt. % NaCl). Fluid inclusions of transition minerals show a weak inverse relationship between homogenization temperatures (190–250°C) and salinities (3.4–1.4 eq. wt. % NaCl), which may represent mixing of hotter Gold-stage fluids with cooler late-Copper-stage fluids. No evidence of boiling was found in fluid inclusions, but CO2 vapor-rich inclusions were identified in wall-rock quartz phenocrysts which pre-date copper and gold mineralization.Mineral stability calculations indicate that given a fairly restricted range of solution compositions, the Copper-, Transition- and Gold-stage minerals at El Indio could have been deposited from a single solution, with constant total dissolved sulfur which underwent reduction through time. Limited sulfur-isotope data indicates that pyrite from the Copper stage was not in isotopic equilibrium with Copper-stage alunite or Transition-stage sphalerite. The sulfur-isotope and fluid-inclusion data indicate that two fluids with comparable temperatures but different compositions flowed through the El Indio system. The earlier fluid deposited copper attended by sericite-alunite-kaolinite alteration, and later epithermal fluids deposited gold with quartz-sericite-kaolinite-pyrite alteration.  相似文献   

青藏高原南部上新世花粉植物群及其古气候   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
<正> 在青藏高原南部,上新世沉积物主要是山间湖盆沉积物,而山间湖盆沉积物的花粉源,主要来自邻近山地不同植被带的植物和邻近开阔地的植物,因此,其花粉谱往往是不同植被类型植物所产花粉的综合物。花粉谱中存在的这种叠加,造成了古植被和古环境重建的复杂性,也使研究者难于对花粉谱作直接的生态解释。而主成分分析可使分解此  相似文献   

Romero  Jorge E.  Moreno  Hugo  Polacci  Margherita  Burton  Mike  Guzmán  Danny 《Landslides》2022,19(6):1321-1338

Antuco (37.4°S, 71.4°W; Chile) is a dominantly basaltic stratovolcano whose original?~?3300 m altitude main cone experienced a catastrophic sector collapse at?~?7.1 cal ka BP, producing a volcanic debris avalanche deposit (VDAD) with hummocky surface and?~?6.4 km3 of volume. We carried out geological studies of its debris avalanche deposit, which was distributed to the W and displays a longitudinal facies transformation from edifice’s megablocks and block to mixed facies in distal areas (up to 25 km from the scar). Our observations support the behavior of the avalanche beginning as a translational slide, and then as plug flow when confined within the Laja River valley. Clay abundance and high content of hydrothermally altered material may suggest active participation of water; flow velocities are estimated to?~100 m s?1. We primarily identify the steep-sided flanks of the cone, and hydrothermal alteration promoted the edifice instability, while basement seismogenic structures may have ultimately triggered the landslide. Subsequent landslide-led events include the transformation of the volcanic activity with explosive eruptions producing a sequence of dilute pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) ending?~3.4 ky BP, and extensive lava effusion rapidly reconstructing the collapsed edifice. Moreover, the Antuco VDAD also blocked the natural output of the Laja Lake, increasing its level by?~200 m and then triggering cataclysmic outburst floods by dam rupture, preserved as high-energy alluvial beds with ages between 2.8 and 1.7 ky BP. The Antuco constitutes an excellent example of a critical chain of events initiated by a stratovolcano lateral collapse and warns for detailed hazard investigations to better comprehend its related impacts.


The geology, petrography and chemical variation of the Pecket coal sequence, Magellan Region (52°57′S, 71°10′W), the only Chilean coal used for electricity generation on a large scale, has been studied in order to predict their combustion behaviour, especially in coal blends. The depositional environment of formation of the coal seams was a swamp rarely exposed to subaerial conditions and was associated with the development of the folded foreland of the Magellan basin during the Tertiary (Oligo–Miocene). The general tectonic regime of the collision of the Antarctic and South American plates is reflected by a system of joints with 40°N–50°W strike. The maceral composition of all six seams studied indicates high contents of vitrinite (>90%), minor content of liptinite (4.7%) and inertinite (<2%). Occurrence of tonstein horizons altered to kaolinite indicates a distal volcanism during peat accumulation. Coal rank varies between lignite and subbituminous (Ro=0.28–0.42%) with an average dry basis calorific value of 5450 kcal/kg, 17 wt.% moisture, 41 wt.% volatile matter, and sulphur content below 0.5 wt.%. The mineral matter (LTA) associated with the coal shows a dominance of kaolinite with quartz, smectite, and minor basanite. SiO2/Al2O3 and Fe2O3/CaO ratios of the ashes diminish towards the lower seams. With respect to the utilisation of Pecket coals in combustion, base/acid ratios (B/A) and silica ratios (SR) indicate potential fouling for seams 1, 2, 5, and 6i, with high fouling indexes (Rf) for seams 2 and 5. Pecket coal is excellent for blend combustion due to its low sulphur content.  相似文献   

