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以考虑了地转和均匀背景流场影响的两层流体界面内波频散关系模型为基础,得到新的利用SAR遥感图像计算混合层深度的方法。利用该方法对一幅南海北部SAR内波图像进行了实例研究,并且和时空同步的CTD资料进行了对比。结果表明,加入地转和均匀背景流场影响的模型更为合理,为更准确地反演混合层深度奠定了基础。  相似文献   

海洋混合层结构对表面声道中声传播特性的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用WOA05气候态数据集和北黄海调查数据,应用BELLHOP高斯束射线模型分析了我国近海及西太平洋典型海区的混合层结构对表面声道中声传播特性的影响,结果表明:我国近海的混合层结构有显著的区域性和季节性变化;深海中主要表现为混合层深度变化,这种变化直接影响表面声道的空间分布,声波在混合层中的表面声道中传播与在混合层外的影区中传播产生的能量场差异较大;浅海中混合层深度与声速梯度的空间变化都很明显,声速梯度的增大和混合层的加深都能使更多声线以反转的形式传播,使表面声道声场增强。两组海上实验数据表明,在真实海洋中混合层可在短时间内出现生消变化或在局部海域出现非均匀分布。在浅海温跃层环境下,海-气边界特定的物理过程能够使混合层发生间歇性的变化,当表面声道出现时近表层声场明显增强。  相似文献   

用Niiler—Kraus类型的混合层积分模式,对TOGA—COARE强化观测期间由《实验3号》科学考察船观测资料得到的混合层深度和SST在季节内时间尺度的变化进行了模式研究。指出:1.混合层耗散参数与较长时间尺度过程风应力的变化存在着比较好的对应关系;2.模式可以较好的对风场和热通量场在季节内时间尺度的变化作出响应,模拟出季节内时间尺度SST的变化;3.Niiler,-Kraus模式在考虑耗散作用后,可用于海洋季节内时间尺度变化的模式研究。  相似文献   

副热带东北太平洋混合层深度及其对潜沉的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present climate simulations of the mixed layer depth(MLD) and the subduction rate in the subtropical Northeast Pacific are investigated based on nine of the CMIP5 models. Compared with the observation data,spatial patterns of the MLD and the subduction rate are well simulated in these models. The spatial pattern of the MLD is nonuniform, with a local maximum MLD(140 m) region centered at(28°N, 135°W) in late winter. The nonuniform MLD pattern causes a strong MLD front on the south of the MLD maximum region, controls the lateral induction rate pattern, and then decides the nonuniform distribution of the subduction rate. Due to the inter-regional difference of the MLD, we divide this area into two regions. The relatively uniform Ekman pumping has little effect on the nonuniform subduction spatial pattern, though it is nearly equal to the lateral induction in values. In the south region, the northward warm Ekman advection(–1.75×10~(–7) K/s) controls the ocean horizontal temperature advection(–0.85×10~(–7) K/s), and prevents the deepening of the MLD. In the ensemble mean, the contribution of the ocean advection to the MLD is about –29.0 m/month, offsetting the sea surface net heat flux contribution(33.9 m/month). While in the north region, the southward cold advection deepens the MLD(21.4 m/month) as similar as the heat flux(30.4 m/month). In conclusion, the nonuniform MLD pattern is dominated by the nonuniform ocean horizontal temperature advection. This new finding indicates that the upper ocean current play an important role in the variability of the winter MLD and the subduction rate.  相似文献   

用数值方法研宄穿透性太阳短波辐射对混合层深度的影响时,有些学者人为地设定了风速和热通量。这种做法可能会出现风速和热通量数值不匹配的问题。为了弥补这一缺陷,本文采用国内外常用的块体公式计算热通量的方法来代替人为设置,并以北太平洋为例,研究了穿透性太阳短波辐射对海洋混合层深度的影响。结果表明:低风速(U10<10m/s),且海表短波净辐射处于40~200 W/m2时,穿透性太阳短波辐射对混合层深度影响很显著;高风速(U10>10m/s)和短波净辐射高值区(S*(0)>200 W/m2),穿透性太阳短波辐射对混合层深度的影响较小。  相似文献   

