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We present high-resolution echelle and long-slit spectra and broad-band ( R , I ) images of the very young planetary nebula K 3-35. Several emission lines are identified, including the He  ii  4686 line and strong [N  ii ]6548, 6583 and [O  iii ]4959, 5007 emissions [ I ([N  ii ])/ I (H α )≃5.5, I ([O  iii ])/ I (H β )≃30]. A systemic velocity V LSR≃10±2 km s−1 for K 3-35 is obtained from the optical emission lines. Two different kinematic components are identified in the nebula. One of them is probably related to the elliptical envelope previously observed. The second component exhibits systematic changes of the radial velocity with position, and a relatively small velocity width. This component may be attributed to the precessing jet-like outflows previously identified. The R and I images and the deduced R − I colour map strongly support the existence of a dense, partially neutral disc-like region in the equatorial plane of the nebula, which probably represents an equatorial density enhancement in a previously ejected slow wind. Diagnostic diagrams for line intensity ratios in K 3-35 and collimated components of other planetary nebulae suggest that the emission spectrum of this kind of structure is a combination of radiative and shock excitation, in agreement with recent models of shocks in a strongly photoionized medium.  相似文献   

High-resolution, spatially-resolved profiles of H α , He  ii λ 6560 and [O  iii ] λ 5007 and deep narrow-band CCD images in the H α and [O  iii ] λ 5007 emission lines have been obtained of the planetary nebula (PN) NGC 4361. In addition, VLA-DnC λ 3.6-cm continuum observations are presented. This material allows one to explore in unprecedented detail the morphology and kinematics of this PN. The morphology of this object is complex given the highly filamentary structure of the envelope, which is confirmed to possess a low mass. The halo has a high expansion velocity that yields incompatible kinematic and evolutionary ages, unless previous acceleration of the nebular expansion is considered. However, the most remarkable result from the present observations is the detection of a bipolar outflow in NGC 4361, which is unexpected in a PN with a Population II low-mass-core progenitor. It is shown that shocks resulting from the interaction of the bipolar outflow with the outer shell are able to provide an additional heating source in this nebula.  相似文献   

We use line-of-sight velocity information on the filamentary emission-line nebula of NGC 1275 to infer a dynamical model of the nebula's flow through the surrounding intracluster gas. We detect outflowing gas and flow patterns that match simulations of buoyantly rising bubbles from which we deduce that some of the nebula filaments have been drawn out of NGC 1275. We find a radial gradient of the ratio [N  ii ]λ6584/Hα which may be due to a variation in metallicity, interactions with the surrounding intracluster medium or a hardening of the excitation mechanism. We find no preferred spatial correlation of stellar clusters within the filaments and there is a notable lack of [O  iii ]λ5007 emission, therefore it is unlikely that the filaments are ionized by stellar ultraviolet.  相似文献   

A flux-calibrated optical spectrum integrated over the entire Crab nebula was obtained by making drift scans with a long-slit spectrograph. Compared to observations obtained over the past 40 years, these new data confirm an earlier controversial result that the [O iii ]  λλ4959, 5007  equivalent width is increasing with time, although the rate of ∼0.9 per cent yr−1 is somewhat slower than that measured previously. Additionally, the Hβ equivalent width is increasing at a comparable rate, but the measured fluxes of both Hβ and [O  iii ] have changed less than their respective equivalent widths. The different rates of change in the measured fluxes and equivalent widths of these lines suggest that the optical synchrotron continuum from the Crab nebula is indeed fading rapidly. The apparent decline is consistent with a rate around  −0.5 (±0.2)  per cent yr−1 at wavelengths near 5000  Å inferred independently from measurements of the optical continuum flux during the same time period.  相似文献   

