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O. NEHZA  K. S. WOO 《Sedimentology》2006,53(5):1121-1133
Stromatolite morphology is usually controlled by a number of biological and environmental factors. In the south‐eastern part of the Korean Peninsula, three stromatolite units of the Cretaceous Sinyangdong Formation have been studied with regard to the effect of diagenesis on their morphology. Here, it is proposed that subaerial exposure and meteoric diagenesis are the most significant factors in shaping the stromatolites of the Cretaceous Sinyangdong Formation. Most previous palaeontological and sedimentological studies on stromatolites have concentrated on the environmental and biogenic controls on stromatolite morphology. These include extrinsic factors such as sedimentation rates or current velocities. The main controlling factor on the morphology of the stromatolites in the Sinyangdong Formation is apparently transient subaerial exposure and related meteoric diagenesis. Textural examination of stromatolite samples from three stratigraphic horizons shows a characteristic repetitive pattern of cycles with gradual transition from fibrous calcite to micrite layers, reflecting changes in the hydrological cycle of the lake in which the stromatolites grew. Stromatolite growth was terminated by corroded surfaces indicative of subaerial exposure related to a fall in lake level. The growth pattern of the stromatolites was mostly determined by the morphology of the corroded substrates during subaerial exposure. Furthermore, the internal stromatolite structure was strongly modified by the process of leaching. As a result, growth forms mostly changed from stratiform to columnar mesostructure. This study strongly implies that diagenesis could make a very significant influence on the morphogenesis of lacustrine stromatolites in the geological past.  相似文献   

Plagioclases and K-feldspars in the sandstones and mudrocks of the Cretaceous non-marine Gyeongsang Basin, Korea, were partially to completely albitized. The preservation of fresh plagioclase grains in early micrite-cemented sandstones suggests the diagenetic origin of albite. Albitization textures in mudrocks were examined using backscattered electron images. In contrast to completely albitized plagioclase grains in sandstones, those in mudrocks are mostly partially albitized. It suggests that mudrocks can be more useful for a provenance study than sandstones by preserving detrital minerals better. K-feldspar is unaltered to partially albitized in both sandstones and mudrocks. In mudrocks albitization starts preferentially along microfractures, cleavages and grain margins. Albitization along grain margins seems to be a characteristic feature in mudrocks where development of microfractures in silt-sized feldspar grains by physical compaction is limited by clayey matrix as well as by overpressure. The extent of albitization in mudrocks is mainly controlled by composition of the detrital plagioclase. Mudrocks containing calcic plagioclase grains tend to be more extensively albitized than those containing sodic varieties.  相似文献   

胶东胡八庄金矿成矿流体、稳定同位素及成矿时代研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
胡八庄金矿是胶东牟平-乳山金成矿带内典型的黄铁矿、多金属硫化物-石英脉型金矿,金主要产出于黄铁矿和多金属硫化物石英脉中。流体包裹体研究表明,不同蚀变带岩石和各成矿阶段金矿石中的流体包裹体主要有三种类型:富CO2包裹体、CO2-H2O包裹体和H2O溶液包裹体。成矿早期(第Ⅰ阶段)主要为富CO2包裹体,主成矿期(第Ⅱ阶段)CO2-H2O包裹体和H2O溶液包裹体,成矿后期(第Ⅲ阶段)H2O溶液包裹体。包裹体显微测温结果表明,成矿早期(第Ⅰ阶段)包裹体均一温度范围为260~360℃,盐度1.0%~7.4% NaCleqv;主成矿期(第Ⅱ阶段)包裹体均一温度范围为180~269℃,盐度1.7%~13.1% NaCleqv;成矿后期(第Ⅲ阶段)包裹体均一温度范围为104~189℃,盐度0.9%~8.8% NaCleqv。成矿早期为中-高温、富含挥发份、低盐度的流体,到主成矿期演化为中低温、含少量挥发份、盐度变化范围大的CO2-H2O-NaCl流体体系,成矿后期流体的温度、盐度和挥发份含量均降低。对各成矿阶段石英的H-O同位素研究表明,胡八庄金矿成矿早期既有岩浆水又有大气降水参与,大气降水较少地参与了成矿,到了主成矿期成矿流体为以大气降水为主的混合流体。成矿阶段S同位素研究表明胡八庄金矿成矿物质可能主要来源于大气降水循环淋滤的围岩。温度降低和流体不混溶可能是胡八庄金矿金沉淀的主要原因。蚀变岩石中绢云母Rb-Sr等时线获得的胡八庄金矿的成矿时代为126.5±5.6Ma。  相似文献   

