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Colonial nesting of long-legged wading birds (Ciconiiformes) in the coastal northeastern U.S. is limited primarily to islands, which provide isolated habitats that are relatively free of ground predators. Estuarine wetlands in this heavily developed region, including foraging wetlands and fringe marshes surrounding nesting islands, are often dominated byPhragmites australis. On Pea Patch Island in Delaware Bay, site of one of the largest and most enduring mixed-species heron colonies on the East Coast, wading birds nest inPhragmites marsh habitat as well as in adjacent upland shrubs and trees. BecausePhragmites is aggressively managed in Delaware Bay, we investigated the relative habitat value of marsh and upland nesting sites for the purpose of developing recommendations for marsh and wildlife management. Utilization of marsh habitat by nesting birds ranged from 27–82% during 1993–1998. Two species (great blue heronArdea herodias and great egretA. alba) never nested inPhragmites, four species (little blue heronEgretta caerulea, snowy egretE. thula, cattle egretBubulcus ibis, and black-crowned night-heronNycticorax nycticorax) nested in approximately equal proportions in both habitats, and one species (glossy ibisPlegadis falcinellus) was largely confined to marsh nesting. Productivity (egg and nestling production) varied between habitats for some species. Cattle egrets produced larger clutches and had higher hatching rates inPhragmites compared to upland habitat. Little blue herons were more successful in the uplands. Managers should retainPhragmites marsh at colony sites, such as Pea Patch Island, where it provides critical habitat for nesting wading birds both as substrate for nesting and buffer habitat to control human disturbance.  相似文献   

Global sea level rise (SLR) will significantly alter coastal landscapes through inundation and erosion of low-lying areas. Animals that display area fidelity and rely on fringing coastal habitats during multiple life stages, such as diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin Schoepff 1793), are likely to be particularly vulnerable to SLR-induced changes. We used a combination of empirical nest survey data and results from a regional SLR model to explore the long-term availability of known nesting locations and the modeled availability of fringing coastal habitats under multiple SLR scenarios for diamondback terrapin in the MD portion of Chesapeake Bay and the MD coastal bays. All SLR scenarios projected the rapid inundation of historically used nesting locations of diamondback terrapins with 25%–55% loss within the next 10 years and over 80% loss by the end of the century. Model trajectories of habitat losses or gains depended on habitat type and location. A key foraging habitat, brackish marsh, was projected to decline 6%–94%, with projections varying spatially and among scenarios. Despite predicted losses of extant beach habitats, future gains in beach habitat due to erosion and overwash were projected to reach 40%–600%. These results demonstrate the potential vulnerability of diamondback terrapins to SLR in Chesapeake Bay and underscore the possibility of compounding negative effects of SLR on animals whose habitat requirements differ among life stages. More broadly, this study highlights the vulnerability of species dependent on fringing coastal habitats and emphasizes the need for a long-term perspective for coastal development in the face of SLR.  相似文献   

We assess the probability and importance of different spatial distributions ofPhragmites australis (Trin Ex Steud) within brackish tidal marshes of the mid-Atlantic United States coast. The comparative impact ofPhragmites expansion on the larger coupled marsh-estuary system may partially be a function of the landscape area dominated byPhragmites, the landscape position occupied byPhragmites, the landscape pattern created byPhragmites expansions, and the resulting impact on tidal drainage networks. We find evidence thatPhragmites establishment can occur at many landscape positions, and thatPhragmites spread within a marsh can occur via colonization (new patches), linear clonal growth (along a preferred axis), or circular clonal growth (non-directional, random spread). Early intervals ofPhragmites spread were dominated by colonization for all sites except for Piermont Marsh (which appeared to be dominated by linear clonal growth) and Lang Tract (which appeared to be dominated by circular clonal growth). Although 46–100% of new patches ofPhragmites occurred within 5 m of drainages, at only one site (Piermont Marsh, New York) didPhragmites populations remain concentrated along creek banks. Except for Iona Island, New York, which appears to be in an early stage ofPhragmites invasion, patch dynamics at all sites showed an increase followed by a decrease in patch number, as independent patches became established, expanded, and coalesced. We also found some evidence for a loss of first order streams at later stages ofPhragmites invasions in several sites (Hog Island, Lang Tract, Silver Run).  相似文献   

