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Oxyvanite has been identified as an accessory mineral in Cr-V-bearing quartz-diopside meta- morphic rocks of the Slyudyanka Complex in the southern Baikal region, Russia. The new mineral was named after constituents of its ideal formula (oxygen and vanadium). Quartz, Cr-V-bearing tremolite and micas, calcite, clinopyroxenes of the diopside-kosmochlor-natalyite series, Cr-bearing goldmanite, eskolaite-karelianite dravite-vanadiumdravite, V-bearing titanite, ilmenite, and rutile, berdesinskiite, schreyerite, plagioclase, scapolite, barite, zircon, and unnamed U-Ti-V-Cr phases are associated minerals. Oxyvanite occurs as anhedral grains up to 0.1–0.15 mm in size, without visible cleavage and parting. The new mineral is brittle, with conchoidal fracture. Observed by the naked eye, the mineral is black, with black streak and resinous luster. The microhardness (VHN) is 1064–1266 kg/mm2 (load 30 g), and the mean value is 1180 kg/mm2. The Mohs hardness is about 7.0–7.5. The calculated density is 4.66(2) g/cm3. The color of oxyvanite is pale cream in reflected light, without internal reflections. The measured reflectance in air is as follows (λ, nm-R, %): 440-17.8; 460-18; 480-18.2; 520-18.6; 520-18.6; 540-18.8; 560-18.9; 580-19; 600-19.1; 620-19.2; 640-19.3; 660-19.4; 680-19.5; 700-19.7. Oxyvanite is monoclinic, space group C2/c; the unit-cell dimensions are a = 10.03(2), b = 5.050(1), c = 7.000(1) Å, β = 111.14(1)°, V = 330.76(5)Å3, Z = 4. The strongest reflections in the X-ray powder pattern [d, Å, (I in 5-number scale)(hkl)] are 3.28 (5) (20\(\bar 2\)); 2.88 (5) (11\(\bar 2\)); 2.65, (5) (310); 2.44 (5) (112); 1.717 (5) (42\(\bar 2\)); 1.633 (5) (31\(\bar 4\)); 1.446 (4) (33\(\bar 2\)); 1.379 (5) (422). The chemical composition (electron microprobe, average of six point analyses, wt %): 14.04 TiO2, 73.13 V2O3 (53.97 V2O3calc, 21.25 VO2calc), 10.76 Cr2O3, 0.04 Fe2O3, 0.01 Al2O3, 0.02 MgO, total is 100.03. The empirical formula is (V 1.70 3+ Cr0.30)2.0(V 0.59 4+ Ti0.41)1.0O5. Oxyvanite is the end member of the oxyvanite-berdesinskiite series with homovalent isomorphic substitution of V4+ for Ti. The type material has been deposited at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.  相似文献   

A new mineral barioferrite—a natural analogue of synthetic barium ferrite Ba Fe 12 3+ O19—has been identified in the central part of a metamorphosed barite nodule in the rock of the Haturim Formation (Mottled Zone) on the southern slope of Mount Ye’elim in Israel. The mineral is associated with barite, calcite, magnetite, and maghemite and occurs as tiny platy crystals up to 3 × 15 × 15 μm and their irregular aggregates. Barioferrite is black with streaks of brown, and its luster is submetallic. Its Calculated density is 5.31 g/cm3. The mineral is brittle; cleavage is absent. IR absorption bands (cm?1) are observed at 635 (shoulder), 582, 544, 433, and 405 (shoulder). Barioferrite is characterized by ferrimagnetic behavior. Under a microscope in reflected light, barioferrite is grayish white with brownish red internal reflections, the pleochroism is weak (from gray-white on R o to gray-white with a brown tint on R e), and the bireflectance is weak with distinct anisotropy. The reflectance values of R o/R e, % (λ, nm) are 24.51/22.80 (470), 24.17/22.25 (546), 23.65/21.68 (589), and 22.67/20.85 (650). The chemical composition (electron microprobe, wt %; the ranges are given in parentheses) is BaO 13.13 (12.5–13.8), Fe2O3 86.47 (85.5–87.5), and 99.60 in total. The empirical formula is Ba0.95Fe 12.03 3+ O19. Barioferrite is hexagonal with space group P63/mmc, a = 5.875 (3) Å, c = 23.137 (19) Å, V = 691.6 (5) Å3, and Z = 2. The strongest lines of the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [d, Å, (I, 5) (hkl)] are 2.938(46) (110), 2.770(100) (107), 2.624 (84) (114, 200), 2.420(44) (203), 2.225(40) (205), and 1.627(56) (304, 2.0.11). The holotype specimen of barioferrite is deposited at the Mineralogical Museum of St. Petersburg State University; its catalogue number is 1/19436.  相似文献   

