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王放  郑宪忠 《天文学报》2011,52(2):105-114
从观测上测定早型星系中恒星形成活动随红移的演化有助于理解这类星系的形成演化.结合GEMS(Galaxy Evolution from Morphology and SEDs)巡天的HST/ACS(Hubble Space Telescope/Advanced Camera for Surveys)高分辨图像和CDFS(ChandraDeep Field South)天区Spitzer、GALEX(Galaxy Evolution Explorer)等多波段数据,基于形态、颜色和恒星质量选出一个0.2≤z≤1.0红移范围的包含456个早型星系的完备样本.利用stacking技术测量了样本星系紫外与红外平均光度,估计早型星系的恒星形成率.结果显示,早型星系中的恒星形成率较低(<3 M·yr-1),随红移递减而降低.在红移z=1以来的恒星形成贡献的质量小于15%.星族分析亦肯定大质量早型星系的主体星族形成于宇宙早期(z>2).  相似文献   

In this paper, we report our preliminary results on enhanced star formation activity in Seyfert 2 galaxies. By re-analysing the Tully-Fisher relation for Whittle's (1992) sample and for a Seyfert 2s' sample selecting from Veron-Cetty and Veron (1996), we find that (1) almost all Seyfert 2 galaxies with circumnuclear star formation have a ratio of far infrared (FIR) to blue luminosities (LFIR/LB) to be larger than 1/3; (2) for Seyfert 2 galaxies with LFIR/LB > 1/3, the Tuly-Fisher relation is similar to that of the normal spiral galaxies; while for those with LFIR/LB ≥ 1/3, they are significantly different from the normal ones, which confirms Whittle's suggestion of enhanced star formation activities in the circumnuclear regions of these Seyfert 2 galaxies. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The far outer regions of galactic disks allow an important probe of both star formation and galaxy formation. I discuss how observations of HII regions in these low gas density, low metallicity environments can shed light on the physical processes which drive galactic star formation. The history of past star formation at large radii, as traced by observations of old and intermediate-age stars, constrains the epoch at which the highest angular momentum regions of disks were in place; first results for the M31 disk suggest this occured a significant (≳ 8 Gyr) time ago. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present an outline of our study of the effects of star formation on the different components of the interstellar medium in the discs of spiral galaxies, both globally and as a function of arm and interarm environment. We are in the process of obtaining images of 57 spiral galaxies at low inclinations, and analysing them to study the distribution of recent massive star formation, old stars, young stars, gas and dust. We will dissect the images into arm and interarm regions and compare and contrast the morphology and scale lengths within these regions inHα, HI, the near infrared, optical and (where available) CO. Modelling will show how the scale lengths are affected by star formation, how this differs between arms and interarms, and whether the Schmidt Law varies from the global values in the arm and interarm regions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Dwarf galaxies may play a key role in the formation and evolution of bigger systems. This makes it a topic of major interest to know how they form and evolve and, in particular, how their star formation histories (SFHs) have proceeded since their birth. For nearby galaxies, thecolour–magnitude diagram (CMD) contains stars formed over their full lifetime. It is hence a fossil record of their SFHs. Analysis via synthetic CMDs provides a powerful tool to retrieve them. In this paper, I briefly present the critical issues related to synthetic CMD analysis and make a summary of the currently available results for the SFH extending over the full lifetimes of galaxies. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

With the multi-wavelength data from UV to sub-millimeter in the region of H-ATLAS (Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey) Science Demonstration Phase (SDP), in combination with the population synthesis model and dust model, the total infrared luminosities of the galaxies were calculated. On this basis, for respectively the strong and weak star-forming galaxies, we studied the differences in the star formation rates calculated by the UV luminosity, infrared luminosity and Hα line, as well as the intrinsic physical origin of such differences. It was found that for the galaxies of strong star-formation activity, the 3 kinds of star formation rate indicators give the basically consistent results with a small dispersion. But at the end of high star formation rate, the star formation rate calculated by the UV luminosity is slightly smaller than that calculated by the Hα-line flux; at the end of low star formation rate, the UV indicator tends to be greater than the Hα indicator; and at both ends, the infrared indicator and Hα indicator have no significant difference. For the weak star-forming galaxies, significant differences exist among the 3 kinds of indicators, and there is a rather large dispersion. The dispersions and systematic difference of the star formation rates calculated by the UV luminosity and Hα line increase with the galactic age and mass. The main cause for the increased systematic difference is that when the extinction of an weak star-forming galaxy is calibrated by its UV continuum spectral slope β, the UV extinction of the galaxy is overestimated, it makes the UV luminosity tends to be large after the extinction correction. In addition, the star formation rates (Hα) of weak starforming galaxies in the MPA/JHU (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics/Johns Hopkins University) database are generally less than the real values.  相似文献   

