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Paul D. Komar 《Icarus》1979,37(1):156-181
Comparisons are undertaken between the hydraulics of channelized water flows on Mars, large terrestrial rivers, deep-sea turbidity currents, and the catastrophic flow of Lake Missoula floods. Expected bottom shear stresses, velocities and discharges, flow powers, and other parameters are computed for each. Sand transport rates and the times required for channel erosion are estimated for Mangala Channel. These calculations indicate that the turbidity currents and Lake Missoula floods were similar to channelized water flow on Mars in their flow characteristics and in their abilities to erode and transport sediments. Like the Lake Missoula floods, deep-sea turbidity currents are catastrophic in character, being formed by the slumping of large masses of sediment trapped in submarine canyons or deposited on the continental slope. The repeated flows originating from submarine canyons have formed deep-sea channels similar in scale and overall morphology to the Martian outflow channels. The submarine canyon can be viewed as the counterpart of the chaotic terrain or crater which serves as sources for many Martian channels. Like most Martian outflow channels, the deep-sea channels generally lack tributaries or have only minor tributaries, instead consisting of a single pronounced channel extending for several hundred kilometers from its origin at the submarine canyon to deep abyssal depths. The channels vary considerably in dimensions, but most commonly have widths in the range 2 to 15 km with reliefs of 50 to 450 meters, again similar in scale to the Martian channels. Other similarities include sections of anastomosing channels, a general lack of pronounced meandering, and a lack of an apparent “delta” where the transported sediments are deposited. The similarities of channel morphology and flow hydraulics indicate the deep-sea channels and turbidity currents can be useful in furthering our understanding of the Martian outflow channels. Physical processes in the deep-sea occur under a reduced effective gravity because of the overlying water with its buoyancy. The deep-sea channels provide another set of Earth-based channels which can be studied to determine the effects of gravity on such factors as channel meandering and anastomosing characteristics.  相似文献   

Sediment transport by surficial flow likely occurs on Titan. Titan is thought to have a volatile cycle, such as on Earth and likely in the past on Mars, which would entail surficial liquid flow. And surficial flow is implied in interpretations of Cassini-Hyugens data as showing fluvial channels, which would require sediment transport by surficial flow to form the observable features. We present calculations from basic hydraulic formulae of sediment entrainment and transport by surficial flow. First, we describe the conditions for (non-cohesive) sediment entrainment by grain size through use of the Shields' threshold curve. We then calculate settling velocities by grain size to describe the type of sediment transport—washload, suspended load, or bedload—that would follow entrainment. These calculations allow derivation of required flow depths for sediment transport by grain size over a given slope. A technique to estimate required flow velocities and unit discharges is also presented. We show the results of these calculations for organic and water ice sediment movement by liquid methane flow under Titan gravity. For comparative purposes, plots for movement of quartz sediment by water on Earth and basalt sediment by water on Mars are also included. These results indicate that (non-cohesive) material would move more easily on Titan than on Earth or Mars. Terrestrial field observations suggest that coarse grain transport is enhanced by hyperconcentration of fine-grained sediment; and the apparent availability of organic (fine grained) sediment on Titan, in conjunction with the possibility of convection-driven rainstorms, may lead to hyperconcentrated flows. Thus, significant sediment transport may occur on Titan during individual overland flow events.  相似文献   

The discovery of microbiota in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica has encouraged the construction of new models of Martian ecosystems in order to determine if life could have once existed on Mars. The Antarctic cyanobacteria reside just below the surface of sandstone rocks where they are protected from the extreme cold and dry environment. Analogy with the Antarctic Dry Valleys supports speculation that hypothetical micro-organisms existed on Mars in the early history of the planet and could have migrated into suitable rocks as the availability of liquid water decreased. Although evidence for sandstone layers on Mars has not been substantiated, the palaeohydrology of Martian fluvial valleys (MFVs) reveals the evidence of lake bed sediment depositions which have formed consolidated sediments. As the MFVs formation may result from underground drainage processes, the sediment material would be expected to contain debris such as pumice washload, and pumilith of volcanic and meteoritic origin. These materials may have formed consolidated porous terrains similar to the Antarctic sandstone. Therefore, the endolithic model is consistent with the Martian liquid water habitat model of perenially ice-covered lakes.  相似文献   

