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Arguments have been made, based on geometry, for both an impact and an internal origin for the ancient, partially preserved, major furrow system of Ganymede. Zuber and Parmentier concluded that furrows are not concentric but could be impact related if multiringed structures on icy satellites are initially noncircular. We examine the geometry of the Valhalla ring structure on Callisto in order to assess the circularity of an unmodified ring system. Despite prominent local meandering, the only gross deviations from concentricity in the Valhalla system are found in the outer northeast quadrant of the system. Here, a number of ring segments intersect small circles about the center at angles up to 30°. The Ganymede furrow system was remapped to make use of improvements in coordinate control. The least-squares center of curvature (determined using natural weighting) for all furrows in Marius and Galileo Regio is 20.7 ± 1.1°S, 179.2 ± 1.1°W (2σ uncertainty). Furrows in Marius and Galileo Regio are reasonably concentric, are much more circular than previously estimated, and probably once covered at least an entire hemisphere of Ganymede. In addition, at least three other multiring systems of varying size are identified on Ganymede, indicative of a projectile population. Thus we find furrow geometry and occurrence are consistent with an impact origin. Deviations of some furrows from concentricity about the center of curvature, on the scale of those found at Valhalla, do exist. As in the case of Valhalla these variations are principally confined to outer regions of the structure and are interpreted as inherent properties of multiringed structures on icy satellites. The cause(s) of this may be in the ring formation mechanism itself, but are more likely due to variations in preexisting lithospheric mechanical properties. The perceived present nonalignment of the assumed originally concentric furrows has been used to argue for large-scale lateral motion of dark terrain blocks in Ganymede's crust, presumably in association with bright terrain formation. The overall alignment of furrows as well as the inherent scatter in centers of curvature for subregions of Galileo and Marius Regio do not support this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The photometric properties of selected surface features on Ganymede and Callisto have been studied using Voyager images over phase angles from 10 to 124° taken with the clear filter (effective wave wavelength ∽0.5 μm). Normal reflectences on Ganymede average 0.35 for the cratered terrain and 0.44 for the grooved terrain. The value for the ubiquitous cratered terrain on Callistro is 0.18. The photometric properties of these regions are described closely by a simple scattering function of the form I = Af(α)μ0/(μ + μ0), where A is a constant, μ is the cosine of the emission angle, μ0 is the cosine of the incidence angle, and f(α) is a function of the phase angle, α, only. For these terrains the shape of f(α) is qualitatively similar to that for the moon—generally concave upward. By contrast, bright craters on both satellites have f(α)'s which are concave downward. The scattering properties of these bright features are definitely not Lambertian, but are described approximately by the scattering law given above. The brightest craters on Callisto have reflectances which are only 10% lower than the brightest craters on Ganymede; both have closely similar scattering laws. We estimate that the brightest craters on Ganymede may reach normal reflectances of 0.7. Our phase functions yield phase integrals of q = 0.8 and 0.6 for Ganymede and Callisto, respectively.  相似文献   

Voyager imaging data demonstrate that the scattering properties (“phase curves”) of all major terrain types on Ganymede and callisto are not significantly wavelength dependent between 0.4 and 0.6 μm. Our data suggest that the phase curves may be slightly steeper at the shorter wavelengths, consistent with the trend of telescopic observations near opposition. However, the differences are small and entirely within the uncertainties of our analysis. Our result indicates that the phase integrals (0.8 for Ganymede and 0.6 for Callisto) derived by S. W. Squyres and J. Veverka [Icarus46, 137–155 (1981)] from the abundant Voyager clear filter observations are reliable measures of the radiometric phase integrals. The corresponding values of the Bond albedo turn out to be 0.35 for Ganymede and 0.11 for Callisto.  相似文献   

Differences in the apparent ages of the surfaces of Ganymede and Callisto, as revealed by Voyager images, could be due to the persistence of tectonic activity on Ganymede beyond the time of early, heavy bombardment. The slightly greater radioactive content expected in Ganymede could prolong such activity by as much as 0.5 billion years beyond the cessation of endogenic surface activity on Callisto. Tidal dissipation could not have been important for Ganymede for more than 108 years, and it was never important for Callisto.  相似文献   

