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时间项分析法中,应用广义最小二乘法进行反演,对长白山天池火山区岩浆系统的长白—敦化(L1)剖面的Pg波到时进行了计算处理,得到了Pg波时间项及基底速度值;取上部地壳的介质平均速度为4.5km/s,经反演求得了各点的深度值,给出了长白山天池火山区结晶基底的厚度分布。结晶基底厚度一般在2.0km左右,而在长白山天池下方结晶基底最厚处接近4.0km;在万宝和敦化附近各有一不太明显的凹陷,其原因可能与在这两个位置处有几条断裂穿过有关。  相似文献   

The Ring of Cenotes (RC) is an alignment of numerous cenotes (sinkholes) in a semicircular form (with a radius of 100 km) located in northwestern Yucatán, México. The formation roughly coincides with a concentric ring that corresponds to a buried structure, which has been identified as the product of a meteor impact, known as the Chicxulub crater. Secondary permeability generated by the fracturing and faulting of the sedimentary sequence in the Chicxulub crater has favored the karstification process and therefore the development of underground rivers that transport water from the mainland to the sea. This study implements the network theory to study the hydrological connectivity between a group of 11 cenotes within the RC. Eight electrical resistivity tomography transects were used as an empirical basis. Each transect was acquired directly in the field using the SuperSting R1/IP equipment with a dipole‐dipole configuration. An adapted version of the reliability algorithm for communication networks was used as a theoretical model. We found evidence of the existence of water cavities in the study area. We made a network from the data and assigned connection probabilities among cenotes as a function of the separation length and the number of water cavities, as well as their size.  相似文献   

2008年5月12日14时28分,汶川8.0级大地震发生时,我国前兆台网在网运行的七十多套钻孔体应变仪中,除个别仪器雷击或探头损坏外,其余运转基本正常,几乎全部记录到了此次地震。其中位于震中方圆1000km范围内的共有12套仪器,均为“十五”新上的TJ系列应变仪,包括了四川、甘肃、陕西3个受灾最严重省份的全部体应变仪,以及宁夏、云南、山西的部分仪器,分析结果如下。  相似文献   

为解决沁源地震台防雷隔离供电系统故障频发的问题,改用太阳能直流供电系统直流输出。简要介绍太阳能供电系统的设计、安装及运行,运行结果表明,太阳能供电系统工作稳定,提高了仪器运行率和数据连续率,降低雷击概率。  相似文献   

随着经济建设的发展,地电阻率定点观测区环境被干扰严重影响观测质量,装置系统在地表布设的工作方式难以取得有效观测和持续发展,因此装置系统向井下深部布设受到人们关注。同时,地表大极距观测方式难以持续发展,也促使地电阻率定点观测向井下小极距观测方式发展。井下小极距观测相比地表大极距观测占地面积小,能较好地排除或减弱地表测区环境干扰对观测结果的影响,既能适应经济发展的需要,又能较好地为地震监测服务。2018年,在总结已建井下地电阻率台站布极方式和建设工艺的基础上,新建延庆台井下小极距地电阻率观测。本文重点分析了延庆台井下小极距地电阻率观测装置系统建设中的几个关键问题,如水平向和垂直向观测相结合、布极方式、电极制作和埋设深度等装置系统技术过程,以及水平向和垂直向观测装置系数的计算等。延庆台建设较好地获得了近全空间观测布设,从理论上解决了井下小极距地电阻率建设的难点,为将来要进行井下小极距地电阻率观测装置系统建设的台站提供参考。  相似文献   

雷电危害是影响地震台站稳定运行的重要因素之一,对台站进行雷电防护具有重要意义。介绍冬奥会保障项目地电阻率台站改造中避雷系统的设计,并重点分析研究地电阻率台站架空线路防雷、地埋线路防雷等关键技术点出现的问题,探讨地电阻率台站综合防雷系统在接地网、供电、综合布线等方面的整体设计,最后设计完成宝昌台防雷技术系统。在此基础上,完成项目全部8个台站的避雷系统方案设计,全面提升冬奥会项目台站的防雷实效。通过计算,在项目深化研究中得到一些新的技术成果:(1)地电阻率台站应尽量将供电及测量线路进行埋地;(2)埋地供电及测量线路应避开接地体10 m以上;(3)仍采用架空线路的台站可以安装相应电流值的信号防雷器。研究成果可供今后全国台站防雷系统建设时参考。  相似文献   

