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Blue carbon initiatives require accurate monitoring of carbon stocks. We examined sources of variability in seagrass organic carbon (Corg) stocks, contrasting spatial with short temporal scales. Seagrass morphology and sediment Corg stocks were measured from biomass and shallow sediment cores collected in Moreton Bay, Australia. Samples were collected between 2012 and 2013, from a total of 77 sites that spanned a gradient of water turbidity. Environmental measures of water quality between 2000 and 2013 revealed strong seasonal fluctuations from summer to winter, yet seagrass biomass exhibited no temporal variation. There was no temporal variability in Corg stocks, other than below ground biomass stocks were slightly higher in June 2013. Seagrass locations were grouped into riverine, coastal, and seagrass loss locations and short temporal variability of Corg stocks was analysed within these categories to provide clearer insights into temporal patterns. Above ground Corg stocks were similar between coastal and riverine meadows. Below ground Corg stocks were highest in coastal meadows, followed by riverine meadows. Sediment Corg stocks within riverine meadows were much higher than at coastal meadows and areas of seagrass loss, with no difference in sediment Corg stocks between these last two categories. Riverine seagrass meadows, of higher turbidity, had greater total Corg stocks than meadows in offshore areas irrespective of time. We suggest that Corg stock assessment should prioritise sampling over spatial gradients, but repeated monitoring over short time scales is less likely to be warranted if environmental conditions remain stable.  相似文献   

Studies of fish assemblages between natural and newly recolonized (<4 yr) seagrass meadows have shown no significant differences in community composition between meadow types. However, comparison of natural and well-established (31 yr) recolonized seagrass meadows in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, showed that, although patterns in fish assemblages are complex and not always consistent, differences were evident. Species richness was higher in natural meadows during spring and autumn while density and species richness were higher in recolonized meadows during summer. Juveniles of all but the five most abundant species were more common in one or the other meadow type. Additionally, species composition was distinctly different between recolonized and natural seagrass meadows, as indicated by UPGMA cluster analysis based on the Morisita-Horn similarity index, Spearman'sr s (r s>0.05 in all but one case), and a maximum of only 58.5% species in common. There were also significant differences in the length-frequency distribution for six of seven abundant species. Our results suggest that a well-established recolonized seagrass meadow has the potential to maintain species complements distinct from nearby natural meadows. Reasons for our differing results may include differences in seagrass morphology and collecting techniques between our study and the former studies. Additionally, species may have a longer time to establish specific habitat-use patterns in well-established compared to newly-formed recolonized meadows. Recolonized seagrass meadows appear to be as suitable a habitat as natural meadows for juvenile and small adult fishes.  相似文献   

We sampled nearshore fishes in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, United States, during 2001 and 2003 with beach seines and gill nets. We addressed three questions. How and why did fish assemblages vary, and what local habitat features best explained the variation? Did spatial variation in assemblages reflect greater success of particular life history strategies? Did fish biomass vary among years or, across habitats? Nonmetric multidimensional scaling showed that habitat variables had more influence on fish assemblages than temporal variables. Results from both gear types indicated fish assemblages varied between Sacramento and San Joaquin River sampling sites. Results from gill net sampling were less pronounced than those from beach seine sampling. The Sacramento and San Joaquin river sites differed most notably in terms of water clarity and abundance of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), suggesting a link between these habitat characteristics and fish relative abundance. Among-site differences in the relative abundance of periodic and equilibrium strategist species suggested a gradient in the importance of abiotic versus biotic community structuring mechanisms. Fish biomass varied among years, but was generally higher in SAV-dominated habitats than the turbid, open habitats in which we found highest abundances of striped bassMorone saxatilis and special-status native fishes such as delta smeltHypomesus transpacificus, Chinook salmonOncorhyncus tschawytscha, and splittailPogonichthys macrolepidotus. The low abundance of special-status fishes in the comparatively productive SAV-dominated habitats suggests these species would benefit more from large-scale restoration actions that result in abiotic variability that mirrors natural river-estuary habitat than from actions that emphasize local (site-specific) productivity.  相似文献   