We present H α , [N  ii ] and [O  iii ] ground-based and HST archive images, VLA–A 3.6-cm continuum and H92 α emission-line data and high-resolution long-slit [N  ii ] spectra of the planetary nebula Hu 2-1. A large number of structural components are identified in the nebula: an outer bipolar and an inner shell, two pairs of collimated bipolar structures at different directions, monopolar bow-shock-like structures, and an extended equatorial structure within a halo. The formation of Hu 2-1 appears to be dominated by anisotropic mass ejection during the late-AGB stage of the progenitor and by variable, 'precessing' collimated bipolar outflows during the protoplanetary nebula and/or early planetary nebula phases. Different observational results strongly support the existence of a binary central star in Hu 2-1, among them (1) the observed point-symmetry of the bipolar lobes and inner shell, and the departures from axial symmetry of the bipolar lobes, (2) the off-centre position of the central star, (3) the detection of mass ejection towards the equatorial plane, and (4) the presence of 'precessing' collimated outflows. In addition, (5) an analysis of the kinematics shows that the systemic velocity of the bipolar outflows does not coincide with the systemic velocity of the bipolar shell. We propose that this velocity difference is a direct evidence of orbital motion of the ejection source in a binary system. From a deduced orbital velocity of ∼10 km s−1, a semimajor axis of ∼ 9–27 au and period of ∼ 25–80 yr are obtained, assuming a reasonable range of masses. These parameters are used to analyse the formation of Hu 2-1 within current scenarios of planetary nebulae with binary central stars.  相似文献   

Absolute integrated line fluxes of H  ii regions have been measured using a Fabry–Perot spectrophotometer. We describe the observations and calibration procedures. Fluxes are given for 36 H  ii regions with Galactocentric distances ranging from 6.6 to 17.7 kpc. Several emission lines have been measured, mainly [O  ii ] λλ 3726 and 3629, H β , [O  iii ] λ 5007, He  i λ 5876 and H α . The very faint [O  iii ] λ 4363 line has been measured in six regions, allowing a direct determination of the electron temperature. New photometric distances have been derived based on data from the literature. A discussion of these results in terms of extinction, electron density and temperature, and oxygen and helium abundances is given in Paper II.  相似文献   

H α and [O  iii ] narrow-band, wide-field (7×7 deg2), CCD images of the Small Magellanic Cloud were compared, and a catalogue of candidate planetary nebulae and H α emission-line stars was compiled. The catalogue contains 131 planetary nebulae candidates, 23 of which are already known to be or are probable planetary nebulae or very low excitation objects. Also, 218 emission-line candidates have been identified, with 113 already known. Our catalogue therefore provides a useful supplement to those of Meyssonnier & Azzopardi and Sanduleak, MacConnell & Davis Phillip. Further observations are required to confirm the identity of the unknown objects.  相似文献   

We present a detailed kinematical analysis of the young compact hourglass-shaped planetary nebula Hb 12. We performed optical imaging and long-slit spectroscopy of Hb 12 using the Manchester echelle spectrometer with the 2.1-m San Pedro Mártir telescope. We reveal, for the first time, the presence of end caps (or knots) aligned with the bipolar lobes of the planetary nebula shell in a deep [N  ii ]λ6584 image of Hb 12. We measured from our spectroscopy radial velocities of  ∼120 km s−1  for these knots.
We have derived the inclination angle of the hourglass-shaped nebular shell to be ∼65° to the line of sight. It has been suggested that Hb 12's central star system is an eclipsing binary which would imply a binary inclination of at least 80°. However, if the central binary has been the major shaping influence on the nebula, then both nebula and binary would be expected to share a common inclination angle.
Finally, we report the discovery of high-velocity knots with Hubble-type velocities, close to the core of Hb 12, observed in Hα and oriented in the same direction as the end caps. Very different velocities and kinematical ages were calculated for the outer and inner knots showing that they may originate from different outburst events.  相似文献   

Continuum-subtracted dereddened images in the light of several atomic lines show the presence of an extended bipolar nebula surrounding η Carinae with size ∼100×45 arcsec2 (1.3×0.5 pc2). This feature is best delineated in [O  iii ] 5007. The geometrical disposition and mass of the shell suggest that it was formed by mass ejections from η Carinae. The dynamic age of the nebula is ∼13 000/ V 7 yr, where V 7 is the mean expansion velocity in 100 km s−1, and its mass is between 5 and 10 M. The nebula is photoionized and composed of unprocessed material. The major axes of the nebula and of the Homunculus are nearly perpendicular. We also report the discovery of elongated emission knots prominent in [N  ii ] located 64 to 100 arcsec away from η Carinae, which implies that they were ejected either centuries ago or at a more recent date but with extremely large velocities.  相似文献   

