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Mean circulations of boundary-layer rolls in lake-effect snow storms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An observational study of the roll-average flow fields of boundary-layer rolls is presented. Data used for this purpose were collected by dual-Doppler radar and aircraft measurements taken over southern Lake Michigan during the 1983/1984 field operations of Project Lake Snow. The roll circulations agreed well with findings of past observational, numerical and theoretical studies, with cross-roll components roughly 10% of the convective internal boundary layer (CIBL)-mean wind speeds and weaker vertical components. Along-roll winds were systematically stronger in the rollupdraft regions than in the roll-downdraft regions, probably due to distortion of the along-roll wind profile by the rolls. Comparison of observed wind profiles to those required by roll formation mechanisms found by past numerical and theoretical studies suggested that the observed rolls were formed by the along-roll wind shear (Asai, 1970) or wind shear curvature (Kuettner, 1971) in the lowest 0.2Z i, whereZ i is the height of the top of the CIBL.  相似文献   

风电场风速数值预报的误差分析及订正   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
余江  江志红  俞卫  吴息  张强 《气象科学》2015,35(5):587-592
使用WRF模式对内蒙古某风电场区域内的2011年1-6月,50m高度的风速进行了模拟,并结合实测风速对模拟结果进行了评估。在此基础上再利用自回归模型(AR模型)和持续法对WRF模式模拟结果进行了订正预报,订正结果表明:AR模型和持续法都能有效地减小WRF模式风速的模拟误差,AR模型订正效果优于持续法。为能对订正预报时效进行延长,提出了"假设观测值"概念。在AR模型的基础上建立一种新的订正模型称之为New AR模型。其订正预报结果表明:新模型能在12h时效内,改善WRF模式风速模拟精度,其中6h的改进效果较好。  相似文献   

A one-dimensional hydrostatic and incompressible numerical model based upon the shallow water wave equations is developed and used to simulate surface outflows from convective storms. Axial symmetry is employed to simulate surface outflows from storms in non-shearing environments, while slab symmetry is used to simulate unidirectional convective outflows.The model is initialized with observed data from GATE and is found to be capable of simulating the slope, depth, overall shape, and propagation speed of the outflow of tropical squall-lines.The model is used to construct a series of nomograms relating the depth of the head of the gust front to the origin and strength of the downdraft for various density differences and downdraft radii. The model predicts that convection which generates wide downdrafts originating deep within cumulonimbi and growing in strongly sheared environments (encouraging unidirectional outflows at the surface) produces the deepest gust fronts. To maintain these outflows requires the weakest downdraft velocities; when the downdrafts cease, such outflows do not decay rapidly. Conversely, the model predicts that narrow downdrafts originating near cloud base and growing in environments which encourage radial outflows, produce the shallowest gust fronts. To maintain radial outflows requires the strongest downdrafts; when the downdrafts cease, radial outflows decay most rapidly.  相似文献   

Computation of the wind speed at a given station is performed via interpretation of the hydrodynamic modelling results using the multiple regression method. The a priori model parameters—pressure and thermal gradients, the Laplace operator at the standard levels of the lower and middle troposphere, and others—were obtained from reanalysis. The wind speed at observation times at Vladivostok station was used as a dependent variable. Preliminary classifying of the vector of predictors in accordance to the surface pressure gradient has been done. This procedure, first of all, allowed us to decrease variability of the friction force impact on the wind speed formation for a given class. Experiments, which were performed with the different sets of parameters and various classification schemes, allowed selecting models that provide computation results comparable to the known methods of wind speed computation at a given station.  相似文献   

A wind-tunnel investigation of the wind flow over two-dimensional forward-facing escarpments is reported as part of a continuing research programme into the effects of local topography on the wind flow close to the ground. Four sharp-edged escarpments with their slopes varying between a cliff and a 4:1 gradient, were placed normal to a simulated neutrally-stable rural boundary layer which was modelled to a scale of 1:300. The resulting flows close to the surfaces of the escarpments were measured with a hot-wire anemometer. The modifications to the mean wind speed, turbulence intensity and energy spectra over the escarpments are described. The results indicate the extent and magnitude of the modification to the flow and suggest that significant changes in turbulence characteristics only occur in the wake region close behind the crest, where a shift of energy to higher frequencies is evident.  相似文献   

