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Celebrating the diamond jubilee of the Physics Research Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad, India, we look back over the last six decades in solar physics and contemplate on the ten outstanding problems (or research foci) in solar physics:
  1. The solar neutrino problem
  2. Structure of the solar interior (helioseismology)
  3. The solar magnetic field (dynamo, solar cycle, corona)
  4. Hydrodynamics of coronal loops
  5. MHD oscillations and waves (coronal seismology)
  6. The coronal heating problem
  7. Self-organized criticality (from nanoflares to giant flares)
  8. Magnetic reconnection processes
  9. Particle acceleration processes
  10. Coronal mass ejections and coronal dimming
The first two problems have been largely solved recently, while the other eight selected problems are still pending a final solution, and thus remain persistent Challenges for Solar Cycle 24, the theme of this jubilee conference.  相似文献   

  1. Introduction and Survey. The method for studying the structure and evolution of the solar system is discussed. It is pointed out that theories that account for the origin of planets alone are basically insufficient. Instead one ought to aim for a general theory for the formation of secondary bodies around a central body, applicable both to planet and satellite formation. A satisfactory theory should not start from assumed properties of the primitive Sun, which is a very speculative subject, but should be based on an analysis of present conditions and a successive reconstruction of the past states.
  2. Orbits of Planets and Satellites. As a foundation for the subsequent analysis, the relevant properties of planets and satellites are presented.
  3. The Small Bodies. The motion of small bodies is influenced by non-gravitational forces. Collisions (viscosity) are of special importance for the evolution of the orbits. It is pointed out that the focusing property of a gravitational field (which has usually been neglected) leads to the formation of jet streams. The importance of this concept for the understanding of the comet-meteoroid relations and the structure of the asteroidal belt is shown.
  4. Resonance Structure. A survey is given of the resonances in the solar system and their possible explanation. It is concluded that in many cases the resonances must already be produced at the times when the bodies formed. It is shown that resonance effects put narrow limits on the post-accretional changes of orbits.
  5. Spin and Tides. Tidal effects on planetary spins and satellite orbits are discussed. It is very doubtful if any satellite except the Moon and possibly Triton has had its orbit changed appreciably by tidal effects. The isochronism of planetary and asteroidal spins is discussed, as well as its bearing on the accretional process.
  6. Post-accretional Changes in the Solar System. The stability of the solar system and upper limits for changes in orbital and spin data are examined. It is concluded that much of the present dynamic structure has direct relevance to the primordial processes.

A clarification and discussion of the energy changes experienced by cosmic rays in the interplanetary region is presented. It is shown that the mean time rate of change of momentum of cosmic rays reckoned for a fixed volume in a reference frame fixed in the solar system is 〈p〉 =p V·G/3 (p=momentum,V is the solar wind velocity andG=cosmic-ray density gradient). This result is obtained in three ways:
  1. by a rearrangement and reinterpretation of the cosmic-ray continuity equation;
  2. by using a scattering analysis based on that of Gleeson and Axford (1967);
  3. by using a special scattering model in which cosmic-rays are trapped in ‘magnetic boxes’ moving with the solar wind.
The third method also gives the rate of change of momentum of particles within a moving ‘magnetic box’ as 〈pad = ?p ?·V/3, which is the adiabatic deceleration rate of Parker (1965). We conclude that ‘turnaround’ energy change effects previously considered separately are already included in the equation of transport for cosmic rays.  相似文献   

A study of ephemeral active regions (ER) identified on good quality full-disk magnetograms reveals:
  1. On the average 373 and 179 ER were present on the Sun in 1970 and 1973 respectively. The number varies with the solar cycle.
  2. The median lifetime of ER depends on observation quality and selection rules but is estimated as about 12 hr for our data.
  3. The latitude distribution is very broad but not uniform. The distribution peaks near the equator and shows variations similar to distributions of large active regions.
  4. The longitude distribution is essentially homogeneous.
  5. The spatial orientation of ER is almost random. In 1973 there is a hint of an excess of new cycle orientations at high latitudes.
A comparison of parameters of ER and regular active regions suggests that ER are the small-scale end of a broad spectrum of active regions. The role of ER in the light of present theories of solar activity is investigated but is not yet clear. Heating of the chromosphere and corona may be significantly affected by ER.  相似文献   

Statistical properties of solar active regions (AR) have been studied. In particular, (1) the distribution of ARs by their areas and importances using normal and lognormal distribution laws; (2) it was checked whether the distribution of the ARs' birth sites satisfies the Poisson distribution law (the so-called ‘law of rare events’). Observational data of 1979–1982 have been used and our conclusions are as follows:
  1. As regards the areas, the distribution of the ARs that emerged near or on the borders of the large-scale background fields is normal or lognormal.
  2. As regards the importances, the distribution of all ARs is lognormal.
  3. The distribution of ARs that emerged far from background field borders is not normal.
  4. ARs are not casual or rare events on the Sun.

