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The dependence of the position of the solar wind sonic point on the magnetic field in the solar corona during cycle 23 is studied. This dependence is shown to be rather strong in the rising phase and at the cycle maximum. As the coronal magnetic field grows, the distance to the sonic point decreases. Since the distance to the sonic point has been shown previously to anticorrelate with the solar wind speed, the result obtained suggests a strong positive correlation between the later and the coronal magnetic field. The situation changed dramatically two years after the calendar date of the cycle maximum. Beginning in 2004 the solar wind speed ceased to depend on the magnetic field up until the cycle minimum in December 2008. In 2009 a strong dependence of the wind speed on the coronal magnetic field was restored. It is hypothesized that this effect is associated with two different coronal heating mechanisms whose relative efficiency, in turn, depends on the contribution from magnetic fields of different scales.  相似文献   

It is shown that the simultaneous consideration of observed values of the solar wind proton flux density at 1 AU and of the electron pressure at the base of the solar corona leads to relatively strong constraints on the coronal temperature in the region of subsonic solar wind flow. The extreme upper limit on the mean coronal temperature in the subsonic region is found to be about 2.6 × 106 K, but this upper limit is reduced to about 2.0 × 106 K if reasonable, rather than extreme, assumptions are made; the limit on the maximum temperature is about 0.5 × 106 K greater than the limit on the mean. It is also found that the same two observations limit the rate of momentum addition possible in the region of subsonic solar wind flow.On leave from The Auroral Observatory, Institute of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Troms0, N-9001 Tromsø, Norway.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Solar wind isotropic proton temperatures as measured out to 12.2 AU heliocentric distance by the Ames plasma analyzer aboard Pioneer-10 are presented as consecutive averages over three Carrington solar rotations and discussed. The weighted least-squares fit of average temperature to heliocentric radial distance, R, yields the power law R -0.52. These average proton temperatures are not correlated as well with Pioneer-10's heliocentric radial distance (-0.85) as are the corresponding average Zürich sunspot numbers R z (-0.95). Consequently, it is difficult to isolate the spatial gradient in the Pioneer-10 solar wind proton temperatures using that data alone.  相似文献   

Chashei  I.V.  Bird  M.K.  Efimov  A.I.  Andreev  V.E.  Samoznaev  L.N. 《Solar physics》1999,189(2):399-412
A spectral analysis of coronal Faraday rotation (FR) data obtained with the linearly polarized signals of the two Heliosspacecraft reveals that about one-third of the temporal FR spectra contain a distinct spectral line superposed onto the background power-law spectrum. The most prevalent frequency of this quasi-harmonic component (QHC) is about 4 mHz, corresponding to a 4–5 min periodic oscillation of the coronal magnetic field. Physical reasons for the existence of QHC Alfvén fluctuations in the inner solar wind are discussed. FR fluctuations (FRF) are considered to arise from both a turbulent background as well as an isolated Alfvén wave train of finite extent and duration. An estimate can be made for the conditions under which the isolated wave train is observed above the ever present background. It is shown that the wave train must have a sufficiently long duration and transverse wavelength. It is suggested that the QHC at periods near 4–5 min in the FRF spectra are most probably produced by outward-propagating Alfvén waves excited initially in the anisotropic structures of the chromospheric network.  相似文献   

N. Seehafer 《Solar physics》1986,105(2):223-235
The field lines of closed magnetic structures above the photosphere define a mapping from the photosphere to itself. This mapping is discontinuous, and the field line connectivity to the boundary can change discontinuously in response to continuous changes of field strength and direction, if field lines either end in a singular point of the field or are tangential to the photosphere at one end. Whereas the general existence of singular points is questionable, the field has typically a cell structure due to the presence of segments of the zero line of the photospheric longitudinal field on which the transversal field is directed from negative (pointing into the Sun) to positive fields. The cell boundaries are made up of field lines which all touch the photosphere on one of these line segments. Within each of the cells the field line mapping is continuous. When during a slow evolution a substantial part of a coronal loop or of an arcade has passed from one cell into another a fast dynamic instability may set in which was previously prevented by the anchoring of field lines in the dense photosphere.  相似文献   

