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We present predictions for the radio pulses emitted by extensive air showers using ZHAireS, an AIRES-based Monte Carlo code that takes into account the full complexity of ultra-high energy cosmic-ray induced shower development in the atmosphere, and allows the calculation of the electric field in both the time and frequency domains. We do not presuppose any emission mechanism and our results are compatible with a superposition of geomagnetic and charge excess radio emission effects. We investigate the polarization of the electric field as well as the effects of the refractive index n and shower geometry on the radio pulses. We show that geometry, coupled to the relativistic effects that appear when using a realistic refractive index n > 1, play a prominent role on the radio emission of air showers.  相似文献   

The Cherenkov radio pulse emitted by hadronic showers of energies in the EeV range in ice is calculated for the first time using full three dimensional simulations of both shower development and the coherent radio pulse emitted as the excess charge develops in the shower. A Monte Carlo, ZHAireS, has been developed for this purpose combining the high energy hadronic interaction capabilities of AIRES, and the dense media propagation capabilities of TIERRAS, with the precise low energy tracking and specific algorithms developed to calculate the radio emission in ZHS. A thinning technique is implemented to allow the simulation of radio pulses induced by showers up to 10 EeV in ice. The code is validated comparing the results for electromagnetic and hadronic showers to those obtained with GEANT4 and ZHS codes. The contribution to the pulse of other shower particles in addition to electrons and positrons, mainly protons, pions and muons, is found to be below 3% for 10 PeV and above proton induced showers. The characteristics of hadronic showers and the corresponding Cherenkov frequency spectra are compared with those from purely electromagnetic showers. The dependence of the spectra on shower energy and high-energy hadronic model is addressed and parameterizations for the radio emission in hadronic showers in ice are given for practical applications.  相似文献   

Radio emission in atmospheric showers is currently interpreted in terms of radiation due to the deviation of the charged particles in the magnetic field of the Earth and to the charge excess (Askaryan effect). Each of these mechanisms has a distinctive polarization. The complex signal patterns can be qualitatively explained as the interference (superposition) of the fields induced by each mechanism. In this work we explicitly and quantitatively test a simple phenomenological model based on this idea. The model is constructed by isolating each of the two components at the simulation level and by making use of approximate symmetries for each of the contributions separately. The results of the model are then checked against full ZHAireS Monte Carlo simulations of the electric field calculated from first principles. We show that the simple model describes radio emission at a few percent level in a wide range of shower-observer geometries and on a shower-by-shower basis. As a consequence, this approach provides a simple method to reduce the computing time needed to accurately predict the electric field of radio pulses emitted from air showers, with many practical applications in experimental situations of interest.  相似文献   

Unexpected chaotic features are found in time series of arrival time intervals of successive air showers with (E > 3 × 1014 eV). Over 99 % of air shower arrival time intervals obey the Poisson distribution law representing stochastic behaviors, but occasionally there are air showers showing real chaotic behaviors as distinguished from both random and colored noises. With two systems of the Kinki university installations, we found 13 cases showing chaotic time series in 3.36 yr with the system-1 and the 1.37 yr with the system-2. Five out of 10 chaotic air showers of the Kinki installation are detected during the same time zone also by the Osaka City university installation which is at 115 km distance from the Kinki one. In a remarkable example of September 19, 1991, the correlation dimension was observed to have dropped from about 4 to the minimum of 1.3 and recovered smoothly in about 38 h. The chaos structure in this case is detected in nearly the same time zone at the Ohya station of the Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo, which is separated from the Kinki one by 460 km. Formation of chaos structure due to energetic cosmic ray dust particles is suggested. Progress of cosmic ray physics may be expected with the study of air showers marked with chaos.  相似文献   