The blue supergiant Sher 25 is surrounded by an asymmetric, hourglass-shaped circumstellar nebula. Its structure and dynamics have been studied previously through high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy, and it appears dynamically similar to the ring structure around SN 1987A. Here, we present long-slit spectroscopy of the circumstellar nebula around Sher 25, and of the background nebula of the host cluster NGC 3603. We perform a detailed nebular abundance analysis to measure the gas-phase abundances of oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, neon and argon. The oxygen abundance in the circumstellar nebula  (12 + log O/H = 8.61 ± 0.13 dex)  is similar to that in the background nebula (8.56 ± 0.07), suggesting that the composition of the host cluster is around solar. However, we confirm that the circumstellar nebula is very rich in nitrogen, with an abundance of 8.91 ± 0.15, compared to the background value of 7.47 ± 0.18. A new analysis of the stellar spectrum with the fastwind model atmosphere code suggests that the photospheric nitrogen and oxygen abundances in Sher 25 are consistent with the nebular results. While the nitrogen abundances are high, when compared to stellar evolutionary models, they do not unambiguously confirm that the star has undergone convective dredge-up during a previous red supergiant phase. We suggest that the more likely scenario is that the nebula was ejected from the star while it was in the blue supergiant phase. The star's initial mass was around  50 M  , which is rather too high for it to have had a convective envelope stage as a red supergiant. Rotating stellar models that lead to mixing of core-processed material to the stellar surface during core H-burning can quantitatively match the stellar results with the nebula abundances.  相似文献   

This is the initial paper in a series presenting the first optical detections and subsequent follow-up spectroscopy of known southern Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs) previously discovered in the radio. These new detections come from the Anglo-Australian Observatory (AAO)/United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope Hα survey of the southern Galactic plane which has opened up fresh opportunities to study Galactic remnants. Here, we present the first optical imaging and follow-up spectra of Galactic SNR G279.0+1.1 where a series of 14 small-scale fragmented groups of Hα filaments have been discovered in a     area centred on G279.0+1.1. Individually they are somewhat inconspicuous but collectively they are completely enclosed within the overall radio contours of this known SNR. Three of these filamentary groupings are particularly prominent and optical spectra have been obtained across two of them. Their morphological structure and spectral characteristics are typical of optically detected SNR filaments. A very strong [S  ii ] emission relative to Hα has been detected with  [S  ii ]/Hα > 0.7  and 1.1, confirming strong, shock-heated emission. This is sufficient to classify these filaments in the likely SNR domain and therefore indicating a direct connection with the radio remnant. Other typical SNR emission lines such as [O  ii ] at 3727 Å, Hβ, [O  iii ] at 4959 and 5007 Å, Hα and [N  ii ] at 6548 and 6584 Å were also detected, lending strong support to an SNR origin of these optical filaments. The value and insights that these optical data can provide for known remnants are discussed along with their relevance to the Galactic nitrogen abundance. A serendipitous discovery of an adjacent H  ii region is also briefly described.  相似文献   

In this work, we present a study of the strong optical collisional emission lines of Ne and Ar in an heterogeneous sample of ionized gaseous nebulae for which it is possible to derive directly the electron temperature and hence the chemical abundances of Ne and Ar. We calculate using a grid of photoionization models new ionization correction factors for these two elements and we study the behaviour of Ne/O and Ar/O abundance ratios with metallicity. We find a constant value for Ne/O, while there seems to be some evidence for the existence of negative radial gradients of Ar/O over the discs of some nearby spirals. We study the relation between the intensities of the emission lines of [Ne  iii ] at 3869 Å and [O  iii ] at 4959 and 5007 Å. This relation can be used in empirical calibrations and diagnostic ratios extending their applicability to bluer wavelengths and therefore to samples of objects at higher redshifts. Finally, we propose a new diagnostic using [O  ii ], [Ne  iii ] and Hδ emission lines to derive metallicities for galaxies at high z .  相似文献   

