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Bengal Submarine Fan, with or without its eastern lobe, the Nicobar Fan, is the largest submarine fan known. Most of its sediment has been supplied by the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers, probably since the Early Eocene. The “Swatch-of-No-Ground” submarine canyon connects to only one active fan valley system at a time, without apprent bifurcation over its 2500-km length. The upper fan is comprised of a complex of huge channel-levee wedges of abandoned and buried older systems. A reduction of channel size and morphology occurs at the top of the middle, fan, where meandering and sheet flow become more important.  相似文献   

The Crati Fan is located in the tectonically active submerged extension of the Apennines chain and foretrough. The small fan system is growing in a relatively shallow (200 to 450 m), elongate nearshore basin receiving abundant input from the Crati River. The fan is characterized by a short, steep, channelized section (inner or upper fan) and a smooth, slightly bulging distal section (outer or lower fan). The numerous subparallel channels head in the shelf or littoral zone and do not form branching distributary patterns. Sand and mud depositional lobes of the outer fan stretch over more than 60% of fan length.  相似文献   

The Crati Fan is located in the tectonically active submerged extension of the Apennines chain and foretrough. The small fan system is growing in a relatively shallow (200 to 450 m), elongate nearshore basin receiving abundant input from the Crati River. The fan is characterized by a short, steep, channelized section (inner or upper fan) and a smooth, slightly bulging distal section (outer or lower fan). The numerous subparallel channels head in the shelf or littoral zone and do not form branching distributary patterns. Sand and mud depositional lobes of the outer fan stretch over more than 60% of fan length. Margin setting represents fan and/or source area  相似文献   

The Bengal Fan: morphology, geometry, stratigraphy, history and processes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Bengal Fan is the largest submarine fan in the world, with a length of about 3000 km, a width of about 1000 km and a maximum thickness of 16.5 km. It has been formed as a direct result of the India–Asia collision and uplift of the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau. It is currently supplied mainly by the confluent Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers, with smaller contributions of sediment from several other large rivers in Bangladesh and India.The sedimentary section of the fan is subdivided by seismic stratigraphy by two unconformities which have been tentatively dated as upper Miocene and lower Eocene by long correlations from DSDP Leg 22 and ODP Legs 116 and 121. The upper Miocene unconformity is the time of onset of the diffuse plate edge or intraplate deformation in the southern or lower fan. The lower Eocene unconformity, a hiatus which increases in duration down the fan, is postulated to be the time of first deposition of the fan, starting at the base of the Bangladesh slope shortly after the initial India–Asia collision.The Quaternary of the upper fan comprises a section of enormous channel-levee complexes which were built on top of the preexisting fan surface during lowered sea level by very large turbidity currents. The Quaternary section of the upper fan can be subdivided by seismic stratigraphy into four subfans, which show lateral shifting as a function of the location of the submarine canyon supplying the turbidity currents and sediments. There was probably more than one active canyon at times during the Quaternary, but each one had only one active fan valley system and subfan at any given time. The fan currently has one submarine canyon source and one active fan valley system which extends the length of the active subfan. Since the Holocene rise in sea level, however, the head of the submarine canyon lies in a mid-shelf location, and the supply of sediment to the canyon and fan valley is greatly reduced from the huge supply which had existed during Pleistocene lowered sea level. Holocene turbidity currents are small and infrequent, and the active channel is partially filled in about the middle of the fan by deposition from these small turbidity currents.Channel migration within the fan valley system occurs by avulsion only in the upper fan and in the upper middle fan in the area of highest rates of deposition. Abandoned fan valleys are filled rapidly in the upper fan, but many open abandoned fan valleys are found on the lower fan. A sequence of time of activity of the important open channels is proposed, culminating with formation of the one currently active channel at about 12,000 years BP.  相似文献   