粗糙地形对内波生成影响的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王金虎  陈旭  徐洋 《海洋与湖沼》2016,47(4):706-713
为了研究粗糙地形对内波共振生成的影响,本文在实验中采用粒子图像测速法(PIV)对内波速度场进行测量。实验中设置了两种不同尺度的粗糙地形,其中一种地形的粗糙尺度大于黏性边界层厚度(δ),另一种地形的粗糙尺度小于δ。结果表明两种粗糙地形都使共振内波的能量减弱,粗糙地形一侧生成的内波强度约为光滑地形一侧生成内波强度的40%。当粗糙地形的尺度大于δ时,在粗糙地形一侧除了共振内波以外还有明显的内波射线生成,粗糙地形上的每一个凸形间断点都成为了一个新的内波源点,每条内波射线的强度约为共振内波强度的1/10,由新源点生成的内波射线相位基本一致,落后于正压潮3π/5个相位。当粗糙地形的尺度小于δ时,粗糙地形一侧仅有共振内波生成,共振内波的相位与正压潮相位十分接近。  相似文献   

基于南沙群岛海域综合科学考察11个航次的实测资料,研究了南沙群岛海域的混合层深度季节变化特征。研究结果表明,南沙群岛海域混合层深度存在明显的季节变化,并且与季风和海表热通量的变化密切相关。春季,风速较小且风向不稳定,海面得到的净热通量全年最大,上层水体层结稳定,混合层深度较小;夏季,南海西南季风盛行,上层为反气旋式环流,海面得到的净热通量减少,混合层呈加深的趋势;秋季,海面净热通量继续减少,混合层深度达到最大值;冬季,东北季风驱动下形成的上层气旋式环流引起深层冷水的上升,限制了混合层的加深。  相似文献   

利用一个两层半的热带海洋模式,采用数值实验的方法研究了热带海洋对于初始海洋混合层深度异常和大气季节内时间尺度热力强迫激发产生的Rossby波和Kelvin波。研究表明,初始海洋混合层深度异常和大气热力强迫,可以在两层半热带海洋模式中激发产生东向传播具有Kelvin波性质的波动和具有Rossby波性质的波动。热力强迫激发产生海洋Rossby波和Kelvin波所需时间长于初始海洋混合层深度异常和大气季节内动力强迫激发产生两波所需时间,与大气季节内动力强迫激发的Rossby波相比,初始深度异常与大气热力强迫激发产生Rossby波具有不同的热力性质。  相似文献   

南海混合层深度的季节和年际变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1871-2008年SODA资料和月平均的Levitus资料计算了南海混合层深度(MLD)的季节及年际变化特征.资料分析表明:季风通过流场调整对南海MLD的时空分布特征有显著的影响.南海MLD的距平变化总体上呈上升趋势,南海南部MLD的距平变化趋势和北部的有显著差异,特别在1955年后北部整体呈下降趋势而南部呈上升趋势,二者的显著周期北部为2-3年,南部与整个区域平均的基本相似有2-6年的显著周期.SOI指数对滞后的南海各个区域有较好的相关性.EOF分析表明第一模态整体呈单极型最大变率分布在南海南部,由南往北逐渐减小显著周期2-3年变化为主;第二模态呈偶极子型,显著周期以2-5年变化为主.回归分析表明南海南部深水区域呈现增深的趋势,而吕宋海峡至南海北部陆架区呈变浅趋势,滑动t检验表明南海MLD有6个显著的突变年份.  相似文献   

张扬  李宏  丁扬  余为  许建平 《海洋学报》2019,41(5):12-22
本文应用一个经验证的全球尺度FVCOM海浪模型,模拟了2012年全球海洋海浪场的分布和演变,分析了海表面风场、海浪场与混合层深度的全球尺度分布及相关性。综合观测资料和模型结果显示,海表面10 m风速、有效波高与混合层深度的全球尺度分布随季节发生显著的变化,并且其分布态势存在明显的相似性。从相关系数的全球分布来看,海表面10 m风速在印度洋低纬度海区(纬度0°~20°)与混合层深度间有较强的相关性,相关系数大于0.5;有效波高与混合层深度间相关系数大于0.5的网格分布在北半球高纬度海区和印度洋北部。谱峰周期与混合层深度间在部分海区存在负相关关系,这些网格主要分布在低纬度海区(纬度0°~30°)。统计结果显示,有效波高、海表面10 m风速和谱峰周期与混合层深度间的平均相关系数分别为0.31、0.25和0.12。综合以上结果表明,有效波高较谱峰周期能更有效地表征波浪能对海洋上层混合的影响;相比于海表面风速,有效波高与混合层深度间存在更强的相关关系,其变化对海洋上层混合有更显著的影响。  相似文献   

Oceanic pycnocline depth is usually inferred from in situ measurements. It is attempted to estimate the depth remotely. As solitary internal waves occur on oceanic pycnocline and propagate along it, it is possible to retrieve the depth indirectly in virtue of the solitary internal waves. A numerical model is presented for retrieving the pycnocline depth from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images where the solitary internal waves are visible and when ocean waters are fully stratified. This numerical model is constructed by combining the solitary internal wave model and a two-layer ocean model. It is also assumed that the observed groups of solitary internal wave packets on the SAR imagery are generated by local semidiurnal tides. A case study in the East China Sea shows a good agreement with in situ CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) data.  相似文献   

