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复杂性科学视角下的土地利用/覆被变化 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)是当前全球变化研究的热点问题之一,它既是全球变化的重要原因之一,一定程度上又是全球变化的反映。土地利用/覆被变化和全球变化之间存在着极为复杂的反馈联系,片面的研究方法难以从整体上把握问题的本质。该文从复杂性科学的角度出发,分析土地利用/覆被变化的复杂性,认为驱动因素的多样性、系统要素作用的非线性和多方向性、时空异质性以及时空尺度多变性是土地利用/覆被变化复杂性的集中表现。实际研究中应注意把复杂性当作复杂性,通过定性与定量结合、微观研究与宏观研究结合等途径开展多学科综合研究,全面揭示土地利用/覆被变化问题的本质。 相似文献
天然林保护包括长江上游、黄河上中游地区和东北、内蒙古等重点国有林区两个主要部分。我国在这些地区实施天然林保护工程 ,旨在使长江上游的生态环境 5年初见成效 ,10年大见成效 ,使黄河中上游的生态环境 10年初见成效 ,2 0年大见成效 ,使东北内蒙古林区 ,海南、新疆的森林资源得到休养生息。天然林禁伐不仅有利于对天然林的保护 ,而且有利于生态保护 ;从长远来看 ,天然林保护工程必将有利于社会经济的发展。但天保工程区大部分属于“老、少、边、穷”地区 ,经济比较落后 ,发展速度缓慢 ,当前人民生活依然比较困难。长期以来 ,当地农民依赖… 相似文献
Mary Njeri Kinyanjui 《Singapore journal of tropical geography》2016,37(3):418-431
Cities are not homogenous sociocultural entities. The city of Nairobi exhibits the phenomena of ‘cities within cities’ and ‘African city forms’. Social and economic forms of African, western and Asian cities compete for space within Nairobi. This paper refers to the African city form as the ‘African metropolis’, which exhibits the African logic, norms and values in its architecture and human social relations. The African metropolis is made up of slums, urbanized villages, self‐developed urban fringes and indigenous markets. In urban literature, these spaces are referred to as informal or unplanned settlements. As drivers of this African form of urbanism, traders and artisans use the African logic, norms and values in the construction of the African metropolis. The traders and artisans contribute to the African metropolis, by hiring labour and investing surplus earnings, and are bonded into Ubuntu communities of family, friendship and ethnicity. The paper is based on data gathered through a questionnaire survey of traders and artisans. It contributes to urban theory, by showing how less dominant and subtle forces contribute to city‐forming processes. I propose the concept of cultural villages as a strategy for blending African logic, norms and values with those of global urban planning. 相似文献
国内外城乡空间复杂性研究进展及其启示 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
我国新时期城乡统筹发展及城乡空间一体化规划仍然面临着城乡关系的恶化和城乡空间分离的挑战。从本质上看,新时期城乡空间统筹规划应是以优化"城乡关系"为重点的城乡空间融合规划,其基础工作则是认识城乡空间的复杂性。当前,在国内掀起新一轮城乡统筹规划热潮的背景下,回顾、梳理国内外城乡空间复杂性研究进展,对指导国内城乡空间统筹规划具有重大意义。文章认为,目前城乡空间复杂性研究仍然以城市单系统为中心,乡村空间"被边缘";研究方法上应加强方法的集成综合,同时强调质性研究和定量分析的结合;在研究内容上应深化城乡关系空间复杂性、城乡关联空间复杂性、城乡空间自组织演化机制与模拟、城乡社会网络空间复杂性等方面的研究。 相似文献
Considerations of mineral resource availability and depletion form part of a diverse array of sustainable development-oriented studies, across domains such as resource criticality, life cycle assessment and material flow analysis. Given the multidisciplinary nature of these studies, it is important that a common understanding of the complexity and nuances of mineral supply chains be developed. In this paper, we provide a brief overview of these assessment approaches and expand on several areas that are conceptually difficult to account for in these studies. These include the dynamic nature of relationships between reserves, resources, cut-off grades and ore grades; the ability to account for local economic, social and environmental factors when performing global assessments; and the role that technology improvements play in increasing the availability of economically extractable mineral resources. Advancing knowledge in these areas may further enhance the sophistication and interpretation of studies that assess mineral resource depletion or availability. 相似文献
River meanders are natural features on the surface of Earth that present some degree of regularity of form. They range from being highly dynamic to being stable under present conditions. Conventional theory is that meanders develop to an equilibrium form which is related to discharge and sediment load. Other research has demonstrated that many highly active meanders exhibit a continuous evolution over time and a non-linearity in rate of development. Ideas of autogenesis and of self-organised criticality as being an explanation of some meander changes have been proposed. In this paper data from rivers around the world are examined for further evidence of autogenic, self-organised or non-linear behaviour through analysis of change in sinuosity over time for reaches and change in individual bend form, particularly bend curvature and bend elongation. Some examples do exhibit trends of increasing sinuosity over time and a few show limits from which large decreases occur. Several case studies show non-linearity of behaviour and increasing complexity of form. Other