The effect of river runoff over the northern Indian Ocean(NIO) especially over the Bay of Bengal(Bo B) has been studied using global Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean(NEMO). Two sensitivity experiments, with and without river runoff are conducted and the influence of river runoff on the Indian Ocean hydrography,stratification and circulation features are studied. It is found that due to river runoff surface salinity over the northern Bo B decreases by more than 5 and the East India Coastal Current strengthens by 2 cm/s during post monsoon season. The fresh river water reaches up to 15°N in the Bo B and is the main cause for low salinity there.Sea surface temperature in the northwestern Bo B increases by more than 0.2℃ due to the river runoff in summer monsoon while surface cooling upto 0.2℃ is seen in north-west part of Bo B in winter season. The seasonal mixed layer depth in the region is found to be dependent on river runoff. The effect of vertical shear and Brunt Vaisala frequency on stratification is also examined. The ocean water becomes highly stratified up to 3 035 m due to the river runoff. It is found that the energy required for mixing is high in the northern and coastal Bo B.  相似文献   

Three deep holes, with a maximum penetration of 960 m below sea floor, were drilled into the distal Bengal Fan just south of the equator during ODP Leg 116. The entire section recovered is dominated by sandy silt and mud turbidites derived from the Ganges Delta and from the continental margin of the western Bay of Bengal, interbedded with thin pelagic clays and with biogenic turbidites probably from a local sea mount source. The effects of Hi-Malayan uplift, sea level fluctuations, local tectonics, and fan channel/lobe processes have closely interacted to produce the observed sedimentary record of the past 17 million years since the early Miocene.Coauthors include: James R. Cochran, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory (Co-chief scientist); Dorrik A. V. Stow, Nottingham University, England (Co-chief scientist); Christian A. Auroux, Texas A & M University, USA (ODP staff scientist); Kazou Amano, Ibaraki University, Japan; Peter S. Balson, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Notts, England; Jacques Boulegue, Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris, France; Garrett W. Brass, University of Miami, Florida, USA; Jeffrey Corrigan, University of Texas, Austin, USA; Stefan Gartner, Texas A & M University, USA; Stuart A. Hall, University of Houston, Texas, USA; Silvia Iaccarino, University of Parma, Italy; Toshio Ishizuka, University of Tokyo, Japan; trena Kacmarska, Mount Allison University, New Brunswick, Canada; Heidemarie Kassens, Kiel University, West Germany; Gregory Leger, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; Franca Proto Decima, University of Padova, Italy; C. V. Raman, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India; William W. Sager, Texas A & M University, USA; Kozo Takahashi, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA; Thomas Thompson, 580 Euclid Ave, Boulder, Colo, USA; Jean-Jacques Tiercelin, University of Bretagne, Brest, France; Mark Townsend, University of Nottingham, England; Andreas Wetzel, Tubingen University, West Germany; N. P. Wijayananda, National Aquatatic Resource Agency, Colombo, Sri Lanka; and Colin Williams, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory.  相似文献   

The horizontal distribution of the near-surface (neuston) copepods of the family Pontellidae was studied on the meridional transects through the central part of the Indian ocean between 12°N and 12°S and in the Bay of Bengal in the summer monsoon period. Eleven species of neuston pontellids were found. The common species Labidocera detruncate and Pontellopsis villosa have the sane high frequencies in the central part of the ocean and in the Bay of Bengal. Some species are rarer in the Bay of Bengal than in the central part of the ocean. In contrast, other species are more frequent in the Bay of Bengal. The special traits of the distribution in the Bay of Bengal coincide with the lower salinity in the bay than in the central ocean. The distribution of some neritic species from the Bay of Bengal to the south is dependent on the intensification of the water translocation to the south in the summer. In the central part of the Indian Ocean, the distribution of the common neustonic pontellids is similar in the periods of the summer and winter monsoons. It is the result of the occupation of the region by the same equatorial water masses.  相似文献   

Differences in morphology between the most recently active valley and older valleys suggest that channel piracy occurred on the lower Bengal Fan. Cutoff of two older valleys took place in the late Wisconsinan fan lobe between Sri Lanka and the 85°E Ridge at about 5°N and 83°E.  相似文献   

The international submarine cable industry is a major component of the global telecommunications system, providing important services and requiring increased levels of protection for the maintenance of global economic and maritime security, broadly defined. An overview is given of the submarine cable industry, including its technological developments, legal aspects, security considerations, and implications for integrated ocean planning and management. In the context of multiple ocean use, submarine cables can cause spatial conflicts with other ocean users, particularly the fishing industry. Issues to be examined include compensation for lost or damaged gear, legal liability for cable damage, and regulation and licensing of cables on the seabed of the continental shelf and the high seas. Recent industry-to-industry agreements and programs for compensation to fishers in the USA and Canada are significant advancements in the implementation of integrated approaches to ocean management and planning. The development of transparent and stable interdepartmental processes for the coordinated planning, management and regulation of submarine cables is required for national EEZs. The regulation of international cable industry practices must be harmonized with national management approaches.  相似文献   

