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Some of the distinct noble gas “components” in meteorites represent a record of processes during and even before solar system formation. This record is difficult to interpret. Often, one of the major problems is to recognize whether a certain noble gas elemental and isotopic pattern has been established in a presolar epoch, later in the solar accretion disk, during meteorite parent body formation or finally as a result of metamorphism on a parent body. It would also appear that noble gases are a preferred tool to deduce the types of matter from which the Earth and other planets accreted—if the respective parent materials are present in our extraterrestrial sample collections at all. However, also this issue is unsettled. Noble gas isotopes originating from the decay of radioactive precursors allow us to study the early and later degassing history of terrestrial planets, although the interpretation often remains model-dependent. This contribution briefly reviews some of the fundamental aspects of the noble gas record in meteorites and planets.  相似文献   

Astronomical observations have shown that protoplanetary disks are dynamic objects through which mass is transported and accreted by the central star. This transport causes the disks to decrease in mass and cool over time, and such evolution is expected to have occurred in our own solar nebula. Age dating of meteorite constituents shows that their creation, evolution, and accumulation occupied several Myr, and over this time disk properties would evolve significantly. Moreover, on this timescale, solid particles decouple from the gas in the disk and their evolution follows a different path. It is in this context that we must understand how our own solar nebula evolved and what effects this evolution had on the primitive materials contained within it. Here we present a model which tracks how the distribution of water changes in an evolving disk as the water-bearing species experience condensation, accretion, transport, collisional destruction, and vaporization. Because solids are transported in a disk at different rates depending on their sizes, the motions will lead to water being concentrated in some regions of a disk and depleted in others. These enhancements and depletions are consistent with the conditions needed to explain some aspects of the chemistry of chondritic meteorites and formation of giant planets. The levels of concentration and depletion, as well as their locations, depend strongly on the combined effects of the gaseous disk evolution, the formation of rapidly migrating rubble, and the growth of immobile planetesimals. Understanding how these processes operate simultaneously is critical to developing our models for meteorite parent body formation in the Solar System and giant planet formation throughout the galaxy. We present examples of evolution under a range of plausible assumptions and demonstrate how the chemical evolution of the inner region of a protoplanetary disk is intimately connected to the physical processes which occur in the outer regions.  相似文献   

Work presented here addresses the issue of grain accretion, an essential yet poorly understood process in planetary system formation, linking the dynamically modeled steps of temperature-dependent condensation of gases after proto-sun gravitational collapse to coalescence of kilometer-size planetesimals into planets. The mechanism for grain accretion has proven difficult to model dynamically. Here, we attempt to test the thesis that the accretion process is electrostatically-driven by non-uniform charging of grains in a low discharge/weak field environment equivalent to periodic conditions in protoplanetary nebulae during solar discharge events such as flares. We simulate in the laboratory the behavior of grains in relationship to surfaces in such an environment. The nature of the observed disaggregation, repulsion, and acceleration of grains away from initial surfaces, and their reaggregation as coatings on surrounding oppositely charged surfaces, provide an empirical experimental basis for an electrostatically-driven model for grain behavior and accretion. Similar weak discharge processes in the protoplanetary disk solar nebula could give rise to increased grain acceleration and collisional compression induced surface coating, necessary conditions for increased accretion. The frequency, timing, and level of energetic output of the proto-sun would influence the effectiveness of such processes in developing stable aggregates, and the nature of the solar system that would result.  相似文献   