Six new radiocarbon ages and a pollen sequence are provided for Laguna Stibnite, a small lake on the Taitao Peninsula, Chile (latitude 46°25'S, longitude 74°24'W). The sediments record a late-glacial to present sequence, with a basal age of 14 335 ± 145 yr BP (Q-2840). The radiocarbon ages provide the basis for a sound chronology in a region of Chile where few palynological studies have been made and where previous radiocarbon ages are ambiguous. The chronology from Laguna Stibnite supports the acceptance of a radiocarbon chronology based on wood fragments (rather than bulk analysis) at a site near Puerto Edén further south in the Chilean Channels (49°08'S). These data from Laguna Stibnite provide evidence for an early deglaciation (before 14 000 yr BP) in this region of southern Chile. The sequence provides no evidence for a climatic reversal between 11 000 yr BP and 10 000 yr BP, the so-called Younger Dryas chron.  相似文献   

The southern North China craton hosts numerous world-class porphyry Mo and Pb-Zn-Ag vein deposits. Whether or not the Pb-Zn-Ag veins are genetically associated with the porphyry Mo system remains contentious. Here we focus on the genetic relationships between the Sanyuangou Pb-Zn-Ag vein deposit and the world-class Donggou porphyry Mo deposit, and discuss the potential implications from the spatial and temporal relationships between porphyry and vein systems in the southern North China craton.At Sanyuangou, vein-hosted sulfide mineralization mainly comprises pyrite, sphalerite, and galena, with minor chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, bornite, tetrahedrite, covellite, polybasite and argentite. The mineralization is hosted by a quartz diorite stock, which has a zircon U-Pb age of 1756 ± 9 Ma. However, sericite from alteration selvages of Pb-Zn-Ag sulfide mineralization yields a well-defined 40Ar/39Ar plateau age of 115.9 ± 0.9 Ma. Although nominally younger, the sericite 40Ar/39Ar age is similar to the age of the nearby Donggou porphyry Mo deposit (zircon U-Pb age of 117.8 ± 0.9; molybdenite Re-Os ages of 117.5 ± 0.8 Ma and 116.4 ± 0.6 Ma). Pyrite from Donggou has elevated contents of Mo and Bi, whereas pyrite from Sanyuangou is enriched in Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag, Au, and As. This trace element pattern is consistent with metal zonation typically observed in porphyry related metallogenic systems. Pyrite grains from Sanyuangou have lead isotopes overlapping those from Donggou (17.273–17.495 vs. 17.328–17.517 for 206Pb/204Pb, 15.431–15.566 vs. 15.408–15.551 for 207Pb/204Pb, and 37.991–38.337 vs. 38.080–38.436 for 208Pb/204Pb). Collectively, the geological, geochronological, and geochemical data support a magmatic-hydrothermal origin for the Sanyuangou Pb-Zn-Ag deposit and confirm that the Pb-Zn-Ag veins and the Donggou Mo deposit form a porphyry-related magmatic-hydrothermal system.Given the widespread Pb-Zn-Ag veins and Mo mineralized porphyries in many districts of the southern North China craton, the model derived from this study has broad implications for further exploration of Mo and Pb-Zn-Ag resources in the area.  相似文献   