Better forecast of tropical cyclone(TC) can help to reduce risk and enhance management. The TC forecast depends on the scientific understanding of oceanic processes, air-sea interaction and finally, the atmospheric process. The TC Viyaru is taken as an example, which is formed at the end of 11 May 2013 and sustains up to 17 May 2013 during pre-monsoon season. Argo data are used to investigate ocean response processes by comparing pre-and post-conditions of the TC. Eight oceanic parameters including the sea surface temperature(SST), the sea surface salinity(SSS), and the barrier layer thickness(BLT), the 26°C isotherm depth in the ocean(D26), the isothermal layer depth(ILD), the mixed layer depth(MLD), the tropical cyclone heat potential(TCHP) and the effective oceanic layer for cyclogenesis(EOLC) are chosen to evaluate the pre-and post-conditions of the TC along the track of Viyaru. The values of the SST, D26, BLT, TCHP and EOLC in the pre-cyclonic condition are higher than the post-cyclonic condition, while the SSS, ILD and MLD in the post-cyclonic condition are higher than the pre-cyclonic condition of the ocean due to strong cyclonic winds and subsurface upwelling. It is interesting that the strong intensity of the TC reduces less SST and vice versa. The satisfied real time Argo data is not available in the northern Bay of Bengal especially in the coastal region. A weather research and forecasting model is employed to hindcast the track of Viyaru, and the satellite data from the National Center Environmental Prediction are used to assess the hindcast.  相似文献   

Bathymetric sections across the most recent valley just above and below the transition of upper to middle fan show a northward shift of the thalweg between the confines of the levees. This small-scale migration was followed by a levec break on the higher north side. Part of the bottom currents, which normally would have been contained within the levees, spilled over and spread laterally in a northward direction. This levee break caused a canyonward shift of the boundary between the upper and mid fan, and the diverted flow croded smaller valleys in the western part of the fan.  相似文献   

The Patos–Mirim Lagoon system along the southern coast of Brazil is linked to the coastal ocean by a narrow mouth and by groundwater transport through a Holocene barrier. Although other groundwater systems are apparently active in this region, the hydraulic head of the lagoon, the largest in South America, drives groundwater transport to the coast. Water levels in wells placed in the barrier respond to changing water level in the lagoon. The wells also provide a measure of the nutrient concentrations of groundwater flowing toward the ocean. Additionally, temporary well points were used to obtain nutrient samples in groundwater on the beach face of the barrier. These samples revealed a subterranean freshwater–seawater mixing zone over a ca. 240 km shoreline. Previously published results of radium isotopic analyses of groundwater and of surface water from cross-shelf transects were used to estimate a water flux of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) to nearshore surface waters of 8.5 × 107 m3/day. Using this SGD and the nutrient concentrations in different compartments, nutrient fluxes between groundwater and surface water were estimated. Fluxes were computed using both average and median reservoir (i.e. groundwater and surface water) nutrient concentrations. The SGD total dissolved inorganic nitrogen, phosphate and silicate fluxes (2.42, 0.52, 5.92 × 106 mol day− 1, respectively) may represent as much as 55% (total N) to 10% (Si) of the nutrient fluxes to the adjacent shelf environment. Assuming nitrogen limitation, SGD may be capable of supporting a production rate of ca. 3000 g C m2 year− 1in the nearshore surf zone in this region.  相似文献   

TOPEX altimeter data of 1993 have been analyzed to study the following three types of oceanographic phenomena in the Indian Ocean: (1) sea level variability of the Indian Ocean (20=S to 25=N. 40=E to 100=E): (2) sea surface height signals of the Somali eddy; and (3) sea surface slope variations of the equatorial Indian Ocean (EIO) spanning 5=S to 5=N and 45=E to 95=E. Root‐mean‐square sea level variability revealed the presence of Rossby waves in the southern Indian Ocean. Fast Fourier technique analysis of a few passes near the Somali region is used to study the formation and dissipation of an anticyclonic eddy.  相似文献   