Since 1965 large areas of lower Connecticut River tidelands have been converted from high diversity brackish meadow andTypha angustifolia marsh to near monocultures ofPhragmites australis. This study addresses the impact ofPhragmites invasion on fish and crustacean use of oligohaline high marsh. During spring tides from early June through early September 2000, fishes and crustaceans leaving flooded marsh along 3 km of the Lieutenant River, a lower Connecticut River tributary, were captured with Breder traps at 90 sites, equally distributed amongPhragmites, Typha, and treated (herbicide and mowing)Phragmites areas. Pit traps, 18 per vegetation type in 2000 and 30 each inPhragmites andTypha in 2001, caught larvae and juveniles at distances of up to 30 m into the marsh interior. There were no significant differences in fish species compositions or abundances among the vegetation types. Size distributions, size specific biomasses, and diets ofFundulus heteroclitus, the numerically dominant fish, were also similar. The shrimpPalaemonetes pugio was more abundant inPhragmites than in other types of vegetation, whereas the fiddler crabUca minax was least numerous inPhragmites. Mean numbers ofF. heteroclitus andP. pugio caught per site event were positively correlated with increasing site hydroperiod. Significantly moreF. heteroclitus were captured along the upper reach of the river where marsh elevations were lower than farther downstream. MoreF. heteroclitus and fewerP. pugio andU. minax were captured during the day than at night. A relatively small number of larval and juvenileFundulus sp. were captured in pit traps, but consistently fewer inPhragmites than inTypha, suggesting thatTypha and brackish meadow marshes may provide better nursery habitat. Vegetation was sampled along a 30 m transect at each trap site in 2000. Plant species diversity was greatest in treatedPhragmites areas and lowest inPhragmites sites.  相似文献   

Alteration of estuarine shorelines associated with increased urbanization can significantly impact biota and food webs. This study determined the impact of shoreline alteration on growth and movement of the estuarine fish Fundulus heteroclitus in a tributary of the Delaware Coastal Bays. Fundulus heteroclitus is abundant along the east coast of the USA, and is an important trophic link between marsh and subtidal estuary. The restricted home range of F. heteroclitus allowed discrete sampling, and fish growth comparisons, along 35–65-m long stretches of fringing Spartina alterniflora and Phragmites australis marsh, riprap, and bulkhead. Fundulus heteroclitus were tagged with decimal Coded Wire Tags. Of 725 tagged F. heteroclitus, 89 were recaptured 30–63 days later. Mean growth rate (0.06–0.15 mm day?1 across all shoreline types) was greatest at riprap, lowest at Spartina and Phragmites, and intermediate at bulkhead, where growth was not significantly different from any other shoreline. This suggests that discernible environments exist along different shoreline types, even at the scale of tens of meters. No difference in movement distance was detected at different shoreline types; most individuals displayed a high degree of site fidelity. Forty-seven percent were recaptured within 5 m of their tagging location, although alongshore movements up to 475 m were recorded. Estimates of relative F. heteroclitus productivity, using relative density data from a concurrent study, were highest along Spartina and Phragmites, intermediate at riprap, and lowest at bulkhead. Therefore, despite greater growth rates along riprap than at vegetated shores, armoring reduces abundance sufficiently to negatively impact localized productivity of F. heteroclitus.  相似文献   

Chesapeake Bay tidal wetlands are experiencing a broad-scale, aggressive invasion by the non-native, clonal grass Phragmites australis. The grass is often managed with herbicides in efforts to restore native plant communities and wildlife habitat. Management efforts, however, can act as a disturbance, resulting in increased light availability, potentially fostering reinvasion from soil seedbanks. If native vegetation establishes quickly from seedbanks, the site should have greater resiliency against invasion, while disturbed sites where native plants do not rapidly establish may be rapidly colonized by P. australis. We surveyed the soil seedbank of three vegetation cover types in five Chesapeake Bay subestuaries: areas where P. australis had been removed, where P. australis was left intact, and with native, reference vegetation. We determined the total germination, the proportion of the seedbank that was attributable to invasive species, the richness, the functional diversity, and the overall composition of the seedbanks in each of the cover types (i.e., plots). After 2 years of herbicide treatment in the P. australis removal plots, vegetation cover type impacted the total germination or the proportion of invasive species in the seedbank. In contrast, we also found that seedbank functional composition in tidal brackish wetlands was not influenced by vegetation cover type in most cases. Instead, plots within a subestuary had similar seedbank functional composition across the years and were composed of diverse functional groups. Based on these findings, we conclude that plant community recovery following P. australis removal is not seed-limited, and any lack of native vegetation recruitment is likely the result of yet-to-be-determined abiotic factors. These diverse seedbanks could lead to resilient wetland communities that could resist invasions. However, due to the prevalence of undesirable species in the seedbank, passive revegetation following invasive plant removal may speed up their re-establishment. The need for active revegetation will need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis to ensure restoration goals are achieved.  相似文献   

