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绿化工作是高校校园建设的重要组成部分,研究校园绿地植物有助于优化校园绿地植物引种以及配置。运用植物群落样地调查和统计方法,就云南师大启园绿地植物的种类组成、产地、生长型、适应力、多样性、绿地成本以及造景满意度等做了调查和分析。结果表明:启园绿地植物种类较多,共57科,89属,132种,但引种的乡土树种种类较少,仅占18.89%。部分植物适应力较差,长势不良,引种成本较高,而植物景观功能性较差等。今后启园绿化应加强规划,合理配置乔、灌、草等植物,充分应用乡土树种,营造和谐而富有地域特色的校园景观。  相似文献   

西藏阿里西部地区种子植物区系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于路线调查和样地调查资料,鉴定记录到西藏阿里西部地区共有种子植物319种,隶属于53科159属。其中,裸子植物1科1属2种,被子植物52科158属317种,表明该地区植物种类贫乏。种子植物的区系成分复杂,划分为5个科分布区类型和9个属分布区类型,其中温带成分分布占绝对优势:温带科16科,占总科数的72.73%,温带属99属,占总属数的77.34%,说明本区系具有明显的温带性质。而热带成分仅有几个科属作为代表,表明本区系在发生发展过程中曾经历过与热带相联系的历史渊源。此外,特有性程度极低,没有中国特有科和特有属分布,证实了本区系植物的年轻性及其较短的演化发展历史。  相似文献   

为了加强对洞庭湖区入侵植物的管理,2019年11月7日至2021年5月31日期间,在东、西和南洞庭湖区,开展了入侵植物野外实地调查;结合筛查到的文献资料,对野外调查记录的入侵植物物种名单进行了补充。研究结果表明,洞庭湖区有入侵植物35科82属107种;有26科83种入侵植物为恶性入侵、严重入侵、局部入侵和一般入侵物种,其中,恶性入侵、严重入侵、局部入侵和一般入侵物种的数量分别为19种、24种、15种和25种;在调查的入侵植物物种中,有25种菊科植物,占洞庭湖区入侵植物总物种数量的23.36%;有70种入侵植物的原产地为美洲,占洞庭湖区入侵植物总物种数量的65.42%,有22种入侵植物的原产地为欧洲,占20.56%;在东、南和西洞庭湖区分别记录了20科47种、31科74种和18科48种入侵植物;洞庭湖区入侵植物科的特征区系以世界广布为主,世界广布入侵植物科的数量占总科数的51.43%;入侵植物属的区系分布则主要集中在世界分布和泛热带分布两种类型,其入侵植物属的数量分别占总属数的24.39%和23.17%;入侵植物物种表现出明显的热带区系特征;与以往记载的入侵植物物种数量相比,目前洞庭湖区的入侵植物物种数量明显增加,表明外来植物的入侵与扩散速度迅猛,因此,应该加大对洞庭湖洲滩上外来入侵植物的防控力度。  相似文献   

植物地理学是介于植物学和地理学之间的一门边缘学科,与生态学、地质学、古生物学、气候学、土壤学等密切相关,既有很强的基础学科特点,也有很大的应用潜力,是高校的一门基础课程.但教学过程中老师容易忽视教学内容更新,出现理论与实践教学脱节等教学问题.通过实践教学及调研分析表明,植物地理教学应定位在基本理论、基本知识和基本技能及其在农林牧业生产、生态环境保护、植物资源开发利用等方面的应用.教学重点是全球气候变化背景下带来的环境与地质变化,种子地理学的兴起为植物地理学增添的知识点等内容.植物地理教学的发展方向必须始终贯彻可持续发展的战略性思想,努力为经济建设服务.  相似文献   

