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This paper presents anisotropic, homogeneous two-fluid cosmological models in a Bianchi type I space–time with a variable gravitational constant G and cosmological constant Λ. In the two-fluid model, one fluid represents the matter content of the universe and another fluid is chosen to model the CMB radiation. We find a variety of solutions in which the cosmological parameter varies inversely with time t. We also discuss in detail the behavior of associated fluid parameters and kinematical parameters. This paper pictures cosmic history when the radiation and matter content of the universe are in an interactive phase. Here, Ω is closing to 1 throughout the cosmic evolution.   相似文献   

According to the equivalence between the FRIEDMANN equation of relativistic cosmology and the condition for the time-independence H = o of the HAMILTON ian H of an isotropic particle-system in the NEWTON ian mechanics (which equivalence is proved in the part I of our paper) we construct the corresponding classical HAMILTON ians to the relativistic world-models. Each cosmological model which is resulting from a physically meaningful gravitation theory must give a FRIEDMANN equation as the cosmological formulation of the time-independence condition of the energy H for the corresponding NEWTON ian N-particle system. In general relativity, EINSTEIN's field equations are including EINSTEIN's strong principle of equivalence and are giving the constance f = o and M = o of the gravitation-number f and of the mass M of the universe additional to FRIEDMANN's equation. – In special relativity, we have fM = o and this MILNE -universe is possessing a NEWTON ian and a general relativistic interpretation, too. – However, if the postulate together with the “cosmological principle” other principles about the world structure, too (p. e. MACH'S or DIRAC'S principle or the “perfect cosmological principle” by the steady-state cosmology), then EINSTEIN'S weak principle of equivalence can be fulfilled, only. In these world models the gravity-mass fM becomes a function of the cosmic time t [d/dt(fM) ± o] and this variability of fM is compatible with the constance H = o of the energy H of the NEWTON ian particle-system. For flat three-dimensional cosmological spaces (with H = Ḣ = o) a creation of rest-mass (M > o) is possible. This creation is the pecularity of the steady-state cosmos (with M > o, f = o) and of JORDAN'S cosmos (with M > o, f < o). The MACH -EINSTEIN -doctrine about the perfect determination of the inertia and of the space-time-metric by the cosmic gravitation is founded on the substitution of the NEWTON ian HAMILTON ian by a GAUSS -RIEMANN ian gravitation potential U*(rAB' vAB) (TREDER 1972). Therefore, the FRIEDMANN equation for a universe with MACH'S principle is resulting from the analytical expression of the time-independence of this RIEMANNian potential U* = 0. In the case of such MACH-EINSTEIN's-Universes EINSTEIN'S condition 3fM = c8r between the mass A4 and the radius Y of the universe is valid additional to FRIEDMANN'S equation. For these universes, the EINSTEIN condition determinates the instantaneous value of the gravitation-number f. - The explicite form of the conditions H = o or h' = o gives the equation of motion for the cosmic fundamental particles with attraction and repulsion forces, generally.  相似文献   

We have shown that the phenomenological models with a cosmological constant of the type Λ=β( ) and Λ=3αH 2, where R is the scale factor of the universe and H is the Hubble constant, are equivalent to a quintessence model with a scalar (φ) potential of the formV∝φ-n, n= constant. The equation of state of the cosmic fluid is described by these parameters (α, β, n) only. The equation of state of the cosmic fluid (dark energy) can be determined by any of these parameters. The actual amount of dark energy will define the equation of state of the cosmic fluid.All of the three forms can give rise to cosmic acceleration depending the amount of dark energy in the universe.  相似文献   

Assuming the time-dependent equation of state p=λ(t)ρ, five dimensional cosmological models with viscous fluid for an open universe (k=−1) and flat universe (k=0) are presented. Exact solutions in the context of the rest mass varying theory of gravity proposed by Wesson (Astron. Astrophys. 119, 145, 1983) are obtained. It is found that the phenomenon of isotropisation takes place in this theory, i.e. the mass scale factor A(t) which characterizes the rest mass of a typical particle is evolving with cosmic time just as the spatial scale factor R(t). It is further found that rest mass is approximately constant in the present universe.  相似文献   