Phenotypic variation within species can have community- and ecosystem-level effects. Such variation may be particularly important in ecosystem engineers, including many invasive species, because of the strong influence of these species on their surrounding communities and environment. We combined field surveys and glasshouse experiments to investigate phenotypic variation within the invasive common reed, Phragmites australis, among four estuarine source sites along the east coast of North America. Field surveys revealed variation in P. australis height and stem density among source sites. In a glasshouse environment, percent germination of P. australis seeds also varied across source sites. To test the degree to which phenotypic variation in P. australis reflected genetic or environmental differences, we conducted a glasshouse common garden experiment assessing the performance of P. australis seedlings from the four source sites across a salinity gradient. Populations maintained differences in morphology and growth in a common glasshouse environment, indicating a genetic component to the observed phenotypic variation. Despite this variation, experimentally increased porewater salinity consistently reduced P. australis stem density, height, and biomass. Differences in these morphological metrics are important because they are correlated with the impacts of invasive P. australis on the ecological communities it invades. Our results indicate that both colonization and spread of invasive P. australis will be dependent on the environmental and genetic context. Additional research on intraspecific variation in invasive species, particularly ecosystem engineers, will improve assessments of invasion impacts and guide management decisions in estuarine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Spartina alterniflora and Spartina densiflora are native salt marsh plants from the Atlantic coast; their habitats in Patos Lagoon estuary (southern Brazil) are characterized by a microtidal regime (<0.5 m) and, during El Niño events, high estuarine water levels and prolonged flooding due to elevated freshwater discharge from a 200,000-km2 watershed. During and between El Niño events, the vegetative propagation of these two Spartina species in the largest estuary of southern Brazil (Patos Lagoon) was evaluated by monitoring transplanted plants for 10 years (short-term study) and interpreting aerial photos of natural stands for 56 years (long-term study). During the short-term study, S. alterniflora quickly occupied mud flats (up to 208 cm year?1) by elongation of rhizomes, whereas S. densiflora showed a modest lateral spread (up to 13 cm year?1) and generated dense circular-shaped stands. However, moderate and strong El Niño events can promote excessive flooding and positive anomalies in the estuarine water level that reduce the lateral spread and competitive ability of S. densiflora. During the long-term study, natural stands of S. alterniflora and S. densiflora had steady lateral spread rates of 152 and 5.2 cm year?1, respectively, over mud flats. In the microtidal marshes of the southwest Atlantic, the continuous long-term lateral expansion of both Spartina species embodies periods of intense flooding stress (moderate and strong El Niños), when there is a decrease of vegetative propagation and less stressful low water periods of fast spread over mud flats (non-El Niño periods and weak intensity El Niños).  相似文献   

The rapid spread ofPhragmites australis in the coastal marshes of the Northeastern United States has been dramatic and noteworthy in that this native species appears to have gained competitive advantage across a broad range of habitats, from tidal salt marshes to freshwater wetlands. Concomitant with the spread has been a variety of human activities associated with coastal development as well as the displacement of nativeP. australis with aggressive European genotypes. This paper reviews the impacts caused by pure stands ofP. australis on the structure and functions of tidal marshes. To assess the determinants ofP. australis expansion, the physiological tolerance and competitive abilities of this species were examined using a field experiment.P. australis was planted in open tubes paired withSpartina alterniflora, Spartina patens, Juncus gerardii, Lythrum salicaria, andTypha angustifolia in low, medium, and high elevations at mesohaline (14‰), intermediate (18‰), and salt (23‰) marsh locations. Assessment of the physiological tolerance ofP. australis to conditions in tidal brackish and salt marshes indicated this plant is well suited to colonize creek banks as well as upper marsh edges. The competitive ability ofP. australis indicated it was a robust competitor relative to typical salt marsh plants. These results were not surprising since they agreed with field observations by other researchers and fit within current competition models throught to structure plant distribution within tidal marshes. Aspects ofP. australis expansion indicate superior competitive abilities based on attributes that fall outside the typical salt marsh or plant competition models. The alignment of some attributes with human impacts to coastal marshes provides a partial explanation of how this plant competes so well. To curb the spread of this invasive genotype, careful attention needs to be paid to human activities that affect certain marsh functions. Current infestations in tidal marshes should serve as a sentinel to indicate where human actions are likely promoting the invasion (e.g., through hydrologic impacts) and improved management is needed to sustain native plant assemblages (e.g., prohibit filling along margins).  相似文献   