Detailed study of the Valles Marineris equatorial troughs suggests that the landslides in that area contained water and probably were gigantic wet debris flows: one landslide complex generated a channel that has several bends and extends for 250 km. Further support for water or ice in debris masses includes rounded flow lobes and transport of some slide masses in the direction of the local topographic slope. Differences in speed and emplacement efficiency between Martian and terrestrial landslides can be attributed to the entrainment of volatiles on Mars, but they can also be explained by other mechanisms. Support that the wall rock contained water comes from the following observations: (1) the water within the landslide debris must have been derived from wall rock; (2) debris appears to have been transported through tributary canyons; (3) locally, channels emerged from the canyons; (4) the wall rock apprarently disintegrated and flowed easily; and (5) fault zones within the troughs are unusually resistant to erosion. The study further suggests that, in the equatorial region of Mars, material below depths of 400–800 m was not desiccated during the time of landslide activity (within the last billion years of Martian history). Therefore the Martian ground-water or groundice reservoir, if not a relic from ancient times, must have been replenished.  相似文献   

Bolide impacts on Mars, within the proposed ocean boundaries (“contacts 1 and 2”) in the northern lowlands, would certainly have generated ultra high energy waves similar to tsunamis on Earth. Impacts into putative Noachian and Hesperian seas of variable areal extents and depths would have experienced high-energy inundations (transgressions), which would have left an imprint in the stack of deposits adjacent to the proposed shorelines. On Earth, the principal influencing factors for tsunami-wave energy are the character of shoreline topography and coastal water depth, which control wave compression and shoreline friction. Shorelines with narrow embayments and steep offshore gradients produce wave compression and increased collision of grains within the carried load contrasted with linear shorelines and shallow offshore gradients that dissipate energy. Steep offshore gradients produce concentrated major wave friction with the bed engendering high kinetic energy in the wave during emplacement of tsunami-generated sediment, which differs from shallow offshore beds that produce lower frictional effects over a wider area and drawdown of wave energy. Thus, overprinting of transported quartz grains on Earth is greatest where wave energy is highest, attenuated down to minor or nil overprinting where wave energy is less. Such grain overprinting in the form of energy-induced microtextures would also be observed in other grain types such as olivine and plagioclase, as such mineralogies are expected to dominate the Martian landscape based on orbital and local field (lander and rover) perspectives. Kinetic energy variation in tsunamis is controlled more by the square of velocity than mass, the resulting collisional effects of which produce swarms of v-shaped percussion microfeatures on quartz and other silicate mineral surfaces when velocity and compression are highest. This work indicates that a valid test for the ocean hypothesis is targeting “coastal” areas adjacent to narrow embayments where offshore depths are known to be highest, as possible tsunami-emplaced sediments, especially those that have been protected from atmospheric conditions through relatively rapid burial, may reveal a high frequency of percussion cracks, features of which appear to be unique to such terrestrial environments.  相似文献   