In recent years the number of worldwide 8∼10 m-class ground-based telescopes is continually increased, the 4 m-diameter or smaller telescopes have become the small and medium-sized telescopes. In order to obtain some noticeable scientific results by using these existing small and medium-sized telescopes, we have to consider very carefully what we can do, and what we can not. For this reason, the Time Allocation Committee of the 2.16 m telescope of the National Astronomical observatories of China (NAOC) has decided to support some key projects since 2013. The long-term project “Spectroscopic Observations of the Star Formation Regions in Nearby Galaxies” proposed by us is one of three key projects, it is supported by the committee with 30 dark/grey nights in each of three years.  相似文献   

利用赫歇尔空间望远镜的H-ATLAS(Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey)SDP(Science Demonstration Phase)天区从紫外到亚毫米波段数据,结合星族合成方法和尘埃模型,计算了星系的红外总光度.在此基础上,分别针对强恒星形成星系和弱恒星形成星系,研究了利用紫外光度、红外光度和Hα谱线计算得到的恒星形成率(Star Formation Rate,SFR)的差异以及导致差异的内在物理起因.发现对于恒星形成活动强的星系,这3种恒星形成率指针给出的结果基本一致,弥散较小、只是在高恒星形成率端,利用紫外光度算得的恒星形成率比利用Hα谱线流量算得的恒星形成率略微偏小;而在低恒星形成率端,紫外光度指针偏大于Hα谱线指针;红外光度指针与Hα谱线指针在两端无明显偏差.对弱恒星形成星系,紫外光度、Hα谱线和红外光度3种恒星形成率指针存在明显的差异,且弥散较大.利用紫外光度和Hα谱线计算得到的恒星形成率的弥散和系统偏差随着星系年龄、质量的增加而增大.系统偏差增大的主要原因是利用紫外连续谱斜率β定标恒星形成活动较弱星系的消光时,高估了这些星系的紫外消光,使得消光改正后的紫外光度偏大.另外,MPA/JHU(Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics/Johns Hopkins University)数据库中弱恒星形成星系的恒星形成率SFR(Hα)比真实值偏低.  相似文献   

A linear correlation between the ratio of the[CII( $^{\text{2}}$ P A linear correlation between the ratio of the[CII( P P )] line intensity to the [ CO(J:1 →0)] line emission, I /I and the equivalent width (EW) is found, over the range 2–71 ? in EW, for a sample of 21late-Type= galaxies. The latter is comprised of an optically selected sample of 12 normal Virgo Cluster spiral galaxies with [CII] detections obtained by us with ISOLWS, plus nine late-Type= galaxies with higher star formation rates (SFRs), for which [CII] data and, especially, EW data are available in the literature. As a result we infer I /I to be a reliable tracer of the current mass-normalized global SFR for non-starburst spiral galaxies. Moreover, the ratio of the [CII] line to the total far-infrared (FIR) continuum intensity, I /I , is found to decrease from ∼0.5% to ∼0.1% with decreasing SFR which we propose is due to a `[CII]-quiet' component of I from dust heated by the general interstellar radiation field (ISRF). The more `quiescent' galaxies in the sample have values of I /I different from those observed in `compact' Galactic interstellar regions. Their [CII]-emission is interpreted to be dominated by diffuse regions of the interstellar medium (ISM). For normal `star-forming' galaxies the diffuse component of the [CII] emission is estimated to account for at least 50% of the total. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The molecular phase of the ISM constitutes the main source of fuel for the activity in starburst and AGNs. The physical conditions and chemical constitution of the molecular gas will change with, and respond to, the evolution of the activity. This paper includes a short discussion of the 12CO/13CO 1–0 line intensity ratio as a diagnostic tool of the molecular gas properties of luminous galaxies – paired with examples of high-resolution studies of how the line ratio varies within galaxies. A possible connection between the OH megamasers and galaxies with unusually high 12CO/13CO 1–0 line intensity ratios are also briefly discussed.The relative intensities of the dense gas tracers HNC, HCN, HCO+ and CN are a result of both chemistry and starburst evolution. The discussion on the interpretation of HNC 1–0 emission includes the importance of ion-neutral chemistry in a luminous starburst region. Finally, simple cartoon ISM models and how they can be applied to LIRGs and ULIRGs, are presented.  相似文献   