内孤立波破碎混合是陆架地形上海洋混合过程重要的能量汇,为了探究内孤立波在连续跃层密度分层中能量变化及能量耗散规律,本文使用OpenFOAM建立数值水槽,基于双曲正切曲线设置连续跃层密度分层开展了一系列工况的模拟,针对跃层厚度对内孤立波能量传递及其耗散进行了详细分析。结果表明跃层厚度与跃层处流速剪切存在着负相关关系,随着跃层厚度的增加能量耗散先减小后增大。跃层厚度较小时,跃层处流速剪切强,理查德森数小,易产生开尔文-亥姆霍兹(Kelvin–Helmholtz)不稳定现象;随着跃层厚度的增大,流速剪切减小,理查德森数增大,开尔文-亥姆霍兹不稳定消失;跃层厚度达到临界值后,层结稳定性减小,理查德森数减小,流场的翻转混合过程加强,能量耗散也明显增强。  相似文献   

An internal gravity wave model was employed to simulate the generation of internal solitary waves(ISWs) over a sill by tidal flows. A westward shoaling pycnocline parameterization scheme derived from a three-parameter model was adopted, and then 14 numerical experiments were designed to investigate the influence of the pycnocline thickness, density difference across the pycnocline, westward shoaling isopycnal slope angle and pycnocline depth on the ISWs. When the pycnocline thickness on both sides of the sill increases, the total barotropic kinetic energy, total baroclinic energy and ratio of baroclinic kinetic energy(KE) to available potential energy(APE) decrease, whilst the depth of isopycnal undergoing maximum displacement and ratio of baroclinic energy to barotropic energy increase. When the density difference on both sides of the sill decreases synchronously, the total barotropic kinetic energy, ratio of baroclinic energy to barotropic energy and total baroclinic energy decrease, whilst the depth of isopycnal undergoing maximum displacement increases. When the westward shoaling isopycnal slope angle increases, the total baroclinic energy increases whilst the depth of turning point almost remains unchanged. When the depth of westward shoaling pycnocline on both sides of the sill reduces, the ratio of baroclinic energy to barotropic energy and total baroclinic energy decrease, whilst the total barotropic kinetic energy and ratio of KE to APE increase. When one of the above four different influencing factors was increased by 10% while the other factors keep unchanged, the amplitude of the leading soliton in ISW Packet A was decreased by 2.80%, 7.47%, 3.21% and 6.42% respectively. The density difference across the pycnocline and the pycnocline depth are the two most important factors in affecting the characteristics and energetics of ISWs.  相似文献   

本文基于南海东北部观测的抛物线型背景流,设计了8种形式的抛物线型背景流,利用IGW模式研究了其对内孤立波(ISW)的特征和能量学的影响。研究结果表明:背景流对波包中ISW数目没有影响,但减小了ISW的相速度;对于下边界在主温跃层附近或在其上的抛物线型背景流,ISW振幅和最大位移深度均增加;随着抛物背景流曲率减小,ISW振幅、斜压与正压能比值减小,同时ISW相速度、正压能、斜压能、KE/APE都增加;如果抛物背景流底部延伸至海底,且曲率减小,则ISW振幅、相速度减小,同时正压能、斜压能、KE/APE增加;在整个深度上的背景流,随着下层曲率减小和上层曲率增大,ISW振幅、相速度、斜压与正压能比值、斜压能、KE/APE均增加。  相似文献   

On the basis of the time series observations from a temperature chain and an acoustic Doppler current profiler on the continental shelf of the northern South China Sea, a sequence of internal solitary waves (ISWs) and background waves (BWs, including internal tides and near-inertial waves) on the continental shelf were captured simultaneously after the transit of Typhoon Neast in October 2011. These measurementsprovided a unique opportunity to explore the influence of BWs on the ISWs. The BWs appeared a conversion on the current strength and vertical mode structure during the observational period. The BWs were dominated by weak and mode-one waves before October 2 and then turned to strong and high-mode waves after that time. Meanwhile, the ISWs displayed different wave structures before and after October 2, which was closely related to BWs' changes. According to the current profiles of BWs, the high-mode wave structure with strong current could significantly strengthen the vertical shear of ISWs in the near-surface layer and promote the breaking of ISWs, and thus it may play an important role in affecting the background current condition.  相似文献   