The Bay of Bengal remains one of the least studied of the world's oxygen minimum zones (OMZs). Here we offer a detailed investigation of the macrobenthos relative to oxygen minimum zone [OMZ – DO (dissolved oxygen), concentration <0.5 ml·1?1] at 110 stations off the North East Indian margin (160 and 200 N) featuring coastal, shelf and slope settings (10–1004 m). Macrobenthos (>0.5 mm) composition, abundance and diversity were studied in relation to variations in depth, dissolved oxygen, sediment texture and organic carbon. Using multivariate procedures powered by SIMPROF analysis we identified distinct OMZ core sites (depth 150–280 m; DO 0.37 ml·1?1) that exhibited dense populations of surface‐feeding polychaetes (mean 2188 ind. m?2) represented by spionids and cossurids (96%). Molluscs and crustaceans were poorly represented except for ampeliscid amphipods. The lower OMZ sites (DO > 0.55 ml·l?1) supported a different assemblage of polychaetes (cirratulids, amphinomids, eunicids, orbinids, paraonids), crustaceans and molluscs, albeit with low population densities (mean 343 ind. m?2). Species richness [E(S100)], diversity (Margalef d; H’) and evenness (J’) were lower and dominance was higher within the OMZ core region. Multiple regression analysis showed that a combination of sand, clay, organic carbon, and dissolved oxygen explained 62–78% of the observed variance in macrobenthos species richness and diversity: E(S100) and H’. For polychaetes, clay and oxygen proved important. At low oxygen sites (DO <1 ml·l?1), depth accounted for most variance. Residual analysis (after removing depth effects) revealed that dissolved oxygen and sediment organic matter influenced 50–62% of residual variation in E(S100), H’ and d for total macrofauna. Of this, oxygen alone influenced up to ~50–62%. When only polychaetes were evaluated, oxygen and organic matter explained up to 58–63%. For low oxygen sites, organic matter alone had the explanatory power when dominance among polychaetes was considered. Overall, macrobenthic patterns in the Bay of Bengal were consistent with those reported for other upwelling margins. However, the compression of faunal gradients at shallower depths was most similar to the Chile/Peru margin, and different from the Arabian Sea, where the depth range of the OMZ is two times greater. The Bay of Bengal patterns may take on added significance as OMZs shoal globally.  相似文献   

Mid-fan areas in the Bay of Bengal to the west of the Andaman-Nicobar Islands and to the east of the 90 E ridge display remarkable channel-levee and interlevee characteristics over the seabed. These subsea channels at 3,000 m or more water depth have specific orientations along NNE or NNW. Most of these major and minor channels are at present inactive, except one running along the eastern part of the area following the reported subduction suture (Currey et al., 1979). The other channels in the western part retain the configuration of a floor-bank combination but are covered with a thin deposition of pelagic organisms without any significant terrigenous inputs to a depth of around 25 cm below the seabed. On the other hand, the active channel to the east is filled with continuous hemipelagic to terrigenous inputs up to at least 1.5 m bsf. The pelagic organisms of the upper 25 cm of seabed over the inactive channels as well as in their banks and interlevee areas are mainly represented by foraminiferal tests and thus constitute foraminiferal ooze. Most of the seafloor is covered by such ooze except in the easternmost part, where the active channel brings a terrigenous influx in the form of turbidites. The fan deposition has been restricted to the easternmost active channel since the early Holocene. The age of the pelagites that constitute the 25-cm top sediment slice is assumed to represent about 8,000 years, calculated at the rate of deposition of 3 cm 1,000 years (Kennet, 1982). Thus, most of the western seabed has not experienced any fan deposition during the last 8,000 years. However, below 25 cm, the entire area is seen to have experienced fan deposition as evidenced by occurrence of terrigenous silt and clay. Significantly, incidence of thermogenic hydrocarbons is proved in the levee-in terlevee complexes of the central part. Being closer to the subduction zone, gas seepages through pervasive fissures are perhaps more pronounced here.  相似文献   