case studies, however, do not exhibit such trends. Phase space plots are used to help uncover emergent behaviour but show a variety of patterns. The example of a reach in which multiple cut-offs occurred is analysed for mechanisms of self-organisation of the planform and in the pool-riffle pattern. Riffles are more closely spaced and also more transient in the more rapidly changing and higher sinuosity parts of the channel. Hypothetical trajectories of different meander behaviour, including for bedrock meanders, are plotted but the challenge remains to uncover the conditions for occurrence and for divergence of tendencies to stability and instability. Identification of attractors and phase space of behaviour of different meandering systems offer the potential for application to sustainable channel management. 相似文献
世界跨国投资网络结构演化及复杂性研究 总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8
基于复杂网络方法,运用GIS、Pajek、Matlab和数据库等技术手段,构建世界跨国投资网络,考察2001~2012年世界跨国投资网络结构及其复杂性的时序演化过程。根据研究可以得出以下主要结论:① 世界跨国投资网络整体遵循“核心-边缘”的圈层结构,结构内部不断变化和重组,呈现由双核主导向多核互联演变,形成资本从西欧、北美、东亚向北欧、南美、西亚、东南亚流动的格局;② 世界投资网络具有显著小世界性质和无标度特征,无标度特征伴随时间的推移趋于弱化;③ 投资活动活跃的国家,对跨国投资网络拥有更强的控制力,但对强化投资的可达性作用不显著,其主要受市场等潜在因素的影响;④ 跨国投资结构的复杂性由高到低依次为中枢型投资地、区域型投资地、一般型投资地、孤立型投资地,不同功能类型的空间分布具有显著的集聚性。 相似文献
中国城市创新网络的时空复杂性及生长机制研究 总被引:10,自引:7,他引:10
以国家知识产权局专利转让记录为数据源,采用大数据挖掘与分析技术、空间分析技术、复杂网络模型和负二项回归模型,系统描绘了2001~2015年中国城市创新网络的拓扑结构、空间结构和生长机制。研究发现:① 中国城市创新网络规模迅速扩张,在两极分化下涌现出显著的小世界性和等级层次性,以北京、上海、深圳为核心的核心-边缘格局不断强化;② 以三角结构为基础的中国城市创新网络的四边形格局逐渐形成,京津、长三角、珠三角是中国城市专利转移的核心三角;③ 中国城市创新网络的生长与城市科技创新实力显著相关,且受到地理距离的阻抗作用,凸显出强烈的地理邻近性,另外城市经济发展水平相似度和产业结构相似度也是影响城市创新网络生长的重要因素。 相似文献
北京农村居民点的空间分形特征及复杂性 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
在多种发展功能相融合的背景下,以形状属性的空间演变为基础分析了北京城郊区域总体、平原区、近郊平原区农村居民点的空间特征。波谱分析显示,在近中郊、远郊、山区3个基本圈层的基础上,以前门为中心3种区域农村居民点斑块的空间周期交错分布。分形和Hurst指数的分析进一步显示,虽然城郊区域总体农村居民点斑块受多种因素影响,其空间结构复杂但却不具有分形特征;而地形单一、主要从事农业生产的平原区(7-76km)、乃至深受城镇化、产业化、农区非农化影响的近郊平原区(7-49 km)的农村居民点斑块的空间结构虽然简单但却具备分形特征。后2种农村居民点斑块的空间演变与其所在区域的农业发展进程存在着差异。总体上,北京农村居民点处于承接大都市空间扩展与农业、农村、农民协同发展的关键环节,对不同区域农村居民点空间规划的策略也应不同。 相似文献
Summary. We reduce the problem of constructing a smooth, 1-D, monotoni-cally increasing velocity profile consistent with discrete, inexact τ ( p ) and X( p ) data to a quadratic programming problem with linear inequality constraints. For a finite-dimensional realization of the problem it is possible to find a smooth velocity profile consistent with the data whenever such a profile exists. We introduce an unusual functional measure of roughness equivalent to the second central moment or 'Variance' of the derivative of depth with respect to velocity for smooth profiles, and we prove that its minimal value is unique. In our experience, solutions minimizing this functional are very smooth in the sense of the two-norm of the second derivative and can be constructed inexpensively by solving one quadratic programming problem. Still smoother models (in more traditional measures) may be generated iteratively with additional quadratic programs. All the resulting models satisfy the τ ( p ) and X( p ) data and reproduce travel-time data remarkably well, although sometimes τ ( p ) data alone are insufficient to ensure arrivals at large X; then an X( p ) datum must be included. 相似文献
Sarva Jit Singh Gulshan Kumari & Kuldip Singh 《Geophysical Journal International》1999,139(2):591-596
Closed-form analytical expressions for the displacements and stresses induced by a single force of arbitrary orientation located in an elastic half-space in welded contact with another elastic half-space are obtained. These expressions are valid for arbitrary values of the Poisson's ratio and for arbitrary source and observer locations. The final results are given in a form that makes numerical computation straightforward and accurate. 相似文献
DAVID SIMON 《The Geographical journal》2006,172(1):10-21
The relationship between mainstream development policy (and perhaps also development studies) and postcolonial theorists has often been characterized as a dialogue of the deaf. Rather like in the old 'debates' between adherents of modernization and neo-Marxist theories, the protagonists are often thought to be talking at or past one another, rather than with each other. This paper reassesses some firmly held views on both sides of the schism. On the one hand, many official development agencies appear to promote business as usual (often quite literally, as a recent War on Want report attests in the case of the UK's DFID using its aid budget to promote profitable opportunities for British corporations). On the other hand, some postcolonial purists rely on surprisingly modernist, totalizing discursive techniques while claiming post-structural credentials, or baulk at the prospects of practical engagement. Discrepancies between theory, discourse, policy and practice are not the preserve of one side. However, the middle ground is firmer and better trodden than most believe. Considerable progress has been made and the paper assesses examples of productive engagement and concludes with suggestions for carrying forward the challenges. 相似文献