Extensive air showers, induced by high energy cosmic rays impinging on the Earth’s atmosphere, produce radio emission that is measured with the LOFAR radio telescope. As the emission comes from a finite distance of a few kilometers, the incident wavefront is non-planar. A spherical, conical or hyperbolic shape of the wavefront has been proposed, but measurements of individual air showers have been inconclusive so far. For a selected high-quality sample of 161 measured extensive air showers, we have reconstructed the wavefront by measuring pulse arrival times to sub-nanosecond precision in 200 to 350 individual antennas. For each measured air shower, we have fitted a conical, spherical, and hyperboloid shape to the arrival times. The fit quality and a likelihood analysis show that a hyperboloid is the best parameterization. Using a non-planar wavefront shape gives an improved angular resolution, when reconstructing the shower arrival direction. Furthermore, a dependence of the wavefront shape on the shower geometry can be seen. This suggests that it will be possible to use a wavefront shape analysis to get an additional handle on the atmospheric depth of the shower maximum, which is sensitive to the mass of the primary particle.  相似文献   

We review the main issues that are relevant for the observation of extensive air showers from an Earth-orbiting satellite. Extensive air showers are produced by the interaction of ultra-high energy cosmic particles with the atmosphere and can be observed by an orbiting telescope detecting the air scintillation light.We provide the main analytical formulas and semi-analytical results needed to optimize the design of a suitable telescope and estimate the best-expected performance and the minimal necessary requirements for the observation.While we have in mind an EUSO-like general-purpose experiment, the results presented in this paper are useful for any kind of space-based experiment.  相似文献   

Measuring radio emission from air showers provides excellent opportunities to directly measure all air shower properties, including the shower development. To exploit this in large-scale experiments, a simple and analytic parameterization of the distribution of the radio signal at ground level is needed. Data taken with the Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR) show a complex two-dimensional pattern of pulse powers, which is sensitive to the shower geometry. Earlier parameterizations of the lateral signal distribution have proven insufficient to describe these data. In this article, we present a parameterization derived from air-shower simulations. We are able to fit the two-dimensional distribution with a double Gaussian, requiring five fit parameters. All parameters show strong correlations with air shower properties, such as the energy of the shower, the arrival direction, and the shower maximum. We successfully apply the parameterization to data taken with LOFAR and discuss implications for air shower experiments.  相似文献   

Weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) are a viable candidate for the relic abundance of dark matter (DM) produced in the early universe. So far, WIMPs have eluded direct detection through interactions with baryonic matter. Neutrino emission from accumulated WIMP annihilations in the solar core has been proposed as a signature of DM, but has not yet been detected. These null results may be due to small-scale DM density fluctuations in the halo with the density of our local region being lower than the average  (∼0.3 GeV cm−3)  . However, the accumulated neutrino signal from WIMP annihilations in the Galactic stellar disc would be insensitive to local density variations. Inside the disc, DM can be captured by stars causing an enhanced annihilation rate and therefore a potentially higher neutrino flux than what would be observed from elsewhere in the halo. We estimate a neutrino flux from the WIMP annihilations in the stellar disc to be enhanced by more than an order of magnitude compared to the neutrino fluxes from the halo. We offer a conservative estimate for this enhanced flux, based on the WIMP–nucleon cross-sections obtained from direct-detection experiments by assuming a density of  ∼0.3 GeV cm−3  for the local DM. We also compare the detectability of these fluxes with a signal of diffuse high-energy neutrinos produced in the Milky Way by the interaction of cosmic rays with the interstellar medium. These comparative signals should be observable by large neutrino detectors.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo study to reconstruct energy and mass of cosmic rays with energies above 300 TeV using ground based measurements of the electromagnetic part of showers initiated in the atmosphere is presented. The shower properties determined with two detector arrays measuring the air Cherenkov light and the particle densities as realized at the HEGRA experiment are processed to determine the energy of the primary particle without the need of any hypothesis concerning its mass. The mass of the primary particle is reconstructed coarsely from the same observables in parallel to the energy determination.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present high-energy neutrino spectra from 21 Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs), derived from gamma-ray measurements in the GeV–TeV range. We find that only the strongest sources, i.e. G40.5-0.5 in the north and Vela Junior in the south could be detected as single point sources by IceCube or KM3NeT, respectively. For the first time, it is also possible to derive a diffuse signal by applying the observed correlation between gamma-ray emission and radio signal. Radio data from 234 supernova remnants listed in Green’s catalog are used to show that the total diffuse neutrino flux is approximately a factor of 2.5 higher compared to the sources that are resolved so far. We show that the signal at above 10 TeV energies can actually become comparable to the diffuse neutrino flux component from interactions in the interstellar medium. Recently, the IceCube collaboration announced the detection of a first diffuse signal of astrophysical high-energy neutrinos. Directional information cannot unambiguously reveal the nature of the sources at this point due to low statistics. A number of events come from close to the Galactic center and one of the main questions is whether at least a part of the signal can be of Galactic nature. In this paper, we show that the diffuse flux from well-resolved SNRs is at least a factor of 20 below the observed flux.  相似文献   