Several recent studies indicate that the replacement of extant species withPhragmites australis can alter the size of nitrogen (N) pools and fluxes within tidal marshes. Some common effects ofP. australis expansion are increased standing stocks of N, greater differentiation of N concentrations between plant tissues (high N leaves and low N stems), and slower whole-plant decay rates than competing species (e.g.,Spartina, Typha spp.). Some of the greater differences between marsh types involveP. australis effects on extractable and porewater pools of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and N mineralization rates. Brackish and salt marshes show higher concentrations of DIN in porewater beneathSpartina spp. relative toP. australis, but this is not observed in freshwater tidal marshes whenP. australis is compared withTypha spp. or mixed plant assemblages. With few studies of concurrent N fluxes, the net effect ofP. australis on marsh N budgets is difficult to quantify for single sites and even more so between sites. The magnitude and direction of impacts ofP. australis on N cycles appears to be system-specific, driven more by the system and species being invaded than byP. australis itself. WhereP. australis is found to affect N pools and fluxes, we suggest these alterations result from increased biomass (both aboveground and belowground) and increased allocation of that biomass to recalcitrant stems. Because N pools are commonly greater inP. australis than in most other communities (due to plant and litter uptake), one of the most critical questions remaining is “From where is the extra N inP. australis communities coming?” It is important to determine if the source of the new N is imported (e.g., anthropogenic) or internallyproduced (e.g., fixed, remineralized organic matter). In order to estimate net impacts ofP. australis on marsh N budgets, we suggest that further research be focused on the N source that supports high standing stocks of N inP. australis biomass (external input versus internal cycling) and the relative rates of N loss from different marshes (burial versus subsurface flow versus denitrification).  相似文献   

Investigations into nematode density and species assemblages have been conducted in different types of mangroves worldwide, but these studies have typically been limited to one type of plant or tree species. The invasive salt marsh grass Spartina alterniflora has successively invaded native mangroves along the southern coasts of China during the preceding two decades. However, few meiofauna studies on the impacts of S. alterniflora have been conducted, and the consequences of this invasion on ecosystem composition and function remain unclear. The hypothesis of this study was that the spatial and seasonal distribution of nematode assemblages vary significantly among three native mangrove habitats (Kandelia obovata, Aegiceras corniculatum, and Avicennia marina) and between these habitats and a fourth habitat that was colonized by S. alterniflora, in Zhangjiang Estuary, China. Our results demonstrated that different species dominated in different habitats seasonally. Highly significant differences in density, number of species, diversity index, and maturity index were present among the four habitats. ANOSIM results revealed that there were significant differences in nematode assemblages among the four habitats and seasons, with the S. alterniflora habitat exhibiting the lowest mean values of number of species, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, richness index, and maturity index in the four seasons. This suggests that the presence of S. alterniflora disrupted nematode assemblages.  相似文献   

The Maastrichtian regressive sequence of the Hekimhan-Malatya area in Eastern Turkey consists of dolomitic limestones, limestones and calcareous mudstones which are dominated by rudists and Loftusia (foraminifera) assemblages. Several Loftusia species indicating middle to late Maastrichtian age such as Loftusia anatolica Meriç, L. baykali Meriç, L. coxi Henson, L. harrisoni Cox, L. minor Cox and L. morgani Douvillé have been recorded. Other benthic foraminifers present include Orbitoides medius d’ Archiac, Omphalocyclus macroporus (Lamarck), Laffitteina conica Drooger, Laffitteina mengaudi (Astre) and Laffitteina oeztuerki Inan. The rudists are abundant in the dolomitic limestones in the study area. The genus Miseia Patrulius is dominant and represented by Miseia bilacunosa Özer and Miseia hekimhanensis Karacabey-Öztemür. The Loftusia species and the Rudists assemblage indicates middle to late Maastrichtian age for the formation. The paleobiogeographic distribution of the assemblage has been discussed taking this find into account.  相似文献   

