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Here we complete an energy balance analysis of a double impulsive hard X-ray flare. From spatial observations, we deduce both flares probably occur in the same loop within the resolution of the data. For the first flare, the energy in the fast electrons (assuming a thick-target model) is comparable to the convective up-flow energy, suggesting that these are related successive modes of energy storage and transfer. The total energy lost through radiation and conduction, 2.0 × 1028 erg, is comparable to the energy in fast electrons 2.5 × 1028 erg. For the second flare, the energy in the fast electrons is more than one order of magnitude greater than the energy of the convective up-flow. Total energy losses are within a factor of two lower than the calculated fast electron energy. We interpret the observations as showing that the first flare occurred in a small loop with fast electrons heating the chromosphere and resulting in chromospheric evaporation increasing the density in the loop. For the second flare most of the heating occurred at the electron acceleration site. The two symmetrical components of the Ca xix resonance line and a high velocity down-flow of 115 km s –1 observed at the end of the second hard X-ray burst are consistent with the flare eruption (reconnection) region being high in the flare loop. The estimated altitude of the acceleration site is 5500 km above the photosphere.  相似文献   

A theory of two-ribbon solar flares is presented which identifies the primary energy release site with the tops of the flare loops. The flare loops are formed by magnetic reconnection of a locally opened field configuration produced by the eruption of a pre-flare filament. Such eruptions are commonly observed about 15 min prior to the flare itself. It is proposed that the flare loops represent the primary energy release site even during the earliest phase of the flare, i.e., the flare loops are in fact the flare itself.Based upon the supposition that the energy release at the loop tops is in the form of Joulean dissipation of magnetic energy at the rising reconnection site, a quantitative model of the energy release process is developed based upon an analytic reconnecting magnetic field geometry believed to represent the basic process. Predicted curves of energy density vs time are compared with X-ray observations taken aboard Skylab for the events of 29 July, 13 August, and 21 August in 1973. Considering the crudity of the model, the comparisons appear reasonable. The predicted field strengths necessary to produce the observed energy density curves are also reasonable, being in the range 100–1000 G.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A statistical study of 228 flares on the three UV Ceti-type stars, i.e., YZ CMi, AD Leo, and EV Lac, is presented. Observations were gathered by Ichimura and Shimizu over a total monitoring time of 907 hours distributed over 18 years (1971 to 1988). Period analysis of flare activity was performed, and no periodicity was detected on the three stars for either the flare number rate or the energy rate in time-scales ranging from a year up to 14 years. Average colour of flares at peak was (U-B)=–0.98±0.17 and (B-V)=0.05±0.13. Cumulative number distributions of flare event time-integrated energies were solved by a least-squares method on a log-log plot for a power-law function to get both the constant of and the gradient , which were found to be similar among the three stars. The gradient showed that rare large flare events radiate most of the energy released by all the flare events in the monitoring time. The flare number rate and energy rate are similar if the power-law distributions are extended up to a specific maximum energy. In reality, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test showed that the observed cumulative number distributions of flare event energy were not necessarily a power-law function. The monte-Carlo simulation, however, indicates that the monitoring time and/or the patrol observation time interval may not be long enough to get the average flare number rate and energy rate, especially at the upper energy limits which are statistically unreliable.  相似文献   

一个太阳耀斑约含数千个微耀斑[1],每个微耀斑以热的,低频波和加速粒子的形式释放能量。耀斑期间大部分能量的释放是通过电子加速转移的结果,然而电子加速是在耀斑前相开始,并在整个耀斑持续期间继续保持。在耀斑发展的不同相期间伴有各种各样的射电辐射现象(及其它波段共生现象),多波段射电观测和比较可以给出有关电子加速过程和耀斑自身发展的重要信息,尤其可检测加速开始的时间和频率部位(目前仍为太阳物理的前沿)。微耀斑能量的瞬时释放可能是引起不同类型快速精细结构的原因,射电毫秒级尖峰辐射是起因于连续能量释放的证据,其辐射源位于或靠近能量释放区[2],公认射电辐射的快速结构是日冕电子束的特征信号[3,4],所以今后使用高时间和高频率分辨率的宽带频谱仪同时观测可详细地探测加速过程,从而对预耀斑的加热和初始能量释放,耀斑的逐步建立和演化都具有重要意义。本文介绍几个典型事件,包括射电尖峰脉冲辐射,类尖峰辐射和短时标漂移结构  相似文献   