Gas giant planets have been detected in orbit around an increasing number of nearby stars. Two theories have been advanced for the formation of such planets: core accretion and disk instability. Core accretion, the generally accepted mechanism, requires several million years or more to form a gas giant planet in a protoplanetary disk like the solar nebula. Disk instability, on the other hand, can form a gas giant protoplanet in a few hundred years. However, disk instability has previously been thought to be important only in relatively massive disks. New three-dimensional, "locally isothermal," hydrodynamical models without velocity damping show that a disk instability can form Jupiter-mass clumps, even in a disk with a mass (0.091 M middle dot in circle within 20 AU) low enough to be in the range inferred for the solar nebula. The clumps form with initially eccentric orbits, and their survival will depend on their ability to contract to higher densities before they can be tidally disrupted at successive periastrons. Because the disk mass in these models is comparable to that apparently required for the core accretion mechanism to operate, the models imply that disk instability could obviate the core accretion mechanism in the solar nebula and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Kerridge JF 《Icarus》1993,106(1):135-150
Analysis of the most primitive meteorites can yield detailed information about environmental conditions and physical/chemical processes in the earliest Solar System, including the nebular stage during which planetesimals were accreted. Such information pertains to time scales, thermal and chemical evolution, inhomogeneity and mixing, magnetic fields, and grain growth in the solar nebula. Nebular processes identified include evaporation, condensation, localized melting, and fractionation both of solids from gas and among different solids. Little direct evidence remains even in primitive meteorites of the actual accretion process. The absence of intrinsic factors capable of enhancing accretion among meteoritic constituents suggests that gravitational instabilities might have been important in promoting planetesimal accretion.  相似文献   

Abstract— Here I discuss the series of events that led to the formation and evolution of our planet to examine why the Earth is unique in the solar system. A multitude of factors are involved: These begin with the initial size and angular momentum of the fragment that separated from a molecular cloud; such random factors are crucial in determining whether a planetary system or a double star develops from the resulting nebula. Another requirement is that there must be an adequate concentration of heavy elements to provide the 2% “rock” and “ice” components of the original nebula. An essential step in forming rocky planets in the inner nebula is the loss of gas and depletion of volatile elements, due to early solar activity that is linked to the mass of the central star. The lifetime of the gaseous nebula controls the formation of gas giants. In our system, fine timing was needed to form the gas giant, Jupiter, before the gas in the nebula was depleted. Although Uranus and Neptune eventually formed cores large enough to capture gas, they missed out and ended as ice giants. The early formation of Jupiter is responsible for the existence of the asteroid belt (and our supply of meteorites) and the small size of Mars, whereas the gas giant now acts as a gravitational shield for the terrestrial planets. The Earth and the other inner planets accreted long after the giant planets, from volatile-depleted planetesimals that were probably already differentiated into metallic cores and silicate mantles in a gas-free, inner nebula. The accumulation of the Earth from such planetesimals was essentially a stochastic process, accounting for the differences among the four rocky inner planets—including the startling contrast between those two apparent twins, Earth and Venus. Impact history and accretion of a few more or less planetesimals were apparently crucial. The origin of the Moon by a single massive impact with a body larger than Mars accounts for the obliquity (and its stability) and spin of the Earth, in addition to explaining the angular momentum, orbital characteristics, and unique composition of the Moon. Plate tectonics (unique among the terrestrial planets) led to the development of the continental crust on the Earth, an essential platform for the evolution of Homo sapiens. Random major impacts have punctuated the geological record, accentuating the directionless course of evolution. Thus a massive asteroidal impact terminated the Cretaceous Period, resulted in the extinction of at least 70% of species living at that time, and led to the rise of mammals. This sequence of events that resulted in the formation and evolution of our planet were thus unique within our system. The individual nature of the eight planets is repeated among the 60-odd satellites—no two appear identical. This survey of our solar system raises the question whether the random sequence of events that led to the formation of the Earth are likely to be repeated in detail elsewhere. Preliminary evidence from the “new planets” is not reassuring. The discovery of other planetary systems has removed the previous belief that they would consist of a central star surrounded by an inner zone of rocky planets and an outer zone of giant planets beyond a few astronomical units (AU). Jupiter-sized bodies in close orbits around other stars probably formed in a similar manner to our giant planets at several astronomical units from their parent star and, subsequently, migrated inwards becoming stranded in close but stable orbits as “hot Jupiters”, when the nebula gas was depleted. Such events would prevent the formation of terrestrial-type planets in such systems.  相似文献   

