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The grain-scale processes of peridotite melting were examined at 1,340°C and 1.5 GPa using reaction couples formed by juxtaposing pre-synthesized clinopyroxenite against pre-synthesized orthopyroxenite or harzburgite in graphite and platinum-lined molybdenum capsules. Reaction between the clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene-rich aggregates produces a melt-enriched, orthopyroxene-free, olivine + clinopyroxene reactive boundary layer. Major and trace element abundance in clinopyroxene vary systematically across the reactive boundary layer with compositional trends similar to the published clinopyroxene core-to-rim compositional variations in the bulk lherzolite partial melting studies conducted at similar PT conditions. The growth of the reactive boundary layer takes place at the expense of the orthopyroxenite or harzburgite and is consistent with grain-scale processes that involve dissolution, precipitation, reprecipitation, and diffusive exchange between the interstitial melt and surrounding crystals. An important consequence of dissolution–reprecipitation during crystal-melt interaction is the dramatic decrease in diffusive reequilibration time between coexisting minerals and melt. This effect is especially important for high charged, slow diffusing cations during peridotite melting and melt-rock reaction. Apparent clinopyroxene-melt partition coefficients for REE, Sr, Y, Ti, and Zr, measured from reprecipitated clinopyroxene and coexisting melt in the reactive boundary layer, approach their equilibrium values reported in the literature. Disequilibrium melting models based on volume diffusion in solid limited mechanism are likely to significantly underestimate the rates at which major and trace elements in residual minerals reequilibrate with their surrounding melt. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Patterns in the hydrogen and trace element compositions of mantle olivines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 The concentrations of hydrogen and the other trace elements in olivines from mantle xenoliths have been determined by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) for clarifying the incorporation mechanism and the behavior of the hydrogen. The hydrogen contents in olivines from mantle xenoliths range from 10 to 60 ppm wt. H2O and the concentration range is consistent with the previous infrared (IR) spectroscopic data. IR spectra of the olivine crystals show no effects of the weathering or secondary alteration. The hydrogen is distributed homogeneously among olivine grains in each mantle xenolith. However, the hydrogen contents of the olivine crystals are less than those for the olivine phenocrysts crystallized from the host magma. Olivine inclusions in diamonds also show similar hydrogen contents to the xenolithic olivines. Thus the hydrogen content of xenolithic olivines does not attain equilibrium with water in the host magma during the transportation from the Earth's mantle to the surface, and is taken as a reflection of the hydrogen condition in the mantle. Correlations of hydrogen with trivalent cation contents in garnet peridotitic olivines indicate the incorporation of hydrogen into mantle olivines by a coupled substitution mechanism, with the hydrogen present in the form of hydroxyl in oxygen positions adjacent to the M site vacancies. The hydrogen content of xenolithic olivines increases with pressure but decreases with increasing temperature, suggesting importance of olivine as a water reservoir at low temperature regions such as in subducting slabs. Received August 15, 1995/Revised, accepted November 19, 1996  相似文献   

The abundances of Sc, rare earths, Zr, Hf, Ta and Th were determined in five New England granitic plutons. Similar data are reported for separated minerals from three of the units. The granites can be divided into the Massachusetts alkaline group (Cape Ann, Peabody, Quincy) and the Rhode Island subalkaline group (Narragansett Pier, Westerly).Analyses for three samples from each pluton indicate that the Westerly granite is heterogeneous in both major and trace elements. Th abundances vary considerably (factor of 2) in both Rhode Island granites. Zr and Hf are heterogeneously distributed in all the granites while the rare earths are more homogeneous (< ± 20% deviation from mean).Eu depletions in all the granites imply that feldspar was involved either as a cumulate during fractional crystallization or as a residual phase during anatexis. Because the Massachusetts granites are associated with syenites and show evidence for low water fugacity and denser rocks at depth, these granites probably developed from basic magmas as a result of extensive feldspar crystallization.Depletion of Tb, Dy, Yb, Lu, Zr, Hf and Ta in the Rhode Island granites suggest participation of zircon or garnet as residues of partial melting or as crystal cumulates. These granites crystallized under nearly water saturated conditions and are characterized by abundant pegmatites. The presence of a water rich phase may also have been important in the depletion of elements which form stable complexes in aqueous solutions.  相似文献   