Lithological evidence, benthic foraminiferal census counts, and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanner-derived elemental data were integrated with planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and bulk carbonate stable isotopes to retrace the Turonian to early Campanian paleoenvironmental evolution and sea-level history of the Tarfaya Atlantic coastal basin (SW Morocco). The lower Turonian is characterized by laminated organic-rich deposits, which contain impoverished benthic foraminiferal assemblages, reflecting impingement of the oxygen minimum zone on the shelf during a sea-level highstand. This highstand level is correlated to the global transgressive pulse above the sequence boundary Tu1. The appearance of low-oxygen tolerant benthic foraminiferal assemblages dominated by Gavelinella sp. in the middle to upper Turonian indicates an improvement in bottom water oxygenation, probably linked to offshore retraction of the oxygen minimum zone during a regressive phase. This interval is marked by major regressive events expressed by a series of erosional truncations associated with the prominent sequence boundaries Tu3 and/or Tu4. Dysoxic–anoxic conditions recorded in the upper Santonian of the Tarfaya Basin coincide with the eustatic sea-level rise prior to Sa3 sequence boundary. The lower Campanian transgression, only recorded in the southern part of the Tarfaya Basin, coincided with substantial deepening, enhanced accumulation of fine-grained clay-rich hemipelagic sediments and improved oxygenation at the seafloor (highest diversity and abundance of benthic foraminiferal assemblages). Stable isotope data from bulk carbonates are tentatively correlated to the English Chalk carbon isotope reference curve, in particular the Hitch Wood Event in the upper Turonian, the Navigation Event in the lower Coniacian, the Horseshoe Bay Event in the Santonian and the Santonian/Campanian Boundary Event.  相似文献   

Many metallic ore deposits of the Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary periods are distributed in the Gyeongsang Basin. Previous and newly analyzed sulfur isotope data of 309 sulfide samples from 56 ore deposits were reviewed to discuss the genetic characteristics in relation to granitoid rocks. The metallogenic provinces of the Gyeongsang Basin are divided into the Au–Ag(–Cu–Pb–Zn) province in the western basin where the sedimentary rocks of the Shindong and Hayang groups are distributed, Pb–Zn(–Au–Ag–Cu), Cu–Pb–Zn(–Au–Ag), and Fe–W(–Mo) province in the central basin where the volcanic rocks of the Yucheon Group are dominant, and Cu(–Mo–W–Fe) province in the southeastern basin where both sedimentary rocks of the Hayang Group and Tertiary volcanic rocks are present. Average sulfur isotope compositions of the ore deposits show high tendencies ranging from 2.2 to 11.7‰ (average 5.4‰) in the Pb–Zn(–Au–Ag–Cu) province, ?0.7 to 11.5‰ (average 4.6‰) in the Cu–Pb–Zn(–Au–Ag) province, and 3.7 to 11.4‰ (average 7.5‰) in the Fe–W(–Mo) province in relation to magnetite‐series granitoids, whereas they are low in the Au–Ag(–Cu–Pb–Zn) province in relation to ilmenite‐series granitoids, ranging from ?2.9 to 5.7‰ (average 1.7‰). In the Cu(–Mo–W–Fe) province δ34S values are intermediate ranging from 0.3 to 7.7‰ (average 3.6‰) and locally high δ34S values are likely attributable to sulfur derived from the Tertiary volcanic rocks during hydrothermal alteration through faults commonly developed in this region. Magma originated by the partial melting of the 34S‐enriched oceanic plate intruded into the volcanic rocks and formed magnetite‐series granitoids in the central basin, which contributed to high δ34S values of the metallic deposits. Conversely, ilmenite‐series granitoids were formed by assimilation of sedimentary rocks rich in organic sulfur that influenced the low δ34S values of the deposits in the western and southeastern provinces.  相似文献   