Using a recent determination of the X-ray luminosity function of galaxy clusters, accurate mass deposition rates and LX in cooling flow clusters from the literature, and reliable constraints on the star fomation episodes in cooling flows obtained by our group, we quantify the relevance of such star formation in comparison with the SFR in the local universe. We conclude that the SFR density in CF is ≲ 0.1% the total local reference. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We have obtained Hα fluxes and luminosities for a sample of 95 galaxies from observations of 31 Hickson Compact Groups (HCGs) in the northern hemisphere. This sample is the largest Hα selected catalogue of galaxies having Hα calibrated fluxes so far. The results obtained from a preliminary analysis of a subsample of66 galaxies show that the Hα luminosity of the galaxies is correlated with velocity dispersion and compactness of groups. These correlations would point towards a scenario in which the brightest Hα galaxies reside in compact groups having higher probability of galaxy interaction, i.e. lower values of velocity dispersion. Moreover, such relations seem to depend on the environment in which HCGs themselves are embedded. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

高扬  肖婷 《天文学进展》2020,(2):121-138
星系中气体转化为恒星的过程决定了星系的结构和演化,因此研究恒星形成最直接的原料——分子气体的含量、分子气体形成恒星的规律以及会受哪些物理机制的影响,对于理解星系的形成和演化具有重要意义。近年来,随着观测技术和设备(尤其是射电望远镜)的发展,天文学家可以在不同尺度上探测到越来越多星系的多种分子多种能级跃迁的谱线。首先,介绍了探测分子气体的多种方法和新的发现;然后基于CO巡天数据和致密分子气体数据,分别在统计上讨论了分子气体分布及分子气体含量与恒星形成率之间的紧密关系,并与小尺度上的恒星形成理论进行了比较;最后,结合影响星系演化的物理过程,讨论活动星系核、星系形态以及星系所处环境对分子气体的影响。  相似文献   

The observational investigation of the evolution of the star formation activities of early-type galaxies (ETGs) with redshifts helps us to understand the formation and evolution of this kind of galaxies. Combined with the highresolution images from HST/ACS (Hubble Space Telescope/Advanded Camera for Surveys) of the GEMS (Galaxy Evolution fromMorphology and SEDs) survey and the multi-band data from Spitzer, GALEX (Galaxy Evolution Explorer) and so on in the CDFS (Chandra Deep Field South) field, a complete sample including 456 ETGs with their redshifts in the range of 0.2 ≤ z ≤ 1.0 is selected on the basis of morphology, color and stellar mass. By using the stacking technique, the ultraviolet and infrared average luminosities of sample galaxies are measured, and the star formation rates of ETGs are estimated. The results indicate that the star formation rates of ETGs are relatively low (< 3 M yr−1) and decrease with decreasing redshifts. The mass contributed by the star formation since z = 1 is less than 15%. The analyses of stellar populations also confirm that the bulk of the population of massive ETGs was formed in the early universe (z > 2).  相似文献   

Simple theoretical arguments indicate that cooled interstellar gas in bright elliptical galaxies forms into a young stellar population having a bottom-heavy but optically luminous initial mass function extending to approximately 2 M middle dot in circle. When the colors and spectral features of this young population are combined with those of the underlying old stellar population, the apparent ages are significantly reduced, similar to the relatively young apparent ages observed in many elliptical galaxies. Galactic mergers are not required to resupply young stars. The sensitivity of continuous star formation to LB and LX&solm0;LB is likely to account for the observed spread in apparent ages among elliptical galaxies. Local star formation is accompanied by enhanced stellar Hbeta equivalent widths, stronger optical emission lines, more thermal X-ray emission, and lower apparent temperatures in the hot gas. The young stars should cause M&solm0;L to vary with galactic radius, perturbing the fundamental plane of the old stars alone.  相似文献   

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