Estuaries contain mosaic habitats which support fish across different life stages. Artificial reefs represent a form of habitat enhancement which can provide additional structure for fishes and improve fishing opportunities, but the role of artificial reefs within the broader estuarine seascape has not been extensively studied. We used a VEMCO Positioning System (VPS) to monitor the fine-scale movements of yellowfin bream (Acanthopagrus australis, referred to as Bream), an estuarine predator and important recreational species. Fish were implanted with acoustic tags with accelerometer sensors (to measure relative fish activity), and their movements monitored on an artificial reef and adjacent habitats. Elevated activity patterns during crepuscular periods indicated that foraging was likely occurring over a large seagrass bed adjacent to the artificial reef system. Alternatively, lower activity was observed when fish were on the artificial reef, which may reflect the role of this habitat as a refuge, or that alternative foraging strategies were being employed. All fish exhibited a high degree of fidelity to the artificial reef on which they were tagged, and there was minimal movement among other reef groups within the array. There was extensive overlap in space use contours for smaller fish on the seagrass edge, but no overlap for larger fish that also tended to forage further afield. These findings have implications for the way in which artificial reefs support fish production, especially the importance of connectivity with other key habitats within the estuarine seascape.  相似文献   

Estuarine seagrass ecosystems provide important habitat for fish and invertebrates and changes in these systems may alter their ability to support fish. The response of fish assemblages to alteration of eelgrass (Zostera marina) ecosystems in two ecoregions of the Mid-Atlantic Bight (Buzzards Bay and Chesapeake Bay) was evaluated by sampling historical eelgrass sites that currently span a broad range of stress and habitat quality. In two widely separated ecoregions with very different fish faunas, degradation and loss of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) habitat has lead to declines in fish standing stock and species richness. The abundance, biomass, and species richness of the fish assemblage were significantly higher at sites that have high levels of eelgrass habitat complexity (biomass >100 wet g m?2; density <100 shotts m?2) compared to sites that have reduced eelgrass (biomass <100 wet g m?2; density <100 shoots m?2) or that have completely lost eelgrass. Abundance, biomass, and species richness at reduced eelgrass complexity sites also were more variable than at high eelgrass complexity habitats. Low SAV complexity sites had higher proportions of pelagic species that are not dependent on benthic habitat structure for feeding or refuge. Most species had greater abundance and were found more frequently at sites that have eelgrass. The replacement of SAV habitats by benthic macroalgae, which occurred in Buzzards Bay but not Chesapeake Bay, did not provide an equivalent habitat to seagrass. Nutrient enrichment-related degradation of eelgrass habitat has diminished the overall capacity of estuaries to support fish populations.  相似文献   

The complexity of habitat structure created by aquatic vegetation is an important factor determining the diversity and composition of soft-sediment coastal communities. The introduction of estuarine organisms, such as oysters or other forms of aquaculture, that compete with existing forms of habitat structure, such as seagrass, may affect the availability of important habitat refugia and foraging resources for mobile estuarine fish and decapods. Fish and invertebrate communities were compared between adjacent patches of native seagrass (Zostera marina), nonnative cultured oyster (Crassostrea gigas), and unvegetated mudflat within a northeastern Pacific estuary. The composition of epibenthic meiofauna and small macrofaunal organisms, including known prey of fish and decapods, was significantly related to habitat type. Densities of these epifauna were significantly higher in structured habitat compared to unstructured mudflat. Benthic invertebrate densities were highest in seagrass. Since oyster aquaculture may provide a structural substitute for seagrass being associated with increased density and altered composition of fish and decapod prey resources relative to mudflat, it was hypothesized that this habitat might also alter habitat preferences of foraging fish and decapods. The species composition of fish and decapods was more strongly related to location within the estuary than to habitat, and fish and decapod species composition responded on a larger landscape scale than invertebrate assemblages. Fish and decapod species richness and the size of ecologically and commercially important species, such as Dungeness crab (Cancer magister), English sole (Parophrys vetulus), or lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus), were not significantly related to habitat type.  相似文献   