The Gyeongsang Basin, the largest Cretaceous nonmarine sedimentary basin in Korea, formed as a continental back-arc basin related to NNW-directed subduction of the (proto-) Pacific Plate underneath the Eurasia Plate. The basin can be divided into an earlier-formed western back-arc depression and a later-formed eastern volcanic arc platform. We investigated the basin evolution and the associated tectonic settings, largely based on an analysis of structures individuated in the field in the back-arc region. From 127 Ma, the basin initiated as a NNE-trending narrow depression bordered by NNE-striking sinistral faults, and then progressively expanded under a transtensional kinematics induced by progressive trench roll-back. Sinistral shearing of inherited NNE-striking structures played an important role in basin subsidence, and secondary WNW- to NW-striking transverse faults acted as normal faults. The NNE-striking principal displacement zone in the west of the basin runs along the western marginal area of the Jinju and Daegu domains and passes through the Uiseong domain from south to north, but most of this zone is now preserved as deep structures. Volcanic activity starting at ca. 115 Ma was characterized mainly by episodic basaltic eruptions occurring contemporaneously with back-arc deposition of a sedimentary sequence. After ca. 90 Ma, a transtensional kinematics changed to a strike-slip one, and the basin expansion and sedimentation in the back-arc region terminated. During the strike-slip event, rhyolitic-dacitic volcanism increased in intensity as a large NE-trending volcanic arc developed close to subduction zone and its loading caused the stratal flexure in the back-arc region, and the orientations of the shortening and stretching axes remained NW–SE and NE–SW, respectively. Additionally, continuing sinistral shear generated local depressions along the faults located in the west of the back-arc region and within the volcanic arc.  相似文献   

林雨  王俊  罗亮东  李德亮  熊璨  肖明  张赛柯  方瑞泽  杨代峰 《地质论评》2024,70(2):2024020018-2024020018
重庆黔江正阳盆地位于川东南—湘鄂西隔槽式褶皱带中,发育上白垩统正阳组,其1段为冲、洪积相砾岩,2段为河、湖相砂岩、粉砂岩,含丰富的恐龙化石。该盆地是燕山运动在川东南—湘鄂西隔槽式褶皱带中形成的典型山间盆地,研究该盆地的构造—沉积演化对探讨晚白垩世渝东南构造演化具有重要意义,但目前针对该盆地的研究较少。本研究通过测量和分析正阳组中的沉积、构造特征,探讨了盆地的控盆断裂、古水流方向、沉积物来源以及构造演化史。对正阳组古流向恢复的研究表明,其物源主要来自西侧。燕山期,北西—南东向的区域挤压作用在川东南地区形成了广泛分布的节理系及逆冲断层,这些断层随着挤压应力的持续将各滑脱层连通,岩层在断坡附近堆叠,背斜扩展,逐渐形成隔槽式褶皱。燕山末期,渝东南地区在局部拉张的构造背景下发育了正断层——“阿蓬江断裂”,其控制了正阳盆地的形成,并形成“东断西超、东低西高”的古地理格局,西侧地质体为盆地提供物源,沉积了正阳组。此后,局部挤压使得该地区抬升,遭受剥蚀,南侧抬升剥蚀较北侧明显。  相似文献   

毛凤军  刘若涵  刘邦 《地学前缘》2016,23(3):186-197
Termit盆地及其周缘是中西非裂谷中典型的中、新生代裂谷盆地,也是中石油海外最具潜力的风险勘探区,但由于多期构造运动的复杂性,研究区晚白垩世的古地理演化缺乏系统的分析研究。本文将Termit盆地及其周缘作为研究区域,在构造演化的基础上利用地球化学、地层学及地球物理等手段进一步分析了研究区的古沉积环境、古气候及古物源,最终明确了晚白垩世的古沉积演化。研究认为,晚白垩世早期的森诺曼阶(Cenomanian)研究区开始发生海侵,三冬阶(Santonian)时期达到最大海侵范围,之后开始逐渐海退的过程。马斯特里赫特阶(Maastrichtian)时期的区域构造挤压事件使盆地形态发生改变,该构造事件最终以区域不整合结束。地球化学资料、岩性资料以及地震资料综合表明,森诺曼阶(Cenomanian)-三冬阶(Santonian)时期研究区处于偏还原的浅海陆架沉积,属典型的热带气候,接受来自北东向的物源供给;至坎潘阶(Campanian)-马斯特里赫特阶(Maastrichtian)时期,伴随着海平面的下降,研究区由海相沉积逐渐转变为海陆过渡相沉积,且物源主要来自于北东及南西两个方向。本次研究明确了Termit盆地及其周缘在晚白垩世的古沉积演化过程,这为进一步明确研究区的沉积体系及砂体的预测提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

