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区内砂岩中的粘土矿物主要是自生的高岭石、绿泥石和伊蒙混层,而泥岩中的粘土矿物是伊蒙混层和高岭石,少量绿泥石,未见蒙脱石.砂岩和泥岩中粘土矿物的转化具有相似的水介质和地温条件,都反映出在中—晚成岩期形成,而且与烃类的排出和运移密切相关.泥岩中粘土矿物转化和脱水作用为砂岩输送流体和释放溶解物质,而且泥岩中有机质的脱羟基向砂输送酸性水,促进砂岩中骨架颗粒溶解、次生孔隙的产生.  相似文献   

泥岩中顶管施工顶推力计算的理论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着各类市政工程的发展,顶管工程已显示出无比的优越性。结合顶管工程现场实测数据,对泥岩地质条件下顶推力的计算进行了理论分析,并通过一元线性回归得出在该地质条件下顶推力计算的经验公式。  相似文献   

杨文华  李江 《探矿工程》2014,41(6):63-65,71
CSM工法即双轮铣削深层搅拌技术,是一种新型水泥土深层搅拌工艺。要确保CSM工法施工质量,施工前要做好材料质量控制和相关的准备工作;在施工中,要控制好成槽的垂直度,水泥浆的水泥掺入量和水灰比以及注浆量,铣削钻速和双轮的转数,槽段的搭接长度,以及型钢插入的质量。  相似文献   

通过对排桩支护、地下连续墙和SMW工法几种深基坑(12~20 m)支护工法的适用条件及优缺点对比,突显SMW工法的优越性,并结合工程实例从设计和施工方面介绍这一新型工法,为SMW工法作为深基坑支护提供可借鉴的成功经验。  相似文献   

郭天德 《地下水》2018,(5):126-127
冻结法施工是一种有效应对富含水不良地质段的隧洞施工方法,然而200.0 m级埋深隧洞采用水平冻结法施工尚无先例,且缺少相应的基础数据可供参考。本文依托引洮供水一期工程总干渠7#隧洞典型洞段的冻结法施工实践,研究了国内少见的富含水粉细砂层冻结加固工程冻土力学性质,基于此,研究了200.0 m级埋深隧洞冻结壁参数,确定了冻结孔布置方式、冻结施工基本参数、深埋高水压情况下冻结孔开孔方法,以及冻结施工特殊要求等技术参数。同时,还研究了相应工程技术措施,以减少冻胀和后期融沉对隧洞结构的影响。本文研究成果将为200.0 m级深埋隧洞水平冻结法施工提供技术和实践参考。  相似文献   

地浸砂岩型铀矿致密泥岩齿形复合片钻头的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要二仓 《地质与勘探》2011,47(2):316-322
针对地浸砂岩型铀矿钻探中致密泥岩钻进效率低的问题,在内蒙古巴音戈壁盆地研究试验了齿形复合片钻头与圆片状复合片钻头,提高了钻进效率.对研磨性较弱,中等硬度致密泥岩,采用Φ104 mm双环式齿形复合片钻头(六组)的钻进效率达到2.60 m/h,比普通复合片钻头提高73%;采用Φ110 mm双环式平底齿形复合片钻头(四组)的...  相似文献   

针对某工程隧洞进口闸室段开挖跨度大,上覆岩体薄,围岩为V类的具体情况,本文以减小开挖断面跨度以及新奥法施工方法的基本原理为出发点,对该隧洞进口闸室段的两种开挖方案进行了分析研究。用有限元方法得到了洞室外围岩的位移场、应力场分布。比较这两种方案,最终得出了在围岩稳定以及支护结构稳定情况下较为理想的开挖与支护方案。  相似文献   

洋碰隧道CRD工法施工过程的动态仿真数值模拟研究   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
根据洋碰公路隧道开挖施工的特点,运用位移反分析和有限元方法,对其典型洞段CRD工法的施工过程进行了较为成功的动态仿真数值模拟研究。  相似文献   

针对北方地浸砂岩型铀矿超过400m钻孔钻进中弹塑性致密泥岩钻进效率低的问题,研究试验了钻头,提高了钻进效率,总结了操作技术。用φ104mm中八角阶梯肋骨钻头钻进较软弹塑性致密的光滑的红褐色、浅绿色“打滑”泥岩;用φ104mm中八角阶梯肋骨钻头钻进较软弹塑性致密的灰色致密泥岩;用φ104mm交错式圆片状复合片钻头钻进脆性较大的黑灰色弹塑性致密泥岩;用φ104mm交错式圆片状复合片钻头钻进灰白色脆性较大的弹塑性致密泥岩;用φ104mm双环式齿形复合片钻头钻进弹塑性致密硬泥岩。  相似文献   