M. Torbett  R. Smoluchowski 《Icarus》1980,44(3):722-729
During the formation of the solar system the variation of the gravitational field produced by removal of a nebula with its moderately massive accretion disk led to sweeping of the Jovian commensurability resonances through the asteroid zone. This process produced increased eccentricities and random velocities of the early planetesimals which resulted in collisional comminution rather than accretion. The existence of the asteroids, their low mass density, and their high relative velocities are interpreted as due to disruption of the accretion processes of the terrestrial planets by the influence of Jupiter.  相似文献   

We develop a simple model for computing planetary formation based on the core instability model for the gas accretion and the oligarchic growth regime for the accretion of the solid core. In this model several planets can form simultaneously in the disc, a fact that has important implications especially for the changes in the dynamic of the planetesimals and the growth of the cores since we consider the collision between them as a source of potential growth. The type I and type II migration of the embryos and the migration of the planetesimals due to the interaction with the disc of gas are also taken into account. With this model we consider different initial conditions to generate a variety of planetary systems and analyse them statistically. We explore the effects of using different type I migration rates on the final number of planets formed per planetary system such as on the distribution of masses and semimajor axis of extrasolar planets, where we also analyse the implications of considering different gas accretion rates. A particularly interesting result is the generation of a larger population of habitable planets when the gas accretion rate and type I migration are slower.  相似文献   

The solar system, as we know it today, is about 4.5 billion years old. It is widely believed that it was essentially completed 100 million years after the formation of the Sun, which itself took less than 1 million years, although the exact chronology remains highly uncertain. For instance: which, of the giant planets or the terrestrial planets, formed first, and how? How did they acquire their mass? What was the early evolution of the “primitive solar nebula” (solar nebula for short)? What is its relation with the circumstellar disks that are ubiquitous around young low-mass stars today? Is it possible to define a “time zero” (t 0), the epoch of the formation of the solar system? Is the solar system exceptional or common? This astronomical chapter focuses on the early stages, which determine in large part the subsequent evolution of the proto-solar system. This evolution is logarithmic, being very fast initially, then gradually slowing down. The chapter is thus divided in three parts: (1) The first million years: the stellar era. The dominant phase is the formation of the Sun in a stellar cluster, via accretion of material from a circumstellar disk, itself fed by a progressively vanishing circumstellar envelope. (2) The first 10 million years: the disk era. The dominant phase is the evolution and progressive disappearance of circumstellar disks around evolved young stars; planets will start to form at this stage. Important constraints on the solar nebula and on planet formation are drawn from the most primitive objects in the solar system, i.e., meteorites. (3) The first 100 million years: the “telluric” era. This phase is dominated by terrestrial (rocky) planet formation and differentiation, and the appearance of oceans and atmospheres.  相似文献   

The accumulation of giant planets involves processes typical for terrestrial planet formation as well as gasdynamic processes that were previously known only in stars. The condensible element cores of the gas-giants grow by solid body accretion while envelope formation is governed by stellar-like equilibria and the dynamic departures thereof. Two hypotheses for forming Uranus/Neptune-type planets — at sufficiently large heliocentric distances while allowing accretion of massive gaseous envelopes, i.e. Jupiter-type planets at intermediate distances — have been worked out in detailed numerical calculations: (1) Hydrostatic gas-accretion models with time-dependent solid body accretion-rates show a slow-down of core-accretion at the appropriate masses of Uranus and Neptune. As a consequence, gas-accretion also stagnates and a window is opened for removing the solar nebula during a time of roughly constant envelope mass. (2) Gasdynamic calculations of envelope accretion for constant planetesimal accretion-rates show a dynamic transition to new envelope equilibria at the so called critical mass. For a wide range of solar nebula conditions the new envelopes have respective masses similar to those of Uranus and Neptune and are more tightly bound to the cores. The transitions occur under lower density conditions typical for the outer parts of the solar nebula, whereas for higher densities, i.e. closer to the Sun, gasdynamic envelope accretion sets in and is able to proceed to Jupiter-masses.  相似文献   