R.E. Johnson 《Icarus》1985,62(2):344-347
The suggested models of polar frost formation on Ganymede are reviewed. A model in which plasma bombardment changes the reflectance characteristics of the icy surface is proposed.  相似文献   

The competition between impact erosion and impact supply of volatiles to planetary atmospheres can determine whether a planet or satellite accumulates an atmosphere. In the absence of other processes (e.g., outgassing), we find either that a planetary atmosphere should be thick, or that there should be no atmosphere at all. The boundary between the two extreme cases is set by the mass and velocity distributions and intrinsic volatile content of the impactors. We apply our model specifically to Titan, Callisto, and Ganymede. The impacting population is identified with comets, either in the form of stray Uranus-Neptune planetesimals or as dislodged Kuiper belt comets. Systematically lower impact velocities on Titan allow it to retain a thick atmosphere, while Callisto and Ganymede get nothing. Titan's atmosphere may therefore be an expression of a late-accreting, volatile-rich veneer. An impact origin for Titan's atmosphere naturally accounts for the high D/H ratio it shares with Earth, the carbonaceous meteorites, and Halley. It also accounts for the general similarity of Titan's atmosphere to those of Triton and Pluto, which is otherwise puzzling in view of the radically different histories and bulk compositions of these objects.  相似文献   

Large impact structures on Ganymede and Callisto are characterized by one or more concentric rings or scarps. Their formation is probably due to the collapse of the transient crater when the excavation depth is comparable to the thickness of the planetary lithosphere. The number, spacing, and morphology of the rings is a function of this thickness, the strength of the lithosphere, and crater diameter. When the lithosphere is thin and weak, the collapse is regulated by flow induced in the asthenosphere. The lithosphere fragments in a multiply concentric pattern (e.g., Valhalla, Asgard, Galileo Regio, and a newly discovered ring system on Callisto). The thickness and viscosity of a planetary lithosphere increases with time as the mantle cools. A thicker lithosphere leads to the formation of one (or very few) irregular normal faults concentric to the crater (e.g., Gilgamesh). A gravity wave or tsunami induced by impact into a liquid mantle would result in both concentric and radial extension features. Since these are not observed, this process cannot be responsible for the generation of the rings around the basins and basin palimpsests on Ganymede and Callisto. Subtle differences in thin lithosphere ring morphology between Ganymede and Callisto reflect (at least) the varying ice/silicate ratios, subsequent tectonic histories, and erosional mechanisms of the two bodies. The appearance of Galileo Regio and portions of Valhalla is best explained by ring graben, and though the Valhalla system is older, the lithosphere was 1.5 to 2.0 times as thick at the time of formation. Subsequent tectonic activity destroyed most of the basin-ring structure on Ganymede. The present lithosphere thickness is too great to permit development of any rings.  相似文献   

The results of ground-based spectrophotometry of the icy Galilean satellites of Jupiter—Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto—are discussed. The observations were carried out in the 0.39–0.92 μm range with the use of the CCD spectrometer mounted on the 1.25-m telescope of the Crimean laboratory of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute in March 2004. It is noted that the calculated reflectance spectra of the satellites mainly agree with the analogous data of the earlier ground-based observations and investigations in the Voyager and Galileo space missions. The present study was aimed at identifying new weak absorption bands (with the relative intensity of ~3–5%) in the reflectance spectra of these bodies with laboratory measurements (Landau et al., 1962; Ramaprasad et al., 1978; Burns, 1993; Busarev et al., 2008). It has been ascertained that the spectra of all of the considered objects contain weak absorption bands of molecular oxygen adsorbed into water ice, which is apparently caused by the radiative implantation of O+ ions into the surface material of the satellites in the magnetosphere of Jupiter. At the same time, spectral features of iron of different valence (Fe2+ and Fe3+) values typical of hydrated silicates were detected on Ganymede and Callisto, while probable indications of methane of presumably endogenous origin, adsorbed into water ice, were found on Europa. The reflectance spectra of the icy Galilean satellites were compared to the reflectance spectra of the asteroids 51 Nemausa (C-class) and 92 Undina (X-class).  相似文献   