泥岩隧道施工过程中渗流场与应力场全耦合损伤模型研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在连续损伤力学理论基础上,将塑性损伤演化及渗流相互耦合的概念引入Mohr-Coulomb 破坏准则,用于分析在孔隙压力和塑性损伤演化共同作用下岩石损伤演化机制,建立了相应的有限元损伤数值分析模型,并应用于比利时核废料库开挖过程中泥岩隧道附近围岩发生损伤演化、渗流场和应力场耦合过程分析中,得到了开挖引起的围岩损伤特性、孔隙压力以及渗透性的变化规律,为进一步研究隧道流变过程水力耦合特性合理的数值计算模型建立方法提供基础。  相似文献   

Triassic basins of England developed under a regime of largely W–E extension and progressed from non-marine fluvial and aeolian sedimentation (Sherwood Sandstone Group), through marine-influenced playa lacustrine deposits (Mercia Mudstone Group) to marine environments (Penarth Group). A new tectono-stratigraphic model for the Sherwood Sandstone Group is proposed in which two major long-distance river systems developed under conditions of relative fault inactivity in the Early Triassic (Budleigh Salterton Pebble Beds and equivalent) and Middle Triassic (Otter Sandstone and equivalent). These are separated by a late Early Triassic syn-rift succession of fluvio–aeolian sandstones (Wildmoor Sandstone and Wilmslow Sandstone formations) and playa lacustrine muds (Nettlecombe Formation) which show major thickness variation and localisation with hanging wall basins. The partitioning of syn-rift deposits into mudstones within upstream basins (close to the source of water and sediment) and clean aeolian or fluvio–aeolian sandstones in downstream basins is similar to the pattern observed in the underlying late Permian. Under conditions of rapid tectonic subsidence chains of extensional basins may become disconnected with upstream basins (Wessex Basin) acting as traps for fines and water permitting more aeolian activity in temporarily unlinked downstream basins (Worcester and Cheshire basins). In addition to tectonic controls, fluctuating climate, relief related to limestone resilience in arid settings, the smoothing effect of fill and spill sedimentation and Tethyan sea-level change all contributed toward the observed Triassic stratigraphy in England.  相似文献   

分析了塔里木盆地塔北隆起奥陶系、三叠系和侏罗系泥岩的稀土元素丰度。不同时代泥岩都表现出轻稀土富集、重稀土含量均一和具有Eu负异常特征;但它们∑LREE/∑HREE、LaN/YbN、(La/Yb)UCC、Eu/Eu和Ce/Ce等参数则显示这些泥岩形成时的物源和环境有差别。奥陶纪时,研究区处于相对稳定的沉积环境,物源为成熟度高的大陆上地壳;二叠纪到三叠纪构造-火山活动强烈,部分沉积物来自火山岩的风化;侏罗纪塔北隆起区则进入稳定构造沉降阶段。这一差别对认识塔里木盆地及周边造山带形成演化研究有指示意义。  相似文献   

A multi-disciplinary study was undertaken of the Lower Old Red Sandstone building stones of Bromyard, Bromyard Downs and Bringsty Common, Herefordshire, UK, to trace their original quarry sources. 196 stone structures were recorded in detail and 3 broad lithological groups recognised. Combining old maps, archival sources, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data and testimony of local residents, the historic quarries in the area have been mapped. Field studies of the geology of quarries and outcrops have established the area of origin of two distinctive coarse grained lithologies. Intraformational conglomerates have been demonstrated, with some confidence, to be derived from Bromyard itself. Coarse, pebbly, quartzose sandstones have been traced to Bringsty Common and shown to be used only in the church in Bromyard before the 20th century. The origins of fine grained sandstone are found to be more complex. Through a combination of fieldwork and archival research, Clater Park Quarry is indicated as the origin of high quality green sandstones in Bromyard. 15 samples of sandstone from the Bromyard Downs, have been petrographically analysed by point counting to determine their clastic and mineralogical proportions. Early results of this analysis are presented which show modal variation in lithics, feldspars and cements that may serve to link quarries to buildings. Finally, it is suggested that at least some of the diversity of stone present in Bromyard is the result of slight variation in depositional processes in the immediately underlying bedrock.  相似文献   