Three quarters of the global human population will live in coastal areas in the coming decades and will continue to develop these areas as population density increases. Anthropogenic stressors from this coastal development may lead to fragmented habitats, altered food webs, changes in sediment characteristics, and loss of near-shore vegetated habitats. Seagrass systems are important vegetated estuarine habitats that are vulnerable to anthropogenic stressors, but provide valuable ecosystem functions. Key to maintaining these habitats that filter water, stabilize sediments, and provide refuge to juvenile animals is an understanding of the impacts of local coastal development. To assess development impacts in seagrass communities, we surveyed 20 seagrass beds in lower Chesapeake Bay, VA. We sampled primary producers, consumers, water quality, and sediment characteristics in seagrass beds, and characterized development along the adjacent shoreline using land cover data. Overall, we could not detect effects of local coastal development on these seagrass communities. Seagrass biomass varied only between sites, and was positively correlated with sediment organic matter. Epiphytic algal biomass and epibiont (epifauna and epiphyte) community composition varied between western and eastern regions of the bay. But, neither eelgrass (Zostera marina) leaf nitrogen (a proxy for integrated nitrogen loading), crustacean grazer biomass, epifaunal predator abundance, nor fish and crab abundance differed significantly among sites or regions. Overall, factors operating on different scales appear to drive primary producers, seagrass-associated faunal communities, and sediment properties in these important submerged vegetated habitats in lower Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   


Four meadows of turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum Banks ex Konig) in Sarasota Bay, Florida were sampled on a bimonthly basis from June 1992 to July 1993 to determine spatial and temporal variation in short shoot density, biomass, productivity, and epiphyte loads. Concurrent with the seagrass sampling, quarterly water-quality monitoring was undertaken at ≥3 sites in the vicinity of each studied seagrass meadow. Three months after termination of the seagrass sampling effort, a biweekly water-quality monitoring program was instituted at two of the seagrass sampling sites. In addition, a nitrogen loading model was calibrated for the various watersheds influencing the seagrass meadows. Substantial spatial and temporal differences in turtle grass parameters but smaller spatial variation in water quality parameters are indicated by data from both the concurrent quarterly monitoring program and the biweekly monitoring program instituted after termination of the seagrass study. Turtle grass biomass and productivity were negatively correlated with watershed nitrogen loads, while water quality parameters did not clearly reflect differences in watershed nutrient inputs. We suggest that traditional water-quality monitoring programs can fail to detect the onset or continuance of nutrient-induced declines in seagrass health. Consequently, seagrass meadows should be monitored directly as a part of any effort to determine status and/or trends in the health of estuarine environments. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY074 00029


Seagrass beds provide important habitat for fishes and invertebrates in many regions around the world. Accordingly, changes in seagrass coverage may affect fish communities and/or populations, given that many species utilize these habitats during vulnerable early life history stages. In lower Chesapeake Bay, seagrass distribution has contracted appreciably over recent decades due to decreased water clarity and increased water temperature; however, effects of changing vegetated habitat on fish community structure have not been well documented. We compared fish community composition data collected at similar seagrass sites from 1976–1977 and 2009–2011 to investigate potential changes in species richness, community composition, and relative abundance within these habitats. While seagrass coverage at the specific study sites did not vary considerably between time periods, contemporary species richness was lower and multivariate analysis showed that assemblages differed between the two datasets. The majority of sampled species were common to both datasets but several species were exclusive to only one dataset. For some species, relative abundances were similar between the two datasets, while for others, there were notable differences without directional uniformity. Spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) and northern pipefish (Syngnathus fuscus) were considerably less abundant in the contemporary dataset, while dusky pipefish (Syngnathus floridae) was more abundant. Observed changes in community structure may be more attributable to higher overall bay water temperature in recent years and other anthropogenic influences than to changes in seagrass coverage at our study sites.  相似文献   

