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The Purulia carbonatite, ‘carbonatite’-‘alkali-pyroxenite’-‘apatite-magnetite rock’ association, is located at Beldih area of Purulia district, West Bengal and falls within the 100 km long Northern Shear Zone (NSZ). Published literature suggests that the Purulia carbonatite was formed by the process of liquid immiscibility from under-saturated silicate parent magma. However, no silica under-saturated rocks like ijolite, nepheline-syenite etc. is known from the area. The trace element geochemistry (Ba/La, Nb/Th, Nb/Pb and Y/Ce ratios in the present study) also does not support this view. Present study indicates that the Purulia carbonatite is enriched in ΣREE and incompatible elements but the carbonatite is also poorer in Nb, Th and Pb compared to the world average of calicocarbonatites. The lower value of Nb is characteristics of carbo(hydro)thermal carbonatite where carbonatite is associated with alkali-pyroxenite and suggests probable origin of the carbonatite as carbothermal residua evolved from an unknown parentage. However, the field, petrographic and geochemical data indicate the genesis of this carbonatite from a primary carbonatitic magma of mantle decent. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the carbonatite and apatite separated from the carbonatite (∼0.703) implies primary magmatic derivation of the Purulia carbonatite. Close similarity of the apatite of the apatite-magnetite rock with the mantle apatite (of type Apatite B) indicates that they are also of primary magmatic origin. The present work portrays a unique example where primary magmatic carbonatite is associated with the alkali-pyroxenite.  相似文献   

The North Puruliya Shear zone (NPSZ) is characterized by occurrence of mafic-ultramafic rocks aligned parallel to the shear zone, intruding the high grade Proterozoic rocks of Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex. The ultramafic rocks occur as small lenses, pockets, veins, thin dykes and are intimately associated with mafic (gabbro, norite) rocks. Pyroxenites (viz. olivine websterite, websterite, plagioclase websterite) and hornblendite are the two important members of the ultramafic rocks containing clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, olivine, plagioclase, amphibole, phlogopite and ilmenite. The mafic-ultramafic rocks show evidence of shearing and retrogressive metamorphism. Linear correlation of chemical attributes suggests fractionation-controlled magmatic differentiation. Enrichment of LILE and LREE in the mafic-ultramafic suite suggests an enriched mantle source and pronounced negative Eu-anomalies in all the rock types except hornblendite suggest fractionation of plagioclase under low fO2 condition. Progressive iron enrichment trend in rocks of the mafic-ultramafic suite also indicate magmatic differentiation under low fO2 condition. Early fractionation and accumulation of clinopyroxene and plagioclase from a basaltic magma may have given rise to the ultramafic rocks of the area. Little change in the Nb/Zr and Ce/Zr ratios of ultramafic and mafic rocks (except alkali norite) strongly support low crustal contamination. A few samples of norite and gabbro-norites appeared to be variably contaminated by a crustal component or affected by late granitic intrusion resulting in enrichment of alkali in the former.  相似文献   

The eudialyte-group of minerals (EGM) is one of the most important index minerals of the peralkaline (agpaitic) nepheline syenites. They crystallize in varied physico-chemical conditions ranging from the early-magmatic (orthomagmatic) to late-magmatic and even in the post-magmatic (hydrothermal) stage. In India, the only agpaitic nepheline syenite gneisses of the Sushina Hill region contain both late-magmatic as well as hydrothermal eudialytes. Compositionally these are Mn-Nb-Ca rich eudialytes and are comparable to the other EGM occurrences such as Ilímaussaq (Greenland), Tamazeght (Morocco), Mont-Saint Hilaire (Canada) and Pilansberg (South Africa). High Mn content (>6.5 wt.%) for both varieties of the Sushina EGM indicates that they are highly evolved in nature. In terms of the calculated site occupancy, particularly the [M(3)] and [M(2)], the Sushina eudialytes mimic some Pilansberg eudialytes. In addition to the eudialyte, the host nepheline syenite gneiss also contains an unknown Na-Zr-silicate (NZS) which is often found to be replacing both types of eudialytes. Compositionally these NZS can be tentatively represented as Na2Zr2S6O17. These NZS are characterized by much higher Zr, but lower Mn and Nb concentrations compared to the associated eudialytes. Two distinct varieties of eudialyte and NZS indicate subtle changes in the alkalinity during their formations. The formation of the late-magmatic as well as hydrothermal eudialyte essentially took place at somewhat elevated pH conditions. The replacement or alteration of eudialytes by NZS indicates a decreasing pH condition. In terms of the chemical composition the late-magmatic eudialytes can be represented as a solid-solution series between the kentbrooksite-taseqite-aqualite while the hydrothermal eudialyte represents solid-solution between kentbrooksitetaseqite -Ce-zirsilite.  相似文献   