The Boltzmann kinetic equation is analyzed in the MHD approximation. This analysis requires an explicit expression for the collision integral F c. In the classical theory, F c=?vf μ (1) Ωμ, where f μ (1) is the first spherical harmonic in the Galactic-cosmic-ray (GCR) distribution, Ωμ are the components of a unit particle velocity vector, and the frequency ν of collisions between GCRs and interplanetary magnetic-field nonuniformities is assumed to be a scalar. The assumption that νij is a tensor (which is the result of anisotropy in the interplanetary medium) distinguishes this study from others. Since the anisotropic GCR effects in the heliomagnetosphere are marginal, the nondiagonal elements of tensor νij were set equal to zero. Our analysis has yielded the diffusion-tensor components D , and D A, which are expressed in terms of interplanetary parameters. The energy dependencies of D , and D A are in good agreement with the experimental data and calculations by other authors.  相似文献   

Based on the observed radio spectrum for the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A, we have established that it represents synchrotron radiation of relativistic electrons with a nonpower-law energy spectrum in the form of Kaplan-Tsytovich’s standard distribution. The total density of relativistic electrons is 10?3 cm?3, only 20% of which form the radio spectrum. The particle number ratio of the proton-nuclear and electron cosmicray components inside the shell differs significantly from the mean Galactic ratio (100) and probably does not exceed unity.  相似文献   

We present simulation results for the detection of ultra-high energy (UHE) cosmic ray (CR) and neutrino interactions in the Moon by radio-telescopes. We simulate the expected radio signal at Earth from such interactions, expanding on previous work to include interactions in the sub-regolith layer for single dish and multiple telescope systems. For previous experiments at Parkes, Goldstone (GLUE), and Kalyazin we recalculate the sensitivity to an isotropic flux of UHE neutrinos. We find the published sensitivity for the GLUE experiment to be too high (too optimistic) by an order of magnitude, and consequently the GLUE limit to be too low by an order of magnitude. Our predicted sensitivity for future experiments using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and the Australian SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP) indicate these instruments will be able to detect the more optimistic UHE neutrino flux predictions, while the square kilometre array (SKA) will also be sensitive to all bar one prediction of a diffuse ‘cosmogenic’, or ‘GZK’, neutrino flux.Outstanding theoretical uncertainties at both high-frequency and low-frequency limits currently prevent a reliable estimate of the sensitivity of the lunar Cherenkov technique for UHE cosmic ray (CR) astronomy. Here, we place limits on the effects of large-scale surface roughness on UHE CR detection, and find that when near-surface ‘formation-zone’ effects are ignored, the proposed SKA low-frequency aperture array could detect CR events above 56 EeV at a rate between 15 and 40 times that of the current Pierre Auger Observatory. Should further work indicate that formation-zone effects have little impact on UHE CR sensitivity, observations of the Moon with the SKA would allow directional analysis of UHE cosmic rays, and investigation of correlations with putative cosmic ray source populations, to be conducted with very high statistics.  相似文献   

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