Preliminary results are presented of observations of the solar Na D lines obtained with high space and time resolution (2.4″ × 2.4″), (6 s). The following conclusions may be drawn.
  1. The line profiles vary strongly with space and time implying that time averaging over a long period and large area will not produce the ‘true’ profile.
  2. The centre-limb increase in apparent Doppler width in the D lines is intrinsic. It is not due to space or time averaging.
  3. The amplitude of the 300-s oscillation may range up to 1.5 km/s in the region of formation of the D lines. Large line asymmetries are associated with this motion. Observations which do not resolve this motion can not be considered adequate.
  4. The variation of the D line profile caused by the 300-s oscillation may be described as follows: (a) The core is raised and lowered without change of shape, (b) The wings broaden as the central intensity rises and narrow as it falls. These variations are qualitatively explained by the scanning of the line formation region through the solar atmosphere.
  5. Doppler width values derived from pairs of D line profiles are strongly correlated with the motion of the element observed. Hotter elements move upward, cooler downward.
  6. Indications of running waves have been found in the time variation of the core line bisectors.
The profile variations observed provide a framework in which various properties of the centre limb variation of these lines may be considered. In particular they show that any expectation of accuracy in profile coincidence above a certain value must be doomed by the intrinsic variability of the solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

Correlation and spectral analysis of solar radio flux density and sunspot number near the maximum of the sunspot cycle has indicated the existence of
  1. long period amplitude modulation of the slowly varying component (SVC) of radio emission
  2. coronal storage over a period of the order of three solar rotations
  3. fast decay (one solar rotation period or less) of gyromagnetic emissions from radio sources
  4. shift in location of chromospheric sources compared to those of either the upper corona or the photosphere.

The Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) gave us the highest EUV spatial resolution and the Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectrometric Imager (RHESSI) gave us the highest hard X-ray and gammaray spectral resolution to study solar flares. We review a number of recent highlights obtained from both missions that either enhance or challenge our physical understanding of solar flares, such as:
  1. Multi-thermal Diagnostic of 6.7 and 8.0 keV Fe and Ni lines
  2. Multi-thermal Conduction Cooling Delays
  3. Chromospheric Altitude of Hard X-Ray Emission
  4. Evidence for Dipolar Reconnection Current Sheets
  5. Footpoint Motion and Reconnection Rate
  6. Evidence for Tripolar Magnetic Reconnection
  7. Displaced Electron and Ion Acceleration Sources.

Improving our understanding of the mechanisms that energize the solar wind and heat structures in the solar corona requires the development of empirical methods that can determine the three-dimensional (3D) temperature and density distributions with as much spatial and temporal resolution as possible. This paper reviews the solar rotational tomography (SRT) methods that will be used for 3D reconstruction of the solar corona from data obtained by the next generation of space-based missions such as the Solar and Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO), Solar-B and the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). In the next decade, SRT will undergo rapid advancement on several frontiers of 3D image reconstruction:
  1. Electron density reconstruction from white-light coronagraph images.
  2. Differential emission measure (DEM) reconstruction from EUV images.
  3. Dual-spacecraft (STEREO) observing geometry.
  4. Fusion of data from multiple spacecraft with differing instrumentation.
  5. Time-dependent estimation methods.
Although the principles described apply to many different wavelength regimes, this paper concentrates on white-light and EUV data. Previous work on all of these subjects is reviewed, and major technical issues and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

After adding the data observed in the years from 1979 to 1982 to those obtained earlier (Ding et al., 1981), we re-examine the previous results and conclude:
  1. The longitudinal distribution of spiral spots on the solar disc is generally the same as that of sunspot groups with areas of S p ≥ 400, but their active longitudes seem to be more concentrated.
  2. The distribution of spiral patterns in the southern and northern hemispheres shows that the differential rotation may be a fundamental solar dynamo for the formation of the spiral spots.
  3. The statistical directions of the emerging twisted magnetic vectors in the active regions in the southern and northern hemispheres are synchronously inverse with a period of about two years. This period seems to be detected in other solar observations.