新兴的白钨矿面扫描技术对于解释矿物微量元素特征具有重要的指示意义。文章选择皖南地区东源斑岩型钨矿床中白钨矿为研究对象,利用面扫描和阴极发光图像技术对矿物微区结构和原位微量元素特征进行系统研究。分析结果显示,白钨矿具有核边结构且微量元素特征具有明显的分带性,同一白钨矿颗粒核部亏损Mo、Nb、Ta元素,富集REEs,而边部相反。在此基础上,文章通过系统的白钨矿单点微量元素分析,反演了成矿流体性质和演化过程,提出东源钨矿床成矿流体氧逸度逐渐增高,成矿流体富集F挥发分且F含量逐渐增加,成矿物质很可能有幔源组分加入。通过白钨矿面扫描和阴极发光图像查明矿物微区结构,进而开展了白钨矿微区微量元素单点分析,有可能对成矿流体和矿质来源作出合理的解释。  相似文献   

Geochemical and Nd-Sr isotopic compositions and U-Pb zircon ages of two Variscan granites (Neunburg and Oberviechtach) from southern Oberpfalz, NW Bohemian massif, have been investigated in order to place constraints on their formation and on the crustal reworking. Both granites exhibit similar mineralogical, chemical and isotopic characteristics. They have peraluminous compositions (A/CNK ratios 1.2-1.3) and display high K2O/Na2O ratios of 2.2-2.3, consistent with typical S-type granites. In terms of trace elements, they show an enrichment of LREE and strong fractionation between LREE and HREE (LaN/YbN ratios 46 to 60). Compared with the primordial mantle, distinct negative anomalies of several trace elements (Ba, Sr, Nb and Ti) are also observed in both granites. They are further characterised by low initial kNd-values of ш.2 to ъ.2 and high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7114 to 0.7147. Zircon U-Pb data indicate that the intrusion of both granites shortly post-dates the HT-LP metamorphism of the Moldanubian basement and crystallised at about 320 Ma. The samples studied contain zircons mostly having xenocrystic cores with diverse morphologies. These inherited zircons have Early Proterozoic to Early Palaeozoic ages. This points to melting of sources comprising substantial sedimentary rocks. The LaN/YbN and TbN/YbN ratios of both granites are the highest so far reported from granitoids within this region. Melting of lower crustal rocks leaving garnet as a restite phase in the source provides a viable mechanism to reproduce the REE characteristics.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》2003,193(3-4):155-166
The degree of partial melting of primary magmas can be estimated using the ratios of trace element concentrations of lavas with different compositions. In addition, the source concentrations of the trace elements can be estimated. Two methods are demonstrated that use either linear or hyperbolic regression of trace element pairs. The accuracy of the methods is mainly limited by the assumption of constant source concentration ratios, and the accuracy of the applied distribution coefficients. The degrees of melting of nephelinite and alkali olivine basalt from Kauai, Hawaii are estimated as about 9% and 12%, respectively. Presently, the accuracy of estimates of the degrees of partial melting is rather limited by the accuracy of the available distribution coefficients.  相似文献   

This study presents the analysis of correlation between trace element compositions of caustobioliths (oils, coals, oil and black shales), upper and lower continental crust, and living matter. It was shown that trace element concentrations in coals and oil shales have the better correlation with the upper crustal values, whereas trace elements in oils correlate well with the lower crustal values. The statistically significant, yet poorer correlation was observed for trace element compositions of oils and living matter as compared to correlations between oils and lower crust. The results suggest that oils are compositionally more homogeneous on a basin scale and possibly have more heterogeneous composition in different petroleum basins. A suite of characteristic trace elements (Cs, Rb, K, U, V, Cr, and Ni) that was used for analysis allowed a consistent interpretation of the relative upper and lower crustal contributions to the trace element composition of oils.  相似文献   