The revised representatives of ammonite genera Malbosiceras and Pomeliceras from the Berriasian of the Crimean Mountains are classed with seven species, four of the first genus [M. malbosi (Pictet), M. chaperi (Pictet), M. broussei (Mazenot), M. pictetiforme Tavera] and three of the second one [P. aff. boisseti Nikolov, P. breveti (Pomel), P. (?) funduklense Lysenko et Arkadiev sp. nov.]. The identified species are described. The genus Mazenoticeras is considered as synonym of Malbosiceras. The above species prove that all the Berriasian zones (jacobi, occitanica and boissieri) are characteristic of corresponding deposits in the Crimean Mountains.  相似文献   

This article describes a complete sedimentary succession of an ancient macrotidal tide-dominated estuarine system based on the detailed outcrop study. The Eocene siliciclastic sedimentary facies of Ameki Group in the south-eastern Nigeria provides a record of the sedimentary response to an initial regression, followed by marine incursion (transgression) into the Niger Delta Basin. These sedimentary successions are analogues to the subsurface petrolific Niger Delta lithostratigraphic units. Seven facies associations (FA 1 to FA 7) are documented in the study area and the sediments are interpreted as fluvial channel, tidally influenced fluvial channel, tidal channel, tidal flats, supratidal, tidal sand bar and estuarine embayment (open estuarine) deposits. The occurrence of low diversity ichnofaunal assemblages and/or localised high-density monospecific ichnofossil assemblages indicates brackish-water condition typical of estuarine settings. The suites of assemblages include Scoyenia, Skolithos, Cruziana, mixed Skolithos-Cruziana, Glossifungites, Psilonichnus and Teredolites ichnofacies. A complete depositional sequence is encountered in the Eocene Ameki Group which consists of the lowstand, transgressive, highstand and falling stage systems tracts. This depositional succession was most probably controlled by relative sea level changes, sediment supply, accommodation and regional tectonics which affected the development of Niger Delta Basin.  相似文献   

A comparative morphological analysis is performed for 13 valid dinocyst species of genus Vesperopsis. Their distribution over Eurasia and North America in the Hauterivian–Cenomanian is traced and the characteristics of these deposits are given. Three species of the most stratigraphically significant dinocysts are distinguished: V. fragilis for the Upper Hauterivian of Western Siberia and V. mayi and V. longicornis for the Aptian of East Greenland. Analysis of facies confinement of the dinocysts Vesperopsis made it possible to group species of the considered genus over conditionally preferable paleosettings. Continental facies (freshwater, brackish-water) are characterized by species V. yanjiensis, V. glabra, V. sanjiensis, and V. jixianensis, while V. zhaodongensiis, V. didaoensis, and V. dolabella are typical of the coastal–marine facies, and V. digitatа, V. nebulosa, and V. mayi are typical of marine facies.  相似文献   

Salpingoporella species from algal bearing of Barremian-Aptian limestones in the Kopet Dagh basin (NE of Iran) are described. Different species (S. cemi, S. hasi, S. heraldica, S. hispanica, S. milovanovici, S. muehlmbergi, S. parapiriniae, S. piriniae, S. cf. biokovensis, S. steinhauseri, S. polygonalis) are investigated from different biometrical aspects such as depositional environments and biogeographical distribution as well as their systematic palaeontology from two formations (the Tirgan and Sarcheshmeh formations) in nine stratigraphic sections.  相似文献   

The localized impact of blooms of the mixotrophic ciliate Myrionecta rubra in the Columbia River estuary during 2007–2010 was evaluated with biogeochemical, light microscopy, physiological, and molecular data. M. rubra affected surrounding estuarine nutrient cycles, as indicated by high and low concentrations of organic nutrients and inorganic nitrogen, respectively, associated with red waters. M. rubra blooms also altered the energy transfer pattern in patches of the estuarine water that contain the ciliate by creating areas characterized by high primary production and elevated levels of fresh autochthonous particulate organic matter, therefore shifting the trophic status in emergent red water areas of the estuary from net heterotrophy towards autotrophy. The pelagic estuarine bacterial community structure was unaffected by M. rubra abundance, but red waters of the ciliate do offer a possible link between autotrophic and heterotrophic processes since they were associated with elevated dissolved organic matter and showed a tendency for enhanced microbial secondary production. Taken together, these findings suggest that M. rubra red waters are biogeochemical hotspots of the Columbia River estuary.  相似文献   

