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GIS and Volcanic Risk Management 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Volcanic catastrophes constitute a majorproblem in many developing and developed countries. Inrecent years population growth and the expansion ofsettlements and basic supply lines (e.g., water, gas,etc.) have greatly increased the impact of volcanicdisasters. Correct land-use planning is fundamental inminimising both loss of life and damage to property.In this contribution Geographical Information Systems(GIS), linked with remote sensing technology andtelecommunications/warning systems, have emerged asone of the most promising tools to support thedecision-making process. Some GIS are presented fortwo volcanic areas in Italy, Mt. Etna and Vesuvius.GIS role in risk management is then discussed, keepingin mind the different volcanic scenarios of effusiveand explosive phenomena. Mt. Etna system covers alarge area (more than 1,000 km2) potentiallyaffected by effusive phenomena (lava flows) whichcause damage to both houses and properties in general.No risk to life is expected. The time-scales of lavaflows allow, at least in principle, modification ofthe lava path by the building of artificial barriers.Vesuvius shows typically an explosive behaviour. Inthe case of a medium size explosive eruption, 600,000people would potentially have to be evacuated from anarea of about 200 km2 around the Volcano, sincethey are exposed to ruinous, very fast phenomena likepyroclastic surges and flows, lahars, ash fallout,etc. Ash fallout and floods/lahars are also expectedin distal areas, between Vesuvius and Avellino,downwind of the volcano. GIS include digital elevationmodels, satellite images, volcanic hazard maps andvector data on natural and artificial features (energysupply lines, strategic buildings, roads, railways,etc.). The nature and the level of detail in the twodata bases are different, on the basis of thedifferent expected volcanic phenomena. The GIS havebeen planned: (a) for volcanic risk mitigation (hazard,value, vulnerability and risk map assessing), (b) toprovide suitable tools during an impending crisis, (c)to provide a basis for emergency plans. 相似文献
Explosive events are commonly accompanied or followed byheavy rains. These eruption-induced storms together with thedeposition of large amounts of ash contribute to destabilise thehydrological cycle in the areas affected by volcanic eruptions.Flooding of the region surrounding the active volcano can easilyfollow, increasing the complexity of the volcanic crisis and itsmanagement. This is particularly true in the case of Vesuvius,that is not only characterized by a dramatic volcanic hazard, butit is also located within an area that is normally prone to flood hazard. A complete assessment of the impact associated with explosive volcaniceruptions should involve a flood hazard assessment for the region.This work represents a first attempt to address the problem: atopographically based rainfall-runoff model was here applied to theVesuvian area where two main sub-basins were analysed. The modelwas applied to evaluate the role of selected parameters on the totaldischarge at the basins' outlet. These parameters were chosen amongthose likely to be affected by an explosive event and were variedthrough a reasonable range. Results confirm that the deposition oflarge amounts of ash can affect the temporal evolution of the dischargeand its maximum value, for a given precipitation event. The simulationspresented outline the need for a detailed flood forecasting study for theVesuvian area, that should be included within the hazard mitigation strategies. 相似文献
GIS Techniques for Mapping Groundwater Contamination Risk 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
The groundwater contamination risk map of a samplealluvial area was produced by using the IlwisGeographical Information System (GIS) to construct andto overlay thematic maps. The risk map has beenderived from the vulnerability map, the hazard map,where the potential contaminating sources wereidentified, and the socio-economic value of thegroundwater resource, represented by the wells. Thegroundwater quality map allowed thereliability of hazard and risk maps to be tested.The final map shows interesting results and stressesthe need for the GIS to test and improve on thegroundwater contamination risk assessment methods. 相似文献