In this paper, effort is made to demonstrate the quality of high-resolution regional ocean circulation model in realistically simulating the circulation and variability properties of the northern Indian Ocean(10°S–25°N,45°–100°E) covering the Arabian Sea(AS) and Bay of Bengal(BoB). The model run using the open boundary conditions is carried out at 10 km horizontal resolution and highest vertical resolution of 2 m in the upper ocean.The surface and sub-surface structure of hydrographic variables(temperature and salinity) and currents is compared against the observations during 1998–2014(17 years). In particular, the seasonal variability of the sea surface temperature, sea surface salinity, and surface currents over the model domain is studied. The highresolution model's ability in correct estimation of the spatio-temporal mixed layer depth(MLD) variability of the AS and BoB is also shown. The lowest MLD values are observed during spring(March-April-May) and highest during winter(December-January-February) seasons. The maximum MLD in the AS(BoB) during December to February reaches 150 m (67 m). On the other hand, the minimum MLD in these regions during March-April-May becomes as low as 11–12 m. The influence of wind stress, net heat flux and freshwater flux on the seasonal variability of the MLD is discussed. The physical processes controlling the seasonal cycle of sea surface temperature are investigated by carrying out mixed layer heat budget analysis. It is found that air-sea fluxes play a dominant role in the seasonal evolution of sea surface temperature of the northern Indian Ocean and the contribution of horizontal advection, vertical entrainment and diffusion processes is small. The upper ocean zonal and meridional volume transport across different sections in the AS and BoB is also computed. The seasonal variability of the transports is studied in the context of monsoonal currents.  相似文献   

Essentially, this paper aims at considering how the ocean regionalisation may be implemented focusing on the principle of sustainable development, on the subsequent criteria designed by the inter-governmental organisation framework, and on the approaches from the scientific literature. In this respect, a model is proposed, according to which two main stages are identified: (i) the stage of the modern approach to the ocean, which was operated by the modern society and was supported by the culture of modernity; (ii) the stage of the post-modern approach, which has been triggered by the converging inputs from the changes in society and nature. The watershed between these two stages may be located in the 1970s. The investigation may be carried out considering a triangular relationship between (i) the changing ocean reality (ontological dimension), (ii) the representation of this reality (semiological dimension), and (iii) the building up of signified, consisting in theories, meta-theories and values (epistemological and ethical dimensions). In this framework, special relevance is attributed to the interaction between science and policy.Moving from this basis, how ocean regionalisation had been conceived by oceanography, geography and law is considered focusing on the implications that have arisen in terms of ocean management. Analysis is essentially focused on three questions: (i) how much the conceptual implications of the approach to the ocean regional scale have been underestimated, and how ample the political consequences have been; (ii) why the political designs referring to this spatial scale of the ocean, which have been carrying out since the 1970s, have been marked by a lack of consistency of the legal framework with the prospect of operating sustainable management programmes; (iii) whether, and what kind of, discrepancy has solidified between the legal framework, provided by the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and the ecosystem-oriented approach to the ocean, designed by the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED).These considerations lead to identify three cardinal needs. First, the need to try lessons from the Regional Seas Programme of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) by carrying out a critical analysis of the conceptual background and methodological endowment which it was based on, and of the subsequent political outcomes. Secondly, an increasing need for scientific approaches supported by the consideration of the ocean as a bi-modular system consisting in ecosystems and organisational