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Compared to benthic and water-column invertebrate assemblages, considerably less is known about terrestrial arthropods inhabiting estuarine wetlands despite their importance to tidal wetland biodiversity and productivity. We also need to know more about how human modification of estuaries, including efforts to restore estuarine wetlands, affects these assemblages. To address this knowledge gap, we assembled data from multiple studies on terrestrial arthropod assemblages from 87 intertidal wetland sites in 13 estuaries along the west coast of North America. Arthropods were sampled between 1998 and 2013 with fallout traps deployed in wetlands for 1 to 3 days at a time. We describe patterns in the abundance and taxonomic composition of terrestrial arthropods and evaluate the relative ability of natural and anthropogenic factors to explain variation in abundance and composition. Arthropod abundance was highly variable. Vegetation assemblage, precipitation, and temperature best explained variation in arthropod abundance, while river discharge, latitude, and developed and agricultural land cover surrounding sampling sites were less important. Arthropod abundance rapidly achieved levels of reference wetlands after the restoration of tidal influence to leveed wetlands, regardless of surrounding land cover. However, arthropod assemblage composition was affected by the amount of developed land cover as well as restoration age. These results suggest that restoration of tidal influence to leveed wetlands can rapidly restore some components of estuarine wetland ecosystems but that recovery of other components will take longer and may depend on the extent of anthropogenic modification in the surrounding landscape.  相似文献   

渤海湾西岸晚第四纪海相地层划分及地质意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
BT113孔和BT114孔是位于渤海湾西岸地区的2个80 m全取心钻孔。通过对钻孔岩心的岩性、沉积构造及生物组合等特征分析,结合AMS14C和OSL(光释光)测年结果,揭示中更新世晚期以来本地区主要发育3个海相地层:自下而上为中更新统上部的第三海相地层(简称“海三”)、上更新统的第二海相地层(简称“海二”)和全新统的第一海相地层(简称“海一”),指示中更新世晚期以来研究区发生的3次主要海面波动。与全球海面变化曲线对比,海三,海二和海一分别发育于MIS(深海氧同位素阶段)7、MIS5和MIS1的高海面时期,说明渤海湾西岸中更新晚期以来地层记录的海面变化趋势与全球变化一致。与前人的传统认识不同,认为受全球海面及渤海海峡地貌共同影响,MIS3时期研究区并未发生大范围海侵。通过多个钻孔的对比分析,3个海相地层在渤海湾西岸地区的分布较广,具有良好的可对比性,不同钻孔之间同一海相地层的高程和厚度的较大差异指示本地区在晚更新世期间发生较强的差异性沉降活动。  相似文献   

以渤海湾西岸现代岸线附近的NP3、CH110和BT113三个钻孔全新世岩心为研究对象,采用沉积岩石学、AMS 14C(accelerator mass spectrometry 14C,加速器质谱14C)测年、微体生物聚类分析等方法精细判别沉积相,重建渤海湾西岸全新世沉积演化历史,并利用微体生物组合分带对水深变化的指示,定量讨论全新世相对海面变化。结果表明:渤海湾西岸全新世受海陆交互作用影响,经历了沼泽-潮滩-浅海-前三角洲-三角洲前缘-三角洲平原环境的演化过程。全新世初始阶段,研究区中部和北部发育沼泽环境,南部未见沉积,与上更新统河流相沉积呈不整合接触。全新世早期,研究区潮滩环境发育。潮滩层厚度约1 m,历时数百至1千余年。至7000 cal BP前后水深增大,研究区进入浅海环境。约6000 cal BP,沿岸南北两端先后进入三角洲过渡环境,中部三角洲环境约开始于1500 cal BP。渤海湾西岸地区全新世的环境演化同时记录了该地区的相对海面变化:约10000 cal BP前后,渤海湾相对海平面已接近21.3~20.4 m。约8000 cal BP,相对海平面介于18.6~17.0 m。约6000 cal BP时相对海平面低于6.8 m,5000~1000 cal BP,相对海平面高于-2.5 m,1000~800 cal BP,相对海平面介于-1.3~-0.4 m。8000~5000 cal BP时,相对海面上升约15.0 m,上升速率达5 m/1 ka。  相似文献   