Atomistic model was proposed to describe the thermodynamics of mixing in the diopside-K-jadeite solid solution (CaMgSi2O6-KAlSi2O6). The simulations were based on minimization of the lattice energies of 800 structures within a 2 × 2 × 4 supercell of C2/c diopside with the compositions between CaMgSi2O6 and KAlSi2O6 and with variable degrees of order/disorder in the arrangement of Ca/K cations in M2 site and Mg/Al in Ml site. The energy minimization was performed with the help of a force-field model. The results of the calculations were used to define a generalized Ising model, which included 37 pair interaction parameters. Isotherms of the enthalpy of mixing within the range of 273–2023 K were calculated with a Monte Carlo algorithm, while the Gibbs free energies of mixing were obtained by thermodynamic integration of the enthalpies of mixing. The calculated T-X diagram for the system CaMgSi2O6-KAlSi2O6 at temperatures below 1000 K shows several miscibility gaps, which are separated by intervals of stability of intermediate ordered compounds. At temperatures above 1000 K a homogeneous solid solution is formed. The standard thermodynamic properties of K-jadeite (KAlSi2O6) evaluated from quantum mechanical calculations were used to determine location of several mineral reactions with the participation of the diopside-K-jadeite solid solution. The results of the simulations suggest that the low content of KalSi2O6 in natural clinopyroxenes is not related to crystal chemical factors preventing isomorphism, but is determined by relatively high standard enthalpy of this end member.  相似文献   

Phase equilibria in the join CaMgSi2O6-CaFeAlSiO6-CaTiAl2O6 have been determined in air at 1 atm by the ordinary quenching method. Clinopyroxeness, forsterite, perovskite, magnetitess, spinelss, hibonite and an unknown phase X are present at liquidus temperatures (ss: solid solution). At subsolidus temperatures the following phase assemblages were encountered; clinopyroxeness+perovskite, clinopyroxeness +perovskite+spinelss, clinopyroxeness +perovskite+melilite (+anorthite), clinopyroxeness +perovskite+melilite+spinelss+anorthite, clinopyroxeness +perovskite+anorthite+spinelss, and clinopyroxeness +perovskite+anorthite+hibonite. At subsolidus temperatures the single phase field of clinopyroxeness extends up to 19 wt.% CaTiAl2O6. Even in the field of clinopyroxeness+perovskite, the TiO2 content in clinopyroxeness continues to increase and attains 9.2 wt.% TiO2 with 24.8 wt.% Al2O3. An interesting fact is that unusual clinopyroxenes which contain more AlIV than SiIV are present in the CaFe-AlSiO6-rich region. The liquid coexisting with pyroxene is richer in Ti, Al, and Fe3+ than the coexisting pyroxene. The clinopyroxenesss coexisting with liquid contain less TiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 than those crystallized at subsolidus temperatures. The petrological significance of the join and the crystallization of Ti- and Al-rich clinopyroxenes are discussed on the basis of the experimental results of the join.  相似文献   

