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Abstract— In order to study the catastrophic disruption of porous bodies such as asteroids and planetesimals, we conducted several impact experiments using porous gypsum spheres (porosity: 50%). We investigated the fragment mass and velocity of disrupted gypsum spheres over a wide range of specific energies from 3 times 103 J/kg to 5 times 104 J/kg. We compared the largest fragment mass (m1/Mt) and the antipodal velocity (Va) of gypsum with those of non‐porous materials such as basalt and ice. The results showed that the impact strength of gypsum was notably higher than that of the non‐porous bodies; however, the fragment velocity of gypsum was slower than that of the non‐porous bodies. This was because the micro‐pores dispersed in the gypsum spheres caused a rapid attenuation of shock pressure in them. From these results, we expect that the collisional disruption of porous bodies could be significantly different from that of non‐porous bodies.  相似文献   

Knowing the collisional process among small porous icy bodies in the outer solar system is a key to understanding the formation of EKBOs and the evolution of icy planetesimals. Impact experiments of sintered porous ice spheres with 40%, 50%, 60% and 70% porosity were conducted by using three types of projectiles at the impact velocity from 2.4 to 489 m/s, and we studied the effects of porosity on the collisional processes. Projectile sticking occurred at the impact velocity higher than 44 m/s for 60% porosity targets and higher than 13 m/s for 70% porosity targets. The antipodal velocity of the porous ice target increased with the increase of energy density, Q, and it increased slightly with the increase of porosity, although it was exceptionally high in cases when the projectile penetrated the target. The shattering strength of porous ice targets was found to decrease from 100 to 31 J/kg with the increase of porosity from 40% to 70%. The cumulative fragment mass distribution was found to depend on the energy density and the target porosity, and the slopes of the distribution in the small fragment region were almost flat for more porous targets. We reanalyzed the cumulative fragment mass distribution and first obtained the empirical equation showing the fragment mass distribution of porous ice targets as a function of the energy density and the porosity.  相似文献   

Abstract— Oblique impact cratering experiments into gypsum targets were performed, and masses and velocities of the fragments were measured within the observational limit of 0.1–100 m/s in velocity and 0.0003–1 g in mass. The fragments observed were divided in two groups according to ejection time: early fragments ejected conically within a few msec after the impact followed by late fragments consisting of hundreds of slow, small fragments ejected almost perpendicular to the target. The relationship between mass and velocity of early fragments was observed to follow a power law with an exponent of ?0.11 ± 0.06, consistent with previous studies (e.g., Nakamura and Fujiwara 1991; Giblin et al. 1998). The cumulative number of fragments heavier or equal to a given mass versus fragment mass distributions shows a power law exponent of ?1.49 ± 0.09 for late fragments and steeper than ?0.49 ± 0.18 for early fragments. More than 10% of the mass was ejected from the crater with ejection speed slower than 2 m/s. Those fragments will reaccumulate on porous (<1500 kg/m3) and small (<4 km in diameter) asteroids.  相似文献   

Impact experiments of inhomogeneous targets such as layered bodies consisting of a dense core and porous mantle were conducted to clarify the effect of the layered structure on impact strength. The layered structure of small bodies could be the result of the thermal evolution of planetesimals in the solar nebula. So, the impact disruption of thermally evolved bodies with core-mantle structure is important for the origin of small bodies such as asteroids. We investigated the impact strength of rocky-layered bodies with porous mantle-sintered cores, which could be formed at an initial stage of thermal evolution. Spherical targets composed of soda-lime glass or quartz core and porous gypsum mantle were prepared as an analog of small bodies with a core-mantle structure, and the internal structure was changed. A nylon projectile was impacted at the impact velocity from 1 to 5 km/s. The impact strength of the core-mantle targets decreases with the increase of the core/target mass ratio (RCM) in the specific energy range from 1×103 to 4×104 J/kg. We observed two distinct destruction modes characterized by the damage to the core: one shows a damaged core and fractured mantle, and the other shows an intact core and broken mantle. The former mode was usually observed with increasing RCM, and the boundary condition of the core destruction () was experimentally found to be , where is the specific energy required to disrupt a glass core. From this empirical equation, it might be possible to discuss the destruction conditions of a thermally evolved body with a porous mantle-sintered core structure. We speculate that the impact strength of the body could be significantly reduced with the progress of internal evolution at the initial stage of thermal evolution.  相似文献   