Variability in the abundance and distribution of seagrass-associated fish assemblages was examined at different depths in a temperate bay in southern Australia. Depth differences in seagrass-associated fish assemblages are poorly known but this information is critical given that seagrass loss can occur at specific depths depending on the cause. Overall, 69 species of fish from 26 families were recorded, with higher species richness in shallow than deep beds, with 12 species found only in deep beds and 22 species found only in shallow beds. While the total fish abundance (i.e. abundance of all species recorded) varied between years and seasons, and to some extent between sites, it was significantly higher in shallow than deep seagrass beds in the majority of cases. Although there was some variation between sites, seagrass tended to be longer and have a higher biomass in shallow than deep beds during both spring and autumn throughout the study. A positive relationship between seagrass biomass/length and total fish abundance/species richness was apparent. Assemblage structure tended to be distinct at each depth, with the largest species recorded in shallow seagrass. Large numbers of small schooling fish, such as atherinids, dominated in shallow seagrass but were not found in deep seagrass. Loss of seagrass could therefore have varying implications for distinct assemblages found at different depths.  相似文献   

Estuaries are highly variable environments where fish are subjected to a diverse suite of habitat features (e.g., water quality gradients, physical structure) that filter local assemblages from a broader, regional species pool. Tidal, climatological, and oceanographic phenomena drive water quality gradients and, ultimately, expose individuals to other habitat features (e.g., stationary physical or biological elements, such as bathymetry or vegetation). Relationships between fish abundances, water quality gradients, and other habitat features in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta were examined as a case example to learn how habitat features serve as filters to structure local assemblages in large river-dominated estuaries. Fish communities were sampled in four tidal lakes along the estuarine gradient during summer-fall 2010 and 2011 and relationships with habitat features explored using ordination and generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs). Based on ordination results, landscape-level gradients in salinity, turbidity, and elevation were associated with distinct fish assemblages among tidal lakes. Native fishes were associated with increased salinity and turbidity, and decreased elevation. Within tidal lakes, GLMM results demonstrated that submersed aquatic vegetation density was the dominant driver of individual fish species densities. Both native and non-native species were associated with submersed aquatic vegetation, although native and non-native fish populations only minimally overlapped. These results help to provide a framework for predicting fish species assemblages in novel or changing habitats as they indicate that species assemblages are driven by a combination of location within the estuarine gradient and site-specific habitat features.  相似文献   

We evaluated nekton habitat quality at 5 shallow-water sites in 2 Rhode Island systems by comparing nekton densities and biomass, number of species, prey availability and feeding, and abundance of winter flounderPseudopleuronectes americanus. Nekton density and biomass were compared with a 1.75-m2 drop ring at 3 sites (marsh, intertidal, and subtidal) in Coggeshall Cove in Narragansett Bay and two subtidal sites (eelgrass and macroalgae) in Ninigret Pond, a coastal lagoon. We collected benthic core samples and examined nekton stomach contents in Coggeshall Cove. We identified 16 species of fish, 16 species of crabs, and 3 species of shrimp in our drop ring samples. A multivariate analysis of variance indicated differences in total nekton, invertebrates, fish, and winter flounder across the five sites. Relative abundance of benthic invertebrate taxa did not match relative abundance of prey taxa identified in the stomachs. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling plots showed groupings in nekton and benthic invertebrate prey assemblages among subtidal, intertidal, and marsh sites in Coggeshall Cove. Stepwise multiple regression indicated that biomass of macroalgae was the most important variable predicting abundance of nekton in Coggeshall Cove, followed by elevation and depth. In Rhode Island systems that do not experience chronic hypoxia, macroalgae adds structure to unvegetated areas and provides refuge for small nekton. All sites sampled were characterized by high abundance and diversity of nekton pointing to the importance of shallow inshore areas for production of fishes and decapods. Measurements of habitat quality should include assessment of the functional significance of a habitat (this can be done by comparing nekton numbers and biomass), some measure of habitat diversity, and a consideration of how habitat quality varies in time and space.  相似文献   