Using eighteen years of observations at Big Bear, we summarize the development of δ spots and the great flares they produce. We find δ groups to develop in three ways: eruption of a single complex active region formed below the surface, eruption of large satellite spots near (particularly in front of) a large older spot, or collision of spots of opposite polarity from different dipoles. Our sample of twenty-one δ spots shows that once they lock together, they never separate, although rarely an umbra is ejected. The δ spots are already disposed to their final form when they emerge. The driving force for the shear is spot motion, either flux emergence or the forward motion of p spots in an inverted magnetic configuration. We observe the following phenomena preceding great flares:
  1. δ spots, preferentially Types 1 and 2.
  2. Umbrae obscured by Hα emission.
  3. Bright Hα emission marking flux emergence and reconnection.
  4. Greatly sheared magnetic configurations, marked by penumbral and Hα fibrils parallel to the inversion line.
We assert that with adequate spatial resolution one may predict the occurrence of great flares with these indicators.  相似文献   

Based on the developed method of jointly using data on the magnetic fields and brightness of filaments and coronal holes (CHs) at various heights in the solar atmosphere as well as on the velocities in the photosphere, we have obtained the following results:
  • The upward motion of matter is typical of filament channels in the form of bright stripes that often surround the filaments when observed in the HeI 1083 nm line.
  • The filament channels observed simultaneously in Hα and HeI 1083 nm differ in size, emission characteristics, and other parameters. We conclude that by simultaneously investigating the filament channels in two spectral ranges, we can make progress in understanding the physics of their formation and evolution.
  • Most of the filaments observed in the HeI 1083 nm line consist of dark knots with different velocity distributions in them. A possible interpretation of these knots is offered.
  • The height of the small-scale magnetic field distribution near the individual dark knots of filaments in the solar atmosphere varies between 3000 and 20000 km.
  • The zero surface separating the large-scale magnetic field structures in the corona and calculated in the potential approximation changes the inclination to the solar surface with height and is displaced in one or two days.
  • The observed formation of a filament in a CH was accompanied by a significant magnetic field variation in the CH region at heights from 0 to 30000 km up to the change of the predominant field sign over the entire CH area. We assume that this occurs at the stage of CH disappearance.
  •   相似文献   

    The properties of rapidly changing inhomogeneities visible in the H and K lines above sunspot umbrae are described. We find as properties for these ‘Umbral Flashes’:
    1. A lifetime of 50 sec. The light curve is asymmetrical, the increase is faster than the decrease in brightness.
    2. A diameter ranging from the resolution limit up to 2000 km.
    3. A tendency to repeat every 145 sec.
    4. A ‘proper motion’ of 40 km/sec generally directed towards the penumbra.
    5. A Doppler shift of 6 km/sec.
    6. A magnetic field of 2100 G.
    7. A decrease in this field of 12 G/sec. This decrease is probably related to the flash motion.
    8. At any instant an average of 3–5 flashes in a medium-sized umbra. A weak feature often persists in the umbra after the flash. This post-flash structure initially shows a blue shift, but 100–120 sec after the flash, it shows a rapid red shift just before the flash repeats.

    The Earth's climate is not constant, and has experienced major changes in the past on all timescales. The causes of these changes, although still incompletely understood, vary according to the timescale considered. Some of the most important causal mechanisms include continental drift, changes in the Earth's orbital parameters, volcanic activity and solar variations. Solar variations have been invoked to explain climatic change on almost all timescales from 1 to 109 yr. Unfortunately, even though the Sun is a prime candidate for explaining many changes in past climate, the use of past climate as a proxy for solar luminosity changes is fraught with difficulty. For example:
    1. In many cases observed changes in climate can be adequately explained without recourse to solar variations as a causal factor. In fact, on the longest timescales the Earth's climate was remarkably similar to today in spite of a considerably lower solar output.
    2. For most timescales of climatic change there are, as yet, no plausible theories giving similar timescale variations in solar activity, so that a vital link between cause and effect is missing.
    3. There are considerable uncertainties in the record of past climates.
    4. On short timescales many proposed solar activity-climate links have failed to stand up to rigorous statistical analysis.
    This paper reviews past changes in climate and proposed causal mechanisms on timescales of from 1 to 109 yr. The evidence for solar activity-climate links is discussed with special reference to the above points.  相似文献   

    We show within the framework of the restricted three body problem that
    1. Only in the immediate neighbourhood of the Lagrangian pointsL 4 andL 5 the distribution of a cloud of particles tends to become uniform under the influence of random stochastic perturbations. No consequences can be derived from this fact for a tendency of dispersion of clouds librating at arbitrary distances around the Lagrangian points.
    2. From an elementary inspection of the Jacobi integral we cannot conclude that mutual completely inelastic collisions tend to drive the particles away from the vicinity of the libration points.
    Finally the motion of a particle within the libration cloud, approximated as a resisting medium, is briefly examined.  相似文献   