 Equilibration between melt and solid is inhibited by rapid melt extraction and by restricted equilibration (armouring, slow dissolution). When segregation occurs by channelised migration along high-porosity pathways, melt migration is more rapid than trace element diffusion rates in silicates and faster than accessory phase dissolution rates. Evidence for channelised flow and deformation-enhanced melt segregation into boudin necks, fractures and micro-shears at low melt fractions is present in the Moine Kirtomy Migmatitie Suite (KMS) in Sutherland, Scotland. Melt migration distances are on a metre to tens of metres scale. Concordant leucosomes in stromatic migmatities in the KMS have low Zr contents, low LREE (light rare-earth element) and H (heavy) REE contents and positive Eu anomalies. REE patterns of this type can be produced by removal of leucosome before complete equilibration with source due to the inhibited dissolution of LREE- and HREE-bearing accessory phases in water-undersaturated melts. Melting in the KMS, however, occurred at or near the wet granite solidus, leaving biotite as a residual phase. Detailed back-scattered electron imaging shows that REE-bearing accessory phases remained as residual phases, and were concentrated in the melanosome and at the melanosome-leucosome boundary. Irregularly shaped patches of diatexite contain a small proportion of excess Zr, consistent with entrainment of melanosome-schlieren enriched in zircon. These data indicate that deformation-enhanced melt extraction led to the rapid migration of small melt fractions from the melting site on a time-scale less than that required to saturate the melt in Zr. Leucosomes were thus prevented from equilibrating with accessory phases before extraction. Received: 12 July 1995 / Accepted: 4 March 1996  相似文献   

根据主要元素组成,将所研究的22个广东省燕山期花岗岩分为强过铝花岗岩和弱过铝花岗岩两类,后者又区分出分异和未分异两种。它们总体具有较为相似的微量元素和稀土元素组成,即都是以大离子元素明显富集、Ba,Sr,Nb,Ta,P与Ti呈负异常、Eu亏损为特征,但分异弱过铝花岗岩(包括禾洞、大埔、荷泗、白浆岩体)的Ba、Ti呈负异常和Eu亏损更为明显。强过铝和弱过铝花岗岩的Nd同位素组成区别明显:象头山等6个强过铝花岗岩体具有低的εNd(t)值(-13.4~10.0,平均为-12.1)和较老的Nd模式年龄(1.76—2.08Ga,平均为1.96Ga),是由成熟度较高的陆壳部分熔融形成;在弱过铝花岗岩中,石背岩体以及禾洞和大埔两个分异岩体具有高的εNa(r)值(-3.6--4.9,平均为-4.4)和年轻的Nd模式年龄(1.23~1.34Ga,平均为1.3Ga),反映其源区存在一定数量的地幔物质;佛冈等其余12个弱过铝花岗岩体(包括荷泗、白浆2个分异花岗岩)的εNd(t)6t(-12.3~-8.1,平均为-9.7)和Nd模式年龄(1.56~1.94Ga,平均为1.74Ga)都介于上述两类花岗岩之间,但相对较接近于强过铝花岗岩,主要是由成熟度不同程度地低于强过铝花岗岩源区的陆壳变质岩部分熔融形成。广东省燕山期花岗岩主要是在伸展构造及玄武岩底侵条件下,由以沉积变质岩为主的中下陆壳部分熔融形成。  相似文献   

文章详述了恐龙骨骼化石矿物组分的化学分离方法,同时对开江恐龙骨骼化石样品进行了分离和中子活化分析,通过对测试结果进行生物地球化学的对比研究.发现恐龙骨骼化石中某些微量元素异常明显,并推断其中的砷(As)、铬(Cr)、铷(Rb)的高异常含量和锌(Zn)的低异常含量极有可能是导致开江恐龙动物群集群死亡的原因之一。  相似文献   