Development and validation of an estuarine biotic integrity index   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We tested hypotheses about how estuarine fish assemblages respond to habitat degradation and then integrated these responses into an overall index, the Estuarine Biotic Integrity Index (EBI), which summarized observed changes. Fish assemblages (based on trawl catches) and habitat quality were measured monthly or biweekly at nine sites in two estuaries from March 1988 to June 1990. Submerged aquatic vegetation habitats were classified as low or medium quality based on year-round measurements of chemical and physical characteristics (phytoplankton blooms; macroalgae; dissolved oxygen; nutrients; dredged channels). We tested 15 metrics and selected 8 for inclusion in the EBI: total number of species, dominance, fish abundance (number or biomass), number of nursery species, number of estuarine spawning species, number of resident species, proportion of benthic-associated fishes, and proportion abnormal or diseased. Fish assemblages in low-quality sites had lower number of species, density, biomass, and dominance compared with medium-quality sites. Fish abundance peaked in July and August, and was lowest in January to March. The seasonal cycle in low-quality sites was damped compared with medium-quality sites. Abundances of fishes using estuaries as a spawning and nursery area and of benthic species were lower in low-quality sites compared to medium-quality sites. The individual metrics and the overall index correlated with habitat degradation. The EBI based on biomass did not do better than the EBI based on number, indicating that the extra effort to obtain biomass may not be warranted. We suggest the EBI is a useful indicator of estuarine ecosystem status because it reflects the relationship between anthropogenic alterations in estuarine ecosystems and the status of higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

The spatial arrangement of seagrass beds varies from scales of centimeters to meters (rhizomes, shoot groups), meters to tens of meters (patches), to tens of meters to kilometers (seagrass landscapes). In this study we examine the role of patch scale (patch size, seagrass % cover, seagrass biomass), landscape scale (fractal geometry, patch isolation) and wave exposure (mean wind velocity and exceedance) variables in influencing benthic community composition in seagrass beds at three intertidal sites in northern New Zealand (two sites in Manukau Harbour and one site in Whangapoua Harbour). Analysis of univariate community measures (numbers of individuals and species, species richness, diversity and evenness) and multivariate analyses indicated that there were significant differences in community composition inside and outside of seagrass patches at each of the three sites. Partialling out the spatial and temporal components of the ecological variation indicated that seagrass patch variables explained only 3–4% of the patch scale variation in benthic community composition at each of the sites. The temporal component was more important, explaining 12–14% of the variation. The unexplained variation was high (about 75%) at all three sites, indicating that other factors were influencing variation in community composition at the scale of the patches, or that there was a large amount of stochastic variation. Landscape and wave exposure variables explained 62.5% of the variation in the species abundance data, and the unexplained variation at the landscape level was correspondingly low (12%). Canonical correspondence analysis produced an ordination that suggests that, while mean wind velocity and exceedance were important in explaining the differences between the communities in the two harbours, spatial patterning of the habitat, primarily fractal dimension, and secondarily patch isolation (or some factors that were similarly correlated), were important in contributing to variability in community composition at the two sites in Manukau Harbour. This study suggests that spatial patterning of seagrass habitat at landscape scales, independent of the patch scale characteristics of the seagrass beds, can affect benthic community composition. Community composition inside and outside seagrass habitats involves responses to seagrass bed structure at a series of hierarchical levels, and we need to consider more than one spatial scale if we are to understand community dynamics in seagrass habitats.  相似文献   