Previous estimates of the volatile contents of Martian basalts, and hence their source regions, ranged from nearly volatile‐free through estimates similar to those found in terrestrial subduction zones. Here, we use the bulk chemistry of Martian meteorites, along with Martian apatite and amphibole chemistry, to constrain the volatile contents of the Martian interior. Our estimates show that the volatile content of the source region for the Martian meteorites is similar to the terrestrial Mid‐Ocean‐Ridge Mantle source. Chlorine is enriched compared with the depleted terrestrial mantle but is similar to the terrestrial enriched source region; fluorine is similar to the terrestrial primitive mantle; and water is consistent with the terrestrial mantle. Our results show that Martian magmas were not volatile saturated; had water/chlorine and water/fluorine ratios ~0.4–18; and are most similar, in terms of volatiles, to terrestrial MORBs. Presumably, there are variations in volatile content in the Martian interior as suggested by apatite compositions, but more bulk chemical data, especially for fluorine and water, are required to investigate these variations. Finally, the Noachian Martian interior, as exemplified by surface basalts and NWA 7034, may have had higher volatile contents.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted under atmospheric pressures appropriate for Earth and Mars to determine the efficiency of sand in saltation as a means for raising dust into the atmosphere under wind speeds which would otherwise be too low for dust entrainment. Experiments involving intimate mixtures of sand and dust (1:1 ratio by mass) showed that after an initial flurry of activity of a few seconds duration, the bed stabilized with little movement of either sand or dust. In contrast, sands set into saltation upwind from dust beds were efficient in injecting the dust into suspension, with low-pressure Martian conditions being some five times more efficient than terrestrial conditions. This result is attributed to the higher kinetic energies of the saltating grains on Mars, which is a consequence of the higher velocities of the grains. These results suggest that sands saltating across dust beds on Mars are an effective means for setting dust into suspension.  相似文献   

Abstract— A model for emplacement of deposits of impact craters is presented that explains the size range of Martian layered ejecta craters between 5 km and 60 km in diameter in the low and middle latitudes. The impact model provides estimates of the water content of crater deposits relative to volatile content in the aquifer of Mars. These estimates together with the amount of water required to initiate fluid flow in terrestrial debris flows provide an estimate of 21% by volume (7.6 × 107km3) of water/ice that was stored between 0.27 and 2.5 km depth in the crust of Mars during Hesperian and Amazonian time. This would have been sufficient to supply the water for an ocean in the northern lowlands of Mars. The existence of fluidized craters smaller than 5 km diameter in some places on Mars suggests that volatiles were present locally at depths less than 0.27 km. Deposits of Martian craters may be ideal sites for searches for fossils of early organisms that may have existed in the water table if life originated on Mars.  相似文献   

David Wallace  Carl Sagan 《Icarus》1979,39(3):385-400
The evaporation rate of water ice on the surface of a planet with an atmosphere involves an equilibrium between solar heating and radiative and evaporative cooling of the ice layer. The thickness of the ice is governed principally by the solar flux which penetrates the ice layer and then is conducted back to the surface. These calculations differ from those of Lingenfelter et al. [(1968) Science161, 266–269] for putative lunar channels in including the effect of the atmosphere. Evaporation from the surface is governed by two physical phenomena: wind and free convection. In the former case, water vapor diffuses from the surface of the ice through a lamonar boundary layer and then is carried away by eddy diffusion above, provided by the wind. The latter case, in the absence of wind, is similar, except that the eddy diffusion is caused by the lower density of water vapor than the Martian atmosphere. For mean Martian insolations the evaporation rate above the ice is ~ 10?8 g cm?2 sec?1. Thus, even under present Martian conditions a flowing channel of liquid water will be covered with ice which evaporates sufficiently slowly that the water below can flow for hundreds of kilometers even with quite modest discharges. Evaporation rates are calculated for a wide range of frictional velocities, atmospheric pressures, and insolations and it seems clear that at least some subset of observed Martian channels may have formed as ice-choked rivers. Typical equilibrium thicknesses of such ice covers are ~ 10 to 30 m; typical surface temperatures are 210 to 235°K. Ice-covered channels or lakes on Mars today may be of substantial biological interest. Ice is a sufficiently poor conductor of heat that sunlight which penetrates it can cause melting to a depth of several meters or more. Because the obliquity of Mars can vary up to some 35°, the increased polar heating at such times seems able to cause subsurface melting of the ice caps to a depth which corresponds to the observed lamina thickness and may be responsible for the morphology of these polar features.  相似文献   