We use published and new trace element data to identify element ratios which discriminate between arc magmas from the supra-subduction zone mantle wedge and those formed by direct melting of subducted crust (i.e. adakites). The clearest distinction is obtained with those element ratios which are strongly fractionated during refertilisation of the depleted mantle wedge, ultimately reflecting slab dehydration. Hence, adakites have significantly lower Pb/Nd and B/Be but higher Nb/Ta than typical arc magmas and continental crust as a whole. Although Li and Be are also overenriched in continental crust, behaviour of Li/Yb and Be/Nd is more complex and these ratios do not provide unique signatures of slab melting. Archaean tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorites (TTGs) strongly resemble ordinary mantle wedge-derived arc magmas in terms of fluid-mobile trace element content, implying that they did not form by slab melting but that they originated from mantle which was hydrated and enriched in elements lost from slabs during prograde dehydration. We suggest that Archaean TTGs formed by extensive fractional crystallisation from a mafic precursor. It is widely claimed that the time between the creation and subduction of oceanic lithosphere was significantly shorter in the Archaean (i.e. 20 Ma) than it is today. This difference was seen as an attractive explanation for the presumed preponderance of adakitic magmas during the first half of Earth's history. However, when we consider the effects of a higher potential mantle temperature on the thickness of oceanic crust, it follows that the mean age of oceanic lithosphere has remained virtually constant. Formation of adakites has therefore always depended on local plate geometry and not on potential mantle temperature.  相似文献   

Eighteen Cenozoic melilitite samples from Spain, France, West Germany and Czechoslovakia have been analyzed for major and trace elements (including REE) together with their Sr and Nd isotopic compositions. Leaching experiments produced significant shifts of their87Sr/86Sr ratio indicative of a contamination by a crustal component. Most samples fall within the Sr-Nd mantle array with ?Nd values in the 1.5–6 range. These values are considered as minimum for the melilitite mantle source hence demonstrating its time integrated LRE depletion. The Ni and Cr contents of the samples are typical of primary magmas and exclude extensive crystallization of olivine and pyroxene in a closed system. However, the chemical relationships suggest that dilution of the liquids by mafic minerals of the conduits during their ascent has been important. The REE patterns show some variations which are interpreted by this dilution effect. Once normalized to Yb they are closely similar and perfectly distinguishable from those of alkali basalts and kimberlites. All of these rocks have Ce/Yb ratios which are high but distinctive for each rock type: 40 to 200 times the chondritic ratio for kimberlites, 20 to 30 for melilitites, 8 to 15 for alkali basalts. As contamination is likely to have modified somewhat the isotopic characteristics of most of these rocks, there is no overwhelming evidence that their source is chemically different. The Ba and Rb contents together with the REE patterns of the melilitites would constrain the degree of melting to be very small (<0.2%). The calculation of batch melting and steady zone refining models suggests that kimberlites, melilitites and alkali basalts may have been derived by equilibration of deep melts with different upper mantle levels characterized by decreasing garnet/clinopyroxene ratios. The strongly incompatible elements are enriched in the melt during its ascent by leaching of the wall rocks. For the steady zone refining model, the degree of melting concept loses its significance and the difficult requirement of extracting small liquid fractions from a molten source disappears. Within the frame of this model, the preenrichment of the kimberlite, melilitite and alkali basalts source in incompatible elements by metasomatic fluids is no longer necessary.  相似文献   

 The Urach volcanic field is unique within the Tertiary–Quaternary European volcanic province (EVP) due to more than 350 tuffaceous diatremes and only sixteen localities with extremely undersaturated olivine melilitite. We report representative Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic compositions and incompatible trace element data for twenty-two pristine augite, Cr-diopside, hornblende, and phlogopite megacryst samples from the diatremes, and seven melilitite whole rocks. The Pb isotopic compositions for melilitites and comagmatic megacrysts have very radiogenic 206Pb/204Pb ratios of 19.4 to 19.9 and plot on the northern hemisphere mantle reference line (NHRL). The data indicate absence of an old crustal component as reflected in the high 207Pb/204Pb ratios of many basalts from the EVP. This inference is supported by 206Pb/204Pb ratios of ∼17.6 to 18.3 and ɛNd of ∼−7.8 to +1.6 for five phlogopite xenocryst samples reflecting a distinct and variably rejuvenated lower Hercynian basement. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7033 to 0.7035 in the comagmatic megacrysts are low relative to their moderately radiogenic Nd isotopic compositions (ɛNd +2.2 to +5.1) and consistent with a long-term source evolution with a low Rb/Sr ratio and depletion in light rare-earth elements (LREE). The melilitite whole-rock data show a similar range in Nd isotopic ratios as determined for the megacrysts but their Sr isotopic compositions are often much more radiogenic due to surface alteration. The REE patterns and incompatible trace element ratios of the melilitites (e.g. Nb/Th, Nb/U, Sr/Nd, P/Nd, Ba/Th, Zr/Hf) are similar to those in ocean island basalts (OIB); negative anomalies for normalized K and Rb concentrations support a concept of melt evolution in the lithospheric mantle. Highly variable Ce/Pb ratios of 29 to 66 are positively correlated with La/Lu, La/K2O, and Ba/Nd and interpreted to reflect melting in the presence of residual amphibole and phlogopite. The data suggest an origin of the melilitites from a chemical boundary layer very recently enriched by melts from old OIB sources. We suggest that the OIB-like mantle domains represent low-temperature melting heterogeneities in an upwelling asthenosphere under western Europe. Received: 9 March 1995/Accepted: 24 July 1995  相似文献   