Crafting Regional Cultural Production: emergence,crisis and consolidation in the Gold Coast surfboard industry 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Andrew Warren 《The Australian geographer》2013,44(4):365-381
Surfboard-making is concentrated in regions with vibrant surfing subcultures, suitable waves and sufficient expertise in crafting boards, by hand, to suit prevailing coastal conditions. This article charts the rise of the Gold Coast as Australia's most concentrated cluster of surfboard-making, from its origins as do-it-yourself craft in backyards and sheds, to professional, export-oriented industry. Out of highly informal, subcultural origins, a regional cluster emerged in the 1960s, fuelled by the growth of surfing, tourism and suburban development, and by the needs of surfers for customised boards that suit their body size, surfing style and local wave conditions. What transpired was a vernacular form of coastal creative industry combining craft skills, subcultural knowledge and design flair. Nevertheless, a mix of factors, including automation, increased competition from cheap imports, increasingly aggressive retail trade, and mistrust among board-makers, has threatened viability. Some workshops overextended into export production, marketing and automation, and consequently suffered from exposure to risk (as well as a commensurate decline in regional tourism). Others survived, and in some ways turned full circle: those small workshops continuing to service local markets, within their means, were most able to ride out the industry's turbulent times. Small-scale cultural production persists despite the volatility of the larger brands, geared instead around loyal customers who want hand-crafted boards made by shapers who they know and trust. 相似文献
Hamzah Muzaini 《Singapore journal of tropical geography》2014,35(3):382-396
The geographical literature on the politics tied to formal commemorations of the past is a burgeoning one. Yet, there has been less attention paid to similar practices undertaken by nonstate agents seeking to ensure that what is written out of official history is not forgotten. This paper explores how and why the story of Sybil Kathigasu, a woman who played a salient role in the resistance movement against the Japanese during the Second World War in Perak, Malaysia, has been peripheralized within formal memory making even as it has been informally revived elsewhere. It specifically suggests that, while the sidelining of her story may be the product of the tendency of the state of Perak to downplay its war past, Sybil's gender, race and political ideologies have also made it more difficult for her to be embraced as a ‘national’ heroine. Drawing on a private museum that was set up in her honor in Papan, the paper also reveals how factors impeding her formal remembrance also have implications for alternative efforts to recover her story. More broadly, the paper offers insights into women's absences in Malaysian public memory, and argues the need for more emphasis on memoryscapes ‘from below’ as a means of nuancing local remembrance politics. 相似文献
Philip B. Stark 《Geophysical Journal International》1987,89(3):987-996
Summary. The convergence of two methods of inferring bounds on seismic velocity in the Earth from finite sets of inexact observations of τ ( p ) and X( p ) are examined: the linear programming (LP) method of Garmany, Orcutt & Parker and the quadratic programming (QP) method of Stark & Parker. The LP method uses strict limits on the observations of τ and X as its data, while QP uses estimated means and variances of τ and X. The approaches are quite similar and involve only one inherent approximation: they use a finite-dimensional representation of seismic velocity within the Earth. Clearly, not every Earth model can be written this way. It is proved that this does not hinder the methods - they may be made as accurate as desired by increasing the number of dimensions in a specified way. It is shown how to get the highest accuracy with a given number of dimensions. 相似文献