Carl Sagan  R.A. Bagnold 《Icarus》1975,26(2):209-218
Experimental data on cohesion-free particle transport in fluid beds are applied, via a universal scaling relation, to atmospheric transport of fine grains on Mars. It may be that cohesion due to impact vitrification, vacuum sintering, and adsorbed thin films of water are absent on Mars—in which case the curve of threshold velocity versus grain size may show no turnup to small particle size, and one micron diameter grains may be injected directly by saltation into the Martian atmosphere more readily than 100 micron diameter grains. Curves for threshold and terminal velocities are presented for the full range of Martian pressures and temperatures. Suspension of fine grains is significantly easier at low temperatures and high pressures; late afternoon brightenings of many areas of Mars, and the generation of dust storms in such deep basins as Hellas, may be due to this effect.  相似文献   

The surface of Titan has been revealed by Cassini observations in the infrared and radar wavelength ranges as well as locally by the Huygens lander instruments. Sand seas, recently discovered lakes, distinct landscapes and dendritic erosion patterns indicate dynamic surface processes. This study focus on erosional and depositional features that can be used to constrain the amount of liquids involved in the erosional process as well as on the compositional characteristics of depositional areas. Fluvial erosion channels on Titan as identified at the Huygens landing site and in RADAR and Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) observations have been compared to analogous channel widths on Earth yielding average discharges of up to 1600 m3/s for short recurrence intervals that are sufficient to move centimeter-sized sediment and significantly higher discharges for long intervals. With respect to the associated drainage areas, this roughly translates to 1-150 cm/day runoff production rates with 10 years recurrence intervals and by assuming precipitation this implies 0.6-60 mm/h rainfall rates. Thus the observed surface erosion fits with the methane convective storm models as well as with the rates needed to transport sediment. During Cassini's T20 fly-by, the VIMS observed an extremely eroded area at 30° W, 7° S with resolutions of up to 500 m/pixel that extends over thousands of square kilometers. The spectral characteristics of this area change systematically, reflecting continuous compositional and/or particle size variations indicative of transported sediment settling out while flow capacities cease. To account for the estimated runoff production and widespread alluvial deposits of fine-grained material, release of area-dependent large fluid volumes are required. Only frequent storms with heavy rainfall or cryovolcanic induced melting can explain these erosional features.  相似文献   

Abstract Terrestrial alteration of meteorites results in the redistribution, gain, or loss of uranium and other elements. We have measured the maximum U adsorption capacity of a meteorite and two geochemical reference materials under conditions resembling terrestrial ones (pH 5.8). The basaltic eucrite Sioux County adsorbs 7 ppm of U. The result for the terrestrial granite AC‐E is similar (5 ppm), while the basalt BE‐N adsorbs 34 ppm of U. We have also investigated U adsorption in the presence of phosphate (0.01 M or less) in imitation of conditions that probably occurred in the earlier history of Mars. Such a process would have alterated Martian surface material and would be noticeable in Martian meteorites from the affected surface. The experiments demonstrated the counteracting effects of phosphate, which increases U adsorption, but decreases the quantity of dissolved U that is available for adsorption. U adsorption by AC‐E increases to 7 ppm. The lowered value for BE‐N of 8 ppm results from the low quantity of dissolved U in the volume of solution used. The results from the adsorption experiments and from leaching the Martian meteorite Zagami and a terrestrial basalt imply that the aqueous redistribution of U on Mars was moderate. Acidic liquids mobilized uranium and other metals, but present phosphate impeded the dissolution of U compounds. Some mobilized U may have reached the global sinks, while most of it probably was transported in the form of suspended particles over a limited distance and then settled.  相似文献   

