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立足于中国地震风险的定量分析和巨灾保险理论,对国外有代表性的地震保险制度进行了比较性研究。认为我国幅员辽阔有利于分散风险,国外地震保险的成功经验可以应用于我国,而适应于我国的地震保险制度设计未必可以应用于其他国家。建议我国地震保险制度的最佳方案是在政策上采用新西兰的法定模式,在分保技术上采用日本模式,并阐述了这一组合模式的财政、保险和投保人的三赢原理,说明了我国地震风险分析技术已经具备了支持这一制度的能力。  相似文献   

建筑物地震损失风险与保险费用的确定方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文结合我国地震危险性和建筑物抗震设防标准提出了地震损失风险评估概率模型,并给出了建筑物地震保险金额和保险费率的计算方法。用该方法可以计算各类建筑物的保险费用,计算结果与国际地震保险业的经验数据较一致。同时,本文还利用GIS技术展示了与保险金额和保险费率的空间分布状态相关的属性数据,为保险当事人提供了实施地震保险的科学依据。  相似文献   

指数保险具有触发参数客观、理赔反应迅速的特点,是政策性保险的优先选择。云南省作为地震灾害频发且损失严重地区,率先开展了地震指数保险的试点工作。2021年5月21日,云南省漾濞县发生6.4级地震,触发了地震指数保险赔付。本文对地震指数保险赔偿原则及其在云南试点地区的实施情况等进行介绍,根据漾濞地震损失和赔付情况,总结地震指数保险实施优势和存在的问题,并对地震保险在我国的发展进行展望。  相似文献   

对地震等天然巨灾风险而言,依赖大数法则的保险业与再保险业的赔偿能力明显不足.如果将保险市场与资本市场结合,便可以在更大范围内分散巨灾风险.近十几年来,一些国家和地区将金融衍生品用于巨灾风险管理,形成了巨灾保险衍生品.为了在我国地震风险管理中合理借鉴发达国家采用的金融手段,本文对巨灾保险衍生品的发展、现状和定价理论进行了归纳总结,为进一步将地震工程中一些成熟的方法或结论与之结合,设计能够减轻地震保险风险的、结合工程实际的地震保险衍生品奠定基础.  相似文献   

地震危险性分析冈布尔方法具有简明、快速而准确的特征,前两个特征似乎已在文献中得以澄清,后一特征将在本文的研究中证实。根据公认明清以来历史地震目录大体完整的事实,作出“1981年版”的四川及邻区乃至全国范围的两个地震烈度区划,都以几近精确的水平,通过了其后10年间地震实践的检验。本文还讨论了该方法与抗震设防、地震保险的接口关系,以及它与地震地质、地震危险性分析科内尔方法的协调性接口关系。  相似文献   

地震保险是实现社会互助、减轻国家经济负担、提高抗震救灾能力的有效途径。在国家地震局和中国人民保险总公司的支持下,云南省地震局与云南省保险公司合作,于1990年率先开展了地震保险领域的课题研究,现已取得一定的成果。本文就云南省开展该项研究的优势、研究成果和不足等作了介绍。  相似文献   

本文在分析地震灾害特点的基础上,对开展辽宁省地震保险区划工作的目的意义、研究内容、工作思路及需要注意的问题等作了叙述,指出地震保险区划对辽宁保险业发展以及防震减灾工作有重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

本文根据地震与保险部门的业务性质和工作关系,研究了地震宣传与保险宣传的交叉关系、减灾作用和协作实践,提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

本文以结构动力可靠性理论为基础,探讨了建筑结构地震保险费率的计算方法,供地震保险工作参考。  相似文献   

多年来数次大震的冲击和各国政府地震减灾对策的实施已经证明,地震保险作为灾害风险补偿,对综合减灾具有不可替代的作用。但是,由于社会主义市场经济的逐步建立,保险业向市场化模式过渡,显然地震保险的潜在经营风险日益增加,因此1996年7月1日起地震保险责任被从财产保险中剔除。为尽早恢复地震保险责任,为建立新的地震保险法规提供科学依据,我们在新疆维吾尔自治区人民政府、自治区科委、中国地震局地震科学联合基金办公室的支持下,于1996年10月开展了《地震风险和地震保险研究》项目工作。《地震风险和地震保险》一书…  相似文献   

四川地震震级与烈度区面积和震源深度的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文按照地震地质分区,同时考虑7级以上地震的空间分布特征,分四川为鲜水河、松潘—龙门山及马边地震带等几个区带,对四川1900年以来既有仪器测定参数、又有宏观烈度考查的33个地震资料,应用多元线性回归分析方法,统计拟合出了震级与不同烈度区面积、烈度值、震源深度之间的多组关系式,其一般形式为:■相关系数R大都在0.90左右,用部分地震检验的结果表明,震级误差一般小于0.3,震源深度误差一般小于5公里,基本消除了离散情况,笔者用求得的关系式对1900年以前的有三条以上等震线的部分历史地震的震级、震源深度进行了标定,结果也比较令人满意。  相似文献   

