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吴传钧院士对发展中国农业地理学的贡献   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴传钧先生是杰出的地理学家、地理教育家。他热衷于农业地理学研究,是中国现代农业地理学的带头人。在70多年的科学研究与教育生涯中,农业地理学既是先生科学研究的起点,也是他科研工作的重点。先生在农业地理学领域的研究工作及其贡献可简要归纳为3个方面:①缘于深厚的农业地理情结,率先开展农业资源调查、农业区划的理论与方法探索;②结合国家重大项目研究,精心组织和深入开展农业地理学理论的系统研究与总结;③基于人地关系地域系统理论,率先研究提出中国不同类型区域的农业与农村发展问题、机制和方向。这些开创性的学术研究及成就,为建立具有中国特色的现代农业地理学理论与方法体系做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

农业地理与乡村发展研究新近进展   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
本文首先总结了近年来国际上农业地理与乡村发展研究进展,涉及研究的领域、理论和方法及其发展趋势,随后回顾了中华人民共和国成立以来中国农业地理与乡村发展学科的研究进展、取得的重要成果及其在农业与农村发展决策实践中的应用。中国农业地理与乡村发展学科的研究进展归纳为研究成果、新方法与新技术应用、主要成果和项目影响及决策服务应用等方面。其中研究成果主要包括:① 农业与乡村地理学综合研究;② 乡村转型发展与重构;③ 新农村建设综合研究;④ 城镇化、农村空心化与空心村整治;⑤ 中心村与专业村建设;⑥ 城乡发展一体化与等值化;⑦ 区域农业与乡村发展研究;⑧ 研究成果的系统化与国际化。最后,通过比较国内外相关领域的研究进展,联系中国实际,展望了未来中国农业与乡村地理学研究。  相似文献   

中国农业与乡村地理研究进展与展望   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
本文回顾了中国农业地理与乡村发展学科的简要发展历程,分析了本学科近年来的研究进展、取得的重要成果及其在区域农业与农村发展决策实践中的应用。通过比较国内外相关领域的研究进展,进一步讨论了适应新时期国家战略需求的中国农业地理与乡村发展创新研究的主要任务和科学命题。中国农业地理与乡村发展学科的最新研究进展归纳为研究成果、新方法与新技术应用、基础研究平台建设与人才培养等方面。其中新近研究成果主要包括:①农业与乡村地理学综合研究;②农村空心化与空心村整治;③新农村建设综合研究;④区域农业与乡村发展研究;⑤研究成果的系统化与国际化。  相似文献   

刘彦随  冯巍仑  李裕瑞 《地理学报》2020,75(10):2029-2046
农业地理学是农业科学与地理科学的交叉学科,农业地理工程是地理学与工程学交叉研究在现代农业与乡村领域的进一步深化和系统应用。随着现代农业科学技术和人地系统科学的创新发展,区域农业基础建设的科技需求日益旺盛,农业地理工程试验成为农业工程技术研发和农田系统管理的重要任务。本文阐述了农业地理工程的科学内涵、试验原理与技术方法,并以黄土丘陵沟壑区为例开展了地理工程试验研究和农业高质量发展对策探讨。结果表明:① 农业地理工程试验主要包括针对特定区域地理环境和农业发展问题的水土配置、土层复配、大田试验、生态防护、地理空间分析与监测,旨在探明区域高标准农田建设、健康农业生态系统营造的水土气生资源要素耦合规律,建立可持续土地利用系统与多功能农业经营模式。② 农业生态系统试验主要包括沟道边坡防护方式、健康农田系统结构、作物与土壤匹配关系、耕地投入产出经济分析,通过开展土地改良、作物优选交互试验和田间试种,揭示新造地“作土关系”耦合机理与优化调控途径。③ 作土关系优化调控是工程试验设计的主要内容,包括气候—作物优选、土体结构改良、地形—作物优选、土壤质量改良、土壤—作物优选、效益—作物优选6个阶段。④ 农业地理工程技术应用的核心任务是深化贯通综合研究、揭示微观耦合机理、建立工程试验范式,其应用路径主要体现在时间维、空间维与逻辑维三个维度。新时期农业地理工程试验与示范应用,有利于丰富农业地理学前沿理论与方法论,对于推进地理工程化研究和服务农业农村高质量发展决策具有重要意义。  相似文献   