The hydrogen isotopic composition of planetary reservoirs can provide key constraints on the origin and history of water on planets. The sources of water and the hydrological evolution of Mars may be inferred from the hydrogen isotopic compositions of mineral phases in Martian meteorites, which are currently the only samples of Mars available for Earth‐based laboratory investigations. Previous studies have shown that δD values in minerals in the Martian meteorites span a large range of ?250 to +6000‰. The highest hydrogen isotope ratios likely represent a Martian atmospheric component: either interaction with a reservoir in equilibrium with the Martian atmosphere (such as crustal water), or direct incorporation of the Martian atmosphere due to shock processes. The lowest δD values may represent those of the Martian mantle, but it has also been suggested that these values may represent terrestrial contamination in Martian meteorites. Here we report the hydrogen isotopic compositions and water contents of a variety of phases (merrillites, maskelynites, olivines, and an olivine‐hosted melt inclusion) in Tissint, the latest Martian meteorite fall that was minimally exposed to the terrestrial environment. We compared traditional sample preparation techniques with anhydrous sample preparation methods, to evaluate their effects on hydrogen isotopes, and find that for severely shocked meteorites like Tissint, the traditional sample preparation techniques increase water content and alter the D/H ratios toward more terrestrial‐like values. In the anhydrously prepared Tissint sample, we see a large range of δD values, most likely resulting from a combination of processes including magmatic degassing, secondary alteration by crustal fluids, shock‐related fractionation, and implantation of Martian atmosphere. Based on these data, our best estimate of the δD value for the Martian depleted mantle is ?116 ± 94‰, which is the lowest value measured in a phase in the anhydrously prepared section of Tissint. This value is similar to that of the terrestrial upper mantle, suggesting that water on Mars and Earth was derived from similar sources. The water contents of phases in Tissint are highly variable, and have been affected by secondary processes. Considering the H2O abundances reported here in the driest phases (most likely representing primary igneous compositions) and appropriate partition coefficients, we estimate the H2O content of the Tissint parent magma to be ≤0.2 wt%.  相似文献   

P. Thomas  J. Veverka  S. Lee  A. Bloom 《Icarus》1981,45(1):124-153
A classification of Martian wind streaks has been developed to assist in investigations of eolian transport and related meteorological phenomena on Mars. Streaks can be grouped by their albedo contrast with their surroundings and by the presence of either topographic obstacles or sediment deposits at their points of origin. The vast majority of wind streaks can be included in three categories. (1) Bright streaks with no source deposit: interpreted to be formed by preferential deposition of dust from suspension. (2) Dark streaks with no source deposit: interpreted to be formed by preferential erosion of bright dust and its removal in suspension. (3) Dark streaks associated with deposits of sediment: interpreted to be formed by deposition of dark material moved by saltation. The orientations of the different streak types are distinctive and reflect both global flow patterns and slope-controlled winds. The wind directions derived from streaks and the geographical distribution of the features show a strong north-south asymmetry—consistent with the fact that perihelion (and hence maximum wind activity) occurs near southern summer solstice.  相似文献   

Viking images of Martian craters with rampart-bordered ejecta deposits reveal distinct impact ejecta morphology when compared to that associated with similar-sized craters on the Moon and Mercury. Topographic control of distribution, lobate and terraced margins, cross-cutting relationships, and multiple stratigraphic units are evidence for ejecta emplacement by surface flowage. It is suggested that target water explosively vaporized during impact alters initial ballistic trajectories of ejecta and produces surging flow emplacement. The dispersal of particulates during a series of controlled steam explosions generated by interaction of a thermite melt with water has been experimentally modeled. Preliminary results indicate that the mass ratio of water to melt and confining pressure control the degree of melt fragmentation (ejecta particle size) and the energy and mode of melt-ejecta dispersal. Study of terrestrial, lobate, volcanic ejecta produced by steam-blast explosions reveals that particle size and vapor to clast volume ratio are primary parameters characterizing the emplacement mechanism and deposit morphology. Martian crater ramparts are formed when ejecta surges lose fluidizing vapors and transported particles are deposited en masse. This deposition results from flow yield strength increasing above shear stress due to interparticle friction.  相似文献   