Static lattice energy calculations (SLEC), based on empirical interatomic potentials, have been performed for a set of 800 different structures in a 2 × 2 × 4 supercell of C2/c diopside with compositions between diopside and jadeite, and with different states of order of the exchangeable Na/Ca and Mg/Al cations. Excess static energies of these structures have been cluster expanded in a basis set of 37 pair-interaction parameters. These parameters have been used to constrain Monte Carlo simulations of temperature-dependent properties in the range of 273–2,023 K and to calculate a temperature–composition phase diagram. The simulations predict the order–disorder transition in omphacite at 1,150 ± 20°C in good agreement with the experimental data of Carpenter (Mineral Petrol 78:433–440, 1981). The stronger ordering of Mg/Al within the M1 site than of Ca/Na in the M2 site is attributed to the shorter M1–M1 nearest-neighbor distance, and, consequently, the stronger ordering force. The comparison of the simulated relationship between the order parameters corresponding to M1 and M2 sites with the X-ray refinement data on natural omphacites (Boffa Ballaran et al. in Am Mineral 83:419–433, 1998) suggests that the cation ordering becomes kinetically ineffective at about 600°C.  相似文献   

 Synthetic aegirine LiFeSi2O6 and NaFeSi2O6 were characterized using infrared spectroscopy in the frequency range 50–2000 cm−1, and at temperatures between 20 and 300 K. For the C2/c phase of LiFeSi2O6, 25 of the 27 predicted infrared bands and 26 of 30 predicted Raman bands are recorded at room temperature. NaFeSi2O6 (with symmetry C2/c) shows 25 infrared and 26 Raman bands. On cooling, the C2/cP21/c structural phase transition of LiFeSi2O6 is characterized by the appearance of 13 additional recorded peaks. This observation indicates the enlargement of the unit cell at the transition point. The appearance of an extra band near 688 cm−1 in the monoclinic P21/c phase, which is due to the Si–O–Si vibration in the Si2O6 chains, indicates that there are two non-equivalent Si sites with different Si–O bond lengths. Most significant spectral changes appear in the far-infrared region, where Li–O and Fe–O vibrations are mainly located. Infrared bands between 300 and 330 cm−1 show unusually dramatic changes at temperatures far below the transition. Compared with the infrared data of NaFeSi2O6 measured at low temperatures, the change in LiFeSi2O6 is interpreted as the consequence of mode crossing in the frequency region. A generalized Landau theory was used to analyze the order parameter of the C2/cP21/c phase transition, and the results suggest that the transition is close to tricritical. Received: 21 January 2002 / Accepted: 22 July 2002  相似文献   

Zinclipscombite, a new mineral species, has been found together with apophyllite, quartz, barite, jarosite, plumbojarosite, turquoise, and calcite at the Silver Coin mine, Edna Mountains, Valmy, Humboldt County, Nevada, United States. The new mineral forms spheroidal, fibrous segregations; the thickness of the fibers, which extend along the c axis, reaches 20 μm, and the diameter of spherulites is up to 2.5 mm. The color is dark green to brown with a light green to beige streak and a vitreous luster. The mineral is translucent. The Mohs hardness is 5. Zinclipscombite is brittle; cleavage is not observed; fracture is uneven. The density is 3.65(4) g/cm3 measured by hydrostatic weighing and 3.727 g/cm3 calculated from X-ray powder data. The frequencies of absorption bands in the infrared spectrum of zinclipscombite are (cm?1; the frequencies of the strongest bands are underlined; sh, shoulder; w, weak band) 3535, 3330sh, 3260, 1625w, 1530w, 1068, 1047, 1022, 970sh, 768w, 684w, 609, 502, and 460. The Mössbauer spectrum of zinclipscombite contains only a doublet corresponding to Fe3+ with sixfold coordination and a quadrupole splitting of 0.562 mm/s; Fe2+ is absent. The mineral is optically uniaxial and positive, ω = 1.755(5), ? = 1.795(5). Zinclipscombite is pleochroic, from bright green to blue-green on X and light greenish brown on Z (X > Z). Chemical composition (electron microprobe, average of five point analyses, wt %): CaO 0.30, ZnO 15.90, Al2O3 4.77, Fe2O3 35.14, P2O5 33.86, As2O5 4.05, H2O (determined by the Penfield method) 4.94, total 98.96. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of (PO4,AsO4)2 is (Zn0.76Ca0.02)Σ0.78(Fe 1.72 3+ Al0.36)Σ2.08[(PO4)1.86(AsO4)0.14]Σ2.00(OH)1. 80 · 0.17H2O. The simplified formula is ZnFe 2 3+ (PO4)2(OH)2. Zinclipscombite is tetragonal, space group P43212 or P41212; a = 7.242(2) Å, c = 13.125(5) Å, V = 688.4(5) Å3, Z = 4. The strongest reflections in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern (d, (I, %) ((hkl)) are 4.79(80)(111), 3.32(100)(113), 3.21(60)(210), 2.602(45)(213), 2.299(40)(214), 2.049(40)(106), 1.663(45)(226), 1.605(50)(421, 108). Zinclipscombite is an analogue of lipscombite, Fe2+Fe 2 3+ (PO4)2(OH)2 (tetragonal), with Zn instead of Fe2+. The mineral is named for its chemical composition, the Zn-dominant analogue of lipscombite. The type material of zinclipscombite is deposited in the Mineralogical Collection of the Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany.  相似文献   