γ射线暴是宇宙中恒星尺度的最剧烈爆发现象。γ射线暴瞬时辐射结束后,进入余辉辐射阶段。X射线耀发是γ射线暴X射线辐射衰减过程中出现的短时标闪耀现象。X射线耀发的脉冲轮廓具有不对称性,其上升时标小于下降时标。在部分γ射线暴中,X射线耀发的亮度达到瞬时辐射的亮度。X射线耀发的持续时间与峰值时间具有线性关系。X射线耀发的光谱比X射线余辉的光谱硬。早期X射线耀发与晚期X射线耀发相比,其脉冲轮廓较窄,光谱较硬。X射线耀发产生的物理过程类似于γ射线暴瞬时辐射的物理过程。在火球(fireball)模型中,内部壳层之间发生碰撞,产生的内激波加速电子,电子的同步辐射产生X射线耀发。当火球扫过星际介质,外激波加速电子时,电子的同步辐射也可产生X射线耀发。在光球(photospere)模型中,能量耗散发生在光学厚的区域,热辐射的光谱峰值落在X射线能段附近,γ射线暴的喷流在光球半径处会产生X射线耀发。如果射线暴喷流由坡印亭能流主导,喷流就会与星际介质相互作用,磁场的不稳定性使磁场发生耗散,产生的能量形成X射线耀发。γ射线暴的喷流具有几何效应。一部分同步辐射可能发生在喷流辐射面的高纬度处。由于曲率效应(curvature effect),各向异性辐射与各向同性辐射相比,X射线耀发的峰值出现较晚。此外,在γ射线暴发生后,黑洞会间歇性地吸积外部介质。在吸积过程中,黑洞周围的磁场会调节吸积的速率和喷流中的能量,这是出现多个X射线耀发的原因。  相似文献   

Energy transport in a hot flare plasma is examined with particular reference to the influence of fluid motion. On the basis of dimensional considerations the dynamical timescale of the flare plasma is shown to be comparable to the timescale for energy loss by conduction and radiation. It is argued that mass motion is likely to have a profound influence on the evolution of the flare.The detailed response of a flare filament to a localized injection of energy is then analyzed. Radiative, conductive and all dynamical terms are included in the energy equation. Apart from greatly enhancing the rate of propagation of the thermal disturbance through space, mass motion is found to be significant in transferring energy through the moving fluid.Finally the predicted thermal structure is discussed and it is concluded that the presence of mass motions in the flare may be inferred from the form of the soft X-ray differential emission measure.  相似文献   

Frequency distributions and correlations of solar X-ray flare parameters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have determined frequency distributions of flare parameters from over 12000 solar flares recorded with the Hard X-Ray Burst Spectrometer (HXRBS) on the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) satellite. These parameters include the flare duration, the peak counting rate, the peak hard X-ray flux, the total energy in electrons, and the peak energy flux in electrons (the latter two computed assuming a thick-target flare model). The energies were computed above a threshold energy between 25 and 50 keV. All of the distributions can be represented by power laws above the HXRBS sensitivity threshold. Correlations among these parameters are determined from linear regression fits as well as from the slopes of the frequency distributions. Variations of the frequency distributions were investigated with respect to the solar activity cycle.Theoretical models for the frequency distribution of flare parameters depend on the probability of flaring and the temporal evolution of the flare energy build-up. Our results are consistent with stochastic flaring and exponential energy build-up, with an average build-up time constant that is 0.5 times the mean time between flares. The measured distributions of flares are also consistent with predicted distributions of flares from computer simulations of avalanche models that are governed by the principle of self-organized criticality.  相似文献   