白垩纪的库车坳陷是一个干旱气候条件下的内陆坳陷,其中只发育下白垩统,为一套干旱红层地层,进一步划分为亚格列木组、舒善河组、巴西盖组和巴什基奇克组。该套干旱红层,包括洪积扇砾岩、间歇性河流砂砾岩、风成砂岩和沙漠湖紫红色泥岩等沉积。这些沉积在地层记录中常以一种特别的旋回性形式产出,在不整合面及其相关面之上首先沉积的是洪积扇砾岩和间歇性河流砂砾岩所构成的冲积沉积物,向上逐渐演变为沙漠湖红色泥岩,在成湖初期或湖退期发育了滨湖相风成砂岩,它们构成了一个较为典型的沙漠沉积体系。从冲积沉积到湖泊沉积构成总体向上变细的沉积相序组合。按照地层记录的旋回性进行三级沉积层序划分,将库车坳陷下白垩统划分为5个三级沉积层序即SQ1至SQ5。下白垩统的顶和底界面均为间断时间很长的区域不整合面,由它们所限定的下白垩统本身则构成一个二级构造层序,在二级构造层序内三级沉积层序常常形成有规律的叠加形式,下部的SQ1和上部的SQ5发育较多的冲积粗碎屑物,中部SQ2至SQ4则以湖泊相沉积为主。与海相地层不同,库车坳陷白垩系中由三级层序和二级层序所代表的地层记录中的中周期和长周期旋回的主要控制因素是幕式构造沉降,沉降初期由于地形高差大而以发育冲积粗碎屑物为主,均衡沉降期则与成湖期相对应从而发育较多的细粒沙漠湖沉积。以沉积物的时间演化序列和沉积相的空间展布形式所代表的规律性入手,建立库车坳陷下白垩统的层序地层格架,在层序地层框架内,系列层序地层格架栅状图和相应的古地理图较为清晰地反映出早白垩世库车坳陷的古地理面貌,以及相应的沉积岩相古地理演变过程。  相似文献   

A partial trackway of a turtle from the Jinju Formation (Sindong Group) is the first report of Mesozoic turtle tracks from Korea and the first report of traces of an aquatic tetrapod from Korea. Six tracks show a partial trackway configuration inferred to represent a partially buoyant trackmaker, possibly engaged in “bottom walking” behavior. Although turtle tracks often co-occur with crocodylian tracks in Cretaceous coastal plain facies in other regions, especially North America, to date there are no such co-occurrences in east Asia. This suggests that in Asia paleoenvironments suitable for turtles were quite widespread, but paleoenvironments were not suitable for crocodylians.  相似文献   

The Wuning tungsten deposits in northwestern Jiangxi are located in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt of SE China. This article decodes the large tungsten-mineralized ore field by analysing three typical deposits: Shimensi, Dahutang, and Shiwendong. The Shimensi deposit shows three mineralization styles, and the associated hydrothermal alteration mainly includes K-feldspathization, greisenization, chloritization, silicification, and carbonatization. The sulphur isotopic compositions of sulphides in the Dahutang deposit indicate that the sulphur source was homogeneous and closely related to magmatic sulphur. The lead isotopic compositions of sulphides suggest multiple sources that were also closely related to magmatism. The carbon isotopic compositions of calcite indicate that hydrothermal fluids were derived from the granitic magma. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of quartz veins indicate that the ore-forming fluids had a magmatic-hydrothermal origin, but mixed with meteoric water. Fluid inclusions from the Shiweidong deposit are low density, indicating medium-high T and low-medium salinity, further suggesting that it was a shallow magmatic-hydrothermal deposit, and the metallogenic hydrotherm mingled with the surface water late in the evolution of the system. Mineralization was related to Early Cretaceous magmatism in eastern China. The subduction of the palaeo-Pacific plate and the subsequent lithospheric delamination reflected transition from a compressional to extensional tectonic regime. The upwelling of the hot asthenosphere triggered partial melting of the Neoproterozoic Shuangqiaoshan Group, with high W background concentrations. The ascent of the magma resulted in the exsolution of the ore-bearing magmatic hydrothermal fluid.  相似文献   

河北撒岱沟门斑岩型钼矿床成矿流体特征及其演化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
撒岱沟门钼矿床位于河北省境内,是该区目前已知规模最大的钼矿床,矿体分布于二长花岗岩体内,钼矿化主要与微斜长石化、硅化、白云母化关系密切.流体包裹体研究表明,撒岱沟门钼矿床主要发育3种类型的包裹体气液两相包裹体、含CO2三相包裹体和CO2包裹体.成矿前与成矿期后流体以气液两相包裹体为主,包裹体均一温度、盐度分剐为280℃~452℃、5.4%~18.4%NaCl eq和153℃~279℃、3.9%~9.7%NaCl eq;成矿期流体中3类包裹体都发育,包裹体均一温度为170℃~370℃,盐度4.3%~14.4%NaCl eq;氢氧同位素研究表明,撒岱沟门钼矿床石英中的δD为-82‰~-98‰,δ18OH2O为0.1‰~6.2‰,成矿流体以岩浆水为主,晚期有大气水的混入.成矿流体在形成过程中经历了3个阶段的流体演化早期岩浆脱水、脱气,成矿期不混溶作用和晚期大气水混合,其中,流体的不混溶作用时辉钼矿的沉淀成矿产生了积极的影响.  相似文献   

