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Recently discovered quasi-periodic oscillations in the X-ray brightness of low-mass X-ray binaries are used to derive constraints on the mass of the neutron star component and the equation of state of neutron star matter. The observations are compared with models of rapidly rotating neutron stars which are calculated by means of an exact numerical method in full relativity. For the equations of state we select a broad collection of models representing different assumptions about the many-body structure and the complexity of the composition of superdense matter. The mass constraints differ from their values in the approximate treatment by ∼10 per cent. Under the assumption that the maximum frequency of the quasi-periodic oscillations originates from the innermost stable orbit, the mass of the neutron star is in the range M ∼1.92–2.25 M. The quasi-periodic oscillation in the Atoll-source 4U 1820−30 in particular is only consistent with equations of state that are rather stiff at high densities, which is explainable, so far, only with pure nucleonic/leptonic composition. This interpretation contradicts the hypothesis that the protoneutron star formed in SN 1987A collapsed to a black hole, since this would demand a maximum neutron star mass below 1.6 M. The recently suggested identification of quasi-periodic oscillations with frequencies of about 10 Hz with the Lense–Thirring precession of the accretion disc is found to be inconsistent with the models studied in this work, unless it is assumed that the first overtone of the precession is observed.  相似文献   

We study the problem of detecting, and inferring astrophysical information from, gravitational waves from a pulsating neutron star. We show that the fluid f and p modes, as well as the gravitational-wave w modes, may be detectable from sources in our own Galaxy, and investigate how accurately the frequencies and damping rates of these modes can be inferred from a noisy gravitational-wave data stream. Based on the conclusions of this discussion we propose a strategy for revealing the supranuclear equation of state using the neutron star fingerprints: the observed frequencies of an f and a p mode. We also discuss how well the source can be located in the sky using observations with several detectors.  相似文献   

We apply the model of flux expulsion from the superfluid and superconductive core of a neutron star, developed by Konenkov & Geppert, both to neutron star models based on different equations of state and to different initial magnetic field structures. Initially, when the core and the surface magnetic field are of the same order of magnitude, the rate of flux expulsion from the core is almost independent of the equation of state, and the evolution of the surface field decouples from the core field evolution with increasing stiffness. When the surface field is initially much stronger than the core field, the magnetic and rotational evolution resembles that of a neutron star with a purely crustal field configuration; the only difference is the occurrence of a residual field. In the case of an initially submerged field, significant differences from the standard evolution only occur during the early period of the life of a neutron star, until the field has been re-diffused to the surface. The reminder of the episode of submergence is a correlation of the residual field strength with the submergence depth of the initial field. We discuss the effect of the re-diffusion of the magnetic field on the difference between the real and the active age of young pulsars and on their braking indices. Finally, we estimate the shear stresses built up by the moving fluxoids at the crust–core interface and show that these stresses may cause crust cracking, preferentially in neutron stars with a soft equation of state.  相似文献   

We calculate the disc and boundary layer luminosities for accreting rapidly rotating neutron stars with low magnetic fields in a fully general relativistic manner. Rotation increases the disc luminosity and decreases the boundary layer luminosity. A rapid rotation of the neutron star substantially modifies these quantities as compared with the static limit. For a neutron star rotating close to the centrifugal mass shed limit, the total luminosity has contribution only from the extended disc. For such maximal rotation rates, we find that well before the maximum stable gravitational mass configuration is reached, there exists a limiting central density, for which particles in the innermost stable orbit will be more tightly bound than those at the surface of the neutron star. We also calculate the angular velocity profiles of particles in Keplerian orbits around the rapidly rotating neutron star. The results are illustrated for a representative set of equation of state models of neutron star matter.  相似文献   