Seasonal ichthyoplankton surveys were made in the lower Laguna Madre, Texas, to compare the relative utilization of various nursery habitats (shoal grass,Halodule wrightii; manatee grass,Syringodium filiforme; and unvegetated sand bottom) for both estuarine and offshore-spawned larvae. The species composition and abundance of fish larvae were determined for each habitat type at six locations in the bay. Pushnet ichthyoplankton sampling resulted in 296 total collections, yielding 107,463 fishes representing 55 species in 24 families. A broad spectrum of both the biotic and physical habitat parameters were examined to link the dispersion and distribution of both pre-settlement and postsettlement larvae to the utilization of shallow seagrass habitats. Sample sites were grouped by cluster analysis (Ward’s minimum variance method) according to the similarity of their fish assemblages and subsequently examined with a multiple discriminant function analysis to identify important environmental variables. Abiotic environmental factors were most influential in defining groups for samples dominated by early larvae, whereas measures of seagrass complexity defined groups dominated by older larvae and juveniles. Juvenile-stage individuals showed clear habitat preference, with the more shallowHalodule wrightii being the habitat of choice, whereas early larvae of most species were widely distributed over all habitats. As a result of the recent shift of dominance fromHalodule wrightii toSyringodium filiforme, overall reductions in the quality of nursery habitat for fishes in the lower Laguna Madre are projected.  相似文献   

Continuous, long-term studies of coastal grassbed assemblages in the N.E. Gulf of Mexico indicate complex relationships between physical controlling factors and biological response. Such seagrass systems are physically unstable over short periods. Seasonal ranges of temperature, salinity, and natural water quality conditions are considerable with periodic, recurrent “catastrophic” events such as floods and cold winters. These factors control the distribution and productivity of the seagrasses and algae which constitute the habitat and organic substrate for diverse assemblages of organisms. In addition, the benthic plants mediate predator-prey relationships and competitive interactions. Despite the physical instability, timed sequences of distinct ontogenetic feeding populations are generally stable from year to year as are other population and community characteristics. Thus, physical processes determine overall habitat conditions and productivity cycles whereas biological processes such as predation and competition define specific community relationships. However, seemingly minor changes in the physical environment due to anthropogenous activities can lead to major reorganization of the biological system; the observed biological stability of the seagrass beds can be ephemeral if important habitat features are altered in a way that exceeds the adaptive response of the system. Concepts are discussed which relate observed sequences of ontogenetic feeding units to food web patterns and geographic differences of population-niche relationships from one estuary to another.  相似文献   

When compared with nearby unvergetated areas, seagrass meadows contain a dense and strikingly rich assemblage of vertebrates and invertebrates. Most recent literature has focused on evaluating the role of predation in structuring seagrass faunal communities; however, habitat complexity, abundance of food and sediment stability may also be important. This paper summarizes studies relating predator-prey relationships to different features of the seagrass system. This review suggests that the abundance of many species, both epifauna and infauna, is positively correlated with two distinct aspects of plant morphology: 1) the root-rhizome mat, and 2) the plant canopy. A scheme was developed that defines the conditions under which any particular species will be abundant or rare in a seagrass assemblage. This scheme is based on prey and predator characteristics (e.g., epifaunal vs. infaunal, tube-dweller vs. nontube dweller, burrowers vs. nonburrowers, and large vs. small as adult) and on characteristics of the seagrasses (e.g., leaf morphology, shoot density, shoot biomass, structural complexity of the meadow, and root-rhizome density and standing crop).  相似文献   