西溪湿地外来植物及其风险管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用经典分类及群落学研究方法,通过实地调查和资料分析,对西溪湿地外来植物,特别是外来入侵植物的种类、生境、危害程度等进行了研究。结果表明:西溪湿地现有外来种子植物97科234属328种,其中被子植物91科220属311种。菊科、禾本科和蔷薇科等14科所含属种是该地外来植物的主要组成部分,菊科、禾本科占绝对优势;菊科外来植物在外来种中所占比例大,且危害较重。景观改造、湿地植物园引种是西溪湿地外来植物种类大量增加的主要原因。西溪湿地现有外来入侵植物共27科55属71种,原产地为美洲的48种,占总种数的67.61%;原产地为欧洲的9种,占12.68%。外来入侵植物以一年生或二年生草本居多,有52种,占总种数的73.24%,落叶灌木仅1种(占1.41%)。提出西溪湿地外来植物的编目、监测和数字化管理的建议,并建议将美丽飞蓬、南美天胡荽、再力花和黄菖蒲等4种外来植物列入中国外来入侵植物名录。  相似文献   

于1982~1983年和2008~2010年,对东江东莞段水生维管束植物进行了调查。1982~1983年,记录有水生维管束植物93种,隶属33科60属;其中,蕨类植物3科3属4种,单子叶植物11科30属48种,双子叶植物19科27属41种,草本植物占绝对优势;在水生植物中,有漂浮植物18种,沉水植物25种,挺水植物29种,水生植物中沉水植物占优势;群落组成有4个代表类型。2008~2010年,记录有水生维管束植物50种,隶属28科42属;与1982~1983年相比,物种科数减少15.2%,属数减少30%,种数减少46.2%;沉水植物物种减少幅度最大,为64%;4个群落组成类型基本消失。两次调查结果表明,除世界分布属占最大比例外,热带亚洲分布属也显突出,但热带—亚热带分布种是东江东莞段水生维管束植物群落的主要优势种,它们共同组成南亚热带植物区系的主体,植物属的分布表现出较强的热带性质;分析了该区水生维管束植物资源变化的原因,提出对水生维管束植物修复、保护建议。  相似文献   

湿地植物多样性及区系研究对湿地植被恢复、生物多样性保护和合理开发利用具有重要意义。以湖北长寿岛湿地作为研究对象,分析了其维管植物种类组成、主要草本植物群落、优势种及植物区系。结果表明:湖北长寿岛湿地维管植物丰富多样,共有103科324属489种,其中少种科和单种科合计占总科数的77.67%,寡属科和单属科合计占总科数的93.20%,少种属和单种属共计占总属数的98.46%。湿地主要由禾本科、菊科、蝶形花科、蔷薇科和莎草科等草本植物组成。常见的水生植物群落有眼子菜群落、水鳖群落和双穗雀稗群落,湿生植物群落为狗牙根群落和小鱼仙草群落。植物区系主要有14个类型和9个变型,热带成分占比45.88%,温带成分占比54.12%,呈现出由热带过渡到温带的区系特点。  相似文献   

于2021年春季和夏季,在江苏南京长江新济洲国家湿地公园中,开展了野外植物调查,以了解维管植物的物种组成和群丛特征。采用样线和样方法,对该湿地公园的岛内河渠、岛内库塘、洪泛江滩、草本沼泽、森林沼泽、林地、草地和撂荒地中的植物开展调查,研究维管植物的物种组成和区系特征。研究结果表明,在该湿地公园中,记录了105科296属437种维管植物,其中有56种外来物种和8种受保护植物,禾本科(Gramineae)、菊科(Asteraceae)、莎草科(Cyperaceae)、豆科(Fabaceae)和蔷薇科(Rosaceae)的物种数量都≥20种,单种属占总属数的近四分之三;在437种维管植物中,有335种草本植物(占总物种数量的76.66%),有95种典型木本植物(占21.74%),还有5种木质藤本(占1.14%)和2种竹类植物(占0.46%);有水生植物48种(占10.98%),有湿生植物138种(占31.58%),有中生植物251种(占57.44%);在科的区系组成中,世界广布科(45科)占优势,有37科为热带分布科,有22科为温带分布科;在属的区系组成中,温带分布属(126属)占优势,热带...  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地低湿地维管植物区系特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用植物学及植物地理学方法,结合野外实地调查,对毛乌素沙地低湿地植物区系组成、地理成分、生活型及水分生态类群特征进行了分析研究。结果表明,低湿地共有维管植物59科182属323种,其中被子植物占总数的99.07%。单种科、寡种科和单种属、寡种属是低湿地植物区系的主体,是植物区系复杂性及物种多样性的主要来源,寡种属优势明显。中型科属和较大科属虽不占主体,但却往往是构成植物群落的建群种或为植物区系的代表成分,对植物区系的构成及植被的分布格局都有很大的影响。植物区系地理成分多样,温带分布型是低湿地植物区系地理成分的主要组成部分,低湿地植物具有典型的温带特征。低湿地草本植物占数量优势,草本植物以多年生为主,多年生草本植物对低湿地环境影响作用较为明显。低湿地植物地理成分及分布特征也说明气候、环境条件,植物种的生态幅度及其对环境的适应能力对植物地理分布具有决定性影响。  相似文献   