Ab initio calculations of thermo-elastic properties of beryl (Al4Be6Si12O36) have been carried out at the hybrid HF/DFT level by using the B3LYP and WC1LYP Hamiltonians. Static geometries and vibrational frequencies were calculated at different values of the unit cell volume to get static pressure and mode-γ Grüneisen’s parameters. Zero point and thermal pressures were calculated by following a standard statistical-thermodynamics approach, within the limit of the quasi-harmonic approximation, and added to the static pressure at each volume, to get the total pressure (P) as a function of both temperature (T) and cell volume (V). The resulting P(V, T) curves were fitted by appropriate EoS’, to get bulk modulus (K 0) and its derivative (K′), at different temperatures. The calculation successfully reproduced the available experimental data concerning compressibility at room temperature (the WC1LYP Hamiltonian provided K 0 and K′ values of 180.2 Gpa and 4.0, respectively) and the low values observed for the thermal expansion coefficient. A zone-centre soft mode \( P6/mcc \to P\bar{1} \) phase transition was predicted to occur at a pressure of about 14 GPa; the reduction of the frequency of the soft vibrational mode, as the pressure is increased, and the similar behaviour of the majority of the low-frequency modes, provided an explanation of the thermal behaviour of the crystal, which is consistent with the RUM model (Rigid Unit Model; Dove et al. in Miner Mag 59:629–639, 1995), where the negative contribution to thermal expansion is ascribed to a geometric effect connected to the tilting of rigid polyhedra in framework silicates.  相似文献   

We present results from low-temperature heat capacity measurements of spinels along the solid solution between MgAl2O4 and MgCr2O4. The data also include new low-temperature heat capacity measurements for MgAl2O4 spinel. Heat capacities were measured between 1.5 and 300 K, and thermochemical functions were derived from the results. No heat capacity anomaly was observed for MgAl2O4 spinel; however, we observe a low-temperature heat capacity anomaly for Cr-bearing spinels at temperatures below 15 K. From our data we calculate standard entropies (298.15 K) for Mg(Cr,Al)2O4 spinels. We suggest a standard entropy for MgAl2O4 of 80.9 ± 0.6 J mol−1 K−1. For the solid solution between MgAl2O4 and MgCr2O4, we observe a linear increase of the standard entropies from 80.9 J mol−1 K−1 for MgAl2O4 to 118.3 J mol−1 K−1 for MgCr2O4.  相似文献   