Facies evolution and vertical changes within the Late Cretaceous sequence of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin reveal fluctuations of intra- and extrabasinal circumstances. Evidence of periodic oscillations is recognized and two categories of aperiodic event indications are distinguished according to their significance and lateral persistence. Several lithoevents may be related to eustatic changes, while others indicate the independent evolution of the basin, influenced by epeirogenetic movements of segments of the Bohemian Massif.  相似文献   

应用普通薄片、铸体薄片、扫描电镜、黏土矿物X射线衍射等多种测试手段,对海拉尔-塔木察格盆地南贝尔凹陷下白垩统铜钵庙组和南屯组火山碎屑岩储集层成岩演化特征进行了系统研究,并探讨了成岩演化的控制因素。研究认为,储集层成岩作用类型主要有熔结作用、压实作用、脱玻化作用、蚀变作用、胶结作用和溶蚀溶解作用,所处成岩作用阶段主要为中成岩阶段A期。储集层经历了同生成岩阶段-中成岩阶段A期的演化过程,局部储集层还经历了表生成岩阶段的演化过程。各成岩演化阶段特点均有所不同,其中,同生成岩阶段以熔结作用和弱胶结作用为特点,早成岩阶段A期以较强压实、弱胶结为特点,早成岩阶段B期的特点为较强压实、弱胶结、弱溶蚀,中成岩阶段A期为中等压实、较强胶结、较强溶蚀,表生成岩作用阶段以大气水淋滤作用为特点。成岩演化过程主要受成岩环境以及构造作用和火山活动的控制。储集层成岩环境大致经历了弱碱性-弱酸性-酸性-碱性的演化过程,酸性成岩环境以溶蚀溶解作用为主,碱性成岩环境胶结作用明显。构造作用和火山活动通过控制火山碎屑物质的来源、裂缝的产生、热流体活动以及表生成岩阶段的进行等来影响储集层的成岩演化。  相似文献   

以NGN1井全取芯井为标杆,通过岩芯观察、地球化学分析和显微组分镜下鉴定,揭示青山口组一段的有机质演化规律。NGN1钻井位于松辽盆地东南缘,青一段由底至顶分别为灰绿色泥质粉砂岩-深灰色泥岩、油页岩-灰色泥岩-灰绿色粉砂质泥岩沉积,揭示了由滨浅湖-半深湖-滨浅湖的沉积环境演化。TOC、S2、含油率以及HI呈现增大-高值-减小的趋势,而半焦含量和块状密度则呈相反的变化趋势。青一段泥岩中主要的有机质显微组分为层状藻、孢子体和骨屑等,有机质含量与单位面积显微组分、藻类相对含量均呈明显的正相关,并结合有机质判别图解,说明有机质类型主要为I型和II1型,来源以湖泊藻类为主。泥岩中的陆源有机质含量较少,说明湖泊生物控制着有机质的来源,浅湖由于水体较浅、水底含氧,保存条件较差,导致泥岩中的有机质丰度较低,半深湖-深湖水体较深,保存条件良好,促进有机质的富集,因此垂向上沉积环境演化是导致有机质变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

新疆东天山红石金矿床成矿流体和成矿物质来源示踪   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
红石金矿床是新疆东天山康古尔塔格金矿带中的代表性矿床之一,本文对其进行了比较系统的流体包裹体和稳定同位素研究。流体包裹体研究结果表明,红石金矿床的成矿流体为中低温、低盐度、中低密度的富CO2流体。石英氢同位素组成δDSMOW为-104‰~-63‰,石英氧同住素组成δ^18OPDB为13.8‰~15.5‰、δ^18O水为-1.7‰~6.1‰。方解石碳同位素组成δ^13CPDR为-3.5‰~-2.7‰,方解石氧同位素组成δ^180PDB为-28.9‰~-26.5‰、δ^18OSMOW为1.1‰~3.5‰。H、O、C同位素组成特征指示红石金矿床成矿流体主要起源于深部,后期混合有大气水。黄铁矿硫同位素组成δ^34为-11.5‰~3.8‰,集中于0.4%~3.8‰,平均值为1.73‰,指示了成矿物质中的硫具有接近陨石硫的深源特征。红石金矿床的成矿作用可概括为富含成矿元素的深源流体在区域剪切构造作用下沿剪切系统不断向上运移,逐渐与浅部流体混合并与围岩发生交代蚀变作用,由于物理化学条件的改变,成矿元素最终在剪切扩容空间中富集成矿。  相似文献   