Mudstones are one of the least permeable rocks in most sedimentary sequences. Accordingly they can act as seals for fluid flow leading to abnormal overpressures. Nevertheless, mudstone compaction and related permeability and porosity decrease are not adequately described in current basin modelling software, because only mechanical compaction is taken into account. In reality, however, clay minerals undergo severe chemical diagenesis which certainly influences petrophysical properties and compaction. In this context a mathematical approach which has been originally developed in soil mechanics has been adapted to basin modelling. The underlying mathematical equations are carefully explained in the text. In the basic equation the compression coefficient is a function of void ratio and effective stress. Using these equations, overpressure can be predicted by using petroleum systems modelling techniques. This is shown for a real 3D case study in the North Sea, in which strong overpressure occurs. A compaction model for mudstones that depends strongly on the clay content of the individual stratigraphic units is used for the calibration of porosities in the 3D case study. In addition, a chemical compaction model that reduces porosities by using a kinetic reaction is used for the deeper part of the basin where mechanical compaction processes are less important. The pressure generation process depends strongly on permeability and compressibility of the porous medium. Therefore, the use of mudstone compaction and permeability models is sufficient to produce pore overpressures. In the case studied, abnormal overpressures are generated during burial together with the petroleum generation process. The mechanical and chemical compaction mechanisms ensure that the pressures are preserved in the deeper part of the basin.  相似文献   

The rate of sandstone weathering in the semi-arid climate of the Hunter Valley, New South Wales, Australia has been estimated from observations of gravestone weathering in the area. The gravestone data points to two distinct stages in the weathering process. The first stage covering the first century of exposure is characterised by a relatively low recession rate of 0.5 mm/100 years. This is followed by a second stage in which the rate of weathering increases sharply to ca 2.5 mm/100 years. The non-linear nature of the weathering trends over time suggests that during the first century of exposure, structural changes took place within the sandstone material, which lay the foundation for accelerated weathering after further exposure. Laboratory trials were also conducted to identify the effectiveness of different weathering processes in the decay of sandstone in this region. Of the four processes examined, only the freeze–thaw cycle produced a significant degree of mass loss and is therefore most likely a strong contributor to the weathering of sandstone in this region.  相似文献   

Runoff processes in Mongolian drainage basins have received little study. The present work clarifies differences in runoff characteristics between granite (G-basin) and sandstone (S-basin) drainage basins near Ulaanbaatar. The drainage area of the G- and S-basins studied is 1.675 and 2.695 km2 and the maximum relief is 450 and 500 m, respectively. These hydrological measurements reveal clear differences in runoff characteristics. First, the constant small discharge in the G-basin implies that the dominant runoff process is infiltration into bedrock or weathered mantle and that only baseflow occurs; quickflow and through-flow are not dominant. Second, clear peak discharges and rapid response of discharge to rainfall in the S-basin implies that surface flow occurs. Finally, the slow recession rate after peak discharge suggests that through-flow is more significant in the S-basin than in the G-basin.  相似文献   

珠江口盆地A油田区古近系海陆过渡沉积环境砂体变化快,由此带来砂体追踪对比的困难。基于测井和地震资料,在恩平组和珠海组共识别出5套具有等时意义的泥岩标志层。在泥岩标志层约束下,建立了目的层段的高分辨率层序地层格架:3个长期旋回、8个中期旋回以及21个短期旋回。在等时地层格架内,短期旋回的砂体平面分布特征研究表明,恩平组为北东向物源的辫状河三角洲沉积,珠海组为北东—南西展布的滨岸沉积;单砂体沉积微相及含油性研究表明,恩平组的辫状河三角洲分流河道和珠海组的滨岸砂坝为含油有利相带,这一认识在后续开发中得到了验证。  相似文献   

This work present results of the hydrochemical and isotopic studies on groundwater samples from the study area. Chemical and environmental isotope data are presented and discussed in terms of the origin of dissolved species and of groundwater. All of the investigated groundwater are categorized into two chemical types: low and relatively high mineralized waters type. Interpretation of chemical data, based on both thermodynamic calculations and stability diagrams, suggests that the chemical evolution of groundwater is primarily controlled by water-rock interactions. Interpretation of 18O and 2H suggests that the recharge of the investigated groundwater may result from differents mechanisms  相似文献   

顺层岩体边坡开挖过程模型试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
边坡开挖引起的变形及应力调整规律是边坡安全监控的科学依据,模型试验是揭示公路高切坡变形与应力变化规律的重要途径,针对巫山至巫溪公路k88段岩体高边坡,通过相似模型试验探讨边坡开挖过程中坡内位移和应力变化规律。通过相似材料试验获得了模型试验相似材料,配合比“硼砂:水:砂:水泥:石膏”为0.01:1:7.705:0.384:0.900,构建了几何相似比1:30的物理试验模型,提出了与实际工程一致的边坡3次开挖工况。试验结果表明,开挖过程中高切坡位移峰值突增现象显著,达到稳定状态的时间4 d左右,而应力则成波动衰减状态,10 d以后仍然存在衰减趋势;基于开挖过程中边坡变形和应力的不一致性及应力调整的持续性变化规律,提出了岩质边坡以三维应力监测为主、位移监测为辅的边坡监测优化方案。  相似文献   

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