We have found correlated variations of the yearly averaged north-south asymmetry in the polar solar wind speed (sol) and the ratio of the zonal quadrupolar to the zonal dipolar contribution in the inferred coronal magnetic field during the declining phase of sunspot cycle 21. A physically meaningful association between sol and some polar solar magnetic field proxies is also observed during the low sunspot activity periods of the above cycle.  相似文献   

Skinning process stability of the magnetic field in homogeneous plasma is studied. A set of magnetohydrodynamic equations is used. Dependence of electrical conductivity on the plasma parameters and radiation intensity in grey-body approximation are taken into account. The investigation is carried out on the model problems in linear approximation and by means of numerical solution of MHD equations. Threshold of stability and critical gradient of magnetic field in skin-layer are obtained. The model of the phenomenon proposed in the paper indicates on overheating instability of plasma with electric current in large gradient magnetic field zones as a possible trigger mechanism of solar flare origin.  相似文献   

Magnetically closed regions in the solar wind   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interplanetary plasma and magnetic field data collected by Helios-1, Helios-2 and IMP-8 satellites over the periods December 1974–December 1976, January 1976–December 1976 and December 1974–December 1976, respectively, are analysed. From this analysis, we identified 85 about cases in which the proton temperature was very low. In 50 of these cases, the interplanetary magnetic field showed characteristic variations favorable for closed structures in the solar wind.By using the calculated radial temperature gradients as a function of the solar wind speed and the heliocentric distance we were able to identify cold protons in the neighborhood of the Sun (0.3 AU).The estimation of the distance at which regions of cold protons are formed (10R ) shows that this distance is the same whether we are using solar wind plasma data measured in fixed or in varied heliocentric distances.  相似文献   

The numerical integration of hydrodynamics equations with an allowance for thermal conductivity was made using the temperature distribution in the corona situated above the active regions obtained from the damping time of solar radio bursts of Types III and V. It is essential that for the integration path serve the magnetic field lines along which exciters of bursts are moving and accelerated coronal plasma can move freely too.The main result is the discovery of such regions, where the high temperature gradient precludes the possibility of a continuous flow of coronal plasma. These regions, where intense heating and rapid acceleration of the coronal plasma take place, were situated at distances of about 2 R from the Sun's center. They probably possess the character of weak detonation waves. The waves of cooling can also be present in these regions of discontinuity of the flow. The observations of bursts of Type V at distances up to 6.3 R gives some evidence that discontinuities of flow of the solar wind of the same nature can possibly arise also in the more remote parts of the solar corona.It is important that the similar jumps of velocity and other parameters of coronal plasma were also discovered earlier in a quite independent way as a result of the interpretation of the solar radio echo data. It can be anticipated that the nonthermal heating of coronal plasma, which was postulated to remove discrepancies between the existing models and observations of solar wind, was localized mainly in these regions thus playing an important role in the formation of the fundamental properties of the interplanetary medium.The obtained results are of preliminary character since there are no reliable and homogeneous data on bursts of Types III and V especially at 20-10 MHz, where the work is difficult due to the man-made interference and also at still lower frequencies, observed by the cosmic probes. We can hope that the filling of this gap allows us to construct a realistic model of outflow of coronal plasma from active regions, which can be successfully compared with the results of direct measurement of parameters of solar wind.  相似文献   

In Parker's original model, the solar wind is represented as a spherically symmetric hydrodynamic flow. The velocity is radially directed and decoupled from the magnetic field. The simple extension of this model to include a dependence on the polar angle, , is shown to be invalid for radial flow and radial magnetic field. This work demonstrates how ad hoc symmetry conditions imposed to simplify a non-linear problem can be incompatible with the basic hydromagnetic equations.  相似文献   

Based on a topological magnetic field model for active region (AR) 8086 observed on September 15–21, 1997, we calculate the evolution of the magnetic flux imbalance during its disk passage. We have established possible causes of the observed imbalance. Using model ARs produced by perfectly balanced magnetic field sources as examples, we show that even in this case, the observed imbalance can reach a significant value, depending on the AR size and location. The peculiar properties of the magnetic field imbalance in ARs predicted by the topological model must be taken into account when present-day magnetographic observations of the Sun are interpreted.  相似文献   