Eudialyte is a group of hydrated silicate minerals essentially consisting of Na and Zr with a very complex crystal structure, and generally associated with alkaline rocks. The complexity of the eudialyte structure can be understood from the fact that Na alone exist in five distinct sites and extensive solid solubility can occur in almost all cation sites, sometimes one element occupying multiple sites to the extent of exclusion of other elements. Structurally, eudialyte can be represented as Na15[M 1 ]6[M 2]3Zr3[M 3 ](Si25O73)(O,OH,H2O)3X2 (Johnsen and Grice, 1999), where M 1 and M 2 sites are occupied by Ca, Mn and Fe, M 3 by Nb and X by OH, Cl and F. In addition, cations like Al, Hf, W, Ta, Sr, Ba and various REEs get incorporated into the eudialyte structure by substitution, and additional site vacancies even may develop in order to maintain electrical neutrality. Eudialyte, approximately of the composition Na9Ca8Mn3Nb(Zr,Ce)3Si25O73(OH)2, has hydrothermally replaced albite in the nepheline syenite gneiss exposed south of the Sushina hill of Purulia district, West Bengal. The eudialyte contains ≈2.25 atom% Zr and 0.75 atom% Nb. In addition to eudialyte in nepheline syenite, an unknown Na-Zr silicate (NZS) has also replaced the albite crystals. The NZS contains ≈ 7 atom% Zr with a possible empirical formula of Na12Zr11Si36O95(OH)10. Surface exposures of these rocks are limited at Sushina hill, yet a detailed and systematic investigation on this enigmatic rock is warranted for they may turn out to be a resource for Zr.  相似文献   

Filter analysis of lineaments in Precambrian metamorphic rocks was used to delineate fracture-correlated lineaments and hydraulically significant fractures. The unfiltered analysis technique fails to show correlation between major lineaments and fractures. Domain-based and discrete filtering techniques successfully identify fracture-correlated lineaments within the brittle-ductile shear zone in conjunction with fractures characterized by high fracture frequencies (>10/m). The locales of hydraulically significant fractures can thus be assessed if the geological controls governing the spatial distribution of fracture frequencies are computed using structural domain approach. The concurrence of fracture-correlated lineaments and hydraulically significant fractures within the brittle-ductile shear zone is evident.  相似文献   

The contamination of aquifers by fluoride and arsenic is a major cause of concern in several parts of India. A study has thus been conducted to evaluate the extent and severity of fluoride contamination and also its seasonal variability. Two blocks (Purulia-1 and Purulia-2) were considered for this purpose. Twenty groundwater samples (in each season) were collected from tube wells during the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. In addition to fluoride, groundwater samples were also analyzed for major cations, anions, and other trace elements. The concentration of fluoride shows significant seasonal variation and ranges between 0.94–2.52 and 0.25–1.43 mg/l during the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons, respectively. In pre-monsoon season, more than 40% of the water samples show fluoride concentrations higher than the WHO limit. However, during the post-monsoon season, none of the groundwater sample shows fluoride concentrations higher than the WHO limit. Lesser concentration during the post-monsoon season is attributed to the dilution effect by the percolating rainwater, which has also been reflected in the form of a decrease in concentrations of other elements. The petrographic studies of the rock samples collected from the study area show that the rocks are mainly composed of plagioclase, orthoclase, and quartz with abundant biotite. The weathering and dissolution of biotite plays an important role in controlling the fluoride concentrations in the groundwater of the study area.  相似文献   