Abstract– Xenon‐isotopic ratios, step‐heating release patterns, and gas concentrations of mineral separates from Martian shergottites Roberts Massif (RBT) 04262, Dar al Gani (DaG) 489, Shergotty, and Elephant Moraine (EET) 79001 lithology B are reported. Concentrations of Martian atmospheric xenon are similar in mineral separates from all meteorites, but more weathered samples contain more terrestrial atmospheric xenon. The distributions of xenon from the Martian and terrestrial atmospheres among minerals in any one sample are similar, suggesting similarities in the processes by which they were acquired. However, in opaque and maskelynite fractions, Martian atmospheric xenon is released at higher temperatures than terrestrial atmospheric xenon. It is suggested that both Martian and terrestrial atmospheric xenon were initially introduced by weathering (low temperature alteration processes). However, the Martian component was redistributed by shock, accounting for its current residence in more retentive sites. The presence or absence of detectable 129Xe from the Martian atmosphere in mafic minerals may correspond to the extent of crustal contamination of the rock’s parent melt. Variable contents of excess 129Xe contrast with previously reported consistent concentrations of excess 40Ar, suggesting distinct sources contributed these gases to the parent magma.  相似文献   

Within the numerical general-circulation model of the Martian atmosphere MAOAM (Martian Atmosphere: Observation and Modeling), we have developed the water cycle block, which is an essential component of modern general circulation models of the Martian atmosphere. The MAOAM model has a spectral dynamic core and successfully predicts the temperature regime on Mars through the use of physical parameterizations typical of both terrestrial and Martian models. We have achieved stable computation for three Martian years, while maintaining a conservative advection scheme taking into account the water–ice phase transitions, water exchange between the atmosphere and surface, and corrections for the vertical velocities of ice particles due to sedimentation. The studies show a strong dependence of the amount of water that is actively involved in the water cycle on the initial data, model temperatures, and the mechanism of water exchange between the atmosphere and the surface. The general pattern and seasonal asymmetry of the water cycle depends on the size of ice particles, the albedo, and the thermal inertia of the planet’s surface. One of the modeling tasks, which results from a comparison of the model data with those of the TES experiment on board Mars Global Surveyor, is the increase in the total mass of water vapor in the model in the aphelion season and decrease in the mass of water ice clouds at the poles. The surface evaporation scheme, which takes into account the turbulent rise of water vapor, on the one hand, leads to the most complete evaporation of ice from the surface in the summer season in the northern hemisphere and, on the other hand, supersaturates the atmosphere with ice due to the vigorous evaporation, which leads to worse consistency between the amount of the precipitated atmospheric ice and the experimental data. The full evaporation of ice from the surface increases the model sensitivity to the size of the polar cap; therefore, the increase in the latter leads to better results. The use of a more accurate dust scenario changes the model temperatures, which also strongly affects the water cycle.  相似文献   

Fluvial features on Titan and drainage basins on Earth are remarkably similar despite differences in gravity and surface composition. We determined network bifurcation (Rb) ratios for five Titan and three terrestrial analog basins. Tectonically-modified Earth basins have Rb values greater than the expected range (3.0-5.0) for dendritic networks; comparisons with Rb values determined for Titan basins, in conjunction with similarities in network patterns, suggest that portions of Titan’s north polar region are modified by tectonic forces. Sufficient elevation data existed to calculate bed slope and potential fluvial sediment transport rates in at least one Titan basin, indicating that 75 mm water ice grains (observed at the Huygens landing site) should be readily entrained given sufficient flow depths of liquid hydrocarbons. Volumetric sediment transport estimates suggest that ∼6700-10,000 Titan years (∼2.0-3.0 × 105 Earth years) are required to erode this basin to its minimum relief (assuming constant 1 m and 1.5 m flows); these lowering rates increase to ∼27,000-41,000 Titan years (∼8.0-12.0 × 105 Earth years) when flows in the north polar region are restricted to summer months.  相似文献   