We study a gravitational model in which scale transformations play the key role in obtaining dynamical G and Λ. We take a non-scale invariant gravitational action with a cosmological constant and a gravitational coupling constant. Then, by a scale transformation, through a dilaton field, we obtain a new action containing cosmological and gravitational coupling terms which are dynamically dependent on the dilaton field with Higgs type potential. The vacuum expectation value of this dilaton field, through spontaneous symmetry breaking on the basis of anthropic principle, determines the time variations of G and Λ. The relevance of these time variations to the current acceleration of the universe, coincidence problem, Mach’s cosmological coincidence and those problems of standard cosmology addressed by inflationary models, are discussed. The current acceleration of the universe is shown to be a result of phase transition from radiation toward matter dominated eras. No real coincidence problem between matter and vacuum energy densities exists in this model and this apparent coincidence together with Mach’s cosmological coincidence are shown to be simple consequences of a new kind of scale factor dependence of the energy momentum density as ρa −4. This model also provides the possibility for a super fast expansion of the scale factor at very early universe by introducing exotic type matter like cosmic strings.  相似文献   

We present a class of exact cosmological solutions of Brans-Dicke (B-D) equations with cosmological constant in flat Robertson-Walker metric. These solutions are based on the relation øR n= constant between the B-D field and the scale factor of the universe. This relation turns out to be consistent with the equation of statep =m for the cosmic matter, provided thatn andm are suitably related to each other. Several special cases and asymptotic solutions are derived and discussed.  相似文献   

Quantum theory in Robertson – Walker spacetime suggests the existence of a minimal energy ε of the order of 10−45 erg. Reasonable forms for ε give the expansion factor R=R(t)(t= the cosmic time) with no need of gravitational field equations.Einstein's theory should be modified in gravitational fields of strength less than ε c/ħ ∼ 10−8 cm/s2 where c is the speed of light and ħ is the reduced Planck constant. The cosmological term λ is expected to decrease as the universe expands.In the Appendix, ε is derived from a big bang – big crunch Newtonian cosmology.  相似文献   

The gravitational instability of a nonrotating isothermal gaseous disk permeated by a uniform frozen-in magnetic field is investigated using a fourth-order perturbation technique. From the results it is found that the disk is stable whenn/B 0 < (4/33 G)–1/2, wheren andB are the column density of the disk and unperturbed magnetic field, respectively, andG is the gravitational constant. The disk is gravitationally unstable only whenn/B 0 > (4/33 G)–1/2.  相似文献   

In this article we want to answer the cosmologically relevant question what, with some good semantic and physical reason, could be called the massM u of an infinitely extended, homogeneously matter‐filled and expanding universe. To answer this question we produce a space‐like sum of instantaneous cosmic energy depositions surrounding equally each spacepoint in the homogeneous universe. We calculate the added‐up instantaneous cosmic energy per volume around an arbitrary space point in the expanding universe. To carry out this sum we use as basic metrics an analogy to the inner Schwarzschild metric applied to stars, but this time applied to the spacepoint‐related universe. It is then shown that this leads to the added‐up proper energy within a sphere of a finite outer critical radius defining the point‐related infinity. As a surprise this radius turns out to be reciprocal to the square root of the prevailing average cosmic energy density. The equivalent mass of the universe can then also be calculated and, by the expression which is obtained here, shows a scaling with this critical radius of this universe, a virtue of the universe which was already often called for in earlier works by E. Mach, H. Thirring and F. Hoyle and others. This radius on the other hand can be shown to be nearly equal to the Schwarzschild radius of the so‐defined mass M u of the universe. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The possibility that the gravitational coupling constantG is an increasing function of the cosmic timet is discussed.In Section 1 the Maximal Power Hypothesis (MPH) stating that no power in Nature can exceed the upper boundc 5/G (Gunn's luminosity) is advocated.In Sections 2, 3, and 4 the MPH is employed on the cosmological scale to support the idea of an increasingG. In Section 2 the increasingG is obtained by two assumptions - the MPH and the energy conservation law - and by nothing else.In Section 3 the increasingG follows naturally from the MPH in the Einstein-Cartan theory of gravity. The arguments proposed in Sections 2 and 3 lead todG(t)/dt > 0 but cannot specify the form ofG(t). In Section 4 the MPH is applied to the energy of the vacuum and leads to a relation betweenG and the cosmological term,G S 3, valid in a matter-dominated universe (S =S(t) is the expansion factor). This relation plus the time-dependence law (suggested by many authors) t 2 = constant, plustH > 2/3 (suggested by observations on the age of globular clusters;H is the Hubble parameter) implies an increasingG. One finds also GU, whereU is the mass density of the universe, in agreement with other studies.  相似文献   