Contribution of Geographical Information Systems to the Management of Volcanic Crises 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The incorporation of a set ofcomputer-based tools, such as Geographical InformationSystems and physical models, to the field of riskassessment, introduces a new perspective in thevolcanic risk maps production, increasing the analysisand modelling capabilities available through theapplication of conventional methodologies. Amethodology adapted to the requirements andcharacteristics of the new operating environment hasbeen applied at Tenerife island (Canary Islands,Spain) to carry out a study devoted to analyse thesuitability of these tools for near real-timemanagement of volcanic crises. With this in mind, aseries of potential eruption scenarios have beenselected to identify and characterise which elementsat risk would prove most vulnerable against a specificvolcanic phenomenon, depending on the socio-economiccharacteristics of the area affected and the resultingdistribution of the volcanic products. This kind ofinformation is fundamental to update, adapt or produceeffective risk management and emergency plans orprotocols, where the measures to mitigate or fightagainst a specific volcanic disaster have to be taken,incorporating the existing knowledge of the phenomenonbehaviour and taking into account their potentialeffects on the area of interest. 相似文献
Ozone depletion at mid-latitudes is caused by reactivehalogens from man-made halocarbons. The stratosphericsulphate aerosol which follows large volcaniceruptions enhances (multiplies) this ozone depletion(it has no effect on ozone without halocarbons). Mid-latitude depletion almost doubled for the twoyears after Mt. Pinatubo. Although the MontrealProtocol is expected to reduce atmospheric amounts ofhalocarbons in the 21st century, stratospheric ozonewill be at risk of depletion enhancement by largeeruptions for the next 50 years. Mechanisms ofvolcanoes suggest that large eruptions are random andthat their global rate is constant for severalcenturies. Measurements of large eruptions during thelast 1000 years in ice cores have a remarkable fit toa Poisson distribution, reinforcing the conclusionthat the global incidence is random and at a constantrate for this period. From this rate, the probabilityof one or more eruptions with at least the ozone-lossenhancement of Pinatubo is 58 % in 50 years. Thisprobability is large enough to be of serious concernfor future mid-latitude ozone loss. 相似文献
基于GIS技术的全国地面塌陷灾害危险性评价 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
本文运用GIS的缓冲区、叠加、空间分析等功能,从地貌类型、碳酸盐岩类型、水文地质条件、人类活动及土地利用因素方面,对以岩溶塌陷和采空塌陷为代表的中国地面塌陷灾害危险性进行评价.其中模型中各影响因素的权重值主要是通过层次分析法来确定;而影响因素中的分类值则是地面塌陷点的分布概率.评估结果表明,地面塌陷极高危险区主要分布在中国的广西、贵州、云南,其次是湖北、湖南、重庆、四川、陕西. 相似文献
基于RS与GIS的层次分析法在滑坡危险性评估中的应用——以四川宣汉天台乡滑坡为例 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
基于遥感(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS)技术,采用多层次分析(AHP)法,以四川宣汉天台乡为研究区,根据该区实际情况,选取线性构造、道路、土地利用、坡度、坡向5种影响滑坡灾害发生的因素作为评价因子,进行区域滑坡危险性评估。在ArcGIS的空间分析环境中运行权重叠加,把研究区划分成滑坡极易发生区、易发生区、一般发生区、可能发生区、难发生区和极难发生区。通过实地调查和与研究区的滑坡灾害实证研究结果进行比较,发现评估结果与实际状况较为吻合,研究方法能够准确地评估区域滑坡灾害危险性的程度。 相似文献
简述了岩土爆破工程按《职业健康安全管理体系一规范》(GB/T28001)进行危险源辨识、风险评价和控制的方法,辨识重大危险源,对重大危险源进行控制,减少安全风险,提高安全运行绩效。 相似文献
基于重金属的区域健康风险评价——以成都经济区为例 总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7
开展重金属的区域健康风险评价,对于探讨重金属的风险及为区域的生态地球化学预测预警服务有重要的意义。以成都经济区植物和大气为研究对象,应用国外的风险评价理论对As、Cd、Hg和Pb 4种重金属进行了健康风险评价,探讨了区域风险评价的填图思路。对于非致癌效应,计算通过食物摄入和空气吸入2种暴露途径产生的危害指数。对于致癌效应,计算由吸入Cd引起的致癌风险。结果表明,对于非致癌效应,成都经济区生态风险较高的重金属为Cd和Pb,从总的风险来看,地域差别较明显,以德阳和成都存在的风险最高。谷类对总风险的贡献比例最高,其中又以Cd的贡献最大,其次为Pb。对于致癌效应,研究区的平均致癌风险为7.6×10-6,基本上处于可接受的风险水平,高风险区主要为德阳西部的什邡、广汉和乐山市周围地区,这些地区的大气环境问题应该引起更多的关注。 相似文献
塌岸灾害风险与塌岸灾害特点及人类社会经济活动密切相关,其风险评价涉及诸多因素.将信息量法应用于塌岸灾害风险预测库,建立了相关的信息量模型及评价指标;以重庆万州区和平广场地段为例,在三峡水库蓄水条件下,分别对塌岸灾害的危险性、易损性、风险性进行了综合预测研究.研究结果表明,塌岸评价指标选取合理,塌岸高危险性的单元与不良地质现象、库岸侵蚀和库岸类型密切相关;塌岸灾害易损性与人类社会经济活动及不良地质现象相关;塌岸高风险区主要集中在塌岸高危险性及高易损性单元,或受人口、建筑物分布影响的塌岸中等危险性的单元. 相似文献
We present a 3-D Poisson model that permits identification and quantification of volcanic phenomena distributed through space and evolving in time (i.e., spatiotemporal data). Specifically, the model: (1) is volcanologically informative in solving problems of volcanic risk/hazard which depends on the location and time of future events; (2) contains model fitting computation algorithms that are efficient; and (3) is flexible enough to handle a large class of volcanic risk/hazard studies. Furthermore, we apply the model fitting techniques developed in this paper to the volcanic data from the Yucca Mountain project to demonstrate a unified volcanic hazard analysis. This study also evaluates the sensitivity of the statistical models developed by experts who have addressed the volcanic hazard/risk assessment problem near the Yucca Mountain region. 相似文献