T.A. Heppenheimer 《Icarus》1974,22(4):436-447
A theory is presented for determining regions where planets may form in binary star systems. Planet formation by accretion is assumed possible if mean planetesimal collision velocities do not exceed a critical value. Collision velocities are increased by perturbations due to the companion star, treated by secular perturbation theory. Collision velocities are damped by aerodynamic drag within the solar nebula, taken as the linear case of Cameron and Pine.A general feature of planetary systems in binary stars is the existence of two zones. The inner zone has enough damping to permit unimpeded growth by accretion; in the outer zone, growth proceeds to a limited diameter, beyond which damping is insufficient. It is shown that the asteroids could not have failed to coalesce due to Jupiter perturbations in the primitive solar nebula. Binary star systems with semimajor axis < 30AU are not likely to have planets; these include Alpha Centauri and 70 Ophiuchi. Systems possibly possessing planets include Eta Cassiopeiae, 40 Eridani, and Σ 2398. Epsilon Eridani is a marginal case.  相似文献   

Abstract— The bulk compositions of the terrestrial planets are assessed. Venus and Earth probably have similar bulk compositions, but Mars is enriched in volatile elements. The inner planets are all depleted in volatile elements, as shown by K/U ratios, relative to most meteorites and the CI primordial values. Terrestrial upper mantle Mg/Si ratios are high compared with CI data. If they are representative of the bulk Earth, then the Earth accreted from a segregated suite of planetesimals that had non-chondritic major element abundances. The CI meteorite abundances, despite aqueous alteration, match the solar data and provide the best estimate for the composition of the solar nebula, including the iron abundance. The widespread depletion of volatile elements in the inner solar nebula is most likely caused by heating related to early violent solar activity (e.g., T Tauri and FU Orionis stages) which, for example, drove water out to a “snow line” in the vicinity of Jupiter. The variation in composition among the meteorites and the apparent lack of mixing among the groups indicates accretion from narrow feeding zones. There appears to have been little mixing between meteorite and planetary formation zones, as shown by the oxygen isotope variations, lack of mixing of meteorite groups, and differences in K/U ratios. In summary, it appears that the final accretion of planets did not result in widespread homogenization, and that mixing zones were not more than about 0.3 A.U. wide. Although the composition of the Moon is unique, and its origin due to an essentially random event, its presence reinforces the planetesimal hypothesis and the importance of stochastic processes during planetary accretion in the inner solar system.  相似文献   

If the solar system origin is considered within the framework of the author's hypothesis on the binary stars formation as a result of rotational-exchange break-up of the rotating protostar, then difficulties involved in the usual nebular hypotheses are automatically removed (unclear aspects of the possibility of formation of the gas disc proper, the problems of the angular momentum including slow rotation of the Sun and coplanarity of the planetary orbits, of differences in planetary masses and composition, the need, for the disc remnants to be swept out, the long time of planetary formation as compared with the possible lifetime of a turbulized disc etc.).The major stages of division and evolution of the Jupiter-Sun system are described. Similarities between the massive rotating proto-Jupiter (PJ) and the classical protoplanetary discs are pointed out. The process of planetoid condensation inside PJ is discussed. The most probable site of the condensation is the region of the first Lagrangian point. The planetoids condensed were lost by PJ as a result of its fast mass decrease. A gas dynamic consideration of the motion of planetoids in PJ yields 1000–3000 yr as a time scale for the PJ's mass loss. The number of the moonlike bodies lost (the remaining Galilean satellites fixing their lower mass limit) could reach 104.Evolution of such interacting bodies results in the formation beyond Neptune of a cloud (up to 103) of moonlike (and more massive) planets.The excess concentration of the long-period comets aphelia in this area implies their genetic relation to the planets. A concept of a joint planeto-cometary cloud is introduced. A concrete hydrodynamic mechanism of ice ejection from planets into space, viz. the formation of cumulative (Monroe) jets, is pointed out.A program of further investigations is outlined and recommendations given for an experimental check on the implications of the new cosmogonic concepts.  相似文献   