Hydroxylborite, a new mineral species, an analogue of fluoborite with OH > F, has been found at the Titovsky deposit (57°41′N, 125°22′E), the Chersky Range, Dogdo Basin, Sakha-Yakutia Republic, Russia. Prismatic crystals of the new mineral are dominated by the {10\(\overline 1 \)0} faces without distinct end forms and reach (1?1.5) × (0.1?0.2) mm in size. Radial aggregates of such crystals occur in the mineralized marble adjacent to the boron ore (suanite-kotoite-ludwigite). Calcite, dolomite, Mg-rich ludwigite, kotoite, szaibelyite, clinohumite, magnetite, serpentine, and chlorite are associated minerals. Hydroxylborite is transparent colorless, with a white streak and vitreous luster. The new mineral is brittle. The Mohs’ hardness is 3.5. The cleavage is imperfect on {0001}. The density measured with equilibration in heavy liquids is 2.89(1) g/cm3; the calculated density is 2.872 g/cm3. The wave numbers of the absorption bands in the IR spectrum of hydroxylborite are (cm?1; sh is shoulder): 3668, 1233, 824, 742, 630sh, 555sh, 450sh, and 407. The new mineral is optically uniaxial, negative, ω = 1.566(1), and ε = 1.531(1). The chemical composition (electron microprobe, H2O measured with the Penfield method, wt %) is 18.43 B2O3, 65.71 MgO, 10.23 F, 9.73 H2O, 4.31-O = F2, where the total is 99.79. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of 6 anions pfu is as follows: Mg3.03B0.98[(OH)2.00F1.00]O3.00. Hydroxylborite is hexagonal, and the space group is P63/m. The unit-cell dimensions are: a = 8.912(8) Å, c = 3.112(4) Å, V = 214.05(26) Å3, and Z = 2. The strongest reflections in the X-ray powder pattern [d, Å (I, %)(hkil)] are: 7.69(52)(01\(\overline 1 \)0), 4.45(82)(11\(\overline 2 \)0), 2.573(65)(03\(\overline 3 \)0), 2.422(100)(02\(\overline 2 \)1), and 2.128(60)(12\(\overline 3 \)1). The compatibility index 1 ? (K p/K c) is 0.038 (excellent) for the calculated density and 0.044 (good) for the measured density. The type material of hydroxylborite is deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (inventory number 91968) and the Geological Museum of the All-Russia Institute of Mineral Resources, Moscow (inventory number M-1663).  相似文献   

Bortnikovite, a new mineral species that is an intermetallic compound of Pd, Cu, and Zn with the simplified formula Pd4Cu3Zn has been detected at the unique Konder placer deposit in the Ayan-Maya district, Khabarovsk krai. The primary source of this placer is a concentrically zoned alkaline ultramafic massif. The X-ray diffraction pattern is indexed on the assumption of a tetragonal unit cell: a = 6.00 ± 0.02 Å and c = 8.50 ± 0.03 Å, V = 306 ± 0.01 Å3, Z = 3, probable space group P4/mmm. The calculated density is 11.16 g/cm3; the mean microhardness VHN is 368 kg/mm2. In reflected light, the new mineral is white with a slight grayish beige tint; bireflectance, anisotropy, and internal reflections are not observed. The reflectance spectrum belongs to the concave group of the anomalous type. The measured values of reflectance are as follows: 56.9 (470 nm), 61.7 (546 nm), 63.4 (589 nm), and 65.4% (650 nm). The new mineral is intergrown with isoferroplatinum, titanite, perovskite, V-bearing magnetite, bornite, and chlorite. The origin of bortnikovite is related to the effect of alkaline fluid on ultramafic rocks. The new mineral is named in honor of Professor Nikolai Stefanovich Bortnikov, a prominent mineralogist and researcher of ore deposits and a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Bortnikovite is the first platinum group mineral that contains Zn as a major mineralforming element.  相似文献   

The Bader topological analysis has been applied to ab initio computed electron densities of beryl, in order to clarify its mechanism of compression. Full structural optimization and total energy (E) calculations were performed at different cell volumes (V c). The pressure at each volume and the equation of state were estimated from the first and second derivatives of the resultant E(V c) curve. The total (negative) potential energy of the crystal, sum of both attractive and repulsive electrostatic terms, was found to systematically decrease (i.e., it moved to more negative values) up to the highest pressure considered (28.4 GPa), indicating that interelectronic and internuclear repulsions are not the only terms controlling the compressibility, at least in the pressure range investigated. Electronic kinetic energy increases as the cell volume is reduced, leading to a parallel increase of the total energy. Both structure at equilibrium and compressibility are therefore due to the balance between the opposing kinetic and potential energy terms. The Bader theory has been used to identify the topological atoms within the structure and to calculate their properties, with particular attention to the forces driving the structural relaxation at high pressure. On a qualitative basis, the obtained results are expected to be transferable to the discussion of compressibility of other mineral phases.  相似文献   