Spatially explicit hydrodynamic flood models can play animportant role in natural hazard risk reduction. A key element of these models that make them suitable for riskreduction is the ability to provide time-series inundation information about the onset, duration and passingof a hazard event. Such information can be critical for landuse planning, for mapping evacuation egress routes,and for locating suitable emergency shelters to name only a few risk treatments. This research contends that abarrier to effective risk reduction is providing disaster managers with access to model results in a structured andflexible framework that allows consequences of different hazard scenarios to be assessed and mapped. Toaddress these limitations, a framework has been developed that links a commercial relational databasemanagement system with a GIS-based decision support system. The framework utilises industry standard dataexchange protocols and results in efficient time-series hazard data management. A case study based in Cairns,in far-north coastal Australia is presented to illustrate how the system has been developed. Results show that theframework reduces data volumes significantly, while making pre-run modelled inundation results rapidly accessibleto disaster managers. Of note is the ability of the framework to present results in terms of risk to buildings,roads and other spatial features in urban regions, and to provide answers to relatively complex risk questions. 相似文献
为评估建新煤矿建设工程区地质灾害危险性,评价工业场地建设和煤矿开采的适宜性,依据钻孔和矿产资源开发利用方案等相关资料,在野外现场调查的基础上,通过定性与定量相结合方法,对研究区的地质灾害进行了评估。结果认为:评估区内有危险性大区8个,面积0.100 050km2,危险性中等区1个,面积14.965 013km2,危险性小区5个,面积3.459 323km2;工业场地建设为基本适宜,煤矿井下开采在地质灾害危险性大区和中等区,按有关规范、规程要求,采取合理的开发方案和有效的避让或防治措施后为基本适宜,在危险性小区适宜煤矿开采。 相似文献
罗家寨气田内部集输工程地质灾害危险性评估项目属于一级评估项目,我们在该项目中运用了GPS、遥感数字化正射影像地图等新技术、新方法,同时采用了灾损率(Zs)法、风险区划法半定量的综合评估方法,通过系统的整理第一手资料和综合分析,对本地区地质灾害危险性进行现状评估、预测评估和综合评估,评价工程建设用地适宜性并提出地质灾害的防治措施建议。 相似文献
Integrated Landslide Susceptibility Analysis and Hazard Assessment in the Principality of Andorra 总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9
Corominas Jordi Copons Ramon Vilaplana Joan Manuel Altimir Joan Amigó Jordi 《Natural Hazards》2003,30(3):421-435
In the paper we present the procedure for hazard assessment that has been used to prepare the landslide hazard map of the Principality of Andorra at 1:5,000 scale. The main phases of the hazard assessment are discussed. Susceptibility analysis has involved the location of the potential slope failures, and the estimation of both landslide volume and runout distance. In the susceptible areas, landslide magnitude and frequency has been determined in order to produce the Hazard Zoning Map. Data required for hazard assessment have been introduced into a GIS or derived directly from available Digital Terrain Models. Data handling and treatment with the GIS has allowed the performance of the landslide hazard assessment and mapping in a fast and reproducible way. 相似文献
浅析基于GIS矿产资源评价的方法与模式 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文章简要介绍了GIS进行矿产资料评价的方法及途径,并建立了成矿信息综合评价的空间分析模式,以期为地质工作者提供有益的启示. 相似文献
GIS在地质灾害风险评价中的应用研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
我国地质灾害频繁,造成损失极大,引人注目。地质灾害风险评价是为实施非工程减灾措施提供科学有效的前提和基础。文章在概述地质灾害风险评价方法的基础上,着重阐述GIS在地质灾害风险评价中应用的历史、现状及展望。 相似文献
Probabilistic Assessment of Vent Locations for the Next Auckland Volcanic Field Event 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Auckland, New Zealand’s most populous Region is centred on the Auckland volcanic field (AVF), which contains an estimated 49 small-volume basaltic volcanoes. Although these volcanoes are considered monogenetic, a number of centres may have been active either simultaneously or within a short period of time. After reviewing the characteristics of the field, known vent locations and a provisional eruption sequence were used to estimate likely eruption locations for the next event. The term event is used here to describe a short period of activity comprising one or more eruptions. Point pattern analysis and temporal consideration allow vents related by location and age to be grouped, suggesting that as few as 18 separate events may have produced the AVF. Probability distributions describing previous event attributes were used to generate Monte Carlo simulations, each defining likely vent locations for the next AVF event. Simulations were based on the assumption that distance from Rangitoto, the youngest volcano in the field, to the next event is best approximated using distances between the centroids of previous consecutive events. The maximum extent of the field is constrained only by faulting on its eastern side. The simulations show that 69% of events involved at least one eruption centred either on land or within 1 km of the coast. These events would result in substantial damage to buildings and infrastructure, significant business interruption and, potentially, loss of life. A simple risk assessment is presented considering only spatial eruption probability contingent upon a future event and building density within a 2 km grid. Work in progress aims to develop a more realistic assessment of risk for the region. 相似文献