The critical ionization velocity which is of cosmogonic and astrophysical interest has hitherto mainly been investigated for pure gases. Since in space we always have gas mixtures, it is of interest also to study gas mixtures. The present report, which is a summary of a more detailed report (Axnäs, 1976), summarizes the results of systematic experiments on the critical ionization velocity as a function of the mixing ratio for binary gas mixtures of H2, He, N2, O2, Ne and Ar. The apparatus used is a coaxial plasma gun with an azimuthal magnetic field. The discharge parameters are chosen so that the plasma is weakly ionized. In some of the mixtures it is found that one of the components tends to dominate in the sense that only a small amount (regarding volume) of that component is needed for the discharge to adopt a limiting velocity close to that for the pure component. Thus in a mixture between a heavy and a light component having nearly equal ionization potentials, the heavy component dominates. Also, if there is a considerable difference in ionization potential between the components, the component with the lowest ionization potential tends to dominate.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30 May, 1978.  相似文献   

N. I. Kobanov 《Solar physics》1983,82(1-2):237-243
A method of measurement of local line-of-sight velocities in the solar atmosphere by means of polarization optics is described. No spurious signals due to instrumental displacements of the spectrum arise with this method. The sensitivity of the method obtained is 0.3 m s-1, with a time constant τ = 5 s and input aperture 1.4″ × 4.5″. Some preliminary results of the assessment of spatial characteristics of 5-min oscillations are included. Data are given to illustrate a center-to-limb variation of the spectrum of 5-min oscillations.  相似文献   

It is shown that, because of the occurrence of fall-back craters, there could occur considerable heating of the Moon above the melting point of silicates during accretional time scales of order 106–108 yr.  相似文献   

In this paper we present results of two novel experimental methods to investigate the collisional behavior of individual macroscopic icy bodies. The experiments reported here were conducted in the microgravity environments of parabolic flights and the Bremen drop tower facility. Using a cryogenic parabolic-flight setup, we were able to capture 41 near-central collisions of 1.5-cm-sized ice spheres at relative velocities between 6 and . The analysis of the image sequences provides a uniform distribution of coefficients of restitution with a mean value of and values ranging from ε=0.06 to 0.84. Additionally, we designed a prototype drop-tower experiment for collisions within an ensemble of up to one hundred cm-sized projectiles and performed the first experiments with solid glass beads. We were able to statistically analyze the development of the kinetic energy of the entire system, which can be well explained by assuming a granular ‘fluid’ following Haff’s law with a constant coefficient of restitution of ε=0.64. We could also show that the setup is suitable for studying collisions at velocities of <5 mm s−1 appropriate for collisions between particles in Saturn’s dense main rings.  相似文献   

Abstract— Asteroids 387 Aquitania and 980 Anacostia are anomalous members of the S-class. Their reflectance spectra exhibit a strong broad absorption feature longwards of 1.5 μm and no significant feature near 1 μm. Their spectra indicate the presence of spinel, an aluminum-magnesium oxide mineral commonly present in inclusions in CV3 and CO3 meteorites. Spinel probably makes up only a small percentage of the surface assemblages of these asteroids, but its spectral effect may be enhanced by its presence in fine-grained white inclusions in immature asteroid regoliths. It is speculated that Aquitania and Anacostia represent material formed in the same nebular zone as the CV3 and CO3 chondrites but either: A) at an earlier time in the nebula when such inclusions might have been a relatively larger fraction of the nebular grain population, or B) in local regions where nebular processes (e.g., settling to the midplane) had concentrated such inclusions. The close similarity of two orbital elements (a, i) suggests that Aquitania and Anacostia may be members of a partially dispersed asteroid family produced by the early disruption of a spinel-bearing parent body.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the physics of meteoroid breakup in the atmosphere and its implications for the observed features of strewn fields. There are several effects which cause dispersion of the meteoroid fragments: gravity, differential lift of the fragments, bow shock interaction just after breakup, centripetal separation by a rotating meteoroid, and possibly a dynamical transverse separation resulting from the crushing deceleration in the atmosphere. Of these, we show that gravity alone can produce the common pattern in which the largest crater occurs at the downrange end of the scatter ellipse. The average lift-to-drag ratio of the tumbling fragments must be less than about 10?3, otherwise small fragments would produce small craters downrange of the main crater, and this is not generally observed. The cross-range dispersion is probably due to the combined effects of bow shock interaction, crushing deceleration, and possibly spinning of the meteoroid. A number of terrestrial strewn fields are discussed in the light of these ideas, which are formulated quantitatively for a range of meteoroid velocities, entry angles, and crushing strengths. It is found that when the crater size exceeds about 1 km, the separation between the fragments upon landing is a fraction of their own diameter, so that the crater formed by such a fragmented meteoroid is almost indistinguishable from that formed by a solid body of the same total mass and velocity.  相似文献   