Henri E. Mitler 《Icarus》1973,20(1):54-71
This article is a critical summary of the solar-system aspects of a meeting held in August 1972. The purpose of the meeting was to review work done sonce the 1967 Paris meeting on the Origin of the Elements.The principal topics discussed were element abundances; the structure and composition of comets, of the terrestrial and the outer planets, of the Moon, of exospheric dust, and of meteorites; planetary atmospheres; evidence for a protosolar magnetic field from remanent meteorite magnetism, abiotic synthesis of organic molecules; nucleosynthesis; solar cosmic rays; and meteorite ages.The principal results were these: There have been a number of significant changes in the estimated solar abundances—especially D, He, B, and Fe. A great deal of progress has been made in our understanding of the temperature and pressure conditions in the protosolar nebula during planetary formation, and of the condensation of solids in it. It is believed that the bulk chemistry of the terrestrial planets is now understood on the basis of equilibrium (slow) cooling of the nebula. Their atmospheres are consistent with this model, and that of Jupiter, with inhomogeneous accretion. The structure of Jupiter is also better understood. There is disagreement on the deep structure and composition of the Moon, though of course an enormous amount has been learned, especially about the surface layers. Not so much progress has been made in understanding comets.  相似文献   

The gas giant planets’ formation processes in a viscously evolved protoplanetary disk are studied in the context of the core accretion model. In this paper, we follow the entire formation process of the core accretion model (the three stages). We find that the gas giant planets’ final masses and formation regions have strong dependence on the molecular cloud core’s properties (angular velocity \(\omega \) and mass \(M _{c d}\)) and the \(\alpha _{ \mathit{min} }\) parameter. We find and build the relationship between gas giant planets’ properties and molecular cloud core’s properties. In contrast to the previous works, we find that the formation process can be finished within the protoplanetary disk’s lifetime (4×106 yr) in our disk model. This is because the mass influx produced by the molecular cloud core can provide enough material to the protoplanetary disk. We also find that the gas giant planets’ final masses increase generally with the viscosity coefficient \(\alpha \). This is because most of the gas giant planet’s mass is captured during the rapid gas accretion phase (the third stage of the core accretion model), and furthermore the accretion of gas in this phase is dominated by the “gap limiting case”. And our numerical results can also be compared with the observed data of exoplanet systems.  相似文献   

Parts I and II of our analysis of the evolution of the solar system were devoted mainly to the mechanical processes. The present part (Part III) deals primarily with the plasma processes and the hydromagnetic aspects.Much confusion in the cosmogonic field is due to the treatment of the early phases of the evolution of a circumstellar medium by pre-hydromagnetic methods, or by erroneous application of magnetohydrodynamics. In order to reduce the speculative element as far as possible the present analysis tries to connect the cosmogonic processes as directly as possible to laboratory plasma physics and to space phenomena actually observed today (Section 10).Models of the Laplacian type have been made obsolete by magnetohydrodynamics. Furthermore they are in conflict with observations. A new model is suggested (Section 11).A plasma surrounding a rotating central body may attain a state of partial corotation which is determined by the balance between gravitation and the centrifugal force acting on a plasma in a dipole field. Condensation from a partially corotating plasma results in grains orbiting in ellipses withe=1/3 and finally accreting to bodies at 2/3 of the central distance of the point of condensation (Section 12).An application of the theory to the Saturnian rings and to the asteroidal belt shows that the falldown ratio 2/3 (derived from the geometry of a dipole field) is essential for the understanding of their structure. The structure of the groups of planets and satellites is also discussed but only in a preliminary way. The behavior of volatile substances is a major problem which still awaits an appropriate treatment (Section 13).  相似文献   