台风背景下海浪对海表流场和海表温度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海浪作为海-气界面中重要的物理过程,对海洋上混合层的近表面分布具有重要作用。本文以台风"威马逊"和"麦德姆"为背景,基于FVCOM耦合模式模拟了台风浪及上层海洋的响应过程,探讨了海浪对海表流场和海表温度的影响。结果表明耦合模式能够较准确地模拟出有效波高,台风过境后海表流场在海浪的作用下反映出与台风相对应的气旋性特性,改变的流场量级可达0.4 m/s;海表温度出现不同程度的下降,最大降温约4℃,最大降温中心与流场变化区域相对应,且降温区相对台风路径呈显著的"右偏性"。最大降温滞后台风中心过境2 d左右,恢复时间一般超过10 d,与实况相吻合。  相似文献   

The pycnocline in a closed domain is tilted by external wind forcing and tends to restore to a level posi- tion when the wind falls. An internal seiche oscillation exhibits if the forcing is weak, otherwise internal surge and internal solitary waves emerge, which serve as a link to cascade energy to small-scale processes. A two-dimensional non-hydrostatic code with a turbulence closure model is constructed to extend previous laboratory studies. The model could reproduce all the key phenomena observed in the corresponding labo- ratory experiments. The model results further serve as a comprehensive and reliable data set for an in-depth understanding of the related dynamical process. The comparative analyses indicate that nonlinear term favors the generation of internal surge and subsequent internal solitary waves, and the linear model predicts the general trend reasonably well. The vertical boundary can approximately reflect all the incoming waves, while the slope boundary serves as an area for small-scale internal wave breaking and energy dissipation. The temporal evolutions of domain integrated kinetic and potential energy are also analyzed, and the results indicate that about 20% of the initial available potential energy is lost during the first internal wave breaking process. Some numerical tactics such as grid topology and model initialization are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

梁辉  郑洁  田纪伟 《海洋学报》2016,38(11):32-42
通过对2006年南海西北部海域近3个月的全水深流速观测资料的分析,研究了该海区正压潮、内潮及近惯性内波的时空分布特征。结果表明,全日内潮明显强于半日内潮,且最大潮流均出现在海洋上层;内潮的主轴方向基本沿东南-西北方向,近似与局地等深线垂直;内潮能量显示出明显的时间长度约为半月的大小潮调制周期;全日内潮的coherent部分占全日内潮能量的70%,而半日内潮的coherent部分占半日内潮能量的53%;进一步研究发现半日内潮主要由第一模态主导,而全日内潮第三模态能量占总能量的比例仅次于第一模态且量值上与之相当;强风过程可激发出强的近惯性运动,暖涡使得近惯性内波能量更有效地向海洋深层传播,冷涡则不利于近惯性内波能量向下传播。  相似文献   

On the basis of the theoretical research results by the author and the literature published up to date, the analysis and the justification presented in this paper show that the breaking products of oceanic internal waves are not only turbulence, but also the fine-scale near-inertial internal waves (the oceanic reversible finestructure) for inertial waves and the internal solitary waves for internal tides respectively. It was found that the oceanic reversible finestructure may be induced by the effect of the horizontal component f (f = 2Ωcosφ) of the rotation vector on inertial waves. And a new instability of the theoretical shear and strain spectra due to the effect of f occurs at critical vertical wavenumber β c ≈ 0.1 cpm. It happens when the levels of shear and strain of the reversible finestructure are higher than those of inertial waves, which is induced by the effect of f along an "iso-potential-pycnal" of internal wave. If all breaking products of internal waves are taken into account, the average kinetic energy dissipation rate is an order of magnitude larger than the values of turbulence observed by microstructure measurements. The author’s theoretical research results are basically in agreement with those observed in IWEX, DRIFTER and PATCHEX experiments. An important impersonal fact is that on the mean temporal scale of thermohaline circulation these breaking products of internal waves exist simultaneously with turbulence. Because inertial waves are generated by winds at the surface, and internal tides are generated by strong tide-topography interactions, the analysis and justification in this paper support in principle the abyssal recipes Ⅱ:energetics of tidal and wind mixing by Munk & Wunsch in 1998, in despite of the results of microstructure measurements for the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate and the diapycnal turbulent eddy diffusivity.  相似文献   

次重力波(infragravity waves)是频率范围介于局地平均Brunt-V¾is¾l¾频率和0.05Hz(涌浪频率)之间的一种海洋波动,其能量在深水大洋中一般甚低,但在浅海中却很强.该波动的研究对于浅海海洋内部混合、近岸海洋工程、海洋生态学、海洋沉积学及军事海洋学均有重要的意义.Munk[1]很早就开始研究这类波动,然而主要由于观测技术的限制,对于该类波动的动力学机制的研究进展迟缓.  相似文献   

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