We study the effect of collisional 2s ? 2p transitions on the populations of the 2s and 2p states at the cosmological hydrogen recombination epoch and on the intensity of the recombination Hα line. Our calculations are based on a simple model hydrogen atom with four bound states (1s, 2s, 2p, and the n = 3 level with an equilibrium distribution in sublevels with different orbital quantum numbers l). We show that collisions do not lead to an equilibrium distribution in sublevels of the n = 2 level. The relative change in the cosmological Hα line intensity due to collisional transitions does not exceed 10?3.  相似文献   

T.A. Heppenheimer 《Icarus》1975,26(3):367-376
This paper examines two proposed mechanisms whereby asteroidal collisions and close approaches may have given rise to the Kirkwood Gaps. The first hypothesis is that asteroids in near-resonant orbits have markedly increased collision probabilities and so are preferentially destroyed, or suffer decay in population density, within the resonance zones. A simple order-of-magnitude analysis shows that this hypothesis is untenable since it leads to conclusions which are either unrealistic or not in accord with present understanding of asteroidal physics.The second hypothesis is the Brouwer-Jefferys theory that collisions would smooth an asteroidal distribution function, as a function of Jacobi constant, thus forming resonance gaps. This hypothesis is examined by direct numerical integration of 50 asteroid orbits near the 2:1 resonance, with collisions simulated by random variables. No tendency to form a gap was observed.  相似文献   

A time sequence of magnetograms and velocity-grams in the H and Fe i 6569 Å lines has been made at a rate of 12 h–1 of McMath Region 10385 from 26 to 29 October, 1969. The 14 flares observed during this period have been studied in relation to the configuration and changes in the magnetic and velocity fields. There was little correlation between flare position and the evolutionary changes in the photospheric magnetic and velocity field, except at large central meridian distances where the velocity observations suggested shearing taking place at flare locations. At central meridian distances > 30° we found that flares are located in areas of low line-of-sight photospheric velocity surrounded by higher velocity hills. The one exception to this was the only flare which produced a surge. Blue-shifted velocity changes in the photosphere of 0.3 to 1 km s–1 were observed in localized areas at the times of 8 of 14 flares studied.Visiting Astronomer, Kitt Peak National Observatory.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A.W. Harris 《Icarus》1975,24(2):190-192
Jeffreys (1947) estimated the size of fragments resulting from breakup of a satellite inside the Roche limit, obtaining a result of ~100 km. This result does not allow for the further breakup of the fragments due to collisions among themselves, which should reduce the maximum size to ?3 km for rock, or ?1 km for ice. This result affects not only Jeffrey's speculations as to the origin of Saturn's rings, but also recent speculations on the origin of the moon by capture and the possible tidal destruction of satellites of Mercury or Venus.  相似文献   

Values of the proton collisional excitation and deexcitation cross sections for all transitions between the Fe+12 ground configuration levels are calculated using semi-classical Coulomb excitation theory. Rate constants for these processes are then derived for coronal temperatures and are shown to be comparable in all cases to the corresponding electron rate constants.  相似文献   

D. Summers 《Solar physics》1978,56(2):429-438
The collisional equations for the solar wind assuming steady, spherically symmetric flow and including thermal conduction and an anisotropic proton temperature are analysed in the absence of a heat source function. The equations are cast in a form that involves one dimensionless parameter, effectively equal to the inverse Péclet number for protons, and the small quantity , the square-root of the electron-proton mass ratio. Analytic forms for the proton temperature anisotropy and other flow variables are derived by applying the limit 0, and using asymptotic techniques. It is found that the model based purely on Coulomb collisions predicts values for the proton temperature anisotropy in the vicinity of the Earth that are much smaller than those observed, and that increasing the coronal base temperature serves to decrease the predicted anisotropy still further.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

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