Using time evolutions of the relevant linearized equations, we study non-axisymmetric oscillations of rapidly rotating and superfluid neutron stars. We consider perturbations of Newtonian axisymmetric background configurations and account for the presence of superfluid components via the standard two-fluid model. Within the Cowling approximation, we are able to carry out evolutions for uniformly rotating stars up to the mass-shedding limit. This leads to the first detailed analysis of superfluid neutron star oscillations in the fast rotation regime, where the star is significantly deformed by the centrifugal force. For simplicity, we focus on background models where the two fluids (superfluid neutrons and protons) corotate, are in β-equilibrium and co-exist throughout the volume of the star. We construct sequences of rotating stars for two analytical model equations of state. These models represent relatively simple generalizations of single fluid, polytropic stars. We study the effects of entrainment, rotation and symmetry energy on non-radial oscillations of these models. Our results show that entrainment and symmetry energy can have a significant effect on the rotational splitting of non-axisymmetric modes. In particular, the symmetry energy modifies the inertial mode frequencies considerably in the regime of fast rotation.  相似文献   

We present new results for pulsating neutron stars. We have calculated the eigenfrequencies of the modes that one would expect to be the most important gravitational wave sources: the fundamental fluid f mode, the first pressure p mode and the first gravitational wave w mode, for twelve realistic equations of state. From these numerical data we have inferred a set of 'empirical relations' between the mode frequencies and the parameters of the star (the radius R and the mass M ). Some of these relations prove to be surprisingly robust, and we show how they can be used to extract the details of the star from observed modes. The results indicate that, should the various pulsation modes be detected by the new generation of gravitational wave detectors that come online in a few years, the mass and the radius of neutron stars can be deduced with errors no larger than a few per cent.  相似文献   

Among the variability behaviours exhibited by neutron star systems are the so-called 'horizontal branch oscillations' (HBO, with frequencies ≈50 Hz), the 'lower-frequency kHz quasi-periodic oscillation' (QPO) and the 'upper-frequency kHz QPO', with the latter two features being separated in frequency by an amount comparable to, but varying slightly from, the suspected spin-frequency of the neutron star. Recently, Psaltis, Belloni & van der Klis have suggested that there exists a correlation between these three frequencies that, when certain identifications of variability features are made, even encompasses black hole sources. We consider this hypothesis by reanalysing a set of GX 339−4 observations. The power spectral density (PSD) constructed from a composite of seven separate, but very similar, observations shows evidence for three broad peaks in the PSD. If the peak frequencies of these features are identified with QPO, then their frequencies approximately fit the correlations suggested by Psaltis, Belloni, & van der Klis. We also reanalyse a Cyg X-1 observation and show that the suggested QPO correlation may also hold, but that complications arise when the QPOs (which, in reality, are fairly broad features) are considered as a function of energy band. These fits suggest the existence of at least three separate, independent physical processes in the accretion flow, a hypothesis that is also supported by consideration of the Fourier frequency-dependent time lags and coherence function between variability in different energy bands. If these variability features have a common origin in neutron star and black hole systems, then 'beat frequency models' of kHz QPO in neutron star systems are called into question.  相似文献   

We study eigenmodes of acoustic oscillations of high multipolarity l ∼ 100–1000 and high frequency (∼100 kHz), localized in neutron star envelopes. We show that the oscillation problem is self-similar. Once the oscillation spectrum is calculated for a given equation of state (EOS) in the envelope and given stellar mass M and radius R , it can be rescaled to a star with any M and R (but the same EOS in the envelope). For l ≳ 300, the modes can be subdivided into the outer and inner ones. The outer modes are mainly localized in the outer envelope. The inner modes are mostly localized near the neutron drip point, being associated with the softening of the EOS after the neutron drip. We calculate oscillation spectra for the EOSs of cold-catalyzed and accreted matter and show that the spectra of the inner modes are essentially different. A detection and identification of high-frequency pressure modes would allow one to infer M and R and determine also the EOS in the envelope (accreted or ground state) providing a new, potentially powerful method to explore the main parameters and internal structure of neutron stars.  相似文献   

We study acoustic oscillations (eigenfrequencies, velocity distributions, damping times) of normal crusts of strange stars. These oscillations are very specific because of huge density jump at the interface between the normal crust and the strange matter core. The oscillation problem is shown to be self-similar. For a low (but non-zero) multipolarity l , the fundamental mode (without radial nodes) has a frequency of ∼300 Hz and mostly horizontal oscillation velocity; other pressure modes have frequencies ≳20 kHz and almost radial oscillation velocities. The latter modes are similar to radial oscillations (having approximately the same frequencies and radial velocity profiles). The oscillation spectrum of strange stars with crust differs from the spectrum of neutron stars. If detected, acoustic oscillations would allow one to discriminate between strange stars with crust and neutron stars and constrain the mass and radius of the star.  相似文献   