2022年6月至11月期间,在福建长汀汀江国家湿地公园中,采用调查样线方法和重点普查方法,开展了维管植物野外调查,建立了维管植物名录,分析了维管植物的组成和地理成分。研究结果表明,调查期间,在该湿地公园中记录了114科299属424种维管植物,其中,有蕨类植物15科24属32种,有裸子植物5科5属5种,有被子植物94科270属387种;禾本科(Poaceae)、菊科(Asteraceae)、莎草科(Cyperaceae)和豆科(Fabaceae)为优势科,分别包含34属48种、22属33种、11属22种和15属20种维管植物,优势属不明显;维管植物的科和属的区系都既有明显的热带属性,又有一些温带成分;维管植物的区系丰富程度和种系分化程度都较低,维管植物的生存环境相对简单。  相似文献   

The Mapuche people have a deeply rooted tradition of wild plant use for their subsistence. In this study we evaluated whether plant selection by the Mapuche is influenced by environmental constraints. Selection patterns of wild plant richness were compared in two Mapuche communities sharing the same traditions and beliefs but inhabiting different environments. Similarities and differences in the use patterns of wild medicinal and edible plants were quantitatively analyzed by using concepts derived from ecological theory. The Cayulef community is settled in the NW Patagonian (herbaceous) steppe while the Curruhuinca community is established near the Andean temperate forest, 100 km away from each other. Free-listing and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 32 families in Cayulef and 39 in Curruhuinca corresponding to 80% and 40% of each population, respectively. Data were analyzed by means of the Jaccard similarity index and statistical tests. The main results of this study showed that the home environment is a determinant factor that influences which plant species are utilized, as is the anthropic environment (with its high exotic species richness) in each community. However, similar patterns were found with respect to plant families, ways of utilization, plant parts and life forms utilized irrespective of where the communities are settled. In addition, in both populations, wild plant richness was significantly higher for medicinal than for edible species. Our results showed that the use of wild plants is primarily based on the utilization of species belonging to the nearest ecological environments that have both therapeutic and dietary functions.  相似文献   

以5个保护区为例来探究外来入侵植物与环境及人为因子间的关系。利用CCA分析了环境变量与外来入侵植物丰度的关系,采用了多元回归得出了与外来入侵植物最为相关的环境与人为因子。结果显示,从泰山自然保护区到丰林自然保护区,外来入侵植物分别为25种、12种、13种、5种、5种,沿着包括纬度、最高温度,最低温度、最高降雨量等环境因子强度的降低而下滑。而同时,外来入侵植物的数量随着人为活动的干扰度增强而增加。从起源上来看,热带成分从31%降至0,而北美起源的植物则逐渐增加。从科的组成上看,五个自然保护区中均有菊科分布,所占比例分别为15%、33%、36%、 40% 和20%,显示了其世界广布的特性,而其他科属入侵植物的分布并不均衡。从生活型上看,一年生或多年生草本植物为主要成分。外来入侵植物的传入途径在很大程度上受人类活动及利用喜好的驱动。  相似文献   