内蒙古西乌旗白音查干矿床是大兴安岭南段锡矿带内最典型、规模最大的Sn-Ag-Zn-Pb矿床。电气石在成矿岩体花岗斑岩和围岩地层中均广泛发育,依据其产状可分为四类:Ⅰ团斑状电气石;Ⅱ热液角砾岩胶结物中电气石;Ⅲ热液脉状电气石;Ⅳ弥散状电气石。在详细的岩相学基础上,利用电子探针点分析和面扫描分析对不同产状和结构的电气石进行了详细的成分分析。结果显示,花岗斑岩体深部的团斑状电气石(Ⅰa类)以自形、环带发育为特征,至少可见三期生长环带:核部电气石(Ⅰa-1)极高的Fe/(Fe+Mg)和Al值暗示其岩浆成因;边部电气石(Ⅰa-3)较富Mg,且与热液矿物共生,是从早期热液流体中沉淀形成的;幔部电气石(Ⅰa-2)的结构和成分显示其形成可能与不混溶的富B-Fe-Na的熔体或流体有关。因此,电气石从核部到边部的生长记录了从晚期岩浆到早期热液阶段的演变过程。花岗斑岩体中上部的团斑状电气石(Ⅰb类)环带不发育,其与热液矿物共生的组合及成分暗示其形成更倾向于与热液过程相关,可能是岩浆顶部聚集的早期流体释放之后被固结岩浆"圈闭"的残余流体结晶的产物。随后,大规模释放的富B流体形成了大量以电气石为主要胶结物的热液角砾岩(Ⅱ类)、成矿前电气石-石英阶段脉系(Ⅲa类)及伴随围岩蚀变而形成的弥散状电气石(Ⅳ类)。对Ⅱ类和Ⅲa类电气石内存在的生长环带分析显示,成矿前可能存在多个脉冲期次且成分有差异的流体的叠加作用。同时,电气石从早期到晚期向富Mg方向的演化,及成分明显受围岩地层影响的现象,暗示岩浆热液流体与围岩地层发生的水岩反应可能在金属成矿过程中起了重要作用。此外,本研究显示,不同产状电气石的结构和成分信息能够有效记录矿床内岩浆-热液转变及热液演化过程的众多细节信息,为深入理解成矿过程提供了依据。  相似文献   

The Almería-Níjar Basin is a Neogene, intermontane depression marginal to the Mediterranean in southern Spain in the vicinity of El Argamasón, Andalucia. The Pliocene Cuevas Formation rests unconformably on the Upper Messinian rock succession in the Carboneras Fault Zone. The Cuevas Formation is a coarse-grained, bioclastic-rich, calcarenite to calcirudite shoreface deposit. Oysters, namely Saccostrea cucullata (Born), are locally common and preserve a moderate diversity of borings: Caulostrepsis taeniola Clarke; Entobia isp.; Gastrochaenolites isp. aff. G. lapidicus Kelly and Bromley; Maeandropolydora isp. cf. M. sulcans Voigt; Oichnus paraboloides Bromley; and Talpina isp. aff. T. hirsuta Voigt. All represent domiciles except for the predatory O. paraboloides trace. This suite of ichnotaxa is assigned to the Entobia ichnofacies sensu Bromley and Asgaard; they are comparable, particularly, with the Boulder Assemblage of the Pliocene of Rhodes, Greece. Physical disturbance is an important parameter in favouring this pattern of infestation, whether the bored clasts are boulders or oyster valves.  相似文献   

Here we describe a mosasaurid from the upper Maastrichtian Quiriquina Formation near the town of Cocholgüe about 30 km north of Concepción, central Chile. The specimen comprises a concretion preserving the rostral part of a pair of mandibular rami. The bulbous base of the teeth allows referral to cf. Plotosaurus sp. This is southernmost record of this piscivorous and pelagic taxon. The southern dispersal of mosasaurs during the late Maastrichtian may not only have depended from warm south-bound Equatorial currents but mainly from the nutrient-rich oceanic regime along an upwelling zone of cold abyssal water that mixed with the warm surface water, resulting in an enormous primary production. Apparently mosasaur dispersal depended more on food than on suitable temperatures or currents.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT It is important to understand the exact process whereby very large amounts of sediment are transported. This paper reports peculiar conglomerate beds reflecting the transition of submarine debris flows into hyperconcentrated flows, something that has been well documented only in subaerial debris-flow events until now. Voluminous debris flows generated along a Cretaceous submarine channel, southern Chile, transformed immediately into multiphase flows. Their deposits overlie fluted or grooved surfaces and comprise a lower division of clast-supported and imbricated pebble–cobble conglomerate with basal inverse grading and an upper division of clast- to matrix-supported, disorganized conglomerate with abundant intraformational clasts. The conglomerate beds suggest temporal succession of turbidity current, gravelly hyperconcentrated flow, and mud-rich debris flow phases. The multiphase flows resulted from progressive dilution of gravelly but cohesive debris flows that could hydroplane, in contrast to the flow transitions in subaerial environments, which involve mostly non-cohesive debris flows. This finding has significant implications for the definition, classification, and hazard assessment of submarine mass-movement processes and characterization of submarine reservoir rocks.  相似文献   

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