    The location and the stability in the linear sense of the libration points in the restricted problem have been studied when there are perturbations in the potentials between the bodies. It is seen that if the perturbing functions satisfy certain conditions, there are five libration points, two triangular and three collinear. It is further observed that the collinear points are unstable and for the triangular points, the range of stability increases or decreases depending upon whetherP> or <0 wherep depends upon the perturbing functions. The theory is verified in the following four cases:
    1. There are no perturbations in the potentials (classical problem).
    2. Only the bigger primary is an oblate spheroid whose axis of symmetry is perpendicular to the plane of relative motion (circular) of the primaries.
    3. Both the primaries are oblate spheroids whose axes of symmetry are perpendicular to the plane of relative motion (circular) of the primaries.
    4. The primaries are spherical in shape and the bigger is a source of radiation.

    Asteroidal dust particles resulting from family-forming events migrate from their source locations in the asteroid belt inwards towards the Sun under the effect of Poynting-Robertson (PR) drag. Understanding the distribution of these dust particle orbits in the inner solar system is of great importance to determining the asteroidal contribution to the zodiacal cloud, the accretion rate by the Earth, and the threat that these particles pose to spacecraft and satellites in near-Earth space. In order to correctly describe this distribution of orbits in the inner solar system, we must track the dynamical perturbations that the dust particle orbits experience as they migrate inwards. In a seminal paper Öpik (1951) determines that very few of the μm-cm sized dust particles suffer a collision with the planet face as they decay inwards past Mars. Here we re-analyze this problem, considering additionally the likelihood that the dust particle orbits pass through the Hill sphere of Mars (to various depths) and experience potentially significant perturbations to their orbits. We find that a considerable fraction of dust particle orbits will enter the Hill sphere of Mars. Furthermore, we find that there is a bias with inclination, particle size, and eccentricity of the particle orbits that enter the Martian Hill sphere. In particular the bias with inclination may create a bias towards higher-inclination sources in the proportions of asteroid family particles that reach near-Earth space.  相似文献   

    We present anon-general relativistic cosmological model with the following features.
  • All cosmological objects appear to be receding from each other. There are two mathematically distinct types of objects.
  • Type I objects have apparent magnitudes and apparent angular diameters comparable to those for standard FLRW models. Their redshifts are bounded; this bound is at least 3.
  • Type II objects can have unlimited redshifts. They appear significantly smaller than Type I objects with the same redshift, and (for redshifts greater than 1) appear brighter (and more so for larger redshifts).
  • The model is an extension of classical de Sitter spacetime in which the location of infinity is allowed to be relative.  相似文献   

    We have performed the calculations of the orbital evolution of dust particles from volcanic glass (p-obsidian), basalt, astrosilicate, olivine, and pyroxene in the sublimation zone near the Sun. The sublimation (evaporation) rate is determined by the temperature of dust particles depending on their radius, material, and distance to the Sun. All practically important parameters that characterize the interaction of spherical dust particles with the radiation are calculated using the Mie theory. The influence of radiation and solar wind pressure, as well as the Poynting–Robertson drag force effects on the dust dynamics, are also taken into account. According to the observations (Shestakova and Demchenko, 2016), the boundary of the dust-free zone is 7.0–7.6 solar radii for standard particles of the zodiacal cloud and 9.1–9.2 solar radii for cometary particles. The closest agreement is obtained for basalt particles and certain kinds of olivine, pyroxene, and volcanic glass.  相似文献   

    In this paper we review the drift theory of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields. No new physical interpretations are added to this classical topic, but through an alternative, simplified derivation of the guiding centre velocity, several complexities are eliminated and possible misconceptions of the theory are clarified. It is shown that:
    1. The curvature/gradient drift velocity in the magnetic field, averaged over a particle distribution function is to lowest order in the direction of?×B/B 2, while the average particle velocity is in the direction ofB×? P withP the scalar particle pressure.
    2. These drift directions are correct for first-order expansions of the particle distribution function, and only second-order or higher expansions change these directions.
    3. The?×B/B 2 drift, which is the standard gradient plus curvature drift, and which is usually considered as a ‘single particle’ drift, need not be ‘reconciled’ with theB×? P, or ‘macroscopic, collective’ drift, as is often asserted in the literature. They are in fact related per definition and we show how.
    4. When viewed in fixed momentum intervals (p,p+dp), the so-called Compton-Getting factor enters into the electric field (E×B)/B 2 drift term.
    5. The results are independent of the scale length of variation ofE andB, in contrast to existing drift theory. We discuss the implications of this result for three important cases.

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