Abstract— Antarctic meteorite Miller Range (MIL) 03346 is a nakhlite composed of 79% clinopyroxene, ?1% olivine, and 20% vitrophyric intercumulus material. We have performed a petrological and geochemical study of MIL 03346, demonstrating a petrogenetic history similar to previously discovered nakhlites. Quantitative textural study of MIL 03346 indicates long (>1 × 101 yr) residence times for the cumulus augite, whereas the skeletal Fe‐Ti oxide, fayalite, and sulfide in the vitrophyric intercumulus matrix suggest rapid cooling, probably as a lava flow. From the relatively high forsterite contents of olivine (up to Fo43) compared with other nakhlites and compositions of augite cores (Wo38–42En35–40Fs22–28) and their hedenbergite rims, we suggest that MIL 03346 is part of the same or a similar Martian cumulate‐rich lava flow as other nakhlites. However, MIL 03346 has experienced less equilibration and faster cooling than other nakhlites discovered to date. Calculated trace element concentrations based upon modal abundances of MIL 03346 and its constituent minerals are identical to whole rock trace element abundances. Parental melts for augite have REE patterns that are approximately parallel with whole rock and intercumulus melt using experimentally defined partition coefficients. This parallelism reflects closed‐system crystallization for MIL 03346, where the only significant petrogenetic process between formation of augite and eruption and emplacement of the nakhlite flow has been fractional crystallization. A model for the petrogenesis of MIL 03346 and the nakhlites (Nakhla, Governador Valadares, Lafayette, Yamato‐000593, Northwest Africa (NWA) 817, NWA 998) would include: 1) partial melting and ascent of melt generated from a long‐term LREE depleted mantle source, 2) crystallization of cumulus augite (± olivine, ± magnetite) in a shallow‐level Martian magma chamber, 3) eruption of the crystal‐laden nakhlite magma onto the surface of Mars, 4) cooling, crystal settling, overgrowth, and partial equilibration to different extents within the flow, 5) secondary alteration through hydrothermal processes, possibly immediately succeeding or during emplacement of the flow. This model might apply to single—or multiple—flow models for the nakhlites. Ultimately, MIL 03346 and the other nakhlites preserve a record of magmatic processes in volcanic rocks on Mars with analogous petrogenetic histories to pyroxene‐rich terrestrial lava flows and to komatiites.  相似文献   

Morphodynamics of deltas under the influence of humans   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A consistent database was established to characterize key environmental factors known to control delta morphology. The database includes the location, basin morphology, fluvial and sediment discharge to the deltas, delta morphology, ocean energy, and shelf depth reached by the sub-aqueous delta. Fifty-one deltas were selected to cover the global parameter range of rivers entering all major oceans and coastal seas. Seasonal satellite images of the deltas were processed (IKONOS, SPOT, LANDSAT, and MODIS). Predictive statistical relationships were obtained, suitable for hypothesis testing or to constrain/verify numerical models used to simulate the evolution of coastal systems. The area of a delta is best predicted from average discharge, the total sediment load feeding the delta, and the offshore accommodation space. The gradient of a delta plain, measured from the apex of the delta to the coast along the main channel, is best predicted with a ratio of sediment supply to sediment retention, sediment concentration used as a proxy of delta plain sedimentation, and mean water discharge. Widths of distributary channels form a lognormal distribution, with the cumulative width of the river mouths directly related to the maximum discharge, tidal and wave energy. The grain size of topset deposits scales with the river length. Hundreds of millions of people occupy deltas and human engineering is now a major influence on the growth and evolution of many deltas, through control of the flow path of distributary channels, and mitigation of the seasonal flood wave with concomitant change in the delivery of sediment load. More and more deltas are moving away from their pre-Anthropocene morphology, as influenced by pristine sediment supply and sediment dispersal.  相似文献   

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