The spatial scale of habitat selection has become a prominent concept in ecology, but has received less attention in coastal ecology. In coastal marshes, broad-scale marsh types are defined by vegetation composition over thousands of hectares, water-level management is applied over hundreds of hectares, and fine-scale habitat is depicted by tens of meters. Individually, these scales are known to affect wetland fauna, but studies have not examined all three spatial scales simultaneously. We investigated wetland bird habitat selection at the three scales and compared single- and multiscale models. From 2009 to 2011, we surveyed marsh birds (i.e., Rallidae, bitterns, grebes), shorebirds, and wading birds in fresh and intermediate (oligohaline) coastal marsh in Louisiana and Texas, USA. Within each year, six repeated surveys of wintering, resident, and migratory breeding birds were conducted at >100 points (n?=?304). The results revealed fine-scale factors, primarily water depth, were consistently better predictors than marsh type or management. However, 10 of 11 species had improved models with the three scales combined. Birds with a linear association with water depth were, correspondingly, most abundant with deeper fresh marsh and permanently impounded water. Conversely, intermediate marsh had a greater abundance of shallow water species, such as king rail Rallus elegans, least bittern Ixobrychus exilis, and sora Porzana carolina. These birds had quadratic relationships with water depth or no relationship. Overall, coastal birds were influenced by multiple scales corresponding with hydrological characteristics. The effects suggest the timing of drawdowns and interannual variability in spring water levels can greatly affect wetland bird abundance.  相似文献   

This study investigated macroinvertebrate community composition in seagrass beds at a range of spatial scales, with an emphasis on the transition between vegetated and unvegetated sediment. At four intertidal sites in three New Zealand estuaries (Whangamata, Wharekawa, and Whangapoua Harbours), a large continuous bed of seagrass (Zostera capricorni) was selected with adjacent unvegetated sediment. Macroinvertebrate community composition and biomass, as well as sediment characteristics, were determined at sampling locations 1 and 50 m inside seagrass beds, and 1, 10, and 50 m outside seagrass beds. Analysis of univariate measures of community composition (total abundance, number of species, and diversity) and total biomass indicated significant differences among sites and sampling locations, but contrary to many previous studies these measures were not higher inside than outside the seagrass beds. Multivariate analysis indicated that sites with high seagrass biomass supported a similar community composition. The remaining sampling locations were clustered by site, but there were also significant differences in community composition among sampling locations within a site. There were distinctive communities at the edge of seagrass beds at sites with high seagrass biomass, and evidence that the effects of seagrass beds may extend into the unvegetated sediment. At the low seagrass biomass site there was no evidence of any edge effects, although community composition differed inside and outside the bed. Differences in community composition were driven primarily by small changes in the relative abundance of the dominant taxa. At high seagrass biomass sites the absence of deep-burrowing polychaetes and low numbers of bivalves suggests that one possible mechanism underlying the observed variation in community composition was inhibition by the dense root-rhizome mat. The results of this study emphasize the need to consider the linkages between habitats in heterogeneous estuarine landscapes and how those linkages vary among sites, if the structure and functioning of macroinvertebrate communities in seagrass habitats are to be understood.  相似文献   

Tropical coastal seascapes are biodiverse and highly productive systems composed of an interacting mix of habitats. They provide crucial ecosystem services that support people’s livelihoods, yet key components of these seascapes remain unstudied. We know little about the deep (>2 m) subtidal areas of tropical estuaries, because, due to gear restrictions, there have been no detailed studies of the habitats they contain and the fish that use them. Consequently, potentially important functions and linkages with surrounding habitats remain unknown. Using unbaited videos, an approach capable of sampling the full breadth of benthic habitats and whole fish assemblages, we investigated patterns of fish occupancy of the deep subtidal habitats (2–20 m) in one of Australia’s largest tropical estuaries. We identified 19 taxa not previously recorded from estuaries of tropical eastern Australia, along with 36 previously identified estuary taxa. Three recognisable fish assemblages were associated with distinct benthic habitat types: open bottom fine sediment, seagrass and structurally complex rocky areas. In deep water, habitats often overlooked in shallow water become important, and there are sharp differences in habitat function. Deep subtidal habitats are potentially an important zone for direct interaction between estuary and marine fauna, with a range of consequences for intertidal habitat use and nursery ground functioning. The interface between marine areas and the shallow-water estuary may be richer and more complex than previously recognised.  相似文献   

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