Strong absorption satellite lines of CaI 6572 were found on spectrograms taken on three successive days just after the fourth contact of the 1971–72 eclipse of Zeta Aurigae. The radial velocities of the satellite lines are –88 km s–1, –74 km s–1, and –180 km–1, respectively, relative to the K-type primary star (K4 Ib). These absorptions should be due to a circumstellar cloud in which the column density of neutral calcium atoms is 1×1017 cm–2 and the turbulent velocities come to 20–50 km s–1. It is suggested that the cloud may be formed by the rocket-effect of the Lyman quanta of the B-type component (B6 V). We estimate the density in the cloud to be 2×1011 atoms cm–3 fors=10R K and 2×1010 atoms cm–3 fors=102 R K, wheres denotes the distance of the cloud from the K star andR K the K star's radius. The mass loss rate of the K-type component is also estimated to be about 10–7 M yr–1, assuming that the expansion of the K star occurs isotropically.  相似文献   

The present paper outlines a cosmological paradigm based upon Dirac’s large number hypothesis and continual creation of matter in a closed static (nonexpanding) universe. The cosmological redshift is caused by the tired-light phenomenon originally proposed by Zwicky. It is shown that the tired-light cosmology together with continual matter creation has a universal Hubble constant H 0=(512π 2/3)1/6(GC 0)1/3 fixed by the universal rate C 0 of matter creation, where G is Newton’s gravitational constant. It is also shown that a closed static universe has a finite age τ 0=(243π 5/8GC 0)1/3 also fixed by the universal rate of matter creation. The invariant relationship H 0 τ 0=3π 261/2 shows that a closed static universe is much older (≈one trillion years) than any expanding universe model based upon Big-Bang cosmology. It is this property of a static universe that resolves any cosmic age crisis provided that galaxy formation in the universe is a continual recurring process. Application of Dirac’s large number hypothesis gives a matter creation rate C 0=4.6×10?48 gm?cm?3?s?1 depending only on the fundamental constants of nature. Hence, the model shows that a closed static universe has a Hubble constant H 0=70 km?s?1?Mpc?1 in good agreement with recent astronomical determinations of H 0. By using the above numerical value for H 0 together with observational data for elongated cellular-wall structures containing superclusters of galaxies, it is shown that the elongated cellular-wall configurations observed in the real universe are at least one hundred billion years old. Application of the microscopic laws of physics to the large-scale macroscopic universe leads to a static eternal cosmos endowed with a matter-antimatter symmetry. It is proposed that the matter-antimatter asymmetry is continuously created by particle-antiparticle pair annihilation occurring in episodic cosmological gamma-ray bursts observed in the real universe.  相似文献   

A total 91 binary systems of systemic mass less than 6.5M have been studied. It is found that binary systems obey the relation: logH=C–1.8 logM whereC is constant having values –1.18, –2.12 and –2.27 respectively for detached, semi-detached and contact binary systems. It is inferred that during evolution, the systemic orbital angular momentum decreases.  相似文献   

An efficient algorithm is presented for the solution of Kepler's equationf(E)=E–M–e sinE=0, wheree is the eccentricity,M the mean anomaly andE the eccentric anomaly. This algorithm is based on simple initial approximations that are cubics inM, and an iterative scheme that is a slight generalization of the Newton-Raphson method. Extensive testing of this algorithm has been performed on the UNIVAC 1108 computer. Solutions for 20 000 pairs of values ofe andM show that for single precision (10–8) 42.0% of the cases require one iteration, 57.8% two and 0.2% three. For double precision (10–18) one additional iteration is required. Single- and double-precision FORTRAN subroutines are available from the author.  相似文献   

Current cold dark matter models of structure formation make a clear prediction for cosmic structures in the Dark Ages. We discuss the formation and nature of the first collapsed and first luminous objects in the universe arising in these theories. The first virialized objects are dark matter halos at the free streaming length which depends on the mass and nature of the assumed weakly interacting massive particle. The first objects that also contain significant fractions of gas have masses of the cosmological Jeans scale ∼ 104M at the redshifts of interest (z ∼ 30). The first pre-galactic objects that host stars have masses of 106 M . This mass scale is given by the requirement of a sufficiently high virial temperature to enable the chemical reactions necessary to form molecular hydrogen which subsequently allows the gas to dissipate its gravitational energy and to collapse to form a star. An individual massive star is formed per such object and explodes in a supernova within a few Myrs. All these stages of the formation of the first objects are illustrated by fully resolved three dimensional cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Estimates of the pulsation massesM Q and of massesM g=gR2/G (g is the surface gravity;R, the mean stellar radius; andG, the gravitational constant) of 89 Delta Scuti-variables have been obtained. An intercomparison of three kinds of masses —M e, Mg, andM Q — is performed; the evolutionary massesM e of the same variables were estimated in a previous paper (Tsvetkov, 1986). It is pointed out that within the limits of the accuracy of determination, the three kinds of masses agree for the majority of the stars under study. For several varaibles, however, there is a considerable discrepancy between the estimates of the pulsation massesM Q and the estimates of the massesM e andM g. Arguments are represented, which may alleviate or even remove this mass discrepancy for some of these stars. It is shown that the results from the comparison between the three kinds of masses of the considered Delta Scuti-stars are not very sensitive to the choice of the system of evolutionary tracks and the adopted chemical composition as well as to the evolutionary phases of the variables (core or shell hydrogen burning). The variations of the chemical composition in most of the stars under study are probably not very large.  相似文献   