Isobaric partial melting experiments were performed on an Fe-free synthetic composition to simulate partial melting of subducted oceanic crust. Nominally anhydrous experiments at 3.0 GPa yielded melts in equilibrium with garnet (13 to 16 mol.% grossular) and aluminous clinopyroxene (14 to 16 wt.% Al2O3). Melt compositions show decreasing Si and alkalis and increasing Ca, Mg, and Ti contents with increasing temperatures. Experiments at 1200 and 1300°C were rutile saturated, whereas experiments at 1400°C contained no residual rutile. We argue that during the initial stages of subduction, accessory rutile is likely to be stable in subsolidus eclogites of average midocean ridge basalt composition and that only large degrees of partial melting will eradicate rutile from an eclogitic source. At 3 GPa, any eclogites with a bulk TiO2 content of ≥1.5 wt.% rutile will produce rutile-saturated partial melts, except at very high degrees of melting. At higher pressures, all bulk Ti may dissolve in clinopyroxene and garnet, leaving no accessory rutile.Trace element partition coefficients for 24 trace elements between clinopyroxene, garnet, and melt were determined by secondary-ion mass spectrometry analysis of experimental run products at 1400°C and 3 GPa. Partition coefficients for the rare earth elements agree well with previous studies and have been evaluated using the lattice strain model. Partitioning data for high-field strength elements indicate complementary DZr/DHf for clinopyroxene and garnet. Partial melting of an eclogitic component of different modal compositions may therefore explain both subchondritic and superchondritic Zr/Hf ratios. Superchondritic Zr/Hf has recently been observed in some ocean island basalts (OIB), and this may be taken as further evidence for components of recycled oceanic crust in OIB. The data also indicate slight Nb/Ta fractionation during partial melting of bimineralic eclogite, which is not, however, sufficient to explain some recently observed Nb/Ta fractionation in island arc rocks. Accessory rutile, however, can explain such fractionation.  相似文献   

Geochemical and petrographic data suggest early submarine cementation of hardgrounds from the Lincolnshire Limestone Formation, Middle Jurassic, England. The three hardgrounds, from Cowthick, Castle Bytham and Leadenham quarries, developed in tidal-inlet, on-barrier and lagoonal sub-environments of a carbonate barrier-island complex. At Cowthick early composite (acicular-bladed) radial-fibrous cements, which pre-date aragonite dissolution, completely fill intergranular pore-space at the hardground surface; away from it isopachous fringing cements decrease in thickness. Microprobe analyses demonstrate zoning within the fringes with magnesium concentrations (> 2 wt % MgCO3) higher than those in allochems or later, ferroan cement (?0.5 wt % MgCO3, 1.7 wt % FeCO3). At Castle Bytham early granular isopachous cements, which post-date aragonite dissolution, occur within 5 cm of the surface. At Leadenham early lithification is superficial and represented by ferruginous crusts and micritic internal sediment. Late blocky cement fills residual pore-space in all three examples. Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of whole-rock samples taken at intervals away from each hardground surface demonstrate the increasing proportion of late 18O depleted cements (δ18O – 8 to – 10). Early cements must have a marine isotopic composition; different δ18O values from each hardground reflect the intensity of early lithification and exclusion of late cements at the hardened surface. There is no isotopic evidence for subaerial cement precipitation during possible emergence at Castle Bytham. Oyster samples (with δ18O, – 2.9 and δ13C, 2.4) give estimated palaeotemperatures of 22–25°C. Early cements from Cowthick are enriched in 18O and 13C (δ18O = 0 δ13C ? 3‰) compared to the oyster values. In conjunction with trace element data this is interpreted as evidence for high-magnesium calcite precursor cements which underwent replacement in a system with a low water: rock ratio. The intensity of early lithification is related to depositional environment: maximum circulation of sea-water producing the most lithified hardground (Cowthick). This is directly analogous to the formation of Recent hardgrounds.  相似文献   