We suggest an explanation for the twin kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (kHz QPOs) in low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) based on magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) oscillation modes in neutron star magnetospheres. Including the effect of the neutron star spin, we derive several MHD wave modes by solving the dispersion equations, and propose that the coupling of the two resonant MHD modes may lead to the twin kHz QPOs. This model naturally relates the upper, lower kHz QPO frequencies with the spin frequencies of the neutron stars, and can well account for the measured data of six LMXBs.  相似文献   

For accretion on to neutron stars possessing weak surface magnetic fields and substantial rotation rates (corresponding to the secular instability limit), we calculate the disk and surface layer luminosities general relativistically using the Hartle & Thorne formalism, and illustrate these quantities for a set of representative neutron star equations of state. We also discuss the related problem of the angular momentum evolution of such neutron stars and give a quantitative estimate for this accretion driven change in angular momentum. Rotation always increases the disk luminosity and reduces the rate of angular momentum evolution. These effects have relevance for observations of low-mass X-ray binaries.  相似文献   

By the relativistic mean field theory and relevant weak-interactional cooling theory, the relativistic cooling properties in the conventional and hyperonic neutron star matter are studied. Also a comparison between the relativistic and non-relativistic results after taking consideration of the gravity correction is performed. The results show that the relativistic effect of neutrino emission reduces the neutrino emissivity, luminosity, and the cooling rate of stellar objects, in comparison with the non-relativistic case. In the neutron star matter without hyperon, the amplitude of the cooling rate reduction caused by the relativistic effect is maximal after taking the gravity correction into consideration, it attains 56% for a 2 M neutron star composed of conventional neutron star matter, and in the hyperonic matter the amplitude of reduction is minimal, about 38%.  相似文献   

We study low-amplitude crustal oscillations of slowly rotating relativistic stars consisting of a central fluid core and an outer thin solid crust. We estimate the effect of rotation on the torsional toroidal modes and on the interfacial and shear spheroidal modes. The results compared against the Newtonian ones for wide range of neutron star models and equations of state.  相似文献   

We discuss the nature of the various modes of pulsation of superfluid neutron stars using comparatively simple Newtonian models and the Cowling approximation. The matter in these stars is described in terms of a two-fluid model, where one fluid is the neutron superfluid, which is believed to exist in the core and inner crust of mature neutron stars, and the other fluid represents a conglomerate of all other constituents (crust nuclei, protons, electrons, etc.). In our model, we incorporate the non-dissipative interaction known as the entrainment effect, whereby the momentum of one constituent (e.g. the neutrons) carries along part of the mass of the other constituent. We show that there is no independent set of pulsating g-modes in a non-rotating superfluid neutron star core, even though the linearized superfluid equations contain a well-defined (and real-valued) analogue to the so-called Brunt–Väisälä frequency. Instead, what we find are two sets of spheroidal perturbations whose nature is predominately acoustic. In addition, an analysis of the zero-frequency subspace (i.e. the space of time-independent perturbations) reveals two sets of degenerate spheroidal perturbations, which we interpret to be the missing g-modes, and two sets of toroidal perturbations. We anticipate that the degeneracy of all these zero-frequency modes will be broken by the Coriolis force in the case of rotating stars. To illustrate this we consider the toroidal pulsation modes of a slowly rotating superfluid star. This analysis shows that the superfluid equations support a new class of r-modes, in addition to those familiar from, for example, geophysical fluid dynamics. Finally, the role of the entrainment effect on the superfluid mode frequencies is shown explicitly via solutions to dispersion relations that follow from a 'local' analysis of the linearized superfluid equations.  相似文献   

考虑到混杂星既具有奇异夸克物质核,又具有中子星固体壳层的特殊结构,运用完全自洽的二级修正方法,研究了在低温极限下(T<109K)混杂星的体粘滞耗散时标,并利用该时标计算了混杂星的临界旋转频率,发现其最小值为704.42 Hz(对应1.42 ms脉冲周期).与中子星和奇异星比较,更好地解释了观测数据.  相似文献   