Sediment core and trench data from a coastal lagoon on the West Coast of the South Island, New Zealand are used to investigate evidence for co-seismic subsidence and associated tsunami inundation. Physical data are used to document a salt marsh soil buried  80 cm below the modern sediment surface that is locally covered by a gravelly sand bed. The sediment record also contains geochemical and biological (diatom and foram) evidence for abrupt changes in salinity of lagoon waters that link to subsidence, tsunami flooding and to the open versus closed state of the lagoon tidal entrance. At the local scale, these relationships allow for separation of tsunami evidence from other agents of environmental change in the lagoon. We also propose a conceptual connection between these local changes and regional drivers of landscape development, most notably major earthquakes and resultant pulses in sediment supply to the coast.  相似文献   

Decreases in seagrass abundance reported from numerous locations around the world suggest that seagrass are facing a global crisis. Declining water quality has been identified as the leading cause for most losses. Increased public awareness is leading to expanded efforts for conservation and restoration. Here, we report on abundance patterns and environmental issues facing eelgrass (Zostera marina), the dominant seagrass species in the Chesapeake Bay region in the mid-Atlantic coast of the USA, and describe efforts to promote its protection and restoration. Eelgrass beds in Chesapeake Bay and Chincoteague Bay, which had started to recover from earlier diebacks, have shown a downward trend in the last 5–10 years, while eelgrass beds in the Virginia coastal bays have substantially increased in abundance during this same time period. Declining water quality appears to be the primary reason for the decreased abundance, but a recent baywide dieback in 2005 was associated with higher than usual summer water temperatures along with poor water clarity. The success of eelgrass in the Virginia coastal bays has been attributed, in part, to slightly cooler water due to their proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. A number of policies and regulations have been adopted in this region since 1983 aimed at protecting and restoring both habitat and water quality. Eelgrass abundance is now one of the criteria for assessing attainment of water clarity goals in this region. Numerous transplant projects have been aimed at restoring eelgrass but most have not succeeded beyond 1 to 2 years. A notable exception is the large-scale restoration effort in the Virginia coastal bays, where seeds distributed beginning in 2001 has initiated an expanding recovery process. Our research on eelgrass abundance patterns in the Chesapeake Bay region and the processes contributing to these patterns have provided a scientific background for management strategies for the protection and restoration of eelgrass and insights into the causes of success and failure of restoration efforts that may have applications to other seagrass systems.  相似文献   

潮滩沉积的物源一直是沉积学领域重要的研究内容。近30年长江入海泥沙量持续减少,致使长江入海泥沙对浙闽潮滩沉积的物质贡献降低。在此背景下,探究浙闽沿岸潮滩沉积的物源具有重要的现实意义。对杭州湾至福州湾沿岸的泥质潮滩表层沉积开展了详细地磁学研究,结果显示,研究区沉积物的磁性主要受磁铁矿主导,但磁性矿物含量、磁畴和矫顽力等磁性特征存在一定差异,这可能意味着沉积物受到多物源影响。皮尔森相关性分析进一步表明,沉积物磁性特征受粒度效应影响有限,主要与物源差异有关。物源判别结果指示,浙闽泥质潮滩沉积的物源包括长江、海岸基岩和浙闽河流。杭州湾至福宁湾,沉积物普遍受到长江和浙江诸河混合物质的影响,且浙江诸河的物质贡献较大;隘顽湾和象山港沉积物还受到其附近海岸基岩的影响;福宁湾沉积物可能还受到闽江源物质和其附近海岸基岩的影响;罗源湾和福州湾沉积物的潜在物源是闽江和其附近海岸基岩,长江和浙江诸河的物质贡献相当有限。  相似文献   