正The Mengyejing potash salt deposit(MPSD)is the only pre-Quaternary potash salt deposit in China.The MPSD is located in the southern Simao Basin,southeastern Tibetan Plateau.The MPSD,along with rock salts and clastic rocks,  相似文献   

The Rushan gold deposit in the Jiaodong Peninsula is currently the largest lode gold in China. Gold occurs mainly in pyrite- and polymetallic sulfide–quartz vein/veinlet stockworks. Fluid inclusions in the deposit are divided into three main types, namely CO2–H2O, H2O–CO2 ± CH4 and aqueous ones. Microthermometric data show that the pre-gold fluids were CO2-dominant (XCO2 up to 0.53), and the total homogenization temperatures fall in the range of 298377 °C. These fluids, modified by fluid/wallrock reactions, gradually evolved into fluids with less CO2 (XCO2 = 0.010.19) in the main ore-forming stage, and the total homogenization temperatures range from 170 to 324 °C. Hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope data suggest that ore-forming fluids were mixture of magmatic and meteoritic origin. Co-occurrence of gold and sulfides implies that gold was most likely transported in the form of gold–sulfide complexes. The wide distribution of CO2 inclusions means that the pH variation during gold transportation was controlled by CO2 buffering.  相似文献   

松辽盆地白垩系砂岩储集层特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
白垩系砂岩储层是松辽盆地主要的油气层,砂岩成分以石英,长石和岩屑为主,为长石砂岩,岩屑长石砂岩和长石质岩屑砂岩,储层孔隙包括粒间孔,粒内溶孔,铸模孔,胶结物内溶孔,裂缝等,储层孔隙演化经历了早、中、晚等成岩阶段,在中成岩阶段,晚成岩阶段早期和晚期有3次次生孔隙发育,其对储层性质有明显的改善。本区砂岩储集层可分为4个类型,且具有不同的分布规律。  相似文献   

In quartzo-feldspathic continental crust with moderate-to-high heat flow,seismic activity extends to depths of 10-20 km,bounded by isotherms in the 350-450 C range.Fluid overpressuring above hydrostatic in seismogenic crust,is heterogeneous but tends to develop in the lower seismogenic zone(basal seismogenic zone reservoir=b.s.z.reservoir) where the transition between hydrostatically pressured and overpressured crust is likely an irregular,time-dependent.3-D interface with overpressuring concentrated around active faults and their ductile shear zone roots.The term Arterial Fault is applied to fault structures that root in portions of the crust where pore fluids are overpressured(i.e.at hydrostatic pressure) and serve as feeders for such fluids and their contained solutes into overlying parts of the crust.While arterial flow may occur on any type of fault,it is most likely to be associated with reverse faults in areas of horizontal compression where fluid overpressuring is most easily sustained.Frictional stability and flow permeability of faults are both affected by the state of stress on the fault(shear stress,τ;normal stress,σ_n),the level of pore-fluid pressure,P_f,and episodes of fault slip,allowing for a complex interplay between fault movement and fluid flow.For seismically active faults the time dependence of permeability is critical,leading to fault-valve behaviour whereby overpressures accumulate at depth during interseismic intervals with fluid discharged along enhanced fault-fracture permeability following each rupture event.Patterns of mineralization also suggest that flow along faults is non-uniform,concentrating along tortuous pathways within the fault surface.Equivalent hydrostatic head above ground level for near-lithostatic overpressures at depth(1.65×depth of zone) provides a measure of arterial potential.Settings for arterial faults include fault systems developed in compacting sedimentary basins,faults penetrating zones of active plutonic intrusion that encounter overpressured fluids exsolved from magma,together with those derived from contact metamorphism of fluid-rich wallrocks,and/or from regional devolatilisation accompanying prograde metamorphism.Specially significant are active faults within accretionary prisms rooted into overpressured subduction interfaces,and steep reverse faults activated by high overpressures from b.s.z.reservoirs during compressional inversion.  相似文献   

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