We have studied the velocity field of the blue compact dwarf galaxy Mrk 86 (NGC 2537) using data provided by 14 long-slit optical spectra obtained in 10 different orientations and positions. This kinematical information is complemented with narrow-band ([O  iii ]5007 Å and H α ) and broad-band ( B , V , Gunn r and K ) imaging. The analysis of the galaxy global velocity field suggests that the ionized gas could be distributed in a rotating inclined disc, with projected central angular velocity of Ω=34 km s−1 kpc−1. The comparison between the stellar, H  i and modelled dark matter density profile indicates that the total mass within its optical radius is dominated by the stellar component. Peculiarities observed in its velocity field can be explained by irregularities in the ionized gas distribution or local motions induced by star formation.
Kinematical evidences for two expanding bubbles, Mrk 86–B and Mrk 86–C, are given. They show expanding velocities of 34 and 17 km s−1, H α luminosities of 3×1038 and 1.7×1039 erg s−1, and physical radii of 374 and 120 pc, respectively. The change in the [S  ii ]/H α , [N  ii ]/H α , [O  ii ]/[O  iii ] and [O  iii ]/H β line ratios with the distance to the bubble precursor suggests a diminution in the ionization parameter and, in the case of Mrk 86–B, an enhancement of the shock-excited gas emission. The optical–near-infrared colours of the bubble precursors are characteristic of low‐metallicity star‐forming regions (∼0.2 Z) with burst strengths of about 1 per cent in mass.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of the first probable Galactic [WN] central star of a planetary nebula (CSPN). The planetary nebula candidate was found during our systematic scans of the AAO/UKST Hα Survey of the Milky Way. Subsequent confirmatory spectroscopy of the nebula and central star reveals the remarkable nature of this object. The nebular spectrum shows emission lines with large expansion velocities exceeding 150 km s−1, suggesting that perhaps the object is not a conventional planetary nebula. The central star itself is very red and is identified as being of the [WN] class, which makes it unique in the Galaxy. A large body of supplementary observational data supports the hypothesis that this object is indeed a planetary nebula and not a Population I Wolf–Rayet star with a ring nebula.  相似文献   

We examine the possibility of detecting signatures of surviving Uranus/Neptune-like planets inside planetary nebulae. Planets that are not too close to the stars (orbital separation larger than ∼5 au) are likely to survive the entire evolution of the star. As the star turns into a planetary nebula, it has a fast wind and strong ionizing radiation. The interaction of the radiation and wind with a planet may lead to the formation of a compact condensation or tail inside the planetary nebula, which emits strongly in H α , but not in [O  iii ]. The position of the condensation (or tail) will change over a time-scale of ∼10 yr. Such condensations might be detected with currently existing telescopes.  相似文献   

This is the third paper of a series devoted to the study of the global properties of Joguet's sample of 79 nearby galaxies observable from the southern hemisphere, of which 65 are Seyfert 2 galaxies. We use the population synthesis models of Paper II to derive 'pure' emission-line spectra for the Seyfert 2 galaxies in the sample, and thus explore the statistical properties of the nuclear nebular components and their relation to the stellar populations. We find that the emission-line clouds suffer substantially more extinction than the starlight, and we confirm the correlations between stellar and nebular velocity dispersions and between emission-line luminosity and velocity dispersions, although with substantial scatter. Nuclear luminosities correlate with stellar velocity dispersions, but Seyferts with conspicuous star-forming activity deviate systematically towards higher luminosities. Removing the contribution of young stars to the optical continuum produces a tighter and steeper relation,   L ∝σ4  , consistent with the Faber–Jackson law.
Emission-line ratios indicative of the gas excitation such as [O  iii ]/Hβ and [O  iii ]/[O  ii ] are statistically smaller for Seyferts with significant star formation, implying that ionization by massive stars is responsible for a substantial and sometimes even a dominant fraction of the Hβ and [O  ii ] fluxes. We use our models to constrain the maximum fraction of the ionizing power that can be generated by a hidden active galactic nucleus (AGN). We correlate this fraction with classical indicators of AGN photoionization (i.e. X-ray luminosity and nebular excitation), but find no significant correlations. Thus, while there is a strong contribution of starbursts to the excitation of the nuclear nebular emission in low-luminosity Seyferts, the contribution of the hidden AGN remains elusive even in hard X-rays.  相似文献   

A narrow-band Hα image and high-resolution spectroscopy have been obtained in order to investigate the nature of S 266 and its central star MWC 137. The analysis of the stellar and nebular spectra suggests that MWC 137 is a B[e] supergiant located ≥ 6 kpc away from the Sun and not a Herbig Ae/Be star, as it has been traditionally classified. Moreover, the morphology and other properties of the nebula suggest that S 266 is a ring nebula, probably produced by the interaction of stellar winds with the ambient interstellar medium or unprocessed ejected matter. This result would imply that S 266 is the first ring nebula around a B[e] supergiant known in the Galaxy.  相似文献   