Debates over the merits and demerits of globalisation for health are increasingly polarised. Conclusions range from globalisation being essentially positive for health, albeit with a need to smooth out some rough edges, to one of utter condemnation, with adverse effects on the majority of the world's population. Anyone wading into this debate is immediately confronted by seemingly irreconcilable differences in ideology, opinion and interests. Both camps agree that global changes are occurring, and with them many of the determinants of population health status. While some skepticism persists about whether “globalisation” has value beyond being a fashionable buzzword, most agree that we need better understanding of these changes. Two difficult questions arise: (i) What are the health impacts of these changes; and (ii) how can we respond more effectively to them? To move beyond the stand-offs that have already formed within the health community, this paper reviews the main empirical evidence that currently exists, summarises key points of debate that remain, and suggests some ways forward for the research and policy communities. In particular, there is need for an informed and inclusive debate about the positive and negative health consequences of globalisation.  相似文献   

三峡工程对坝下长江流量影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜加虎  黄群 《湖泊科学》1997,9(2):105-111
根据长江水情的具体特点,采用Preismann隐式格式,建立了一个描述长江情的水动力学数值模式。以最佳拟合历史水文资料,重演历史水文过程为原则,率定数值模式中的各参数;并运行率定后的模式,进行三峡工程对坝下长江若干断面处流量影响的模拟预测。  相似文献   

水库蓄水后可能诱发的地震危险性估计是工程地震工作中的一项重要环节,其中可能诱发的地震强度是人们特别关注的要素。本文基于国内外41个水库地震震例,从目前对水库地震形成机理的认识水平出发,提取了15个可能的诱震指标,应用模式识别的一些方法对水库蓄水后的诱发地震危险性进行复因子评估,通过内符检验讨论了这些方法在水库诱发地震危险性上的估计效能,给出了其错误概率估计值,结果表明,这些方法能够相对客观和合理地评定水库蓄水后可能诱发的地震危险性水平大小,在工程上具有一定应用价值。  相似文献   

Summary The nine coefficients of fourth order spherical harmonic functions in the expression for the potential of the main geomagnetic field are used to derive the nine parameters of a fourth order multipole. These nine parameters consist of the strength of the multipole, and four unit vectors or axes. The points of intersection of the axes with the surface of the Earth are called poles. Although movements of the poles over the period 1829 to 1965 are masked by random errors in the spherical harmonic coefficients, all of the axes show eastward components of drift since 1829, but two have drifted westward in later years to return almost to their initial 1829 positions. The strength of the fourth order multipole has shown a general increase, amounting to some 30 per cent of the 1829 value.  相似文献   

简要介绍同车公司地裂缝观测站情况,以2013年至2016年数字化改造后的观测数据为基础,结合仪器工作原理,分析三维断层形变测量仪测值与观测仪两端辅助温度测值的关系。结果表明,地裂缝三维断层形变观测中,垂直向DFG观测受地裂缝两端辅助温度影响较显著,地裂缝垂直形变变化是热形变效应和断层运动信息的综合反映。  相似文献   

Summary The notion of a dipole is generalized to the case of the fifth order spherical harmonic coefficients of the geomagnetic potential. The corresponding five axes and fifth order multipole strength are computed for ten epochs in the interval 1845 to 1965.  相似文献   

The Moon     
Recent geochemical and geophysical data from the Moon enable a revision of earlier interpretations regarding lunar origin, structure and bulk composition. Earth and Moon show many similarities among their isotopic compositions, but they have evolved in totally dissimilar ways, probably related to the deficiency of water and volatile elements in the Moon as well as the vast differences in size and internal pressure. Some global geochemical differences from the Earth such as volatile depletion based on K/U ratios have been established. However, all current lunar samples come from differentiated regions, making the establishment of a bulk composition more reliant on bulk geophysical properties or isotopic similarities; it remains unclear how the latter arose or relate to whole Moon composition. The lack of fractionation effects among the refractory and super-refractory elements indicates that the proto-lunar material seems unlikely to have been vaporized while the presence of volatile elements may place lower limits on proto-lunar temperatures. The apparent lack of geochemical evidence of an impacting body enables other possible impactors, such as comets, to be considered. Although the origin of the Moon remains currently unknown, it is generally believed that the Moon originated as the result of a giant impact on the Earth.  相似文献   

The mesosphere     
The mesosphere, which extends from about 50 to 90 km altitude, is an atmospheric region characterized by a negative gradient of solar energy absorption, and thus, temperature. Although the distribution of most minor constituents is dominated by photochemistry, vertical transport does have a pronounced effect on many of them. Hence, we discuss the basic dynamic principles and their application to the important mesopheric motions: acoustic-gravity waves, tides, planetary scale waves, and eddy motions.The most important minor electrically neutral constituents are compounds of oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. In fact, the allotropes of oxygen are in many ways the most significant because they screen out solar ultraviolet radiation and provide the principal source of mesospheric heating (absorption of solar UV by O2 and ozone). We also discuss oxides of nitrogen and hydrogen which strongly influence the balance of odd oxygen (O and O3). Brief discussions of the chemistry of carbon compounds and of excited species are also included.The chemistry of ionic species present in the mesosphere is very important because it strongly influences the propagationand absorption of radio waves. Because of ion clustering and negative-ion formation, such chemistry is extremely complex, and it is only very recently that we have begun to understand it. The current state of knowledge is discussed in some detail. The principles involved in constructing models for predicting the distribution of minor constituents, both neutral and ionic, are presented.  相似文献   

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