A permanent geoelectrical subsurface imaging system has been installed at a contaminated land site to monitor changes in groundwater quality after the completion of a remediation programme. Since the resistivities of earth materials are sensitive to the presence of contaminants and their break-down products, 4-dimensional resistivity imaging can act as a surrogate monitoring technology for tracking and visualising changes in contaminant concentrations at much higher spatial and temporal resolution than manual intrusive investigations. The test site, a municipal car park built on a former gasworks, had been polluted by a range of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and dissolved phase contaminants. It was designated statutory contaminated land under Part IIA of the UK Environmental Protection Act due to the risk of polluting an underlying minor aquifer. Resistivity monitoring zones were established on the boundaries of the site by installing vertical electrode arrays in purpose-drilled boreholes. After a year of monitoring data had been collected, a tracer test was performed to investigate groundwater flow velocity and to demonstrate rapid volumetric monitoring of natural attenuation processes. A saline tracer was injected into the confined aquifer, and its motion and evolution were visualised directly in high-resolution tomographic images in near real-time. Breakthrough curves were calculated from independent resistivity measurements, and the estimated seepage velocities from the monitoring images and the breakthrough curves were found to be in good agreement with each other and with estimates based on the piezometric gradient and assumed material parameters.  相似文献   

目前,地球物理学界普遍采用岩石的细观力学模型来解释岩石的声弹现象(即岩石应力状态的改变会造成岩石的弹性波波速的改变),认为岩石内部的微裂隙分布和取向在加载应力的作用下会发生改变,使岩体的宏观物理性质发生变化,从而影响到岩石的弹性波波速.  相似文献   

The Coulomb charges method is used to model apparent resistivity measurements carried out in layered geological formations with a borehole using various devices. It is characterized by a high level of effectiveness and accuracy. The results are compared with the theoretical solutions for a homogenous medium with the borehole and invaded zone for point current source lateral devices. The relative error was less than 2% for different values of the range of the invaded zone and resistivity of invaded and true resistivity of formation.  相似文献   

Groundwater temperature is a useful hydrogeological parameter that is easy to measure and can provide much insight into groundwater flow systems, but can be difficult to interpret. For measuring temperature directly in the ground, dedicated specifically designed monitoring wells are recommended since conventional groundwater wells are not optimal for temperature monitoring. Multilevel monitoring of groundwater temperature is required to identify contributions of different possible heat inputs (sources) on measured temperature signals. Interpreting temperature data as a cosine function, including period, average temperature, amplitude, and phase offset, is helpful. Amplitude dampening and increasing phase shift with distance from a boundary can be used for estimation of transport parameters. Temperature measurements at different depths can be used for evaluation of unknown parameters of analytical functions by optimization of regression fits in Python. These estimated parameters can be used to calculate temperatures at known water table depths which can be applied as a fixed transient boundary condition in MT3DMS to overcome the limitations of MT3DMS heat transport modeling in the unsaturated zone. In this study, temperature monitoring and modeling was used to evaluate the influence of a department store's heated basement foundation on groundwater temperature within a green space (city park), with the main outcome that 17 years after construction, the department store foundation has increased the mean groundwater temperature by 3.2 °C. Heat input evaluated by the MT3DMS model varied from 0.1 W/m2 at a distance of 100 m up to 12 W/m2 next to the building.  相似文献   

杨小林  杨锦玲 《地震》2021,41(4):180-191
2018年3月4日华东地区爆发了一次强飑线天气过程,为揭示过境区域钻孔体应变对该飑线生命史期间的响应特征与机制,本文结合多普勒天气雷达和地面气象站数据,系统分析了南昌、黄山、湖州和岱山等4个钻孔体应变台的观测记录。结果表明:(1)飑线过境时的气压突变是引起体应变显著变化的主因,由此引起最大的体应变量为16.2×10-9;(2)气压涌升幅度与体应变的弹性压缩量具有较好的线性关系,两者变化的周期较一致,为26~74 min,而气压影响系数高达5.0×10-9/hPa;(3)各台对飑线的响应能力较好,而且在时间、空间和强度上,体应变变化能较好地呈现飑线的演变过程和传播特征。以上结果,不仅有助于科学识别飑线所引起单台或多台体应变异常变化的物理本质;还能为短周期气压效应的改正模型提供实证依据。  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are present in multiple water-bearing zones beneath and downgradient of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. This area is composed of interfingering unconsolidated alluvial sediments with hydraulic conductivities ranging over four orders of magnitude. The more permeable sediments exhibit moderate hydraulic interconnection horizontally and less interconnection vertically, and appear to consist largely of interconnected stream channel deposits. To optimize selection of monitoring well screened intervals in this complex environment, a technique that enables collection of saturated formation samples from each water-bearing zone without contamination from other VOC-containing zones was developed, tested, and implemented. The technique utilizes a wireline punch-coring system that allows the drill bit to be replaced with a core barrel without removing the drill rod from the borehole. To help ensure that a sample from one water-bearing zone is not contaminated by VOCs from another zone, the drilling fluid is replaced with new fluid before each sampling run. Overnight chemical analysis by gas chromatography enables field personnel to know the vertical distribution of VOCs as drilling proceeds. Since its first use in 1985, the technique has successfully characterized the presence or absence of VOCs in ground water in 123 of 140 wells, many with concentrations in ground water in the low parts-per-billion range. Our sampling technique is a cost-effective and rapid method of evaluating the vertical distribution of VOCs in ground water in a complex hydrogeologic environment.  相似文献   