Heating of the deep chromosphere by a vertically descending beam of non-thermal electrons with power-law energy spectrum, in flares, is analysed. In lower regions of the flare, radiative losses can balance the energy input and the flare structure is described in terms of instantaneous quasi-steady temperature/depth profiles. Motion of the optical flare material is at constant pressure and is constrained to be purely vertical by a vertical magnetic field. The ionisation of hydrogen is determined by the same non-LTE processes as in the quiet chromosphere. Temperature profiles are obtained for a wide range of electron beam intensities and spectral indices and are discussed in terms of optical flare observations. Due to the steepness of the electron spectra, typical densities in the optical flare vary only over a narrow range, despite the diversity of beam intensities, in agreement with observation.Above a certain region, the flare material cannot attain a radiatively steady state against the electron input but evaluation of the level at which this occurs leads to an estimate of the mass of material involved in the high temperature flare plasma in this model. Results, which are again insensitive to the electron beam parameters, are found to be in satisfactory agreement with observations of the mass of flare ejecta and of soft X-ray flare emission measures.  相似文献   

We compare large-scale filtergrams of a hitherto neglected class 1B flare with previously published vector magnetograms and maps of photospheric longitudinal electric current density (Hagyard et al., 1985). The vector magnetic fields were mapped simultaneously with the eruption of this flare. We find a coincidence, to within the ±2″ registration accuracy of the data, between the flare kernels and the locations of maximum shear and of peak values in the longitudinal electric current density. The kernels brighten in a way which implies that the preflare heating and the main release of flare energy are spatially coincident within the limits of resolution (≈2″). A pronounced magnetic shear exists in the vertical direction at the location of the strongest flare kernels. We provide evidence that the electric currents could be maintained by the energy stored in the sheared transverse magnetic field and that the amount of energy released is proportional to the amount stored. These circumstances are consistent with theories in which flares are triggered by plasma instabilities due to surplus electric currents.  相似文献   

Requirements for the number of nonthermal electrons which must be accelerated in the impulsive phase of a flare are reviewed. These are uncertain by two orders of magnitude depending on whether hard X-rays above 25 keV are produced primarily by hot thermal electrons which contain a small fraction of the flare energy or by nonthermal streaming electrons which contain > 50% of the flare energy. Possible acceleration mechanisms are considered to see to what extent either X-ray production scenario can be considered viable. Direct electric field acceleration is shown to involve significant heating. In addition, candidate primary energy release mechanisms to convert stored magnetic energy into flare energy, steady reconnection and the tearing mode instability, transfer at least half of the stored energy into heat and most of the remaining energy to ions. Acceleration by electron plasma waves requires that the waves be driven to large amplitude by electrons with large streaming velocities or by anisotropic ion-acoustic waves which also require streaming electrons for their production. These in turn can only come from direct electric field acceleration since it is shown that ion-acoustic waves excited by the primary current cannot amplify electron plasma waves. Thus, wave acceleration is subject to the same limitations as direct electric field acceleration. It is concluded that at most 0.1% of the flare energy can be deposited into nonthermal streaming electrons with the energy conversion mechanisms as they have been proposed and known acceleration mechanisms. Thus, hard X-ray production above 10 keV primarily by hot thermal electrons is the only choice compatible with models for the primary energy release as they presently exist.  相似文献   

The effect of partial ionisation of a thick target bremsstrahlung source on the emitted X-ray intensity is analysed. It is shown that a totally ionised target produces an X-ray burst only about one third as intense as that from an unionised target.In the case of a solar flare plasma target, the ionisation decreases with increasing depth in the flare. Thus, in an X-ray flare model in which electrons are continuously accelerated down into the chromosphere, high energy photons are produced with increased efficiency in the deeper layers of the flare plasma with consequent hardening of the X-ray spectrum. As a result, the spectra of nonthermal electrons in flares, inferred from X-ray spectra, are steepened and their total energy correspondingly increased.  相似文献   