This publication provides an overview of magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere with the focus lying on the corona. The solar magnetic field couples the solar interior with the visible surface of the Sun and with its atmosphere. It is also responsible for all solar activity in its numerous manifestations. Thus, dynamic phenomena such as coronal mass ejections and flares are magnetically driven. In addition, the field also plays a crucial role in heating the solar chromosphere and corona as well as in accelerating the solar wind. Our main emphasis is the magnetic field in the upper solar atmosphere so that photospheric and chromospheric magnetic structures are mainly discussed where relevant for higher solar layers. Also, the discussion of the solar atmosphere and activity is limited to those topics of direct relevance to the magnetic field. After giving a brief overview about the solar magnetic field in general and its global structure, we discuss in more detail the magnetic field in active regions, the quiet Sun and coronal holes.  相似文献   

Observations of interplanetary magnetic field polarity, solar wind speed, and geomagnetic disturbance index (C9) during the years 1962–1975 are compared in a 27-day pictorial format that emphasizes their associated variations during the sunspot cycle. This display accentuates graphically several recently reported features of solar wind streams including the fact that the streams were faster, wider, and longer-lived during 1962–1964 and 1973–1975 in the declining phase of the sunspot cycle than during intervening years (Bame et al., 1976; Gosling et al., 1976). The display reveals strikingly that these high-speed streams were associated with the major, recurrent patterns of geomagnetic activity that are characteristic of the declining phase of the sunspot cycle. Finally, the display shows that during 1962–1975 the association between long-lived solar wind streams and recurrent geomagnetic disturbances was modulated by the annual variation (Burch, 1973) of the response of the geomagnetic field to solar wind conditions. The phase of this annual variation depends on the polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field in the sense that negative sectors of the interplanetary field have their greatest geomagnetic effect in northern hemisphere spring, and positive sectors have their greatest effect in the fall. During 1965–1972 when the solar wind streams were relatively slow (500 km s-1), the annual variation strongly influenced the visibility of the corresponding geomagnetic disturbance patterns.Visiting Scientist, Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, Arizona.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

This paper points out that the previous method of finding the magnetic field strength using the approximate formula of the maximum frequency of microwave burst of Dulk and Marsh gives non-unique and self-inconsistent results, and with relative errors as high as −3.0±5.3, whereas my recently proposed three-parameter (νp, β, T) method will give unique and self-consistent solutions of the field strength, with greatly reduced errors (±0.48).  相似文献   

By fitting a new type of polarization detector after the entrance slit of a solar spectrograph, the two dimensional magnetic field of solar active regions can be obtained. Not only the field intensity, but also the longitudinal map is obtained quickly. The simultaneous observation of a few lines will also provide data on the structure of the magnetic tubes etc.  相似文献   

Relationship between the geoefficiency of the solar flares as well as of the active regions passing the central meridian of the Sun and the configuration of the large scale solar magnetic field is studied.It is shown that if the tangential component of the large scale magnetic field at the active region or at the flare region is directed southwards, that region and that flare produce geomagnetic storm. In case when the tangential magnetic field is directed northward, the active region and the flares occurring at that region do not cause any geomagnetic disturbance.An index of the geoefficiency of the solar flares and of the active regions is proposed.  相似文献   

In the present paper, in terms of the theory about the mechanisms of radio radiation, we have briefly classified, induced, summarized and reviewed the methods for deriving the magnetic field in the solar (radio) active regions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Average (over longitude and time) photospheric magnetic field components are derived from 3 Stanford magnetograms made near the solar minimum of cycle 21. The average magnetograph signal is found to behave as the projection of a vector for measurements made across the disk. The poloidal field exhibits the familiar dipolar structure near the poles, with a measured signal in the line Fe i 5250 Å of 1 G. At low latitudes the poloidal field has the polarity of the poles, but is of reduced magnitude ( 0.1 G). A net photospheric toroidal field with a broad latitudinal extent is found. The polarity of the toroidal field is opposite in the nothern and southern hemispheres and has the same sense as subsurface flux tubes giving rise to active regions of solar cycle 21.These observations are used to discusse large-scale electric currents crossing the photosphere and angular momentum loss to the solar wind.Now at Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, Ariz. 85726, U.S.A.  相似文献   

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