South Purulia Shear Zone in India is an important zone that hosts uranium mineralization. Since detailed geophysical studies have not been carried out in this region, an integrated geophysical study using self-potential, resistivity, very low frequency electromagnetic and radiometric methods was performed to identify the subsurface structures that could host the hydrothermally altered uranium deposits in the area. The study reveals the wide and large magnitude of negative self-potential anomaly across the South Purulia Shear Zone. The peak negative self-potential anomalies are correlated with the low gravity and low resistivity anomalies measured along various profiles. The low self-potential, gravity and low resistivity anomaly zones are also correlated with conducting zones inferred from very low frequency electromagnetic measurements. Interpretation of self-potential data reveals multiple thick sheet-type vertical and/or inclined structures which might be associated with uranium mineralization. Schlumberger resistivity sounding data reveals an increasing trend of apparent resistivity with current electrode separations/depth. Apparent conductance measured simultaneously with resistivity measurement reveals an increase in current flow of current as depth increases. This exhibits the presence of thin conducting layers at these depths, which is not reflected in resistivity sounding data due to suppression problem. Also this conducting layer is consistent in various soundings and is connected from Raghunathpur to the South Purulia Shear Zone. Correlation of very low frequency and self-potential data shows that the structures are comparable and a radiometric profile also advocate that the conducting structure is associated with radioactive minerals. These structures are likely to be mineralized zones as hydro-uranium anomaly has also been reported from various locations in the area. Moreover, drilling results at a specific mine near the study area also confirms the presence of uranium mineralization. The hydrothermal activity associated with uranium mineralization seems to be still active in the area. Such combined geophysical studies are essential to understand this highly complex shear zone for the economic exploitation of its natural resources.  相似文献   

The Barabazar granite, exposed at the northern margin of Singhbhum craton, Eastern India, occurs along the South Purulia Shear Zone (SPSZ) and is emplaced into the Palaeoproterozoic metapelites and felsic volcanics of Singhbhum Group. Geochemical, petrographical and geochronological studies on the Barabazar granite addressed in the work have wide implications on understanding the geodynamics of SPSZ during Palaeoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic. Geochemically, Barabazar granite displays limited range of major oxides, alkali enrichment and highly fractionated features (SiO2 > 75%; Eu/Eu* = 0.16–0.33; enrichment of K, Rb, Th, U and Nb; depletion of Ba, Sr, P and Ti). It is predominantly peraluminous (molar Al2O3/CaO+Na2O+K2O (A/CNK) =1.14–144) and contains abundant alkali feldspar, perthite, and minor plagioclase, biotite and accessory minerals. Geochemical and petrological data indicates that it is A-type granite, which formed in ‘Within plate granite’ tectonic set up. The Barabazar granite was emplaced at ca. 1771 Ma (Pb-Pb) in rift related environs and evolved by partial melting of stabilized lower/middle crust (initial 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7302 ± 0.0066 and μ1 = 8.5 ± 0.5). Subsequently, the shear zone (SPSZ) developed during the closure of the riftogenic basin and was reactivated during the Grenvillian orogeny (Ca. 900–1300 Ma), resulting in rehomogenisation of the strontium isotopes and thereby yielding younger whole-rock Rb-Sr isotope age of c. 971 Ma for the Barabazar granite. Probably during this tectonic event, the Singhbhum craton (Southern India Shield) would have finally juxtaposed with Northern Indian Shield along Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ) during the global Grenvillian orogeny.  相似文献   