A review of current questions related to the problem of large solar flares is given. The basic physical principles applied in numerical simulation of flares are presented and illustrated. The main attention is given to the phenomenon of magnetic reconnection in large-scale current layers at separators of magnetic field in the corona. This phenomenon is demonstrated within the framework of the Rainbow topological model. The model provides the possibility of explaining specific features of large-scale reconnection as a physical process that makes it possible to accumulate large energy in the form of the magnetic energy of current layers before a flare and to quickly transform this energy to the kinetic energy of particles during a flare. The secondary effects in the solar atmosphere caused by energy fluxes from reconnecting current layers are also discussed. These consequences of the primary energy release are responsible for the flare pattern observed in X-ray, optical, UV, and other spectral ranges.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the main problems of the circuit theory of solar flares - unlikely huge current growth time and the origin of the current interruption - have been resolved considering the case of magnetic loop emergence and the correct application of Ohm's law. The generalized Ohm's law for solar flares is obtained. The conditions for flare energy release are as follows: large current value, > 1011 A, nonsteady-state character of the process, and the existence of a neutral component in a flare plasma. As an example, the coalescence of a flare loop and a filament is considered. It has been shown that the current dissipation has increased drastically as compared with that in a completely ionized plasma. The current dissipation provides effective Joule heating of the plasma and particle acceleration in a solar flare. The ion-atom collisions play the decisive role in the energy release process. As a result the flare loop resistance can grow by 8–10 orders of magnitude. For this we do not need the anomalous resistivity driven by small-scale plasma turbulence. The energy release emerging from the upper part of a flare loop stimulates powerful energy release from the chromospheric level.  相似文献   

We conducted photometric and spectroscopic observations of Ross 15 in order to further study the flare properties of this less observed flare star.A total of 28 B-band flares are detected in 128 hr of photometric observations,leading to a total flare rate of 0.22-0.040.04 h-1,more accurate than that provided by previous work.We give the energy range of the B-band flare(1029.5-1031.5 erg) and the flare frequency distribution(FFD) for the star.Within the same energy range,the FFD is lower than that of GJ 1243(M4)and YZ CMi(M4.5),roughly in the middle of those of three M5-type stars and higher than the average FFDs of spectral types> M6.We performed,for the first time for Ross 15,simultaneous high-cadence spectroscopic and photometric observations,resulting in detection of the most energetic flare in our sample.The intensity enhancements of the continuum and Balmer lines with significant correlations between them are detected during the flare,which is the same as those of other deeply studied flare stars with similar spectral type.  相似文献   

唐玉华  郑瑞民 《天文学报》1995,36(3):301-308,T001
本文收集了1986年2月4日大耀斑的Hα、微波、X射线和γ射线全波段的观测资料。利用暗条电流环模型分析了该耀斑的物理过程,测量了活动暗条的上升运动,求解了动量方程和能量方程。结果表明:(1)1986年2月4日的3B/X3耀斑可能是由暗条电流环之间的合并不稳定性所致;(2)电阻撕裂摸不稳定性是一种有效的耀斑前预热机制;(3)耀斑的高能观测资料进一步表明了电流环合并不稳定性是引起该大耀斑期间所有高能粒  相似文献   

Pulsations of mm-wave emission with a period of about 5 s, which occurred during the impulsive phase of the flare of June 22, 1989, are investigated. It has been shown that these pulsations can be driven by Alfvénic oscillations of a flare loop excited due to upward motion of the chromospheric evaporated plasma. A method is proposed to determine the density and temperature of the evaporated plasma as well as the flare loop magnetic field and loop length in terms of Alfvénic oscillations of the loop and bremsstrahlung mechanism of mm-wave emission. The estimation of evaporated plasma energy has shown that for the flare of June 22, 1989 the energy content in electron beams is insufficient for chromospheric plasma evaporation. It is not excluded that the main energy release process occurs in the chromosphere.  相似文献   