由中国地理学会农业地理与乡村发展专业委员会、中国自然资源学会土地资源研究专业委员会主办,青海民族大学公共管理学院承办的"2013年全国土地资源开发利用与生态文明建设学术研讨会"于2013年7月22-23日在夏都西宁隆重召开。来自全国27个省、市、自治区(含港台地区)的正式代表共160余人参会,大会交流学术论文115篇并由青海民族出版社正式出版了刘彦随、卓玛措主编的《中国土地资源开发  相似文献   

农业地理学发展述要   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以动态观点,提纲挈领地论述我国以及西欧、北美和苏联等主要国家近代农业地理学的发展过程。主要的传统研究是以地域为单元来探讨农业生态、土地利用、粮食生产与供应,农业地域类型和农业区划,编写区域农业地理志和农业图集等。作者认为农业地理学是典型的边缘科学,它是农业科学又是地理科学的组成部分。它的主要研究对象是农业经济活动的地域系统,它的形成过程,结构特征和发展规律。根据我国现代化建设的要求,在90年代我国农业地理学将着重研究:农业发展的资源基础,人口与粮食平衡,农业生产和劳动力的结构变化,农村工业化和贫困山区脱贫致富问题。  相似文献   

龙花楼  但文红 《地理研究》2012,31(8):1546-1546
由中国自然资源学会土地资源研究专业委员会、中国地理学会农业地理与乡村发展专业委员会主办,贵州师范大学中国南方喀斯特研究院和贵州省地理学会承办,贵州师范大学地理与环境科学学院、贵州省有机农业协会、中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所和国土资源部退化及未利用土地整治工程重点实验室协办的 “2012年中国农村土地整治与城乡协调发展学术研讨会”,于2012年7月16~20日在贵阳市隆重召开。来自全国20多个省 (市、自治区)的代表共150余人参会,大会交流论文105篇。  相似文献   

土地是地表环境中地质、地貌、水文、气候、植被、土壤等全部自然要素长期互相作用,同时也包括人类活动影响在内所形成的自然综合体。它反映了自然地带范围内各自然要素的组合特征。土地类型就是对这些土地按其形态和发育过程的一致性和差异性进行个体划分。同一土地类型具有大体一致的土地特性、土地生产性能,以及大体一致的农业(包括种植业、牧业、林业)利用适宜性和大体一致的保护改造措施。因此,研究土地类型,可为因地制宜,合理利用土地,同时为土地资源评价,为制定农业自然区划和农业区划提供科学依据。  相似文献   

土地利用总体规划是为贯彻落实国家土地利用政策而制定的土地利用分配和调整的规划,是国家对土地利用实行控制,协调,组织,监督的基本措施。这是现阶段土地管理的核心任务之一,合理利用区域土地资源,确保区域社会经济发展、促进农业生产发展具有重要的作用。首先,对研究区土地利用现状进行了实地查看并采集了相关数据;其次,对研究区的土地利用状况进行了具体分析,分析的基础上提出了研究区土地利用中存在的问题;最后,《规划》的编制还与研究区交通发展"十一五"规划、生态功能区划、矿产资源总体规划、地质灾害防治规划、水利发展"十一五"规划、环境保护和生态建设规划、农牧林业发展规划等各部门相关规划及其研究成果进行了协调。在此基础上对兴和县大库联乡做了土地利用总体规划研究,构建了土地利用总体规划目标体系。本规划可以有效地处理研究区土地利用中的重大问题,可以通过规划的引导、调控,实现土地资源集约合理利用,并保障社会经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

1958年夏,南京大学地理系接受江苏省农林厅的委托,进行了淮阴专区的农业区划工作,目的在于解决调查地区的农业生产合理布局问题。本系师生40余人和农林厅同志等4人一起,自去年9月初到10月下旬在调查地区进行了野外工作50天,采取点面结合的方法,完成了五个人民公社的经济规划和专区的农业区划工作。农业区划、特别是范围较小的地方农业区划在我国还是一件新工作,我们对此尚缺乏任何系统的方法和经验。这里提出的只是一个初步总结,希望得到同志们的指正,为进一步提高我国农业地理工作水平创造条件。  相似文献   