Summary ?A new occurrence of carbonatites associated with intrusive ijolite and syenite has been discovered within the Hawasina Complex underlying the Semail Ophiolite Complex at the southern part of the Rawda-Masfut ridge, Northern Oman Mountains. The carbonatites occur as dikes and sills with lengths of several hundreds of meters and range in composition from calciocarbonatites to ferruginous calciocarbonatites. The carbonatites intruded the ijolite and the associated radiolarian cherts of the Early Cretaceous Sid’r Formation. The close spatial association of carbonatite, ijolite, syenite and radiolarian cherts along with geological, petrographical and geochemical data indicates that these rocks are of intra-oceanic origin. Petrological and field relationships between the carbonatite and associated alkaline silicate intrusives from the Masfut area are consistent with the carbonatites being generated as derivative magmas through liquid immiscibility. They appear to represent magmas related to the volcanism associated with regional crustal extension that preceded the genesis of the Semail Ophiolite. Received April 19, 2001; revised version accepted February 18, 2002  相似文献   

The area of investigation at and around Mashak Pahar, Bankura district, West Bengal, India comprises a number of rock types namely: granite gneiss, migmatized quartz tourmaline gneiss, quartz pebble conglomerate, ferruginous quartzite, quartz tourmaline veins (as veins) and graphite schists. Interestingly, the study area lies in the region extending South Purulia Shear Zone (~Tamar–Porapahar Shear Zone) which marks the boundary between two contrasting tectonic blocks of eastern India, namely, the Chhotanagpur Gneissic Terrane (CGC) to the north and Singhbhum Group of rocks to the south. The rocks of the study area are poly-phasedly deformed by three phases of folding, namely, F1, F2 and F3. All the tourmalines are classified to be of ‘Alkali Group’. Chemistry of tourmalines from migmatized quartz tourmaline gneiss and those from quartz tourmaline veins are in conformity with their relation to (earthquake induced) shear system evolution in this terrain. In general, the compositional evolution of tourmaline during prograde metamorphism (~400°–730°C) has been supported by both petrographic and chemical evidences. Assessment of mineral–chemical data of constituent tourmaline grains clearly suggests compositional variations across zonal boundaries within tourmaline that was controlled by changing metamorphic milieu in this terrane. Field and petrographic evidences clearly indicate activation of earlier and later shears in this region accompanied by infiltration of boron and formation of zoned tourmaline crystals.  相似文献   

景德镇韧性剪切带位于新元古代江南造山带的核部,其构造变形特征和形成时代对华南新元古代至早古生代构造演 化具有重要的制约意义。景德镇韧性剪切带呈北东向展布,全长约180 km,最大出露宽度为~7 km。通过详细的野外地质 调查和室内定向薄片鉴定,在景德镇韧性剪切带中识别出了两期韧性走滑构造变形,并研究了其运动学指向和形成时的温 压条件。早期构造变形表现为左旋韧性走滑兼逆冲作用,形成温度为420~530℃,差应力为40~300 MPa;晚期变形主要表 现为右旋走滑,形成温度为300~420℃,差应力为120~350 MPa。结合前人资料,景德镇韧性剪切带左旋走滑兼逆冲作用形 成于新元古代造山作用的晚期(810~800 Ma),是由同造山挤压到后造山伸展调整的结果;而右旋走滑形成于早古生代,是 华南早古生代陆内造山作用的产物。  相似文献   