We present Hα, [N  II ]6583 and 6-cm continuum images of the emission line nebula K 3-35. The optical images reveal an extended nebula (size ≃ 11 × 9 arcsec2 in [N  II ]) in which most of the emission originates in a very narrow (width 0.7–1.3 arcsec) S-shaped region which extends almost all along the nebula (≃ 7 arcsec). The 6-cm continuum emission also arises in this narrow region, which is characterized by an exceedingly high point-symmetry and systematic and continuous changes of the orientation with respect to the nebular centre. The properties of the narrow region suggest that it represents a system of precessing bipolar jet-like components. Two low-excitation, compact bipolar knots near the tips of the jet-like components are observed in the deduced [N  II ]/Hα image ratio. These knots may be generated by the interaction of the collimated outflows with surrounding material. A comparison of the optical and radio images shows the existence of differential extinction within the nebula. Maximum extinction is observed in a disc-like region which traces the equator of the elliptical shell previously observed at 20-cm continuum. All available data strongly suggest that K 3-35 is a very young planetary nebula in which we could be observing the first stages of the formation of collimated outflows and point-symmetric structures typically observed in planetary nebulae. The properties of the jet-like components in K 3-35 are in good agreement with models of binary central stars in which highly collimated outflows originate either from a precessing accretion disc or via magnetic collimation in a precessing star.  相似文献   

The host galaxies of active galactic nuclei   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examine the properties of the host galaxies of 22 623 narrow-line active galactic nuclei (AGN) with  0.02 < z < 0.3  selected from a complete sample of 122 808 galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We focus on the luminosity of the [O  iii ]λ5007 emission line as a tracer of the strength of activity in the nucleus. We study how AGN host properties compare with those of normal galaxies and how they depend on L [O  iii ]. We find that AGN of all luminosities reside almost exclusively in massive galaxies and have distributions of sizes, stellar surface mass densities and concentrations that are similar to those of ordinary early-type galaxies in our sample. The host galaxies of low-luminosity AGN have stellar populations similar to normal early types. The hosts of high-luminosity AGN have much younger mean stellar ages. The young stars are not preferentially located near the nucleus of the galaxy, but are spread out over scales of at least several kiloparsecs. A significant fraction of high-luminosity AGN have strong Hδ absorption-line equivalent widths, indicating that they experienced a burst of star formation in the recent past. We have also examined the stellar populations of the host galaxies of a sample of broad-line AGN. We conclude that there is no significant difference in stellar content between type 2 Seyfert hosts and quasars (QSOs) with the same [O  iii ] luminosity and redshift. This establishes that a young stellar population is a general property of AGN with high [O  iii ] luminosities.  相似文献   

We have used extensive libraries of model and empirical galaxy spectra [assembled, respectively, from the population synthesis code of Bruzual and Charlot and the fourth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)] to interpret some puzzling features seen in the spectra of high-redshift star-forming galaxies. We show that a stellar He  ii  λ1640 emission line, produced in the expanding atmospheres of Of and Wolf–Rayet stars, should be detectable with an equivalent width of 0.5–1.5 Å in the integrated spectra of star-forming galaxies, provided the metallicity is greater than about half solar. Our models reproduce the strength of the He  ii  λ1640 line measured in the spectra of Lyman-break galaxies for established values of their metallicities. With better empirical calibrations in local galaxies, this spectral feature has the potential of becoming a useful diagnostic of massive star winds at high, as well as low redshifts.
We also uncover a relationship in SDSS galaxies between their location in the [O  iii ]/Hβ versus [N  ii ]/Hα diagnostic diagram (the BPT diagram) and their excess specific star formation rate relative to galaxies of similar mass. We infer that an elevated ionization parameter U is at the root of this effect, and propose that this is also the cause of the offset of high-redshift star-forming galaxies in the BPT diagram compared to local ones. We further speculate that higher electron densities and escape fractions of hydrogen ionizing photons may be the factors responsible for the systematically higher values of U in the H  ii regions of high-redshift galaxies. The impact of such differences on abundance determinations from strong nebular lines are considered and found to be relatively minor.  相似文献   

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