patterns, being both modules subject to the impacts from global change and globalisation. Thirdly, a need to design and operate a more effective interaction between science and policy, and, as far as science in itself is concerned, the need to design a more epistemologically-sound interaction between natural and social disciplines.Moving from this discussion, it is proposed to distinguish the mere ocean area, where the organisational patterns have not yet created a real ocean system, from the ocean region, which differently has acquired the features of an ocean system. These two kinds of spaces may be found in the coastal milieu, extending up to the outer edge of the continental margin, in the deep-ocean, extending seawards from the continental margin, or they may extend across the continental margin and the deep-ocean. Where it is agreed that ocean reality may evolve on the basis of these two reference patterns, the following sequence of conceptual mises-au-point and statements may be considered.
The ocean area—This kind of ocean space may solidify in those areas where the ocean is frequented and used in the traditional ways without benefiting from a well-designed organisational pattern. Human presence and resource uses have brought about spatial differentiation but not such a real cohesion which may be only achieved by adopting an organisational plan.
The ocean region—This occurs only where an ocean area is endowed with such an organisational framework that allows the pursuit of clearly pre-determined objectives in terms of environmental, resource management, and economic development. This is the product of an extensive human interaction with the ocean ecosystem, and of a substantial political approach to the ocean milieu.
Where it is agreed that ocean reality may evolve on the basis of these two reference patterns, the following sequence of conceptual mises-au-point and statements may be considered:
The ocean region and regional strategy—At the present time, ocean regions may be found only in quite limited parts of the ocean world.
The final objective—Where the decision-making centres conform their programmes and actions to the principles and guidelines from UNCED, the objective of each ocean region should be the pursuit of sustainable development on the regional scale.
Sustainable region—This occurs where the regional organisation is primarily based on the protection of the ecosystem integrity, where economic development operates through the optimisation of resource usage, and where social equity, including the access to the natural and cultural heritage of the ocean environment, is guaranteed.
Ocean regionalisation—When an individual ocean is subject to the organisational forces that lead to the creation of regions, it can be stated that an ocean regionalisation has occurred.
Global change—Ocean regionalisation should be viewed as one of the most important consequences of the global, environmental and social change that characterises the present phase of society.
Globalisation—The setting up of a transport and communication global network, together with the associated establishment of global production and consume patterns, of market strategies and social behaviour, may be regarded as the cardinal set of socio-economic factors, which ocean regionalisation is going to increasingly depend on.
Enlargement of the geographical approach—The development of ocean regions encourages to set up effective inter-disciplinary approaches, that primarily should focus on: (i) the consistency of the regional organisation with the regional objectives; (ii) the consistency of the ocean resource use with the protection of the ecosystem, primarily the safeguard of its biodiversity, productivity and resilience; and (iii) the configuration and functions of the decision-making system in guiding regional organisation.
Ocean region and ecosystem—The most desirable conditions in terms of optimal ocean organisation on the regional scale occur where the spatial extent of the ocean, which is encompassed by an individual regional management programme, fully coincides with the spatial extent of an ocean ecosystem, or with a set of contiguous ecosystems.
Decision-making systems—The more the co-operative process between decision-making systems operating in contiguous ocean regions develops, the greater the potential for a holistic political approach to the oceans becomes. The spatial consequences deriving from the interaction between the decision-making centres are of peculiar interest.