Abstract– The asteroid belt is found today in a dramatically different state than that immediately following its formation. It is estimated that it has been depleted in total mass by a factor of at least 1000 since its formation, and that the asteroids’ orbits evolved from having near‐zero eccentricity and inclination to the complex distributions we find today. The asteroid belt also hosts a wide range of compositions, with the inner regions dominated by S‐type and other water‐poor asteroids and the outer regions dominated by C‐type and other primitive asteroids. We discuss a model of early inner solar system evolution whereby the gas‐driven migration of Jupiter and Saturn brings them inwards to 1.5 AU, truncating the disk of planetesimals in the terrestrial planet region, before migrating outwards toward their current locations. This model, informally titled “The Grand Tack,” examines the planetary dynamics of the solar system bodies during the final million years of the gaseous solar nebula lifetime—a few million years (Myr) after the formation of the first solids, but 20–80 Myr before the final accretion of Earth, and approximately 400–600 Myr before the Late Heavy Bombardment of the inner solar system. The Grand Tack attempts to solve some outstanding problems for terrestrial planet formation, by reproducing the size of Mars, but also has important implications for the asteroid population. The migration of Jupiter causes a very early depletion of the asteroid belt region, and this region is then repopulated from two distinct source regions, one inside the formation region of Jupiter and one between and beyond the giant planets. The scattered material reforms the asteroid belt, producing a population the appropriate mass, orbits, and with overlapping distributions of material from each parent source region.  相似文献   

Planetary atmospheres have their birth in certain physical and chemical events in the primitive solar nebula. These events involve irreversible volatile retention through condensation and accretion of planetesimals and giant planets whose volatile inventory can survive the subsequent dissipation of the nebula. Clues to these earliest processes are inferred not without difficulty from the observed volatile compositions of present-day planetary and satellite atmospheres, meteorites and comets. The origins of terrestrial-type atmospheres appear to have involved outgassing of the solid planet with compositions and rates intimately connected to the late growth and thermal evolution of the planet itself. Subsequent evolutionary processes such as escape of certain light elements and cometary and meteoritic infall appear to be of general significance; others such as atmosphere- hydrosphere-crust interactions and development and influence of living organisms are highly specific. Our knowledge of these highly specific areas is largely restricted to the last 3.8 billion years on earth and is based upon analyses of the geologic record which are not presently available for Venus, Titan or the pre-Archean earth and are only available in a superficial way for Mars. In this introductory paper we attempt to draw an integrated picture of the atmospheric evolutionary process being careful to define the outstanding problems, to differentiate theory from fact, and to emphasize the strengths and weaknesses of apriori and aposteriori approaches to these problems.  相似文献   

The theory of viscous accretion disks developed by Lynden-Bell and Pringle has been applied to the evolution of the primitive solar nebula. The additional physical input needed to determine the structure of the disk is described. A series of calculations was carried out using a steady flow approximation to explore the effects on the disk properties of variations in such parameters as the angular momentum and accretion rate of the infalling material from a collapsing interstellar cloud fragment. The more detailed evolutionary calculations involved five cases with various combinations of parameters. It was concluded that the late stages of evolution of the disks would be dominated by the effects of mass loss from the expansion of a hot disk corona into space, and the effects of this were included in the evolutionary calculations. A new theory of comet formation is formulated upon these results. The most important result is the conclusion, which appears to be inescapable, that the primitive solar accretion disk was repeatedly unstable against axisymmetric perturbations, in which rings would form and collapse upon themselves, with the subsequent formation of giant gaseous protoplanets.  相似文献   

Among the observed circumstellar dust envelopes a certain population, planetary debris disks, is ascribed to systems with optically thin dust disks and low gas content. These systems contain planetesimals and possibly planets and are believed to be systems that are most similar to our solar system in an early evolutionary stage. Planetary debris disks have been identified in large numbers by a brightness excess in the near-infrared, mid-infrared and/or submillimetre range of their stellar spectral energy distributions. In some cases, spatially resolved observations are possible and reveal complex spatial structures. Acting forces and physical processes are similar to those in the solar system dust cloud, but the observational approach is obviously quite different: overall spatial distributions for systems of different ages for the planetary debris disks, as opposed to detailed local information in the case of the solar system. Comparison with the processes of dust formation and evolution observed in the solar system therefore helps understand the planetary debris disks. In this paper, we review our present knowledge of observations, acting forces, and major physical interactions of the dust in the solar system and in similar extra-solar planetary systems.  相似文献   

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