This paper describes a geological comparison of similar lithostratigraphic sequences of Proterozoic and early Palaeozoic ages between the southern west coast of Africa (Namibia and South Africa) and the south-east coast of South America (Brazil and Uruguay). The oldest terrains present within the compared regions are those comprising the Rio de la Plata and the Richtersveld Provinces of ~ 2000 Ma. Both provinces appear to have evolved from earlier Archaean terrains, i.e., the Guapore Craton in South America and the Kalahari Craton in southern Africa, during the Transamazonic and Eburnian orogenic cycles, respectively. Both the Namaqua Province, affected by the Kibaran orogenesis at ~ 1200 Ma, and the Sinclair Group of 1300 Ma seem to have no comparable geological counterparts in southern Brazil and Uruguay.The late Precambrian—early Palaeozoic successions of the Gariep and Ribeira belts investigated here seem to be remarkably similar and it is suggested that they were parts of the same geological unit, i.e., a mobile belt, developed during the Pan-African-Brasil- iano orogenesis. Geological comparisons are particularly good between the Gariep, Porongos and Lavalleja Groups, and stratigraphic correlations can be successfully at- tempted even between geological formations, i.e., Marica, Piedra de Afilar and Stink- fontein Formations.The lack of detailed geological maps for South America makes it difficult to separate different geological formations from broad lithostratigraphic successions and, consequent- ly, comparisons can only be drawn between subgroups and several geological formations, i.e., Vacacai and Minas Subgroups with Grootderm Holgat and Oranjemund Formations. The extensive magmatic activity generated during the Brasiliano orogenesis and only present in the south-east coast of South America has not affected the southern west coast of Africa. However, two post-tectonic complexes, i.e., the Kuboos—Bremen line of intrusives and the Sierra de Animas Complex appear to be geochronologically analogous and petrologically they seem to have certain similarities. It is also suggested that the Camaqua Group in southern Brazil and the Nama Group could perhaps have certain similarities within their lithological successions and their ages may be also com- parable.The late stages of the geological evolution of the basin, represented by molassic sediments, are only present in south-east Brazil. Finally an interpretation is given of the geological evolution of the Proterozoic—early Palaeozoic terrains compared in this work.  相似文献   

The permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(QTP) is unstable and sensitive to thermal disturbance due to the combined influences of anthropogenic forcing and global warming on the unique environmental background for permafrost development and preservation. Observations in about 40 years show natural and engineering environments of permafrost region along Qinghai-Tibet Highway(QTH)have changed significantly. The change of permafrost environments on the plateau will result in the remarkable shifts of physical geography and engineering geological environments. In addition, permafrost on the QTP responses actively and feedbacks to global climatic changes significantly. The study of permafrost on the plateau is no less important than the Arctic and Antarctic, and also provide a valuable linkage of climatic and environmental change studies between the other two poles. As the development of the plateau and adjacent areas in large scale is eminent, permafrost as the most important natural environmental factor, its stability and possible changes are extremely important in regional economical development. Therefore, the prediction of these changes and reasonable assessment of permafrost engineering conditions on the plateau based on permafrost monitoring are indispensable for the healthy and sustainable economical development in these regions.  相似文献   

渤海湾湾顶海岸带BQ1、BQ2孔的磁性地层序列显示两孔分别在孔深27 0~30.8 m和1 8.5~21 5m处存在地磁极漂移.BQ1孔光释光(OSL)测年表明该漂移距今15~25 ka BP,与莫诺湖漂移的发生时间(23ka BP)接近.相应地,BQ2孔较前的漂移可能与哥德堡亚时相当.沉积学、古生物地层学、OSL和古地磁综合研究,建立了BQ1孔晚更新世以来的年代地层框架:上更新统下限73 53 m,约123.9 ka BP;全新统下限18 48 m,(10.3±0.79)ka BP.上更新统上部陆相及海陆过渡相沉积物中18 48~34 1 5 m的OSL年龄10 3~33 3ka BP,对应深海OIS2阶段;上更新统下部的海相沉积物(第三海相层)中66.65~73.53 m的OSL年龄约11~1 24 ka BP,对应OIS5e阶段.  相似文献   