The nearly E-W-trending Aqqikkudug-Weiya zone, more than 1000 km long and about 30 km wide, is an important segment in the Central Asian tectonic framework. It is distributed along the northern margin of the Central Tianshan belt in Xinjiang, NW China and is composed of mylonitized Early Palaeozoic greywacke, volcanic rocks, ophiolitic blocks as a mélange complex, HP/LT-type bleuschist blocks and mylonitized Neoproterozoic schist, gneiss and orthogneiss. Nearly vertical mylonitic foliation and sub-horizontal stretching lineation define its strike-slip feature; various kinematic indicators, such as asymmetric folds, non-coaxial asymmetric macro- to micro-structures and C-axis fabrics of quartz grains of mylonites, suggest that it is a dextral strike-slip ductile shear zone oriented in a nearly E-W direction characterized by "flower" strusture with thrusting or extruding across the zone toward the two sides and upright folds with gently plunging hinges. The Aqqikkudug-Weiya zone experienced at least two stages of ductile shear tectonic evolution: Early Palaeozoic north vergent thrusting ductile shear and Late Carboniferous-Early Permian strike-slip deformation. The strike-slip ductile shear likely took place during Late Palaeozoic time, dated at 269(5 Ma by the40Ar/39Ar analysis on neo-muscovites. The strike-slip deformation was followed by the Hercynian violent S-type granitic magmatism. Geodynamical analysis suggests that the large-scale dextral strike-slip ductile shearing is likely the result of intracontinental adjustment deformation after the collision of the Siberian continental plate towards the northern margin of the Tarim continental plate during the Late Carboniferous. The Himalayan tectonism locally deformed the zone, marked by final uplift, brittle layer-slip and step-type thrust faults, transcurrent faults and E-W-elongated Mesozoic-Cenozoic basins.  相似文献   

The Karakoram Shear Zone is a northwest-southeast trending dextral ductile shear zone, which has affected the granitic and granodioritic bodies of the southern Asian Plate margin in three distinct episodes. The ductile shearing of the granitic bodies at Tangste and Darbuk has resulted in the development of mylonites with mylonitic foliation and stretching lineation. More intense deformation is noted in the Tangste granite grading up to orthomylonite, as compared to the Darbuk granite. Kinematic indicators include S-C foliation, synthetic C′ and C″ antithetic shear bands, Type A s-mantled porphyroclasts, oblique quartz foliation, micro-shears with bookshelf gliding, mineral fishes including Group 2 mica fishes, and Type 1 and 2a pull-apart microstructures, and exhibit strong dextral sense of ductile shearing towards southeast. The textural features of the minerals, especially that of quartz and feldspar, indicate temperature of mylonitisation ranging between 300 and 500°C in the upper greenschist facies, and appear to have been evolved during exhumation as a consequence of oblique strike-slip movements along the Karakoram shear zone.  相似文献   

Reports of shoshonitic rocks in Precambrian terrains are relatively rare. Pl-Grt amphibolites and Hbl-Bt mafic granulites occurring in the migmatitic gneisses of the Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex(CGC) show calc-alkaline and shoshonitic characteristics. Relict porphyritic, sub-ophitic and poikilitic textures are noted in these rocks. Their parent magma was emplaced during the waning phase of the regional metamorphism. Geochemically, these metamafics are similar to the Group Ⅲ potassic and ultrapo...  相似文献   