Magnetic fields dominate most solar activities, there exist direct relations between solar flare and the distributions of magnetic field, and also its corresponding magnetic energy. In this paper, the statistical results about the relationships between the spatial magnetic field and solar flare are given basing on vector magnetic field observed by the Solar Magnetic Field Telescope (SMFT) at Huairou Solar Observing Station (HSOS). The spatial magnetic fields are obtained by extrapolated photosphere vector magnetic field observed by SMFT. There are 23 active regions with flare eruption are chosen as data samples, which were observed from 1997 to 2007. The results are as follows: 1. Magnetic field lines become lower after flare for 16 (69 %) active regions; 2. The free energy are decreased after flare for 17 (74 %) active regions. It can conclude that for most active regions the changes of magnetic field after solar flare re coincident with the previous observations and studies.  相似文献   

We report a detailed examination about the relationship between the evolution of the Hα flare ribbons and the released magnetic energy during the April 10 2001 flare. In the Hα images, several bright kernels are observed in the flare ribbons. We identified the conjugated foot-points, by analyzing the lightcurves at each Hα kernels, and showed their connectivities during the flare. Then, based on the magnetic reconnection model, we calculated quantitatively the released energy by using the photospheric magnetic field strengths and separation speeds of the Hα flare ribbons. Finally, we examined the downward motions which are observed at the Hα kernels. We found that the stronger the red-asymmetry tends to be associated with the brighter the Hα kernel.  相似文献   

E. Schatzman 《Solar physics》1967,1(3-4):411-419
Some ideas are developed concerning solar flares which have been presented earlier by the author (Schatzman, 1966a). Emphasis is laid on the problem of energy transport; from the energy supply to the region of the optical flare, on the storage of low energy cosmic ray particles in a magnetic bottle before the beginning of the optical flare, and the mechanism which triggers both the optical flare, and the production of high-energy cosmic rays. The relation between solar and stellar flares is considered.Lecture given at Goddard Space Flight Center, November 4, 1966.  相似文献   

We have carried out this work to comprehend the possible mechanisms of the first ground level enhancement (GLE71 17 May 2012 01:50 UT) in cosmic ray intensity of the solar cycle 24. For this, the cosmic ray intensities registered by neutron monitors at several sites have been analyzed and studied with concurrent solar flares of different energy channels. To assess empirically whether the GLE might have been caused by the energy released from solar flare or CME-driven shock, we identify the possible time line in terms of the lowest spectral index determined from proton fluxes. If the GLE is caused by the energy released from particle acceleration in solar flare, the intensive phase of the flare representing the extreme emission should exist within/around the possible time line. In this respect, it is observed that the possible time line lies within the prominent phase of CME-driven shock. For better understanding, we have checked the possible relativistic energy with respect to solar flare as well as CME-driven shock. As witnessed, if the extreme emission phase of the flare is considered as the reason for the causation of GLE peak, the flare components procured insufficient amount of energy (≤~0.085 GeV) to produce a GLE. If the extreme emission phase of the flare is also considered as the dominator along GLE onset, the possible energy procurement (≤~0.414 GeV) is still not adequate to produce a GLE. In contrast, the CME-driven shock is capable of procuring enough possible relativistic energy (≥~1.21 GeV) that is sufficient amount of the energy for a GLE production. Any amount of the energy (<0.414 GeV) released from preceding flare components is supposed to have been contributed to the shock process. Thus, it is assumed that the GLE71 was possibly caused by the energy released from the shock acceleration, which might have been boosted by the energy emanated from preceding flare.  相似文献   

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