Systematic seasonal variations of suspended particulate matter (SPM) along a 44-km transect of the Mandovi estuary reveal that the concentrations of SPM are low at river-end stations, increase generally seaward, and are highest at sea-end stations of the estuary. An estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) occurs at sea-end stations during June–September when river discharge is high and also in February–May when river discharge is low. These are the two windiest times of year, the former associated with the southwest monsoon and the latter characterized by a persistent sea breeze. The salinity vs. SPM plot shows that high SPM is a seaward deposit and skewed landward. Suspended matter comprised of floccules, fecal pellets, and aggregates that consist of clay and biogenic particles occur everywhere in the estuary. Diatoms are the most common and are of marine type at the sea-end and freshwater-dominated at river-end stations of the estuary. SPM is characterized by kaolinite- and smectite-rich clay mineral suites at the river- and sea-end stations, respectively. Smectite concentrations increase seawards with the increase in SPM content and are not influenced by salinity. Wind-driven waves and currents and biogeochemical processes at the mouth of estuary likely play an important role in the formation of ETM in resuspension and transformation of SPM into floccules and aggregates and in their upkeep or removal.  相似文献   

We report partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and ancillary data in three rivers (Bia, Tanoé, and Comoé) and five lagoons (Tendo, Aby, Ebrié, Potou, and Grand-Lahou) in Ivory Coast (West Africa), during four cruises covering the main climatic seasons. The three rivers were oversaturated in CO2 with respect to atmospheric equilibrium, and the seasonal variability of pCO2 was due to dilution during the flooding period. Surface waters of the Potou, Ebrié, and Grand-Lahou lagoons were oversaturated in CO2 during all seasons. These lagoons behaved similarly to the oligohaline regions of macrotidal estuaries that are CO2 sources to the atmosphere due to net ecosystem heterotrophy and inputs of riverine CO2 rich waters. The Aby and Tendo lagoons were undersaturated in CO2 with respect to the atmosphere because of their permanent haline stratification (unlike the other lagoons) that seemed to lead to higher phytoplankton production and export of organic carbon below the pycnocline.  相似文献   

渤海湾西岸海岸带现代地质作用及影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李建芬  康慧  王宏  裴艳东 《华北地质》2007,30(4):295-301
通过对渤海湾西岸粉砂淤泥质海岸带的现代地质作用调查与分析,阐述了渤海湾海岸带在现代地质作用下侵蚀和淤积并存的现状:目前潮间带上部在不断淤高,而潮下带则存在侵蚀,正处于淤蚀过渡期。遥感资料及沉积物粒度的进一步分析,认为渤海湾西岸现代地质作用的影响因素及海岸带淤积泥砂主要来自岸滩下部及浅海区的侵蚀作用。提出在海岸开发中注意防淤的同时,高度重视侵蚀作用可能对海岸带造成的危害。  相似文献   

In 2008, the stable seagrass beds of the Mira estuary (SW Portugal) disappeared completely; however, during 2009, they have begun to present early symptoms of natural recovery, characterised by a strongly heterogeneous distribution. This study was designed to investigate the spatial and temporal variability patterns of species composition, densities and trophic composition of the benthic nematode assemblages in this early recovery process, at two sampling sites with three stations each and at five sampling occasions. Because of the erratic and highly patchy seagrass recovery and the high environmental similarity of the two sampling sites, we expected within-site variability in nematode assemblages to exceed between-site variability. However, contrary to that expectation, whilst nematode genus composition was broadly similar between sites, nematode densities differed significantly between sites, and this between-site variability exceeded within-site variability. This may be linked to differences in the Zostera recovery patterns between both sites. In addition, no clear temporal patterns of nematode density, trophic composition and diversity were evident. Nematode assemblages generally resembled those of other estuarine muddy intertidal areas, which have a high tolerance of stress conditions.  相似文献   