Wind plays an important role on the ecosystems and hydrological cycles besides other meteorological parameters such as temperature, precipitation, sunshine, and relative humidity. It strongly affects evapotranspiration, especially in arid and semiarid regions where there are serious problems in regard to water resource management. Evaluating the wind speed trend can provide good information for future agricultural planning. This study was conducted in order to investigate the wind speed trends over 24 synoptic meteorological stations located in arid and semiarid regions of Iran from 1975 to 2005. Near-surface wind speed was trended by nonparametric Mann–Kendall test spatially and temporally in three time scales (annual, seasonal, and monthly). Then, Sen’s slope estimator was used to determine the amount of the changes; furthermore, 10-year moving average low-pass filter was applied to show general trends. Finally, the smoothed time series derived from the mentioned filter were classified in three clusters for each time series and then mapped to show their spatial distribution pattern. Results showed insignificant and significant, increasing and decreasing trends during the surveyed time. Wind speeds in less than 50 % of stations changed statistically in all time scales, and in most cases, the frequency of the upward trends was more than that of downward ones. The spatial distribution of significant wind speed showed that the increase mostly occurred in eastern part. Clustering gave us the turning point around 1990. Clearly, when clusters were mapped, they indicated the same pattern as the Z value maps derived from Mann–Kendall test which meant that the outputs of the mentioned method confirmed the other one. As the wind speed trends in different stations likely to follow the previous evapotranspiration (ET0) trend results in Iran, it confirms that wind speed was an effective parameter on ET0, even though other parameters should be considered too.  相似文献   

针对安徽省天长和宿松气象站建站至2010年逐年平均风速资料,分别利用直接检验方法和3种间接检验方法:标准正态均一检验(the standard normalhomogeneity test,SNHT)、惩罚最大t检验(the penalized maximal t test,PMTT)和惩罚最大F检验(the penalized maximal Ftest,PMFT),对这两个气象站逐年平均风速序列进行了均一性检验,并对不同检验方法的效果进行了对比分析。研究结果表明:1)站址迁移、观测场环境变化、仪器变更以及测风手段变化等均能对年平均风速序列的均一性产生影响,其中测风手段变化的影响最为明显。2)由于以气象台站观测记录为依据,直接检验得到的结果最为真实可信;此外SNHT、PMTT和PMFF方法对年平均风速序列的间断点均有一定的检验能力,但遗漏间断点的情况也比较明显。因而在年平均风速序列的均一性检验中,若气象台站观测记录相对较齐全,首先考虑采用直接检验,然后再考虑补充采用其他间接检验手段。  相似文献   

风电场风速降尺度预报方法对比分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
使用中尺度数值天气预报业务模式9 km和3 km分辨率的模式输出产品,分别应用小尺度模式CALMET模式和双线性插值(BLI)方法将预报风速进行降尺度处理,并对比预报风速和风塔观测资料。结果表明:WRF模式9 km分辨率的模式输出经过CALMET模式降尺度以后得到的风速预报效果比3 km分辨率的模式输出略好。同时,由于中尺度数值预报模式分辨率本身较高,使用BLI也可以得到较好的风速预报。将风速分为0 m·s-1≤风速<5 m·s-1,5 m·s-1≤风速<10 m·s-1和风速≥10 m·s-1共3个等级,检验3个风速等级的预报偏差百分比得出,CALMET模式和BLI方法对10 m·s-1以上的大风的预报效果相对较差;如何对大风预报进行订正对风速预报准确率的提高具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

综合分析国内外风速预报相关文献,从物理方法、统计与机器学习方法、组合方法3个方面对超短期风速预报方法的研究现状进行归纳总结,对比了主要预报方法的优缺点,给出了不确定分析和误差评价指标,探讨了在超短期风速预报研究中应重点解决的问题和发展方向。  相似文献   

针对风电场风功率预测所需的定点、逐时风速预报,对利用中央气象台发布的MM5格点输出的数值预报风速插值到福建沿海某个风电场测风塔高度的预报结果进行误差分析,发现由于海陆交界的特殊下垫面等原因,存在一定的系统误差;根据误差的后延相关性和测风塔实时发回的气象资料,探讨了利用前期误差观测值和测风塔湍流指标对MM5数值预报风速进行动态修订的方法,建立了订正值方程,结果表明,订正后的预报风速平均绝对误差降低31%~54%,有效提高了预报精度。  相似文献   

Stated is an approach to the simulation of time series of storms and weather windows using the data on their frequency. Using the results of wind reanalysis for the Norwegian, Barents, and White seas for 1975–2002, the statistical relationships are obtained between the frequency of storms and the mean values of the number of storms and their continuous duration, as well as between the distribution functions of the number of storms and their continuous duration and the mean values. Based on the revealed regularities, the simulation model is constructed enabling to generate the time series of storms and weather channels. The model is verified by means of computing the residuals between the specified and simulated frequency of storm conditions for the set of 100 monthly series, as well as by means of comparing the results of the computation of weather channels based on the reanalysis and simulation data.  相似文献   

