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电偶源瞬变电磁测深研究(二)——瞬变电磁场的求解方法 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
主要指出了瞬变电磁场求解的几种方法,重点阐述频率域的方法,也就是利用已有的频率域的解,通过傅里叶变换或拉普拉斯变换的逆变换求得时间域的瞬态解。 相似文献
电离层影响下均匀半空间水平谐变电偶极子的电磁响应计算 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
空气介质和电离层是电导率不同的分层媒质,当研究由空气层中电流或磁矩激发的电磁场时,地面接收到的电磁波不仅受到空气介质、地下介质的影响,而且还受到电离层的影响。首先,推导出了电磁场一般边值问题,然后,将电离层、空气及地壳视为均匀、线性、各向同性的三层媒质,考虑地壳、空气、电离层的相互耦合,利用分离变量法推导求得了位于地壳表面水平谐变电偶极子的电磁响应表达式,通过这些表达式能够方便地求出电离层影响下均匀半空间空气层中的电磁场场值,同时,为后续的数值计算奠定了理论基础。 相似文献
分析了水平电偶源与垂直磁偶源的电磁场在半空间大地中的分布特点,指出观测各场分量的合适地面部位。为了定性解释,一般将场分量计算为单分量视电阻率或比值视电阻率;做定量解释时,可直接采用场强进行反演,以减小换算误差。基于当前电偶源与磁偶源的发射功率和电磁场衰减规律,在实际应用中,水平电偶源可探测更大深度(<3 000 m),垂直磁偶源探测浅部(<500 m)。 相似文献
采用BHTE 06型热电测量仪,选择磁铁矿、毒砂、黄铁矿、黄铜矿4种代表性天然半导体矿物进行了不同活化温度下热电势的测量。测试结果显示:几种矿物均有“热电势绝对值随活化温度增加而增加”的规律。根据半导体矿物热电特性的基本理论和天然矿物形成条件的分析,笔者认为:地壳内广泛存在天然半导体矿物,绝大多数半导体矿物具有热电特性。由于“孕震发震过程中存在同源电磁场和热场相互作用”,所以伴随孕震发震过程的热场变化可能激发半导体矿物产生热电效应,进而产生新的附加热电势场。这种附加热电势场可能是映震前兆信息源。这说明,广泛存在的天然半导体矿物极有可能是孕震发震过程大地电场异常变化的重要影响因素之一。因此,深入探讨天然半导体矿物的热电效应,对全面理解震前电场前兆异常变化的机理具有启示意义。 相似文献
During the magnetic storm of 21st March 1990, the DE-1 spacecraft encountered the auroral region at high invariant latitude
at altitudes ranging from a few thousand kilometers in the ionosphere to many earth radii in the magnetosphere. The magnetic
field perturbations interpretable as field aligned current (FAC) layers and the electrostatic turbulence possibly due to electrostatic
ion acoustic instability driven by these currents are shown. The critical drift velocity of Hot Plasma Torus (HPT) electrons
and the growth rate of ion acoustic wave as a function of electron to ion temperature ratio (T
e/Ti) for low and high current densities and energy of HPT electrons are found out. The intense FAC destabilizes the ion acoustic
wave and the resultant electrostatic turbulence creates an anomalous resistivity. The current driven resistivity produces
parallel electric field and high power dissipation. The anomalous resistivityη, potential difference along the auroral field lines Vt|, intensity of electric field turbulenceE
t| and power produced per unit volumeP are computed. It is found that the change in westward magnetic perturbation increasesJ
t|, η, Vt|, Et| andP. Hence HPT electrons are heated and accelerated due to power dissipation during magnetically active periods in the auroral
region. Concerning, applications, such HPT electrons can be used in particle accelerators like electron ring accelerator,
smokatron etc. 相似文献
This paper presents a model for the analysis of plane waves diffraction at a cavity in an infinite homogeneous poroelastic saturated medium, lined by a lining composed of four equal segments. An elastic boundary layer is placed between the cavity lining and the infinite porous medium. The boundary layer is simulated by ‘elastic boundary conditions’ in which the bulk matrix stress is proportional to the relative displacement between the lining and the surrounding medium matrix boundary. In addition, fluid impermeability through the intermediate layer is assumed. For the frequencies, that differ from the pseudoresonanse frequencies, the problem was reduced to the problem of an ideal elastic medium. A closed‐form analytical solution of the problem was obtained using Fourier–Bessel series, the convergence of which was proven. It was shown that the number of series terms required to obtain a desired level of accuracy can be determined in advance. The influence of the medium porosity on the medium dynamic stress concentration was studied. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
本文从某电厂灰场北侧东邵庄村地质灾害现象入手,对灰场-东邵庄村的原生环境水文地质条件和次生环境水文地质条件进行了研究。通过对比该区十多年地下水补,迳,排情况,目前地下水水质与灰场灰水关系,明确了灰场水体阻滞区域地下水迳流是东邵庄村地质环境恶化的主要原因。笔者在总结前人治理灾害经验的基础上,提出了一些进一步的治理设想。 相似文献
地下侧积砂坝建筑结构研究及储层评价——以孤东油田七区西Ng52+3砂体为例 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
分析了在不同沉积环境下侧积砂坝的沉积模式,研究了侧积体的空间组合特征,并利用模式预测的方法建立侧积砂坝的建筑结构模型。研究表明,孤东油田七区西Ng52+3侧积砂坝是小型河流形成的,其侧积体的空间组合模式为水平斜列式,侧积体的宽度为80~240 m,倾角为5°~12°。薄片、扫描电镜分析证实,七区西Ng52+3的成岩作用较弱,原始的粒间孔隙保存完好,储层孔隙度平均为32.3%,渗透率为3 500×10-3 μm2。侧积砂坝内含有高岭石、蒙脱石、伊利石等粘土矿物,使其储层物性变差。 相似文献