Article Outline

1. A background issue
1.1. The legal reason
1.2. The scientific reason
2. The modern ocean regionalisation
2.1. The initial approach
2.2. The mature approach
2.2.1. Complication of surface regionalisation
2.2.2. Rise of seabed regionalisation
2.2.3. Interaction between ocean and atmosphere regionalisation
3. The post-modern ocean regionalisation
3.1. Interaction between policy and law
3.1.1. First pattern, wide holistic approach
3.1.2. Second pattern, limited holistic approach
3.2. The coastal perspective
3.2.1. The 200 m isobath
3.2.2. The outer edge of the continental margin
3.3. The ocean region designs
3.4. Signifiers, signs and signified in the post-modern context
3.5. Newly designed ocean regions
3.6. In the search for a conceptual track
4. A post-modern forum
4.1. Ocean reality
4.2. Language and representation
4.3. Policy and ethics
4.4. Tracing lines and zoning
There is an African proverb that says: ‘The earth is not ours, it is a treasure we hold in trust for our children and their children.’ And I hope my generation and yours will be worthy of this trust.Kofi AnnanKey note speech to the 97th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New York, March 1st, 2001

1. A background issue

A palpable gap may be found in the present political approach to the ocean, and in the relevant scientific backgrounds. It has taken shape between the conceptual sense of the ocean sustainable development, on the one hand, and the approach to the ocean on the regional scale, on the other. The sustainable development concept leads to pursuing three goals contextually: (i) ecological integrity, specifically referring to the genetic, species and ecosystem diversity; (ii) economic efficiency, basically implying the replacement of the conventional concept of economic growth with that of human development; (iii) social equity, essentially meant as the safeguard of the cultural values and the preserving of rights of future generations. This broad objective design assumes ecological diversity as the prerequisite to pursue any other goal, namely economic efficiency and social equity [1]. As a result, where the regionalisation of the ocean is set up for management purposes, the ecological features and processes should be considered as the attributes to be considered first. Nevertheless, apart from some specific cases, which have not influenced the ocean governance as a whole, this approach has not been operated.This is due to two concurrent reasons. First, a reason rooted on the legal approach to the ocean. As is well known, at the present time, any approach to the regional scale of ocean management is based on the legal frameworks provided by the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Nevertheless, is should be wondered whether the Convention background design had been marked by some basic lack, and whether and how policy has been influenced. Secondly, a reason rooted in a lack of scientific approach to ocean regionalisation. It should be wondered whether science had been able to provide adequate conceptual frameworks, and empirical approaches, to the ocean governance on the regional scale (Fig. 1).  相似文献   

Site U1446 (19°50’N, 85°44’E, at water depth 1 430 m) was drilled during Expedition 353 (Indian monsoon rainfall) of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP). It is located in the Mahanadi offshore basin, on the northern Bay of Bengal. Sedimentation rates and contents of biocarbonates are high at this relatively shallow site. Using a micropaleontological approach, we examined planktonic and benthic foraminifera in the upper around 40 m of this site, spanning the last around 190 ka. A striking feature of the foraminiferal record is the occurrence of strong but varying dissolution although the site is located well above the modern lysocline. Such strong dissolution has never been reported in this area. We estimated the flux of foraminifera and quantified the ratio of benthic foraminifera over total foraminifera (benthic/total foraminifera) along with the foraminifer fragmentation index in order to characterize past changes in this above-lysocline dissolution. This study reveals a clear glacial-interglacial contrast, with a stronger dissolution during marine isotope stages (MISs) 1 and 5 than during MISs 2–4 and 6. Such a difference in preservation is likely to have a strong impact on geochemical proxies measured on foraminifera. Our new observations call for an in-depth study of the causes of such above-lysocline dissolution in the region, and an evaluation of its impact on the foraminifera-based proxies used for paleoenvironmental reconstruction.  相似文献   

The surroundings of the Bay of Bengal (BoB) suffer a lot from the extreme rainfall events during Indian summer monsoon (ISM). Previous studies have proved that the sea-air interaction is an important factor for the monsoonal precipitation. Using the 6th Coupled Modol Inter-comparison Project (CMIP6) models, this study examined the biases of surface heat flux, which is the main connection between atmosphere and ocean. Results show that although CMIP6 have a better simulation of intraseasonal sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies over BoB than the previous ones, the “atmospheric blockage” still delays the response of latent heat flux to the oceanic forcing. Specifically, during the increment of positive latent heat flux in CMIP6, the negative contribution from wind effects covers most of the positive contribution from humidity effects, due to the underestimate of humidity effects. Further diagnostic analysis denote that the surface air humidity has a quarter of a phase ahead of warm SST in observation, but gets wet along with the warm SST accordingly in most CMIP6 models. As a result, the simulated transfer of intraseasonal moisture flux is hindered between ocean and atmosphere. Therefore, as a bridge between both sides, the atmospheric boundary layer is essential for a better sea-air coupled simulation, especially when the atmospheric and the oceanic variabilities involved in a climate model becomes increasingly sophisticated. The surface air humidity and boundary layer processes require more attention as well as better simulations.  相似文献   

对MADE KYUN河三角洲海底斜坡所在区域地形地貌、地层岩性等进行阐述分析,结合调查资料确定了斜坡坡体组成与特征:该斜坡坡体主要为淤泥、淤泥质黏土,厚度6~9m。基于GEO-SLOPE软件的SLOPE/W模块计算斜坡稳定性安全系数并确定最危险滑动面,利用BING软件的Herschel-Bulkley模型、双线型模型对最危险滑动面的滑移距离进行模拟预测。数值分析结果表明:在考虑孔隙水压力的情况下,4种计算方法得到的稳定性系数均有所下降,M-P法计算得到的斜坡稳定性安全系数为0.606,处于不稳定状态;2种模型计算得到的滑移距离分别为207和213m,峰值滑移速率分别为7.80和9.33m/s,会对较大范围的海底管道等海底设施造成破坏性影响。  相似文献   

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