利用辽宁和吉林省24座测风塔风速观测资料,应用线性回归方法对高分辨率中尺度模式近地层风速预报产品进行订正。首先通过4组不同的订正实验分析训练样本长度、样本滚动方式等对订正效果的影响,确定单点订正最佳方案,并综合线性方法在东北地区不同下垫面条件下的适用性;然后应用24座测风塔已确定的单点订正关系,尝试区域风速的平面订正,并基于剩余23座测风塔资料对全场订正效果进行评估。结果表明:训练样本的长度对订正效果影响较明显,在东北地区训练样本长度取20 d效果最佳;当训练样本长度取最优天数时,滚动系数的订正效果与固定系数的订正效果基本一致;各种下垫面通过线性订正均能取得较明显提高,其中丘陵地区效果最明显,通过订正均方根误差整体降低1.61 m·s-1,平原地区为0.95 m·s-1,沿海地区为0.91 m·s-1;平面风速订正实验显示,订正关系平面外推可取得明显的订正效果,全场平均绝对误差降低0.20 m·s-1,该方法可为订正资料匮乏区域的预报提供参考。  相似文献   

We have proposed in a previous study a non-stationary wind model to represent the typhoon record as a summation of a time-varying mean wind speed (TVM) and a stationary turbulence. This note further suggests a quantitative scheme, rather than the previous qualitative method, to find the best TVM for any given wind record. Trial TVMs are first extracted from the wind record by a data-processing technique named empirical mode decomposition. For each TVM, its corresponding turbulent component is computed by removing the TVM from the original wind record, and the degree of stationarity of the turbulence component is checked. The best TVM is taken as the one that leads to the maximum degree of stationarity. The degree of stationarity of turbulence is quantified by two indicators: ?? the ratio of horizontal wind variability and wind speed; and ?? the ratio of friction velocity at different Reynolds averaging periods. The applicability of the suggested scheme is validated with 550 typhoon and 3300 monsoon records of 10 minute duration and at different measurement heights. Threshold values for the two stationary indicators ?? and ?? are determined using field measurements and their sensitivities to the Reynolds averaging periods are discussed. Observations in this study demonstrate that the suggested scheme is proper for finding the TVM of a wind record. For a stationarity quantification of 10 minute duration record, the ?? indicator with 30 second Reynolds averaging period is recommended.  相似文献   

以安徽省56个国家级气象站1980—2018年年最大风速序列为研究对象,采用基于三参数Weibull分布的变点检验方法对年最大风速序列均一性进行检验,以郎溪站数据为例,给出了检验和分析的具体过程,最后将该方法检验结果与PM-FT法、SNHT法检验结果进行了对比分析.结果表明:56个站点的年最大风速序列均通过Weibul...  相似文献   

通过对热带风暴(TC)"黄蜂"登陆的一次边界层观测所得到风速资料的分析计算,取得不同时距下平均风速序列.比较不同时距选取时登陆TC的平均风速、风向和台风强度,发现1 min平均比10 min平均水平最大风速大25.30%,风向变化不大,TC强度指数1 min与10 min相差2%~4%.时距选取较小时,TC平均风速和强度变大,所测得风速区域也变大,而风向与时距的选取没有明显关系.只是在阵风变化比较大的情况下选取小的时距可以更好的表示这种特征.所以时距选取需要对所研究问题的需要进行分析,对不同的问题选取不同的时距以得到更好的结果.  相似文献   

A formula is obtained for calculation of wind speed in tornado, as proportional to the speed of convective updraft. Results are presented of wind speed calculation using the formula for 57 tornadoes observed at different time and in different regions of the world. Possibilities are shown of tornado wind speed forecasting taking into account criteria of tornado danger of the Cb clouds.  相似文献   

In this paper, nonparametric curve estimation methods are applied to analyze time series of wind speeds, focusing on the extreme events exceeding a chosen threshold. Classical parametric statistical approaches in this context consist in fitting a generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) to the tail of the empirical cumulative distribution, using maximum likelihood or the method of the moments to estimate the parameters of this distribution. Additionally, confidence intervals are usually computed to assess the uncertainty of the estimates. Nonparametric methods to estimate directly some quantities of interest, such as the probability of exceedance, the quantiles or return levels, or the return periods, are proposed. Moreover, bootstrap techniques are used to develop pointwise and simultaneous confidence intervals for these functions. The proposed models are applied to wind speed data in the Gulf Coast of US, comparing the results with those using the GPD approach, by means of a split-sample test. Results show that nonparametric methods are competitive with respect to the standard GPD approximations. The study is completed generating synthetic data sets and comparing the behavior of the parametric and the nonparametric estimates in this framework.  相似文献   

A numerical model of the cloudy marine boundary layer is described and used to investigate the role of entrainment instability on the developing boundary layer. In general, previous studies have been limited to boundary layers capped by convectively stable inversions or have described only cumulus fields. Here we extend a stratus-capped boundary-layer model to consider the transition to a convectively unstable cloud layer capped by an inversion across which there is a rapid decrease in wet-bulb or equivalent potential temperature. In this case, the inversion is very active and the entrainment rate is determined by the active instability at the interface, in contrast to the mean turbulent motion within the boundary layer.The model is used to interpret the observed boundary layer from the JASIN experiment. Cool, dry air is modified by prolonged passage over increasingly warmer ocean which leads to the development of a convectively unstable cloud layer.  相似文献   

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