The forward and inversion methods of resistivity tomography with a vertical line current source (RTVLCS) were introduced in this paper. The technique was applied to the evaluation of residual oil saturation of the reservoir studied in an old oil region. The observed water saturation during the course of the measurement of RTVLCS and subsequent drilling records proved the reliability of our result. However, our model has not included the influence of all factors such as electrical contact resistance between the metal casing and surrounding rocks and of the size of the metal cased well taken as a vertical line current source (VLCS). In addition, RTVLCS was carried out after the well had been in use for many years, while the initial resistivity values used in the inversion were obtained from the resistivity curve logged upon the completion of the well. Therefore, the residual oil saturation obtained by RTVLCS is relative and has not complete consistency with real situations, and can only be used as reference for adjusting a plan for oil production in the mid- or post-phase of an oilfield.  相似文献   

任烨  周华根  刘佳敏  尹继尧 《地震研究》2012,35(3):353-359,441
对上海崇明长江农场井深约460m的深井综合地震观测系统中的地磁观测数据进行质量分析。通过对该系统2套地磁仪以及相距约12km的三烈中学台地磁仪的时序图、相关性、频谱以及等效背景噪声水平对比分析,得出:(1)上海深井综合地震观测系统中用膨胀水泥固定在井深约460m岩石中的地磁仪工作正常,未受同一耐压腔体内应变仪、地温计、空隙压计传感器和安装在同一个钻孔内深度为430m左右的地震仪、倾斜仪传感器和系统影响,且相距60m远的长约400m的井下套管对其相对变化也未产生扰动;(2)长江农场深井地磁观测的等效背景噪声水平明显小于三烈中学台,开展深井地磁观测既能节约经费又能获得高于地表的观测数据质量,是值得推广的建设方式。  相似文献   

田野白蚁主巢的高密度电法探测实例   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
白蚁个体虽小,其危害却几乎涉及到国民经济的各个领域,对房屋建筑、水库堤坝、山林果园、通讯设备等的危害尤为严重.根据白蚁蚁巢的特点,应用地球物理探测技术来探寻蚁巢的位置,从理论上讲是完全可行的,在实际的应用上也有很好的效果,而且是一种新的探寻白蚁蚁巢的有效方法.  相似文献   

利用失水收缩性强的黏土,进行含有基底潜山和无潜山两种情况下土体失水开裂特征试验。研究表明:(1)土体失水开裂过程可划分为开裂前Ⅰ、快速开裂Ⅱ、开裂趋于停滞Ⅲ三个阶段;(2)含有潜山的试验中裂缝发育演化时受到了基底起伏的显著影响;(3)在Ⅲ阶段,尽管表面开裂仍在发生,裂缝发育的整体格局已经不再发生显著变化;从裂缝形态看,后期裂缝与前期裂缝主要呈现为垂直相交,特别是在起伏区范围内。饱和黏土表面开裂主要是由水分丧失引起的土体基质吸力和表面收缩率的变化产生的,边界条件和基底起伏对开裂有着显著控制作用。  相似文献   

与大震孕育过程有关的地电阻率变化研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
钱家栋 《中国地震》1993,9(4):341-350
我国地震预报研究中的地是贩主要特点在于有着广泛分布于各主要地震带和对国民经济有重要意义地区的固定台网,并长期连续定点地观测电阻率随时间的变化。从而在我国大陆1966年以来的地震活跃期中积累了大量与大地震发生有关的地电阻率异常变化资料。与此同时,关于地电阻率法以及它和孕震过程的关系的理论研究工作也在深入进行,本文对这些震例资料和地电阻率法理论研究进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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