Arthropods living in the canopies of two woody shrub species (a sub-shrub (Gutierrezia sarothrae) and a large shrub (Prosopis glandulosa)) and perennial grasses plus associated herbaceous species, were sampled on 18, 0.5 hectare plots in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland for five consecutive years. Mesquite shrubs were removed from nine plots, six plots were grazed by yearling cattle in August and six plots were grazed in February for the last 3 years of the 5 year study. Arthropod species richness ranged between 154 and 353 on grasses, from 120 to 266 on G. sarothrae, and from 69 to 116 on P. glandulosa. There was a significant relationship between the number of families of insects on grass and G. sarothrae and growing season rainfall but species richness was not a function of growing season rainfall on any of the plants. Several of the arthropod families that were the most species rich in this grassland were found on all of the plants sampled, i.e. Salticid spiders, Bruchid and Curculionid beetles, Cicadellid and Psyllid homopterans, and ants (Formicidae). There were more species rich families that were shared by grasses and the sub-shrub G. sarothrae than with mesquite. The absence of a relationship between growing season rainfall and species richness was attributed to variation in life history characteristics of arthropods and to the non-linear responses of annual and perennial desert grassland plants to rainfall.There were no significant differences in insect family or species richness on any of the plant types as a result of removal of mesquite (P. glandulosa) from selected plots. Intense, short duration (24 h) grazing by livestock during in late summer resulted in reduced species richness in the grass-herb vegetation layer but had no effect on insect species richness on snakeweed or mesquite shrubs. Livestock grazing in winter had no effect on insect species richness on any of the vegetation sampled.  相似文献   

中国植物地理学从20世纪20年代初创到当前繁荣经历了100年的发展,近30年来测序技术和生物信息技术的进步,促进了分类、进化和生态等学科交叉融合,中国植物地理学在诸多方面取得了突破性进展,主要包括:① 植物类群和区系在中国整体上按纬度、经度和海拔呈现出规律性;物种丰富度、系统发生多样性和特有性热点集中分布在南部山地,少数分布在北方山地和干旱地区。② 关于大尺度植物多样性格局及形成机制,多数热带起源科的物种多样性格局受冬季低温的限制,而多数温带起源科的物种多样性格局由末次冰期以来的气候变化主导;中国山地植物和群落具有显著的垂直地带性和空间分布异质性,热量因子是中国高山植物区系地理分异的首要气候因子。③ 中国大多数现生被子植物属(约66%)是在中新世及其以后分化;500 mm年等降水线是中国植物区系年龄和植被分区最重要的分界线;中国植物区系、区系中的特征或关键类群的起源和多样化与青藏高原抬升和亚洲季风加强密切相关。未来,时间和空间的结合仍是植物地理学研究的主旋律,类群、群落和区系分化时间的估算及物种分布数据的分辨率是研究者关注的焦点,植物大数据的持续积累和完善将为学科发展提供强大动力和广阔前景。  相似文献   

This study was conducted in the arid Mediterranean Reserve located in northern Jordan, representing a continuous grazed arid rangeland ecosystem. Quantitative analyses on species diversity in addition to phytogeographical analysis were conducted. Some ecological parameters such as, life forms, growth forms, species density and frequency were investigated. A total of 93 vascular plant taxa belonging to 78 genera and 26 families were reported. This constitutes about 4.3% of the total flora of Jordan. Reported taxa include 13 species of grasses, 69 forbs and 10 shrubs and semi-shrubs. The botanical survey pointed to the presence of four rare species in Jordan. Plant species were classified into 28 functional groups. Pairwise correlation analyses among the most abundant species, showed that neutral associations dominated (75%) those communities, followed by positive associations (19%), while only (6%) showed negative association. Positive association may be attributed to direct facultative mutualism, or to physical environmental heterogeneity. Such a positive cooperation in the plant community can significantly maintain species diversity in adverse environments.The relationship between primary productivity and species richness showed a humpbacked pattern. Maximum richness corresponded to a biomass level of 300–400 g m−2. However, a sinusoidal curve-fitting model explained the relationship between graminoids biomass and species richness. These findings pointed to the adaptation of plant taxa to livestock grazing and to the small-scale spatial and environmental heterogeneity in arid Middle Eastern Mediterranean rangelands. Results suggest that optimal biodiversity conservation for the arid Middle Eastern grazing lands should consider their high level of spatial heterogeneity. Rangeland managers should adopt grazing plans that apply a range of grazing pressure across the area so as to maintain diversity at local and regional scales.  相似文献   