Gravitational radiation tends to drive gravity modes in rotating neutron stars to become unstable. For an inviscid star, the instability sets in when the rotation frequency is about 0.7 times the corresponding mode frequency of the non-rotating star. Neutron stars with spin frequencies ≳100 Hz are susceptible to this instability, with a growth time of the order of years. However, it is likely that viscous dissipation suppresses the instability except for a narrow range of temperatures around 109 K. We also show that the viscosity-driven instability of g-modes is absent.  相似文献   

We study the effect of the neutron star spin–kick velocity alignment observed in young radio pulsars on the coalescence rate of binary neutron stars. Two scenarios are considered for neutron star formation: when the kick is always present, and when it is small or absent if a neutron star is formed in a binary system as a result of electron-capture degenerate core collapse. The effect is shown to be especially strong for large kick amplitudes and tight alignments, reducing the expected galactic rate of binary neutron star coalescence compared to calculations with randomly directed kicks. The spin–kick correlation also leads to a much narrower neutron star spin–orbit misalignment.  相似文献   

We study universality in gravitational waves emitted from non-rotating neutron stars characterized by different equations of state (EOSs). We find that the quasi-normal mode frequencies of such waves, including the w -modes and the f -mode, display similar universal scaling behaviours that hold for most EOSs. Such behaviours are shown to stem from the mathematical structure of the axial and the polar gravitational wave equations, and the fact that the mass distribution function can be approximated by a cubic–quintic polynomial in the radius. As a benchmark for other realistic neutron stars, a simple model of neutron stars is adopted here to reproduce the pulsation frequencies and the generic scaling behaviours mentioned above with good accuracy.  相似文献   

Just as a rotating magnetized neutron star has material pulled away from its surface to populate a magnetosphere, a similar process can occur as a result of neutron-star pulsations rather than rotation. This is of interest in connection with the overall study of neutron star oscillation modes but with a particular focus on the situation for magnetars. Following a previous Newtonian analysis of the production of a force-free magnetosphere in this way Timokhin et al., we present here a corresponding general-relativistic analysis. We give a derivation of the general relativistic Maxwell equations for small-amplitude arbitrary oscillations of a non-rotating neutron star with a generic magnetic field and show that these can be solved analytically under the assumption of low current density in the magnetosphere. We apply our formalism to toroidal oscillations of a neutron star with a dipole magnetic field and find that the low current density approximation is valid for at least half of the oscillation modes, similarly to the Newtonian case. Using an improved formula for the determination of the last closed field line, we calculate the energy losses resulting from toroidal stellar oscillations for all of the modes for which the size of the polar cap is small. We find that general relativistic effects lead to shrinking of the size of the polar cap and an increase in the energy density of the outflowing plasma. These effects act in opposite directions but the net result is that the energy loss from the neutron star is significantly smaller than suggested by the Newtonian treatment.  相似文献   

We have investigated the influence of the r-mode instability on hypercritically accreting neutron stars in close binary systems during their common envelope phases, based on the scenario proposed by Brown et al. On the one hand, neutron stars are heated by the accreted matter at the stellar surface, but on the other hand they are also cooled down by the neutrino radiation. At the same time, the accreted matter transports its angular momentum and mass to the star. We have studied the evolution of the stellar mass, temperature and rotational frequency.
The gravitational-wave-driven instability of the r-mode oscillation strongly suppresses spinning up of the star, the final rotational frequency of which is well below the mass-shedding limit, in fact typically as low as 10 per cent of that of the mass-shedding state. On a very short time-scale the rotational frequency tends to approach a certain constant value and saturates there, as long as the amount of accreted mass does not exceed a certain limit to collapse to a black hole. This implies that a similar mechanism of gravitational radiation to that in the so-called 'Wagoner star' may work in this process. The star is spun up by accretion until the angular momentum loss by gravitational radiation balances the accretion torque. The time-integrated dimensionless strain of the radiated gravitational wave may be large enough to be detectable by gravitational wave detectors such as LIGO II.  相似文献   

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