The equation of state of the terrestrial material obtained from seismic data is adopted to construct three zone earth models under hypothesis of variable constant of gravityG as proposed by Dirac. Three hypotheses are investigated: variableG without creation, creation such thatm (mass) G –1, and multiplicative creation,mG –2. It is shown that, with the currently accepted value of the Hubble constant, , and for each hypothesis. On the multiplicative creation, the Earth radius would have been 5100 km, which is in agreement with estimate by some geophysicists.  相似文献   

The analysis of the Th/U ratio in meteorites and the evolutionary ages of globular clusters favour values of the cosmic age of (19±5)×109 yr. This evidence together with a Hubble parameterH 0>70 km s–1 Mpc–1=(14×109 yr)–1 cannot be reconciled in a Friedmann model with =0. It requires a cosmological constant in the order of 10–56 cm–2, equivalent to a vacuum density v =10–29 g cm–3 The Friedmann-Lemaître models (>0) with a hot big-bang have been calculated. They are based on a present value of the baryonic matter density of 0=0.5×10–30 g cm–3 as derived from the primordial4He and2H abundances.For a Hubble parameter ofH 0=75 km s–1 Mpc–1, our analysis favours a set of models which can be represented by a model with Euclidean metric (density parameter 0=1.0, deceleration parameterq 0=–0.93, aget 0=19.7×109 yr) and by a closed model with perpetual expansion (0=1.072,q 0=–1.0, aget 0=21.4×109 yr). A present density parameter close to one can indeed be expected if the conjecture of an exponential inflation of the very early universe is correct.The possible behaviour of the vacuum density is demonstrated with the help of Streeruwitz' formula in the context of the closed model with an inflationary phase at very early times.  相似文献   

Dark matter is obtained from a scalar field coupled conformally to gravitation, the scalar being a relict of Dirac's gauge function. This conformally coupled dark matter includes a gas of very light (m 2.25 × 10–34 eV) neutral bosons having spin 0, as well as a time-dependent global scalar field, both pervading all of the cosmic space. The time-development of this dark matter in the expanding F-R-W universe is investigated, and an acceptable cosmological behaviour is obtained.  相似文献   

The most recently celebrated cosmological implications of the cosmic microwave background studies with WMAP (2006), though fascinating by themselves, do, however, create some extremely hard conceptual challenges for the present‐day cosmology. These recent extremely refined WMAP observations seem to reflect a universe which was extremely homogeneous at the recombination age and thus is obviously causally closed at the time of the cosmic recombination era. From the very tiny fluctuations apparent at this early epoch the presently observable nonlinear cosmic density structures can, however, only have grown up, if in addition to a mysteriously high percentage of dark matter an even higher percentage of dark energy is admitted as drivers of the cosmic evolution. The required dark energy density, on the other hand, is nevertheless 120 orders of magnitude smaller then the theoretically calculated value. These are outstanding problems of present day cosmology onto which we are looking here under new auspices. We shall investigate in the following, up to what degree a universe simply abolishes all these outstanding problems in case it reveals itself as an universe of constant total energy. As we shall show basic questions like: How could the gigantic mass of the universe of about 1080 proton masses at all become created? – Why is the presently recognized and obviously indispensable cosmic vacuum energy density so terribly much smaller than is expected from quantum theoretical considerations, but nevertheless terribly important for the cosmic evolution? – Why is the universe within its world horizon a causally closed system? –, can perhaps simply be answered, when the assumption is made that the universe has a constant total energy with the consequence that the total mass density of the universe (matter and vacuum) scales with . Such a scaling of matter and vacuum energy abolishes the horizon problem, and the cosmic vacuum energy density can easily be reconciled with its theoretical expectation values. In this model the mass of the universe increases linearly with the world extension Ru and can grow up from a Planck mass as a vacuum fluctuation. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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