The effect of commercial fisheries on nontarget species is a burgeoning issue for both fishery managers and estuarine biologists. We documented diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) bycatch in cloth-funnel eel pots used in a Maryland (United States) commercial American eel (Anguilla rostrata) fishery. Between 1992 and 2001, we obtained 40 male and 9 female terrapin captures and 1 male terrapin recapture from commercial eel pots. To quantify terrapin catch rates and evaluate a potential solution to terrapin bycatch in eel pots, we conducted two experiments that tested the effects of a novel cel pot bycatch reduction device on terrapin bycatch and eel harvest. We determined low terrapin bycatch rates (0.000–0.008 terrapins pot−1 d−1) in pots with small entrance funnels and high terrapin capture rates (0.458 terrapins pot−1 d−1) in pots with large entrance funnels. The BRD eliminated terrapin bycatch and had no effect on eel catch making it an economically-viable solution for terrapin mortality in eel pots. We demonstrated that terrapin bycatch can be a problem in the American eel pot fishery and that our bycatch reduction device is a simple and cost-effective solution to this problem.  相似文献   

Tidal wetlands are affected by sea level rise. In the tidal freshwater stretches of estuaries in the temperate zone, willows (Salix spp.) form tidal freshwater forests above the mean high water level. Willows tolerance to prolonged periodic flooding in riverine systems is well documented, whereas effects of tidal flooding on willows are largely unknown. Flooding stress may play a major role in regeneration failure of willows in tidal forest stands along estuarine shores, and juvenile willows might be specifically affected by partial or total submergence. To assess the tolerance of juvenile willows to tidal flooding, we conducted a mesocosm experiment with cuttings from Salix alba and Salix viminalis, which are both characteristic species for tidal freshwater forests in Europe. Cuttings originating from either fresh or brackish tidal forest stands were grown under four tidal treatments with up to a tidal flooding of 60 cm. A general tolerance to a tidal flooding of 60 cm was observed in chlorophyll fluorescence, growth rates, and biomass production in both willow species. Overall, S. alba showed higher leaf and shoot growth, whereas S. viminalis produced more biomass. S. alba with brackish origin performed worst with increasing tidal flooding, suggesting a possible pre-weakening due to stressful site conditions in tidal wetlands at the estuarine brackish stretch. This study demonstrates that juvenile willows of S. alba and S. viminalis tolerate tidal flooding of up to 60 cm. It is concluded that tidal inundation acts as a stress by causing submergence and soil anaerobiosis, but may also act as a subsidy by reestablishing aerobic conditions and thus maintaining willows performance. Therefore, we suggest investigations on Salix tidal flooding tolerance and possible effects of willows on tidal wetland accretion under estuarine field conditions.  相似文献   

Both abiotic and biotic factors govern distributions of estuarine vegetation, and experiments can reveal effects of these drivers under current and future conditions. In upper San Francisco Estuary (SFE), increased salinity could result from sea level rise, levee failure, or water management. We used mesocosms to test salinity effects on, as well as competition between, the native Stuckenia pectinata (sago pondweed) and invasive Egeria densa (Brazilian waterweed), species with overlapping distributions at the freshwater transition in SFE. Grown alone at a salinity of 5, E. densa decreased fivefold in biomass relative to the freshwater treatment and decomposed within 3 weeks at higher salinities. In contrast, S. pectinata biomass accumulated greatly (~4× initial) at salinities of 0 and 5, doubled at 10, and was unchanged at 15. When grown together in freshwater, S. pectinata produced 75 % less biomass than in monoculture and significantly more nodal roots (suggesting increased nutrient foraging). At a salinity of 5, a decline in E. densa performance coincided with a doubling of S. pectinata shoot density. Additional experiments on E. densa showed elevated temperature (26 and 30 °C) suppressed growth especially at higher salinities (≥5). We conclude that salinity strongly influences distributions of both species and that competition from E. densa may impose limits on S. pectinata abundance in the fresher reaches of SFE. With a salinity increase of 5, S. pectinata is likely to maintain its current distribution while spreading up-estuary at the expense of E. densa, especially if increased temperature also reduces E. densa biomass.  相似文献   

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