Calculations of the tidal responses of Ganymede and Callisto reveal that tidal amplitudes on these bodies may be as large as a few meters if a liquid ocean exists to decouple the surface ice from the interior. Tides on Ganymede's surface can exceed 7 m peak-to-peak variation, while on Callisto the tidal amplitude can exceed 5 m in the presence of a liquid ocean. Without an ocean, tidal amplitudes are less than 0.5 m on Ganymede and less than 0.3 m on Callisto. An orbiting spacecraft using an altimeter for crossover analysis and Doppler tracking from Earth should be able to achieve sufficient accuracy to identify the tidal amplitude to within about a meter over the course of a few months (observing tens of tidal cycles).  相似文献   

Using high-resolution Galileo images, we counted the number of craters (larger than 1 km) on two of Jupiter's satellites—Callisto (outside and inside the Asgard impact basin) and Ganymede (in the dark cratered Galileo region)—and classified these craters morphologically. Based on the degree of preservation of crater rims, three morphological classes, A, B, and C (from the most preserved to the most degraded), have been identified. The A : B : C ratios, equal, respectively, to 1 : 3 : 5, 1 : 3 : 7, and 1 : 2.5 : 6.5 for fragments of the territory outside and inside the Asgard basin and within Galileo Regio, indicate that these crater populations reached a considerably high degree of maturity. The degradation of kilometer-scale craters on Callisto proceeds by the narrowing of their rims and their disintegration into chains of knobs, probably due to the sublimation of ice that composes the rim material. Comparing the density of craters of different classes in the regions inside and outside Asgard shows that class A craters on the territories examined were formed after the event that formed this impact basin. Kilometer-scale craters on Ganymede degrade through the expansion and smoothing of their rims and the dissection of them by radial furrows. This implies the involvement in the crater destruction of a downslope movement triggered by the seismic activity that accompanied the formation of tectonic grooves. It is possible that ice sublimation also took part in the destruction of craters on Ganymede, but its effect was less prominent than the effect of downslope movements.  相似文献   

B.L. Ulich  E.K. Conklin 《Icarus》1976,27(2):183-189
We have measured the 3.33 mm wavelength disk brightness temperatures of Ganymede (136 ± 21°K), Callisto (95 ± 17°K), Ceres (137 ± 25°K), Uranus (125 ± 9°K), and Neptune (126 ± 9°K). Our observations of Ganymede are consistent with the radiation from a blackbody in solar equilibrium, whereas Callisto's microwave spectrum indicates a surface similar to that of the Moon. The disk temperature for Ceres agrees with that expected from a rapidly rotating blackbody. The millimeter temperatures of Uranus and Neptune greatly exceed solar equilibrium values, implying atmospheres with large temperature gradients.  相似文献   

Differences in crater morphology between the Jovian and Saturnian-Uranian ice satellites implies a weaker surface strength for Ganymede and Callisto and thus a more concentrated composition of water. This compositional anomaly among the ice satellites is apparently due to a more complete migration of heavy material toward the inner part of the pre-planetary disc of the Jovian system than occurred in the discs of the Saturnian and Uranian systems.  相似文献   