Alkaline granitic dikes intruding the metasedimentary mantle and orthogneiss cores of the Aston and Hospitalet domes of the Axial Zone of the Pyrenees are subjects of a laser ablation ICP-MS U-Pb zircon geochronology study. The age spectra recorded by detrital, magmatic xenocrystic and inherited zircons reveal a more complex, nearly continuous Paleozoic magmatic history of the Variscan basement of the Pyrenees than previously known. Inherited and detrital zircons of Mesoarchean, Paleoproterozoic to Ediacaran ages attest to the Peri-Gondwana location of the Cambrian sediments that later form the metamorphic core of the Variscan Pyrenees. The youngest magmatic zircon ages fall into the late Carboniferous and earliest Permian, ranging from ca. 306–297 Ma, and represent the emplacement ages of the dikes and small granite intrusions. The age spectra of magmatic xenocrystic zircons contain several maxima, middle (475–465 Ma) and late Ordovician (455–445 Ma), early (415–402 Ma) and late Devonian (385–383 Ma), early (356–351 Ma) and middle Carboniferous (ca. 328 Ma). Middle Ordovician and middle Carboniferous ages are obtained from xenocrystic zircons that were assimilated from the rocks the dikes intruded, the Aston and Hospitalet orthogneisses and the Soulcem granite. The presence of early-mid Carboniferous magmatic zircons in several samples lends further support to a wide-spread early Variscan magmatic activity in the central Pyrenees. The other age peaks do not have equivalent igneous or metaigneous rocks in the central Axial Zone, but are thought to be present in the Pyrenean crust, not exposed and yet to be identified. The diversity of Ordovician, Devonian and Carboniferous up to Permian magmatic ages indicates polyphase emplacement of intrusive bodies during pre-Variscan and Variscan orogenies. The source of the heat for the Devonian to early-mid Carboniferous magmatic activity remains elusive and may involve intracontinental subduction zone, lithospheric-scale shearing or a mantle plume (TUZO).  相似文献   

The stress conditions of the ductile-to-brittle regime have been assessed along the Asuke Shear Zone (ASZ), which strikes NE–SW in the Cretaceous Ryoke granite terrain in SW Japan. Along the ASZ, pseudotachylyte and mylonitized pseudotachylyte are locally developed together with cataclasite. The simultaneous operation of dislocation creep and grain-size-sensitive creep, as indicated by the coexistence of the Z-maximum and relatively random c-axis lattice preferred orientations as well as the sizes of dynamically recrystallized quartz grains (6.40–7.79 μm) in the mylonitized pseudotachylyte, suggest differential stresses of 110–130 MPa at ∼300 °C. The e-twin morphology, twinning ratio, and distribution of the glide direction on the e-twin plane of the twinned calcite in the amygdules of the pseudotachylyte suggest the stress conditions of the σ1 and σ3 axes trend 228° and 320° and plunge 55° and 1°, respectively, and indicate differential stresses of 40–80 MPa at 150–200 °C. Based on kinematic indicators in the fault rocks, the stress conditions estimated from calcite twins, and the cooling history of the granitic protolith, the ASZ is inferred to have been activated under a stress state that caused sinistral normal movements before and after pseudotachylyte formation at 70–50 Ma.  相似文献   

李德威 《地球科学》1994,19(4):455-460,T001
本文论述了在雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩中发现的大型幔型韧性剪切带的几何学和运动学特征,通过研究超镁铁质糜棱岩中变形橄榄石的显微构造,分析了上地的流变状态,探讨了幔型韧性剪切带生成的构造环境和阿尔卑斯型铬铁矿的地幔剪切动力成因机制。  相似文献   

韧性剪切带在岩石圈地壳中广泛存在,蕴含应力、应变和温压等环境参数,是构造解析、流变学和成因机制研究的重要对象.辽吉裂谷带位于辽宁东部-吉林南部,是华北克拉通重要的古元古代活动带之一.连山关岩体地处辽吉裂谷带北缘,经历复杂变质变形作用,岩体南缘发育NWW向右行走滑韧性剪切带.糜棱岩显微结构观测分析揭示,剪切带内糜棱岩以S、SL构造岩为主,总体呈压扁型应变.运动学涡度值为0.91~0.97,均大于0.75,指示简单剪切为主的变形特征.糜棱岩中云母显示塑性拉长,石英动态重结晶明显,以膨凸重结晶作用为主.EBSD分析结果表明,石英发育中低温菱面组构,对应变形温度450~550℃,暗示糜棱岩形成于低绿片岩相-低角闪岩相.结合前人研究成果,我们认为连山关韧性剪切带可能起源于早元古代晚期.连山关岩体先后经历早期隆起造成的伸展-滑脱作用和晚期与上覆辽河群共同经历的南北向挤压,从而在岩体南缘形成陡倾的右行韧性剪切带.   相似文献   

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