以时空互代的方法,对皖江段滩地不同林龄的杨树人工林林下植物多样性进行了调查。结果表明:①杨树人工林林下以草本植物为主,居于前4位的优势科分别是菊科(9种)、禾本科(6种)、豆科(5种)、蓼科(5种),优势种以萝藦、菱叶鹿藿、无辣蓼、葎草为主。木本植物有桑科桑树、蔷薇科野蔷薇;②滩地造林后,林下植物的丰富度、多样性指数、均匀度指数均高于无林滩地上以芦苇为主的群落;③随着人工林林龄的增加,多样性指数表现出了先降低后上升的趋势,3年生的人工林丰富度(S)、多样性指数(D,H′)最高,20年生的人工林均匀度指数最高。滩地造林后植物多样性有一定程度增加,但成林后植物多样性又逐年减少。  相似文献   

北京翠湖湿地维管束植物多样性及保护对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合北京地区湿地植物相关研究和翠湖湿地维管束植物调查结果,对翠湖湿地的维管束植物进行分类、整理和分析。结果显示:翠湖湿地有维管束植物306种,隶属76科228属,占北京市维管束植物总数的17.1%。翠湖湿地分布有多种国家级和北京市级重点保护野生植物,如野大豆Glycine soja、芡实Euryale ferox、茭白Zizania latifolia、花蔺Butomus umbellatus等。翠湖湿地还统计到外来和入侵植物共计13种,如豚草Ambrosia artemisiifolia、凤眼莲Eichhornia crassipes等。翠湖湿地维管束植物多样性丰富,需加强植物多样性保护和管理以及科普教育。  相似文献   

Purpose of this paper is to present a model for teaching fourth grade children some aspects of the population geography of California from a nontextual approach. The objective is to interest and instruct children in the mobility of the people, and on the reasons why so many families have moved to California from other states. Students should be alerted not only to internal migration problems, but to the excess of births over deaths. Materials necessary for the lessons are transparencies, overhead projector, marking pencils, chalk and chalkboard. After showing the students that California population has approximately doubled every 20 years, the students should be encouraged to find reasons explaining why people have moved to the state, should be able to categorize those reasons under the terms industrial/manufacturing, agricultural, urban or recreational, should learn how to plot population distribution on a California regional outline map, and should attempt to explain why certain parts of California are more popular than others. The teaching model described in this paper may be replicated with modfications for any grade level and area of study.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF) are universally mutualistic symbionts that colonize the fine roots of most vascular plants. However, the biogeographical patterns and driving factors of AMF diversity of plant roots in grasslands are not well investigated. In this study, we used high-throughput sequencing techniques and bioinformatics to evaluate the AMF richness of 333 individual plant roots in 21 natural grassland ecosystems in northern China, including the Loess Plateau(LP), the Mongolian Plateau(MP), and the Tibetan Plateau(TP). The AMF richness showed a significant parabolic trend with increasing longitude. In regional situations, the AMF richness in the grasslands of the MP(60.4 ± 1.47) was significantly higher than those of the LP(46.4 ± 1.43) and TP(44.3 ± 1.64). Plant traits(including plant families, genera, and functional groups) explained the most variation in the AMF richness across China's grasslands, followed by energy and water; soil properties had the least effects. The results showed the biogeographical patterns of the AMF richness and the underlying dominant factors, providing synthetic data compilation and analyses in the AMF diversity in China's grasslands.  相似文献   

草本植物层片是古尔班通古特沙漠早春生产力的主要贡献者,为深入了解荒漠草本植物在群落水平上对荒漠环境的整体适应性,分析了沙漠中部1 hm2样地中草本植物层片地上与地下生物量分配关系,并验证了草本植物层片生物量与根冠比、物种丰富度以及植株密度之间的关系.结果 表明:(1)类短命植物囊果苔草(Carex physodes)是...  相似文献   

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