Reasonable development and utilization of spatial resources in the coastal zone not only affects the development quality of the marine economy but also impacts the utilization efficiency of spatial resources,playing an important role in regional sustainable development.Depending on the natural,economic,and societal characteristics of a region,research topics such as using relevant methods to divide the coastline,proper spatial development of the coast,protecting coastal zones,and achieving higher spatial resource distribution efficiency have recently become hot topics in geographic research.Most of the scholars construct the evaluation index system from the perspective of economic and ecological factors and undertake some exploration of the division methods.However,the selection of indicators for a coastal zone needs a different and more scientific approach.There is a need for emphasizing the overall strategy of land-ocean integration in developing spatial resources in a coastal zone.Taking the coastal zone in Ningbo as an example,this paper develops a new evaluation framework and spatial function regionalization method that is used to divide the coastline and coastal zone.Based on the perspective of overall strategy for the land and ocean,we evaluate the suitability of coastline development.We then propose the spatial function regionalization of the coastal zone.Finally,based on the status quo of spatial development in Ningbo,we divide the coastal zone into ecological space,production space and living space,and propose adjustment directions and control requirements for the different types of spatial layouts.  相似文献   

Reasonable development and utilization of spatial resources in the coastal zone not only affects the development quality of the marine economy but also impacts the utilization efficiency of spatial resources, playing an important role in regional sustainable development. Depending on the natural, economic, and societal characteristics of a region, research topics such as using relevant methods to divide the coastline, proper spatial development of the coast, protecting coastal zones, and achieving higher spatial resource distribution efficiency have recently become hot topics in geographic research. Most of the scholars construct the evaluation index system from the perspective of economic and ecological factors and undertake some exploration of the division methods. However, the selection of indicators for a coastal zone needs a different and more scientific approach. There is a need for emphasizing the overall strategy of land-ocean integration in developing spatial resources in a coastal zone. Taking the coastal zone in Ningbo as an example, this paper develops a new evaluation framework and spatial function regionalization method that is used to divide the coastline and coastal zone. Based on the perspective of overall strategy for the land and ocean, we evaluate the suitability of coastline development. We then propose the spatial function regionalization of the coastal zone. Finally, based on the status quo of spatial development in Ningbo, we divide the coastal zone into ecological space, production space and living space, and propose adjustment directions and control requirements for the different types of spatial layouts.  相似文献   

海岸带的空间功能分区与管制方法——以宁波市为例   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
孙伟  陈诚 《地理研究》2013,32(10):1878-1889
海岸带空间资源的合理开发和利用关系到海洋经济发展质量和优质资源利用效率,成为影响沿海城市区域可持续发展的重要内容。根据区域自然、经济、社会特征,运用相关分区方法,划分海岸线和海岸带开发与保护的适宜性空间,获取较高的空间资源配置效率,成为地理学研究关注的热点。大部分学者从经济和生态两个方面要素构建指标体系,并对分区方法进行了有益探索和尝试,但是由于海岸带具有自然地理的特殊性,所以在指标选择上有较大不同。以宁波海岸带为例,讨论海岸线及海岸带的空间区划指标体系选择和方法应用问题。在借鉴已有区划方法的基础上,重点讨论评价单元划分、评价指标选择与处理等技术方法,在评价海岸线开发适宜基础上,做进一步的海岸带空间功能分区,将宁波市海岸带空间划分为生态空间、生产空间和生活空间,并结合宁波市空间开发现状,提出不同类型区域空间布局调整引导方向和管制要求。  相似文献   

黑龙江流域水文地理研究综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
戴长雷  王思聪  李治军  张一丁  高宇  李冲 《地理学报》2015,70(11):1823-1834
本文主要从地理环境、地表水、地下水和水环境4个方面集中对黑龙江流域水文地理研究进行综述。地理环境的研究从气候变化、湖泊湿地、流域区划和流域开发进行说明,近年来该流域气候呈现变暖的趋势,湖泊湿地资源丰富,中俄两侧有众多的保护区和保护对象,水库对其水资源开发利用起到了关键作用。地表水的研究从径流特征和洪水特征进行说明,该流域可以划分为7条支流和1条干流,大气环流异常是2013年其干流出现连续暴雨的直接原因。地下水的研究从水文地质、地下水位和跨国界含水层进行说明,该流域可以划分为9个水文地质分区,地下水位动态变化特征有其特殊性,跨国界含水层问题有待于研究。水环境的研究从地表水环境和地下水环境进行说明,加强流域污水防治工作,提出流域地下水防治措施及应急处理方案。最后对寒区特色水问题等热点问题进行简要探讨。  相似文献   