Roger N. Clark 《Icarus》1980,44(2):388-409
The reflectance spectra of Ganymede, Europa, Callisto, and Saturn's rings are analyzed using recent laboratory reflectance studies of water frost, water ice, and water and mineral mixtures. It is found that the spectra of the icy Galilean satellites are characteristic of water ice (e.g., ice blocks or possibly very large ice crystals ? 1 cm) or frost on ice rather than pure water frost, and that the decrease in reflectance at visible wavelengths is caused by other mineral grains in the surface. The spectra of Saturn's rings are more characteristic of water frost with some other mineral grains mixed in the frost but not on the surface. The impurities on all these objects are not in spectrally isolated patches but appear to be intimately mixed with the water. The impurity grains appear to have reflectance spectra typical of minerals containing Fe3+. Some carbonaceous chondrite meteorite spectra show the necessary spectral shape. Ganymede is found to have more water ice on the surface than previously thought (~90 wt%), as is Callisto (30–90 wt%). The surface of Europa has a vast frozen water surface with only a few percent impurities. Saturn's rings also have only a few percent impurities. The amount of bound water or bound OH for these objects is 5 ± 5 wt% averaged over the entire surface. Thus with the small amount of nonicy material present on these objects, no hydrated minerals can be ruled out. A new absorption feature is identified in Ganymede, Callisto, and probably Europa at 1.5 μm which is also seen in the spectra of Io but not in Saturn's rings. This feature has not been seen in laboratory studies and its cause is unknown.  相似文献   

Using the images of Callisto's surface acquired at 15-km resolution by the Galileo spacecraft during its C21 orbit, we studied the morphology of craters with diameters of less than 1–2 km and knobs. By analogy with other regions of Callisto that have been studied, these craters and knobs are thought to be formed by the sublimation degradation of the rims of larger craters that are also present in the region under study. The small craters closely resemble similar-sized lunar craters and, by analogy with the latter, are also divided into morphological classes. The depths of 42 craters of different morphological classes are estimated using shadow lengths visible in the craters. The fractions of the craters of different classes in the subpopulation are determined as a function of the crater diameter. Evidence has been obtained that larger craters degrade at a slower rate than smaller ones. The mean thickness of the mantle of dark material (40 m) is estimated from the sizes of the craters ejecting the blocks of the basement ice material. The shape of the knob shadows shows that the knobs are heights of mostly conical form with slopes whose steepness is close to the angle of repose. Analysis has shown that the observed landforms and material units of the region under investigation have been formed during two successive stages of the geologic history of Callisto. Large craters, knobs, and the mantle of dark material were formed mostly at the end of the period of heavy meteorite bombardment. The leading processes of this period are impact cratering, the sublimation of Callisto's crustal ice with the accumulation of residual non-icy material, and downslope mass movement. The next stage, which continues until the present time, involved the formation of the subpopulation of small (<1–2 km) craters. This formation was accompanied by the impact reworking of the upper portion of the dark mantle. The key processes occurring at this stage are impact cratering and downslope mass movement. The mean intensity of resurfacing at this stage is much lower than at the preceding stage.  相似文献   

The present state of our knowledge and understanding of H2O in the stratosphere is reviewed. This reveals continuing discrepancies between observations and expectations following from the Brewer-Dobson hypothesis of stratospheric circulation. In particular, available observations indicate unexplained upward and poleward directed H2O gradients immediately downstream from the tropical tropopause and variable vertical gradients above 20 km which generally disagree with those expected from oxidation of CH4.  相似文献   

The reaction between the radical C2H and the stable hydrocarbon C2H2 is one of the simplest neutral-neutral hydrocarbon reactions in chemical models of dense interstellar clouds and carbon-rich circumstellar shells. Although known to be rapid at temperatures > or = 300 K, the reaction has yet to be studied at lower temperatures. We present here ab initio calculations of the potential surface for this reaction and dynamical calculations to determine its rate at low temperature. Despite a small potential barrier in the exit channel, the calculated rate is large, showing that this reaction and, most probably, more complex analogs contribute to the formation of complex organic molecules in low-temperature sources.  相似文献   

The effect of quasi-resonance energy transfer in collisions between H2 and H2O molecules in H2O maser sources is investigated. New data on the state-to-state rate coefficients for collisional transitions for H2O and H2 molecules are used in the calculations. The results of ortho-H2O level population inversion calculations for the 22.2-, 380-, 439-, and 621-GHz transitions are presented. The ortho-H2O level population inversion is shown to depend significantly on the population distribution of the para-H2 J = 0 and 2 rotational levels. The possibility of quasi-resonance energy transfer in collisions between H2 molecules at highly excited rotational-vibrational levels and H2O molecules is considered. The quasi-resonance energy transfer effect can play a significant role in pumping H2O masers in the central regions of active galactic nuclei and in star-forming regions.  相似文献   