Trace element concentrations in leucosomes of migmatites in the Black Hills, South Dakota, USA, were examined to determine if their compositions are analogous to those of pelite-derived granites. Melanosomes in the migmatites are dominated by biotite, sillimanite, and quartz. Leucosomes have constant Si/Al that corresponds to a peraluminous granite; however, they have variable proportions of (sil+qtz)/alkali feldspar that are attributed to instability of feldspar relative to sillimanite due to high aHF in partial melts. There are strong positive correlations of Sr, Ba, Rb, and Cs concentrations with the proportion of feldspar in the leucosomes. The average concentrations of Sr and Ba are higher and of Rb and Cs lower in the leucosomes than in pelite-derived leucogranites. A reaction progress method is used to demonstrate that partitioning of these trace elements between melanosomes and leucosomes represent mineral-mineral equilibrium rather than residue-melt equilibrium. This implies that leucosomes in migmatites may crystallize while maintaining equilibrium with melanosomes and the resulting trace element compositions may not be analogous to those of partial melts.  相似文献   

Mineral stable isotopic and trace element studies in 2 GPa banded eclogites of the Tauern Window, eastern Alps, record mm- to cm-scale heterogeneities that reflect compositional variations in the accompanying metamorphic fluids. A close correlation between dolomite mode and dolomite δ18O is consistent with equilibrium partitioning among coexisting minerals and fluids. Small variations in dolomite δ13C values correspond with δ18O variations, but an overall decrease in dolomite δ13C by c. 1%o across a 12-cm sample is a relict feature that pre-dates eclogite equilibration. Garnet, omphacite, and clinozoisite rims show little systematic mineral-mineral partitioning behaviour for Ti, V, Cr, Y, Sr, or Zr; major elements, however, are well equilibrated among these same minerals. Despite the apparent lack of mineral-mineral trace element equilibration, most of the trace elements vary systematically with water activity calculated in each layer. Trace element behaviour during the eclogite metamorphism thus appears to have been controlled largely by mineral-fluid interactions along grain boundaries. Shallow structural levels in other subduction complexes (c. 10-45 km) typically exhibit fracture-controlled permeability and extensive metasomatism, but there is no field or geochemical evidence for extensive fluid advection during high-pressure metamorphism in the Tauern eclogites. Because most dewatering and devolatilization during tectonic burial occurs prior to eclogite conditions, the volumetric fluid/rock ratio in eclogites should generally be low. Low fluid/rock ratios, coupled with the possible non-wetting nature of the fluids, permits the production and preservation of fine-scale chemical heterogeneities in deeply subducted eclogites and associated fluids. However, the eventual breakdown at greater depth of volatile-bearing dolomite, phengite, clinozoisite, zoisite, or amphibole could lead to renewed fracture-controlled fluid release from the subducted rocks to regions appropriate for arc magma generation.  相似文献   

华北陆块北缘印支期S型花岗岩带特征及其构造环境   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
华北陆块北缘内蒙古中部地区分布着大量近东西向展布的印支期花岗岩,形成一条规模巨大的复式花岗岩带。岩石类型主要为斑状黑云二长花岗岩、钾长花岗岩,1:5万区调同位素测年获得207~227Ma的一系列锆石U—Pb表面年龄,岩相学和岩石地球化学研究显示其具有S型花岗岩特征,表明其形成于碰撞后构造环境,并不是华北板块与西伯利亚板块碰撞造山作用的产物。  相似文献   

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