Land surface is of spatial-temporal heterogeneity. Terrestrial system(TS) comprehensively studies on land surface and physical regionalization objectively describes geographical zonation of the system. China has a vast area with apparent spatial variations in resources and environmental conditions, which highly influence on socio-economic development. In this paper, progress of the TS studies in China is overviewed and research priorities in the near future are prospected. Since the 1950 s, China has paid great attention to the TS study as its socio-economic development, and conducted research on physical geographical regionalization, eco-geographical regionalization and comprehensive regionalization. Along with the deepening of global change research, dynamics of TS have been highly concerned. During the studies, methodology has been developed from qualitative research of integration of experts' brainpower gradually to quantitative research based on field observation and experiments of the natural processes, including physical, chemical and biological processes, as well as application of information technology and mathematical simulation. In the near future, TS would combine with the ideology, objectives and key researches of Future Earth program, to focus on the mechanism and regional effects of interaction among land surface elements, the response of TS to global change, the quantitative recognition on regional unit boundary, and the application to TS in sustainable socio-economic development.  相似文献   

Advances in terrestrial system research in China   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Land surface is of spatial-temporal heterogeneity. Terrestrial system (TS) comprehensively studies on land surface and physical regionalization objectively describes geographical zonation of the system. China has a vast area with apparent spatial variations in resources and environmental conditions, which highly influence on socio-economic development. In this paper, progress of the TS studies in China is overviewed and research priorities in the near future are prospected. Since the 1950s, China has paid great attention to the TS study as its socio-economic development, and conducted research on physical geographical regionalization, eco-geographical regionalization and comprehensive regionalization. Along with the deepening of global change research, dynamics of TS have been highly concerned. During the studies, methodology has been developed from qualitative research of integration of experts’ brainpower gradually to quantitative research based on field observation and experiments of the natural processes, including physical, chemical and biological processes, as well as application of information technology and mathematical simulation. In the near future, TS would combine with the ideology, objectives and key researches of Future Earth program, to focus on the mechanism and regional effects of interaction among land surface elements, the response of TS to global change, the quantitative recognition on regional unit boundary, and the application to TS in sustainable socio-economic development.  相似文献   

Modern physical geography in China grew from Chinese traditional geography and has been profoundly influenced by the geographical disciplines of Euro-America and Russia. Since the 1950 s, integrated studies of physical geography in China have made remarkable progress in the fields of comprehensive physical geographical regionalization, land studies, landscape ecology, and land surface geographical processes. During the past few decades, under the background of global change and rapid socio-economic transformation, a series of environmental and resources problems have boomed in China. To solve these problems and promote the development of integrated studies of physical geography, the following issues were proposed as research priorities:(1) coupling of land surface patterns and processes;(2) integrated research on regional responses and adaptation to global change;(3) analysis of human dimensions of the earth system;(4) ecosystem service research from a geographical perspective;(5) integration of multi-source data and model development;(6) integrated studies on unique geographical units; and(7) important global issues and relevant international programs.  相似文献   

Integrated studies of physical geography in China: Review and prospects   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Modern physical geography in China grew from Chinese traditional geography and has been profoundly influenced by the geographical disciplines of Euro-America and Russia. Since the 1950s, integrated studies of physical geography in China have made remarkable progress in the fields of comprehensive physical geographical regionalization, land studies, landscape ecology, and land surface geographical processes. During the past few decades, under the background of global change and rapid socio-economic transformation, a series of environmental and resources problems have boomed in China. To solve these problems and promote the development of integrated studies of physical geography, the following issues were proposed as research priorities: (1) coupling of land surface patterns and processes; (2) integrated research on regional responses and adaptation to global change; (3) analysis of human dimensions of the earth system; (4) ecosystem service research from a geographical perspective; (5) integration of multi-source data and model development; (6) integrated studies on unique geographical units; and (7) important global issues and relevant international programs.  相似文献   

全国综合农业区划的若干问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1979年至1980年间,作者参加全国农业区划委员会组织的“全国综合农业区划编写组”,分工负责草拟全国综合农业区划分区方案和组织编写分区报告。现在,全国综合农业区划报告已经定稿出版[3]。作者仅就工作过程中所接触到的全国综合农业区划的若干理论与方法问题,提出一些个人体会。  相似文献   

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