O.L. Kuskov  V.A. Kronrod 《Icarus》2005,177(2):550-569
Models of the internal structure of completely differentiated Europa and partially differentiated Callisto have been constructed on the basis of Galileo gravity measurements, geochemical constraints on composition of ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites, and thermodynamic data on the equations of state of water, high-pressure ices, and meteoritic material. We assume thermal and mechanical equilibrium for the interiors of the satellites. A geophysically and geochemically permissible thickness of Europa's outer water-ice shell lies between 105 and 160 km (6.2-9.2% of total mass). Our results show that the bulk composition of the rock-iron core of Europa may be described by material approaching the L/LL-type chondrites in composition, but cannot be correlated either with the material of CI chondrites or H chondrites. For Europa's L/LL-chondritic models, core radii are estimated to be 470-640 km (5.3-12.5% of total mass). The allowed thickness of Europa's H2O layer ranges from 115±10 km for a differentiated L/LL-type chondritic mantle with a crust to 135±10 km for an undifferentiated mantle. We show that Callisto must only be partially differentiated into an outer ice-I layer, a water ocean, a rock-ice mantle, and a rock-iron core (mixture of anhydrous silicates and/or hydrous silicates + FeFeS alloy). We accept that the composition of the rock-iron material of Callisto is similar to the bulk composition of L/LL-type chondritic material containing up to 10-15% of iron and iron sulfide. Assuming conductive heat transfer through the ice-I crust [Ruiz, 2001. The stability against freezing of an internal liquid-water ocean on Gallisto. Nature, 412, 409-411], heat flows were estimated and the possibility of the existence of a water ocean in Callisto was evaluated. The liquid phase is stable (not freezing) beneath the ice crust, if the heat flow is between 3.3 and 3.7 mW m−2, which corresponds to the heat flow from radiogenic sources. The thickness of the ice-I crust is 135-150 km, and that of the underlying water layer, 120-180 km. The results of modeling support the hypothesis that Callisto may have an internal liquid-water ocean. The allowed total (maximum) thickness of the outer water-ice shell is up to 270-315 km. Rock-iron core radii, depending on the presence or absence of hydrous silicates, do not exceed 500-700 km, the thickness of an intermediate ice-rock mantle is not less than 1400 km, and its density is in the range of 1960-2500 kg m−3. The surface temperature of Callisto is expected to be 100-112 K. The total amount of H2O in Callisto is found to be 49-55 wt%. The correspondence between the density and moment of inertia values for bulk ice-free Io, rock-iron core of ice-poor Europa, and rock-iron cores of Ganymede and Callisto shows that their bulk compositions may be, in general, similar and may be described by the composition close to a material of the L/LL-type chondrites with the (Fetot/Si) weight ratios ranging from 0.9 to 1.3. Planetesimals composed of these types of ordinary chondrites could be considered as analogues of building material for the rock-iron cores of the Galilean satellites. Similarity of bulk composition of the rock-iron cores of the inner and outer satellites implies the absence of iron-silicon fractionation in the protojovian nebula.  相似文献   

Steven W. Squyres 《Icarus》1982,52(3):545-559
The bands of bright resurfaced terrain on Ganymede are probably broad grabens formed by global expansion and filled with deposits of ice. Grooves within the bands are thought to be extensional features formed during the same episode of expansion. The crust of Ganymede is modeled as a viscoelastic material subjected to extensional strain. With sufficiently high strain rates and stresses, deep normal faulting will occur, creating broad grabens that may then be filled. Continuing deformation at high strain rates and stresses will cause propagation of deep faults up into the flood deposits and normal faulting at the surface, while lower strain rates and stresses will cause formation of open extension fractures or, if the crustal strength is very low, grabens at the surface. The spacing between adjacent fractures may reflect the geothermal gradient at the time of deformation. Surface topography resulting from fracturing and normal faulting will decay with time as a result of viscous relaxation and mass-wasting.  相似文献   

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