The high-pressure behavior of a vanadinite (Pb10(VO4)6Cl2, a = b = 10.3254(5), = 7.3450(4) Å, space group P63/m), a natural microporous mineral, has been investigated using in-situ HP-synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction up to 7.67 GPa with a diamond anvil cell under hydrostatic conditions. No phase transition has been observed within the pressure range investigated. Axial and volume isothermal Equations of State (EoS) of vanadinite were determined. Fitting the PV data with a third-order Birch-Murnaghan (BM) EoS, using the data weighted by the uncertainties in P and V, we obtained: V 0 = 681(1) Å3, K 0 = 41(5) GPa, and K′ = 12.5(2.5). The evolution of the lattice constants with P shows a strong anisotropic compression pattern. The axial bulk moduli were calculated with a third-order “linearized” BM-EoS. The EoS parameters are: a 0 = 10.3302(2) Å, K 0(a) = 35(2) GPa and K′(a) = 10(1) for the a-axis; c 0 = 7.3520(3) Å, K 0(c) = 98(4) GPa, and K′(c) = 9(2) for the c-axis (K 0(a):K 0(c) = 1:2.80). Axial and volume Eulerian-finite strain (fe) at different normalized stress (Fe) were calculated. The weighted linear regression through the data points yields the following intercept values: Fe a (0) = 35(2) GPa for the a-axis, Fe c (0) = 98(4) GPa for the c-axis and Fe V (0) = 45(2) GPa for the unit-cell volume. The slope of the regression lines gives rise to K′ values of 10(1) for the a-axis, 9(2) for the c-axis and 11(1) for the unit cell-volume. A comparison between the HP-elastic response of vanadinite and the iso-structural apatite is carried out. The possible reasons of the elastic anisotropy are discussed.  相似文献   

The viscosity of a silicate melt of composition NaAlSi2O6 was measured at pressures from 1.6 to 5.5 GPa and at temperatures from 1,350 to 1,880°C. We employed in situ falling sphere viscometry using X-ray radiography. We found that the viscosity of the NaAlSi2O6 melt decreased with increasing pressure up to 2 GPa. The pressure dependence of viscosity is diminished above 2 GPa. By using the relationship between the logarithm of viscosity and the reciprocal temperature, the activation energies for viscous flow were calculated to be 3.7 ± 0.4 × 102 and 3.7 ± 0.5 × 102 kJ/mol at 2.2 and 2.9 GPa, respectively.  相似文献   

A pyroxene with composition LiNiSi2O6 was synthesized at T = 1,473 K and P = 2.0 GPa; the cell parameters at T = 298 K are a = 9.4169(6) Å, b = 8.4465(7) Å, c = 5.2464(3) Å, β = 110.534(6)°, V = 390.78(3) Å3. TEM examination of the LiNiSi2O6 pyroxene showed the presence of h + k odd reflections indicative of a primitive lattice, and of antiphase domains obtained by dark field imaging of the h + k odd reflections. A HT in situ investigation was performed by examining TEM selected area diffraction patterns collected at high temperature and synchrotron radiation powder diffraction. In HTTEM the LiNiSi2O6 was examined together with LiCrSi2O6 pyroxene. In LiCrSi2O6 the h + k odd critical reflections disappear at about 340 K; they are sharp up to the transition temperature and do not change their shape until they disappear. In LiNiSi2O6 the h + k odd reflections are present up to sample deterioration at 650 K. A high temperature synchrotron radiation powder diffraction investigation was performed on LiNiSi2O6 between 298 and 773 K. The analysis of critical reflections and of changes in cell parameters shows that the space group is P-centred up to the highest temperature. The comparative analysis of the thermal and spontaneous strain contributions in P21/c and C2/c pyroxenes indicates that the high temperature strain in P-LiNiSi2O6 is very similar to that due to thermal strain only in C2/c spodumene and that a spontaneous strain contribution related to pre-transition features is not apparent in LiNiSi2O6. A different high-temperature behaviour in LiNiSi2O6 with respect to other pyroxenes is suggested, possibly in relation with the presence of Jahn–Teller distortion of the M1 polyhedron centred by low-spin Ni3+.  相似文献   

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