The tsunami run-up, inundation and damage pattern observed along the coast of Tamilnadu (India) during the deadliest Indian Ocean tsunami of December 26, 2004 is documented in this paper. The tsunami caused severe damage and claimed many victims in the coastal areas of eleven countries, bordering the Indian Ocean. Along the coast of Indian mainland, the damage was caused by the tsunami only. Largest tsunami run-up and inundation was observed along the coast of Nagapattinam district and was about 10–12 m and 3.0 km, respectively. The measured inundation data were strongly scattered in direct relationship to the morphology of the seashore and the tsunami run-up. Lowest tsunami run-up and inundation was measured along the coast of Thanjavur, Puddukkotai and Ramnathpuram districts of Tamilnadu in the Palk Strait. The presence of shadow of Sri Lanka, the interferences of direct/receded waves with the reflected waves from Sri Lanka and Maldive Islands and variation in the width of continental shelf were the main cause of large variation in tsunami run-up along the coast of Tamilnadu.  相似文献   

飓风的启示:渤海湾西岸现状与趋势分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
墨西哥湾飓风促使本文作者再次反思渤海湾西岸的现状:海岸线由曲折转为平直的、以侵蚀为主的自然进程,人为活动为主因造成的潮间带变宽变缓的、以淤积为主的干扰进程,以及二者之间的交互作用。提出在海面上升、地面下沉伴随下,在淤积进程达到其顶点后、重归以侵蚀为主的自然进程的可能前景,届时的“沼泽化”威胁,将加剧目前以“封闭治理”理念为主导的防洪措施对环境的不良影响。  相似文献   

中国西部煤成气资源及大气田   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
中国西部煤成气的资源量和探明储量分别近 2 0× 10 1 2 m3 和 144 0 7亿m3 ,相应占该区天然气总资源量和总储量的 6 2 5 %和 6 7 8% ;我国 5个储量大于 10 0 0亿m3 的大气田均为西部的煤成气田 ,且大部分未开发。因此 ,西部煤成气将是我国今后天然气储量和产量大幅度增加的重要支柱。西部目前已发现 12个煤成大气田 ,这些大气田均分布于生气强度在 2 0亿m3 km2 以上的地区  相似文献   

本文重点研究了湖北建始高坪龙骨洞早期人类和巨猿生存时期的气候和环境。通过孢粉、氧化物、磁化率、哺乳动物化石研究表明,高坪地区在早更新世早期气候比较温暖湿润,但存在较大幅度的波动,植被为针叶-阔叶混交林。古人类生存时的气温比现今高,但降雨量比现今少,而且在1.95~2.14MaBP和2.15MaBP发生两次比较明显的降温事件,降温幅度可达5~9℃。  相似文献   

渤海湾西岸年轻贝壳堤:形态,结构及多成因过程   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
王宏  李建芬 《地质论评》2000,46(3):276-287
渤海湾西岸年轻贝壳堤的横截面呈上凸形态,堤的底板向海倾斜。年轻贝壳堤可分为底部-下部(前缘基足)、中部和上部三部分。底部-下部为形成于水不的(潮间带至 下带上部)贝屑质砂坝。中部为障壁岛,岛后为泻湖环境;当岛后泥质充填迅速时,障壁岛可转化为沿岸堤。上部为风成沙丘。水下砂坝→障壁岛→沿岩堤→风成沙丘反映了贝壳堤多成因的、复杂的形成过程。障壁岛-泻湖体系是渤海湾西岸沿海平原形成的重要因素。  相似文献   

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